Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20

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City is to Be Paid Cash for All Be
fuse Collected.
Specification nml Tfrmi at ihe Itfetr
Contract for CinrhflKC Dlapoaat
Iteceijtly Kntcrcil Into br '
th CnlUnrnln Ciirt
nrclftli Article of Scries.)
Thore who think Omaha'a present aar
base system a Rood barxaln for the city
tilioutd hnd Interest In a sketch of the
ls Anselea plan about to become oper
ative Omaha now collects and delivers all
tufbaeo Tree of charse to contractors,
who feed, It to their hosa. The city of
Omaha derives1 not one penny of revenue
from the system, but on the contrary
pays out not less than W.W a year for
Its maintenance. '
Los Angeles under Its new system will
Ktt 1 cents per ton for all the garbage
It can produce, by which. Instead of an
expense to Itself, tho city expects to
derive a net Ineomo of at least 23,O0O a
year. It Is to collect und deliver the
Garbage at municipal expense to the con;
tractor and reserves the option to take
over at Its plenaure the disposition of
dogs and cats, market refuse and com
bustible rubbish, which Involves, an addi
tional potentl.onal, source of revttiue.
The old garbage sysfe'm In Los Angeles j
Is similar to mariy In vogue elsewhere.
The clt. 'which owns Its teams, hauls
the refuse by wagon to railway freight
cars, which transport It to a ranch fifteen
miles out of the city on wnlch 3,000 head
of hogs are fed. At present the city
produces from 123 to 125 tons of garbage
a day, about fjfty tons more In melon
and sweet corn season. It costs the cliy.
approximately $S,O0O a year to make the
collections and deliveries under the old
system and Jt Is figured (hat under the'
new contract It can render this same ser
vice t the contractors and at 51 cent
per ton neti an offset Jn revenue of at
least 5,000 annually.
Objections to Old Byateni ,
The old system fell into, disfavor for
Hirefe reasons, primarily, which are slated
as follows"!
(1) Objection of outside communities to
the maintenance of hog farms In their;
(2) Public '.sentiment Inside the city
against garbage-fed pork, created largely
by unsanitary farms kept near the city
chje-ycars ago, ; . ( ,
(J) A desire of certain city officials to'
obtain reyenue out of the disposal of -garbage,
The city contended that the outside! com Jacked real basis for their com
plaint ot the hog farms, which wero re
mote from any considerable settlement,
but thera were enough voters to catch
the cars of the county supervisors and
(hey ;pw4 an. ordinance prohibiting gar
bftgo disposal any where, in the cftunty be
yond .city jMmlts. The jcity by. offering to
tnalca w. -cod tract, Induced, the county
W Httld 5te tardlHance in ebeyan. al
though the Ry lftl department Cpfitanaa
It would never tan in court, anyway.
isV In AugvMk private csntractr mess
i deal with tt ety ateatt the llftea Mated
above. K rsass to make: ge4 money
,f"yiW the garbage fro the city at
;U MHta a. Im, the pity delivering it
him. He teetrt4 a feeaa ot l,m to
inter Into a contract a4 anther later
for tM,eM far faithful performaco of the
contract.' t
H may b m4 here that Los ARel.
Sid not jo into the teaming business trofn
ihoko. Failure of a former contractor to
Irak good resulted In dumping ft 16t 6t
horses and wagons back onto the city
and as long as It; had them, the city
cldcd to make the mpst of what it re
KHtd a bid bargain, but, which niw
teems satisfactory from that standpoint ""
Terms of tho New CoairanU j
Followng aro the specification f the,
new contract which must be carried out
by the private contractors
To dispose of by the process of reduc
tion all garbage produced and to pay to
"the city 61 cents a ton therefor.
To dispose of by the process of re4
ductlati tall dead animals, including ox
caw,, streri horae, mule or other draft
animal, 'and pay to the city for these at
the rate ot 13 each, find for calf, sheep,
iiotr. goat or animal of similar stze not
mciuairvg aogft ana, cats i cents eacn;
it balnr un4rtnnil that tha Pilntrol'tnr In
to receive c6mpensutlon for collecting' the
sed kiumaw that the city now pays,
To dlePOM of dead does and cats by
(eduction without cost to tho city." '
To tlste of all market refus by r
aui'tton 'without cost to tha city.
to dist or combuatibio rubbish oy
Incineration without cost to the cltys tt
belns; understood that the contractor will
be ,alloH to .charge the collectors of
'this rubfelwh tho same fee now charged
them by the city for such disposal. j
To' ereet and operate a plant at tils
own cost an efei)M at a point within
tho city to bs nutuHy agreed upon; 14!
pMnt Is located outside the city limits
and 'requires transportation ot the gar
,bs. then the waste to be delivered t, o.
b. ears, Los Angeles.
THo contractor 4ld not designate the
character of plant hv would-rroct, but
presumably It is an incinerator of aome ,
sort. The mstltet refuse, the disposal of
which may be taken oVer by the city at
Its option; was under the old t systsm, '
disposed, of by private -parties, hauled ,to
ah Inalneratpr where the city destroyed
It at a charge of t cents per loo sounds, ;
Coipbuf tlble refuse was handled likewise,
jxcept that the charge was S cents per
Hollow Glut) -
to Elect Officers
Th Happy itollow club will b,oM tha
aniluat meeting at the club Saturday
flight to elect three pew dlrectora to sue
eted Rbtrt Dantptter, Joseph Pplcar and
Vf. ! Se".by. Mr. Dempster will prolT
ably be re-elected and George V- Qllmors
anil C C. L'olien will probably bo elected
to the Vacancies, There ars.nloa dlraotora
to 'the Happy Hollow club and thtlr
terms expire so that only hree aro
elected at each meeting. The six dlrectora
wbbse terms have not expired are Charles
Ksrdlns, Charlte It. Bherman. SY. EL
Bhife!-. A. T". Austin, E. O. Hamilton nnd
Charles MoDppald,
At a subsequent meeting, the time of
VrhJ' h has not bocn- announced, (be board
of directors will eject a president, seore
t9 nd ofh- officers and appoint the
roiMnlitet for the year. ,
The dlraclara . the manufacturers
turrau $t the Commercial club litld Ua
ira:viar waexir raeeung- ja tne ciuo
i room ai aeon. i-ufiwrw onire lor?
a imtralilpy!amiaigi. By unanlnjoua
mMm 1 to-am iaUl to dffcnri la . nil lh
mafaciurtn? houa In the city for')
th) Ak-4t0.ttSea feailvitiefe 7he ma4e
n la-pnufcta attew wf tattaa up. but no
eak iraa takvn oa tne matttr.
Oysters Are Grown
Just Like Oats and
Wheat Nowadays
Recently, while on my way home from
tt shopping tnur, I remembered I had
ileglected to order went for supper. Th
dyster season had Just opened and,
though tho weather , was warm, a sign
displayed In a fish market; calling at
tention to oysters and the modern method
of shipping in Iced containers, caused
me to decide to take oysters home, writes
Dorothy IVyatt.
I gave my order to the cletk for a
quart. .When he nsked me what kind of
oyster I wanted I was puzzled. Like
many young women, I did not realize
that oysters were tnoro than "oysters."
t thought they wore all of one kind. I
said so, and then the clerk took me In
band and explained, the difference. Jn. the
oyiters 'his market sold. Finally he na
vicert "selects" and gaVo me a quart In
d tin pall.- .
"How muchT" I asked.
"Fifty cents," he replied.
"Fifty cental" I exclaimed. "Why .1
can get a perfectly gorgeous porterhouse
steak for CO cents!" . ,
Yes'm, you can." he laid, "but you
won't get as much for your money bv
long shot. Walt a moment."
He placed the quart of oysters, on a
scale. The Indicator moved up to two
and a half pounds. ' -
"Now take off ' four, ounces ' for the
weight of the patl--.tliat Is a little mon
than It really weighs-" he said, "and
you hdvo two and a quarter pounds of
oysters-all solid' meat, tod; no waste at
all. This (?oU .you less than 25 cents a
l-ound. Deducting. the waste from your
steak and the cost of that steak goes up
just about 85 per cent ' Compare tho cost
of tho steak with the cost of thess
f-ysters and" ybu see right away what
jou save."
I saw his point. 1 had often "wondered
at the wawto In meats, bqt had never
taken the time to rcaliy consider what it
meanf to me and the household
book. But r had another objection ready
iur mm,
"Oysters are not as hpalthful as meat."
said I, thinking to stump him. "My, hus
band has told mo how the, government
forces .the Inspection of. all meat shipped
from the big packing honrcs. Then, be
sldc?( oytor are picked so close to the
big cities that they must feed on the
refuse and thereforo nro contaminated;
Ho smiled. I guess I said "ricked,"
but I. didn't know how they harvested
oystern ,
, "Madam," be replied, "oysters now.
adays are grown Just like wheat and corn
crop. They are actually Diantd. ai.
out In deep water, miles away from cities,
nuero pure, irean currents of. salt water
sweep over tho "bedh'-and salt you know
is a grcnt purifler-the oysters of today
aro raised by artificial propagation.
'The, modern, oyster planter 'plants'
thousands of bushels of adult oysters In
water Just rlght-nelther too hot not too
cold;, too salt or too fresh- where. . In
warm weather, tho, eggs are laid and
L0R.r l ut "n111 fertllized nnd the tiny
shH begins to form., Then' the baby
alns down. to. rest and .attach Itself to.ihp
oystcf shells .with 'which tbo bed la
tr4wM. 1 It sometimes happens tho bablea
Ink (nto the mud or sand and aro
"It everything goes well, however, the
iryfyy u&ching tP
the shoMs are called and, f not destroyed
by Its enemies, the starfish, the drill
worm, th6 ptrlwlnkles, they mature and
furnish the public with the most econ
omical, the purest, the most easily dl
ett food possible."
"Why, how Interesting," I exclalmes.
'I had an idea that you could walk along
tn seashore and pick up oysters by the
handful, hud no Idea thfay actually
fs.U4 tymcre.-
,th last 190 years." he went en,
"oysters haVe been artificially planttd.
mint 'la only it) the last thirty years
artificial propagation has become gen
eral. Why, you have no idea how the In
dustry has advanced even In the last five
Commercial Club
Declares in Fay.or t)f
Lincoln Highway
Members ot tho good road committee
of the Omaha Commercial club went on
rtcord as favoring the proposed Uncola
highway at Its regular weekly meeting
rneia in tne ciun rooms at noon. The
Question of sending delegates to tht
American Good Ttoada . congress at De.
trolt on September was discussed and
two or three member of the committee
will be seat there,.
The chief aim Pjnaha has In sendlna
delegates to this convention Is to boost
umana for a place On the Tranfcojtl
nentat highway, which will be built be
lore ma Manama exposition at-Ban
rmncuco in ms.
' D. Stewart, president of the Home
furniture company, and Ouorgs Qlbbs,
general manager of the firm, have devised
a "lover's "ifviihlng wejr on the second
floor of the new Plunkett bulging ad
Joining th,e llome .rurnlture company
store In South' Omaha, A space TSxTS tout
square has been set oft by the firm for
what Is termed a daylight display of fur
plture high grade furniture at reason
able .prices.
George Glbbs, manager of the store,
has stored' the new daylight display roq.ti
with eome bealitlful examples o( dining
room ana uearoom article- rrom tho
Grand Rapids furniture factories. Kor
sitting rooms and parlors a choice selec
tion from Libert's .arts and craft Is on
"It's Just this way," said Manager
Glbbs, speaking of the new departure.
"many people come herp, young and old, I
ana tney want to purchase Tutniture.
We show them what we W.nk fhtyVant
as Is done In every other furniture wtorc. t
but at best most stores are crowded for
space and the consequence Is that many
folks go away without seeing a varltt)
that they might otherwise rhooss from
Hero is where the Home Furniture com
pany worked out the daylight display
rooms. Here the buyer can come lu and'
look at what he- Is going to buy. The
purchaser Is not .compelled to Inspect tha
article under the electric light in a' dark
ened room. He sees tha furnltura lh th
! iuli light ot day Just as tt will appear
j erter has tn aeht home. Bealdea wif
caa ahoji the furniture In ita relation to
other atad. The daylight dlaplay roon)
la a new .departure In thla aectlon of tui
countr and wo expect It to become very ,
popular." i
Heavy .ahlpmenta ot new furniture rv
biln fecelved every day ana set up In
tha new iUvllsct dlaplay rooma ready tor
, the vlilta of patrons. ,
Cabbage Alone Rcfrtsei to Join in
' the Upyjard' BJov.e.
Home drown Grapes Are Coming to
Market , Dnjly lr the tV.nffon
lonil nWil Arc to De Hnd '
1 UJicnp.
It If were riot for. cabbage one might
say that practicklly all rrodueo had" either
goiie-npor heVHta own In tht last wkr
but cabbage has actually Uropped 2&ents
a pound. It sells now. .for 2V, cents a
pound. Potatoes have Jumped' a nickel
In tho last wetitj'-four hours, selling' now
for 2S centsa peck.
Tomatoes hltyo dohbled ln price In a
Very short, tltye. hey are now selllnr
for 60 ccnts-pef market-basket, whereas
they sold f or ",2J tcnts onlyia few. weeks
ago. They are' reaching tho end ot thelf
rope and even tho green , ones are being
Fked nnd marketed, now because the
frost season la here. . Green tomatoes nr
on the market for, 25 cents a basket.
These are In' demand for, pickling 'pur
poses. Green, beans aro still on the market and
are bringing IS cents, a pound. Both tha
wax beans and the Mrlngfess green pod
are on-the market at this price.
BUtter has Jumped a cent a pound In
the last wtek, selling now at 35 cents In
cartons nnd 33 cents in tubs for cream
ery butter nt the . large grocery stores.
nutter, In my opinion, will sell for' from
40 cents (to 45 cents this winter," says Al
King, 'manager of the grocery depart
ment of "Harden Bros. "Bitterlne will bo
In great demand when butter goes-wthat
price and no. doubt, croftt,, quantities of
buttcrlna. will Ijo sold this winter." But
tcrlno is quoted at from 1254 co' 25
cents a pound, cccbrdl'nff"lo' the 'quality
and grade." . . .
Uggs aro rtow being sold '.fresh In eomo
plapcsifor & cents a dPAn,;biit it Is pre
dicted by competent Judges that they, will
reach 40 cents Before thu winter )s over.
Ketffer pedrs. will bo on-, the . market
next wtfek for canning purposes. They
win becoming in-from-Illllnols. iThoy
will pt6babiy retail. It-is srtld.j.for :about
to cents a market basket. JSlborta .peaches
aro Bdll.hoiaihiToW'iind aro n0.w.jiellng
at 70!cents a-crate.a dim chiaper han
they were a few .weeks ago. ' '
Homo tfrown grnpes ara ;podrlhgvlnto
tho markets rapldjy npjv, to...cstap,o..the
possible early ? frosts. A wairon ' loud.
drarn Jjy four, hbrses, conies Into 'Orpaha
each morning. Thoy are' .down to 15
Cents a; basket, ajij are ot good quality.
As .Til. ,T3nrretJ, a.. Street, cii'aner. was
emerging from,.a saloon at' Eleventh, and
Douglas streets Oe'drjfe Horn,- who gives
his hapi' as Go'tlfenberir, " Jf eb:, ' heaved
a ploc'ot Iron weighing In tho neighbor
hood of fifteen Pouhds at tho head ot
tiie- vhlUwlngs, Barrott . narrowly
escaped, serious injurr. If not- death, and
the man was arrested by Officer Wheeler,
who happened, to bo pasting at the time.
At the station Horn told the officers that
ho had thrown the Metal "Just for fun.''
lie was booked and will be, held pending
an' Investigation a' to his sanity
Residents lh the Hahtcom Dark district
ire compllnln of' thii Intrusions of 'a
pair of itinerant fortune tellers going
from house to house. They aro supposed
to bo a part of a so-Called gypsy band
eamped out near hero to work tho credu
lous, and- H6Uholdirs 4r waWied to bo
on their guard.
f ' - "' , I
u r"'iK Vs-fiv." Five oi the New
ei.--vV""- I Fall Models in I
VOUp XI Women's Shoes
ii v i n
Eailroads Line Up
Special Service for
Ak-Sar-Ben Week
The Northwestern and Union Pacific
have, lined tip their" train service for the
week of tho Ak-Sar-Ben festivities and ,
the Burlington and Missouri Pnclflc are
working out th'elr schedules.
riurlng'th'e ehtlro week the Northwest
orn tvlll carry extra equipment on all' of
Its regular Nebraska and Iowa trains, j
nnd Wednesday night, following the elec.
trlcal parade, special-, trains Will ava
the Union 'station, going both east and
west. At 11 :.lp o'clock a special will leave
for Lincoln, connecting at Fremont with
trains for Superior andHastlngs. At
11:20 the ramo night a special will leava
Union station for Oakdale, via Bcrltuief
and Albion, stopping nt all Intermediate
points. ' The Iowa special' wilt leave at
10715 and "will run as "far as Carroll, 100
inlles from' Omaha.
The Union Tnclflc will run two 'special
trains out of Omaha after' the' eledtHcal
par ail o Wednesday night. -Both wjll run
afTfctr as 'Grand Island, trie first leaving
at 11:15, -going by way of Papllllon and
Stromsburg, and tho second "by way ot
tho Lane rut-off leaving the Union sta
tion at 11:30 and not, making any stops
east of Fremont.
Tuesday and Thursday, September 0
and October 2, No, 23 will be, held until 6
o'clock In order to permit out-of-town
visitors to see the floral and tho German
day parades.
Alleging that a check for $1,000 on tho
Merchants National bank, signed by
Peter Gravert, saloonkeeper, was not
paid when presented at the bank May
1, of this year, Claus Ramm, formerly
employed by Gravert as proprietor of a
saloon at Twenty-seventh and Cuming
streets,' Is asking tho district court foi
Judgment for the amount of tho check.
"Cascarets'' Always
Straighten You Up
It Costlro, Headachy, Dillons, Stom
ach Soar, Breath Bad Cleaa
Your Liver and Bowels.
Get a 10-cent box now.-
You. men and women who can't get
feeling right who have headache, coated
tongue, foul taste and foul breath,
dlxxlness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous
arid upset, bothered with a sick, gassy,
disordered stomaph, or have backache
and feel, worn-out
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with 'Cascarets, or merely forcing a pas
sageway every few days with salts,
cathartic pills or castor oil?
CaecareU work while you sleep; cleanse
the stomach, remove the sour, Undigested
fermenting food and foul gases; take
the excess bile from the liver and carry
out , of the system all the constipated
waste matter and .poison In the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will straighten ydu
out by morning aKHsent box from any
drug ttoro wllt.Weep your stomach sweet;
liver and bowels regular and head clear
fer 'months. Don't fornt thn rhlMMi,
LiFhey love Cascarets because they taste
wu never gupe or sicaen.
We Cordially
Invite You To Call
and Inspect Our
New Drug Store,
Opposite Woodmen of
the World Building,
A Cool, CUan Bright,
Restful Store
Our Soda Water Dtpt. as
usual the best in the city,
and elegant service.
Come, you will be Welcome.
Bell Drug Co.
131$ farnam St
II! 1
16t A-DOUGUiJSi.
! Nemo Corsets, Prop-
erly Selected and Adjusted,
! Are Always Comfortable.
Even the very longest Nemo is
made comfortnblo by the hands and
gores of -semi-elastic "Lastikops
Cloth" and "Lastikops Webbing,
"which allow the natural expansion
of the figure. Here's an example:
No. 508 No mo "In-curvo Back" Self
Reducing Corset, wltl low 'bunt;, Improved
Bqlf-reducinE front; ot fine light weight
coutit; sizes 20 to 3C, at $5.00.
The picture shows tho semi-elastic skirt
gores (two in each side front), and bands
In tho back, giving perfect flexibility and
extreme flguro reduction.
If jou tako care to select the proper
Nemo model In the correct slzo, and then
adjust It properly, you'll havo corset-com-fort-sure!
Nemo corsets are bo cleverly
constructed that to be' uncomf6rtablo In a
Nemo is Impossible, if you foil ova these
School Dresses and
Children's practical school coats, in pretty, new styles
and colors, specially priced, $3.98, $5, $6.98.
Children's wool dresses for school wear serviceable.
I neat dresses in all ages, at
Children's wash dresses
e waj values, $a.ju, $JL.S,
Long Stem American Beau
ty Roses Satur- j rv
(hty, each .;. I vlC
A largo shipment on sale Satur
dayregularly 10c each ape-
clal, 5 for 25c, or each Oc
Out riowor Sept- .Slain xioor.
Saturday Specials
Havlland China Dinner Seta 100 pieces, beautifully decorated anl
treated with pure coin gold special, at t , . . ,$23.50
Hermit Gas Iron Fully guaranteed. An average family ironing
can bo done on 3c to 5c worth of gas.xpur regular price Is 2i75
special for Saturday ,.$1.80
15c Gas4 Mastles, will go at, 2 j $1:25 Alumimim Uerila Covered
for '., 15c j Kettle 8c
Ifta.To 5-plece Brass Gratters Bath Boom set, at , .'. . .$1.30
500 fancy imported Baskets and Serving Trays, worth .to ?4, choice
at k . .50c land $1.00
Special Values
I Every switch guaranteed to ho real
human hair, and absolutely sanitary.
$2.00 to $3.00 Quality Heal Hair Switches
tat ..,..$1,35
$1.50 to $2.00 qitallty Real Hair Switches
ft at
iAll our Grey Switches $8'.60 values for
only ; ....$5.00
Choice of all Puffs Saturday at J4 Price.
Large Hair Nets, at 2 for 5c
IHalr Dressing," Manicuring, Shampooing and Massago Appointments
Made by Phone. Second Floor and Ponipclan Boom.
Sitinliy, StpttMbtr 20T 1113
lTBdr Anaplces of
Nebraska National Guards and Carter Lake Olub
Aft Troopa Participating A
DUU in tho Great Battle OUU
Detachmeat V. S. Signal Corps, under Command 1st Went. W. A.
Alfonte 1st Llout, C. R. Mayo.
Detachment V. S. Navy under Command Lieut. W. W. Lorshbrough
II. M. Ganstad, U. S. Navy.
Battillon 4th Infantry Nebraska National Guards.
Major E. E. Sterrlcker in command.
Cpt. 'E. T. Harris, Capt. n. P. Elsaaaer, Capt. H. C. Stein.
1st Lieut. J. 11. McPherson, Hospftnl Detachment.
Military1 Band Concert 7:45 P. M. Entrance of Troops 8:10 P. M.
The Soldier Boys aro entertained in Camp by tho' Superb Soprano
Formerly of Milwaukee now of Omaha.
Mr. John G. Quun, High Class Vaudeville. Chorus of CO Voices.
See the desperate effort of the BIG SHIPS to laud and the blow
ling up of the ENTIRE FLEET.
i I.,.
Xloxota oa aale at Kyera-Sillon Zixng Co., PrcAentlal Baviaira $ Soan. Aaa'n
1913 Milk-Fed Spring Chickens, 18c
S4r Pot floaat .11 Ho and lOo
-tfer Porterhouso Steak lBHo
Vounc Veal Boast ISHa
PlK l'ork IJutto 13Ho
Lamb Less l3?io
From T.30 to 8:J0 p. in., Lu.nU
hops, lb. Sc.
tt lbs. auar .. ?1.00
With 1 JU. tea or cocoa . . , oae
(Mason Jara, per doaen 33o
'With 1 rinsen tlitek rutbora lOo
Rumford baking powder 19o
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertis
ing is the Koad to Business Success.
Coats for Children
$2.50, S2.98, $3.98, $5.
in colored wash, fabrics spe-
SpZ.aU, $ Z.tfS.
SPECIAL Homo Made Vanilla
Cream Caramel Rolls, lb. . ,23c
Fresh Swjss Milk Style Choco
lates and Pompelan. Chocolate
''Bitter Sweets crushed fruit
and -nut centers, lb, ....... ,20c
Delicious Home ' Made Maplo
Confections,, nt, lb .20c
Home Made Cream Peanut
Squares vanilla, strawberry
and chocolate flavors, lb. . . 10c
Kiss Me Kisses for tho Children,
basket for- .3c
in China Dept.
in Hair Goads
,.75o Ef!i M
Mutton Chops, 3 ibi. for sso
Mutton Iloaat 6Ho
NO. I Lean Hams 1BU
No. I Small Hams UHo
No. l Lean Bacon , ...19io
N9 1 Sugar Cured Bacon lBllo
i t-rom 8:J0 to 9-.:o p. in.. Pork Chops,
I n Ho.
Public rrldo flour, all wheat .
Maton Jar Olives 20o
New lartre Dill Pickle , doaen . . . 15o
Ak-Sar-Ben Coffee. 3Jv Krade, 27V4o
Olasa Jug Vinegar 33o
S610 Harney
Douglas 27i3
Shoes! Shoes!
New Fall Shoes luat arrived now on
alc; all latest styles and Bhapea.
Ladles Ounm'elai Button O RQ
fihoes. Regular 14 values
Ladles' Fancy Shoes. In Jan. velvet,
buck or sued, alt welted Q QQ
and sewod shoes, our price Hfwaww
Men'a Goodyear Welt Shoes, in tan.
black, gunmctal, vlcl or patented
leather, all U.50. i5 Shoes. Jty.hll
Our price, 93.00 and ...... '
Boya1 Good Wearing Shoes, In all
kinds of leathers, worth $3.80 'and'
$i.50, $2.oo
Misses' anU CJilldren's Shoes, nil
styles and leathers. On sale I Cfj
noW.JJSo, 60c, 76o, $1.00 And ' "
Come for your Shoes hero. You
will see the difference. Better Shoes
fdr Less Money.
314-10 Worth 10th St.
c n TT f f tS
For Lively Boys
There is only one Boys' J
Shoe, that will stand the
wear and" tear of .school'
"playgrounds, that is
Better made, of better nia-,
terial. s That's the reason!-
Boys', Ito 5,.v...$2;50
Little Gents', 10 to 13 fa
; Drexel!. Quality Jtneans;,
double sei"vice. 1
1419 Farnam
Office For Rent
The large room on ground
floor of Bh Building, oc
cupied by tha Havenit
Whit Coal Oo. - ' '
blict Farnam gtrt front
Age. About 1,500 squat
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of tha
Fine office fixtures are of
fered for sale. Apply to
ST, P, FeiJ. Bee office.
OOUOXiAg 494.
Saturday Uatlnae, SUB. Xlgh, ailo.
Nirttee to Patron For tb vnloi jwrforro.
nc S4tun)jr (he urtln rliti tweotr mliuti
etrlltr tliQ oiu4. CtUted arrlrali not ia
thtlr mte at
will not ba uaUd until tb clou of th epen.
Im act. Pri: Mat., Gallerr 10e, he feat.
SOc Nltbt, lc. c. Wc Tie.
Thla Afternoon Tonhrht
Xhi Afternoon Tonlg'at. .
HJ,mrm Xallyaat.l6.3B.B0o
fA0rr Hvgun 18.36.50-780
Ai prrwnud IM niKhta, rolurabla 7batr.
Bro!a . X T. Cltr Tb Smon'i Dia Incl
stat Sam Hr lututlful rtorenc BiantlU
Grl rf and I1- uly 'borua of XI.
Saturday aifnt, HtptamDtr aoi.
! A
, Bo at a Xotf rricaa SSo aatt COo '
Bent. 20.U1-21.
Two L'imii Sunday, September 31.
rirat raata called 2 y m. Batorday
fame called 3 p. m.