itit, BWii: OMAHA, tiAJLMiDAk, bri'MlUblt 20, iUld. It's Wonderful the Difference a Taste of Real Autumn Weather Makes in One's Outlook Just now there are hosts of women who feel as though they couldn't get their new clothes together fast enough. That's wh,y weihave new suits and gowns, and coats and furs -arriving six days in the week something different every day. ' Our Enlarged Waist Section Also asks your spccinl'.atten lion. There aro hundreds of new and dainty,, styles for your selection'. Saturday. BVench Net, Shadow Lace, Chiffon, Crepo do Chine, Black Silk Lace, J&Icssalino and other heautiful fabrics. You can purchase Waisti all the way from 98c up to $25 SOROSIS SHOES Not m protection alone lies the true office of a shoe, but equally as well in the tone and character they lend the dress of the individual. Sorosis Shoes, in be mx settstiHe, semce- able, and artistic in shape and materials, af fari llrl lafamcbotu Prices $360, $45 "I 'j ' ; HITCHCOCK HAY BLOCK BILL KVvk& Holds B&laaoe of lower 9 Cprrtocy Le jiriiitioa. muuept actio a xooKiD jo duitrawia twia r CtUt WW XfMMMira m T4 ( WABKIKOTOK, Sept. Jf,-r ttm fa tvkMnittMMtt (tnt( In tMihu. tM nire of th iMKlintlM ewrtftcy MU tm Mm Mtf 1imiH4 Viy s. iWMHUt that h grei U fto&r for actlen by OctotMr . " "I 1mMv Imu fully prrparsxi to act M th currency bill now m I would be If I vc it uch lonter study," hU S4M.tcr EKfroth. another dmocrtlo mwnber'ot tlfo committee. "I txllove oon Te jihpujd dUpoaa ot, It Jfor th next reguUr teuton beglna." Fretl4ent WUm' conference laet nliht nrlth penstor Reed, one of the commute fiemocrats, who hu crltlclied many pro vUpna ot the bill adversely, will b toU lowed, tt le believed, by Indlvldua oon iereno'l with other democrats, who fcav ihowq oppotttlon to the meure or hava criticised Its vital features. With the aid of Secretary McAdoo, the president will endeavor to overoome some of thrlt arrmnents and bring; the senate commits tee to the support or the bill. Should Senator Hitchcock continue op. position to immediate currency Uglsla. Hon. his aid would enable the republicans to prevent, by a tie rote, any afflrma live action or reporting the bill at onC to the senate. Publlo hearings were resumed today, with Andrew J. Frame, a banker of Waukaeha. Wis. Haluel Untermyer. who conducted th Pujo money trust ln rtstlxatlau will bo heard Mcnday. PENNANT COUPON This. Coapon and i5o entitle bearer to ohoice of om Ak-Sar-Bcn orOtrPaonant wlu& jpciNMftttxl at THE II OITIOJ, 103 INildiBf , FASHIONABLE COATS FOR GIRLS SIZES. 8 TO 17 YEARS We make a specialty of Coats for young people. Saturday will be a good day to see the new ones. Nearly dvery new fabric is shown. Prices $10,50, $12.50, $15 and $18 Separate Skirts for Fall Wear The designers h'ave outdone themselves in producing pretty new styles for this season un usually graceful, and the fitting is perfect". Broad cloths are particularly fashionable. , Prices $15, $18.50 and $22.50 A VERY DR1SIY SOKOilS OXIATXON shoe pleasure -nd $ 5 AND Upwards! " ",('''.'' i Country bankers also will appear then and It Is expected hearing? will ba closed by Wednesday, Policemen in Skirts Fail to Cat oh Thief; Taken for Burglars KANSAS CITY, Sept. 19,Two police men who went forth In the early hours thl mornln disguised as women In 1311 model sklrU. hoplrw to capture nerro purse natchr, "workla' In the down town districts, met their downfall. when U cin to a foot raea with oue of tho ihlevcst . f Sar Wilon ai I C. Mori v. amonir the smaUest men on th force, garbed In a modieh. feminine apparel, from small velvet hat with rakish algretto to satin hoes and silk hose, took their stand at a transfer corner and giggled as effemtn ately as they could, ostensibly, waiting for a car. Luck was with thorn at the start. A. negro, slouching down the street, seized Wilson's near-silver mtsh pire containing valuable old keys and washers and dashed up an alley. Tha dainty Wilson called halt In basso and drew a revolver. The negro con tinued to run. Wilson and Morley gave chase. They had reckoned without the sprinting limitations of their garb and after frequent tumbles on the alloy cob blestones, -abandoned the pursuit. Three bullets Wltlson. sent after tho negro went wild. They stopped In a rooming house, hop ing to get into man's clothing and the proprietor, believing them burglars, locke dthera in a room until a "police sergeant came and unraveled the tangle. Key to the Situation Be Advertising. Culls from the Wire Thre buildings at the International In dustrial Exposition at Ohent, Dolglum, were destroyed by fire yesterday. Senator Brady of Idaho, president Of the Trans'Mttslsstppl Commercial con- fress, announced yesWrds at Pocatello, daho. that the twenty-fourti annual session of the conpress which was to have been hld at Wichita, Kan., October 11, has been postponed untU next year. Firm to Pay Alimony. MADISON. Wis.. Seut IS. Tha T-V Superior Terminal and Transfer Itallvray company is ordered to pay a a month aiuuony 10 urs. Minnie lr awrenca afford. ing to a ruling of tho State Industrial commission today. Mrs. Lawrsnu's hua. band, V. 0. Lawrence, was employed hy wis raiiroaa company wneu no met aocl Cental death last Marun. Ten days be fore his death Mrs. Lswranc had ban grantod a divorce, the court awarding her cusuwjr pi iir coiiaran ana xs a, monta alimony. Goes on Ramaajr. r-AIlGO, N. D SpC lS.-After killing Harry Carter. & negro, as a result ol a Quarrel over ; a card game, a white man whose identity Is unknown is ai:esd to have held up en automobile party at the whose l;intlty f unknown is ai:egd to j f" vi a. niuiver near nope, n, u.. late today and escaped ta tbatr.xw.. A sherW ifrs posse ,1s In pursuit The Silks Most favored for Fall CREPES in particu lar are very much sought after. Our show: ing includesriewilues, g d 1 d e n browns, wis teria, taupe and all the lighter shades. . 4oijn. BhAQK CEBPE has just arrived. I MALTASSEand-MOnaiJi 'for' combihatidttsuits;' a-1 choice lino of colors from which to make your soleb-' .tion..- -r 1- - . , , " 1 1 . GAYHOR'S BODY IS HOME Casket Taken from Steamship to His Late Residence. PRIVATE SERVICES SATURDAY Body "WIK Than He Taken to City Hall, Where It 'Will Lie In Htnta Until Mendny Pnnlla flervle nt Trinity. , NEW TOHK, Sept, M.Thei body of wjlllam J. Qaynor, mayor of New York City, who died at sea September 19, lay today In the privacy ot his Brooklyn homo. In a drlssllng rain It was towered itt 4 o'clock this morning from the deck ot the liner Lualtania to the city's boat correction. Through a mist that lay heavy over tha harbor th Correction steamed an hour and a half later to pier A at the Ilattery. There a picked squad of 100 police, who had stood all night In the rain, formed Its escort to Brooklyn. Irlvate funeral services will be held to morrow night and at th conclusion the body will b taken to the city hell, where It will He In state till Monday morning when funeral services will be held In Trinity church. With the committee on funeral arrange, ments that went Jown the harbor aboard the Correction were Norman Gaynor, the mayor's son. and Harry Vlngut. his son-In-lay, representing the family. No other member of the Gaynor household was aboard. It was Mrs. Gaynora wish that as Uttlo publicity as possible be at tached to the landing of the body. To facilitate this th spot at which th body would be landed was not made publlo In advance. With the exception of the mounted police, less than 100 persons wit. nesstd the transfer from the Correction to tho hearsa. Th twelve honorary pall bearers, headed by William II. Taft. formed two lines, through which the casket passed at the Giyuor horn. Itufus W. Oaynor, the mayor s son, tooked careworn and aged. A physician was called to attend him and th mayor's widow. v A few children on their way to school stood In a group at the doorway as the body was taken from th hears. They would hay been sent away by th police Itad not Jtobert Adsmson, th dead mayor's secretary, forbidden It "Let the'chlldren come Into the' housed' he said. They wera'the mayor's best friends," : 1 The order was carried out A. few min utes later the children left with tears in uteir eves. .1 SOCIALIST ELECTED TO DUTCH PARLIAMENT TJia irAQCE. 8epL IS. Tha flirtation the socialists started by Queen WIW neimina in July when ah attempttd to Induce a number ot socialist leaders to enter -th 'Dutch cabinet; 'uad r sequel A Special Sale Trimmed Hats- NoTwo Alike These hats are designed andf made in our own workroom; many of them aro copies of Pattern Hats; the styles are in dividual and distinctive. Every hat an extra good value at $8.75, $10 and $12.75 Second' Floor. Rare Bargains to Be Found in Our Basement Satin Shapes'..;. : .95p, Velvet Suapoij . . AvV . $1.29 Trimmed-Hats. $wVo$3.75 ForSatur(lay only. ANOTHER INTERESTING SALE- 20-in. Switches, special . '..$189 24-in. Switches, special f 92.89 26 a'nd 28-in. Switches, special $5.89 ' Naturally. Wavy .Gray ,Smfehes all Jong" hair, ...... 1 A $3.89 . Naturally ."Wavy; ansformations'-aUrounjl therheasU.-r. special , Three-quarter Transformation 'hair, Special uev aiAuunuif. 4jiji;.'.vviyjl- xvuaivj.urriiur. gray or, IOQCCI hair, special . .'i . ,' , . today in the provlnco of IVlesland, hlch made a now departure by tleetlpg tho socialist leader Potak as a member ot th upper house ot the Dutch Parliament. Polak is president qt the diamond work ers' union. Two Students Hurt in InterrClass Fight SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. l.-Two -students at th University of Washing ton wer taken to hospitals early this morning suffering from serious Injuries resulting from the anuual freshman sophomore fight last night. Vlshno Blngloy was unconscious. Fel low students said' ha had boen run over by an automobile In the mlxup. Tho attending physician said ho could find no marks . of an automobllo accident and believed Pingley had been left tied to a telephone pole until he became uncon scious from exhaustion. Frank Phtppa had a broken collarbone, said to have boen sustained when ho fell down a shaft at an old grain elevator In the university district where 100 freshmen were imprisoned by their opponents. ONCE LARGEST TOWN IN NORTHERN IOWA OFF MAP WEBBSTEll Cirr, la,, Sept, l.-(Spe. clal.) Th Postofftce department at Washington has ordered the discontinu ance September SO ot the - postof floe at Homer. Figuratively , speaking this .act throws the last shovel full of earth on the grave of what at one time was the largest city in northern lows. Until Hamilton and Webster counties wer divided In UC7, Homer was the county seat of the two. then knows as Yell county. In the early history ot north central Iowa Homer played a big part. Its set tlement antedates both Webster City and Fort Dodge. It flourished like a bay tree until along In the Ws when the rail roads began penetratlnng this part of Iowa. When th Illinois Central cam through seven -miles north ot Homer and two years later the Northwestern passed seven miles south, the doom of tho town was sounded and from that day to this Homer has been slowly but surely fading off the map. From a flourishing city of hardy pioneers It has dwindled down Is' a Point where but twp jitores 'and a black., smith shop are left In its old 'businesses trlct. Its present postmaster, IV O. Pierce Is an old rJdcnt there, place the coming of th railroads Homer has been on a star mall route out of Webster City. Its mall patrons will a ft or Beptam ber 89 get their mall on th rural routes, out ot this 'city xnd Stratford. DROP IN RUBBER MARKET CAUSES CRISIS AT ANTWERP ANTWERP, Bept. It-thfpresstoa la tb world's rubber trad has caused an economic crisis here. Many ct the rubber companies In the Congo' have discharged of Beautiful A of Human Hair Goods The most beautiful hat' is unbecoming unless the hair beneath it - is properly dressed. For this sale wo offor extra long switches at prices beyond competition. A hundred different effects can bo obtained with the aid of one of our long switches. BUT ONE AND SEE THE RESUITS. ' The cost is trivial. Hair Goods Department Third Floor. NATURAL WAVY SWITCHES-adl long Hair '.' '.$4.79'; of fine naturally wavy,,, , f, ,W. . f$2.89'. jr. . -i their European agents and large bodies or native rubber collectors. It is said that overproduction of rubber has low ered prices on the "international, markets below the cost of gathering and trans portation. DEATH RECORD A. J. Bntflnsrton, A. J. Bufflngton, C5 years old. 2123 Dodge street, died Friday morning, after an illness of severaLyears. He cam here three years ago from Marquette, Neb. surviving besides his widow, is a daugh ter. Tho funeral will be held Monday morning from Cole-McKay's with inter ment at Forest Lawn cemetery. . Mrs. Minnie W, ClaVk. Mrss. Minnie Whitney Clark died this week ,at a. sanitorium In- Ooakland, Col. Sho was a daugter of the lata David Whitney, an Omaha pioneer. Mrs. Clark is survived by her mother, one daughter, Adelaide, and a brother, Bert Whitney, Greeley, Neb. Joseph Itesabek. YORK, Neb.. Sept. 19. (Special.) The body of Joseph ,B. Resabek of Chicago was shipped to his home yesterday for Interment He died ot consumption at the home of Mr. BabeL He came here only a few weeks ago, hoping to benefit his health. James C. William. James C. Williams. 68 years old, Blanch ard, la., stockman, died at a local hos pital, where he was brought for treat ment. Th body will be taken to Blanch ard for burial. He Is survived by his widow. Bolowyou will find drugs, sundripB and patents that home. Prices quoted omphaaizp more forcibly than more tho drug business of Omaha 14 years in one location) every year. B0o Carmen Powder ..26fr 60o Poczoni's Powder ..34 26c Perspl-no .,, 16 60c De Mar'a RlcePow. 2A6 SSo 4711 White Rose Glycer ine 8op H 86c Ris.Gfcer'8 Skin Soap 1G 2Qo Poar's Unseated Soap, at 10 25c Liquid Veneer ....20d 60c-Liquid Veneer ....40 Merltol Clothes Cleaner 255 t SOLZER'S FRIEND LOCKED UP J. C. Garrison is Charged with Con tempt by Assembly. TAKEN TO THE PENITENTIARY II Is Alleged to Hare Chnraed that Four rtepreaenlnllvenn AVer Bribed to Vote for Im penchment. (Continued from Page Onet) part ho found himself blocked by tho sergeant-at-arms. Whllo Majority Leader for tho arrest of Garrison, he was held Levy, was presenting a resolution calling a prisoner In u. cloak room. When called before the speaker, Garrison Was .without counsel and he refused to. answer ques tions put to him. Meantime numerous and widely varying predictions were mado as to what would be done with Garrison. Again Levy took tha Initiative and presented a resolution romandlng tho prisoner to the penitentiary until tho close of th secston unless other wise ordered by the assembly. The vote was S3 to 3. ' A short time later Garrison was beln rushed to tho penitentiary. An attache of the Institution today said the prises er was Bhown no special favors and tho prison authorities had no order other than to hold him as an ordinary prisoner. Levy was much pleased by the turn of affairs In tho Garrison case and he de clared that unless Garrison- purged him self of contempt he would have to remain In Jail until January. rhe assembly has plenary powc: en. to Jafrl- punish for contempt." he said. "Ga son also must go back to Jail pending the court's decision on his application for a writ Ho cannot be released on ball." . Garrison Incurred tho enmity pf..tnany of Sulzer's political opponents by his activities during the pending Impeach ment proceedings. Ho was called the. governor's press agent by many. After the vote, Judge Cullen directed Clerk McCabe to read the articles of Im peachment Tho motion by Senator Pol lock, of .New York, that 'the reading bo dispensed with, was lost and the clerk began slowly to read the lengthy ar ticles. ' ''What answer does the respondent In terposed to the articles of Impeachment filed by tho assembly?" queried Judge Cullen, when Clerk McCabe had finished his reading. Judge Herrlck stated that; pursuant' to the notice of yesterday that objection would bo made to tho validity of the Imi' peachment, Louis Marshall, ot the gov ernor's counsel, would argue that point Attorney Marshall, reading from a pre pared brief, first aiked that the entire proceedings be dismissed on the gr'oUnd that the court Is without jurisdiction and the charges are' null, void and of no ef. feet." The principal attack waa directed against the constitutionality ot the ac tion Of the assembly In adopting the Im peachment articles 'during an extraor dinary session, when tho subject mat ter had not been recommended by the governor. "Governor Sulzer did not recommend tho subject of his Impeachment." said Mr. Marshall, "nor did ho in nny way suggpet the consideration of any charges against himself?" When Attorney Marshall concluded, iudge Cullen asked If counsel foe.Ah tUnagers-contemplated taking lssuo'wltH any of tho facts, as distinguished from' tho points ojf , law., raised by the gov ernor's, counsel. .Judge-Parkier- asked, for a tlvo-mlnuto recess whllo ho and hi colleguos considered th matter, . Hawover, Judge Cullen order ihe UBual noon receia and adjournment was taken until 2 p. m. Tho convening of tho court this after noon was with great ceremony. Tho members of tho sete formed In long double lines In the outer lobby. Then the senate sergeant-at-arms and tho cryer of tho court of appeals appeared and escort ing the pudges ot the court The Judges passerd through the lines of senators, the cryer announced the approach of th "high court of Impeachment." , Attorney John B. stanchfleld, repre senting tha "board of managers, opened tho proceedings by making answer briefly to tho allegations of the governor that . tho Impeachment, proceedings wer Irregular. , Subsequently Attorney Marshall began a lengthy argurnent In support o? the. con tention of Govornor Sulser"s counsel that th assembly was not constitutionally convened when tho Impeachment articles were adopted and that therefore the im peachment was Invalid. He first questioned tho Jurisdiction of the assembly to Impeach when conveyed In extraordinary, session without the governor's recommendation. He declared the opinion of Attorney General Carmody holding that the Impeachment was a judicial and not a legislative act and that therefolre hto assembly was within Its rights in adopting the articles without thea recommendation of the governor was "fallacious and unsound." "If." ho said, "any body of the state was given constitutional power to con vena a majority of Its members and im peach an executive revolution and anarchy would inevitably result, and our country would, efffectually Mexlconlxed." He challenged his opponents to clto one Instance in which a congress or a legis lature or a component part of either had convened Itself, 'or assured to act and usurp tha functions of government wfth out convening." Tho. state assembly and senate, he said, were patterned after tho House of Commons and tho House of Lords of England. "Neither of these legislative bodies," Drugs For Everybody5 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 25c I-Wanta-Nlckel Polish. f-Wanta-Nlckel a 20d 26c I-Wanta Sliver or Brass Polish 20 26c De Mar'a Glycerine Soap at 104 10c Writing Tablets ,...5 25c Krank's Lather Cream, at ....18ti 25c Colgate's Shaving Cream fit ,.,.....20i FOLLOW ?HE BEATON PATH." Beaton Drug Co. Farnam and' 15th Streets. he continued, "can be eonveyned without the royal mandate df the crown." Mr. Marshall was in tho. midst of hln argument when Judge Cullen Interrupted and announced that he woluld be heard further on Monday at 2 p. m. when the court Is to reconvene All witnesses under subpoenas were ordered to be In. readiness to testify. The court then adjourned. SLAYERS OF MADERQ ARE EXONERATED BY , ' MILITARY TRIBUNAL , (Continued from Pago One.) f (Continued from Pago One.) tain that the United States would not hasten ' to recdgnlzo Diaz If he were elected, but would await in accord with tho precedents of President Hayes' ad ministration to determine " whether tho resulting government was strong enough' -to maintain peace and guarantee Interna tional obligations. The policy of trict neutrality with respect to the exportation of arms and . munitions ot war from - this country, however, will bo continued until recog nition Is extended. ' That the conttltuttonal faction regards Diaz as being Jointly responsible with Kuerta for Madero's downfall, it J9 thought here will mean' a shapenlng ot tho contest between tho warring factions. Fnlr Election Imponnlble, . PAIUS, Sept. 19. Commenting on Pro- visional President Huerta's message read to the Mexican congress on September Js " the next issue of Constitutionalism, 'a newspaper devoted to the revolution in Mexico, will say: "Tho prorhtse mado by Huerta'to carry, out the Mexican elections In the month . of October Is nbl realizable. Every one' knows that tho ferment Which relgns'the whole country renders more1 than 'a Bom' blance of elections Impossible.' ' , HEItMOSILLO, Max.", Sept 19: Venus- . tlano Carranza, the constltutlbnallst '. leader, arrived here last night and'today . was greeted with great enthusiasm s , president of Mexico. He appointed Gen- - eral Obregon commander-in-chief of the. f northern district of Mexico, comprising tho states of Sdnbfa, Slnaloa, and Chi huah'ua and tha territories bf Teplo and Lower California. ' Dentnl by Connul Villi. ' TUCSON Ant, Sept. 19. Robert Vail,. United States consul at Giiayhias, deb'Ied today charges by refugees at Los Angeles that ho and Lieutenant Henley of tho ' cruiser Buffalo had stampeded them Into, . deserting their Mexican holdings In re sponse to President Wilson's desire. "Those Americans who wished tq , Sain In Mexico remained," he eajd. "I erely showed them President Wilson's noto to the American representatives in Mexico. Them was no attempt to scare. anyone. Those who desired to leave Mexico locked their warehouse doors and. departed in. twenty-four hours." Vail probably will return to Quay mas overland from . this city.. DR. LOTSB GIVES ADDRESS , (Continued from Page One.) L, Honthorn, OIney I Kendell, Amos B. Shepard, Evans A. Worthley, Bert L. StoryJ George E. McClure, Ariula M. Staelomnd B. A. jAlexandfrv . j 1 ' .'( . Thd following' were igd voiced -fro ri ha r third-year .cIaspt;o. the ourjh year: Jo.h'n,, Ws Hair, John A. Murrjv , i-.'T 0?.. Hlb-; bins, ,J WwSMtlj, JKe, CUton..' j. J., , Chrisner and H. C, 5arrtti . , .' n(J Rev. . J. ,B. Hlngeley, D !. ejjecrpteyfy; ' of .the Board of Conference Claimants, w(th headquarters in: Chicago, was Intro duced and addressed, tho conforepc and presented th. conference with a .draft of $450 to be. put in tho Nebraska, .conference fund tor tho wornout preachers. In five . years this board has given to the three old Nebraska conferences $3,09i for his purpose. Gift of Book. Mrs. D. W. C. Huntington, .widow of the late Dr. Huntington, has Invited, each member ot this conference to visit her home in University Place and go to, tho doctor's library and select one book, from It to be taken In memory ot this great man. Her. S. D. I?artle, D, D has been .se lected to preach In tho First ifethodlat Episcopal church In Omaha next BundaV, All Methodist pulpits In this city wlllba, supplied by visiting ministers next Sunday, 0NAWA CHILD CHAMPION . BABY AT INTERSTATE FAIR ; 8IOU& CITY, la., Bept 19.-M!ss CaifK-' trine Corr, I years old, of Onaw'a, 'today' was declared the grand champion' baby at the Interstate fair.' She is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. B.' D. Corr. Ifer score waa 89.7 on a 'basis of 100. " 1 rr T PreScott Indicted for Murder."' MASON CITY, la., Sept lS.-(Spclal ' Telegram.) Louis Preecott was today in dicted for murder In the. first deifree. Op, ' July L he shot and killed his wife, who bad secured a divorce on tho "ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment In the December preceedlng. Prescott will enter tho plea of guilty, hoping to eacap the' penalty of death. Color Line Drnvrir. LONDON, Sept 18. "The oolof nn"-is not often drawn In England. but-. tha, 1 Camberwell poor law guardians .today de- , cllned to appoint iv negro as district medf-' cal officer On the ground tha poor werti very fastidious In such matters. . , - . are necessary in eyery words our supremacy in It has ctowii steadilv 26c William's Shaving Pow 18c der 60c JSau De Quinine Malr TQMC , rtaji, 60c Pompeian Massage Cream at . ........ 20c 75c Largo size Pompeian Massage Cream . , , . . .45t 60c Seaweed Cream . . . .21 60c Vale's Hair Tonic . .29t 60c Menler's Imported -Assorted Chocolates .;.42 V