Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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The (ee' Jnvp aga z, i re f)a
By Nell Brinkley
Copyright, 1913, National News Service.
f e
Hustling L
i J r
Copyright, 191S, by Star Company.
If you are an American you probably
have great respect for that American
word, "hustle." If you employ help, no
doubt you use that expression, "Get a
hustle on," which
has been dignified f ismW' iJ
by ciaasincauon in
Mr. Bell'a 'The
"Worth of Words."
"Getting a hustle
on" la supposed to
bo the first long
stride toward any
success In lite.
It Is an excellent
thing, Indeed, to
feel Impelled to
put all your powers
Into Immediate ac
tion. Every human be
ing Is a reservoir
MM Til
or t n e energy
which Is back of all creation. The more
fully he realizes the fact and the. more
earnestly he puis that energy Into ac
tion the more positive and Immediate are
the results.
There Is such a thing, however, as over
hustling. The continual "hustler" who
never rests and .never allows any ono
about him to rest at times defeats his
own ends. He breaks down wth the ner
vous strain of his own hurry and causes
others to break down.
Aside from these direct disasters he IS
the Indirect causo of Innumerable acci
dents and misfortunes, which he attrib
utes to "111 luck" or carelessness" of
This carelessness may In countless casta
be traced to the door of the hustler.
The scientific men have decided that
there is a close relationship between
fatigue and accidents; Investigation of
the cause and conditions leading to. ac
cidents has given an Interesting number
of statistics to prove that as a workman
grows .more fatigued he becomes more
liable to meet with accidents and, to pro
duce them.
r This'' Is, the scientific argument for
shorter hours for man and beast.
The Investigators found that In each
succeeding hour of the first half of the
day's . work accidents became more
numerous, while after the. midday rest
during the first hours of 'the afternoon
they Were fewer. Then later In the after
noon, the number of accidents Increased
until 'toward the end of the second halt
of tho day the proportion was larger
than for the latter half of the morning
Therefore the scientists argue that a
short.;. rest spell Jn.tthe middle of trie"
afternoon would tend to decrease the
number of accidents,
What- we term nonliving objects are
capable of weariners as well as men and
animals. It Is a good thing to change
i your Implements of labor, whether you
' are In tthe trades, arts 91 professions,
- periodically. Science has proven that
even 'Inanimate things are capable of a
certain amount of feeling.
-Take an occasional rest yourself when
ever you feel worn and nervous. See
to It that your employes are enabled to
do ooi Let them relax for five minutes
oven after a strain of hard hours of
, labor, and you will find they turn out
better work and show more Interest In
your affairs for this privilege.
i Let your horse relax and rest at Inter
vals durintr the day. When It Is a possl
ble thing to do, even at the cost of a
little money, hire a fresh animal for halt
r a day and let your own tolling beast
rest. Ho will last longer and do better
j service as a result.
,-Instead of the continual cry of "Get
- a. Jiustle on youl" say to your helpers
. occasionally, "All relax and rest five
, minute." Bet the example yourself and
then rouse to work with your old Amer
( lean battle cry If you like.
,Hut ho mUcli better If the hew gen.
s eratlon of Americans would cultivate the.
, spirit of earnestness Instead of that of
continually "hustling." It Is a great
thing to be In earnest. But
T terry L W'8 affects ui so
v In this swift rushing hour, we crowd,
t wo press
t And thrust each other backward as
:. we go,
ttWo "Vt n.ot p80 ! 'y sufficient stress
? upon that good) strong word, "earnest,
' In our Impetuous haste, could we but
Its fiM, deep meaning, Its vast Import:
Then might we grasp the secret of
In that receding age when men were
great. v
The bone and sinew of their purpose
In that one word. God loves an earnest
Too earnest to be eager. Soon or late
thaVa "Pnt breathless, by
And stands' serene, triumphant, at the
Advice to the Lovelorn
Dear- Miss Fa;rfax-I am W and In
love with a man three years my senior
who reciprocates my love, and we expect
to become engaged within six months.
T have known this man for about seven
years, and know all his people very well,
lie has been calling at my home for
almost a year, during which my folks
have treated him very nicely, Suddenly
my mother changed her attitude toward
him, and says very miserable things
I "! him. ft, fact, she wlshen that I
give him up. Her reason for this sudden
change I do not know, only that, she says
she had had a foretelling that ha l mmn
and will never make me happy. He Is a
very good young man, has no bad habits,
smokes very little, and never touches
liquor. He has a Steady position with the
My mother feels that I should be able to
get a man with mors money, as I am
considered very good looking. She Is a
very nervous sort of woman and one with
whom you cannot reason. To erlve him
. up would kill roe, as I love him very
dearly and am only happy when with
As a rule, I advise girls to obey their
mothers, but your case Is so exceptional
I hope you will not give up your lover.
You have known him seven years, and
know nothing against him. Your tuoth-r
Is nervous, and bases her objection solely
on a "foretcjllmr "
My dear, love Is too valuable to be
sacrificed for the whim or one who
Uavei to "sums.""
....... ...'wws-.i..-. nv "ww-ftommuMP rKi. ,t
Hero la the driver of all relentless drivers. The baby la your
house. He drives with a rose-leaf hand and an urge of Iron. "The
hand of steel in a silken glove." Ho if tho greatest of all drlvors
because Jie prods even ambition that demonlao little driver -whom
Tad pictured a few weeks ago lashing on the human race to labor
and dare I The day he first lies between a man and his mate, uo
jnatter how poor material they are. the woman begins to dream, and.
foV the sake of bringing true these dreams, gallantly goes through
the little, daily, grilling services and efforts that make big results;
the man dreams, too, and under this new and mighty whip dares
and labors and reaches! And as he reach his power grows and
lengthens. As when he strives to touch his elbows in the back. At
Advice to Girls in Picking
I have received a letter signed by thir
teen girla who request .my advice in the
selection of a husband, and ask what
qualities they should look for In plcktng
out' their life part
Of course, the
conventional way
to answer this
question Is to say
to a girl; "My dear.
marry a man who
Is h6nest and hon
orable, who neither
drinks nor smokes
nor plays poker
and who belongs
to the Young
Men's Christian as
sociation, and goes
to church every
Sunday, and you
will bo happy ever
Unfortunately, this
Isn't true. Some of
the bsst men on earth are tha meanest
husbands. Many a roan who never says
anything stronger than "Oh. fudge," can
grouch for six weeks at a stretch. Many
a man who has moral principles that are
as imprernabla m tho Rock of Gibraltar
Is as hard and cold also as the said
rock. Many a man who Is as honeet as
tho day Id as close as a steel trap, and
has to ba chloroformed before he can
be pried lose from a quarter. Many a
philanthropic 10 huu promoting the
welfare of tha wprW he has no time
to devote to making his own home happy,
I am not disparaging the big virtues.
Far from It. Every gjrl In selecting a
huaband should e that the man she
marries Is moral and upright But aha
shouldn't stop there. She should sea that
well as Ita virtues, that he's got a tew
graces as well as a backbone,
Now, f I were picking out a husband,
after satisfying myaelf that the man waa
neither a drunkard nor a thief, jior lead.
Ing the double life, the very first thing
1 ' ' '"' " ' ' -..I. .1 ' inr J "- fcv . - ' . r.
that, I would take Into consideration
would be his temper. I would see whether
he was good natured and could meet the
ordinary little misadventures of existence
with philosophy, or whether he went off
Into silent grouches whenever anything
crossed his sovereign will, or else flew
Into a fury about it.
I should know that n tha ordinary run
of married life thera would bo plenty of
times when things want wrong; when I
would make mistakes and dp foolish
things, when the soup would be too salty,
and tha roast burnt, when a million
things woujd happen to vex him, and I
shouldn't want a husband who sulked
around the house, or said things to mo
It's all there-ver bit of It In the
Mother Goose book. The little boy
showed me the pictures this very morning.
"There was a crooked man and he went
a crooked mile." Of course ha did, poor,
crooked man; ho
never could walk a
straight one to save
his life, "And he
found a crooked
six-pence" c rooked
to be sura It waa.
If It had been
straight It would
have been In a
good, sensible,
straight purse
somewhere or In a
U or anywhere
else where good
straight money
goes. And it lay
"against a crooked
"Ha bought a crooked cat which caught
a crooked mouse" that's the only kind the
poor, crooked cat ever -does think of
catching. "And they all lived together
in the little crooked house" poor, crooked
.things, poor, warped, twsted-oub-ot-hon
s iH
first they are wide apart and tho muscles crack under the strain.
Day by day the elbows grow nearer mpro supple they accommo
date and strengthen themselves to this new, surprising effort,
So the man's talent grows more supple answers "right up" to
his resistent call. For the call here is "I must!" And the urgo
behind these two human beings Is the biggest dream the futuro of
their baby and love of him I
Ho drives sundered people back into one another's lives; drives
under the great impulso of tenderness. For his sako the man steps
over the busy ant on the pavement. Thinking of him, tha woman
feeds a forlorn kitten and stops to tip a carriage top between tho sun
and the eyes of a stranger's baby. Through hjm ancient feuds have
Husbands teat
In anger that cut like the lash of a whip
every time there was a bitch In the do
mestic machinery.
Nor should I want to spend my ttfe,
as many wveS do, going In mortal terror
of doing or saying something that would
rouso the slumbering devil In their hus
bands. Believe me, temper has wrecked
more homes than the demon rum ever
has, and between a man with a temper
hung on a haU trigger and one who goes
off on an occasional Jag the choice Is with
the Jagclit.
The second quality that I should look
for In a husband Is tenderness. It I
were thinking of picking out a man to
spend the next thirty or forty years with,
And He Found a
est-proportlon creatures! I wonder If
they thought they were happy, living In
their crooked way In tha little crooked
I suppose so. I know a crooked man
who's so proud ot being crooked that he
never lets you forget It for one minute.
Jle's always talking about "fools" and
"easy marks" and something he calls
com ons." By theso names ho means,
I have discovered, honest men and women
who believe what they are told Unless
they have strong reasons for dltbeuevng
Ha waa rich when I ftrt knew tha
crooked man. He lived In a fine house
In the fine part of a fine city. He had
a stable full of fine horses, two automo
biles, a French chef and a little black
eyed Wife who wore a many diamonds
as a Hindoo idol.
He's poor now, the crooked man-oh,
very poor. Bo poor (hat he can't even
hire anyone to send special meals to him
at the prison where he Is. And the
black-eyed wife has run away with the
chef. And the crooked man Is quite
alone, for all of tha poople who flattered
Cir be ,a 111
T should watch like a lynx to see how
he treated old women and little children
and servants. If he let an old woman
stand while he satt If ha called children
"brats" and knocked them out of his
way; If he was Insolent to servants I
should say "no" to him, no matter how
attractive he was In other ways.
For I should know that he had no pity
nor sympathy for tha weakness and the
helplessness ot humanity, and that when
the day came when I waa no longer
young nor strong nor vivacious and able
to' entertain and amuse him he would for.
sake me for somebody able to minister
to his pleasure.
The third quality that I should look for
Crooked Six-pence
him and laughed at his strange talk of
"coma ons" and "easy marks" aro busy
laughing at the jokes ot the man who
bought the crooked man's house tha day
he went to the penitentiary,
I went to see the crooked man tho
other day, He once did a favor for one
I love and I can't quite forgot that
crooked though he is or may be. "Poor
thing," I thought when I waited In the
gray gloom of the warden's-gray office
for the crooked man to come from W
cell, roor thing. He'll want to talk
about straight things and straight people
now, I suppose .
But he didn't. He's crooked yet. tha
crooked man; born so and WW stay so
as lone as he lives.
I don't think the crooked man like
straight money or honest prosperity. I
believe he'd rather cheat someone put of
110 than earn fl.COO fairly and honestly.
That's how he Is made. He Isn't sorry
for what he did that got him into the
penitentiary not ha He Isn't a bit
ashamed of It He's ashamed ot being
caught that's all. He feels foolish abqut
that; but never mind, when he sets cut
healed ovor. Tho man wrltea great stories because ho needed
money and ho needed money because of this driver. And, oddly
enough, men have drawn out the greatest and tho sweetest of them
selves undor a lash.
This picture until yourtbink ceetns something too mild and
Paradlsal and blissful to show tho driver of all relentless drivers at
work, But a toy harness is all he seem to use. Knit close to one
another, they nover know they aro driven. Their way is soras-tlmes
pretty rough, but it seems to stand lovely around them painted by
the hand of tho Joys they know. And his spurrlng-cry is the babyish
wbrd "Qlddapt" Bo the picture seems to tell the story to e.
In a husband Is liberality, I should watch
to sco how he spent his money. It he
haggled over the price of everything, if
he shooed away every beggar, and gave
the waiter the least possible tip, I should
know that ho would mako the kind of a
husband who doles out car fare to his
wife, goes over the grocery book, and
snoops around the kitchen to see the
thickness ot the pqtato parings. And I
wouldn't marry him If he was tho last
call to the dining car I was ever likely
to get. No woman on earth works as hard
for their living as those who have to
chisel it out of a tightwad husband.
The fourth thing that I would take
into consideration In a man Is his ability
he'll show 'em he'll fool 'em the "hon
est men" who put him behind tho bars.
There must be something crooked about
them. There Is about everyone, He'll
find it out, he'll track 'em down, he'll
get even see If he doesn't.
Turn stra!ght7 Keep honestT Do the
square thlngT Why, ho can't poor,
crooked man he couldn't to save his life.
That's why he thinks no one else can,
It buys so little tha crooked money
and It's always crooked, too, the thing
tho crooked money buys, and nobody
wants anything to do with It but crooked
people. I'd rather be poor than have
any of It wouldn't you poor and honeet
and self-respecting arid light hearted?
It's a kind of disease, the crooked way
ot looking at things. A disease like
nenlngitls or lockjaw or anything e!e
dreadful and mysterious, Let's hop we
never catch It. And If any friend of mine
ever sees me stopping In my path to
look even a little longingly at a
crooked sixpence1 that happens to fall in
my way, I hopo that friend will love
me well enough to turn mo around In
my tracks and keep turning me till I
como to my senses. For I do not want
to live In a "crooked house" or have
anything to do with what a crooked six
pence will buy-do you?
Ivw T,mpK
U get along In the world. Ho wouldn't
need to be rich. I would rather marry
a man. and take my chances for futuro
comfort with him, f ho was getting
13.600 a year that ho made by his own ef
fort than one who had an Income of
126,009 a year that he had Inherited from
papa, and who had never mado a dollar
of his own. The b?st luck that can aver
fall to a woman Is to marry an energetic,
capable young fellow and help him mk
his fortune, but the worst fata that vr
befalls a girl Is to be tied to a shiftless
ne'er-do-well, .who falls at everything h
tries to do.
Therefore, before I married a man I'd
make It my business to find out whether
he had strength enough to stand on his
own feet, or whether he would be one
of those clinging vino men that some
body else has to support all of his days.
I'd know, for one thing, that I should bo
hungry and need clothes after marriage
just as much as I did before, and also
thatj I shouldn't have much respect for
a husband who wasn't man enough to
hold his place among other men.
Then I should positively refuse to marry
any man who wasn't a suffragist, and
who didn't believe that women had a
right to have a half of the pleasures and
perquisites of the world, X should know
that the man who thought that women In
general were only fit to be classed with
criminals, Idiots and tho Insane, would
make the sort of a husband who derides
his wife's opinions, refuses to give tr
an allowance, and who regards her as an
upper servant to minister to hi lordly
That's what I'd do, girls. I'd look aut
for a man who waa good-natured and
good-tempered and generous and sympa
thetic), and who thought that a women,
even a wife, was a human being with a
right to her own opinion and pocket
book, and when I'd found that aort of a
roan I'd tnarry him, If he asked rn. no
matter what other fault he might have,
For I'd know he'd make tha kind of n,
husband that Is lovable and easy to. liva
with And that's the thing that ceunU
in matrlmopv