Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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Fashion Hint
The best
$2 and $3
Hats in
A D-itorial
by tha Store Ad-Iter
Y. W. 0. A. Will Conduct n Whirl
wind Campaign on October 17.
Ioaln Tcnm Mnot Wait on the Win
ner at (he nig- Vcrtl to Fol
low (Iif Clone nr the
By MELLIPIOIA. Friday, September 19,1913.
HOCOLA.TJB brown and both vivid and palo yellow are aupplantlng
r black and flame color, which has been so popular for the last two
seasons. A young society matron who has Just returned from ijn
eastern (trlp happened to bo In Chicago at tho timo of tho Dress
makers' convention and saw many of the models, and nearly all of tho now
gowns were dark brown.
In the shop windows in New York noarly all of the gowns and wraps
are trimmed with yellow, and yellow fur forms the collar for all of the
afternoon and evening wraps. This is quite an innovation for whlto fox,
black fox nnd lynx, and the ermine have been used for this purpose for many
seasons. Yellow fox and tho light furs dyed a pale yellow soom to be tho
most popular.
With tho brown costumes are worn elaborate Bhoes of bronze and
chamoix, and. the hosiery must match the gown. The Gaby heel seems to
be most favored this Is rather a low French heel.
To return to costumes, tho new skirts are decidedly full over tho hips,
and pads, or "boots," as the modiste calls them, are being used extensively,
tho soft materials being draped over tho "boots."
were enjoyed. Mr. Maud Hurd presented
Mrs. Mead with a solid gold "past
guardian's" pin, token of apprecia
tion from the members. Resina and
Frank Mead assisted, and a pleasant
evening was enjoyed.
Bridge Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. D, C. Bradford entertained
at a beautifully appointed dinner parti
Thursday evening at their home on
South Thtrty-ntnth street In celebration
of Mrs. Bradford's birthday. Richmond
rows, with eliaded candtes to match,
formed the decoration for the table, and
core Be bouquets of roses and bouton
alms were the favors. American Beauty
roses decorated the drawlnc room, where
bridge was played the early part of the
evening, and prises wero won by Mist
Entente Whltmori " and Mr. JTrank
Haskell. The latter part of the evenlna
was spent tangoing In the ball room. Tha
guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Baldrlge.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magre.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Htorr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crelehton.
MISn EUrenie Whltmore.
Mr, Frank Haskell.
Wtfdixr Imitations.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry N, Wood have Is.
sued invitations tor the wtddlntf of their
daughter, Doris, to Mr, Max Beghtol ot
Lincoln. The Wedding will take place
October 7 at the" St. Mary Aveituf Jon
gregatlonal church. "' '
At Ywjr Hollow. ,
The Dundee Luncheon
Happy Hollow touay,
met at
8. It. Hush,
W, EX nhoadee.
C, O. Talmadge,
S. TV. Carmichael,
Royal Miner,
sr. i,
Joseph Pol car,
O. 1', Goodman,
The Friday Morning Auction Bridge
club took luncheon at the club today,
Places were laid fori ,
Metdames SCeedames
WllHs Todd, H. 8. Culver,
J, T. Premise, L NslHs Havens,
a. W. , M. . Brown.
sites wtMnet Shrlan, Wyo,
A, lam gsieatton ws given Thursday
MttlnC by Mrs. Joh PhiHp TrlmbM at
te boqM ttt xr, and Mrs. X. 8. TrUnble
U her etevsjhtw, Mrs. HareW PkHMrtkef,
utA Mr, 8s4ktr, who wsre marrM lst
Month, and have recently retwrM from
their we44lw trip to LaWe"oiakis. About
m guests VeiV'lnvKe. The decorations
wre ptafc rssis in tHe IIalinf roe in and
yeftktw in tha Hvinf a4 wiueio rooms. In
ttw recetvinc Hw were Mr, and Mrs.
Ctarencp ftobetktr, Mr. and Mrs. Ifar&Id
gabotker and Mrs. Trimble.
Assisting through the roonts1 were!
Mia Ncldlg of
Bon Homic Club.
The Bon Homte "Whlit club was en
tertained Wednesday at tbe home of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Borensen. Prises
were won by Mf. John Wilson and Mrs.
Frank ICInkenon. The house was prettily
decorated with ferns and astors. Those
present were:
Mr and Mrs. James Green,
Mr. and Mr, John, Wilson.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Klnkenon.
Mr. and Mrs. Max flmlth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Oulfd,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sorenson. ,
The next meeting will be at tho home
of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Klnkenon, on
September 24.
At Happy Hollow. . . .
The closing of the club Saturday even
Ing has been the Insplratl6n for many
large dinners. Among those who will enter
tain are Samuel Bees, who will havu six
guests; ft. O. Hamilton, fddrtearii W. B.
T. Belt, six; Robert Dempster, ten; John
B. Webster, twelve; R, I Robinson.
elghtj W. D. Williams, slxi Irving Baxter,
alxj & E. Webster, twenty? J, B, Adams,
eignij a. o. reterson, five.
At the Field GlnbT"
Dinner reservations for Saturday even,
inr have been mad by "Mr. O. W. Plai
ner, who will have sixteen guests; T. C.
Van Buren, Severn Simeon Jones, four.
At Carter Lake Ohife.
The directors of the club and their
wives will haye dinner together this
Vealhir. Places will be laid for sixteen.
Reservations for dinner Saturday even
.(iMF have been made by B. W, Hart, who
will have eight guests! K. Potter, four,
w. Jayes. fivej c. Xiao, fowl J;
six) . Marston, eight! M. I Ha
maR. faur; V. II, Hann, five: C. SUe.
ben, fawrt r, T. F. Carrl, sevsn) Oould
u. b. xatHre, fsur.
W.i.i-I I.. A,
Mrs. H. J. Mull entertained yesterday
ter hit mother, Mrs. J. S. Slser of 1
forte, Tex. The following neighbors anil
former Kearney friends were present
On October 17 the Youns Men's Chris
tlan association will hold a single day's
campaign for membership. One hundred
men In teams of five men "each will can
vass the entire city In districts on that
day only, and it Is anticipated that T&0
memberships will be written.
The teams are holding meetings now
preparatory, to the campaign and are
working out a method of procedure.
Business men are asked to open their
doors for the solicitors and tho solicitors
promise that every eligible member in
the city will be approached.
On tho night before tho campaign date
big "ginger" dinner will be given at
the association building to arouse spirit
among tbe campaigners. At 9 o'clock on
the 17th a big automobile parade and
demonstration will be held and the so
licitors will bo carried to their districts
Kach captain Is to report progress every
hour. B. A. Wilcox Is in charge of the
campaign and will direct the movements
of the teams.
The winning team of five men will be
given five full-year membership cards
with alt locker privileges, and the win
nlng ten teams will be accorded a ban
quet at which the losing teams will be
required to Bcrve and perform other
stunts at the wilt of their conquerors,
The campaign will close at 10 o'clock at
Ight, arid Immediately the last solicitor
turns In a big demonstration will be
glyen In front of the Young Men's Chris
tlan association building' in which the
drill teams of the gymnasium classes
will partake, The demonstration will
constitute the formal opening of the
gymnasium for the year as well as mark
the close of the membership campaign
Georgia Trimble,
Marguerite Butch,
Mndred Man- Ot
Kansas City,
pharles Matson of
Uncoln, -
Hafeel Hoggblude.
P.. S. Trimble,
Pan Bdgeriy.
f r Ynifcar.
Mrs. Nancy J. Mera entertained at
her home at a luncheon today idr Mrs.
Arthur K. Bose of Los Angelas, guest Of
Mrs. O. W. Wtckersfeam. Pisco were
UMT for;
Mostnm- Mesdam
Arthur JC. Rose. Charles. Wright..
Q. W. wieksrsham. Charles Hubfcard,
Him M4e Walls of Peoria. III.
airfriM Tarty.
About fifty members ot tha Woodman
Clreie e tk Omaha grove, Ne. H.
utyrltcd their guariMan, Mrs., Gee!
Med, at her heme, & Oraftt street.
Wednesday svenhstf, the occaston feeing
Mrs. M4' Mrtfcday. Musis and asmet
W, H. Allen.
S"0.1?" Dunham.
B. It. Oou d nff.
Qulnton Moor,
William Spenc.
Qeorgs IX,
Girli! Thicken and
Beautify Your Hair
Brbtf; Iwck its glow, ltuter, chm
wsa get m or uawururr -Try
tho Hiukrt cloth,
i .
Ta k possessed of a head of heavy,
fcttetlful hair, soft, lustrous, fluffy,
wavy and free from dandruff Is merely
a witter of using a little Danderine.
It Is easy and Inexpensive to have
!e soft hair and lots ot It Just get
4 X cent bottle ot Knowlton's Danderlna
now all drug etorea recommend lt
ajtply a little as directed and Within
Um minutes there will be an appearance
at abundance; freshness, flutflness and
an incomparable gloss and luster, and
try as you wilt you cannot find a trace
at dandruff or falling hair; but your real
surprise wtl be after about two weeks'
use, when you will see new hair fine
and downy at fret yes but really new
hair sprouting out all over your scalp
-Panderiae Is. wa believe, the pnly sura
hair grower; destroyer of dsndruff and
sura for itchy Scalp and It never falls
to ftop falling hair at once.
f you want to prove how pretty and
self your hair really U, moisten a cloth
pith a little panderino and carefully
draw it through your hslr-teMng ona
swvaslt strand at a time. Tour hair will
V toft, slots? and beautiful In Just a
tew moments- delightful surprise awaits
tmyena who tries this.
omkti ami aM vtatne, Doee,
e m pa as sic. rot cMU-
s PWt. UU lac W yaars.
gy m
Comas Cub.
Tho Comus olub save a iumr!n nittv
iop sirs, Ralph V. Carson, who was for
merly Miss Mabls B. Whltehouse. They
mei at trs, Carson's new home and all
or tno members, with their, husbands.
were present. The evening was spent at
cares ana pr ses were won by Mesdames
Marry Bvcrendon and P. 3, Let-men and
Messrs. u. F, Msrtl and Charles Lane.
trom, The guests uresented Mr. and
Mrs. Carson with a beautiful etched glass
uecunier, xne nest meeting ot the ciub
will be with Mrs, J. W. Hood.
The wedding of Miss Gertrude Martell
Randol. daughter ot Mrs. Lillian Xandol.
and Mr. Dan Jt CahlU took ulacs Wedhes'
day evening1 at tho home of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Cahlll. at
S:Wt o'clock, Rev. D, P. Harrington ot .
Cecilia's church performing the cere
mony. Mrs, Jack McDonald played th
Mendelsohn wedding march and Mis
Anna Mueller sang "Ot Promise Me'
and 'Avs Marie."
The bride wore white crepe de chin
with overdress ot whit chiffon, with
train, and trimmtd with Venetian lace.
Her long tulle veil was made In th
Dutch cap style and held in place by
pearls. She carried an old-faahloned
shower bouquet of bride's roses,
Miss Opal Bandol, sister of th bride,
ana miss .Neil cahlll, slater ot the groom
were ori?smaia. atlas Bandol wort
fell rose charmeuso and Miss Cahlll
tlnk ctepa over pink charmeuse. They
carried arm bouquets ot KUarney roses.
Mr. arorg Prlnty was best man and the
ring was carried In a Hly by Master
Robert Carey, nephew of the groom,
Assisting In the rooms were Mrs. Frank
I Carey, Mrs. Lou Martin, Mrs. Lillian
Randol fcnd Mrs, C. B. Cahlll.
Mr. and Mrs, Cahlll left for a western
trip pnd will at home after .October U
at Falrbury, Neb.
In &nd Out of tbe Bes Hive,
Mrs. W. J. Hynes. Mrs- Joseph W
Thomas and Master William Hynes left
this morning to motor to Lincoln and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shields arc home
rrom Yellowstone park, where they ac
companied the railway passenger peopl
on their excursion. SCO persons being, tht
guest or th Northern Pacific,
Mf All HfALTV It Hmat AUG MM.
Mas. Wiicaw'j foarMiHa Btravp Sis beta
tHtt the CHjr.D. SOiTXt.'S Ue OUM8,
Omaha Women May
Get Styles Here as
Quick as New York
Fall opening of women! ready-made
aowhs Is begun at the Nebraska Clothing
company. Th offerings are or tne earns
patterns as thoo In New York and Paris,
extreme and otherwise. For IrtstanceY
there Is on gown In the wjnodw ot a
gilt fabrlo which costs 15 a yard, and
ths gown sells at $300. Then, there are
St mo gowns that do not come that high.
Tho gown In the window Is one of tha
extremes In fashion. It Is slit all th
way up to the waist line.
Samuel Qreenblatt, manager of the
women's gowns department for tha No
braska, says that costume would attract
no attention whatever In New York. Ho
doubts If anybody In Omaha woutd wfilr
It. The fall offerings am of alt colors,
ot the rainbow, and all the latest pat
terns. The most of them have a "silt;"
which varies In length and position.
Mr, Qreenblatt takes a trip to New
York every month or so, and buys tha
late'st creation". Some of the gowns ara
Imported, some are copies and some' art
original. It is quite possible, Mr. Greeny
blatt 'says, for the woman bf drdiaarj
me4M to purchase a ffcwp, $c the very
latest style and quality ,at reasonable
prices .this fall, Through his many trip
cast he la enabled to keep his storo well
stocked with the last whispers in cost
tumes, and he says OmaWa does not have
to wait three or four month for the
styles New York la wearing, but both
Omaha and HeW York may wear th
same gowns at the same time, whether
that gown be nifty or ottycrwlso,
Dinner dress ot smoke gray silk mus
lin and old pink brocaded prepe de chine.
Tho bodice, decollete In "V" front and
back, Is draped with broad pleats, mak
ing fichu and making the sleeve, which
Is ended by a band of empire screen vel
The girdle ot draped brocaded satin,
goes up rather high In the middle front,
holding In the back a long flap of the
same material. Four broad Pleats of silk
muslin make In front a small, tunto fol
lowing the lino of tha hips.
Tho skirt, of brocaded satin, Is slightly
draped In back and is finished by a
small round train,
Ben ranklm?Club
Elects New Officers
Tha Trl-Clty Ben Franklin club held
its annual banquet and electlori ot of
ficers at tho Paxton Hotel Thursday
night The following officers wero
elected for tho ensuing year: W. B. Hop-
son, president; Qeorgo Amos, vice presi
dent; It. L. Tostevtn, secretary and treas
urer. The board of directors will consut
ot Frank I, Etllck, C. A. Sherwood, C. E.
Corey, C. 0. Howe, George Sancha and
Oeorse Snell.
Over halt a hundred members of the
club were present, including employer
and employes. The relation ot the em
ployer to the employe was discussed at
length and the relation ot the producer
to tht supply man was incorporated lxtq
the discussion before the evening was
over. Samuel Bees, sr.; Frank Kennedy,
George Rudolph, Charles Dougherty,
Oeorge Johnson and Charles Sherwood
spoke on the above subjects.
Wif& Seeks Husband
Saw Home Wrecked
To find John Heokenllable, who left
home the night of Easter Sunday and
never returned, as the result of a brief
survey of the damage done to his house
at 113 North Twenty-flfth street by the
tornado, Is the task set for County At
torney Magney by Mrs. Barbara Heckeh
liable, the wife.
Tho cqunty attorney expect to tile an
Information charging the missing man
with wife desertion, and It he Is found
he will be brought back to Omaha. It
Is known that Heckenllable was not In
jured In tho storm because he continued
his employment as driver for the electric
light company a short time after leaving
Tho housg was entirely wrecked with
the exception ot a part of the kitchen.
Mrs. Heckenllable say that her husband
examined the wreckage, told her ho was
going down town and departed,
John White, colored, of St Joseph. Mo
was found at Ninth and Capitol avenue
Thursday afternoon In an unconscious
condition ss the result of his being struck
on the head by another negro with a pair
Of brass knuckles. 'At the station, with
th services of a, police surgeon, he was
revived to a sufficient degree to tell of
his being (truck down by a stranger
whom he had met but a tw hour pre
vious. Further than this his condition
was such that he could give no addi
tional Information. He was placed under
the doctor's care at tha station, and given
a cot until he could summon his faculties
together and give a coherent account ot
th proceeding.
The assatlant'a motive was apparently
not robbory as White had some $3 on
hla person when brought to the station.
Auto Dealers Will
Stage Fine Show
Ak-Sar-Ben Week
Every automobile dealer in Omaha Is
rushing van loads ot bunting and arti
ficial flowers add other different kinds
of elaborate decorations preparatory to
beautifying their places ot business tor
Ak-Sar.Ben week. The automobile row
ha been decorated year In and year out
for Ak-Bar-Ben and has been one of the
bright spots of the city during the ten
days ot festivities, but the dealers assert
that this year wilt reach the climax ot
the decorators' art,
Windows will be freshly cleaned, rib-
bons and bunting in red, yellow and
green will be tastefully arranged around
the sills and .frames. Inside the show
rooms tho brand new cars will be deco.
rated In the Ak-Bar-Ben's fs miliar colors
and open chassis with the engine running
constantly will be set In prominent Places
In every window.
The Immortal Rembrandt lived In the llttl
town of Leyden lh the llth Century. The
Burgomaster called to have his picture
painted. "But remember, make It a battle
scene with me on horseback bravely lead
ing a charge." He was told to return on
Tuesday which he did, bringing some
guests to view the picture. "Wo bin ich?"
(Dutch for "Where am IV) he shrieked
when he discovered his absence from the
picture. "See that hill over theret" asusJ
Rembrandt; "well you're behind the. hill."
The clothing moral lies in the fact that the
quality In most clothing is "behind the
hill" missing, when you seek to find It
Here's a six
word message that
every man should read
and heed
'fBuy a Be nson
. Thome Fall Suit'
It's surprising how many men live, knowing
' meji are turning to us for things to wear.
" "There's a reason," It's the kind of clothes we '
. sell and tha gradual expanding of this store
into a clothes storo for big people as Welt as
little folks.
zr? l
if i i '
We fit
thtm all
as they
Big men,
Stout men,
Tall men,
Short men,
Smmll men.
Samuel W. Peck Stein-Bloch and August Brothers
are the King-pins of All Clothes Builders.
They make our Suits.
Theaa tieoDla maka clo'thlnsr '100 cood. Lots
oilier maxe gooa ciomes out nor. juuy gooa uiume.
If you want to know Just how good a Fall suit can
be, drop in and take up about 20 minutes of our time.
It seldom takes over 20 minute for a man to con
clude that he has finally gotten into the right storo.
Our Fall Opening Sale
Hundred have availed tAemselreg of the special prices on new fall
stocks during- the few days that our Fall Opening1 Sale has been in progress.
If jovl haven't been in, come while the assortment is ex- m j
tensive. We quote below a few prices as samples of
the reductions.
sm.rwr j
$2,55 Value, Special $2.00. $75.00 Value, Special $62.50.
$50.00 Kahofany Dresser,
(Like cut), $43.50.
Dining Room Chairs in fumed or
golden oak are exceptional value.
Specials on Sideboards, Tables
and China Closots
$35.00 golden oak Buffet 920.00
$20.00 golden oak Tablo $23.50
$33,00 golden oak China Closet,
at $80.00
$60,00 fumed oak China Closet,
Hundreds of other extra values.
Luxurious Pavonport, full
spring seat and hack. Long
enough to lie down on.
$12.50 Mahogany chair ...$9.25
'$40,00 Mahogany Chair . .$32.00
$1.00.00 Mahogany Divan $70.00
$23.50 Mahogany Rocker $19.70
Mission Furniture of all kinds
at special prices.
tern .
at . .
at . .
Mahogany Chiffonier, to
....... $38.50
4-poster Bed, same pat-
Circassian Walnut Bed,
Brass Bed $20.75
Mahogany Chiffonier $24
golden oak Dre96?r $19.75
vJhte enamel Dresser.
Those values will be of interest to every
3Qc extra fine Scrim, In three colors, special, y. SOc
35c Marquisettes, three colors, yard .38K
$5.00 Cluny or Filet Curtains, special, pair , .$8,79
$10.50 high grade imported Laco Curtal&s, pr. $13.80
Our Rug Department is tha most complete in the
treat. Remember, we show from. the lowest priced
that Is good to the highest grade made.
$23.50 Axm?nster Rug,, complete assortment ot col
ors and sigee, 9x12 ....... v $18.50
$40,00 Body Brussels, best grade, all colors, 9x12
Si6 , $81.50
$28.Q0 Velvet, size ll-8x2 . $23.00
Window Shdt
We make them right and hang' them straight.
Oneftial Rugs it Special Prices
Our rugs are well sebo'ted by an expert.
Wo have installed a new lino in our basement, tho most modern Kitchen
OaScIilcIlL Ranges, Heating Store and Washing Machines, hand power, water power and electrlo
Beaton . Laier Co.
415-17 South Sixteenth Straat Payments if You Wish
Tuke Wr,nlnr.
Don't let stomach, liver nor kidney
trouble down you. when you pan quickly
down th( . i with Elcctrlm Bitters. tOc.
For gala by Beaton Drua Co. Advrtlw.
(f oii& single advertisement in a newspaper
paid, printing presses couldn't be made
hif enough to turn out the papers
The Crelshton Untwelty tSIc club, the
oftlotil musical 'organisation of th
student body, will epen activities for tbl
choc ytar with a smoker at the AH
college. BMurday ovenlor. AH axtiv
membera of ut year's organisation wh
are stlU In school, together with the of.
f(or and thoso Influential in ths an
nvs! concert, will attend.
In addition to tho social a)do of th
occasion; vlans for this year's copcert
will bo dlreuiied, and officers will trob-
One advertisement in itself Kb only
a step up the stairway of success. Ad
vertising does it work by repeating
what you want known until everybody
knows it, wheth
er they want to
or not Upward
progress in busi
ness can only he
made by a con
tinued climb.
The Omaha Bee
ei BTery day to prW
ilea Br rery one of you
jjeejsble customers.
People like to buy from firms thjy
know. They have confidence in firm
that make themselves known. They
become familiar with stocks and store
policies of stores into which, they havo
never stepped.
The day come when they want
your goods and you have a customer. 1
It was the continued advertising of
months, or perhaps years that brougkt
them in.
That's why a list like that
reached by The Bee is bo very valu
able. Our BubscriDera read The Bee
every day, year after year. Ouradver.
tisemeuts can keep on talking to the
same homes and make friends of peo
ple they never saw.
Ypu can't do that with any kind
of advertising except newspaper ad
vertiaing. Furthermore, a paper that
is delivered to the homes is the one
that giveu you a chance to talk eachi
day to thejamo people and at last yon
have them as customers.
It's continuous advertising that pays
ably bt elected.