Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Willi prepared. Peters Tnist Co.
Ufa In IT Yes. Tna Mutual. Oouia
Xtghttna; rUtures,BurB-ess-arandenCO.
riaeUtr Btcraffa ft Van Co Douc 1616.
Hare Soot Print 2t Now Deacon Pfe
Trust funds Hi estates admtnlstered.
Permanency toid stability Is backed by
a capital and surpiuj ot S400.000. Petera
Trust Co.
Insane Sailors SeXn East A special
cor carrylns tweufy insane sailors Is
enroute east over the Union PaclflC
Northwes'tern. going to tho government
asylum ot "Washington. Tho men havo
been in tho Asiatic ccrvlcc.
3?o Tolls to Teachers Dr. IS. Holovt
chlner, president of the Board or hdu
catlon, haa been Invited to deliver an ad
dress before the Board ot Education sec
Inn ,nf the Nebraska State Teachers'
convention, which meets in Omaha In
Jrintd for Aasault-homaa E. Kower,
:M North Eighteenth street, was fined
$10 and costs In police court for assault
upon Frank and Dernlce, Bankion, who
resldo at tho same number. Tho trouble
arose over some money which Kower as
serts tho Banksona owed him.
Seddeo Holds rail Opening' Etmor
TUridea. known In the credit clothing
world as "King Beddco," announces his
fall opening with pretty souvenirs to all
who nttend. Mr. Beddeo In addition to
his Omaha storo conducts a largo credit
establishment In Bait Lako City.
Bays .noosusata Bobbed XXlai N. T.
KlIpatHck, 401 North Twenty-fourth
street. reDorts to the police that his
roomraato after stealing a diamond ring
valued at 123 had skipped out. The man's
name . and a full description were fur
nlshed the officera detailed to the case.
Work Overtlma on Trie Iiaylnir The
street railway company worked the
track-laying gang on Farnam street half
.Via ntf-Vt In nn htlrrv the Work
ot relaying the rails and repavlng be
tween tho tracks as much as possible,
as Farnam street la a -most busy thor
oughfare. Finishing raxnam Street Pavers aro
at work putting on thef asphalt surface
on Farnam street and the residents of
Dundee and Falracres are consequently
rejoicing, as It will give them a chance
to drive home without going through the
mudholo on Dodge street where the street
Is always-in bad shape waiting for the
construction ot viaduct W the Missouri
Pacific '
Arrested for Speeding- Harry Mc
Goweni chauffeur, whose stand Is at
Thlrteenth-and Farnam streets, was fined
$25.' and costs In polite-court for exceed
ing the sneod limit McGowen was ar
rested by Officer Chapman at Thir
teenth' and Douglas streets, w'hllo going
at a rate of -speed alleged to be In excess
of'- the limit.
to light tank, brakes, electric horn and
a steering gear like a regular machine.
L Street Citizens Unable to Get
City Water.
it Sf(
xS -r Style 37
Here's a, spunky
brother fullof big
city style. Note the
dapper embossing
aldng the- sides.
Broad -shank gives
extreme oomfort.
Sty I 13
Here are three
promises of rousing
style. (1) Eight
buttons. (2) High
toe. (3) Short
forepart. An un
beatable trio.
.Eyery day more '
men . eniisi in me
" army .that swears
by this " model.
Simple and sturdy.
Lined with genuine
ooze Kangaroo
YesT; 'wefjl fit you- .
:r tomorrow,
' 1450 It UM cwnrmhm
XieWls A. Crouctt, Inc., Malm
' North-Ablniton. Mtu.
There's a special Croisett last
for 'people with arch troubles,
Ask our agents about It.
Ncvr ontrnnco to
Brandeis Store for Men
For moro than 30 yenrs
Brandeis, Scores
Ilavo Outfitted tho Well Dressed Moil
of Omnhn.
AUtrnst Miller Sends Letter to City
Conncll Complaining at the
Sltnntlon Now l're
, sentrMl.
August Miller, former councilman, says
that tho destruction ot two houses by flro
a few days ago was directly due to the
lack of water supply on I street. In a
communication to the city council Miller
says the firemen did their work well, but
that the simple fact is that there was no
water to put the tire out. lie says that
the people In that district havo been fed
-with promises of a water supply for so
long that it exceeds the memory of the
oldest Inhabitant
At the late election Mayor Itoctor prom
lsed tho residents In tho west end sec
tion of the city that he would have water
supplied them. After election the people
were told that City Attorney Murphy
could get the water. Tho city attorney
promptly showed the people that tho legal
department was doing all that it couia
do to assist, but that It rested with the
mayor and council to get water for tho
Mayor Hoctor and a number of the city
councllmen made a visit to Lord High
Water Commissioner Howeri, but that
potentate was unable to do anything
moro than give an Indefinite assurance ot
water mains to tho poor people of South
Omaha. So In the meantime, while the
water commissioner la sending out mod
est testimonials to the efficiency of the
municipal water district, the houses of
.the people on West I street In South
Omaha are burning down because of lack
of water. It may be, however, that Au
cust Miller haa not let received the
printed assurance of tho wator commis
sioner as to the efllclency of the Omaha
water district
As a matter of fact all the city officials
are powerless In the matter ot Installing
water mains under" the supremo domina
tion of the Omaha Water board, which
In South Omaha Is popularly believed to
be B. B. Howell.
Sooth Omaha Bowler.
v 18 3. Tot
Vnc ' 140 102 133 3S0
Sandstedt 106 115 143 370
Feska ..... iw vi
1i-mrri,i 1G9 132 147 448
Dvck . : 128 131 191 430
Totals 663 677 789 1,929
- 12 3 Tot.
Llpp 103 73 80 Z7
Thrlwftr 102 . 98 ' 102 S02
f-nnf.nhn.ver 82 85 78 215
--- . ny ... .11
iii.nn . . . .... . I ..t 1 . 1 1 A.J
vtov - - . , r
Ulake , i "
Totals..." '........ 642 630 619 US1
12 3 Tot
Worn 164 167 1E8 4S9
Winters 1" 160 122 439
Ail. - IRS IRS 120 493
Swltt .UV...... ..- MS "9 IK
Lefler .163 213 177 653
Totals 800 874 733 2,408
Kruno' I08
B. Tanner j
IT. itJmnlr 141 1R5 193 HZl
IlttllUVUVft ................. --- - , -
Tyinn.v i i 138 15 150 453
Clay bourne 13 12S- 163 36
- totals ". , 7S1,8U840 2.401
Established Standards.,
It's the simple truth; test It out and
you can't get by. The Btods ar tnere.
What does It gain you if you pay 60 cents
or JliOQ less and don't. get the goods. You
always get the goods at riynns, oecause
we- sell the best there Is. All wo as is
comparison. Compare this beauutui line
of winter suits and overcoats wun any
other line. Take note ot the prices. We
carry more standard lines that are sbld
at established prices and close margins
than any other house in Nebraska. Tho
nameless makes are the ones that pile up
the profits. A visit hero will pay you
and afford us . a chance .to explain more
fully what we are doing.
Aalc for Patrol Darn.
In the hope of- worrying the city coun
ell into a frame of mind that will cause
it to appropriate enough money ior me
erection of a Police barn between tne
city hall and the police station, a number
of men yesterday began a campaign.
The council has Just bought a new team
of horses for the police patrol and also
patrol wagon. The new team was
purchased for 8280 and the old one sold
for I2G5. The now wagon is to te a sec
ond-hand affair from Omaha, and Is ex
pected down here as soon as the firemen
have trained the new police team. It
may be that .the police team will be
shlftedMo the fire department for a flro
team already trained.
The city engineer a. year ago drew plans
and specifications for a barn between
the city hall and the police Jail. The
plans were shelved for lack ot money.
It is hoped that -they will be drawn out
now and that tho long expected barn
will be erected. The policemen say It
will mean a great convenience and saver
of time to have the wagon and team
right next to the station. It will also
save the extra cost of stabling the
srasrlo City Gossip.
Morris White Is visiting with friends
at Pes Moines for a- few days.
Z. A. Russell ot Stapleton was in South
Omaha on business Thursday.
For Sale Large Art Garland Basq
Burner.. Good as new. 2514 F St. Tel. a.
3C60. - -
For a case of letter's Old Axe or Gold
Tod beer call So. 868. Prompt delivery to
all parts of the city. wm. Jetter,
Bruce Hewitt haa returned to his- home
In Gordon after a shor business trip in
oouin wmuim.
Phil Kearney Women's Relief coma
will meet with Mrs. C. G. Burke. 1703
Jackson street, Saturday, afternoon.
We can sell you a ton of screened lump
coal for 84.50 delivered. Good value.
Broadwell-Kobtrts CO., 2113 N St Phoni
Stuth 9.
Jeff Robinson and George Smith wore
arrested yesterday, by Officer Phil Crosby
on L suspicion. They were released Dy
wniei oi j-ouce jnnn iingss.
Phil Kearney, post Nd. Z will meet at
the home of J. W. Cress, 809 North
Twenty-third street, Saturday night All
members are requested to be present.
Chapter M of the P. EX O. sisterhood
will hgld the first meeting of the fall
season Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Max. Fopte. 1112 North Twenty
second street. Mrs. Walter W. Fisher will
be assistant nosiess.
There wilt be an Inquest upon the death
of Harry Claypool of Beatrice, who was
hilled by a Rock Island train at Albright
Wednesday night The Inquest will be
hc Saturday morning in the undertaking
parlors ot Bernard J. Larkln.
Friday and Sunday are big days at the
Btsse theater, where pictures of Harry
Thaw and' the New York. New Haven &
Hartford wreck are being shown. Grmt
interest is said to be displayed In tho
pictured of Stanford White's slayer.
16th Street, North of Douglas,
Not all of our suits nro the most oxtrcmo styles
but nil nro extromo vnlues.
Omnhn men. have learned to come hero for practical Business
Suits that Hold Their hapo.
Well Dressed Men of aii Ages Appear at their
in "Society Brjuid" or Hirsh-Wickwire Clothes
"We nrepfficial agents for these hand-tailored suits in Omaha. Thoy aro mado by tho highest priced tailors in Chicago. That is what makes
them looiVbetter, fit better and givo longer servico than any other make of ready-to-wear clothes for inen.
The store is big enough to suit all men. Our patronage repre- Do not lot tho idea that you aro "hard to fit" bar you from
sents men of all ages, men of all sizes, men of all requirements. trying on the best ready-made olothes in America. Tho stocks
In our immense stocks we are equipped as no other store in tho of Hirsh-Wickwire and Society Brand suits aro so immense
city is equipped to satisfy every want. and so varied that no man needs to bo disappointed.
Most men buy but one suit in a season. The Society Brand and Hirsh-'Wickwiro suits aro in such refined patterns thnt thoy will servo for any semi
dress occasion and for business wear as well. And they alwnys "look their part" of tho hand tailored suits of tho higher class. Soleot your now
fall suit Saturday and get a full season's wear out of it. v j
We Specially Recommend the Matchless Line of these Suits at $25
Tn this range of prices art all the rnodela of these "ioi makes in America" Society Brand and
Hir8h-Wiakwir6 in the newest and-cleverest outs, ths mosl up-to-date ooloringi and the. patterns of
refinement that always characterize the better grades of men's clothes at Branded Storo for Men.
New Blue Serge
Suits for Fall
We secured 400 samples of one of the very
best lines of $15 and $18 suits for men
New models for Fall 1913 Will sell 'em Saturday for
More men buy sergt than any other
kind becatise tt it the universally
becoming tuit. Blue terges lifcj
tht$e give exalltnt war and are -suitable
for any occasion, in any
season. If yt need o new suit rig'.t
now, you cannot do better than select one
from these moderate priced groups. You
get the best tailoring and the best of war
with every suit at
Everybody knows that tho best materials and workmanship so Into tho samplo suits. When wo
offer you .these splendid samples of now fall $15 and $18 suits, wo aro giving you what, wo think liulho
best clothes values In town. You'll think bo, too. X
li I ' AOMK Ml I
To tke Young Mca Wfeo Like
tkc New Styles as See As
Tkey Appear. "
Itemembtr thisBrandeis buyers
arc in Niw York, not once a yiar,
not twice a year, but every month
in the year. H'Aen anything new
appears in men's suits, men's fur
nishings or men's novelties, our
uuytrs see ii tlrst and buy it first.
It stands to reason thot you can tee.
the mnst up-to-date innovations in
men's apnurel at Brandeis store) be
fore you llnd them tlseichtre.
Tho practical garments fpr damp
and rainy weather and for early
fall wear, at 7.'50, 810, 815
Many Believe Strike Indicates HfeW
Alignment in Erin.
Omaha Agents Crosett Shoes,
Scalded tr Steam
or scorched by a fire, apply Bucklen's
ArrJca Salve. Cures pilet, too, and the
wont aorea. -Guaranteed. Only 25 cent.
For tale by Beaton Drue Co, Advertisement.
Object to VuItxb Book- Sapplt
Firm WUtcU Had IocUed
Workmen of Tramport
DUBLIN, Sept. 19.-Tho strike ot tht
transport workers hero is oeuovcu ,
nh.ervRrn to Indicate tho birth
throes of an Irish labor party, destined
to wlpa out many of the traditional lines
of cleavage In the political, reiisious uuu
Industrial life ot Ireland
m,. hlntnrle and bitter feud between na-
inm.ilt reldenta and the members of the
royal Irish constabulary aaaea to am
ferocity of the street fighting during the
riots, but the strike Itself was a clear
cut Issue between employer and employes
over the question of labor unionism.
The master mind pt the street car
men's side of the controversy, James tr.
vin In s. oleturesaue character, who inv
blbed his union principles while working
In the steel mills of the United states.
The old rally cries Incident to the ques
tlon of home rule were forgotten when
tho strike trouble actually becan. Na.
tinnaiiau. Catholics and the antl-home
rule Orangemen were allied on each side.
Larkln Boycotted.
Larkln is boycotted by all the Irish
cress and by several of the powerful
organlratlons which put home rule above
everything else, but In spite of this oppo.
itlon he has rallied about htm a force
which promises to develop into a pout
leal party.
The boys at the schools connected with
the Catholto cathedral here struck today,
The pupils objected to Using books sup
plied by a firm which had locked out
workmen belonging to tne transport
workers' union.
An attempt at coercion was fcMowed
by an attack on tbe masters. Boys armed
with slates fiercely assailed their teach
era, two of whom had to be taken to
hospital. (
Strike Still Threatened.
LONDON, Bept !. Desplto the Inter.
tctlon of the lord mayor, which led
the Tilllng's Bus company to concede
the right of men to wear union badges,
a general strike of tho traction em
ployes la still imminent on the clear
cut Issue of recognition of the union.
Explaining the failure of a conference
held at tbe Mansion house today. Or
ganlzer Ben Smith at a mass moetlna
of the strikers declared tonight:
"We are preparing to stop every pas
senger carrying vehicle In London before
w will lose the fight. TUllngs will come
first, then the General Omnibus com.
Pbny then the tubes and after thatf
If we are forced to It, the Btreet cars."
The strikers declared that the union
must be recognised and the grievances
with reference to wages and hours 'ad
Justed. '
Key to the Situation Beo Advertising.
The Patent Dictionary.
Affinity The Woman i'ou should have
married, but didn't.
Pessimist A fellow who Flctcherlzes
his bitter Dills.
Common sense About tne most uncom
mon thlnir we meet with In this world.
Remorse wnat we reel when we fall
In doing what we shouldn't havo done,
Memory A faculty that is most kind
to those who have learned to forget.
ExDerience The doctor that cures us
of our follies.
Marriaee A lottery In which It has be.
come fashionable to take more than one
Jollier A fellow who advises us to look
on the bright side when there Isn't any.
tard-iucK atory rne one mat never
geta published.
Elastic Phrase Five minutes' walk
from the station.
Love One of the diseases that we soon
Ambition a greasea poie we pick out
to climb. Judge.
I home furniture co. )
This Week We Offer Special Prices in Bed
Room Furniture
Metal and Brass Beds
Dressers and Chiffoniers
Match in Ail Woods
"Jumt Say"'
7h FtiiMrM fer Al! Agtts
More, healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form.
A kk IokIi kPk !b a nattte.
Take m taUtkttc. AAlwHORLICK'S.
Others are imitation
Special Prices on
a aia at i