Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLIII NO. . 81.
Railroad Traffic Men Now Consider
. ing Mode of Procedure.
Cut 'Which Win Ordered Some Time
Ago Held Up ATraltliiR the De
- cUldn In the Minnesota
Rate Cnse.
Freight traffic men ot tho Nebraska
railroad have discovered that they are;
up; against what they consider one of the
most serious problems that have ever
confronted them, and consequently all
of the traffic and legal heads of tho
loads have hurried to Chicago, whore
they, will meet In conferenco with freight
traffic directors- to figure out a .way to
combat order No. 19 of the Nebraska
State Railroad commission, which, It Is
contended, la confiscatory, and which, It
enforced, woWd' put the Nebraska lines
out of business.
I ru September,. 1909, the Nebraska corn
mission promulgated order No.-19,- provid
ing' for a freight rato reduction of-from'
ft) -to GO per cent on all classifications, ex
cepting grain, lumber and coal. Tho data
for the order to go Into effect was fixed,"
but In the meantime the Minnesota
freight rate case was started and the
order was suspended pending a decision
of the court.
Recently the Minnesota cose was de
cided by the courts and adversely to the
railroads. Now the -Nebraska commis
sion 'has notified the officers ; of the, Ne
braska roads to appear at Lincoln during
the first week in October and-show cause
why! order No. 19 should not be put In
That the railroads will fight order No.
10 f before the Nebraska commission and
nil 1. ma..-.,- 1- - ' 1 . . I
And' thd meeting in Chicago is for th
purpose of determining along what lines
the legal battle shall be waged. '
Like the Minnesota 'Case.
Railroad men hope to win,, but- among'
them there Is a feeling that It'. will bt
one,- of tho hardest fights ever, .under
taking especially when the decision in
the Minnesota cose is, squarely against'
tnem. j.nere are some Usueu in the Ne
braska Case that aro at variance '. with
theIssues In the Minnesota case, but in
a general way, the two cases are on all
tours. v
As to the Nebraska grain, lumber and
coal, rates, the railroad traffic men say
they are now so low that there is no
money in hauling the commodities, and
this, they believe, is the reason why a
still farther reduction is not ordered.
The classifications that are to be af
fected by the order takes in merchandise
of all kinds, . machinery and practically
everything ttfat'Ts' hauled. The mora
bulky frelght,?Tdwhauled at the lowest
rate; is the kfndtthat is to come in on
the . 20 per cent cut, while high-class
fjolght, like merchandise In .cases, ".takra
the ?60 per cent reduction.
Members of Social
'Service Board to';
A .member of the social service board
wlll,attend the first performanceof every
show in Omaha this winter and' It there
Is i objections! lines the secretary of the
bqafd will be notified and the' '-manager
wilt be instructed to eliminate the of
tensive parts. This was agreed upon by
themembers of the board at a meotnlg
m. nip guy nan unursaay.
The members will appeal to Chief ot
Police Dunn to order the policemen to
respect 'the social iservlce badge. Tho
members have had dlffculty impressing
upon coppers the fact that their stars
are to be respected. It Is said one mem
ber of th. board was refused admittance
to! a circus last year and that this re
sulted in the request to the police chief.
Dance hall rules adopted some time ago
were reread after having been returned
by the International Association of Danc
ing'. Masters, which standardized them.
These rules will be posted in conspicuous';
places In dance halls.
Fort School Opens
on Monday With
Twenty Enrolled
Twenty boys will enter the Fort school
for boys Monday morning and Principal
E. D. Gepson says as many more will be
refused admittance 'because they do not
need the special Instruction they would
receive at this school.
MaJJpr Hartman has conceded the use
ot the Fort "Omaha gridiron and basa
ball diamond for the students In Fort
school. Tho boys In this school, wllo do
not like books, will be allowed to play
and to work at the things which appeal
to them.
For the benefit ot boys who cannot
spell and refuse to learn Superintendent
E. V. Graff has Installed a printing press
'We will not produce printers at this
school," fsald the 'superintendent, "but
as. far as we go we will teach the boys
practical composing and pressroom work.
It Is the best way to give them the funda
mentals of the education they reject In
tho public schoola"
Principal Gepson has letters from hun
dreds of parents who believe their boys
ought to go to this school. As fast as he
Can the principal Is Investigating - these
Gepson says the case of the boy ot 15
or 16 years ot age who has been compelled
to rem,aln in tho fourth or fifth grade
appeals especially to him. Several such
boys are to bo taught In Fort school.
Principal Gepson believes the school
will ultimately have an attendance of 360
or 400. Two hundred would enter Monday
If the principal cauld take care of them.'
George L, Hammer
Bacl from the East;
, Looks.Well as Ever
George' ti. Hammer ot the Byrne St
Hammer Dry Goods company, who was
so seriously .Injured In .the tornado
wreckage last spring, requiring the am
putation of a leg) Is back In Omaha from
a summer spent w(th Mrs. Hammer
chiefly in New England. Friends who
greeted him say he appears thoroughly
rested, and declares he feels fine. He
hopes later to be abler to make use of an
artificial llrrib. Mr; and Mrs. Hammei
havo taken apartments at the Clarlnda
en Farnam street- and the boulevard,
their. former residence having been com
pletely .demolished- by the storm.
New YorkManLoses
".Shoes anl Cash in.
Jefferson Square
JV. L. Hillman,' a laborer of New York
vlty, fell asleep in Jefferson square
Thursday evening and unoke abouUmid
nfeht t6 discover a stranger removing
his' pair of new shoes, which he had puj
criased that afternoon. - Hillman started
up. with, a whoop and the man fled, tak
lnth shoes with him, and as the victim
later discovered S2S in bills which ho had
secured -from the laborer's pockets by
cutting them open with a pair of sheors.
Besides the shoes and cash, the evil one
also made way with Mr. Hlllman's hat,
gold ring, a knife and a pair of cutf
buttons. Mr. Hillman .told the officers
at the station that lite (ji a great city
has Its difficulties, and expressed his
Intentions of returning to the peace and
quietude of New York City at the earliest
Henry V. Kleser, of Kleier'a book store,
has just received some mors interesting
tablets from Edgar J. Banks, who has
probably mode more explorations Into
Qabylonian- history than any man ot
the present' time and who' but recently
returned 'from there, bringing with him a
large number of tablets. These were
found by' Arabs, under his direction. They
all bearInktrlptlons 'which are readable
to men who understand the helroglyphlc
languages. These tablets have been
scattered, through the ' United States,
among about forty museums and public
libraries, including the Congressional
'lbrary at Washington. .It is possible
:hat come of them will be retained In
lie city for the Omaha Public library
md museum. They are of a peculiat
construction, representing materials
I mewhat like modern -clay. They art
.oi y llsht and yet the substance seemi
ja be quite hard. The Inscriptions arc
' ore like fine carving. They will be ar-
an-ed so that they can be seen and
r&rd'ed by those Interested, in the
Kier book store, in the Young Men's
christian association building. Many of
ihtiri are 6.000 years old.
Beginning with the. first' Sunday in Oc
tober the Omaha ! Philosophical society
will resume Its Weekly meetings at Labor
Temple, Nineteenth. and. Farnam streets.
Opening addresses at the assemblies will
be limited to forty minutes and discus
sions to ten minutes, excepting in such
Instances when occasion seems to warrant
an extension.. . An ;ef fort will be' made to
start the meetings promptlyrat 3 o'clock
and closevthenatiCrrfeldckTho'pfrJnf
of speakers- ror;ah MMMy$ir'iitf
laws: - Wr"' " '
October! fdk VWotyraitti, vprotec
tlon Ar Free Trade" . . r l '
October 12-h: ' W, - -WorroW, .' i'Ettt
clancyy ' 7 '
October 19--C. G Cunningham 'The
Man of Galilee."' '
October 267-. A.' C. Kennedy, "The
Mexican Situation-."
November 5-Dr. C. B. Atzen, "The Hu
man' Organism ' as an Adaptive Mechan
ism." November 9 Edwin 8. Jewell. "What
Attitude ot Mind Produces Greatest Satis
faction?" ,
November 10 Rev. W." .Jasper Howell,
"Thomas Paine."
November -J, J. Points, "Interna
tional Arbitration and Universal Peace."
November 20 Itev. F. P. Ramsay,
"Something Primary in Ethics."
December 7 T. W. McCullough, "Func
tion of the .Newspaper."
December 14 Frank G. Odell, 'Trend of
American Education."-
December 21 William F. Baxter, "Use
of City Credit"
December 2S-0tcv. J. A. Jenkins, "Phil
osophy of Rudolph Eucken."
In accordance W)th a plan for dis
tributing library ' . delivery stations
throughout the city, two of these stations
will open Saturday, one at.'thn Saratotra
Drug' company's, Twenty-tou'rth ' street
ana avenue, ana another -atj Hays
restaurant, 919 Cuming street A small
deposit ot' books will be made at t,he sta
tions and a delivery will be made by au
tomobile; three, each week. These
places have been selected because they arp
Important transfer points of the city, and
a large circulation of books Is anticipated,
The delivery statlqns in public, schools
will .open next week for the use of both
grown people ami children, this plan fol
lowing the "open-school" idea recently
advocated. Tho distributions aro as fol
lows: Monday, Castellar school, Eighteenth
and Castellar streets, 1 until 6 p. m.
Wednesday, Monmouth Park school.
Thirty-third street and Ames avenue, 1
until 5 p. m.
Friday Kellom school, Twenty-third and
Nicholas streets, 1 until 5 p. m.
Although these school stations serve
mostly children, they are also for the use
of grown people, and books may be had
here on the same plan as from tho main
library. v
Women's $1.00 Gloves, 65c
'PUB .Gloves are, the .latest stylo for full, In the
mosi invoreu n'lnucn, i nuu i-ci.isp.
kid and lambskin, nverseani. Black,
whit, tan and gray; strictly first
ty. Regular 11.00 values, satur
.pedal, per pair
Boo Sunday Papers for Particulars.
We Feature for Saturday a Remarkable Line of
Beautiful Tailored Suits at $25
Smartly Tailored and Demi-Tailored Creations With That Air of In
dividuality and Exclusiveness so Much Preferred by Every Woman
WTR take reat oride in our showing of Tailored Suits at $25. Those who knowl
VY tell us its by far the best line at the price offered in the city. The best evidenced
of this claim is the fact that those who are undecided and go elsewhere to look in
variably come back here and buy. '
The Latest and Best Ideas Are Included
And the styles and materials aro ot the very newest. There Is a wide range of plain tailored, semi
tailored and dressy models in all tho now colorings and rnany novelties aro shown exclusively
hero. Thora aro sizes tor womon, misses and Juniors, all the advance stylos aro to be found in
this assortment and a visit to our roady-to-woar section will result In your purchase of ono of theso
wonderful suits at. V.
Other Suits in a Great Variety Up to $125
There's a coat for every occasion, tho,
solectton ot materials as-well as stylo
and coloring Is very wide. Prices range
$12.50 up to $125
-portraying a wondorfully. wide range
of stylo, In all tho; most favorod ma-'
terlals. Tho prices range from- :
$19.50 up to $65.00
A' sup'orb display including many 1m
portodtcroatfons.. Expressing that air of.
- Individuality and exclusiveness, Prlcos
y Up to $150
Dainty New
NFW All the now effects
shapes In fichus, chemisettes,
laco collars and sets in no end
of pretty designs..
Somo very special
values for Saturday,
Sample Line of
Hio muni
A T LESS, than the cost of
ri manufacture. This idea:
LedKers. 100 pages
.3&c viluesT..". .-V? .
' '.' . . -2-. ' VtVA -
Counter books, auu pagus,
worth up to 20c, XOC
Journals, Ledgers, Day Books,
etc., worth up to $1.60,
Journals, Ledgers, 400 Q
to 500 pages, choice..
Ledgers and Journals, bound 9 Q p
In ?i leather, Worth' 60c, at fcsu
Letter Copying Books. B00, 700
illd 1,000 pages, J1.00 to QKn
fl.GO values, choice, at, ,. ,
Memorandum Books, 1 fii.Cc.9A
assorted ends ? "
The Greatest Sale of New
Ever Offered By is or Any Other Store in the Country
So Early in. the Season
npHE REASON? Well, here it is, and a. very good one, too. Wo bought tho
1 entire surplus stock arid sample lines -of two of tho foremost manufacturing
milliners in the countiy, D. B. rlSK, Chicago, and JAS. O. JOHNSON, New York.
Trimmed Fall Hats
TO $10.00, YOUR
' Exquisite New-Trimmed Hats
I if $10.00 TO $20.00, YOUR OHOIOE HERE SATUR
V DAY FOR $10.00
Most of tho Jmts were used as show pieces to tho trade.
Having servod their purpose, the makers willingly sacrificed
them. Your opportunity Saturday,
Sale Pure ' Cream
CARAMELS, lb. 21c
SATURDAY will bo car
amel day in our candy
section .when wo will offor
the very best quality car
amels in soverlil
flavors and strict- J I
ly pure, at, lb. . .
Orkin "Special"
HOSE, 50c
THE -iftnd that iriiliive
'flifcifatmoiB abac
tion, bla6k, mercerized
lisle, full fashioned,-
regular, made foot, Cfrt
regular and extra Jlr
sUos, pair , ,
50o Silk Bqot HOSE, 39c
Wornon's, vegetable sliU boot
hose, black, regular fipo QQd
quality, at, pair. .' r
Women's mercerised gauzo.hose,
seamless, black, 'white orngt
tan. Saturday at, pair.. IOr
; Orkin Bros. l$Hh and Harney.:
The executive committee of the-High
School Register, at a meeting held Thurs
day morning, approved the entire ap
pointive ctaff ot claei and department
editor, selected by the edltor-Jn-chlef,
Edmund Booth. The staff of the papei
' have been busily engaged during the
, last week In preparation for the opening
Issue of tho Register, which will be pub
. llshed the latter part of the month,
i A number of Innovations have been
i planned for the paper during the year,
j A standard cover design will be used
I throughout the entire season. An at
' tempt will ba made this year to lncl'ide
! in the school paper more material per
j tclnlng to the course of study at the
! high school.
I The elected staff, which consists of the
editor Edmund Booth; builness map
. ager, Amo Truelsen, assistant editor.
Afarle ITowley. and assistant business
manager, Robert Edwards, felt that In
' former years the material In the publica,
' tlon hM been of a character foreign tc
j the life of the pupils at tho school, and
this year will attempt to confine the
i write-ups almott exclusively to the vari
ous departments In the school curriculum
rri "DrtrtWla fVio Woof 1
is the Aim of Union
Pacific, JSays Mohier
President Mohlcr ot tho Union Pacific
la back from Salt Lake City, where. he
nttended a meeting of traffic officials
ot the Harrlman lines. As to what .was-
done, ho says It was simply a sort of a
family gathering for the purpose or dis
cussing traffic problems and discussing
tho matter of getting more people Into
the central west. Bald Mr. llohler:
'The aim of the .railroad Is to put more
people on the land, that It may haul their
products tu market. This may seem
telflsh, but we want to get the lands
peopled and then see the crops move, and
right now we aro figuring out plans to
bring more settlers Into the sections along
our llnea.
"I found the company lines in excellent
condition, owing' to the constant Improve
n ertls which have been made and are
now under way. There Is nothing to sa
relative to future improvements, or ex
tensions, as 'those are matters to bt
taken up later." - -
Traffic Director Wlnchell, who acconv
panted President, Mohier from Omaha,
continued west to-the I'aclflo coast upon
the conclusion of-the Salt Lake meeting.
It Is understood that 'Mr. Wlnchell ex
pressed himself as being well pleased
with the condition of the lines west from
pole. At the station a ' dozen of these
tied to a belt were taken from him us
well as a necklace composed of somo hun
dred or more keys.
Heating Plant at
City Hall Worn Out
Tho heat and power plant at tho city
hall, after ' twenty-two years of servlce,,
is worn out and must bo entirely rebuilt?
The city commissioners are considering
the advisability of installing' a new plant
or accepting tho proposition of The Bee
Publishing company, which proposes to
heat and furnish power for the building,
for $3,200 a year. According to the state
ments in the comptroller's office It has
been costing $4,763 per year for eight years
to operate the plant. The commission
may 'reach a decision at the meeting ot
the committee of the whole Monday, when
.the matter will be discussed.
Peter Janikot, QreeK laborer, was ar
rested .at Thirteenth and Jackson streets
by Officer Franc! and booked at the sta
tion as Insane, When- taken Into custody
Janrkot was climbing ftro escapes In tho
neighborhood and 'then Jumping to the
ground, where he would throw himself
against the walls ot the building In a
manner sufficiently violent to hurt him
self. Prancl Investigated and discovered
that the. Insane ma.n had been kept a
prisoner by his friends for pver a week,
In the hope that he might recover. Ills
friends say that he was laboring under
hallucination that he was a Greek gen
eral and in command of forces who wertf
storming a Turkish stronghold and (hat
they hud placed htm in a room whero
he would hurt no one. He escaped, how
ever, and after his arrest gave officers
Murphy and Krancl qu'te a scare when
he reached" for something ahlr.y In hia
j hip pocket. To their relief Jt was only a
J harmless glass Insulator off a telepraph
flolding Their Grain
Only a fair run of grain Is tielng re
ceived at the Omaha Drain Exchange this
month. With half the month gone grain
men say that only a fair average month's
run can be expected, according to the re
ceipts thus far. In spite ot the wonderful
record run of last month. The farmers
are getting a little more conservative
just now about letting go of their grain
In view of the possibility of even hlghar
prices. later in the winter. Besides .the
demand of the bouthern mills for wheat
has .not yet come this fall, but will come
a little later.
William Gould of the National Live
Rtoclc Commission company of fiouth
Omaha was the butt of many a Jest from
his friends because of the way he lost
on getting his fill of clams at the' Elks'
clambake Thursday. Gould left his office
at the stock yards at 4:15 and hied him
self to Seymour lake club, where the
hake was held last year. Finding no one
there but a fow waiters, he soon found
his mistake, but It was then too lata to
get to Carter lake, several miles away,
in time to get any clams.
Tli Glnit. Ilnnd
Is cen when liver inaction and bowel
ttoppuge files before Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the easy regulators. 23 eta.
For sale by Uaton Drug Co. Advertisement
Hee Our Splendid
Offerings in Kali
Suits and O'cooti
IN buying clothes, you
ivii w vv wiiai.UU
are going to get. Mt, style,
quality of material, tailoring,'. vou
can't tell much about it until' you-see t the
clothes, whether you havo -thenrmade-to.
measure or buy thorn reody.
Don't bo so keen for smart, style that
you overlook tho vital necessity of high
quality the quality of fabric and tailor- ,
ing is tho vory basis upon which style rests. "
Hart, Schaf fner & Marx
Offer the very smartest new styles and
havo back of the style tho highest quality
of all wool fabrics and the very best tail
oring. -
Suits and 0'coats for Fall$t8p
Other high grade makes $10.00 to $25.00
Has the Boyp' Winter Clothes Question
Been Fully SottledT
We're splendidly ready 4b, help
you settlejt right, redy with a
line of Boys' Sjuits- at'-r'
$2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $.$5
Which wo..nover3equaled before
and which wo'ro :confident can
not bo duplicated in Omaha at
the prices. Others' shown up to .
$12.50. 7
Hayden Bros.
Costa Von Noth.
Ing to Look. May
Bava You JlegrU