Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Children's Fall and Winter Bonnets
Juvenile Bonnets of felt,
velvet' Mid chinchilla,
silk lined nud trimmed
with fur, some feather
trimmed, nil . colors,
worth GOc; Satur- rtt
day, on our mnln ZalP
floor, nt, each
JUvenile Bonnets of felt,
bonnets, also lints of
corduroy trimmed with
feathers for frill nnd
winter wear, assorted
colors, worth $1,
main floor, ench
9 p. m.
6-p. m.
5,000 Pairs of Women's Kid Gloves
ttm ' mm n , 1 1 w '
Mtf: Wi All
Mostly 2-clasp styles f fie
Worth up to $2 a pair, at U Jpr
Wg have held great Glove sales beforo,
but never one in which the bargains
were bo wonderful as these.
Theso gloves arc the overstock of samples and odd
lines from one of the most famous importers of gloves
In New York. They are mostly 2-clasp style, In black,
. white nnd a good range of colors, light and medium
weights, in overBoam or plquo, for street, or dress wear.
This offer at the opening- of the glove season should
cause a tremendous sensation. Many will bily a dozen
pairs. Do on '.'and early" Saturday mo7nTniptr"nia1
our selection. 3'hcru are G,00U
. pairs, but think oflhe values'
MaJftrtCy of tlieue slpVe ore pood
lis new,. but very feto of them havo
been allghtl)- "Soiled frith banailn.
UerfUl&r $1, 1.25 and $2 ptoves, but
moro nrh $1.60 snd 5 quality thah
of tho cheaper kind.
What an OpportnoUyl
You can Buy $1.25,
$i.5 & $2 Gloves for
: Jh
rr-. i i, ,
Wo Bought From the Surplus
Stock of a New York Importer .
1 50 Luncheon Sets
350 Pure Linen Table Cloths
Which ire will sell nt bargains Satur
day tiiat were never offered before.
- $4 and' $5 Luncheon Sets at $2.98
All Pure Linen Scotch Damask Luncheon Sets
of very fino yunllty, beautiful floral and con
ventional designs; all 'are hemstitched or
scalloped with Interlock stitch, guaranteed
not to pull out Sizes 30x30. 45x45 and
64x51 inches, with dozen (tc aa
16x15 napkins to match; posl- $A iffl
tivoly worth to $6 the set, at VMV
All Pure Linen Table Cloths, 98c
360 pure linen Table Cloths in beautiful palUrns,
G8x72 inch, hemme I and ready for use; s-
if bought in reyular teat vduldxll foe MAl
$1.60, on our main floor, at, each
Women's fine pnrt Linen Hand
kerchief!, with fancy embroidered
corners; tame rmbrolOrted ell
around with narrow horn; lamu
, plain; also men' plain and Initial
part Linen Handkerchiefs: many
worth 15c, at, ench ,
Wonlen's tOc and I5c ail Pure
Linen Handkerchiefs, with narrow
hems; some scalloped edce; alao
men's plain all Linen, at, each,.
Papers. Wo
will make,
an import
ant announcement
$1 Veils for 50c
Lace drape and thadow bor
dered Veils. 1U yards in
length, black, white r
and all colors, main rjIfC
floor .
rancy Set and Shaflow lace
Pliatlnjr, up to 2 Ins. wide. In
cream, white and ecru. r
worth to 3Sc main I i"lf
floor at, yard aw
Seldllt Powders, 10 in gfj
b-sr. Aspirin Tablets. g q
2 doxeti for
La niache Face Powder. QQfl
all BhadeB " U
Pebcco Tooth Poste. Oflfl
60c size fcuu
Canthrox Shampoo Oflp
COc size 0G
One Dollar Sale of Bags
Wo are able to offer Bags of this quality for
one day only at one dollar, as the result of a
fortunate purchase in the New Yorklnarket. .
An eastern jobbor was willing to sell as practfcally
nil his surplus stock at a price far below the actual value
of the goods. Theso Bags are of real leather in the new
shapes, the now styles, tho new colors and the new flt
- tings. They are all silk or leather lined and are Just the
sort of bags you have been buying nt two and three
times this price.
These Bags will be sold on big bargain, squares on main floor
?2 Bags
$3 Bags
$35Q Bags
A number worth $4
and even $5 each
Real Seal
Real Pin Seal
Real Walrus
Real Morocco
Sale Begins
8 a. ra. Saturday
Gorman Silver Mesh Bags, 4-lnch "frame, 4 inches
deep, kid lined, fringe on bottom,
worth $3 regularly, at
German Silver Ring Mesh Bags, kid lined, 7-lnch
framei' 7 inches deep, one inch frlngoj
Here I News That Will Be Welcomed by the Thousands of
Omaha Women Who $eek Distinction In Tailored Apparel !
We have juit received hundreds of
charming new Fall Models in
. t
w' r. c". : i
, nw otyjies
vwoway , wmi. long veal
Modilt short 'Oottt' tfugtieh
Walking Suits stvtrtly tail
bred styltisvme Mess inodtls.
IT 1 . dTil st km.
te nifftiest uassman-v
Tailored Suits Ever Sold at...
qmen who :rec6'gnPre stylo and appreciate. Hn-
'asiwil, valuea artlMiw -,tfl qbooso these. BUits.
"Fashlonseals"! far sgrpaSB'' any other line of
talior.ed suits for w'omcn. ' aro high class in
every, detail of their making;
New Colors
.' Every, fiea ihqde that'" is now
in favor ntw plum shades
6Iacfc and whit effects greens
light and darkolues-Mrtpes,
Manning ' Tailored'
Suit lor Wo'm" '':
'irieliiainic :mny thdlvfd-'
'ual styles never, mafla
to eell for lt than 150.
Gxtr mly . . attr&otlvn
moillps npw pionentedat
' Special Purchfie
. Tailored Suits
A new lot of' fall Mitts' that'
wduld selt regularly for.6.
AVfe bought them undert
prlco and offer them spei
Clal at "
. . . Women's
Sill: Dresses
Many new models are here
draped ' skirts, plainer
street styles'.- Every now
TXJlor; two special groups at
$15 and $19
Wool Dresses
Street and aeml-dreaa
models scores of clever
ideas that well-dl-essed
women will favor two
tpeclal lots at
$10 and $15
You Om Buy ReaL Silk Boot
Hose at Astonishing Values
Siry we offer hundred of pairs of Wmbwi'i
IHI. urtw tot, fwtt tfuMom,' rrgvUr nwtde,
mhI toec bitxk, , whit mh1
Umey lijhtf ahmVstt, Not a ytUr la
worth HiMi'Mc; at, lHtk-
Wohmm's Pure Silk Booi Hosiery WiUi Wtdo-IMe
Gwrter Toffl Lisle double soles, seamless; also
fine Lisle and Cotton Hosiery with wide ni4
hem tops, full fashioned-, high spliced heels
and toes, black, Uajand whtte, t, pair. . . , fcljr
Men's Ulack muro silk Hosiery, llslo soles, 25is
AVomen's and Men's Black Cat Hosiery, cotton nnd
, lisle flplshod, regular and out alsca-r-many mt.
are run lasnioneu, wmo nem tops, douoio i ric
Misses', lloys
soles; 25o quality at, pair.
' sttil nhildra'a'25o Cotton Lwithpr
School Hosiery, doiiblo knee, at .15
Misaeg,' children's and boys' sizes all perfeot--lngli
necif, long sleeves anddrop seat cream and gray-
sizes IMj to 14 years -worth 75'6, at, suit. . . .
Misses' and Children's long sleeve
Vests ankle length pants to match,
pf fleecy lined cotton; 2 to 14 tg-
illty at, each. . iJ
jxars, 2 Bo qua!
Infanta Fold-over Shrts, In silk
and wool and wool and cotton,
an sues, worm lo ouc; at,
ench . .
load on .bottom, worth $4 and $5, at. . . . . . st lO
' -
These Millinery Values are Remarkable
The womaa who trims her owh hats will find opportunities here that will mean aw appreclablo
wviwe. Wo c$m rexllly say sack Values as these caH b. f buml only at the BrtWHlois Stores.
16-inch oae--piece
la solid black
and solid
aarS8? BUck Velvet UNTRIMMED hats
head; mado j Qraceful new shapes, high backs and high side effects
from prima I small hats, with narrow brims: mushroom sailors: mado
8tQCK;w.orta I entiroly of Lyons velvet, with soft crowna
$4, nt I of blaok silk, brown, French blues, taupe
I ana purpiea; usually priced at so
?fs.J , to. 57; second floor, at
New Soft Velvet
Hats for Street Wear
With soft crown, small
brim or mushroom ef
fects (like cut), black
only, worth Sf 05
$3, at JL
3 Specials Basement Millinery Dept.
AVpmen's Bninnlo Trimmed Hats, worth up to $5,
at J SliSO and S2.50
uors; maao
?0)v Vntrlmtnod Silk Velvet Hats- One and two-
hlfMltfl.tll.M.l.ilt.ll.A. t " .11 1 I . .
and small, worth $1,60 and $1.75, at 98d
Condor Quills-ln black only, second floor, at 25J
Single quill,
with three tips,
uiltoble for th
buk of the
small hats, in
solid black,
jlacli, and. white
mixed, and
Bolld white,
tango, new
blues, cerise
and empire
green, at
f 1.98
About GO do2.
small - black
velvet hats
trimmed in
pink, light
blue, red and
white satin
ribbons, for
girls, ages 4
to 10 (like
cut), at
$1.50 & $1.88
BLUE SERGE DAY, Boys' Section
Wo feature Boys All "Wool Blue Serge
day at these
Suits in, all sizes and all styles Satur
notable pricec.
3uTreiill0 Serge
$5 Blue Serge
Norfolk Suits at
Strictly all wool sorgo, splendidly
tailored; pants are fully lined;- a
Bpecial value for Saturday in our
boys' section, old store.
$1.50 Blue Serge Odd Knickerbocker Pants all
Boys' Long Trouser IQ Cft
Blue Serge Suits
New model yoke Norfolks, of Bplen
dld weight serge, fast color; pant3
are cut semi-peg, .with large outlet
for any width cuff.
wool, fully lined, at SI
94.00 Blue Serge Long Trousers-StrlcUy all wool, heavy weight 82.05
Men's Fall Hats at 95c
Hundreds of Stiff Hats, Telescope
Hats. Soft Crush Hats and uew
Cloth Hats for fall and winter at
about one-half their actual value.
All new, up-to-date style) and
shapes; some mado Jto sell at
S1.2C, some made to sell at I?. 50;
but mobt of tho hats
positively raado to
sell at 92 and 2.00
each Saturday, east
arcade, nt, each.
Kep's Soft and Stiff Hats, Worth up to 53.50, at $1.45
On sale at abo-jt half the regular wholesale price. New fal( styles, In
cluding velours; soma are silk-lined. In gre,en, brown, bluo and bfack;
. n .,,J tf . 1 i 1 . 1 VH1.l. -lit.. i i .
u usg duii uuu Bllil ion una nuu uukiuh vtuu OUIS, 4C
i sen at ys.oo;
Fall Footwear of High Class for Men and Women
In this well equipped and perfectly appointed Shoe de
partment we carry auch well known makes au S. Well,
Now York; Hurley Bros., Rockland; Edwin C. Burt.
New York; Lonsbury & Mathewson and many others ot
national reputation. Wo carry the largest and most
complete stocks west ot Chicago. All widths, AA to EE,
in every style and size. We fit the smallest foot,. We
also fit to perfection those with enlarged ankles or with
broken down arches.
f2.50,. $3.09 and $3.50 values, at
iMpcrters camples af Men's and
Young Mea's New Fall ap
VaUw to $l.ilp. au. ....
Boys!, Hats in all the new college
styles, values up to $1,60, at SI
Sangria lines, of Children's lUh
Rak Hats, with fancy bands, val-
lo II, at . -SO
Prices Range' From $24S to $8
Boys'. BOo Hats and Caps at. 25d
You young fellows should b3
wearing one of these bow-ln-the-back
Soft Felt'Hatir ;flne ones
here in green, tan,- gray, brown,
blue and .alive, at 82 82.59
and S3. And lno famous John
7. Stetson line at 83.50,
4,.MGtrqpqle., 8jiois for Jleu -livery
! and every width In thaw
tlno ho for men; lUck or tans
In ntw English styU vr hlirh tots
In button and blucher lao styles, 9t
Hisd Cross Shoes for Women
Complete fall tock Of tlieue fain-
fSdal avents In Omaha. ! Widths,, at. .
Black Velvet Shoos, with silk
cr&venotto tops, also suede leather,
In black, brown and tray; dull
calfskin, patent coltnkln, with dull
kid or cloth tops; 'this season's
laaU. with low or high heels; also
the straight lace Eng- && MQ
lleh lasts, all sizes and
Shod-Hite Sboss for Boys r.nd
Sixls -Made Ironi selected tervlce
able leathers In jitylca that train
tha firowln foot properly.' Prices
are U to XOO
Oak Hall Shoes for Men Made ot
ftii II nlfalr In in lit t( Inn rtnrl nltititP
1 styles; all aUea. at - 9S.9
Shirt Sale
A great purchase of new fall neg
ligee shirts including many sam
ple shirts from some of the best
makers in the east. All the very
newest patterns. Nearly 1,000 fall
shirts to select from in this sale,
values up to $1.50, at
75c and 95c
Several hundred Men's Sample Shirts, of very desirable qual
ity and the most attractive new fall patterns; values actually
m to fl each; Saturday at, each..
Men's fall weight Union 8ult. white
actually worm i.
-and color
special, at a, suit...., si-sa
Men's 811k Hose, fall welhU worth
to 80c, at, a. pair 3So
Uen'a 15o and SSc Fall Silk Neokwearj
latest, patterns, at 13a
Men's fall welsh t Drby Itlbbcd
Undervhirta and Drawers, at Wc
Men's 35q Usle Suipenders baae-
tnent, at, pair 19o
Boye' sweater Coats with ruff neck
collar. In all colora, 880, 91.60, ai.B
Men'a fall weight Undershirts and
drawee basement at 39o
Mena and Boys' Sweater Osats
---Uaaement worth to 11.60. 78o, 98a
Men'a and Boya" Shirts ili-s la'A
to ITb&aenient, at aso
Men's Sweater Coats, pure woratod
yarna, with large ruff neck and
byrou collar, B2.90. and MM