Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Sulzer Man Who Charged Money
Used in Bringing About Impeach
ment Ordered to Prison.
J. C. Garrison is Taken to Albany
County Penitentiary.
Plan of Friends is to Secure Writ ot
Habeas Corpus.
Thhrents Mnde WeeUn Abo to Appre
hend. Hint! tint Nothing Done, nml
Me Made No Attempt to
Eviute Service.
ALDAN V, Sept. 13. Governor Sulzer's
personal friend and special graft in
vestigator, James C. Garrison, slept last
ntghl lit a cell of. the Albany county
penitentiary. He was remanded! to that
Institution by the sergeant-at-arms ot
the- state' assembly' for refusing to answer
Questions put to, him by the speaker fol
lowing arrest bn a charge of contempt,
"the charge grew out of his alleged
statement several weeks ago that four
legislators sold their votes on the resolu
tion Impeaching Governor Sulzer.
Plans by the Sulzer faction today wsre
to obtain a writ of habeas corpus from
the supreme court for the release of Gar
rison. .Majority leader Levis said today,
however, that"' such action would be Im
possible, as the assembly had plenary
power to punish for contempt'
The appellate, court so hold in a sim
ilar case several years ago. If the courts
should Mold this view, Garrison might be
kept In 'prison until next January, when
a, .new. legislature convenes. The alleged
dfferiseV is unbailable, it is said.
The arrest of Garrison came aa a climax
to a weary evening spent by tho assem
bly in 'an attempt to round up the
seventy-sjx votes necessary to pass ar
ticles of impeachment against Governor
Sulzer. The body finally adjourned at
2:33 o'clock, this morning, after an Im
passioned plea by Majority Leader Levy
for a better attendance when the as
sembly convened at noon today. Tele
grams were rushed to anti-Suiter as
semblymen, who are out of the city,
Urging them to return here immediately.
?ammany, lieutenants were .ordered not
to permit a single man already in Al
bany to leave.- The assemblymen, ara
therefore virtually praonew,Ji.the cnyt
' Arr ftaW'4iWWV
. GarrltonX arrest, was almost), as great
i surprise to many members of the legis
lature' fts "It wM-td him. Threats wete
mida several -yks sio to arrest him,
but nothing ever was done and He -made
no attempt to evade service. He Has been
around Albany cdntfnuotisiy since the
impeachment proceedings began and a
few minutes before his detention last
night was strolling about the halls of the
Court Refuse to . Entertain Clial-
, Jentcew Akainat Four Members.
ALBANY Sept 19. Governor Sulzer'a
lawyerslost their first fight In the high
court of Impeachment today when' the
four senators challenged by the defense
were permitted to retain their seats.
" The v6te, which was on the question of
whether, tfce, court should entertain the
Cbaljtnges, was unanimous against such
procedure', The four senators directly
ioncernd-rFrawley. Wagner. Rams
perger arid ' Banner did not vote.
' immediately following the vote of the
court the reading of the long article of
impeachment was begun.
Although Presiding Judge Cullen had
tie rlglit lo decid the question of the
qualifications of the senators for .holding
their seats, he. djd not, take advantage of
this prerogora.tlye. , He .first expressed his
opinion. .that th.9 objections were not well
grounded and then- permitted the entire
sourt to.vdle on the issue,
.In addressing the court Judge Cullen
said that no court had the right to sit
In Judgment pn any one .ot its. members.
In this,, he said, a court differed from a
,jury, the qualifications of members of
' which mjght bo decided by the courts.
The. vote came after a morning of legal
argument between Judges Herrlck and
Parker, representing the defense and the
prosecutloni respectively. Judge Herrlck's
chief argument was that no roan might
sit both, as prosecutor and Judge.
In reply Judge Parker said the mem
bers of the court were here as repre
sentatives of the whole people, that the
people established the court of impeach
ment in the beginning and that none
other than the people had a right to
remove their representatives.
The scene within the court room this
morning was vastly different from that
presented yesterday. Less than halt tho
seats In the gallery were occupied at tho
opening' of' the arguments. Throughout
the morning spectators moved In and out,
but at no time were all the seats filled.
Prospects of a witness being sworn soon
afier the articles of impeachment were
read brought a 'crowd, this afternoon.
Then out of curiosity to see what'the
assembly was doing he strolled into the
shamber The doors swung Inward easily
foj him; but when he attempted to de-
(Contlnued cn Page Two.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. in. Saturday: '
For Omaha, Council Bluffs .and Vicinity
-Fair and continued. coo L
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday
Hours. Dejr.
6 a. m..
6 a. m..
7 a. m.
8 a. m.
9 a, m.
10 a. m.
11 a. m.
1 p. m.
2 p. m.
3 p. m.
i p. m.
6 p. m.
p. m (3
7 p. m 63
8 p. m M
Attorney General Martin Rules on
Who May Vote.
Man Who Declares Intent to 11
come Cltlsen. nnd After Seven
Yenm Doen Not TnUe Second
Tapers, Not Barred.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, SeiU. W.-(Speclal.)-The
election commissioner of Douglas county
must permit a man to register and vote
who has made his declaration of Inten
tion to bocome a citizen of the .United
States, even though seven years elapse
without his taking out his naturalization
Such is the opinion of Attorney General
Martin, after having the proposition put
up to him by County Attorney George A.
Magney ot Douglas county, Election
Commissioner Moorhead having refused
to register voters who hpd not com
pleted their naturalization papers after
seven years.
In his opinion Mr. Martin says:
"The right of suffrage conies from the
state and not from tho federal govern
ment. The United States government Is
given no authority whatever to prescribe
the qualifications ot ovters in the states.
By the fifteenth amendment the states
were prohibited from discriminating
against any citizen ot the United States
In the matter of voting, but the nation
dl dnot pretend, ahd has never pre
tended, to say. who should be the voters
In tho respective states.
Cites Constltnlon.
"In Nebraska, the constitution grants
suffrage to male residents of the follow
ing classes: First, citizens of the' United
States. Second, persona of foreign birth,
who shall have declared their Intention
to become citizens conformably to the
laws of tho United States on the sub
ject of naturalization at least thirty days
prior to an election.
"This grant does not appear In tho
least amblguotls. It purports to grant to
the man of foreign birth, who, conform
ably, to the laws of the United States
on the subject of naturalization, has de
clared his Intention to become a citizen,
the right to -vote, The legislature can
not Impair this right of this class of
voters. As soon as they have, in a
proper court, taken the proper oath, .they
are ovters, under our constitution.
Whether or not they complete -their
naturalization is a matter to which the
constitution of the state of Nebraska ap
parently is indifferent Tho state hoa
delegated to these men the' rjgfyt of -suffrage
upon their taking .out their first
Right to Vote Stays.
:"I take it that no other power but the
state could'deprlve them of that, right of,
suffrage. JThat their papers become obsoj.
lete, so far as naturalization I; concerned,
fee true, ijut, they.J&wV'lW tytitl,
i for tho pUflft.o' stourlnrtoj -&BA
if train. " . - 1
b force
or suffrage.
"In' the t;ase of Huher against Rclly
63 p4 BU if tnr f edefftl law which for
feited' the citlzeriahliJ of a lesertcr was
brought in question. Ori who waa
charged to be a. deserter from the United
States army tendered his billot on elec-i
tton day, and the Judges of election' rei
fused to receive It onthe ground that he
was a deserter . and was', disfranchised.
The ' Pennsylvania court held that con
gress may deprive a citizen of the oppor
tunity to enjoy a right belonging to him
aa a" citizen of a state,' even the right of
voting, but' it cannot' deprive him of the
right -itself. The court further held:
The power to determine Who shall or
shall not be a voter In a state belongs to
the state Itself, and the constitution of
the United States elves congress no power
to prescribe the qualifications of electors
In tho states.
No Distinction In Classes.
"Citizenship In the nation and suffrage
In the. state are ordinarily. 'held by the
same person, but it is not necessarily so.
The right to vote In the state of Ne
braska Is granted to either a citizen ot
the United States or an alien who nan
taken out his first papers to become a
citizen. There Is no distinction between
these two classes of voters in the consti
tution of the state of Nebraska. The
alien who has taken, out his first papers,
and who under the present law lets seven
years expire without completing his nat
uralization, is not a citizen of the United
States, but If he has resided In the state
of Nebraska the time required under 'the
constitution he is a voter In Nebraska.
and tho federal law, putting a limitation
upon his declaration of intention',N.doe3
not disfranchise him as a voter In tlto
state of Nebraska,
"In my opinion, the election commis
sioner of Douglas county should permit
a man to register and vote who has mado
his declaration of Intention to become a
cltlsen of tho United States, even though
seven years elapse without his taking-out
his second papers."
Disastrous Prairie
Tire Near Iroquois
IROQUI8. S. D.. SeDt. 19. (Sneclal.l A
'disastrous prairie fire, which was set by
sparks from a railroad locomotive, swept
over a wide extent of territory some miles
west of Iroquois. A strong- wind was
blowing from the south and the tire made
great headway through the dry grass
and undergrowth, which burned like tin
der. Hundreds of farmers turned hit to
Jflxht the fire, and delegations ot'flre
fighters also went to the scene from
'Huron. Iroquois, Cacour and other town
By a hard fight the flames were extin
guished. Had It not been for tho as
sistance received from outside sources,
.the losues from; the fire would 'have heen
much Kreater. Among those who were
losers by the fire were John arrell and
Joseph Murphy. The former had nlno
stacks of grain destroyed by the flames,
while" th latter lost a number of 'hay
stacks and a larga quantity of -barley
which was In the stack. The fire was'ona
of the worst to sweep oyer this region
In many years and. created .much excite
ment and alarm.
PIlSnitB, a D., Sept 19.-8pecJal Tele
gram.) P. W. Daugherty, the attorney
for the State Railway commission for
several years, today announced his can
didacy for the position of railway com
missioner for the second district to suc
ceed F C. Robinson.
cmosivvo under ueds and
it Own Body, Killing Him
self and One Daughter.
Wife Separated from Him Six Weeks
Won't Take Him Baok.
Crawls Into Bed He Supposed 'Was
Her's, but Was Not.
Four Sticks, Unexplodcd, Found In
nnlna Onlr One, that Attached
to tho Man's Body, Ex
plodes. BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Sept M.-Care
fully selecting tho places whero he be
lieved the most damage ivotild be done,
Mack Hurst, BO years old, a stone mason,
early today blew up his home hero with
dynamite, killing himself and his 17-year
old daughter, Maud, and Injuring two
other children and stunning his wife.
The Injured:
Fannie -Hurst, IS years old, one leg
uruKen anu ooay lacerated. ,
Kltzabeth Hurst, 6 years old, severely
cut and bruised. ' ' ...
Mrs, Rcna Hurst, tD years old, stunned
by explosion.
Hurst had been separated from his wlfo
for six weeks and yesterday she refused
to take him back. It Is belloVed that he
men Insanely determined to kill himself.
nis wire ana eight children.
That tho mother and dautrhtor hn.i
changed beds for tho night cost the
daughter her life. Hurst, utter putting
a suck or dynamite under each of the
three beds In the house, tied two sticks
to his own body and crawled Into the bed
he supposed was his wife's, but in which
mo three daughters,. Maude. Fannie and
Elizabeth, were sleeping.
Fannie spoke to her father. "Lay
still," Hurst replied, "we will nil die to
gether." Before the Klrl could move the ex
plosion rent the house and m-nni th
ehtlro city. Tho two Injured glfls were
sent to a. hospital, Four sticks of -dj-na
mite, unexploded, were found In the
ruins and the fact that only one, and that
one attached 'to iHursfa
Imploded, accounted for the escape of the
ouier-members OPthft family.
HeSided with the
lobby commilt'eoAQ'day-'Kear'd former Rep
resentatJva' CHarfts 4x tAHilHArt M
Maine iwho MaHW Mllihall. former lot.
bi-UL.for the, 'National" ' Association -of
Manufacturers testified waa one of tho
chjef allies of that, 0rgapl.zat.l9n. .in the
house. " ' " f
Mr. Llttlefleld testified that beginning;
wim his entrance to congress In ISO
until ho freiignfcd (n 1908 he found'nti
active, energetic and powerful labor lobby
noadea by SttraUel aompers." When Gom
pers oppo4d legislation, Mr. Llttlefleld
said, many members of the house foun
It convenient to side with labor, Mr.
Llttlefleld 'said he did not lntendto criti
cise members of the house for their po
sition on' labor bills.
"But," he explained, "when Clompers
and the labor people became active the
tall timber was thickly populated and
there was plenty of space In the open."
Mr. Llttlefleld frankly told the com
mittee, that his views on labor legislation
coincided with those of the manufactur
ers, and that early In his congressional
career he gladly accpted"the aid of the
National Association ot Manufacturers
through Marshall Cushlhg, then Its Wash
ington representative.
"Cushlng was doing what he could to
counteract the Influence of Gompers and
the Federation Of- Labor," said Mr. Lit
Llttlefleld. sold Mulhall went to his
district In 1S0G to help In his campaign.
"The mora I saw of Mulhall," said
Ltttlerleld, "the less I liked him. I told
the' National Association ot Manufactur
ers not to send n'm to mY district again."
Llttlefleld, added that in his campaign
he faced the opposition of Pamuel Gom
pers and the American Federation of
Motor 'Bus Men in
London on Strike
LONDON, Sept. 19. Not a single motor
man or conductor employed by Uhe Till
ing Omnibus company, whose action In
ief using to recognize the union Id likely
,to bring about a general strike ot trans
port workers In London, went to work
this morning. Many motor bus lines from
the south to the north of London were
entirely suspended, causing, great Incon
venience. A few of the old horse omni
tu's were put on the streets for the first
tint In .several years.
There was no disturbance In the
vicinity of the motor bus sheds, although
the strikers gathered there In groups,
waiting for their comrades employed by
other companies to Join them at mid.
St vera! conferences were held in th
course of the morning between the omnl
bus men and the representatives of this
employes of the Amalgamated Tube sys
tem. The action of the latter In case of
a striko was discussed. Practically the
entire press of London supports the men
In their, demands. Many of the news
papers declare that the point In regarA
to the wearing of union badges should
never have been raised.
T.he National Capital
Friday, September 10, 1013.
The 0enate.
Not in session; meets Monday.
Banking committee contlnuad h
on administration currency bllL
The House.
Not In session, meets Monday.
From the New York World.
Missouri Valley Society Votes to Re
turn Him His Manuscript.
Dr. Flaveli Tiffins; la Elected Presi
dent nnd Lincoln In Bedded
' ,. te. Next FtaBa
V& rf Meetlnsr. v
.AvlK". h,teani,rql!er.t!lat waa
toJukWWhl 6tefkl!dV fcjrtittia Missouri
Valey Medical society' at llm hi
lucBun yesioraay, put It was Just a
piain trip hammer that squashed Dr. I
A, Merrlatn of Omaha for his pointed
remarks on mercenary surgery mado
Thursday, It is customary to .publish the
proceedings of the society's meetings In
me Medical Herald each year, with a
full report of the papers read. Just h.
fore adjournment this aftemooh-someone
bobbed, up and made tho motion that Dr.
Mcrrlam's paper be not published in the
Medical Herald, and that it bo returned
to the .doctor. The -vote was unanimous
for the motion.
In the course of his remarks Thursday
Dr. Merrlam had dwelt a great deal on
tho commercialising of surgery and the
practice of medicine, saylnir that SO nr
cent of tho surgical operations were need
lessly perrormed to extort money from
the unfortunate. lie spoke of annemil.
cltls and floating kidney us fashionable
fads that would have their day.
Dr. Flaveli Tiffany ot Kansas City was
elected president for tho coming year.
Dr. Qranvlllo Ryan of Des Moines was
elected first vice president and,Dr, Aus
tin McMlchael of Rockport, Mo., secdhd
vice president. Dr, Charles Wood Fas-
sett of Bt. Joseph was elected secretary
and Dr. Oliver C. Gephardt of St. Joseph-
The society decided to go to Lincoln for
the meeting the fourth Thursday and
Friday of next March.
1,1 1 f
Next Encampment
01 the Grand Army
to Be Held at Detroit
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. Sept 19.-De-
trolt, Mich,, today was selected as the
meeting place of the 1914 national en
campment of the Grand Army of the
Republic and allied organizations.
Military Maneuvers
Held Above Clouds
GENEVA, Switzerland. Sept. 19.-A re
markable prograrn of military maneuvers
above the clouds was brought to an end
today by 600 mountaineers forming part
of the Alpine section of the Swss army,
who have been engaged for some days
in a series of movements among the high
est peaks of the Alps. The final maneuver
was an attack on an Imaginary enemy
In occupation of the Egglshorn, a moun
tain 10,000 feet high.
The . battalion of 000 hardy Alpinists
descended this morning from the Jung
frau Joch, 11,1(0 feet high, where thoy
had bivouacked In the snow throughout
the night They executed a forced march
across the perilous Aletsch glacier dur
ing1 a -snowstorm without the loss of a
man from fatigue and concluded the feat
by storming the Egglshorn lielghts.
Nebraska Coal Rates
Ground for Damages
""From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19.-(6peclul Tele,
gram.) Tho A. IJ. Currle company of
Omaha has filed a complaint with the
Interstate Commerce .commission aga'net
the Chicago & Northwestern railway that
the rates upon coal chipped by thorn to
various points In Nebraska and Iowa
were unjust and asks 1 530 damage.
His Crown of Thorns
. - ; -
Mae Evans Given 25
Years for Killing
Brookings Professor
SIOUX FALkS, "B. D Sept. 1.-Judgri
W. Jones, in circuit court, this attorn
hoon sentenced Mrs. Mae Evans to
twenty-HYo .years' Imprisonment in the-
4 j2J rD.r; J Moore,
a pro(ojM
Jb ths
a Htttte Agricultural college at
BrookntiUahd- fOfrrfotiy fctnte ye$
Tile tragedy drWoilt Uf olf ' Illicit!
lov affair. -Mrs. Evans plehded 'guilty'
to manslaughter. When the sentence waa,
pronounced she became hysterical.'
Iowa Orator Speaks at' Session of
Methodist Conference,
Widow of Late Ohnnccllor llnntlntr
ton Gives: Each ' Conference
Member Hook from Li
brary o f Dlvlnei ' '
(From , a Staff Correspondent;)' - "
LINCOLN, Sept. lS;-(Spectal.)-Rev,
Ttus Lowe. D. 'Dj. of. CedarJ'Fatls, 'lu.,
;gavp an address to the Nebraska, 'Meth
odist conference today In -tho t Interest of
tho Woman's Foreign Missionary' society.
The subject- ot his address was, "The
Emancipation ot "Women In Heathen
Lands." ! Mfs. '"Frank i. Bristol' wife of
Bishop Bristol, presldod. '
Tho whole conference afterward' went
to University Place to vJs'tWsl'oyan.
university, At'8 o'clock thero' wa's'a'ban-
fluet,' given free of coat to the '"members
of trfe ''conference, In the church' at' Uni
versity Place, 'At the close o.f the, ban
quet Rev. Thomas Nicholson, (D. D .of
New York City, secretary of. the,' Board
of Education, gave an address.
Bishop Uriat&l Is holding long sessions
every afternoon nnd evening with the su
perintendents. Rev. B. A. Worthley, a
member of this conference, Is slated as
pastor to the state university students,
- This morning the standing of the under
graduates tho young men Jn the confer
ence courso of study wis reported.
Rovs. Thomas C. Primly, Harry W.
Wagner, Earl B. Bowen, Vincent It.
Rcebe.. Joel J. Burke, Charles F. Innls,
Grover.C. Albln. Ralph M. Fagan and
Charles F. Luscher were all passed and
graduated from the course of 'study and
will be ordained elders on Sunday after
noon by Bishop Bristol.
Continued Konrth Year.
The .following inen were continued In
the fourth-yea'r class for the reason they
did not make up the work: Revs, F, B,
Klrby, Orln F. Chesbro, W. F. Harper,
Max A. Jeffords, Alfred . Chamberlln,
George H. Wise, D. W. Parker, Joseph
H. Smith, .Kmmet .Mitchell,, Clarence V.
Powell, Carl G. Bader, Carl F. Stelner
Ezra B. Koontz, R. J.' Hallow, Arthur A.
King, K. P. Klllbourn, John T. Rowman,
John B. Wylle,. Paul B, Wright, Lyman
(Continued on Page Two.)
Tomorrow the Best
Tke Sunday Bee
Cpmmissioners Opposed to Having
Election Before November.
Cltr Da dd Da Net Want to Burden'
the IV oplc , iflfl
. Elections, f Clftse
rule chartr -will Mm-
rh tied toA pota-of ti pf&lji;ffore--.thii
gnrair blfctlon 'npV5rirfnd It may
gj oyer for k tpeClaj election in Iho
spring, -this Is tne "cofira deemed triost
advisable- by the city commissioners, wjjo
are suppdrtlng the oharter.
F. A. Nsh. president of the Auditorium,
association, conferred with City; Commis
sioner Daft B. Butler ahd othericlty offi
cials today and 'the probability of submit
ting n, proposition to .vote 3ii,00d- bonds
for tho purchase, of tho Auditorium was
U Is Sir. Nash's opinion that-tf Audi
torium bonds .should not be "tied up with
other bonds' and as-the Board of Edu
cation! intends to auk. for Sl.SS.OCO and
the library board.for JKO.OOO at the next
iseneVai election he favors postponement
ioi ino cnaner election or eise.a special
election lh 'November at which tho char
ter arid the Auditorium bonds only would
,bo submitted.
City cqmmlssloners nro opposed to so
'many elections in- one year and will re
quest the Board of Education and the 11
brary;b6ard to submit their propositions
at the general' election In November.
I Attorneys say the' home rule' charter
plectlon may be postponed until spring
or until an later(date.
Senate Agrees to Put
and Silk Products
WASHINGTON, Sept. W. Two lmpor
tant. steps toward cotapletlng the tariff
bill were made today when tho demo
cratic conferees decided to retain a mod
erate duty on angora goat hair and mo
hair and to free list ferro manganese ore.
Tha houso had put In a duty of IS ner
centj ad valorem; 6n ferro manganese ore,
or wnich there, are large Imports for steel
manufacturing purposes. The decision to
free list it followed a decision of. tho con-
ferees to free list pig Iron and other
cheap grades of Iron and cut down the
nouse rates on many forms of manufac
tyred Iron.
The , senate yielded . In Its demand for
free angora wool and the confer! rnm.
promised on aneora wool, mohair nnd
yarns and clothing made from angora
goat wool. The figures adopted were not
made public, but are understood to be
about midway between the house and
senate rates. ,
The senate gavo way today In its d.
mand for specific rates in the silk ached,
ule, levying a definite duty on each pound
of Imported silk products. The i
valorem plan, proposed by the house, was
adopted with slight reductions on certain
Soldier Shot While
on Picket Duty
CALUMET, Mich., Sept, W.-Whl!e oh
Picket duty at the Isle Royale mine, the
copper miners' strike cone today, Ran
dolph Harvey, a militiaman, was shot
from ambush and wounded in the arm.
A general alarm was sounded, but sol
diers and deputies found no" trace of the
wouiu-ue auasMin.
A big demonstration Is planned by the
Western Federation of' Miners at Calu
met Sunday noon. The. strikers will be
addressed by John H. Walker, president
of the Illinois Mine Workeis.
Speoial Court Appointed to Investi
gate His Death Reports After
Six Months' Work.
Agent S&ys Major Cardenas Boasted
that He Killed Hadero.
Number of Leaders in Sonera Want
Supreme Command.
United "tntes Not Bare thnt HIa
Klectlon "Would Mean the Estab
lishment tot it Stable- Gov
ernment. '
MEXICO CITr, Sept. lK-The deaths of
tho lato Francisco 1, Martero and Vice
President Jose Maria Pino Square, were
not brought about by a punishable crime,
according to a decision pronounced by
the military court here, tod ky.
The Investigation laMed .tlx months,
U was started by the- military comman
dant ot the federal district, immediately
on the conclusion of the ten days' battle
In the streets of- Mexico City last Febru.
ary which -resulted In Provisional -Prest-'
dent Huerta'a coming Into power. The re
suit ot the commandant's Inquiry waa for-.
warded to tho permanent military trU
bunal, which continued the examination
of witnesses.
Among those called by tho court to, give
evidence was Major Francisco Cardenas,
who commanded the escort which con
veyed President Madero and; Vice PpesN
dent Pino fluarex from the national palace
to tho penitentiary. Two subordinate of
ficers ot rural guards' and a, number o
residents In tho vicinity of the Jail, also
were examined.
DUkeriainna Amon Hehels.
Dissension among the leaders of the,.rb
els In the state of Sonora are grdwmg.
All' are seeking to obtain sola command
of the rebel forcos, according to, a re
port, sent here today by Adolf' Ollvares,
paymaster general of the federal troop.
Ollvarea was captured by adherents bt
Carrapxa, the constitutionalist lefcaer, at
the battle of Santa Roa, hut suced4
Jn escaping; recently fr&m Hermatitto.,
Ollvares sys cenMttotM' In Wwmel;la
ore very bad. The rbel troorw. thr; J
Atclamla. hays at -bMsr, telHfdr cdstf
me and ara reiuatns to csttatDM.U
mijtteh" Tfie olhir relUi leas are Hi
redogtilied , by. tho rvolUtlc-rilrl p4
have great difficulty In enforblng their
' Calln " Crt FaK.
WASHINGTON, .Sept. 19,-fenor Peres
Romer6, brother-in-law of the i&te Presi
dent MddcY6 ifnd cdnfldeiitlM Agent hero
af the Mexican' constltutlonatUts,charAo
tcrlzed tho- roport of the ihveattgattrig
committee as a . "t area,.". ,
"From Independent channels and. from
all evl'dchce 'that wo hive' Athe'redi" ho
said, "we have learned that Major Fran
clsco Cardenas frequently, has boasted' lh
many public places that he had . killed
Madcro himself, y.ct he was neve even
taken into custody.
"I personally - made an Investigation'
after Be nor Made ro was killed, visiting
every house for many1 blocks 'aloriar tho'
route' that the automobile was supposed'
,to have passed, but I could find no one
who heard any .shots fired. All. our evi
dence shows that both President Madcro
and Vice President guares were mmmI-
naUd, In the national palace before beJns
(token. to the. penitentiary." ;
Recall s'ef "Diait IntereMlnaT.
NeWs tfixt Oeneral Felix Diaz, nepttew
of PorflrloVpiaz had been recalled- to
Mexico' to becomo tho candidate ot the
Huerta faction in the coming presidential '
election, aroused much interest here in
official circles.
The general feeling was that the re
turn of Diaz meant a compliance with
President Wilson's principal demand, -that
General Huerta should not be a
candidate. Ho far as auguring an era;
of peace, however the outlopk wm de
scribed aa discouraging. While, the Amer
ican government is on record with a
promise to extend recognition to tho
government set up by. a legal' and frea
election, it is said, to be practically cer-
(Contlnued on Page Two.)
Worry- ftnd Bcurry, haste and;
'waste go hand in hand. They
are a troublesome quartette
and should be, avoided by all
thoughtful people.
You find you have a great
many things to attend to this
fall, 'Your house needs refur
nishing, the children need new
clothes and hats and shoes,
your own wardrobe. needs over
hauling and certain additions
must be made to it to meet tha
demands of the coming season.
True enough.- but why worry
Plan intelligently your fall
campaign of purchasing and
your work will become pleas
ure. Before you buy anything,
read the advertisements In .Tha
Bee and ' you will ' find - many
valuable hints and suggestions
as to what the most reliable
shops have to offer you;1 'f
Then make, up your min,d
peacefully and go about your
buying with all the worry
sttte M -Hoiiet lcor)(nJr the (iy.