Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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" " ' i '"
The Omaha daily bee
Entered at Omaha poslotflce as second
cla matter.
Sunday Be, ons year too
Saturday Bee, ons year -W
Bally Bea, -without Sunday, one year. 4.00
Dally Be. and dunday. one year.... 6.00
Evening and Sunday, per month. ..
Evening, without Sunday, pr
Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo.Bc
Dally Bee. without Sunday, per mo. tc
Address all complaints bf Irretolarltlea
in deliveries to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by draft, express or poital order
payable to Tha Bee Publishing company.
Only 8-cent stamp received n payment
Of small accounts. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha The Be building.
South Omsha-231. N Street
Council Bluffs-H North Main Street.
Lincoln-is Little building,
cuicanc 1 Hearst building.
Naw York-Room 111, tit Fifth Ave.
St. Louls-WJ New Bank of Commtrco.
Washlngton-ta Fourttenth St.. N.
Communications relating to nsws ana
editorial matter hould be addressed
Omaha Be. Edltonal department.
State of Nebraska, County of Doujlas. s
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
of Tha Bee Publishing company, being
duly sworn, saya that the average dally
circulation for the month otMwtUJiu,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my pretence and sworn
to before mo this h day of Ssptgmbor,
Notary Public.
afcserlbera Irnylns ltr
tetaporartlr afconld hare The Ilea
Mailed to thou. Address Trill be
etiBB4 oa often mm reacsied.
Dova. with the caucus!
No sign yet of Does Howoll putting
his back, '
An auto race track tragedy might
bu couated a sensation, lf not bo com
The Poetry of Antumn.
That tho weather ran a Aid his Worst
to us for moro than throe months, all
will admit: but why not lot by
gones be bygones and face the future
with faith even In the weather man,
who Intimates that ho will never,
never do It again? Why not forget
and forgive, at least forgive, and look
to the coming weeks of a typical Nc-
braaka'autumn, which Is a season for
tho gods? Into It wo have plunged
In a night but out o It we shall not
emerge till winter's snows enshroud
us, and In the meantime wo shall
enjoy the most refreshing, invig
orating and delightful season of the
year. ,
"1 am the poem of earth," said the
voice of the rain,
And, there Is just enough of this
poetry In a Nebraska autumn to
moisten and nweeten the earth and
tho air and the aromas exhaled by tho
dying leaves and foliage. If ono time.
Is more adapted to tho spirit of such
forgiveness than others, surely it Is
this time of tho "melancholy days,
(he saddest of tho year,' but niso tho
most Joy-Insplrlng.
comtiixp rn
SEPT. 10.
bre r I Left
"p poo
Score One for the Real Eitaters.
Tho Dee is pleased to find occasion
to commend tho Real Estate exchango
for turning down a resolution de
manding full publicity of the disposi
tion of tho School board's tornado
fund. Tho trusteo of that fund,
Charles T. Walker, In an open letter
has given tho public a frank account
of tho board's part of tho rollof work
In that great disaster, and wo do not
hollo vo anyone seriously questions
either tho legality or the propriety
of the appropriations mado by our
various public bodies to meet a groat
Certainly, tho appropriation of
money by the School board Is Just as
legal, and just as proper, as tho op
propriatlons mado by the city council
At... t .t m.
if .in .nn ..f it,. n..i una oy mo uauiuy ooara. me
refer to them, again as paBtr0B School board undertook to distribute
its assistance to its .own employes
through a spoclal committee, whllo
The best way to unravol red tape the city,' for obvlouB reasons, opened
is to cut It out or throw it away, ' appropriation, to tho entire body
spool and all. Iot storm (sufferers, and aaminiBtorea
it through tho Citizens' Relief com-
Oh, of courso. if New York insists, mittee. What the School board did
Hr. Hearst may yet consent to be- to take caro of Its teachors and Jan
tome its mayor. Itors among tho tornado victims to
that extent lightened tho pressure on
What's our boulevard system bo- tho gonoral relief fund in the same
Ida the paramountcy of a storage wny that tho prlvato corporations,
reservoir, anyway?. trme and individuals did by provld-
' 5 1 1 rip rttrnntlv for thnlr own nmnlnvaa
nuii... i r. .. -... I s r --
t Waiver ha exnla ned that the
. iqq HHca iirao is wastea Pomut. wm advised of
on fcollttays,". Here Is wkore Mr. tnn banaflelaries of this School Wrd
UtfWOn SflTMI. j iM nPj tn avntri dnnllra tlnn
which, to any fair-Kilttaed peM
mutt e conclusive proof that H was
administered without favoritism, the
f wrttter fact tijafsUteefc tornado via
tltrorcelv.ed asdstaske eut of)jf
If Mrt. Paakhurst sloee cosao over.
ah ottsM (o kea4 straight for Col
0Mi Watttrsoa's. Cuvrltr-Jourxai
oaTff In Louisville:
Twice Told Tales
nr. Wi!Veva w Amsrkisi ... J than $5,009 demofutratw , eraphat
tfca Mt fd folks ob earth., Well, ,c,,3r tnt tbtiro WM n0 ce'vo
lok wh we kad for a pitre fopd doc wiiy or extravagance.
tr Mil tkoee yers. I no JleK1 estate exenange in uiia
exniDiu wisuom in reiuBing to do-
Perkawi tkla popular denunciation come the agency for an ambuBhed
of the nasty drama in New York Is, attack as proposed.
as usual, Just a BChomo of the play- - -t -'
man to boost his buslnoss, Intenarban Motor' lines.
investments by tho MCKinloy in-
When California contends that, teresta at three strategic points
though tho Japanese may not be an I Omaha, Doo Siblnos. and Kansaa City
taferior race, It J a different race, it are believed to forecast an era of
commands more serious attention, extensive interurban motor line de
velopment in tho rlahest part of the
hi ny Ravin tanen to tne woods, Mlsanurl vailev that should be -
I0!i",.p"..-th' peclally inviting to this capital. The
T i vs I . . . . J i a . l l. i
AjmI the fikilns of Esdraelot sn w"ney inwrowr wica aava ton-
Itwcf r tempt him. w00000 iiunoiB ana inaiana wun in
' ' 1 "' i.iorurunn lines, ouy 10 duhu, ana,
' Wky 4o the city- excuse us. the therefore, must havj plans la wind
W4r district go to tho needless for similar exteaelons in this section.
af malatalalHg and paying That large-slie huiUIng Is.centesa-
nforii than one inaa as its Water Plated may be gathered from tha jmr-
bor4? ported plan to run a una frdm Kan-
eas City to St. Louis. Ia that, hew-
iptaklug of the democratic, houso ever, the Uper country may not find
program, the local democratic organ so much of interest except M lndi
call it "Wilson legislation." Fori eating what may be done elsewhere.
th sake of the truth of history, It Is Tho Dee pointed out at the timo of
ttbly Important to bo thus strictly the purchase 'of the Omaha-Paplllton
ftceurate. , line that where the MoKlnley people
took hold they were not in the habit
W bur city commissioner in charge Lf letting eo. and that their entrance
q the building, inspection depart- tb a field generally meant develop
aeat has his way, local theaters will ment. Certainly no part of the
at least furnish their patrons puro coimtry Is mdro impatlontly awaiting
air, no matter what else they may - Bytem of interurban railways than
Thirty Year Ago -
Claiming to hold the UAse ball cham-
Plonthlp of Nebraska, the Weeping
WAttrs, went up ag-alnst the V. P.'s
for a shut out, as against eight runs
for the local team.
An Immense tC,QGOdound safety deposit
vault Is being put In the Omaha National
Alfred Hurley's houte, Seventeenth and
Farnam, Is being lowered about sixteen
Frank; Ccoley was married to Mist
Fannie Wilson at tho residence of Mrs.
Kllen Wilson on Dpdge street. Both were
formerly employed In the union Pacific
offices In this city.
Mr. W. U Parka, 6f Plttsfleld. Maine,
visiting hts otd friend, Dan Kennlston.
Mr. Parka Is ticket agent of his place
for all the railroads there.
Miss Angela Wells, Miss Fannie Nash
nd Miss Alice Nash of Chicago, return
ing from Colorado, are making a brief
stay as the guetta of the Misses Mc-
ivcnnou on nnerman avenue.
J. II. Kyntr has gone to Denver. He Is
Interested In a railroad cohtract between
Beurna Vista and Le&dvllie.
The mayor has bppo nted C. B. Good.
rich, Milton Rogers and Harry P. Deuel
as appraisers of damages from the
change of grade on Harney, between
Eighteenth and Twentieth, and of Far.
nam from Nineteenth to Twentieth.
A 13S-pound jqunah, grown by Joe
Johnson, east of Ulalr, Is exhibited at
the Poxton, and nearly fills one of the
dining room Windows.
Twenty Years Ago
The Chautauqua college Idea was ap
proved by tho First Methodist folks at
a mass meeting and nv. Frank Crane
Instructed to precede to organise the
Institution, whose chief purpose was the
wholesome entertainment of young
folks In the evening, diverting them Into
proper channels of Influence.
Paul Alexander Johniton, the mind
reader, was In the city peering Into the
mental secrets of some of pur esteemed
citUens, at so much per peer.
Hon. ' George Helmrod and rjustav
Pomy returned from the World's fair,
where they had a woMd of fun.
James B, Melkle mado the address at
the opening of the Omaha Law school In
the Bee building and outlined the plan
of instruction for the year.
Charles J, Greene, the Burlington at
torney, went to Minneapolis'1 on business.
Railroads were seUIng round trip
Omaha-Chicago tickets for 113.
William T.JMcCullough of Shenandoah,
la., and Grace G. Kemp of Omaha, and
Thomas J. Ityan and Thercsea M. 8al
rpon of South Omaha, procured marriage
Jonas M. Talmage died at his residence,
tm California street. Plans for the burial
contemplated final resting at the old
home, Syracuse, N. Y,
Tea Years Ago
Two minutes andeiflht seconds, flat, was
the time Crtsoeus, the equine enigma,
the wonderful trotting stallion, made on
the Trl-Clty Amateur Driving club's
tracks, lowering hl own record, He was
paced by. Mike the Tramp, and a White
automobile, and was driven by his proud
owner, George ketohum. In the presence
or 6,990 cheering spectators. The great
animal, .swung with, regal grace arqund
the 'track several times and an he came
In uhdw tho wire with a new record for
his owner, 1,CC0 was turned over to Mr.
Ketchum for his afternoon's work.
Under a veil of deep secrecy, about
forty antl-machlne republicans met tn
the court hfouso at night to plan a- elate
in the forthcoming1 election. Prominent
among thoe present were! H, Vi. Palmer,
K. A. Benson. John Paul Breen, Byron
G, BurbanV. Ed Slmerat, John A. Scott,
Charley Saunders, Billy Ten Byek. John
Ix McCague, John Norberg, G. P.
Young, Bill Blbourn, E. C, Hodder.
Congressman O. M. Hitchcock, ad
dressed the Jacksonton club on "Ens-
llsh Politics." Frank I Weaver was
chairman of the evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph W. Breck'enrldge
celebrated tha fifteenth anniversary of
their marriage by entertaining twenty
four friends at a home.dlnner.
Dr. nd Mrs. B. K, BpaUldtng got back
from a six weeks' trip on the Pacltlo
coast. v
In Mld-Atlantlc.
in the well-known year of 1192 Chris
topher Columbus stood leandlng over the
rail of the good ship Isabella. (See
Petrarch Googly's "Columbue the Gem
of the Ocean.") Suddenly, with Just the
suspicion of a splash, a thought struck
"HI! Bpagetto! nudolphb! Glovanl
Gar LJck!" he cried. And soon his
trusted officers were gathered about him.
(Bee Rlffery Sklnk's "The Christian
Narrtea of Columbus' Crew.")
"What? What?" they chorused excit
edly. "Spyxonl noi lando, nlxlT" (ToU
don't spy land, do you?")
"A thought has struck me," explained
Christopher. , "IJseento." ("Listen.")
"I'll tll It tn vou. It's a.-, rood one!"
(Seo Antonio Spavlnl'a "Columbus' Table
Talk and Beady Repartee.")
The' officers crowded forward expect
"I was Just thinking," said tha great
discoverer, with a sly Italian smile, "I
was Just thinking that It we found the
earth to be flat Instead of round after
all. where do we get off?''
The officers, after laughing politely,
mado a note of It, and this Is said td be
the origin of the slang phrase, "Where
do I got off?" etc. Detroit Free Press,
"B Tank."
During the last presidential election a
political boss Was trying to get a line on
a certain Swedish district tn St Paul. He
stopped oris of the Inhabitants of this dis
trict and Inquired:
"What do you think of the presidential
election this year?"
"E don't know."
What'' about Wilson?"
"B don't know."
"Do you think Roosevelt has any
"E don't know."
"Well, really, who do you think- has tho
best show?"
"K don't know; K tank Rlngllng Bros."
New York American.
'Score One for Optimism.
Beoretary Bryan Is an Incurable optl
mist, and he put down a pessimist au
perbly at a recent diplomatic dinner.
Tli6 pessimist, after pointing out that
food had gono up two-thirds In price
since 'K, that leather was 10 per cent
adultoratlon, and that all the gqod
writers and actors were dead and gone
the pessimist, after this tirade, -groaned
dismally and said!
"IS life worth living?"
Thereupon Mr. Bryan's eye beamed with
optimism, and with an optimist's In
domitable smile he cried heartily:
"Life is worth living better than you
live ltt"-Waahlngton Star.
The Case of Prof. Iternsteln.
OMAHA. Sept U.-To the Editor of Tho
Bee: Tour editorial referring to the
demotion of Prof. Bernstein of the Omaha
High school certainly will appeal to the
sonse of Justice and fair ploy Inherent In
every rightly constituted Individual An
a- graduate of the high school and as a
former student under Prof. Bernstein. U
does Indeed seem odd to me that after
fifteen years of efficient and faithful
ervlce a man's devotlbn to hs work
should be rewarded tn this peculiar
The inducement held out by employers
to young people today who are entering
the business field Is that of promotion
and ultimate success1. This goal as a
rule Is only achieved after years of hon
est -and energetlo service. The reward
should Justly bo commensurate with 'the
quality; 6f cervlco rendered. In Prof.
Bernstein's case It seems that efficiency
and faithfulness In the discharge of his
duties count for naught and that a .cap
able Instructor'a Just deserts, are nqt
worthy of real consideration by tbe
powers that foe.
The professor has always possessed the
faculty 6f jnaklng real friends of his
pupils without In the least sacrificing
the proper dignity compatible with his
position. The entire spirit as manifested
In this affair would seem to Indicate
dlscrlmnatlon. It appears to be small
business tn every sense of the word.
stlli t'ln
Editor Ray A. Wlsner or the Bayard
Transcript was married to Miss Gertrude
Clifton .September 5,
The Magnet Mall camo out last week
In five-column quarto also with four
pages of all home print.
Mrs. J, U Wells has sold the Long -Pine:
Journal to 53. A. Thomas, who tdok',
char of tho paper this week.
.The Albion News has Just enterea Usen
its thirty-mtn year, wun uatvMeran qai
tor and founder; A. Wi,
W. S. Trltes, the new edltoriand prop
rietor of the Superior bailly Journal, has
changed, his Paper from the evening to
tho morning field and added a telegraphic
service and made other improvements In
tne paper.
According to the. Hartlngton Herald,
the editor c-f the Cedar County News
saw one of those much talked of split
skirts while in Sioux City recently hav
lng some engraving done, and adds
Come to think about It. we believe we
have some engraving that we ought to
have done."
slve them.
Cheap power would certainly stlrn
uiata manufacturing industries in
Nebraska. The question is open
however, whether water power devel
this great valley of which Omaha Is
the hub.
On the Broadway Frontier.
Breathitt county had better look
n Ha IniirAln nr "IIMIa nlri Now Vnrk"
opment or a pipe line to the WyomtngL.Ui have them. The old feud haa
,Q8 wou,a 1V0 u" ine enenper broken out afresh between the Hud
power. I . ntiators nnd the Jack SlrroccoB
and according to reports whon these
ancient enemies get Into action
bullet-dodging on the Broadway
frontier makes "high life on the
borders" or low Ufa in tho gin-still
hills of Kentucky seem rorene and
A New York hippodrome wired
Bryan an offer of $300 for a fifteen
minute speech on any subject he
chose, Bryan wired hack regret of
Ma inability to take it. Tho hippo
drome then substituted Al Patzer
and Charley Miller for a boxing bout B!f,Ur0,1
as tbe chief card.
The attacking party of seven, after fir
ing on three men In the other car, halt
a block away, and beimr shot al tn return,
xne vises ana uamineiu famines attempted to speed away.
wish the young men put in jail in-l Thug runs a bulletin from the
lead of the penitentiary, where they I front. Tbq battle was timed to meet
might be thrown In contact with safe-! tho efflux from a popular matinee
blowers, highwaymen and common I theater. Hoopla! "Oh, Broadway,
criminals. By all means, protect Broadway, Isn't it Divine?" A roan
tkee unsophisticated youths from! had a chance for his life in the open
cBtawinatlon. I country of the old west, just as he
haa oren in the wooded hills of the
IB reprinting What Mark Sullivan I .nnth Imt what chancu has hn In the
M)s about Senator Hitchcock's pet congested badlands of Now Yorku
"ttuanrasunB woacco tax, Benator when the bold Broadway frontiers
HIteaeock'B newspaper quite properly men go to shooting?
asm modestly refrains from capltallx-
lag tie quoted reference of Benator Control is the secret of success in
Jfc Sharp Williams, which charap- base ball pitching. So It Is In life
vst j i9 wHyie auneme rs -natr-i ubsii, wcero me man wunouv sen-
krahM." I control loses tho game.
People Talked About
Mayor Kline of New York City started
working' for a living 'at 1 a week. Now
he Is pulling down Sg,t5 a week.
Estimates of the fortune of "Big- Tim"
Sullivan, the deceased overlord of New
York's bowery, range, 'around $2,000,000.
All of it B04s by W1U to two sisters, one
brother and the children of a third sister,
Mrs. Marr Klumn of Allentown. Pa.
1 years old, has been a druggist for
seventy-five years and has not stopped
work. She Is the daughter of a drurgtst,
married a druggist and at his death con
tlnued n business.
H. J. Chateau, tha M1 creosus of Okl&'
hdmc by ttiarrylntf ah ll-ytaf-old girl at
Fort Smith, Ark., on the lth Instant,
squared himself with the federal au
thoritles for his trip to Omaha with the
same girl a few Weeks before.
After living for half a century within
fourteen miles of each other, Joseph T.
Wentvrorth of Saco. and Thomas Qaghan
of Portland, shook hands the other after
noon tor the first time since they were
shipmates In the United Slates navy.
Mr. and Mrs. CJcorge Crittenden -of
Shelburne Kails. Mass.. recently cele
bratcd the sixtieth anniversary of their
marriage by vjsltlnr the house In North
Adams whrre they were married. They
have made this visit every ten years on
their wedding anniversary.
Children who hav heretofore prided
themselves on having more living ances
tors than any other youngsters of thtir
community must now yield the palm to
little M.1sb Josephine Qolden Flourno of
Fttsxeruid, G., who has the distinction
of possessing nine living grandparents.
Sir fiamuel WelHer Qrlffltn. chief Jus
tic of the high court of Australia, now
cn a visit to England, Is the eon of
Welsh congregational minister, and was
taken to Australia at the age of . He
was called to the Queensland bar when
be was Si. Entering the Queensland Par
liament In HTJ, he became attorney gen
eral at 9. and rose to be a premier of
the colony In 1SS3,
Rev. It M. Bryce Is a hard-working
Methodist preacher at Orange. Tex. This
summer, on a vacation ramble, among th
Arizona hills and at a joint about fifty
miles west of Tucson, he noticed a queer
looking reck formation. He took a asm
pte to a friend qf his, a mine superin
tendent It was lead ore with sliver In It,
, and Mr, Bryce has staked out his olalm.
Nebraska Editors
Into consideration- I refer to the fact
that If this coast-to-coast road passes
through Nebraska as proposed, It will run
alone; the line of the Union Pacltlo rail
road, and nearly all the way will. Ho
within the 400 feet claimed by the rait
read company as their right-of-way. In
what hi known as the Townsend case, or
tho Northern Faclflo against Tpwnsend, It
was held by the United, States supreme
court that that read could not sell, or In
anyway alienate Its right-of-way (It had
(09 feet, the same, as claimed by the Union
Pacific), nor could any private person,
or the public, obtain title to It by adverse
possession. If that doctrine should be
held 'as applicable to the Union Pacific
(and th question has hot yet bn Ju
dicially determined) It will be seen that
this proposed road through Nebraska In
volves great possibilities of future trouble
for us lf the State should become a party
to It.
Why then should we give any encour
agement to this proposed road along the
line of the Union Pacific railroad when It
is , bound to be a very expensive propo-
Itlon with no, compensatory advantages?
Novel Tnnco Variation.
Washington Btar.
The Philadelphia father who publicly
spanked his daughter for participating In
the tango Introduced a variation which,
lf set to mUslc. might become a general
and desirable Incident of grotesque dancing.
Around the Cities
Children's playgrounds In Buffalo are
now lighted for use In the evenings.
Portland, Ore., prohibits wearing ol
X-ray skirts" by women In public.
A -Lbs Angeles Judge, the other day,
granted, three divorces in twelve minutes
Des Moines has boosted the pay of
street laborers irom 13.25 to tJ.tO a day.
Montreat collects an annual license fee.
of 10 cents per square foot from electric
Newark, N. J,( Is soon to lose a land.
hiark In tha demolition of a house built
tn IT00.
W. H. Frank, mayor of Poughkeepsle,
N. Y., after six months service, says he
Is disgusted with the Job,
The eaessed valuation of Chlcagp la
d,si!,tJ4, which is one third of th
actual value of the property-
Philadelphia manufacturing concerns
are Installing miniature hospitals tor th
quick care of injured employes.
A move to force six tickets for a
quarter on the street railway company
of Seattle has been tied up in the courts.
The dice game of twenty-six has be
come a gamble epidemio in Chicago, it
is estimated that 143,009,000 Is poured Into
th game In a year.
Disconnected Thoasibts.
OMAHA, Sept I8.-T0 the Editor of
The Bee: A man who attempts to rest
his belief upon principles that are abso
lutely Incontestlble, and Impregnable to
all the assault's of logic, may debate a
lifetime with no other result than In
decision, difficulty and uneasiness,
A man who has no heed of trends Is
usually blest with a large number, while.
as a. general rule, It he really stands in
need of sympathy and favors, he finds
no one who is willing to bestow them;
nothing but the sight of gold will dilate
the heart of a flatterer, and In the eyas
of the average man, nothing Is so con
temptlble as poverty,
We find that the task of making
others happy Is very difficult, but we can,
without any trouble, and without In
tending it, often render them miserable
Those -who are never charmed by out
conversation, nor entertained by out
visits, lt nevertheless, feel offended
lf we neglect them; to withhold a flatter
ing compliment from a lady, or to retus
a glass of something when a friend
treats,- would be as cruel as stealing
toys from a child. f
It Is some consolation" to the aged to
know that if they ThaVe but a short whlU
to enjoy the "pleasures of life, It is
equally certain that they haven't long to
endure its miseries. E. O. M.
An "Ole StrlmmlH1 Hole."
OMAHA. Sept. I8.-T0 the Editor of The
Bee: I have Just finished reading The
Bee's article on a public bathing ptac,'
and think there could not be a better
pan than Mr. Gillan suggested, namely,
of having the Auditorium turned Into a
public natatorlum.
The - city . would save enough In one
year by cutting oUt some of ts useless'
Junket trips, etc., to make Omah an up-
to-date cfty. Besides being a new piaco
for pubUo amusement, it may be also a
means for saving many lives lost on the
lakes and river each year through ignor
ance of the currents and the condition of
the bottom of tbe water.
Look at Denver, St. Paul, Wlnbpo,
Minn, (a city recently pronounced a
model cty), Kansas Cty and tnany others
of near Omaha's slse that boast of one,
two and even more pUbllo bathing places,
many of them rup on a paying basis by
charging a few cents for a towet ant! a
Besides being a centrally located and
In other ways an ideal "o)e fashioned
swlmmln' hole," It could be run so that
It could soon Pay for Itself, he much
Cheaper and safer than Manawa, where
It costs over a half a dollar to go swim
ming, and usually It Is a hard thing to
get out of such amusement places with
out spending considerably over a dollar.
Hoping to see this apptal tp print. I
wtU close with the motto "Help to Make
Omaha a Cleaner and Healthier. Cl'ty With
the Aid of 'An Ole, Fashioned Swlmmln'
WlfeTher must have been some pun
ishment for King Solomon.
Hubby There was. He had a thousand
Jennie I hear she fell overboard in her
street clothes. ,
Minnie Tes, and aha was arrested for
being in the water. In an indecent costume.
"Are you
superstitious?" asked the
lied the father of a large
ramiiy, wearily, "I certainly think its
unlucky to have thtrteon children."
"Despite the scandalous gossip about
Mrs. Van Fickle and young Spotltlgh,
there may be nothing between mem. w
"Only ner nuscana; out ne aoesn t
amount to much."
She (after a ouarrcl) Tou were a struk-
sling young man whon I married you!
Ho I'll give you credit for landing me.
Tho Tall Blonde Absence makes the
heart grow fonder. .
Tho Short Brunette But the Lima, O.
man who shot off fireworks when his wife
Went away on a vacation mode a vulgar
display or his affection.
1 1 1 1 1.
"Did you ever really love any girl bej
fore you- met me?" asked the beautiful
one. .....
"No." replied the tiuea loreigner,
"you'ro tho first girl I have ever known
who had money In her own right"
"What's them feUers Joshing Constable
Sam Blackputter about?"
"Aw, you know he prides himself on
being Just as good a detective as any ol
them city cops. Well, he went to th
circus yesterday and couldn't pick out
tho clownr
Cincinnati Enquirer. j
Don't be foolish and get sour when
things don't Just come your way.
DOn't you bo a pampered baby, and de
clare, !
"Now I won't play! "
Just go grinning and bear It
Have you heartache? Millions share It.
if you earn a crown, you'll wear tt
Keep sweot.
Don't go handling out your troubles to
your busy fellow-men.
If you whlno around they'll try to keep
from meeting you again. ,
Ddn't declare the world's "agin" you,
Don't let pessimism win you.
Prove there's lots of good stuff In you.
Keep sweet,
If your dearest hopes seem blighted
and despair looms Into, view, . ..
Set your Jaw, and whisper grimly,
"Though they're false, yet I'll be
true." , j
Never let your heart grow bitter.
With you ear to liope'S transmitter; '
Hear love's songbirds bravely, twitter,
"Keep sweet"
Bless your heart, this world's a good
one, and will always help a man.
Elate, misanthropy, and malice havo no
place In nature's plan.
Help your brother there who's sighing.
Keep his flag of courage flylrut.
Help him try 'twill Keep you trying.
Keep sweet
Odd Things of Life
A Paris expert, Dr. Xavler. finds that
pins evaporate- An ordinary hairpin will
disappear In IM days, a steel nib in ft
teen month" and a polished needle In two
and one.t "? years.
Stephen Yudlcsak of Greeley, Colo., was
recently paid a ten-year-old bill .of ST&.
The payment was In the form of two
sacks of pennies, which the express com
puny charged (0 cents to deliver.
Before m&rrlace they win spend a
whols hour looking Into a Jewelry store
window together. After marriage If she
stops to glance tn the window he Is two
blocks away by the time she turns
Because she could not get room and
board pear the school in Bucyrus town
ship. Ohio, Mrs, Minnie Watler Las
bought a portable dwelllns en a mail
order 'basts and will put it up In the
school yard.
In Btrong City. Kan., an ordinance has
been passed making it a penal offensa for
mules to bray at night and kP People
awake. There Is nothing tunny about it.
either. The owners of the mules have to
pay the fines.
A f.Igar dealer of South Bethlehem, Pa
who sold diamonds as a sideline, ex.
changed tl.MO tn good money for 123,800
worth "stolen gems" which proved to be
neatly cut chunks of plate glass. Smoke
up, and say something.
Ei E. S.
Afraid of Lincoln HI Kb. way, 1
SILVKU CREEK, Neb., Sept. I8..-T0' tni(
Editor of Tha Bee: Now that It has been
determined that the "Lincoln Highway,"
or coast-to-posst. road, is to go west from
Omaha along the line of the old "over-
land trail." I suppose I ought to be highly
elated. But I am not; I- don't want the
road to corns this way at all and have
been boosting tor .Lincoln. What Is a
"Lincoln" road good for anyway, that
don't go through Lincoln?
If the road does come this way it will
cross my farm, and that a Just exactly
what I do not want, I can't drive to town
now about three miles distant) without
having to be all the time on the watch
tor automobiles, and If we had that road
with autos swarming past all the tiro,
as they would do, I should feel like leav
ing the state. Which would doubtless he
a great relief to some people. It wll net
be long before every farmer will have an
automobile, and every man and woman
In town who can manage to get In dsbt
for one, and that will be about as much
as we can attend to. If the automobile
tourists would leave any money In the
Country worth while it might be different.
But they will leave practically nothing at
all butslde of the big towns llks Fremont,
Grand Island and Kearney, and very little
In such places, exctpt for hotel bills. All
Silver Creek would get out of It would
be the profit on the sale of a little oil
and a few cigars. Of course, those tour
ists would need a little beer and booze.
But that would be no object to US as
Silver Cretk Is located midway between
several dry towns (Osceola. Stromsburg,
Central City, tunerton, ucnoa ana Mon
roe) and It Is as much as we can do to
keep all those prohibitionists wet up. (I
suppose It takes about a carload a week,)
It Is claimed that the Lincoln highway
people have raised .090,630 by private
subscription and that they will raise
000,000 more. In building this coast to
coast read they propose to rurnisn the
material and then want the states and
counties to do tha work and, of course,
keep th road In repair for all time. And
so next year the automobile people will
make another fight for the control of
the legislature, as they have already twice
done with the rsault that nobody got any
road legislation of any value, simply be
cause tbe automobile rang wanted to- hog
the whole thing.
But there Is another thing to bs taken
Greft F4 Fr CkiMren
You can't eive vour children
Faust Spaghetti too ciffen It
Is one of the few fpods that is
extremely nutritious and very
easily digested. It is a rich
Ktuten food gluten makes and
develops muscle, bone and
flesh. A 10c package of
contains as much nutrition as
4 lbs. of beef ask your doctor.
In sealed packages. Write; for
free recipe hook.
At mil gntcra ' Se
and J0c package.
AK-&ar-Ben rennanisi
TNy in kuutiti Mb In dtslfn and
jCQltr!irf. Yew m ktvi your cbolci of i
.rid, ytHow ir im on, fur only flfliM
dflts and a Bti coup at Thi Bai office.
PVERYBODY will want a pennant
for Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival. It will
be the fad to carry them all week,
and to decorate busi
ness places,
s uv
FIT rriiir
autos and g
homes with them, By B
using all three colors, they make 8
most attractive window displays, 8
Besides the Ak-Sar-Ben pennants, we can g
supply you any of the following at the same g
price of only fifteen cents, when accompanied
by a Bee coupon: Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, S
Minnesota, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell,
Knights Ternpler, Shriners, Masons, Eagles,
Knights of Columbus, Odd Fellows, Modern
Woodmen, Woodmea of the World.
They are h&idsome, exclusive designs, beautifully
embossed on college felt, size 15x36 inches, usu
ally sold for seventy-five cents and one dollar.
A Bee p6nntmt coupon will Appear every day on
page 2 of The Bee. Cut them out and save them. You
will need one coupon for each pennant, and YOU WILL
If pennants are to be mailed, add five cents for
each pennant to cover postage.
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