Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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State Engineer Aroused by Govern
ment Tactics.
Blu)wi Hats
See the High
If you aro going to Invest any of the abovo mentioned prices In
your 'new fall suit of clothes
We Say-Come to This Store!
Hero you will find one of the largest and best selected stocks in
the city to choose from and valuos that wou.d be hard to find outsido
of this store.
Nw Fall
Jersey Btfe&tsri, the
new style collars
91.00 quality gg
riannsl Shirts 5o
dai valaas nt
We west Assigns in
rail Shirts at
48o $1 $1.50
Silk Usle Koie, 250
quality, .
Visit Our Jit Itpt.
Ree the sew fall hat
styles for man aal young
Erery shape ana color
that styl fashion has ap
proved in represented in
our splsndid Sat Dspu
John U. Stetson soft or
stiff hats .......$3.50
Guarantee "Do Imxe"
at S3.00
"Guarantee Special."
real $2.(50 ft A
t Saturday, a
Atrial of sulzer begins
Several Thousand Persons Throng
v Capitol and Grounds.
-Governor is Chnrsrcd with Perjnry,
v Brlberri Larceny, Suppression -3?,
of Evidence and Corrupt
Use of His Office.
ALBANY. N. Y Sept 18. The high
court for the trial of the Impeachment of
William Sulzer, governor -of New York
state, held Its first session ' today, or
ganization was perfected and adjourn
ment was taken until tomorrow morning
In order to draft the procedure for the
As had been expected, counsel for the
Impeached executive objected-to the sena
tors who served on the Frawley commit
tee,' which .unearthed much ' of . the evi
dence resulting In tie impeachment, sit
ting In judgment on the governor. They
also objected to Senator Wagner, acting
lieutenant governor, becoming a member
of the court.' .'Notwithstanding these ob
jections the senators were sworn in, Chief
Judge Cullen announcing the points raised
would be considered later.
' It was also determined that Judges Mil
ler, Chase and Ulacock, three appointed
members of the court of appeals, would
be permitted to serve on the high cqurt
ilong with the elected Judges and mem
bers of the senate.
Governor Suiter was not In' the court
room. When he was called to answer the
charges preferred by the assembly. Judge
D. Cady Herrlck, his chief counsel, an
nounced that it was the governor's desire
hot tp appear In person, but to be rep
resented by his attorneys.
Capitol Is ' Thronsed.
Although noon was the appointed hour
for the convening of the court, several
thousand persons thronged the capltol
building and grounds before 9 o'clock, all
hoping to gain admittance to the sen
ate chamber, the scene of the trial.
While there was no indication that an
testimony would be taken today, the
crowds were eager to witness the solemn
opening ceremonies of the court.
Arrayed against the governor as counsel
'or. the assembly board of managers to
lay were Alton B. Patker, former chlet
ludge of the court of' appeals; John B.
Stanchfleld, Edgar T. Brackett, Eugene
Lamb Richard, Isadora J, ICresel and
Hiram C. Todd.
Attorneys for the defence include D.
Cady Herrlclc, Irving G. Vann, formet
Judge of the court of appeals; Austen
G7 For, Harney D. Hlnman, . Louis
Marshall and Roger P. Clark,
'f. . .Etaat Articles ln Bill.
.T'nOj eight articles of Impeachment voted
against Governor Sulzer by the assembly
are ln substance: . . -.
That he filed with the secretary of
state a false statement of his receipts
and other monetary transactions during
his gubernatorial campaign.
That he committed perjury in this
That he bribed witnesses to withhold
testimony from the legislative committee
which Investigated his campaign ac
counts. That he suppressed evidence by means
of threats to keep witnesses from testi
fying before the investigating committee
That he dissuaded a particular witness,
Frederick I Colwell, from attending
under subpoena the sessions of the in
vestigating committee.
That he committed larceny In specu
Indigestion, Gas or
Sick, Sour Stomach
rime It! "Pape'a DlapepslnM makes
your upset, bloated stomach feel
fine in fire mlnrttf.
"Really does" put bad stomachs In
order "really does" overcome Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness
in fire minutes that Just that makes
Papa's Diapeoetn the largest selling stom
ach regulator in the world. If what you
eat ferments into stubborn lamps, you
belch gas and eructate sour, undigested
food and add; bead is duaey and acnes;
breath foul; tongue coated; your tnsldsa
tilled with bile and indigestible .waste, re
member the moment "Pap a XHapepsin'
comes ln contact with the stomach all
such distress vanishes. It's truly aston
ishingalmost marvelous, and ths Joy Is
Us harmleesnesa.
A large fltty-ceot case of Pipe's da.
pepsin will gtvs you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction or your druggist
hxnds you your money hock.
It's worth its weight in sou te men
ind women who can't get their stomachs
regulated. It belong in your horns
should always be kept handy in case of a
sick, sour, upset stomach during ths day
or at ?ilght If s the quickest, surest aad
most harmtaM stomach doctor la ths
Quality Suits
Just ths Tight sort
of a ooat to keep ths
ohiU from your body
thsse damp chilly
days and cool even-
lating In stocks with money and checks
cohtrlbuted for his campaign.
That as governor he threatened to use
ms omce ana iniiuence to anect the vote
of certain public officers.
That while governor he corruptly used
mo uuinumy xo aneci prices or securi
ties on the New- York Rtnrti rhn.
In some of which securities he was at
me nme interested.
Foreign Birds
Are on Increase
in Some Sections
(From a Staff Correspondent)
- LINCOLN, Sept. 18.-(Specla!.)-Thej
$5,000 flock of foreign birds which were
kept' by the state-for a couple of years
for the purpose of Increasing the game
colonies of Nebraska and for which the
last legislature refused to appropriate any
money have hid a varied experience since
they were sent out ln different parts of
the state. 1 .
Game Warden Gust Retenbeck says it
has been discovered where the birds were
put in natural groves or hills they have
done pretty well, 'but ln .Instances where
the parties to whom they were-sent kept
them shut up so they could admire their
beautiful plumage, the birds have died or
have refused to Increase. '
Senator Jack Grace of Harlan county
received a few of the birds which he de
sired to turn loose on his farm, buth
plumage of the birds was so beautiful', ac
cording to the game warden, that the'
senator 'Shut them Up in Cages wlthjhls
canary -birds ' and tried to. have the
canaries teach them to sing.
On the other hand a Chinese pheasant
rooster and two hens-were sent out to
Staplehurst and turned loose in some
timber and .notwithstanding one of the
hens Is missing there have been two
broods of chicks hatched and the birds
are doing welt. Another pair turned loose
on an island In the Platte has done well
and seem to be oh the Increase.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept 18. (Speclal.)-The
coroner's Jury sitting in the case of
the killing of Mrs. Caroline Varga, the
mother of nine children, who was shot
by Charles . Weir . In Lincoln, Tuesday
night, brought ln a verdict of man
slaughter utfl Weir 1 will be held to
the district court under bond.
The killing was, the result of a charivari
party for a son of Mrs; Varga and -his
pride Who" were "suppftsed to -be ln ths
housd. The Warty were armed with
;Shot guns, but- Weir Shad a thsity-
elght calibre- revolver which he began
shooting wildly, one of the bullets
striking Mrs. Varga. who was sitting-In
a rocking chair, on the porch. She died
011 the operating table of a local his
pltiu while the surgeons were dressing
the wound.
There seems to be little feelln in
the matter against Weir, except condem
nation for his carelessness, the husband
of Mrs, Varga, after the Inquest pressing
tne nana or weir with bowed head as
ne passed him with the Sheriff on his
way to Jail.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. 14.-(Speclal.)Fridi
may be considered as Douglas eouritv
?sy in tne supreme court as five of th
lx cases to be heard ar frpm that
county, jne other Is a Lancaster county
, The cases as shown on the call are as
Dodge County bank against Courtney.
NVIson in nil rlv nf pi,... ut'
State against several parcels of land
tr.. Seaman and Robertson
Wright against Hoctor.
Dovey agslnst Dovey.
St. Paul Votes Sewer nnnrf..
ST. PAUL, Neb.. Sept 18.-(Bpecial.)-t
a special election held here yesterday
he sewer bond proposition carried by a
majority of sixty-six votes. The question
otea upon was whether the city should
.1 1 . 1 . 1
vim iu uuiiu me outlet ror a
ewer system. St Paul has a natural
'ralnage over most of the city and it will
a comparatively easy matter to lay
ho pipes. Work on the outlet will begin
it once. The first sewer district already
hs been organised and it Is expected that
ther will be organized soon, I
Notes from Harvard.
HARVARD, Neb., 8ept. 18. (Special.)
Mrs. Wajren, wife of Rev. B. A. Warren
1 tne congregational church of-this city.
vho has been seriously 111, thought to
iave been caused from poison by eating
ce cream. Is much improved and condl
Jons point to tier spedy recovery.
Prof. J. 5. Mr-Brian of our city schools
vlll give an address at the dedication of
he nsw school building at Keneaaw Pep
ember SO.
Pathfinder Dam, However, Kept
Flow Controlled, and Farmers
Were Unable to Use It
t'ntlt Too Late.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept. 18,-(Speclal.)-State
Engineer t. V. Price Is consldevlrly
wrought up over tne action of the gov
ernment In withholding water In the
Pathfinder dam during the sumer when
It was needed and now that the time
Is passed when It could be a benefit
to the stats to turn it loose In the
river and let It go to waste.
"The same thing will be done next
spring," said Mr; Price. This winter
the government will store up the water
in the reservoir and next spring when
there is plenty of excess flow the
farmers along the river will not be
permitted to get any of It."
In addition to the damage done by
not allowing settlers to use the water,
the government Is now turning it loose
down the Platte river and preventing
the irrigators from fixing up their head
gates and the state from building- bridges.
There will be 300,000 acre feet of water
turned loose down thePlatte river this
fall. An acre foot Is water a foot
deep over an entire acre. This means
that enough water which has been held
back from the settlers during the sum
rrer. If allowed to flow where and when
needed would have given the farmers
along the river all the water needed' to
havo irrigated their lands.
New Department Head.
Prof. Richardson has been elected to
the headot the department of education
of the Kearney state normal school .In
place of Prof. Fleshman who resigned
to take a higher salaried position atWest
Chester, Pa. -
To Adjnat Stanton Case.
Railway Commissioner Bell has re
turned from Stanton, where he heard
the complaints there against the North
western Railroad company because - of
Inadequate depot and stock yards facili
ties. He thinks that the matter will bo
amicably settled by the railroad and the
people of Stanton. The stock yards mat
ter will be adjusted by the railroad com
pany arranging more stock pens, while
the depot proposition will be also set
tled, Shawkey Will Attend.
Bute Superintendent M, P, Shawkey
of West Virginia . wired State Superin
tendent Delzell this morning that he
would be present at tho state meeting
of the teachers of Nebraska on Novem.
ber 8 and would address the association,
Johnson Will Pay.
A message to Auditor W. B. Howard
thla morning from Johnson county states
that the Board of Commissioners of thai
county would shortly send the auditor a
draft for H.W622, a portion, of the sum
due the state for the care of. Insane pa
tients previous, to the change in the law
in 1SJ1. They stated that it would be
impossible to pay any more because It
would require 'a special, levy to raise the
amount, and that could hoi be done until
next year. The amount due the state is
something over' $12,000. '
Gasre Coanty Notes.
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. lS.-(Speclal.)
Word was received here Wednesday an
nouncing the death of Abraham Dear-:
dorf, a former Gage county resident,
which occurred at Hannibal, Mo. Mr,
Deardorf was 6S years of age and is sur
vived by a widow and seven children.
Appeal from the decision- of .Cqunty
Judge WaJden in allowing Beryl Reld
her claim of $578 against' the Elizabeth
Axlson estate has been filed in the die
trlet court The parties reside near Lib
erty and Mrs. Reld'a claim was for the
care of her mother, Mrs, AVlnoh. The
other heirs allege that she has been fully
paid for services rendered.
Mr. and Mrs. George Welngart re
turned home Wednesday from s-tummer't
visit to their old home in German. Mr.
Welngart says that the rainfall in that
country has been heavy the past sum
mer and that the crops are excellent
superintendent Koonts - of the countr
asylum at Marshalltown, la,, was In the
city Wednesday and took home with him
arpalr of fine young bloodhounds which
were, being trained at Dr. Fulton's ken
nels here.
SReriff Schlek took Mrs. Henri' Guen-
ther to thefstate - asylum at'. Lincoln
O. G. Williamson, who was recently
granted a license to operate a salodfi rat
nckreil, opened for business yesterdav.
The village was incorporated a short tithe
ago and this Is Pickrell's first saloon.
Prise ' Winning. Colts.
OHIOWA, Neb., Sept. U.-tSDeelaU
The colt show held here yesterday was
very successful, a large number of en
trants being shown. The prize winners
Ormond sire, first. Virgil Sehroil.
owner; second. Frank Moore, owner:
imra, w. Mahsn, owner.
Paul sire, first. Arthur CraddneV.
.wn?rL second. Roy YaYtes. owner:
tnird, Pat Kennedy, owner.
Rlghter sire, first. 8. G. Hughey, owner;
second, Roy Rrldgcwood. '
. itpngKong. first division, first. Albert
Bulln. owner; second. Fred Clemons
owner; third. Frank Bedlsnd. owner? '
Second division, first. J. F. Most, owner;
second. Anton chelbltskl, owner; third
W. A. Weber, owner.
inira oiyision, first, W. O. Stevens.
thTJIfrSMiVm&.J. C' Slr. own"
third. H, F. iBardehv owner,
2iil. '"' ir,t.,.h,ll "Williamson,
, . utDjMaii owner.
Boone County Rl.
ALBION, Neb., Sept, 18. (Speclal.)-
ino oone county rair opened yesterday.
The rain was Just sufficient to lay the
dust and make things comfortable. The
exhibits far exceed those of previous
years, some departments, especially the
horse'ahd cattle,1 have so many exhibits
that the officials are experienclnsr diffi
culty in obtaining suitable accommoda
tions for them. The corn exhibit is four
times larger than ever before. The fruit
exhibit is of an ' excellent class. Regent
utorge toupiana, is in attendance,
Knsjaarenient Is Announced.
SCOTT'S BLUFF,. Neb., Sept 18.-Spe
flail A A T HL. .
. 0iiumway. nave
announced the engagement of .their
daughter Myrtle to James W. Wester.
velt No date has been set for the wed-
dlnr, but it is understood that the nun
ttals will occur in the early spring, as
Miss Bhumway wU leave in a few days,
accompanying- her mother on a trip to
the Pacific coast, expecting to spend the
winter there.
Slashed with n Rasor,
wounaea witn a gun, or pierced by a
ruity nail, Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon
heals the inJiired part. Guaranteed. 25c.
For sale by Beaton Dru; Co. Advertise
, ' 4
; . Tjie.Old Lino Bankers
' ; -.iLmcoln, Neb.
uentiemen:- - . ', :..' - ' i . .
.... V ' I amiWry glad to acknowledge IQIVMHt'LlflVPilicy. 10-Yf ,r' MIMr:
me'by To H. Fowler, Agent of your Company, for $S57;10,', be- : ; ; . - w-T,irAr1 ,Lr- '
ingin settlement of my policy No. 11696 on tho ten-payment ; ; ; ' ; iwSV.fTrV'' "
T UU it. Aa nron1 T fnnlr nilf. t.rtlH TnllRV fit' til Q . " VllPJ. -BANKERS LIFE ;. y
ii5w-b 51 vears. and
insurance during the ten years, and now, at the advanced years'
of'my, life, I can say that-nothing in the history of modern
.times records an instance more impressive than this sum of
money coming to me at my declining years, which affords some
'conception of the untold amount of good being accomplished- 11
,k i -r T. l Til1. -C' XTl-J t.
oy.tne uia j-ane jauniterB uuv m nvuiva.a.
' T3: o 4- 4-l5n (!mn R1 vnnt-o rlrl tliiu lift
Being at this time
mighty good to me, and should shtw to anyono how little an
effortlit is to take care of old age by laying aside a few dollars 1.
for a few years in a
Thanking you for
our very best wishes
'- Company. '
v -'
Hoagland Favors
Commission Form
of State Law Making
(PVom a Staff Correspondent)
LlNCOlaN, Bept 18.-t8pclal.)-necon-structlon
of the laws of the state retative
u . .hmiM hn hsjl as the
w .no , ,
solution of the present methods of male-
Ifig laws In the opinion oc senator m
ter V. IIoas;land of North Platte.
The senator thinks both branches of the
legislature should, be merged into one
branch- with, possibly about. fifteen mem
bers. These men should be required w
be In session the year around, or the
greater share of it and should be paid a
sufficient salsry that would keep theni
from attending to any dther business but
the making of laws for the state,
(From a Staff Correspondent)
L.1NCOUN, Sept.. 18,-(SpeclaI.)-On the
motion for a rehearing- before the supreme
court msde by. Auditor W B. Howard
Which was argued' Tuesday morning on
an application by ths auditor for a chance
to present his side of the case in the
peremptory writ ot-mandamus "case com
pelling him to turn over the . Insurance
department under his charge to the new
board of Insurance, the supreme court
this morning decided to hold Its opinion
until the case brought by the auditor to
test the constitutionality of the new In
surance law Js heard..
: The two cases practically cover the
A Most Extraordinary Sale of New
rpHE surplus stocks of two of the foremost munu
1 facturing milliners in the country.
. This collection consists of to nbove firms' entiro surplus
stocks and their entiro lines of samples which were usod ns show
pieces to tho trade. It is nlmost impossible to concoivo the va
rieties of effects. There is nothincr in modish millinery of tho sca-
son which is not rcpresontcfl.
The Wholesale Prices
More than, 500 individual styles from which to choose.
The Wholesale Prices
TRIMMEDWhich we$.
fi 4 mre Place on r
choice at
Biggest opportunity to sotoot your now hat over offered by
this or any other store at the start of the season.
sOrkin Bros. 18th and Harney, mMmtimm
- Life Insurance Co., "
have enioyed tho protection of
61 years old,, this little investment looks - Resfrve . .
well managed Company.
courtesies extended and assuring
for the Old Dine Hankers Liite
;Very truly yours,, .
...... ;- , r.
same point arM. Involve the constitution
ality of the code Insurance law passed by
the last legislature.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept ll.-The
acceptance by Dean Henry Wade Itogers
of the Yale Law school of appointment
as Judge of the United States circuit
court leaves the deanshlp vacant. While
no official statement was made at Tale
university, today as to a successor to
pean Rogers, the name of former Presi
dent William H. Taft, now Kent pro
feBkor of law In Yale college, Is men
tioned on all sides. Prof, Taft and his
family returned from Murray Bay, On
tario, yesterday,
Mr, Taft this afternoon made the defi
nite atstement that he was not a candW
date for the deanshlp of the Yale Law
school. "I am not fitted for the place,"
he said, "and am quite content with the
place 1 am In."
NEWARK, U. J., Sept. U.-The body of
Alice Hopper, If years old, who has been
missing since Saturday night from her
fiome In Kearny, N. J., was found in
he Passaic river at Harrison last night,
her skirts weighted with stones,
Wllltsm folen, chief of police of
Kearny, and the girl's relatives declared
that she had been murdered and her b6dy
cast into the river. The stones, weigh
ing about, twelve or fourteen pounds, had
been placed In. the lap of her outer skirt
and the skirt drawn up to form a basket,
the hem being knotted at (be rear of her
Were $5 to $10 for
Which We
Place on Sale
Were $10 to $20 for
uu iupuior
4 . I"
. . :, - ',!!
. , ;1. '. . 'V::
$1,000.00. ?rJ&S?t' 1
of Lincoln,' Ntbrajik.'-
Name of insured. .J'c4phT...?hillip
Residence , , , .UonipHn; )ftib.
Amount, of policy. .'. . . : : Vi;0OOOO
Tatal premiuflM ;,....:..;.;$' 793.10
H v i -
T-x-'rv" ,
3unngyqu;of , - - ,
lfe rrisurauce ' j . ' '
. t.
" Assets
waist Chjef yToln said he did not be
lieve she could have placed the stones
and tied that knot. '
' Chronic Dyspepsia.
The follpwlng unsolicited testimonial
should certainly be sufficient to give hope
and courage to persons ' afflicted with
chronic dyspepsia: "I have been 'a
chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all
the medicine I have taken. Chsmbit
Iain's Tablets have done me more gooa
than anything else," says W. O, MatCson,
No. 7 Sherman Hi., Hornellsville, N. Y.
For sale by all druggists, Advertisement
News Notes of Oenrvn.
UENBVA, Neb., 8ept lS.-(Special.)-Thls
morning during school hours It
was discovered that a pile o? coal in
the basement of the high sthool byllu.
Ing hd caught .fire. The lower grades
vere given a recess and the coal was
Martima, Daddy and the Children Call
All Take "California Figs"
Harmless "fruit laxative"
cleanses tho stomaoh, liver and
bowels without any griping;
A delicious cure for constipation, bil
iousness, sick headache, sour otomacht
Indigestion, coated torlgue, sallowneas
take "California Syrup of Figs." For
the cause of all this distress lies in a
torpid liver and sluggish bowels.
A,tablcspoonfui tonight means all con
stipation, poison, waste matter, ferment
ing food and sour bllo gently moved out
of your system by uornlng without grip-
1 i 1 t H I II 1 T r, . K
I', i.V , ' I ..J 1. 1
k.-, -nV.'l W . ,
-''V VA
, v mm mm .
.; , ... i V$ 'SWilS
am jit
..(...., ,,.pHu4 i.
; ' . j v YV
$6,400,000.00; . - vp
shoveled out, little damage being d6ne.
Mrs. Alta Allen Singleton of Cripple:
Croek, Colo... Is very 111 at her father's
homo In Oenova,- Her condition is very
WABIUNaxON, Sept 18. - Chairman
Frank. P, Wpods of the republican con
gresslonal cpmmlttee today announced
the following committees:
Enecutlte Senator Frank D. Brande
gee. Representatives, Kahn. Patton, Each,
Gardner, Massachusetts: Madden, Steen
erson, French. Austin, Fess.
Advisory Representative Crampton,
Mpndell, Guernsey, Elemp, Young (N. D.).
Two addltipnal merabeps of the execu
tlce committee, wjll be appointed later,
. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Ing. Please.vdoh,t' think . of "California
Syrup ef ?)'. aji, a phynic. Don't
think y6u;aie'-driirlng yoijrself or your
chUdren,bc4ui th'Is; delicious fruit lax
stive canottcause 'injury. Even a !(
cate child can , take It as safely as a
robust rnafi. .It ,U -the most liarmleaa,
effective 'storaSib. liver and bowel regu
lator and "tenc,eve'r devised.
Your only difficulty may be ln g-ettlac
the genulpe;" your druariat far a
M cent bottle of "California 8m of
Figs.' Say to your dpi set, 1 wast
only that , made by the 'CaMfeeeda rtr
Syrup Company.' " Tklo ettr ass Many
counterfeit ."flf e'GAdl pat
I . "
i. ' .