10 Polly and Her 1 I TELL V MA66IE, ThE. r onii toAO MtiTL L'lU tniT -TMEM GRAFTERS OU17A inn ci at mob me 01 OCTOBER WANT ADS Want ads nrcclvcd at any tlmo, but to liuuro proper classification must bo presented before IS o'clock noon tor the evening edition and before 7:80 p. m. for tho morning and Sun day editions. Wnnt ads received after such hour will bavo tbeir first insertion under tbo beading, "Too Late to Cbuisifr," CASH BATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Om Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive lnser fbnm 9 cents per line. Ote Use per tnuntk, $1.80. Tweerty Ccata a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons tsaYlag accounts are measured by the hue, not by tbe word. CHAitan iiatks. Six wertta to tbe line. Ozn lasertto 19 cents per llae. w wr more consecutive bwer jHcjt, U ceata per Use. Osm llae per Kth $1.8. Xwetsty ceata a miatatttm charge. XOJK The Bee will not be re sponsible for more tbaa one wrong lasertlea duo to typographical error. Claims, for error canaot bo allowed after the 10th of the following atosttb. Aa advertisement inserted to be run until forbidden must be Hopped by written order. Verbal or telepitoBd cancellation cannot be accepted. ' Dealers In Ohwha are: ro A. Hoffman, 2Uh and Dodge. i Dodder. 2d and cum nr. N. P. Mwanson, 17th and Cumin. a. H. Brewer, to North 34th St., South tr5aian ereW SARCOPHAGI from the Torn Lawn. Phone Florenca 134. Proisict mth Phone ' WelHiUrm WwtUwn, Fhone Douglas Mbwit Hp. Phone non Helylleatr. 3 By!rjiiitCAn n. nrr 4 rect from Ui AkmiiijA" lAacopHAaua company. w rouju A OfflM. S yirstHatBartMBI MIRTHS AKB HEATHS, t Blrtha-Joe and Jennie lirown. 2 N''th TWru" glrll Ao and llosoaMfllolOj Mst North Twenty-sixth, girl; y. n Benson. jn, tiida Jjigeratroin. tfon, Jruchs WS worm m."""" To all Members ot Union Pacific SfirtSiiVr It a o'cooW. under th, ftSt!SiVotrhJ Tl6dte. otherwise private, ""fir tXl.VBY. Master Workmn, A K, KO I B K KO KR, Recorder, XARKIAfiM UCMIW. TjcutiT t wea hs-v tissn lsu4 tt tBfc feitewhw: Aga Efwta H.homr. Nehawka. Neb... 90 AhS. Nebraska City Kanaall C. 'Wood, Omaha.......... UHlo B. Anderson, Omaha RJhard Jepsen. Omaha U SUry a. Olenn. Omaha lUrold 1U Andressen, Omaha U MSrj T5vans. OinaHa....J....,-w. v WUlam E. Orlslnger, .Omaha BejUh E. West. Omaha Arthur Crosby. Omali. -. . ' ' piorenca Harold, Stockton, Kan " James A. Jensen. Omaha Helen Carlson, Omaha...... jf Earl J- McWllllams. lincoln J jSJephlne W. Oreene, Uneoln...... a niohard J. Craven. Juneau. Alaska.... 35 AesA. Schneider. Crelghton 2 VPILDINO PERMITS. - stars STOS Tftrnam, brick dwelling, K ; C. A. Peterson, WIT North Fortieth, frame. t.W&. KELP WAlVTBIl'TOtAXK ' Asicats aaa- aleswoa.ea. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES FOH OUR CLOAK AND BU1T DEPT. BEST SALARIES PAID TO EXPERIENCED PEOPL.B. NO OTHERS NEED APPJUV, CAli, FOR 8 . GREENBLAT, NE BRASKA COTHINO CO. Clerical ana Office. STENOGRAPHER. . Add. O 35.Bee. ITENO- and olerk. tM. Adit lie?.. Bee. " WANTED A competent bookkeeper on iterge aceounts In department store; jpvt b oxperleaced and aoourate. AC mm J g, Omaha Baa. Vaetarr aa Tratlea. THE Nefe Tel. Co. caa.uss a HmlUd ausnWr of gtrW. 4n the operating depart- sta'taust STuraUh rttrr. ae. JaMry wsM wb!U leainlag. Ap 3ir C. F. Ls-NMt, oiatrict Uatflo chief. mm ana tw-iiu. iie-vscwerk, K. M. Morsman. Jr.. 4121 Daveaa-wC Phone Harney JnOS. OIltL for general iwusflwork, Call iwd 47 or Web. tUS. t- r Pals--A Quick Retreat mi lb" low UBLP WANTED -FUSIALE. Factory nnd Trade. "WANTED Competent cook and laun dres; two In family, references required, ill South 40th Bt. Phone Harney S7. WANTKD-Bxperlenced cook. Mrs. N. n. Updike. 3611 Jaekson St. WANTKD Elderly lady for housekeep Inf j Kood home. Apply 23J Oakland Ave.. Mrs. Wilton. Council Bluffs. COOD girl for general housework: three. In family, sood wajres. Telephone Harney SSI. Mrs. K. W. aunlher. 320 N. 40tH fit. GOOD girl for general houwjworkj small new flat; 3 In family; good wages and good home. Phone lUrney i53 or call ICO 8. d St GOOD elrl for general housework, three In family, sood waj;s. no washing. Itat N. mh Bt Phone Harney a. WANTED at once white woman as as. slsUnt cook, lirownell Hall; salary J13, room and board. Douglas COS. COMPETENT girl for general house work, no laundry. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. ai Harney Ht. GOOD butcher and sausake maker; good wages paid. Henry Duve, 1G09 Leaven worth Si. 110BsekeelBtf nnd Uomesttcs. THE BEflVAKT Qinri PltOBLEM SOtiVED The Be9 will run u Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get ths desired results. Thlh appllos to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring. your ad to The Bea officii or telephone Tylsr 1000. WANTED Competent while girl for general housework, no washing. Airs. C. A. Bauer, 2(34 Camden Ave. Web. 1371. WANTED A good second g(rl. Jtefer ences. m N, asth Ht. WANTED experienced linen room woman and maids. Apply housekeeper; Hotel Home. WANTED Girl for general housework. 416 n, vim Bt. Doug. srs. woman who wishes a good home. Tele phone nod 6Z72. Residence, iU N. 21st. WANTED A Whits Ktrl for central housework; good wages; no, washing. Call liar: SIX. GlRLi for general housework; no wash In; must go home nights. Hd &3S1. GOOD Klrl wanted to fascist with light hovMworlc, small fnmKtj'L no washing; od pays splendid home1 tor right party. Harney 1678. Cor. 27th Ave. and Webster. QIRtiifor general housework; Sin fam- i jr. jmr., -0i. w n win, WANTEf flt-l fnff rrthJirnt hnnonworW. WiWrPn A ,1 . .In.. MAmnA.n rrll for general housework. Telephone Har- WANt'ISD Girl nr mlddl'a.ased lady to take caro ot children. Call between 8 a. m. and S p. rn. week .days. Any time on Sunday. Mrs. Daugherty. 3766 Cuming. COMPETENT girl or woman fot house work) new houso near car line: good VAges, D. N. Sunderland, Harney 2619. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; good wages: no washing. Mrs. ). j. Havana, 315, n. 4ist. WANTED Girl for iieneral housework. Apply 3403 Lincoln Blvd. . . WANTED Competent girl for second' iworx. w. J. council, aoutn :tn ot. Doug. 104. WANTED Experienced girl tor general housework; small family; no washing; good wages. 191, South 33d St. WANTED Experienced cook; $10 week; no washing; family of foar. Mrs. J, U Kennedy. Harney 4M. NEAT American girl for general house work. Small family, good home. Apply 44 So. tq St. Phone Harney 6210. WANTKD Experienced girl for general housework; terms to suit applicant. Mrs. D. 11. Ledwicti. 3S17 Harney St , EXPERIENCED girl tor general house work, per week; no laundry. Harney 1143. WANTED Girl for. general housework. Good wages. 113. 8o. 28th'. at. H. 8371. COMPETENT girl or woman .for gen eral housework: new house, near car line; food waifss, Mrs. E. M, Sunderland, (arney MIS. 1 COMPETENT girl for general house work. Two in family. .Mrs. J. E. Rugg, Telephono Harney 2247. WANTED A girl for general house work. &01 Dodgo. Harney SSS0, EXPERIENCED .Klrl for general house work. References required. No washing. Har. 591, 119 So. 34th St. YOUNG girl to assist with housework, ope who can go home nights. 3816 Capitol Ave. WANTKD-3lrl for general housswork; small family: highest wages; private room and bath, 505 8. 38th fit WANTED A hoiwekeeer. by a widower with a girl IX years old. Call after o'clock. Phone Bouth 1780. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs, Crelgh, 112 No. S2d Ave. WANTED Experienced Ctrl for general housework; three In family. 124 8. Uth St., 19th and Doujlos. WHITE girl tor general housework. Q tarney 10TS. 6211 Cass Bt MUuvtlnnrona, , GIRL Neat, under SQ, to travel south; neither experiencA or money required; SIS per week and transportation. Telephone for Interview. Room 129. Carleton Hotel ' GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO WOMEN I7S month. Write Immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. va V. Rochester. N. Y. BTOCK' OIRLS KpR OUR, CLOAK AND SUIT DEPT. APPLY AT ONCE TO R GREENBDAT, : NEBRASKA CLOTH1NO CO- GIRLS- wanted' to. press skirts. Good wK. steady. work.f oj Leavenworth YOUNG women, comtag to Omaha aa trangera are Invited to visit the Youag Women's ChrUUan associaUon buUdlng st 6U Mary'a Ave. and 17th SC. Where they will be directed to aulublt boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. HELP WANTED ruALK Aveata. galcsatea suit eoticttars. WANTED Printer; steady situation; mu-t underatand pi-eas work. Adrtrasi Bad Osk Printing Cp., -Red Oak. la THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER ID, 1913. (J1 ft, HELP WANTED MALE. Agen(, Sflkimfn anil Solicitor. tlTinitT'TI ssVirvsi mIssmbn tAM b.t. T. hot a. Man with acquaintance and trade In the territory only need apply. Address Y 2G7, Bee. I CAPAUL.E dress goods and silks sales men wanted at uuce. Desirable position for ambitious men. Apply Supertntcadent Bramlels Stores. WANTED 4 neat appearing young men to travel. Apply 7W Brandla The, nidg. bora. WANTEU-Office boy. Taston A Vier llnT iron Works, S. 17th St. and U. P. tracks. Factorr nnd l'raflen. HELP Salt Omaha Employment Bureau. Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelst. Be Bids. ATTEND the RIGHT SCHOOL. Larg est, best equipped school and repair shea In entire west. Price no more than nay of the so-called schools. Equipment and faculty not to be comparod In any par ticular, NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1417 Dodge. Tel. Don. 3048. WANTEDTaTlor to make pants and vests; steady Job. Fred M. Kuwltzky, Nebraska City, Neb. MEN, LEARN THE BARBER TRADE We teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools furnished. Wages while learning. Always euro of work. Hundreds ot graduates running shops send for our barbers. Call at once or wrlto for catalogue. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 8. 14th St GET Into, the most profitable business of today, the automobile business, and becomo Independent. Our large, , well equipped shops offer the opportunities ot learning the business by actual expert ence on different makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call Na. tlOnal Auto Training association, 1311 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. TeL W. 69W. YOUNG Men-Study Law. Omaha School of Law. Law Department, University .of Omaha. Evening sessions.- Further In formation address, 'Secretary. CIO Mc CSgUe Bldg. Phone Douglas K7. WANTED printer; steady situation; must understand press work. Address Red Oak Printing Co., Red Oak, la. WANTED Experienced druggist, one capable of taking complete charge ot drug department and show results. Address, giving references, h iib. care Bee, ' LEARN elirn nalntlncr and card writ ing by mall; complete course $1.60. Card Writers' Pub. Co.k 118 N, La Salle 8t, Chicago. Mlscpltaaeaas. WANTED-iRgllway mall clerks. J7S.00 to 1160 month. Details free. FraakHa Institute. Dent. il3 F.. Jlochester., N. Y. , WANTED Men to try November, eaasa lnatloo for C:iha mall carrier; Hi to 1M Per month. Apply Y 215. Bee. MEN Age 18 to 80. wanted at once for firemen and brakemen; no experience necessary; ICO to 1130 per month; pro motion: no strike; write Immediately for un particular. Aaaress y car iiee, branch office; eastern Nebraska; small Investment for fixtures. Address Capital wuiicvhuii v,o.t mi aioinee, la, Grape pickers wanted. Tel. Benson sfT IIKL1 WANTED. MALE AND KBMAIiG, WANTED Man and wife on farm In Montana; 'state. wegea expected, etc. Ad dress Lock Bo 6$, Broadview. MonU WANTKD SITUATIONS. Wanted, posit, as practical nurse. W. VARSf hjinrtai f iter, I k, a .t.,,., . ..la . frea Omaha Employment Bureau, lit N. "iu m. m,, uausiaa ins. college, work tor Saturdays. Phon Red CuC9. WAI2IEDSew,BK 10 h taken home, Call 7220. HOUSE and window cleaning and hour work done. Telephone Doug, em, YOUNG man with a years' experience as chauffeur, wishes a position at once. Address, D 223, Bee. WANTED Position by experienced col ored Monitor and wire In apartment houie or flats; can run stetm or hot water Plant Wallace, 12Vi South 13th tit. Call after 7 p. in. EXPERIENCED young lady desires po sition ai companion or nurse, city or country. Call Web. 6416. 3418 N. 54th. WANTED Position to aselet with housework, where young baby can be kept. Do not care as much for wage as for home. Address P 117. BOOKKEEPER or assistant; good ref erences; use typewriter. Address F S3, lrnni iMnrn ...... . employed downtown through the day, wishes place as companion nights for widow lady cr housekeeping tor wid ower; only thoso of good character need WANTKD Waahlns' anil Irnnln, . home- 1716 Ontario St. ANNOUNfJEJIENTS. R if Fl motorcycle messenger service XV. iU. 411. 12 S. 11th. Dour. SttS or SS3U D. 8. Griffith, wig mtr. it Frenssr Blk. Wedding announcementa. Dour. Pte. Cn' BRODEGAARD'S. AT the SIGN of the fDrkllKT . . . v. . nni ncu - m . . . . . . . . . . and Douglaa HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for itching, bleeding or protruding piles; 60a postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McCcnnell Drug Co.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES. tioo reward tor any magneto ws can't ro pair. Cull repairing. Baysdorfer. 11 N.lt DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 2th and Farnana. FOEE DOOJIS SEAT COVERS. THE Downtown garage. Have your automobiles washed and polished here. 1418 Howard St. TeL D.-4U0. ' Xatareyolca. WRITE Pun 1.1 ST OP 8ECOND-HAND MOTOHCYCLES. MICltELS NEBRASICA CYCLE Ca, UTH AND HARNEY. ' BARGAINS In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor II. Roos. "Tho Motorcycle Man. 2703 leaven worth St. ATTRACTIONS. .Omaha tlhn ejtch.j )tth and Doug. Mo tion plcturu macliln anu fUa bargain. (ftuSlM IS C4PTM CP "THE PRPOMCT 4LL BROKERS ) LWER OLE MW a Judge 1 77 A. B. C. of Omaha A RICLN'S KOSHER OITE stands for onalltv. uuantltv A econ- cmy. 316 B. 16th. middle ot block. 2d floor. Tr TInD A V. . v f... 'VlJE . 7 V, . r Better be safe than sorry. Have "' Kerr do your title work. LINDSAY, THE JEWELER 221U R lfith SI. Hleli crude Jewelry. AK-SAR-BEN Souvenirs to visitors. V ACL'U.M cleaners sold and rented. vacuum cleaning done In the home. 'Eanltary Service Co. Tel. Doug. 2904. Ak-Sar-Ben Hints AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS. For the best whisky on the market at t2 ler col. and for rjort wine at 21.60 Per gal, call at C. Schlank & Co.. 1307 Douglas. Gibson's Buffet 323 South 13th St Empress Admission, 10c. EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES. For 31.00 per week fj VlJl J PA 3 clothes tho entire family. 1417 Douglas. KING jpY CAFE Omaha s most exclusive Chinese and American cafe, open to the publla Sept 20, Bleaks, chop suey. Music evenings. HOTEL HARNEY rooms with or wltboutbath. Reasonable prices for decorating auto, bicycles and motorcyles for the floral parade. Miss Wooda, 1612 Cass (rear J. HORSEMAN BAR AND CAFE, 1419 Dodge. Flnrat liquors. Excellent cafe in connection, visitors always welcome. AT KLEIN'S LIQUOR HOUSE, 622 N. 18TH ST. SOUVENIRS TO VISITORS. HENRY POLLACK'S LIQUOR HOUSE, 15tb & Cap. Ave. Visitors always welcome. Finest mixed drinks; liquors. Fine lunches All kinds of gowns; expert workmanship. fii uuAiuini uctu. j'riccs va to sso. S. KENYON. 3229 Cuming. II. 3937. New management Rex & Savey hotels, refurn, renovaieu; moo. conveniences. Sandberg & Eltner, photos. 107 B. lSUi. li. A. Borshelm, jeweler, ,W S. ISth. , BUSINESS CHAI UKf TO gel In or out of business, call on GANOESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tet D. 2477. Special plans for selling your business or real estate. Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTY TO MAKE SMALL INVESTMENT WORK INTO LIFE'S BUSINESS. AD DRESS E 322. BEE. FOR SALE Hardware and Implement stock, nice clean stock that will Invoice about 37,000, in a good country 14 miles south of Lincoln, In a town of 200. In habitants; reason selling, other business. Addrsss Y 2S8 Bee. Roomlnir Itonaes for Sale. WELL .equipped rooming house, full, 21 rooms, a bargain. Add. T 410, Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Braes Koaadrtes. Puiton-Mitchell Co., nth and Martha Bis. China Patatlaw. ( CHINA painting; outside tiring dene. Mrs. F. a Haynes. 1525 a 23th St. D. 4M. China orders, lessons and firing. T. 1221. Cbtrevedlats. DR. ROY. 1603 Farnam. Douglas cm. Cfclrepraeters. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 23CS Howard. D. 846L Mr. Rosa lioesen. 1K3 Lake. Web. 4796. Coatumera. FULL dress suits, party dresses for sale or rent 3L60 per night Open evenings. John Feldman. 200 No. 17th. Doug. 3128. Creamer lea, Dairies and supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANT. Danvlux Academies. JEWELL SIMPSON, Douglas Audito rium. Opening Sept 8. Webeter 249L DANCING every Saturday evening, M. W. A. Hall, Uth and Douglas. Myrtle Hall Dancing Club. Detective. Omaha Bee Ber. Agcy.. 428 Paxton. D. 13 ' JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evl dencs secured In all cages. Tyler 1134. Ureal making. Terry Dressmkg. college. 2th A Farnam. Eaughman's dressmaking school. Flo. 178. Drugs. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on tlO orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Everything for Women. OLD plumes made new. California Oa trich Plume Co.. 20 Neville Bldg. D. ;. Bedbug, roach & ant killer, guart'd sat I sf act or or money refunded, special large tohw. ac vmana v.nem. v,o., Doug. 4344 DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all slses and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT- ii'u u vouum hik. uougiaa iaj& Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed curled. Berthu Kruger. 429-A. Paxton Blk. D. 8334. oriorists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Femam. D. 109L HESS & 8W0B0DA. 1415 Farnam at L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. liil Karaaces, Stoves nnd llcpulrc We Carry Repairs for furnace, cttam and hot water boilers and stoves and have competent workmen to do the work. Now Is the time to piu para for winter. No charge for Inspection. Omaha Stovo Repair Works 1I0S-I Douglas. TeL Tyler SO. lunraau. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tyl'tr 1024. O'Neill's. 1505 Farnam St Mattrsaa sal Plllawa. Have your feather mattresses A down, covers tnad at Omaha Pillow Co. Feath ers renovated free. D. 2467 1721 Cuming, Drawn 1 LOOKEQ EM UP VfeltRDV VfcR UUSINESS PERSONALS, Mmlc, Art and Langrnnstes. W. L. Hetherlngton, violin teacher, asst of Henry Cox. Studio, 1313 Farnam, W. 763. Naraerlea nnd Seeds.) STEWARTS 8EEDMAN. 119 N. 16th., Ustenpatby. Alice Johnson. 20S-9 Brandels Tlie. Bldg. Patents. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. II. A. Sturges. 630 Brandels Thea'. Bldg. Plumbing-. X Plumbing and heating, Fischer & Con nell. 1318 William St Doug, S737. , - r- . . . J. A. WES8MAN, 2612 Leavenworth: mod, heating & plumbing. D. 3792. IL 2144. J. J. Ostronlc, plumbing, healing; gaa.flt ting; free estimates. 1414 8. 13. Tyler 1299, r frlatlwa-. l DOUGLAS Printing Co, Tel. Doug, tq WATERS-liAitNiiAKT Ptg. Ot?.., QUal Ity printing. Tel Doug. 2190 624 S. 13-ta. gevrlaic Maaaiaes. LOVEJOY, Web 658. Clean and repair. Sheet Metul Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. raoka Mad.Battcases. FREL1NO & GTEINLE. 1SQ3 Farnam St Wines and tdunors. WILLOW Springs neer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. 13th St EDUCATIONAL. Y. M. 0. A. UlttHT SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 15TH . Arch, or Mech. Drawing, .lib; Arlth. (Ele. 33; Bus., I.j Carpenters' Arlth.. S3.75E, Bookkeeping, -312; Rua Corresin4? ence, 37; Bus. English, f, Com. Law. 310, Prln. Electrical Enginecrlag. 316. Klec trlcal Testing, 315; Ele. English, 35; Free hand Drawing, 37; Gas Engineering, 37.50J German, 310; Penmanship. 7: Plain Read log and Est, 37; Public Speaking. 371 Salesmanship, 330; Shorthand -and Type writing, 318; Showcard Writing, 7; Spell lt.g, 33; Steam Englnwcrtng,t;6. - - Mxtra. fee of SB Is charred nonmembera. 17th & Harney. Call Kduc Depti. TV1-18BS; BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses .In . Buslriess. Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship, The, Catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College, ISth .and Harney St., Omaha. Neb. V " - MOS1IEP-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. ' g .... . Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For. free cataloguo-aJ-dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1815 Far nam Bt, Omaha, Neb. . LIVE STOCK FOB SALES llorac and Vehicle. ' Heavy teaming gears, and wagons; best makes and largest variety in ths city. Johnson-Dahforth Co.. 10th and' Jones' Sta WILL sacrifice two vthjto speckled horses, weight 1,000 pounds; wagon and harness. Leaving city today. Apply a. m. Staff Captain Ernest, 114 N. 16th. FOR SALE 100 farm wagon boxes .With sideboards and spring seats. 315.60. StroUd Co., 20th and Ames. Tel. Web. 2398. : ' Closing out our high grade' Racine run abouts with steel tires, for-330, with rub ber tires for 3&; worth 313 , Johnson Danforth Co.. 8. W. Cur- 10th and Jone, Horse, wagon, harnes cheap. 2S04 Wirt SEVERAL good delivery horses -' low prices. Apply E. A. Weather, Orkln Bros. LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston, terrier, female, blind le and white markings, near 40th and Cuss ing, Wednesday morning. Reward tor return to 3920 Cumins St Call H. 6U4. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, Persons having lost some article, would do welt to call up tbe office ot the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to acertaln whether they left It la the itreet cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is . anxious Jo restore them to tha rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. FOUND Bull dog, call South 1000. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for book on rectal dlseasea with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. .Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical Offices HI3EA8E8 OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South ltth Street Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments; Nor ton & Co., 335 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOB BENT.V Apartment ssS Vlata. Gordon Van Co. jg 0 N. Uth St. or 210 & 17th 8t TeL D. 3M, 1307 FARNAM 4 rooms completely mod ern, suitable location for o((Ices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., tor tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hail Dlst Co. 433 Ramge. D. 7(06. NEW e-r. actmta. ona blk. from iiltrh scbooL P. Crawford. War Blk. R. TMi 3-ROOM mod. flat, Scargo. Bldg., 516ft No. 24th St, South Omaha. Hail. Ui Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406. 8TR1CTLY first-class apts. MARttiS BORENSEN, 1225 City Nat Ufa D. 6790., FIVE-ROOM apartment, first" floor. New Harlan Apartments; 230!' Sherman Ave., vacant October L Vers .fine In every respect. Janitor syrvlce, etc. Win ter rate. 147.50; summer, 343.50. Act promptly It ynu want It Scott & HtlL Phone Douglas 1009. REASONABLE RENTS. FREE TO OCTOBER 1. Call Douglas 4512. C-room apartment "THE ALBION." loth and Pacific Steam heated. Janitor. C-room flat. 1702 N 24th fit Beautifully papered throughout I I - - i I 111 J i Ui'O : I in- for The Bee by wu-,rr 4 Piiy you vsyoHLDxiT Looked em UP AfORE V'Lfc V'PtOOR OFFERED FOB BENT. Apartments and Flat. 1 TO any one desiring a 4-room apart ment with living room 25x14, with man tel and east and south exposure, con venient location. Must bo seen to be appreciated. References required. Ad- mepd o i. caro ot uee ft.,, flu. 14.14 X. n 1,1. , ; .jv ... 41111, cucay rem; well arranged; beautifully papered throughout; modern. Call D. 4512. THE STANDARD. JEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS SEPARATE HOMES-REAL COMFORT High grade complete apartment rfVi' r!odern- 6r" besides private hall Inside flnt; complete bath rooms, I pantry, closets, hot water all year. Gas range with suction hood, janitor. Prices below anything In city of. like character. Win ter 335 and up; $10 less summer. Bonus at end of year. See and know about these real money and work savers Nothing like them In the city. Payne & Slater Co., Om. Nat Bk. Bldg., or Hook, 1101 N. 13th. WEST Farnam District. 7 rooms, 340. PBnno Harney H65. STRICTLY high-grade steam, heated apartment on W. Farnam St., with janitor servleo. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. CLOSE-IN MODERN BRICKS. Five rooms, heated, 24th and Cali fornia, 337.50. Eight rooms, 2-story, yard, roomers, 22d and California, 340. "O'KEEFE ' REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 2120 Burt St., newly built -room flat, strictly, modern In every re spect Inquire 2418 Burt St. nfter 'spect Inquire at 2418 Burt St after 6 p.1 m. ' 3TarBtsheel Rooiaa. DE CARNE. 2708-4" FARNAM ST. Rooms, pleasant reasonable. Har. 3631 NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat am oacKson 01. lyier JKO. nnrtur .,, u. . making, 312.00 month; close in; good neigh borhood. Web. em; TWO newly furnished rooms In private family; walking distance. Harney 6813. THE NEW THNARn " UndeT'new management. 2551 Farnam; '". iimiii:u rnpiiiB, not ana coia water in every room; modern; equipment; shower bath. TeL Doug. 6618. RpJf ,,n Private family In Hanscom uhuih. iu. jiarney iks. em. 2603 N. 18th St. Phone Webster 11S0. Unfnrnlahed Room. 2009 CHICAGO Threo rooms. Inquire at 330 No. 20th. Hotels and Apartments. 7 DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Itonaes and Cottasres. FIDELITY c&otfZA X A, moved. pacKoT shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug lilt. BRICK HOUSE Seven Rooms Pour Bedrooms Modern in Every Respect At 1511 South 29th St. Tel. Harney 1509. 7-R. MOD houae. near cars. H. 2563. 1KK1 XT wntw j ... u 2218 Chicago, 8 rooms, modem, 330. 2407 B. 16th, 6 rms, mod., steam heat, 336. 3014 Webster, 7 rooms, new,, modern, 335. RINQWALT. Brandels Theater Bldg. 1tir,r.TPma k,i.i. v, ..... , a. near park car. Harney 1660. NO -EQUAL 7room house, 4-room flat all modern. Tlsard. 220 N. SSd. 7-RM., mod., new, 2912 Beward. H. 6917. J G. Rptfl Ca. f uriUturs moving. Hotmnn u PsrU ot the city. jxousea Creieh Bon Cc. wee mu 9-r. house, mod. Gcod iocatlon. 725 a 87th. We bater 2590. A COMPLETE list of vacant nouses, apartments and flats that are for rent Thla Is a list compiled dally and can S seen free ot charge at 309 South 17th St. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 6-r mod. house, 1309 a 26th. D. 4473. 602 N. S2D ST., 6 rooms; furnace heat; all mod.; 32160. Bemls-Carlberg Co., 313 Brandels Thea. Bldg. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas !fK FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling ou Cass, near Xth; modern. CrelgaVM university. Douglas 232a 9-ROOM all modern cottage, hardwood floors, nice lot, near high school, to small family, 335. 2529 Cap. Ave. Tel. D. 673 or 776. 7-ROOMi modern house; Bemls park; 330. Harney 2799. FOR RENT-1914 N. 2Sth St. New mod em 6-room cottage. 325. ' NEW 6-room, modern without heat 2721 Parker. Phone Harney 74. NINE-ROOM, house, mod.; good loca tion. 725 S. 37th. Webster 2590. WEST Farnam, tine, large, new rest dence with 3 baths, for rent, on N.-E. cor. 23tb Ave and Davenport St FOR RENT Eight-room house. 2215 Dodge 8t Apply W. N. Chambers. 231 Brandels Theater Bldg., Phone Douglas 56. For Rent Largo 12-Room Modern House At 310 South -?th Ave.; t bed rooms; a fine location and house suitable for roomers and, board era Will lease to de sirable tenant at 345 pir month. See McCague Investment Company Phone Doug. 415. 1504 Dodgd St. SEVEI-room modern, first floor oak. 601 Park Ave. 340. TeL Harney 1410, FOR RENT-rS-room house, all modern. In good condition. 1413 Ohio St Inquire 1116, Lathrop Bt Key 2614 North 15th St. SIX-ROOM .cottage, modern except fur nace. 2210 Burt REASONABLE-FREE TO OCTOBER 1 Call Douglas 4512. 6-room apartment 'THE ALBION," 10th and Pacific, steam heated. Janitor. 6-room fist 12B N 24th St Beautifully papered throughout Well arranged. , - - M . M I J - I " I k 1 Cliff Sterrett etm of "Those. c0lCk''5ET-llAV, which H.4 EijABL&D TTo -the rvice. tM S SIMP! i OFFERED FOB. RENT. Houses nnd Cottages. 2519 Miami St, 6-r. cottage, city water, etc.. 312. 2220 Grace. 7-r., strictly modem, 323. W. G. SHRIVER 1047 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. 6-ROOM house, mod. except heat; ot paved street Price 31.200. tlS-S-r. cottage, .mod. ex. heat, lnqulr 2314 No. 25th St. 320- -r. cottaget mod. ex. heat, 161S No, 55th St 321 Dandy 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat newly papered throughout Nice yard, 26U Wirt St 330 Nearly new 6-room bungalow, hot water heat Fine garage. "1529 Hall Ave. SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1009. Stores and Offices, FOR RENT The office on grouad floor ef Tha Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frantaga on Farnam St and occupying about 1,53 square feet with extra entrance on the tourt of the1 building. Large vault Fins Ciffice fixtures tor sale. Apply N. P. Fell, Bee office. HALLS FOR RENT. HALLS for lodges, card parties and dances all conveniences-required. Fourth floor Continental bldg, Uth and Douglas. Inquire Room 19, Continental Bldg. NEW store bulldlr.r, Z8rtiu. steam heat 1703 Jackson. 316 8. 13th St txsi. OFFEltEP FOB SALE. Kn'jrnttarr. Auction Sale Of high-class furniture of a 9-room house completely furnished, consisting of, piano player, brass beds, rugs, etc. Owner leaving city. Friday, September 19, at 2 p. m. 1120 CAPITOL AVE. GOLDEN OAK china cabinet, excellent condition. Price right 1801 Wirt W. 116. BASE burner, .ki perfect order; 2823 sf Street, South Omaha. 7 PIANO, good as' new, (160; range; fur nlture. 328 North, 36th St. . . afastcal Instrument. ELECTRIC pianos, 3125. U9 N. 15th. FOR SALE Instruments, parapherna lia and music for orchestra. Apply Post Exchange, Fort Omaha, Neb. Pianola,- In. good condition, with 67 rec crds. cheap. 425 No. 41at 8t Harney 4132. IrsewiUen. RENT 'Remingtons, Monarches and Smith Premiere of their maker. The Rem ington Typewriter Co., telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If Vou 'purchase and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Rates, 3 moe. for 33.00 for understroko machines or 33.00 per month for latest model -visible writers. ALL makes typewriters rented and sold, easy terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange. Ib05 Farnam St Douglas 603L TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. 4. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT an Oliver typewriter, months. 34. Tha Oliver Typewrite Co.. Doug. 2919. REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and sold on easy term. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. .411 a 15th at RENT an L. .C. Smith & Bros, type writer, visible, late model, back space key, guaranteed A. No. 1 machine. L. C Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 1819 Far nam. Phone Douglas 2213. Remember this is new location. Mlaoellaaeoac SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. IfiT T ? ma t mm . 1 & McKensle Pte. Co.. 1467 Harney. D24U. HIGH school cadet suit at bargain: ex cellent condition. H. 2669. 3x3 'a'ir compressor. Ml a 14th. FOR' SALE New as.d second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables an4 bowllnr alleys and accessories;, bar fix tures ot all kinds; easy paymaats. Tao Brunswiok-Balke Collender Co., et"-4gf HATTTTH rtt,r,k . . .. - ... makes. J. 3, perlght Sate Ca. 1212 Farnam EMPTY Ink baiTels tor sale. Apply Bss Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam flu. KINDLING wood,. 33 load. Gross Wrecking Co. "BIG MUSICAL HITS." ' "Longing," high-class ballad, and. "Vlc t0I7. March," regular 25C numbers, by mall 11n a trrr A .1.4 tf.Li, -- I Rose Co.. 823 Mulberry St.. Scranton. Pa. PERSONAL. Mlas Fisher, mas., bath, eleo. treat D. W. massage ssrsssss: 4l I Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dod'ga, Marguerite Halloran. mascage. P. 7731. PflSt R1T.F VlMlln. m,A M.H...I Box Co.. S9th and Paclflo. Hamey 147 MANICURING, race, scalp. magnsUS treatment. Miss DeBar. ITU Dodge. THE BALVATION ARMY sollclta cast, off clothing: In tact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell' at in N. 11th St, tor cost ot collection, to tha worthy poor. TeL Douglas 4121 ami wagon will calL O'CONNOR HEIRS WANTED. Informatton ot the heirs of John O'Con nor or Connor, who was a shoemaker, supposed to have wife and at least two children living In western Iowa, north western Missouri or eastern Nebraska. Ad&2s wlth tu" Information. N. H. Tun ?JcHtcar5 i B' Thoma. 316 Omaha WANTRI1 Tr .J . . or invalid, old or Infirm persons who o-bvoi Biieoiion. aaaress Y 371. Bee. 59 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO Journal. 31.60; the S. E. Post U.60: ths Country Gentleman, 31.60, by Sept SO, earns that 3L0CO for tbe Invalids' Pension Ann. Your renewal contributes 60c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. UUWJU.1. THE MAUAZ1NE MAN.. MAGNETIC treatment E. Brott, 1U.XXJAJAJ.U 18T3 ytnton. j). W36. w -nw-v. buiutu, uiusns as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Avi. wners they will b directed to suitable hoarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. NOTICE. I have changed my location to tit Batrd Bldg.. 17tb and Douglas. Mrs. Dr. Rlt Unbous 4s8 hater. Masa. Elec. hatha "persistent Advertising Is the Road tc Big Returns.