Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Everybody Roads
tho day's happenings oxcry day.
If folks don't read your store
news every day, lt' your fault.
Fair; Warmer
Police Inspector Investigates Report
that Slayer is Not Priest and
that Other Not Alive.
Tells of Visitor Calling with Copper
to Re Cut with Margin.
Xnew Plates Would Permit Photo
graphic Engraving of Currency.
follce Authorities of Scotland Yard
.Have No Record of Dr. Mnret,
bat They Have of Dr.
NEW . YORK, Sept. 18. Tho engraver
who soid "Father" Hans Schmidt the
copper plates used In his counterfeiting
work told the police today that- "Dr.
Ernst Muret frequently had accompanied
Bchmldt to his. shop." Muret, the bogus
dentist, has contended that he knew
nothing of the priest's counterfeiting
plans.- The discovery of this engraver,
A. O. Ifauver, and tho evidence he gave
Was considered most Important. Bui
Inspector Faurotiof tho detective bureau.
Intimated thai something bigger was la
"At the present," said tho Inspector,
"I am Investigating a report to tho ef
fect that "Father" Schmidt, referred to
by the Germans, died, and that the man
now In the Tombs simply Impersonated
that man. I am not at liberty at this
time to divulge the som-ce.ot misinforma
tion In this regard, but I consider It of
luch a nature that a thorough Invest!
tatlon Is. Imperative."
EnsrritTer In Suspicions.
Houver, the engraver, said that a man
he recognised from photographs as
Schmidt, called at his shop somo time
ago with a strip of copper thirty-six
Inches long and twelve inches wide.
Schmidt, he said, instructed him to cut
the plates eight by four Inches, explain
Ing that he wanted a half Inch margin
on them.
Ifauver said he was aware the plates,
If cut by Schmidt's .instructions, would,
permit, with a narrow margin, the pho
tographta engraving of currency. He be
came spektlcal, and Inquired as to what
use the, plates w,ere to be put. The priest,
he said, evaded the question.
Muret pleaded guilty today to 'the
charge, of haying in his possession, a
JdaroUB-' weapon. Ha cue was put'
O Vtlpli.",OptOb&r:) JiSvrE H' ?;-- ...
Schmidt' Became, suddenly taciturn to
day Hitherto h&- aetth dad -to answer
ftde senttd his cetf, although his art
gwera cast, no light on his record.
Among Schmidt's letters the police have
found' one that has started them on a
search , for a young woman known as
Hefen Green. This name whs not signed
to tho Setter, but gave the clue and the
address and a telephone number led the
police', to a west side apartment which
It was found Iad been occupied at the
time the letter waa writen by a woman
living the name of Helen Green, and
(Continued on Page Two.)
Mrs, Pankhurst Says
. She Expects to Land
PAIUS, Sept. 18. Mrs. Emmellne Park
hurst, leader of the British militant suf
fragettes, In a statement here yesterday
declared she will "positively sail for
America on October 11."' Bhe added that
ihe had already booked passage.
"I do' not believe the American immi
gration authorities will detain me, and
fcejrtainly not for long," she continued,
"i am not the least afraid pf deporta
tion, and will not resort -to any subter
fuge to- gain admission to the country.
"Iwlll 'sail under my own name and
am convinced I will receive fair play. I
have much faith in the open-mlndedness
of the people of America. As soon as I
rihlsh my lectures In America I shall
return to England to resume my work."
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: ,
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair; rising temperature.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
5 a. m..
6 a. m. ........ .
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
l p. m .
i P. m ....7S
3 p. m , 71
4 p. m 74
J n. m. T3
6 D. m 71
7 p. m 6J
8 1. ni 64
Comparative Local Record.
1311 1912. 1811. 1910.
HlEhest yesterday 75 62 GO $6
Xowest yesterday 55 42 56 68
Mean temperature 65 52 62 77
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .CO
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from Uie normal:
Normal temperature 65
Excess for the day 0
Total excess since March 1 ,..610
Normal precipitation CO nones
(Deficiency forahe day 09 Inches
Total rainfall since March 1.... 16.73 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 7.17 inches
Deficiency for cor. p erlod, 1S12. 2,68 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.14. tj Inches
Reports iron station at , l, M.
Station and 8tate Temp. High- Bain
of Weather. 7 pm. est. fall.
Cheyenne, part cloudy.... 72 78 .oo
Davenport, ciear ....- ee to ,oi
Denver, clear ... 52 tl .oo
Des Moines, clear 66 TO .00
Dodge City, clear 6S 74 .CO
Noith Platte, .clear 74 SO M
Omaha, clear , 68 75 .00
Pueblo, clear 81 M .oo
Rapid uuy. pari cioua.. in hi .0J
Calt Lake l'l. clear SJ 81 .i .
Hanta Fe, clear 72 78 .10
Sheridan, cloudy 68 7$ .01
Sioux City. clearO 70 74 .0)
Valentine, clar 78 S4 .09
1 A, WE1.SII, Lord) Forecaster
Motor Party Robbed
Near Bryan, Ohio;
One Officer is Shot
TOLEDO, O., Sept. 18. Motoring from
Toledo westward, Herman C. G. Luytls
of st. Louis and party of five, were held
up by three men in an automobile six
miles east of Bryan, O., early today.
With drawn revolvers tho thieves took
f 2,000 In cash, a gold' purse carried by ono
of the women, several diamonds and
other Jewelry.
The bandits drove away with the two
cars, leaving the Luytls party in the
Sheriff Samuel' Welnland of Williams
county was notified, and following the
tire tracks, found the two automobiles
at a farm house out of gasoline. As he
approached Welnland was shot In the left
arm and another bullet inflicted a flesh
wound in his head. He grappled with one
man and arrested him. Tho prisoner
gave his name as R. W. Duff', 26 years
of age, of Toledo. Two other suspects
were taken later from a passenger train
at Wauseon, O.
With Luytls In the machine which was
held up were Charles Bye, St. Louis; W.
Ef. Crelgcr, New Tork, arid two women
who gave their names as Mrs. Smith and
daughter of St. Louis.
Eight men taken from freight trains
aro in Jail at Wauseon. Two others ar
rested at Montpeller, have confessed and
from them some of the stolen artlctes.
Including two gold watches and a
diamond ring and 150, were recovered.
The two said they were Arthur Gerow
of New York and William Justice of
Philadelphia. They said the man ar
rested earlier by Sheriff Welnland was
Robert Dwyer of New Tork, though he
gave the name "Duffy."
A ring stolen from the Luytles ratty
waa recovered from Duffy, or Dwyer.
The sheriff suffered only slight flesh
Japan is Growing
Restive Under Delay.
. of Reply; to 11$ Note
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18.-Vlscount
Chlnda, the Japanese ambassador, hatt an
engagement with President Wilson today
to discuss the California alien land law.
Ho haa had several conferences 'with Sec
retary . Bryan, but no answer haa. been
made to the fourth Japanese note sent
two weeks ago, and the Toklo govern
ment, contending with elements attack
ing the ministry not only for Its differ
ences with China, but with the United
States as well, Is said to be growing rest
ive' under the delay.
Counselor John Bassett Moore, who has
been framing previous notes to Japan, Is
away on a vacation and Is not expected
back until next week. -Today's conference
with President Wilson, however, haa been
generally Interpreted in official circles
here as -the result' of pressure on Am-
BSSMdar, Chlnda,. from tlja h (fevers-,
menl to get definite word' aa''tb'WaM-V4
ttroffVesa. of the ri&OtUUe-fii
. White House officials staled that y tho
.1 , ' V. L I u l. L fj'. tV .,
tuiivcieuuuu -uoivteon mo presiaenc anu
ambassador was in reality an explanation
on both BldtB of the last note and that
nothing new had arisen, it was stated'
also that Japan was not pressing fdr a
reply and that today's conference waa
one that was to have been held some
time ago, but had been postponed on ac
count of other engagements of the am
bassador .as well as the president.
New Haven Railroad
Stock Sinks to New
Low Record in Price
NEW YORK, Sept 18.-A break of 2V4
points in the stock of the New York, New
Haven & Hartford railroad on. the stock
exchange today carried the price down to
S5H. a new low record. At S3',4 the stock
showed a loss of six points since the closo
of last week. It was 44K points under
the high prices of-tha year, reached on
January 10. The depreciation in market
value represented by this decline is nearly
The stock railed a. point after touch
ing 85tt and no more offerings were
pressed for sale.
The long decline in the shares, extend
ing back more than a year, grew out of
the various difficulties, financial and
otherwise, of the New Haven system, and
the reduction, in the dividend, 8 to 6 per
cent. The Intimation given recently by
Howard Elliott, newly elected head of the
system, that a further reduction might be
deemed advisable, la believed to have been
a factor In the renewed decline.
Princess Sophia
Commits Suicide
HEIDELBERG, 'Germany, Sept. 18.
Princess Sophia of Saxe-Welmar com
mitted suicide by shooting herself with a
revolver during the night. She was found
dead this morning. In her 'room In the
palace of her father, Prince William.
It waa first-announced that the cause
of the death of the princess was heart
disease. Bhe was only 25 years old,
having been born July 25,' 1883.
Princess Sophia was reported some
months ago to have become engaged to
marry Hans von Blelchroeder, a member
of the powerful Berlin banking family.
Her father, however, denied the report
at tho time. '
Princess Sophia and' the young banker
were recently seen together and it was
persistently rumored that they had be
come engaged to be married In spite of
Prince William's opposition.
Incendiaries Burn
Mansion in London
LONDON. Bept 13.-Flre. probably of In
cendlnary origin today destroyed Theobald
Park, a beautiful mansion at Walban
Cross belonging to Admiral Sir Hed
worth Lambton-Maux. The mansion, to-
' gether rlth n large fortune was be-
I queathed to Admiral Lambton by the late
j Lady Mans on condition that the take
( the name of Maux. The loss Is estimated
I' at 150,000. Grave house, another man
sion, belonging to. the Maux estate, was
burned last year.
Engine Tender and Six Cars of
Great Northern Limited Hurled
from Track in Minnesota.
Within 600 Feet of Flaming Trestle
Before Danger Seen.
Emergency Brakes Applied, hut Not
Without Avail.
PassetiKer nushtnir Atonic at Speed
of Flfty-Flve Miles Hoar One of
Victims Most Serlonnly Hurt
Is In Hospital
WINONA, Minn., Sept IS. Although
the engine tender and six cars of tho
Great Northern eastbound Oriental lim
ited train were hurled from the track by
a burning bridge on tho Chicago, Burling
ton & Qulncy railway, three miles east
of East Winona today, but two persons
were injured, neither dangerously. Mrs.
A. F. Traynor of St. Paul, tho most serl-
f ously hurt was taken' to a hospital at La
Crosse, Wis.
Rushing along at a speed of fifty-five
miles an hour, the train, which left St
Paul this morning, was within 500 feet
of the burning forty-foot trestle over a
small ravine before Engineer A. J. Had
ley1 of La Crosse discovered the flames.
The emergency brakes were applied and
both'lladley and Fireman Atkinson re
mained at their posts, but It was too late
to stop the train. The tender and bag.
gago car tipped over on the north side
of the track and the two day coaches,
two tourist cars and the dining car on
the south side. Six cars were damaged
by flames.
President Wilson
Without a Ohuroh
WASHINGTON. Sept. l5.-Presld.eht1
Wilson is without a churchy the edffcg
in which he has been accustomed1' to
worship alnco ho entered the White
House having been sold tn n negro Con
gregation The sale was completed today,
when the Mount CarmI Baptist oongre
gatlon took over the edifice of the Cen
tral Presbyterian church. Tho latter
congregation will build a new structure
In a more desirable neighborhood.
The church, which was established In
1868, for some time has been losing In
membership, because of its location.
Situated In what was originally the cen
ter of the residence district, It lived to
.U? members gradually crowded out
-of their horns arid remove ta distant
evitabla. Fre!flnt,4Wjtt6, .Mi was re--
ported .today probably will Join some
otheFf Presbyterian congregation Until the
Central church Is established in Its own
home, when he will renew his member
ship. Work brt the new structure, which
will bo erecjed In a fashionable residence
section, wilt be commenced at once.
Fernald Taken After
Seven Years' Ohase
NEW YORK, Sept. 18.-Walter C.
Fernald, sought by postal authorities for
seven years, was arrested today when
tho steamship Majestic docked. Fernald
was Indicted In Trenton, N, J., several
years ogo on a charge of using the malls
In a conspiracy to defraud.
The government officers said that Fer
nald had served time In San Quentln
prison, California. According to them
Fernald In 1906 was head of the Security
and Purchasing company and Imperial
Trustee company of Jersey City.
It is charged that ho advertised to furi
nlsh capital for new corporations and
collected fees ranging from 1500 to 87,000
from numerous customers.
TABOR, Ia Bept IS.-(Special.)-Tabor
college opened this week with bright nros-
tects for another year's work, The en
rollment promises to be equal, if not
greater than last year.
An Informal reception to the faculty
was given at the home of Dean MerhPan
Monday evening and the first chapel ex
ercises were held yesterday.
At the close of the exercises the Alumni
association presented Miss .Lawrence, pro
fessor of mathematics, with a bouquet of
American Beauty rose?. Miss Lawrence
recently returned from a year's port-graduate
work In the University of Wisconsin.
She has been on the faculty longer than
any other member
New faculty members are Prof. Hugo
P. Wise. headof the English department;
Mies Frances F. Gardner, teacher of
French and matron of the ladles' dormi
tory, and Miss Ruth Splndler, violin
BALTIMORE, Sept. 18. In a hand-to-hand
fight with his crazed negro 1'auf
feur, armed with an axe, in the garage
of his residence today, Charles G. Guth,
former president of a chocolate company,
shot and mortally wounded his assailant.
The negro, George Murphy, died" In the
patrol wagon on the way to a hospital.
Mr. Guth was held, pending an Investiga
tion. Mr. Guth said the attack cams
after he had rebuked thu chauffeur.
Henry D. Eatabrook Is to be the
speaker before the Palimpsest club at
the Omaha club on the evening of Satur
day. September 27. He will talk on the
subject of "What Is the Constitution Be
tween friends?" Mr. Estabrook 's well
known In this city, where he was a lead
ing attorney for many years and where
he established a most enviable reputa
tion as an orator. He Is now attorney
for the Western t'nlon at New York City
; Drawn for Tho Bee by Powell.
Street Car Company to Make Vigor
ous Attack Upon It,
Legal Battle Will Be Waged
AKalnst Seven-for-iHrter Car
Rides'' Ahead of SbbwIssIoh
fdr Pceple'n Ballot.
By Instituting legal proceedUis to
test tho cohatltutlonallty-of 'thtrtnitratlvb
Ha, 6hi' the? lStlMilri' that th , sate
legislature cannot delegate us legislative
authority to ihe people, the stroet rail
way company will, It is Understood, at
tack the ordinanco providing fbr tho sale
ot seven etreut car tickets for twenty
tlVe cents. Falling in this test of law,
the ordinance itsolf may be taken to
tho courts on the- question of fact as to
whether tho ordinance is confiscatory or
City attorneys informally discussed tho
point raised oyer (he constitutionality
of the Initiative with an attorney of the
street' railway company. One city at
torney said: '
"In my mind there Is a question as to
the constitutional right of the legisla
ture to delegate its legislative authority
to the people. City councils are given
power to pass ordinances, but there ft
nothing in the constitution which gives
tho legislature tho right to confer legls.
lattve authority on the people."
If the ordinance- providing for the sale
of seven tickets for a quarter is adopted
at the special election at which It will
be submitted, along with the homo rule
charter, the street railway wilt lose Its
opportunity to test the initiative an'd
throw out the ordinance on that ground
Hence, It is argued, the .first tight will
be made efore the election.
The street railway", company will also
attack the ordinance on the ground ot
insufficiency of petition, illegality of sig
natures and misrepresentation of the cir
culators, who secured signers to the pe
tition. The petitions for the Initiation of
the ordinance were fathered by the so
cialist party.
Denver Olub Women
Demand Big Plums
DENVER, Sept. 18. The Jane Jefferson
club of Denver with Its auxiliaries In the
state, an organisation composed of women
democrats, today sent a telegram to
President Wilson ' stating that as the
"organization has rendered sterling ser
vice In tho battles of Colorado democ
racy, Its members are entitled to some
thing more than mere clerkships," and
declares that the women should be given
"more dignified" positions In the federal
WASHINGTON. Bept. 18.-Representa-tlve
Hlnnebaugh of Illinois, chairman of
the progressive congressional committee
today brought to a conference of progres
sive members of the house a message
from Colonel Roosevelt endorsing tho
plans of the house progressives for thu
next congressional campaign and renew
ing his declaration than no amalgamation
of the progressive party with the repub
licans would be considered.
The National Capital
Friday, September 18, 1010,
The senatr, .
Banking committee continued hearings
on currency bill.
The Housr.
Took up administration currency bill
for passage and Incorporated the so
called "gold standard amendment."
Representative? Hennabaugh brought
the progressives a rnessaite from Colonel
Roosevelt endorsing their campaign
Welcome to the Doctor
Mann Drops Bomb
Among Democrats
WASHINGTON, Sept 18. Republican
Leader Mann dropped a bomb among
democratic' leaders today, when ho. In
troduced a resolution calling on, Speaker
Clark to appoint a. committee of seven to
Investigate tho soliciting of campaign
funds among -members of tho house.
The Mann resolution was' based on a
recent circular lettse by qjialrtpaB Dor'
muC'of the democratio eo n rei 6 4l fans .
oalfttf committee. aMtlnr 'eacn. democrat
In the niru44,to:-ftobe to" the SMlcaR
paMrh, The resolution, oltod the
statutes governing the soliciting of funds
for p6)ltlai purposes from officers of tha
government It was referred to a com-
Work of Relief Set Forth to Con
ference Delegates.
Churches that Were Damsged by
Wind Will Come Oat of OrdenI
Stronger Thnn Brfore, Dae
io Help Furnished. '
(From a- Staff 'Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. I8.-Speclal.)-Dr; Ed
ward: Hls'lop, reporting- for the ' Omaha
district to the 'Nebraska - Methodist con
ference, today gave the story or tornado
relief for the churches under his super-
Vision. After commenting" on the death
of Casslus' Bhlmer and all the 'members
of the Daniels family save, one, Dr.
Hlslop sold;
"But If the tornado will long be re
membered, even longer will It be, remem
bered the generous sympathy and relief
that came to stricken Omaha. From city,
hamlet and farm gifts of money, colthlng,
foodw and furniture poured In. The ap
peal of the conference board of home
missions and church extension for our
stricken churches was generously re
sponded to. When the 'drouth In some
sections is considered the , giving repre
sents herolo sacrifice, The total fund for
the restoration of Methodist churches
amounts to 8,0K7.65.
Work of Restoration.
"The work of restoration has gono
steadily forward. Trjnlty church, under
the leadership of Thomas Blthell, has
been restorod, not as It was, but nearly
so, at an expense of $6,000. So. far they
have received J2.WS.SJ from the relief
fund. McCabe has not begun to rebuild,
but Is making the best use It can of the
damaged building. The reason for delay
Is that a feeling has grown up that the
new McCabe must be a much better
church than the old,
"The demolishing of a dwelling by the
tornado threw onto the market at a sac
rifice figure the lota Just west jot the
church. Brother Underwood 1 and his
alert trustees bought the ground. No one
who looks the situation over with an eye
to future Methodism in the growing dis
trict beyond Forty-first and Farham can
doubt the wisdom of the purchase. Mc
Cabe has up to date received JJ.057.79
from the relief fund. Southwest chapel
Is to be rebuilt, work on the basement
being already under way. This church
wal entirely destroyed by the tornado.
The new church will be of concrete
blocks, costing about 83,000. They have
received up to the present time 1,000
from the relief fund." ,
"Ralston, though the chUrch building
was not damaged, was so ' crlppljd by
loss of Its Industries for four or five
months that relief ot II to from the relief
fund was given the church on pastoral
support. Tn addition all of the above
churches received aid from the general
Board of Home Missions and Church
Extension at Philadelphia, appropriated
out of funds collected by the board for
totnado and flood relief.
(Continued on Pagf Two,)
AUSuoh Places Must Close Sere
During Ak-Sar-len.
Chief: Dnnn Says He Knows Nethlns;
of Gambllna; In Pabllo or Seml
Publla Manner May De
talt Special Men,
v Gambling noun in Omaha must- cless
during Ak-Sar-Ben carnival tinder orders
ttfldVbllc Commissioner ij'mmf
who Insttucttd Chief of 'Botyfco, Itenry W.
Dunn yeiterday to tttke. .nscestary step
to wipo out all game. The: .police com
mtsslohtr threatens to detail special men
to tha Job of detecting gambling Joints
It the, police fail to find them.
Commissioner Ryder resented the, In
sinuation that public officials were "in"
on the gambling and refused to closo
tha Joints. That thoro Is gambling, ha
sAld, cannot bs denied, and there "al
ways will be a certain element looking
for a game, and they will get It from men
whoso main business Is fishing for stick
Chef Dunn said he knew nothing of
gambling In publlo or semi-public man
ner. He, said the. police foUrtd It almost
Impossible to prevent "two or three ne
groes getting together and shooting
craps," and that it was hard to convict
such, offenders.
Steve Maloney, chief ot detectives, said
he did not believe his men frequented
gambling places, ns had been alleged. He
knew, he raid, that they would Immedi
ately arrest anybody detected gambling.
RegardlUK his orders to Chief Dunn,
Police Commissioner Ryder said:
"Publlo or quasi-public gambling in
Omaha cannot be tolerated during Ak-Sar-Bcn
festivities or at any other time.
Even 'the man of very dense mind must
realise that tho sentiment here against
gambling Is of the very strongest char
acter. That there Is gaming of a kind to
invite or catch the ordinary man that is.
open and public is not a fact, but even
where there la a suspicion' ot substantial
violation of tho state and city laws
against gambling It is going to be re
moved. It may bo necessary to detail
special men to watch the alleged gam
bling Joints, and If so that will be done,
Anything llko public gambling cannot be
conducted in Omaha.
"Of coune, In a city like Omaha there
wU always be a certain element' look
ing for a game,' and they will get It
from men whole main business Is fish
ing for suckers; but that sort of thing
is sporadic. Chief Dunn is a man who
has my full confidence, and this morning
his instructions at to suppression ot
gambling were amplified to that extent
Lam confident even the sneakiest game
will find little to feed on. The intlma
tlon that tho authorities are 'In' with
whatever gambling has been going on Is
absolutely without foundation', so far as
the police department Is concerned, and
I do not believe it Is true of any publlo
ANTWERP, Sept 18.-Depresston in the
world's rubber trade has caused an
economic crisis here. Many of the rubber
companies In tha Congo have discharged
their European agents and large bodiea
of native rubber collectors. It Is said
that overproduction of rubber has low
ered prices on the International markets
below the cost of gathering and trans
What Is believed to have been the maxi
mum was reached at Silver Lake yester
day, when the mercury sltzled at tho ill
mark, according to information reaching
here today. Considerable crop damage
was reported.
Twenty-Four Republicans Vote for
It and Three Dem6crats
Are Against It.
Fourteen Moosers Vote for It and
Two Against It.
Sixty-Nine Democrats Against the
Clause Which Started Row.
Secretary of State, In Address to
Bankera nt Itlchtuond, Va., Says
BUI Is Dmwn to Protect
Interests of Depositors.
WASHINGTON. Bept 18,-The adminis
tration currency bill was passed by the
house this afternoon practically un
amended. Tho vote was 288 to 84,
Tho final vota brought a number of re
publicans to the support of tho adminis
tration measure. Twenty-four repub
licans voted tor tho bill and three demo
crats against It. A final tight on an
amendment reaffirming the present finan
cial policy ot a gold money standard
caused some detections from the demo
cratic aide.
Applause greeted the passage ot the
bill. . The three democrats who voted
against it wero Representatives Galloway
ot Texas, Elder of Louisiana and With
erspoon of Mississippi.
TJie republicans voting for It wero
Baits, Browne, Cary, Cooper, Cramter,
Dtltton, Each, Fair, Fesst Frcar,
Haughcn, Halgesen, Keht, Lenroot,
Ltnqulst, Mapes, McLaughlin, Nelson,
Porter. Samuel Bmlth and J. M. C.
Smith of Michigan, Smtth of Minnesota,
Btatford, Young of North Dakota-
The regressive Vote split, two progres
sives, Temple and Walters ot PennsyN
vanla, voting against the bill. Fourteen,
others voted for It. They were repre
sentatives Bell of California: Hlnebaugh
WoodrVff of Michigan! Kelly of Penn
cylvanla, Laferty, Llndberg, MacDonald,
Manahan, Murdock. Notan, Norton,
Rupley, Thomson ot Illinois, and Stephens
of California.
Representative Wingo ot Arkansas de
manded a record vote on the so-called
gold standard amendment and on 4 divi
sion, 163 democrats and republicans voted
for, it and 5 democrats Voted against
It. A roll "call was ordered.
The roll call, however; charged the
ya6 to 3M In favor pf the amendment to
fttit lk AMttoAAyttar m i.
democrats. ' -
k IrtAe!''2SS5 Jst .
j-jrrrajs. i.upimiii sm iw miht
RICHMOND; v., Kept M.-Membr4 of
the American Institute of Bankers. In an
nual session hero today Heard Secretary
Bryan deliver virtually his first publlo
(Continued on Page Two.)
Man Killed in Auto
Wreck Near Sheridan
SHERIDAN.- Wyo., Setft 18.-fflpactal
Telegram.) William Chalmers, foreman
of a threshing crew, is dead as the re
sult of an automobile collision on a
country road last night. Thomas Beau
mont and Mrs. Kal Evans, members ot
tho same party, are In the hospital, one
with a rebroken leg, the other with a,
broken arm, Kal Evans was driving to
Shorldan from his ranch after dark" -tor
repairs, The Injured persons accompanM
him tor the ride. On a ahary curve yrith
a high bank on the Inside a drop of twenty-five
feet on theutstda they met an
unidentified car. Evans' 'car was f6rcd
over the bank and turned completely
oVer. ' All the occupants were, thrawri to
ope side except Chalmers. . who wan
pinned under the car and kilted Instantly.
The other. car brought tha victims to tha
hospital . here and then disappeared.
Beaumont, whose leg is broken, Uft tha
hospital only, yesterday after- bslcur there
five weeks with the same leg broken as
the, result of a runaway.
John Robrabaumg, chauffeur for State
Senator John B. Kendrlck, was drlvtns
the car which wrecked tha Evans, auto
mobile. An Investigation - shows him not
to blame and he was released.
Fashion Fancies'
.How shall we bo clothedf
This Is the question that
faces every woman at tho
change ot season.
And not only every woman,
but every roan also.
Where do people turn In
stinctively for the, news of the
"To their newspapers," 70U
If it Is tho latest word on
"war, polltlca or social matters
that Is desired, the Inquirer
turns to the news columne II
It is the latest word on Paris
fashions or the newest importa
tions or the most recent adap
tlons, he or she looks through)
the advertising columns of this
or any newspaper of equal
No one can afr.ord to be be
hind the times nowadays and,
knowing this all the bost Im
porters, manufacturers and re
tailers keep their patrons In
formed on the latest facta and
fancies through the medium ot
the reliable aud up-to-date