Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1913, Page 3, Image 4

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Flour Sacks Short in Weight Muit ( Governor Appoint! Members
Be Made Good. t School Law Body.
Bejrnlattona of tt Welshta nd
Menanrea Lutt Mot Strlnnent and
Drying; Oat Proceao Not Al
lowed For.
(From a Btaif Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept. 15. (SpeclaD-One of
the problems which faces the commis
sioner of weights and measures under
the iittw law Is that of weight of flour
as sent out by millers. In many In
stances a sack of flour which when
sacked weighs the required forty-eight
pounds, In course of time will dry out
and fall short of the weight required by
law when sold to the consumer.
When sacked at the mill the flour Is
placed In a sack which In most Instances
Is marked as containing forty-eight
pounds and does so contain that amount
when It leaves the mill. In due course
of time It reaches the consumer and falls
short according to the length of ltlmo It
has taken to go the route between the
mill and the consumer. Who then Is re
sponsible for the shortage and who will
havo to make good.
According to the law and the ruling of
the commissioner the manufacturer who
brands his goods will have to stand good
for the amount shown by the brands even
after It has gone out of his possession
Into the hands of a second, third and
possibly a fourth party. The new weights
and measures law requires that a barrel
of flour must contain 196 pounds, half
barrel, ninety-eight pounds, a quarter
barrel sack forty-eight pounds, eighth
barrell sack twenty-four pounds, and a
ilxteenth barrel sack twelve pounds.
The net amount of flour In weight must
be printed on the main label of the sack
or barrel and it must be exclusive of the
weight of the container.
The barrel or sack must have printed
thereon the name of the manufacturer
and the place of manufacture.
If flour Is made of more than one kind
of wheat It must be stated on the label.
The mixing of spring and winter wheat
comes under thlg head.
The law permits the use of nitrogen
peroxide In the belachlng of flour and If
flour Is bleached It need not be branded
as bleached If for sale or use In the
Nance Treasurer
Has Novel Scheme
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Sept 15. (Special Telegram.)
Secretary Oaddls of the tax commission
has received a great many letters sug
gesting different methods of making laws
to govern taxation and secure the best
results for the state. The latest comes
from Treasurer Richardson of Nance
county, who believes the best laws can be
secured for the state by a very radical
change In the methods of making the
laws and tho number of members of the
legislature elected for that purpose.
Kir. Richardson suggests that the sen
ate be composed of only five members
and and the house of only ten. ' These'
members shall be paid a good salary and
be In session the year round. They shall
be subject to recall at any time a cer
tain per cent of the voters petition for
nr. election 'for Yhat purpose,, ' ' ,
flenate Journal of the Laat Session
Cornea from the Fublther and
la One of Larjreat Vol
umes laaned.
(From a Staff Corespondent)
LINCOLN, Sept 15. (Special.) Gov
ernor Morehead this morning appointed
the members of the new school law re
vision commutes which Is supposed to
revise the school laws of the state and
prepare them for submission to the next
legislature. The members of the commit
tee art:
James E. Delzell, state superintendent.
William Richie, Lincoln. First district.
N. M. Graham. Routh Onihi. Swimil
Charles Arnett, Schuyler, Third district
Karl Cllnc, Geneva. Fourth district
Edith LathroDD. Clav eCnter. Fifth
P. M. Whitehead. Onthpnhprir. Ktxth A n.
Senate Journnl Oat.
The first 100 copies of the senatp jour
nal have been received by Secretary Ludl
of the printing board. The volume con
tains about 1,375 pages. It contains a
cut of the state house, a picture of the
governor and lieutenant governor, secre
tary of the senate and the members of
tha body. It Is well printed and makes
one of the largest and probably the larg
est sonate Journal ever gotten out by the
Zlall Doard Dasy.
Hallway Commissioners Clarke and
Taylor went to Fremont this morning to
attend a hearing In the Hooper-Fremont
telephone controversy. They will also
take testimony In the Blair telephone
matter. Commissioner Hall left this after
noon ror Leigh to preside at a hearing
In the application of tho people of that
town to have the Northwestern railroad
company build a new depot
Kllffore Wanta Depot.
The people of Kilgore, a small town on
the Northwestern, not given on the man.
have made complaint to tho aril way com
mission that the depot at that town is
entirely inadequate to do the business
which the rompany does In that city and
ask ror a new depot They set forth that
the business of the railway company runs
an tno way from 2,500 to 53.000 per month
and la sufficient to give them therlght
to a modern structure.
Shelton Wanta JV'e-rr Trial.
Henry I Shelton, sent up from Hayes
county for manslaughter, Is petitioning
the supreme court to give him another
trial, claiming that his sentence of two
to seven years was not warranted under
the law which defines the penalty for
manslaughter at from one to ten years.
He claims that under that sentonco he
J was deprived of one year In which he
could go before the pardon board and
apply for apardon. Shelton was con
victed of shooting Ludvlk Osmera.
Murderer Arrested
in California for
Crime in Auburn
VALLEJO. Cal.. Sept. 16. Wanted for.
the murder of Julian Bahuard of Julian,
Neb., H years ago; Charles Kotf. for
merly an employe of the' Mar Island
navy yard here, and for nine years a
respected resident of Vallejjo, was ar
sested today. Sheriff Jones of Nemaha
county, Nebraska, arrived here a week
ago to make the arrest anil nn the. n,
CLUMBUS, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special Tel- ( day Koft disappeared. He returned today
egram.") Yesterday evening, Gertrude, tho
3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Imhofr,' living fifteen miles west of this
.city, was crushed under a teeter board
and dlfcd a few minutes later, The two
little children who were on the board did
lot notice the little one until after the
iccldent occurred.
to visit his family, he said, and was arrested.
HARTINGTON, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special
Telegram.) What might have proved to
Notea from Beatrice. 1 be a disastrous fire had It not been for
BEATRICE, Neb., Sept 15. (Special.) 1 the prompt and efficient work of the fire
Dr. Ci'A. Love and family arrived home department was discovered this, morning
Saturday from a 2,000-mile auto trip to about 2 o'clock at tho rear of the office
Colorado. They report that in western occupied by John J. Goebel and Z. M.
Kansas It was difficult to find water Balrd and the building occupied by the
with which to cool the engine of their . M. D. Lydick harness shop. The fire,
automobile, ana mat in many iocuium
people are mbvlng away.
Eugene A. Wood and Miss Gertrude
Robertson, both of Wymore, were mar
ried Saturday by Judge Walden.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Maey
of 1516 Washington street came near be
ing destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon
as a 'result of a 'gasoline explosion. The
neighbors saved the house by carrying
the burning stove Into the yard. Mrs.
Macy. was badly burned on the right arm
when the explosion occurred.
Thomas Darling and Walter Kelly, two
itrangers who were arrested at Wymore
Thursday on the charge of stealing a
watch from Thomas Cutshall of that
place, were brought before Judge Hurst
Baturday. As they could not be con
nected with the theft of the watch they
were released.
General L. W. Colby of this city, one of
the heroes of the battle of Wounded
Knee, has received an urgent Invitation
from Colonel W. F. Cody to participate
In a reproduction of the battle of Pine
jtldge on October 1.
Trenmnrh School Tenchea Fnrmtng,
TECUMBEH, Neb., Sept 15. (Special.)
The enrollment the first of the week of
the Tecumseh schools Is fully up to what
It usually Is at this early a date. The
lotal enrollment Is now 470. The Tecum
leh schools now have a teacher In agri
culture and an acre of land for prac
tical work. This may enhance the en
rollment of farmer boys In the winter.
In addition to this the school is teaching
Domestic science, with practical work
ror the girls and has a workshop with
benches for twenty-five boys, who are
'aklng the second year In manual traln-ng.
which appears to be of Incendiary origin,
started In the narrow opening between
the two buildings, and worked its way
up the sides and over the top of the Goe
bel office, spreading to the building oc
cupied by the Hartlngton Herald.
The greatest damage was done to the
Lydick property, the fire eating Its way
into the interior of the building and dam
aging a large amount of the harness
stock and entirely destroying a part. Mr.
and Mrs. Lydick, who live upstairs over
the harness shop, were not awakened
until the fire had made such headway
that the bed on which they were sleeping
was partially burned.
Tho damage to the Lydick building and
contents will amount to about 11,000, and
to the Goebel office and the building oc
cupied by the Hartlngton Herald, which
are owned by the Globe Clothing com
pany, will amount to about 500. All the
losses are fully covered by insurance.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept 15. (Speclal.Wohnson
county has seen the light and will come
across with the amount that county owes
the state for taking care of Its Insane
prior to 1891, when the new law went Into
County Commissioner Fink and County
Clerk Kelley of Johnson county called on
State Auditor Howard today and after a
conference announced that the county
would pay the 112,000 due the state, but
would have to pay It In two- Installments,
part this year and the balance next year,
under a special levy which would be
made for the purpose.
Miss Clarice Stone
To Model at Orkins' This Week
Miss Clarice Stone, the professional model and her two as
listants, who captured the admiration and applause of the
'housands who witnessed the style' exhibitions at Orkins' the
just week, will bo at our store this week to model for the
Pleasure of our customers.
Miss Stone and her assistants were trained in the fashion
ihops of New York and the East, and are not only clever but
irtistic in their posing. If you care to learn what's new and
iee how it looks when worn, Miss Stone and her assistants will
So pleased to model for you.
Better Values Than These in Fall Goods of Desirable
Quality Cannot Be Offered Anywhere
Xa Wow in Progress
la Artists Models
"Tableau Vlvanta"
See rage 8.
Worm's Nickiw
Many new designs
In embroidered and
lace dress oolUra
and cuff sets, also
new Medici collars
with lace ends
nt SOo and 9Bo
Marbout sets, bows,
collars and muffs.
Great Offer of 75c Quality Muniing Union
Suits for Misses and Boys, at 39c.
A special lino of tho fnmoun Munstng flooco
II n od cotton BUltn, all perfect, high neck,
long sleeves, nnklo length, drop nv
sent; ages 1 to 14 years, "iflf
worth 7Gc, nt, suit
50c to 75c Laces at 39c Yd.
18-lnch shadow laco flounclngs, 18 and 3 6-Inch,
shadow allovers and 42-lnch dowdrop chiffons; also
VenlBo and shadow" faceTbands, edgesand galloons
a w-onderluTassortmcnTof this season's most at
tractive designs worth to ?5c, at
yard V?
Flouncings of Lace at 59c and 98c
27 and 45-ln, shadow laces and oriental net flounc
lngs, alTcTaHoverB lnVonlso and crochet effects and
silk embroidered not wide bands and edges
worth to SI. 50, yard, at
Embroidered Flouncings at 39c
46-lnch Embroidered Voile and Crepo Flouncings,
also 18-In. corset coverings exceptional OQ
valuos for Tuesday, special at yard Ji71
We fill prescriptions at
about half drug; store
Scmpre divine, 90 n
r.ttr lr. fcw
Jess Talcum, 25c
size for
Colgate's La France Iloso
Perfume, at, the 9 fin
ounce eJU
and Toilet Goods
Pond's Cold Cream, I On
26c sire 1 00
L Blache Face Powder,
all shades, 290
Kirk's' Shan do n Bells
Soap, 3 In a box I i n
tha box I u
Bromo Seltzer, SOe
size bottle for. . . .
Cool Nights Are Here to Stay
Blankets and Comforters
Offered in Our Basement at Prices Lower Than Regular
Pull 12-4 size Beacon and Woolnap Blankets, plain white,
grey and tan 2-inch block plaids and broken plaidsfast
colors on soft short nap blankots. Would take eh foQ
expert to tell from fine wool. $3.00 and $3.50 k I
values baaomont, bargain square, pair tAoV7
Full 11-4 soft fleeced cotton
blankets, .Australian and Woolnap
good heavy, durable blankets
that usually sell at $2 to $U.BO pr.
white, frroy and tn base
ment bargain square, (t - fjn
pair J 1 iOt
$7 Vlaltl Wool lllankcts finest,
all long fiber wool blanket ever
(.old at tho price all wool j both
warp and filling 11-1 sio for
double beds blue, pink, kth,
tan, ml and black, on IMnch j C
plaids, pair V"
Full slto 12-4 Cotton lllankcts white, grey and tan, soft, short nap
for fall and winter sheets all double and a regular $1.73
value, pair
Sflne AU Wool Filled
blankets, " full Jl 1
slzo, plaids and plain
colors a big spoclal
In tho Septombor sale,
go on salo
at, pair. . . .
$2.50 Sllkollno covcrod
Comforters F a n c y
scroll atltched and tied,
full slzo for double
bods. Many colors and
pattorns; reg. df.,59
$2.50 val ea
Fronch satoon covered
Comforters Material
alono would cost$5
flllurt with ono largo
shoot of puro white
cotton; mado
largo, at. . . .
Women's Long Kid Gloves $2.45
Imported French kid gloves of the finest
quality, in white only $3.50 val
ues, in all sizes, at, pair
Two-Clasp Imported Kid Gloves
Oversonm sown lntnbsHln kid gloves, "Odotto"
quality. In black, whlto and colors always
sold for $1.25, special, nt pair
L8 H
Women's Kid Gloves at 69c Pair
Light and modlum weight Imported S-clnsp Gorman
kid gloves In black, whlto and colors ex- 7 Q
ccllont selection and splendid values, at pr. U7C
New Robe Flannels, 25c and 35c Yard
Very deslrablo pattorns for making protty, practical
robos In Just tho weight for fall wear Flannol Do
partment, Dasomont.
Outing Flannels at 7 l-2c,-8 l-3c,-10c
Medium heavy and oxtra heavy weight, beet quality
light, modlum and dark colors.
8oo tho now yard wldo, fancy figured, striped and
Persian pattern fleeced flannelettes 27 and 30
inchos wide, at yard . .7Mii and 12Vi
Wool Mm at aM, SB,
oria . Clever Ideas
in pwttl navy blue ana
black serosa, alao new coat
ffecta, vx plain materlala
and velvet! 'with black and
white checks or plain col
ored skirts long or short
sleeves, draped shirts, etc
Suits for Women $ "1 A
and Misses at . .
Plain tailored models in
navy and blaolc serges and
mixture cloths, well tail
ored and excellent values
all sizes for women and
Juniors' Suits at $8.98
Grey and brown mixture
cloths in practical . styles
for school wear,' satin lined
Womea'sand Misses' Coats
at $5. $6.98. S8.98
Three-quarter and
length coats In plain i
and mixtures.
Plain black and
blue serges, also
grey mixtures .
new features.
Slrirlit urap e d skirts,
in.ii is Bkrta gatMered at
back, eta, $2.50 and 93.98
"Fit Ezy" Shoes for Women
They combine tho best shoo value with absoluto
shoo comfort. Mado of fine calfskin in dull or
tan, also patent leather in a dozon styles, the
new English walking shoo as well a a MQ
as button styles specially priced lS.'lfh
Tuesday, at pair Tw u
Women's Smart Dress Shoes
In atyles that nre new this season. Patent leather
and dull kid skin with new French heels, alao Cuban":. A.t $4i95 $6.00
Wide Top Shoes for Women With Large Ankles
Specially made for women with onlargod ankles. Shown this eon
son for the first time.. An innovation that thousands ot women will
approciato. They como in dressy styles In all sizes and widths.
Women's Untrimmed Hats
Black silk volvot shapes in 10 stylos qq
email, medium and large; $2 vnluos at 2OC
Misses' Untrimmed Fall Hats
An Immense shlpmont of tho now soft volvot HatB tor misses and girls.
stiff mushroom brim with soft crown, of good quality silk vol
vet, In black, brown, navy and cardinal retail at $3 to $3.50
Ifntrimtned Sntln lint Black
satin shapes with black volvot
facings, at 08 d
Trimmings nt 80c and 00c
Algrotto effects in new fall
On Sale In Basement Diction,
Btve slenderness and irraseful
outline that no other coraet can
equal, and offer Incomparable
models for modish fcowns. La
Vlda Corsets onhanco the na
tural praise producing style
points which simply make suc
cfPhful costumes. Comfort nnd
perfect fit are the keynote of
their construction, permitting
cnaa In sitting or standing.
The finish and distinctive tone
which Is worked Into theso cor
sots endow tho wearer with tho
emphasized charm and personal
attractiveness which custom
mado garments to accomplish
and give each figure an Individ
uality that only scientifically
di signed hand mado corsets can
glvo Made of flnost fabrics,
boned with oxelon, which is Pos
itively unbreakable, combining
resiliency pvlth retention of
shape during tho life of .the
Wp Invito indies to come In
oml tio fitted. You will bo
plcnBed with our hygienic
method of fitting.
We Announce the Opening
Display of What Promises to Be the
Most Brilliant Ribbon Season ' Years
We offer Tuesday thousands of yards of beau
tiful Ribbons for hat trimmings, dross trim
mings, sashes, girdles, hair bows and fancy
needlework. The now girdle volour ribbons
In all tho new colorings, at 91.50 a yd. and up
Btonnlnff plaid and Roman strip rib
bons, a favorite for misses' nalr bows
and for rlrdlas aa wall an almost end
less variety priced as a feature of thla
showing at, yard 49o to SMS
A wonderfully complete lino of the new
inch Plain Moire Itibbon In all the shades
that are most popular this fall. We mention
two special prices for Tuesday, yd. 80c, 40c
Experienced belpera In our ribbon work room
make np all kinds of ribbon novelties to suit the
Individual tastes of exacting- woman. "We execute
tbsa special orders with palnstakur ear. The
ribbon department Is by far the most complete
and psrfeotly equipped section of Its kind Avail
able to the women of Omaha.
The New Season's Extreme Novelties
Autumn Silks and Dress Goods
See tho new $2.50 quality Satin Brocades 30-lnches wldo In qtroet and ovenlng
shades, plain satin to match, yard $1,151)
10-Inch Silk and Wool Poplins In all th a newest f All shades aplendld wearing1
article very fashionable) at, yard ooo
Cheney's new 40-inch Crepo Mandarin, many shades Including Emerald, Amorl-
can Beauty, Russian Blues, new wood ehados, Burgundy, etc., yard . . . .T.91.05
Sew Brooad Velvets, Stunning Designs, French colorings 91.00
27-lnch SngUsh Velvet Cords, tss height of fashion, yard 81.38 to 810.95
New 54-lnch wldo Dress FabrlcB Just received. All new weaves In black and white
checks and stripes, now whipcords, diagonals, Bedfords, brocados, coeturao sergoa
and plain mannish suitings, on bargain square, yard 91.10 and l)8c
M-lneh Bilk Betlne, In Copenhagen, xus tian bine, vieux rose, Wisteria, new
brown, navy and black worth 91.00, at , , , , , iq0
In our enlarged dross goods section In basement we show everything new In var
ious widthB and right colors, at yard 50c to 91.20
The New Fall Curtains and Drapery Mater
ials Show Many Charming Novelties
Shown for the First Time
Antlquo Scrim Curtnlns More than 25 uew
pattorns, Ivory and Egyptian color, pr. 97,30
Imported Uuchewsc and 1'ornt Milan
Curtains Ivory or ISgyptlun. piilr, 03.98
Voile Curtains, trimmed with filet lace
very attractive novelties, at pair 9'J.OB
Our Imported French Velour Portlurcs
will be shown Tuesday for the first
time; pair .835 and 840
CoUcli Covers 100 extrn heavy GO-Inch ro
vorslblo couch covors, special, each ..$4.(50
New Bcreens. fitted with best grade of
burlap, with hHrdwood frames; each,
at 84.98 and 87.80
Fronch Velour Table Hunticrs Very attrac
tive ideas, just received, at each 92.08
Leather 1'orUcrew, heavy and well made, set
at 91.08 nnd 93.08
New Fall Arrivals in Linens Specially Priced rioS
" $7.50
Ininorted Satin MamelHeB Bed Spreads with bolster throw to match,
stationed nil around with cutout corners, beautiful de
sltmii. RIO.OO net. at set
Our own Importation of fine German Damask Table Cloths, In beautiful hn Q
round designs with medallion centers, can be scalloped or liemstltchod JQ
U 4 nt I
24x24 Nnnklns to match, at dorcn .81.B0
. . . - .1- . f-i i . ., t. . . r I rt.M i.
Our 72-inch Grass Bleached Tanie uamasK,
beautiful designs, regular SI. 50 value.
! In this sale, ft OQ
8 only ...y nPktU
n ii i .i ! "
Luncheon Sots of all Pure Linen Damask
45x45 and 36x36 square with
napkins to match, 15x15 alio
$4.50 value, at sot
V& dozen
Tempting Offers in Dainty Art Needlework
BOO Hand Embroidered Pillows, Scarfs nnd Centerpfwc". These beautiful Hrs rf
pieces nro all handsomely hand cirroldered In silk and should sell in n SI I
regular wny ut $5 to 810 ca.; a special Tuesday, on Third Floor, each, at .f,"'v
A now lot of those very desirable leather pillows with velvet polnsettu
theso pillows mado of two full skins regular 85.00 values, special
Tuesday, at
Haby Pillows Hand embroidered on flno
nainBook nnd ready to ubo; S3
to S3. 50 values, nt each
Stamped and Tinted Sofa Pillows Top
nnd back now designs,
at 77. ....
K BARNEY, Neb., Sept 15.-Speclal.)- Vitfti
As a result or me lniuai n
was taken by the women or tnis cuy iiw
spring- toward perfecting an organisation
would lead ud to a permanent
Young Men's Christian association, a suf
ficient sum of money has been raised to
employ Earl M. Lobb ot Lincoln as a
community worker In this city. Mr. Lobb
la a young man of experience In com
munity and Young Men's cnrlstian asao
elation work and Is a graduate of the
Wesleyan university of Lincoln.
Rooms were opened here today and the
new man will enter upon his duties at
once. The rooms will be fitted up as a
gymnasium, reading rooms and offices,
and everything possible will be done for
tho comfort of the boys Joining the club.
The work will proceed under the direction
of Mr. Lobb, and It Is believed that a
permanent association can be formed
wlthl na short time, the matter already
having been taken up by the Commercial
club and other organizations ot the city.
Train Ilnldrra to Lincoln.
DORCHESTER, Nb., Sept. 15. (Spe
cial.) The trampa tht broke into th
freight train while taking water here
Saturday and stole merchandise which
they attempted to sell about town were
placed In earn of W. C. Hcatpn, the
Uurllngton's specUl agent, today and
taken to Lincoln for safe keeping.
The boys endeavored to break out of
tho town Jail Sunday afternoon ' and
would have made their getaway had not
a woman heard them and reported tho
same to the officers. They were tlion
handcuffed and shackled during tho
They give their names as Walter Martin
and George Drown of Peola, Kan,
They will appear before the next ses
sion of the federal court.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special Tel
egram.) The State Railway commission
haa ordered the Dell Telephone company
to connect with the lines of the Hooper
Telephone company. A charing van nail
at the district court room today, at which
both parties were represented by utt.
neya befbre CommUalonera Clarke nnd
Taylor and a decision was given Immedi
ately after the cake was submitted.
The case will probably will be Taken
Into the courts.
A I'lenaant 8nrprla
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills; the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 2Sa for
sals by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
OnSkk repl to Marrr.
CHICAGO, Sept IS. (Special Telegram.)
A marriage license waa Issued here tndsy
to Otto W. Guttmer and Mrs. Marie
Grimes, both of Omaha.
The purchase of Hard Coal for the winter- is a serious matter and involves
a large expenditure which is, in most cases, a difficult one to provide for.
It seems necessary, however, to use Coal and wo want you to feel that it
would be good judgment to buy
Sunderland's Certified Hard Coal
Our Goal is inspected before shipment to Omaha and again upon
arrival at our yards. It must be of highest grade or rejected.
If it's good enough for us to unload, it is suitable for most ex
acting coal buyers.
You cannot afford to take any ohances on coal quality, and you
don't have to if you buy from Sunderland. Winter heat de
pends on the quality of the coal you burn and costs too much to
lose any of it because of slaty, stony, dirty coal.
NO. 1
NO. 2
L Douglas 252
Htrt 31 Yiare ,
Entire Si Floor 17th aul Hantty
Yell-0 Wagons
Proud Teais