Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1913, Image 2

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Everybody Reads
the rtny's happenings every fifty.
If folks don't rend your store
news cv-ry day, It's your fault
Fair; Cooler
Congressman Cole
Says He Told Mulhall
to Leave His Office
Imm - ' "v ; Again Above the Clouds .
Senate Agrees to Joint Resolution
Proposed by the House With
out Division.
Says Effect of President Wilson's
Request Is Bad.
Letters Say Lot of Refugees Is Now
Much Harder.
Rumor Hint American on Wjr
from Torrcon Are In Hand of
Ilnnillt Donbtcil nt Waililnn
ton nnd Mexico City.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Without
reference to n committee, the senate
today unanimously agreed to the house
Joint resolution appropriating Imnuifll
ntely $100,000 for the relief and transpor
tation of American citizens from Mexico.
Senator Brlstow of Kansas, however,
did not grant his consent to the passage
of the resolution until he had criticised
the administration policy.
"I have had letters from several friends
In Mexico and talked with others, who
have left Mexico since the president Is
sued his warning for Americans to get
out of Mexico," sold Senator Ilrlstow,
"and they all say that the warning has
been very unfortunate. They tell mo that
It has made the lot of Americana In Mex
ico much harder than It" was before."
ItcnortM of Dnniter ExniiKcrntoil.
Ono hundred Americans, fugitives on
the Mexican desert between Torreon and
Saltlllo, harassed by bandit bands, ac
cording to unconfirmed reports, were not
mentioned In the oarly official dispatches
today and the State department had no
Information of them. Officials here were
Inclined to believe the Americans wero
in no grave danger. Agents of the con
stitutionalist movement maintained the
Americans were In no danger at all and
would be protected by the constitution
alist forces against any roving maraud
ing bands. Officials of the consular serv
ice pointed out that tho Americans passed
Parras on September 11. That town 'a
In tho hands of the constitutionalist
troops, having been taken last May. An
American consular agent recently took
twelve days with a fust automobile to
make tho run between Torreon and Sal
tlllo. The fugitives, hampered by women
and children and more primitive means
of transportation, aro expecetd to requlro
much longer.
The territory through which the Amer
icans are traveling la controlled entirely
by the constitutionalists and their agents
have been given to understand tho United
States looks to them for protection of
the fugitives.
Minister of Interior Xcalirn.
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 15.-Dr. Aure
llano Urrutla, Mexican minister of the
interior, has left the cabinet. His resig
nation was accepted at midnight by Pro
Visional President Huerta.
Dr. Uxrutla Is under charges preferred
by Senator Manuel Culero, former Mexi
can ambassador at Washington, for ar
resting him in defiance of his Immunity
as senator.
Dr. Urrutla gave as the reason for his
resignation from the ministry of the in
terior that the post required qualifica
tions which he did, not have. He Is a
surgeon and has never before had ex
perience in politics. His anti-foreign aen
tlmenta have not been disguised during
hU term of office, and it Is said that
tho foreign diplomats here wero opposed
to his retention In the cabinet. Dr.
Urrutla was the author of Jhe so-called
Huerta ultimatum to the United States,
which was promptly repudiated by Fred
erico Gamboa, the foreign minister.
HefuKre Pas Parrna.
Up to noon today no further news had
Ttached here of the party of 100 Amer
ican refugees from Torreon, who are' on
their way to Saltlllo through the rebel
country. The American embassy is in
clined to the belief that imports of their
detention by rebels were without founda
(Contlnued on" rageTwoO
The Weather
-Farr??lfeyCOconofe,r.B1Utt8 " V,,nlty
Temperature ut Omalit Yesterday.
Hours. Dee.
5 a. m ss
6 a. m , 6i
7 P- m 61
8 a. m G5
9 tu m. C3
10 a. m es
"a. m to
1? tn 75
1 v. m 77
I p. m 77
? P- m 78
ni 77
6 p, ra 75
p. ra 78
I V. ra 72
8 p. ra , as
Oomparatlve Local Record.
Highest today " '-'0
Mean temperature 64 IS 70 83
Precipitation . ,ol T V
tt?Zu? WM! .r!plUUon depar
tures from tho normal i
Normal temperature aa
Deficiency for the day
Total excess lnce March 1 tu
Normal precipitation .12 inch
Deficiency for the day...., isiESn
Total rainfall since March i l!l9 inches
Dof c oney since March 1... S
Def c ency for cor. period, isu J Is Schts
Deficiency for cor. DeriooV mm it it if.
Dodge City, part clo'udy. So ,nohJ
Urpurt from Station at T V. 21.'
Station and Tome III
2 GO
CS 71
OS 72
S 72
60 CS
70 78
72 78
68 74
M 93
7fl 78
08 74
sa es
71 7S
ttl (6
Lands', oloudy
North Platte cloudy,, ,
Omaha, oloudy
Rapid City, rain
Salt lAke City, clear..
floux City, cloudy ,,,
Valentine. cloud ...
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WLLS1L Local Forecaster,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Former llep
rescntntlvo Ralph D. Colo of the Eighth
Ohio district told tho house lobby com
mittee today that Martin M. Mulhatls
testimony and corrcapondenco regarding
hla conduct aa a member of the house
were so full of half truths and false state
ments that ho would confine his own tes
timony to a gonernl denial. Ho, denied
flatly that Mulhall helped him to get
his nomination to congress.
"I never received a contribution from
tho National Association of Manufactur
ers," declared Cole. "Mulhall once came
to my office and started to telt me that
I had to atop my tight on Speaker Can
non. He never got any further than that.
I ordered Mulhall out of the room and
I told him If ho over returned I would
throw him out of tho window. From
that day to this, I've nover seen Mul
hall. That is the -way I served tho Na
tional Association of Manufacturers. It's
the first time and tho last time I ever
talked with any one from that associa
tion about legislation."
Cole said at tho time ho ordered Mul
hall out of his oKlce, C. It. Painter of
Bowling Green. O., a friend, was there
and heard It all. He produced an af
fidavit from Painter corroborating his
own testimony.
Congressman Burke
Decides to Retire
from Politics
PIEItUE, S. D., Sept. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Congressman Hurke today gave
out tho following statement: "My phy
slcal condition tho laBt year haa caused
mo to consider the advisability of retiring
from public lifo and I have contemplated
for some time not being a candidate for
re-election. I have now decided not to
bo a candidate for the reason stated, and
for the same reason will not be a candi
date for any other office. I am deeply
grateful" to the people of South Dakota
for their long continued confidence and
particularly to those personal friends who
have for so many years made my political
success possible. I shall continue to re
side In Pierre."
Attorney General Royal C. Johnson has
decldod to mako tho fight for the repub
lican nomination for congress in the Sec
ond district to succeed Burke. Mr- John
son haa been four years attorney general
and Is secretoryof tho National Associa
tion of Attorneys General.
SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 15.-Followlng
tho announcement of Congressman
Charles H. Burke today that he would
not seek re-election. Judge Frank Mc
Nulty of Aberdeen announced ho would
seek the republican, nomination for" con
gress, Three Trainmen Held'
Criminally to Blame
for New Haven Wreck
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept 15. August
B. Miller, engineer of the White Moun
tain express; Bruce C. Adams, conductor,
and Charlea II. Murray, flagman, are
held criminally responsible for the fatal
wreck' on the New Haven road at North
Haven September 2 by Coroner Mix, who
handed down his findings today.
$tar Witness Against
Sulzer is Missing
NEW TORK, Sept. 15.-Frederlck K
Yonkera, regarded as a star witness
against Governor Sulzer at his forthcom
ing trial on impeachment chargea, haa
disappeared, according to announcement
today by the assembly board of Impeach
ment managers.
"Information In the possession of tho
board Is to tho effect that Colwell la
absenting himself from tho Jurisdiction
of tho board at the direct instigation of
the governor and for tho purpose of
avoiding testifying against the governor
at his trial," reads a lengthy statement
Issued on behalf of the board by Aarpn
J. .Levy, Ita chairman. ' .
"Colwell can shed much light on these
Wall street transactions. , This Is well
known to Governor Sulzer. Where is
Colwell T Win Sulzer aid In accomplish
ing hla .retumT'
Testimony adduced by the Frawley In
vestigating committee of the legislature
at hearings hero waa to the effect that
Colwell had purchased 200 shares of rail
road stock last fall with eight -chocks
aent by contributors to Governor Sulz
er'a campaign fund, the personal check
of Sulzer for $900 and currency amount
ing to J7.12S.
Mr. Levy addod that a country wide
Beach haa been made for Colwell re
cently without success.
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Sent. 15.-Charsed
with murdering hla wlfe'a father, mother
und 16-year-old brother early today, D.
E. Baxter, 33 years old. a telephone
lineman. Is being sought by tho police of
thla city.
Baxter and his wife had been separated
several months. Early today. It la al
leged, Baxter went to the home of hla
wife's father, Heory Smith, where Mrs
Baxter had been staying, and opened
fire on the family with a shoUnn. Mrs.
Baxter succeeded in eluding her husband.
JERSEY CITY. N. J., Sept. 15.The
trustees of the estate of Mrs. Ella J. Mc
Pherion, widow of John H. McPherson.
who waa United States senator from New
Jarsey for many years, wound up Its
affairs and havo turned Into the treasury
of Yale university 1318,000 In securities
and deeds to property estimated to he
worth at least 1100.000. This bequest Is
to be used for the eneflt of tha worthy
and Indigent students.
Coal Strlkr Inquiry Closr,
WASHINGTON, Sept. It. Testimony in
the investigation of the Wost Virginia j
coal mlno strike was declared clored to
dav A rtport will be made in about
three weckr
Wing of Plane Collapses
Falls to Death in Sight of
Crushed by Heavy Engine Landing
on Head and Chest.
Faints as She Sees Her Husband
Hurled to Ground.
Accident nt District Fair nt Cham
pnlKn, 111, Victim Licenced n
mi Kxpert Aalrman by Aero
Club of Amerlcn.
GAUESBURG, III., Sept. 15,-Max Llllle,
aviator, was killed In a flight at Gales
burg district fair today. Utile's biplane
was overturned by a gust of wind when
several hundred feet In the fair and tho
aviator was hurled to the ground. He died
within a few seconds after spectators had
'reached him. Tho accident occurred be
fore several thousand persons.
Tho accident was duo to the collapse of
a jvlng as Llllle was making nt urn. Fre
quent flights of the machine had weak
ened tho wing and It broke off as though
It were mado of paper.
Mrs. Llllle was In tho grandstand
watching her husband's flight. She fainted
when she saw him fall.
The aviator was crushed by the heavy
engine, which landod on his head and
chest. Nearly every bone In his body
was broken.
Horn In Sweden.
CHICAGO, Sept. 13.-Max Lllllo was
born In Stockholm, Sweden, thirty-one
years ago and came to this country in
1903. For several years ho was In tho
contracting business in St. Louis. His
family namo was Llllzanstrom. Ho
adopted tho name Max Lllllo three years
ago, when he becamo a professional
aviator. He was licensed as an exprt
alator by the' Aero Club of America
and was regarded as one of the most
careful flyers In tho country. He had
made 3,500 flights without a serious ac
cident and for several years conducted
a school for avlntlon In Chicago. Last
year he won several prizes at the avia
tion meet held here under the auspices
of tho Aero Club of America.
Norman E. Mack
Brings Libel Suit
Against HennesseyJ
ALBANY, N. Y Sept. l5.-Norman E.
Mack, former chairman of democratic
national and state committees, failed to
appear today before John A. HcnnesBy,
Governor Sulzor'a special investigator, to
answer chargea of having failed to ac
count for moneys contributed to him In
the gubernatorial campaign of 1910.
Instead, Mr. Mack, through his secre
tary, served Mr. Hennessy with summons
and complaint in a $5,000 action for libel.
Following tho publication of Mr. Hen
nessy's charges, Mr. Mack announced his
willingness to appear before the investi
gator at any time and place he might
designate Mr. Hennessy then fixed tho
hearing at Albany this morning.
After waiting with stenographers for
halt an hour, Mr. Hennessy announced
that as neither Mack or Arthur A. Mc
Lean of Nowburgh, treasurer of the
democratlno committee, had appeared
the session stood adjourned.
Mr, Bryan Nettled
at Public Criticism
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.-(SpeclnD-Whllo
at Phoenlxvllle, Pa., Secretary
Bryan Is said to havo disclosed that ho Is
much nettled by the ridicule heaped upon
him In connection with his chautauqua
lecturing. He took occasion there to
deny most emphatically that ho Is a
mountebank, a vaudevllllan, a peanut
secretary of state or that he has made a
travesty on diplomacy, and resents the
prominence given tho fact that ho gets
the first 20 taken in nt each stand.
Secretary Bryan said that he Is a much
maligned individual. He takes the stand
that he Is "an added attraction" on the
chautaqua circuit and objects strenuously
to being considered or pictured as an
acrobat, a Swiss yodeler or a member of
a vaudeville team. He objects strenu
ously to being cartooned on a stage be
tween two perfectly capable members of
J tho theatrical profession.
mow is It." the secretary demanded
from his interviewer, "that some newa-
paper men ao color their descriptive work
as to make their stories untruthful and
But tho editorial attacks by the news
papers of England and the continent have
bothered the secretary more than he la
willing to acknowledge.
What right have they to declare I am
making a travesty of dlplomaoyr he
asked In a petulant manner.
"They do not know the real facta. They
! do ftot stop to investigate, and they cer-
imnijr snouia maKO an Investigation be
foro making wild statements. Tho state
ments that I am neglecting my duties at
Washington so that I may continue (hla
lecture tour are absolutely untrue."
The National Capital
Monday, Septrmbrr 15, 1013.
The Senate.
Passed Without refvrnnr In mtntMu
the house appropriation of J100.000 to got
""tot titui uui ut jiiexjcu.
Senator Thomas made a belated tariff
Testimony dosed In West VlrKlnui
strife Investigation.
Senators Thornton and Bankhrad In
troduced bills to appropriato .0O.000 for
good roads in co-operation with states.
Fenator O'Gonnan Introduced a bill to
place In front of tho canitol a copy of
th J. O. A. Ward statua of Washington
at the New York subtrcasury.
The Ilonir,
Cyrrrn-r bill taken up undrr the fir
minute rule, for amendment
Lobby committee lir&rd former Ranre.
tentative t'cie of Ohio.
mpH f mi w m m
' ' ' I
; - L .
' '''''' 1
Dgtwn for The Bee by Powell.
" -' 1 i . .
Consolidated Conferenoe Will Begin
Session in Lincoln.
Three District SuDerintendtnt
Probably W1H Be Eliminated and
Chansre of Pator "Will Be
Sfstde in Several Churches.
LINCOLN, Sept 15. flpeclal.)-The
Nebraska Methodist conforenca will meet
In draco Methodist church this mornlrisr
with. Bishop Bristol presiding. Until this
year there were four Methodist confer
ences in the state of thero
are only two. The Nebraska, North Ne
braska and West Nebraska conferences
aro now one. The new conference la tho
third largest In the world. The old Ne
braska conference has 189 pastoral
charges; the North Nebraska 133 and tho
West Nebraska 10o making in all 137
pastoral charges. The old Nebraska con
ference haa 181 mombora, tho North Ne
braska conference 13 and West Ne
braska 109, making a total membership of
429 ministers. Those three conferences
have 124 ministers who are supplies, pas
tors of churches who are young men not
as yet members of the conference.
Consolidation Come Today.
Before these three conferences meet
and transact business as one conference
It will be necessary for Bishop Bristol to
hold a separate Besalon for each. Ho has
called the old Nebraska conference for
Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock; the North
Nebraska for Tuesday afternoon at 1:30
and the West Nebraska at 3: SO. . On
Wednesday morning the new conference,
with Its 429 members, will hold Its first
Thero will be some very Important
changes mado at this conference. Thero
are now eleven districts and It Is the
plan of the bishop to reduce the number
to eight, making the district larger. The
(Continued on Page Two.;
Iowa Universalists
Elect Officers
WBBSTER CITY, la., Sept. 16. Spo
clal.) The Unlversallst state convention
in session In this city elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
President, H. B. Cropper, Waterloo.
Vlco president, Rev, L. B. Qaler, Mount
necrciary, it. jj. Htoughton. Usage.
Treasurer, & J. Oldfleld, Mttcheflvlllo.
" .u l " "f L . . . .
years that has not been held Jointly with
tho Unitarians. The matter as to whether
tho custom of Joint conventions should
be resumed next year took up much dis
cussion and tho 'matter was finally re
ferred to a special committee with power
to act Dr. D. R. Van Tassel of Sioux
City brought greetings from the Unitarian
WASHINGTON, Bept- 15. (Bpectal Tel
egram.) An expert from the North Platte
experimental station Is to visit Chase
county for the purpose of reporting upon
the possibility of artesian wells for Ir
rigation purposes. H. C. Dlesen Is to
make the investigation which has been
arranged for by Senator Norrls. Thla
means of irrigation Is said to be in suo
csful use In that part of the country.
E. C Henderson. Union Psdrlo brake
man, 122 South Eleventh street, ao
oldentally met with Instant donth Mon
day ofternoon at Klkhorn while twitch
lng som cars. The body -was brought
to Omaha where It was tajton In charge
by Coroner Crosby
He is survived by a widow und two
Union Veterans
Are Pouring Into
CHATTANOOGA, Tonn., Bept. 16. Mora
than 14,009 union veterans wore hero to
day for tho opening of the forty-soventh
annual encampment of tho Grand Army
of the Republic. Soverat thousand repre
sontattvo of allied organisations aro also
meeting simultaneously with tho annual
encampment. j
Today was designated as "Lookout
Mountain day." Doaplto a light contln
tioua rain, hundreds visited the famous
battle field along the sldo and on tho
Mnt of Lookout mountain.
Among departmental headquarters
opened wero Minnesota, Commander
Charlea A. Taylor, and Utah, Commander
Reuben Ochler.
Odd Fellows' Grand
Lodge Opens Session
MINNEAPOLIS, Bept 16.-Wlth address
of welcome by Governor Ebcrhardt and
Mayor Wallace a. Nye, and a brief re
sponse by General A. 'It. Btoclcer of
Mlamlsburr, O., the eighty-ninth annual
soverlegn grand lodge. Independent Order
of Odd Fellows) formally waa opened
here today. Delegates are present from
not only every part of tho UnlUd States,
but also Canada, Europo, Philippine
Islands and Hawaii.
In addition to tha Odd Fellows order,
representatives of all Rebekah lodges,
thv women's auxiliary of tho ordor, ara
Wealthy Chinaman
Ordered Deported
O0LUMBU8, O., Bept 16. Upon tho
grond that evidence offerod by the de
fense to show that tho defendant waa
born In America waa not credible, United
Statea District Judge Sater today ordered
that Ng You Neuy, wealthy Chinese
merchant of Zanesvllle, be deported
Neuy'a counsel made a stubborn fight
throughout the case. Judge Sater ordered
that Neuy, who . reputod to be worth
several hundred thousand dollars, tip
taken to San Francisco and placed
aboard an American transport bound for
the orient
CHICAGO, Bopt 15. A tournament
unique In golf will be played Wednesday
when grandfathers of the Homewood
Country club will view for honors. The
event was once postponed through the In
fluence of prospective grandfathers.
Unless visitors of the stork make othr
members ellgtblo, thirty-four playvrs
will enter. Each has been Invited to
bring a guest, who also must be a grand
father. Each contestant will be allowed
naif a stroke for each grandchild and a
full Btroke for each grandchild produced
at the tee.
A bronze statuo of a child teeing a ball,
designed by the daughter of a membwr of
the club who Is a grandfather, will be
awarded the winner.
ELGIN, III.. Sept. ifi.-Wlnter contracts
for milk, opened throughout the Elgin
district today by the big dealers, offer
an Increase of 10 cents a hundred on the
flat rnto over last year's price. This
year's flat rate offer for the winter
months, October-March, Is IL7S. For
milk that will test 3.8 or over
the average price offered Is $US a hun
dred. Producers In Elgin signed up
freely lor the price offered. In other lo
calities, however, It waa declared that
the farmers were "holding off." The
fanners demand an average price of
Sl.2fe for th winter months.
Messenger Clerk Enrages Porter,
Who Stabs Him with Knife.
Pearly linn Wan TnUlns; Nap When
' Herbert Plerson Plays Trick,
l'utttnir Cayenne Penner
, Under Nro' Nose.
Herbert Plerson. known also as
"Baihanthy' thu tidy dark at tha llo-
llablo Messenger and Express1 company,
08 South Thirteenth street, may toaa his
lit because he teased "Pearly" Bugr, a
negro porter by puttln red pepper un
der his nosa as ha was sleeping. Plerson
is In Bt Joseph's hospital with a number
of knlfo -wounds about hla face and body,
wuicn nr. it. ii. Harris bellovrs may
cause death. They were Inflicted by
Bugg when he awakened In strangula
11 on and became so enraged that he drew
a knife and attackod Plerson. who la al
leged to havo been tho perpetrator xf tha
Plerson was In charge of the office
oarly yesterday In the absence of an
other olerk, when the negro came In and
went to sloop In one of tho chairs.
Tho clerk rooeived a seven-Inch gash
from his stomach pit to the base of tha
heart, several Inches deop, beside a three
Inoh out across tho breast and ar.othet
that severed ths external Jugular vsln.
Several other stab wounds about the faoe
and arms cauaed great loss of blood, and
by tho Umo Dr. Karrlw arrived, Plerson
was In a serious condition.
Dr. Harris brought him to police head-
quarter for flrst-uld treatment nnd later
sent him to ths hospital.
Tho Injured man Is only about 23 years
of ago and has been a messenger boy
here for several years. Ha Is known as
"fiamanthy" to hundreds of business and
Piofesslonal men for whom ho has run
"Pearly" Bugg was arrested nnd Is
being hold at tho city Jail.
Japan Sends Warships
. to Chinese Coast
TOICIO, Bept li.-The Japanese govern
ment today dispatched two cruisers and
several torpedo boat destroyers to the
Chlneso coast Japan's demands In con
neotlon with the recent fighting at Nan
king have been accepted In principle by
China, but ponding their actual settle
ment and the re-establlshment of order
the Jupanete government feels that the
presence of Increased naval fores In Chi
nese wutera Is Justified.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb,, Bopt. 15. (Special Tel
egram.) J. M. Lynch, International presl
dent of tho Typographical vnloni J. W.
Hays, secrutcary-treaaurer, and Walter
McKee, trustee of the Printers' home 'at
Colorado Springs, wero In Lincoln today
and wore tho guests of the Lincoln print
ers. An automobile rldo and a reception
were tendered them In the afternoon, and
a dinner at the Ltndell hotel In the cvean
lng. Thoy will leave for Omaha at i:tt
o'clock In tho morning over the Rock
DULUTH, Minn., Bept 1&-Charles
Rowe, a sailor who has been sought as
a missing heir during many of the thirty
years he has worked on the great lakes'
freighters, learned today that a fortune
of JiO.OOO awaits him in London. Ont
The fortune, known as the RJspI ncstatu,
was left 1dm by a relative, John IUsnln.
at one time a sailor, Rows saw In an
old London newspaper an advertisement
of the administrators. He leaves today
to claim the legacy,
Mystery Surrounding Finding
Twelve Days Ago of Parts of Dis
membered Corpse Solved.
Rev. HanB Schmidt of St. Joseph's of
New York Confesses.
Had Wedded Anna Aumuller With
out Witnesses.
Dropped nnrilrn from Ferry Dont in
MldMrenni Trie to Cnt Throut
trlth ftnfrty llasor nimle .
Pillow I Cine.
NEW TORK, 8ept. 15.-In tho hope ol
branding as an Imposter nnd pscuda
priest tho Rev. Hans Schmidt, the al
leged aelf-confesacd slayer of Anna Au
muller, victim of New York's river mur
der mystery, church authorities began
today a sweeping Investigation of
Schmidt's record nnd hla pretensions to
"We hope, of course, to be able to
prove that Jhls unspeakable monster wn
an Imposter and that ho has been using
forged papers," declared Monslgnor La
voile, vicar general of tho nrch dloccso
of New York. "That Is something which
wo aro trying to clear up how. Ho camo
to thla dloceao with' credentials which
wero apparently In every way authenttc
and genuine, but wo ' know practically
nothing ofhlm. Hla crime Is' too horrid
to conceive. Wo can only hope that ho
may prove to havo been a pscudo priest,"
In his cell In the Tombs, with his coat
as a pillow, Bchmldt slept soundly through
tho night und nroso this morning to pur
tnko of a hearty breakfast He hod llttlo
to ndd to his alleged confession ol last
night In which he Is said to have told tho
police that ho killed his victim as shn
lay In bed, cut up her body in the bath
tub of ths apartment whore he had
established her, wrapped It In five bundles
and dropped the bundles in the Hudson
Make Two Confessions.
To the Itev. L. J. livers, tne Tombs'
chaplain, Schmidt was said to have made
tho following declaration:
"I was directed to kill her by St Elisa
beth, who Is niy patron, as a sacrifice,
to bo consummated as was the sacrifice
of Abraham in blood.")
To the police Sahmldi Is alleged to have
aald! ,
"I killed her because I-loved-har." -
The polios believe, however, that he
kllle'd her because she was soon to be a
mother. They bellove that the girl ac
cepted as genuine the marriage ceremony
through whloh she went with her allege
slayer last February and In whloh ha
waa both priest nnd bridegroom.
Defense Will De Insanity.
Schmidt's defense at his trial If ho
makes a real defense probably will be
Insanity, Alphonae Koolble, hla lawyer,
so announced after a long talk with
Bchmldt In tha Tombs.
"I shall move to have Father Schmidt's
case brought to trial at tha earliest mo
ment possible," said Mr, Koelble.
"If I then think he is insane I shall ask.
to have a commission appointed to deter
mine his mental status. If I think ho Is
sane, I will tell him that the only thing
to do Is to stand up llko a man and pay
the penalty,
"When I saw him today," he said: 'I
don't need your services. Let's not talk
about that now. Let's wait till God and
Abraham havo apoken. God and Abraham
will communicate with you and tell you
when, to come "to me. Don't do anything
till that time.' "
Mr. ICoelblo aald hla cllentw as fully
aware that he faced the electrlo chair.
Ptllovr Give Illm s-wny.
Tn the apartment, among other things,
the police found a marriage license Issued
tn New York last February and 'bearing
the names of the priest and the murdered
woman. This license had been used. Ac
cording to Schmidt's confession, he went
through a marriage ceremony with the
girl. In this ceremony Bchmldt was both
priest and bridegroom. There wero no
A. gally-colored pillow of unusual pat
tern led to Schmidt's apprehension. Thla
pillow, stained with blood and Boiled with
the filth of the river, was wrapped around
a portion of tho torso. Tho detectives
traced tho pillow to Its manufacturer; tha
manufacturer traced It to tho dealer; the
dealer traced It to Schmidt And the po
lice, tracing Bchmldt and the girl, knew
all about both of them hours before they
arrested him.
Bchmldt was arrested by Inspector
(Continued on Pago Two.)
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of Advertising
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necessaries of llfo. These mes
sages, la the form of advertis
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of our needs and to make easy
and economical all of our pur
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degree that wo pay attention to
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