The Omaha Daily Bee BEE BUSINESS OFFICE Now Located on the West Sldo of First Floor of Boo Building. Go Through Main Entrance. THE WEATHER. Fair; Warmer VOL. XLI1I NO. 76. (XNIAIIA, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1913-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. MOTHER APPEALS TO GOVERNOR FOR FAIR DEALTOJRRITHAW Telegraphs New Hampshire Chief Executive Asking Son Be Given Impartial Hearing. BAPS NEW YORK AUTHORITIES Message Says Prisoner Denied Lib erty Through Malice. COLEBROOK CITS SIGN PETITION Petition Sets, Forth Fugitive Has Suffered Enough for Crime. OVER HUNDRED SIGNATURES Jerome Wrntur n He 1Ienr Federal Indite linn Grunted Connnel for Mnttenwin Fuiritlve Writ ot Habeas Corpus. COLEBROOK, N. H Sept. H.-TI10 per petually recurring writ ot habeas corpus, which hns so often dotted the career of Harry K. Thaw ulnco his Incarceration In Mattcawan as the Insane slayer of Stanford Whlto, cropped up again this afternoon In his fight to resist extradi tion from New Hampshire after his un expected deportation from Canada. This time and for the first time In the history of Thaw's efforts to regain his liberty tho wrt was Issued by a federal court. United States Judge Aldrlch In the dis trict of New Hampshire 'granted the ap plication of three of the Thaw lawyers. Martin, Shurtlcff and Olmstcad, and made It returnable at Littleton next Tues day. William Travcrs Jerorm, specially deputized to bring the fugitive back to the asylum, heard the news with ill grace and characterized the movo as one of bad faith. Thcro had been a "gentle man's agreement," he said, that neither sldo was to make a court movo pending tho extradition hearing before Governor Felker In Concord next week. Writ One of Expediency. The Thaw leaders, led by Moses H,, Grossman, said the writ was one of ex pediency and had been obtained to meet an emergency should the governor refuse a full hearing on the extradition matter and, signing the requisition warrant forthwith, turn Thaw over to officers of the etato ot New York. They had reason to believe now, they added, that a full hearing would be accorded the fugitive and in view of 'this It was probable that they would request on Tuesday that tho habeas corpus hearing be continued- "It seejns to me," said Mr, Jerome, frlmly, "that this Is trifling with the fed eral court. I should hesitate to apply for a writ In such circumstances." Thaw spent a very . quiet day. There was no court' hearing here. It has not )ii-deflnUely-declded-wherrhe wlll-'be removed to Concord, but he wilt likely re main here until ths governor sets & dato for a hearing which may bo Wednesday of next week or later. Tonight tho fugi tive gave out a 'telegram which his mother. Mr. Mary Copley Thaw, sent from Montreal to Governor Felker, He added that she would not ccme here at present in view of the uncertain status of affairs. This Is her telegram: Appeal of Mother. "To his excellency, Governor Felker, I address your excellency In the interests .of my son, H. K!. Thaw, who after being deprived of tho liberty the average ac quitted man would Immediately have re ceived after a verdict of 'not guilty,' upon the ground of the defendants' In sanity at tho timo ot the commission ot the net!, charged under the Indictment, has for five and a half . years endured untold hardships and indignities In one of New York's worst penal Institutions. Finally he took the only recourse left, a flight for the freedom denied through malice. "May I beg that your excellency will secure to him, In whatever way proper, a fnlr and Impartial hearing during tho Impending proceedings. , "Yours very sincerely, "MARY C, THAW." A petition to Governor Felker praying that he refuse extradition in the Thaw case on the ground that Thaw had suf ferred enough for his crime was circu lated In Colebrook today. Up to tonight It was said ICS signatures had been ob tained. Friends of Thaw, It Is said, have pur chased for. him a. through ticket from Colebrook to England by way ot Montreal in the event Thaw should be released here. NEGRO TO REFORMATORY FOR ATTACK ON CHILD SPRINGFIELD, I1L, Sept 14,-Swlft punishment today overtook Charles Banks of Jonesboro, a negro boy, who at tacked 10-year-old Theresa , Adklns yes terday. He was Indicted, pleaded 'guilty to a crime against a child, was sen tenced and taken to the state reforma tory at Pontlac. The Weather Temperature Omnlin Yesterday, Hour. Deg. 5 a. m K &. m M 7 a. m S3 8 a. in 9 a. m 10 a. in 69 C2 65 11 a. m. 67 l: 1 p?'m""!;").'" 73 z p. m... 3 p. in... 4 D. HI... , 74 78 75 6 p. m 74 p. in 72 7 p. m 70 Comparative Local Xlc-curd. 1913. 1311 1911 191 Highest yesterday 76 61 85 C9 Lowest yesterduy 64 M C9 65 Mean temperature 63 56 77 61 Precipitation 00 .tiT T .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal; Normal temperature 06 Deficiency for the day 1 Total fxeese etnee March 1 650 Normal precipitation IS Inoh Deficiency for the day 13 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .16.19 Inches Deficiency since March 1 7.29 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1912. 2.76 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.14,03 Inches L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. at MEXICAN REBELS DEFEATED Announcement from Mexico City Says Five Hundred Men Killed. FEDERAL LOSS IS HEAVIER Party, Which Win Led by n Amerl-1 can, Stnrted to Fight, hnt Sur rendered When Overwhelmed by Numbers. MEXICO CITY, Sept. H.-Three hun dred federals and MO rebels are reported to have been killed In a battle on Tues day near Maytorena, In tho northwestern state of Sonora. The rebels were opposing the march of Genoral Pedro OJeda's column, which' was advancing on H'ermoslllo, the capital of the state. The results of the engagement aro considered by tho Mexican govern ment to be a federal victory, tho rebels having retreated after making a deter mined stand. Tie rebel force Is reported to number several thousand men. Tho federals maintained a vicious artillery fire and remained In possession of tho battlefield, capturing many prisoners and a quantity ot ammunition. The rebels, after retreat ing several miles from tho scene of hos tilities, reorganized their forces, but failed to renew the attack. Battle n-lth SmnRRlers. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Sept. H.-In a fight between United States soldiers and Mexican smugglers at Carrizo Springs, Tex., today, one Mexican was killed, six Mexicans wounded and fourteen captured. None of the pursuing party was Injured and only two cavnlry horses were hurt. The soldiers came on the Mexicans shortly after daylight a few miles from Allmlto crossing at the Rio Grande river and at once began firing. An American who Is the reputed leader of tho Mexi cans, but whoso name is unknown, re plied to the order to halt and declared that his party 'would nover surrender. Tho soldiers were then ordered to open fire and at the first volley ono Mexican was shot dead, two others apparently mortally injured and sevoral received minor wounds. The American leader, seeing the odds were against him, surrendered. Besides the leader, thirteen Mexicans were cap tured. All of tho prisoners were taken to Windmill ranch and a surgeon was summoned to treat the wounded. The capture was made by a detachment of tho Fourteenth cavalry, under com mand ot Lieutenant McLean. The Mexicans had attempted to carry a large shipment of ammunition and rifles across tho border from a point about fifty miles In the Interior of Texas. They abandoned most of this contraband when attacked by a sheriffs posso a few days ago. The munitions were said to bo for constitutionalists, but the latter announced they would execute the smug glers If caught on Mexican soil. ItefuKcea Reach 151 Paso. EL PASO, Tex., Sept. 14. Flying a bed sheet as a flag of truce, a special train from Chihuahua, Mexico, reached Juarez today bearing American refugees. They encountered no rebels cm the way, The Americans brought copies of Chihuahua newspaper, which state, that. following- the recent defeat of Terrazas federal command at San Andres b Fancho Villa; federal prisoners were stood up and shot beside a big campfjro at night and. that their bodies were then tdssed Into the fire by the rebels.' Many were still alive when thrown into the fire, the papers say. . Protection, for All Foreigners. WASHINGTON, Sept 14.-Europeans and other foreigners, as' well 'as Amer icans, may find refuge with United States consular officers in Mexico. The State department has ordered those officials to extend the same protection to foreigners as they would to Americans In antici pation of requests which have been re ceived from China, .Switzerland, Spain and some other governments. In that way It is expected to reduce to a mini mum any grounds for. demands for inter vention. The transport Buford, now down the Pacific coast ot Mexico refugees, has been ordered to give commodatlon to all foreigners. for ac- Authoress Asks for Divorce from Her Second Husband' COLUMBUS, O., Bept. 14.-Jessle Emer son Bellcy, who under her former name of Jessie Emerson Moffatt Is a well known writer of short stories, has tiled suit In the Franklin county courts through her attorneys for a divorce from Frank Duncan Bailey of London, Eng land, to whom she was married In New York City June 8, 1911. While Mrs. Bailey Is making her legal home In Columbus at present, her husband Is In Seattle, Wash. In her petition Mrs. Bailey avers that while "her husband represented himself as a man of superior habits and exem plary conduct before their marriage, sub sequent events proved that he was with out such characteristics. The wife further avers that on Febru ary 21, 1912, her husband attempted an assault' on her with a heavy chair, but that the assault failed because ot the husband's alleged enfeebled condition. Mrs. Bailey avers that the day follow ing this incident she left him and has not lived with him since. The plaintiff Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Randolph Emerson and was born In Frcdonla, N. Y August 22, 1880. .Hhe was first married to Joseph Alpheus Moffatt September 11, IS. It is from her second marriage that she Is seeking relief In Columbus. She Is a member of the Woman's Press club of New York City and has been a president of the New Yorkers' club of New York. Basin Club Women Work in Factory SHERIDAN, Wyo., Sept, 14,-(Speclal ! Telejram.) Support of home Industries took a new form at Basin today when members of the Basin Woman's club Bhed silk and lace and with sleeves rolled to elbows proceeded to help the Bitter Canning company out of a predicament which threatens a serious loss on ac count of their Inability to obtain factory help sufficient to handle the tomato crop although double the usual wages are of fered. The clubwomen's wages for the day will be turned Into the club treas ury. The volunteers were carried to and from the factory In automobiles. ONACO OYSTER 'Sovereign of Europe Re- to Be Interviewed as Passes Through Omaha. ORINS AT HIS INTERROGATORS Takes Keen Delight in Listening to Their French. GERMAN PHRASE ATTRACTS HIM Whole Party Preserves Silence Before Questioners, ON HIS WAY TO WYOMING Sportsman and Scientist Travels. In Ordinary TonrUt Fashion, Keenly Obiervantr bat Having Little to Give Forth. Royalty came to Omaha Saturday night and was met not by a committeo of ex cited citizens, a band of music and a flock of society editresses, but by a brace of scandal mongerlng, blood loving police reporters, a baggage man and a mes senger boy. An equal portion ot tho brace, of scan dal mongers happened to be the writer, who by the way has no false notions of modesty, and who, therefore, puts him self and the other bloodthirsty one ahead of the messenger boy and baggage man. Albert I, prince of Monaco, sportsman and scientist of worldwide fame besides being the king of trumps at Monte Carlo, and tho party of bluo blood foreigners that came .through Omaha last night, however, received tho messenger boy with open arms, for ho had certain tele grams and letters. The baggage man camo next and transacted his business and then tho newspaper reporters. "Ou est lo Prlnz?" questioned tho scribe on an opposition paper, who thereby used up his only supply of French, except the phraso "Le Diable." which ho handily used afterwards. He meant, "Where is the prince?" Tho gentleman addressed was a stout, short man of about G5 wearing a Van Dyke beard. It doveloped that he was the prince himself. It also developed that neither ho nor any member of his party cared to say anything for publication In' Omaha, and therefore disclaimed any KnowieaKo 01 ttngusn as ' sne is spoKe." Glves a Itoynl Shrtifir. Instead of answering, the prince shrugged his shoulders JuBt as tho novels say, and said something In real French, whlchwas very much too deep for the reporters. At this juncture the writer Injected his personality. "Sprechen sle Deutsch?" he .sweetly asked, smiling. "Oh.Yhl" answered the prince, frown ing at the manner In which he had been trapped, . , 1 ".nxr.,-ibsugjth(w.xri started a conversation with the notable. A look of surprise and atarm passed over the prince's face and his questioner ab ruptly stopped speaking. Too lato the. Intervlower remembered he, had forgotten all the German he ever knew. In the sophomore year, and right thero tho "conversation" In foreign tongues ceased. Then In chorus (English) the reporters desperately cried: Some Impertinent Queries. , "Say, If one of youse Is the prince, we'd like tp know how gambling can run wide open in Monte Carlo without police In terference. We also want to know it the prince over shot craps In his life or Jf he'd hold up an aco for a trailer with a big pair In a draw poker game. We'd also like to know If Mr. Monaco ever shot boars !" An- interruption that sounded like "non comprenncz," reminded the scribe of the futility, of his task and he Jeaped from the car .Just as It was pulling out for the west. The scribe on tho opposition paper, however, waited long enough to see the effect of his remaining stock of .French lingo, which was "Le diable," shouted directly at tho royal group. The only effect was a hearty laugh. A Pullman porter who rode' the Bur lington from Chicago to Omaha with tho royal visitors, says that every member speaks English fluently and their denial of that fact Is merely their method of refusing interviews. Comes on Hunting Trip. Tho prlnco of Monaco, with his party camo to Amerlpa' last week for the ex press purpose of Hhootlng bears near Cody, Wyo., with Buffalo Bill. While In Wyoming the prince will look over some oil lands near Moorcroft and Casper, In which he Is Interested. A- story current around the headquar- ters of the Burlington, over which the j Prince and his party traveled, Is that a decrepit old bruin from tho defunct Buf ) falo Bill Wild West show Is being starved in a cago at Cody to make lilm growl and, when the prince comfts will be turned loose. j Besides being a ruler of the little prin jclpallty where the famous Monte Carlo ' gambling resort is located, the prince of (Continued on Pace Two,) Discovery Made by Which Finger Prints Can Be Transferred SAN FItANCIBCO. Sept. 14. A dseov- !ery that strikes at the entire fabrld pf the finger print method of Identification In use by the police throughout the world was announced today by Theodore Kytka. municipal handwriting expert, who asserts that he is able to transfer finger print from one object to another. By means of Kytka's discovery finger prints Invisible to the eye, left on paper or glass, could be transferred to other objects with the object of fastening crimes upon Innocent persons. I A former operative of the United States , secret servlco who expressed doubt of I the value of ICytka's discovery, was an swered when he received, today a bloody knife blade bearing his own finger prints1 well defined. "1 would not disclose my secret for any consideration," Kytka declared. "It Is a simple process, and It would be too dan gerous. By Its use innocent men could be sent to the gallows on what would seem unanswerable evidence." PHINCE 0J SBBBBBBBWJP HRRvvisVz. From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. GAYNOR'S BODY ABOARD SHIP Liner Lusitania Sails from Liverpool, for New York. SIMPLICITY ' AT THE FUNERAL Wife -of Lnte Mayor. Says There Will Be Na Mlllinrc- Dtanlav. VVIU is - uk-Plltwlth-4he Hnrrosrate - - ' in Brooklyn., LIVERPOOL. Sept. 14.-Tho body of William, J. Qaynor Is now aboard the jeas 0f Now York Clly. Tho line of per stoamer Lusitania after- receiving honors t(fns wh0 passed the coffin of the dead here seldom paid to any except England's mo1 0 tno East Bldo was still a long one most illustrious dead. The Lulstanta sailed Saturday night for New York and Is 'duo tjiero next Friday. In deference to tho feellntrs of the passes gers on the Lusitania, which was crowded, the body was taken aboard early In tho morning after a brief funeral service at the Liverpool town hall. All night thn body lay In state guarded by details of picked poe, Cunard offl- clals received the coffin on board the Lusitania, while a White Star tender) carried it from the landing stage to- tho vessel anchored In the stream. Repre sentatives of the lord mayor und soveral city councilmcn wore In attendance. Every Cnnrtesy Extended. Acting under the Instructions of the lord mayor, tho port authorities extended every possible courtesy. The body was placed In a mortuary chapel aboard ship. Rufus Oaynor, the mayor's son. accom panied by American Consul Horace Lee Washington, boarded tha Lusitania at B o'clock and ' was . received by Captain Charles and City Councilman Maxwell, to whom he expressed his deep gratitude for the high honors which Liverpool had paid to his father. Until the Lusitania went plougslde the landing stage at 1 o'clock in the after- noon an nogs wero at niir mast, wnen of his long Journey, which eventually, ho the ship enters New York harbor the; hopes, will place him in tho arms of his American flag will bo hoisted at half moift aged, mother near Warsaw, Poland. Ac at the forepcak, while the crew stands j company lng him on the :oumey Is Miss at attention. Eight uniformed quarter- Lydlai Keller, superintendent of a local masters will carry the body ashoro, where! hospital, where for many months the lad It will be received by the civic authorities. . has been bed-bound, paralyzed below the As the Lusitania swung down stream neck because of a broken back. the flogs on all ships were dipped to half mast and other, linera saluted with hoarse blasts of their sirens. No Military Display. NEW YOnK, Sept. 14.-Tho funeral of William J. Qaynor on Monday, Septem ber 22,- Will be without military display, Mrs. Gaynor sold today. Carrying out tho Idea of simplicity at the funeral, it has been decided that the musical part of the servlco bo carried out. only by the old Trinity choir and organ, Mrs. Qaynor has chosen only one number, iIU attorneys finally obtained an award the Bach-Qounod "Avo Maria." of which 0f damages of $13,000. Wascuk expressed the mayor was very fond. j the ,jre.. that he return to his mother Mayor Qaynoris will was filed with the , Poih nussla, By order of the presl surrogate In Brooklyn this afternoon. As dant of th0 r0ttd on whlch Uia Iftd ,Urted It was after the official closing hour, the the trip, the fast train lo Chicago was document was locked up In the safe wltlu 1 stppped In Merrlam park, a suburb In out being examined, to remain there un til Monday, UNION VETERANS ARRIVE FOR CHATTANOOGA MEET CIIATTANOOQA, Tenn., Sept. 14.-The dawn of Sunday will find thousands ot Grand Army men on the field ot the forty-seventh national encampment of the Veterans who wore the blue. By the close of Sunday fully fifty trains will have brought a total of perhaps 20,000 members of the Grand Army of the Re public Into Chattanooga for the first en campment held In the heart of the south. 'Genoral Alfred Beers already has opened headquarters and Monday will find the headquarters of the various de partments and divisions opened and the subordinate staffs In occupation. ' The Hons of Veterans, Women's Relief Corps and other associate organisations will be mobilized In Chattanooga within the next twenty-four hourr Bread Line Broken as Derelicts View Face oPBig Tim" NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Tho bread line that, forms nightly In front of the Bowery mission was broken t6nlsht and many" derelicts gave up tho chance ot setting cMiX and roils to vtartrirWi'df the Timothy1 D. Sullivan-association and look 11 linn thn inptt nt thA'mnn who In 'till life I had befriended" thousands of the friend- late tonight and the ' prospocta wore . It would continue all. night, . The body of Sullivan lies In state In tho rooms of tho association. It was jdentlfloA at a local morgue after It had In!n unidentified thirteen days. Sul- nVan, who was ill, eluded his nurses on tho mornlng of August SI and a few hours Iftter Wftg run j0'wn nml by a train, A ftaTch had been made for him since he disappeared. , ' TRAYELS WITHBROKEN BACK Youth Begins Journey from St. Paul to Polish Russia. TO SEE HIS AGED MOTHER Pile of Lumber Slid Down Upon Hoy Thirteen Months Aro While He Was Working In Yards of Transfer Company. ST. PAUL. Sept. 14. Lying on a pneu matlo cushion In a hammock swung in a compartment. Marlon Wascuk. aged (, tonight Is speeding on the first lap' ' Thirteen months ago a pile of lumber slid upon the boy as he was working In tho yards of a local transfer company. He was an Ignorant lad at that time, knowing practically nothing of the Eng lish language. After a hard battle phy sicians brought him as near back to health as they say he can ever attain, and the lad began his education under the tutelage ot Miss Keller. Now he jtnows English and has a fair general rdurntinn which Is the hospital. Miss Keller car ries with her a letter from Governor A, O. Eberhart, asking railway, steamship and foreign officials to do all In their power to make the trip possible for the boy. BOY HAMMERS SHELL OF RAPID FIRE GUN; MAY DIE NEW YORK, Sept. 14.-Ioseph Patta, aged ill, found an odd-looking shell In the home of a playmate today and took It to the cellar to find otlt what It was. lie turned It on the pointed end and by placing objects around it got It to stand upright- Then he got a hammer. In the resultant explosion the boy's right hand was blown off, his face burned, his leg badly lacerated and bis shoulder cut. The concrete flooring ot the cellar was blown to atoms and the furnace converted into scrap. Young Paua probably will die. It was the shell of & rapid fire gun. OPTIMISM IN WALL STMT Underlying Conditions in Securities - Market -Improve. WEEK IB FAVORABLE ONE Passage ef 'Tariff H.liV MrMblaiC Drnath, Cheerfnl Trade .j5JLit and" Me'tterlnv Vf VnTest-' Went Beinniia.'IIei. NEW YOIIK, Sept. H-Underlylnfr con ditions In tho seciritls' market Improved this week. . Psage 'of, the , tariff , bill by the senate removed uncertainty .on thai score.- The -drouth In. the southwest was broken. Trade reports In many cases were cheerful. The. investment de mand was better. In tha stock market after an uncertain and checkerd move ment In- the foro part of the .week- a comprehensive and advancing movement set in which developed to striking pro portions in many cases. 1 The advance was fostered by various Incidental developments. An example was the rumor of ah In tended extra, distribution to Union Pa cific stockholders out ot the proceeds ot the Southor.n Paclflo sate. " The sag In prices preceding publication ot tho government crop. report and tho hardening afterwards was an example of how corn crop damage had- been dis counted In the previous action of the market. Tho figures even of (be esti mate had been- accurately .predicted. There was tho further consideration- that the promise of a bumper wheat crop offset tho effect of the corn showing, Thon there were reports of soaking rains In tho recent drouth district. The In fluence of the corn damage Is modified by the largo reserves from the preceding year's crops and ,by the high ruling prices. Current consumption of steel ' products le maintained and the rate of decrease In New Orleans Is lessening as shown by the United States Steel corporation's statement ot-unfilled orders. The copper producers' report disclosed th smallest surplus of refjned copper in years. The seasonable movement of currency from , the reservo centrs tq the agri cultural Interior threatens to supply a natural chepk to, the speculative use ot funds. Inter.Ior demands on New York for cash at this season .uaually run from trO.OOO.OOO to t75.WO.O0O, and the movement has , barely begun. Discount rates are hardening abroad, although the banking volition there continues almost unpre cedently strong. Flyer Hits Vehicle; Two Killed; Six Hurt SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Bept. 14 Two were killed and six Injured, two ot them probably fatally, near Ashton. Idaho, early toduy when the Yellowstone flyer on the Oregon Short Line struck a vehicle carrying a party of young people from a danco. A special train reached Salt Lake City late today bringing three of the most seriously Injured. The train, traveling about thirty miles an hour, threw tho eight occupants of the vehicle high In the air and reduced the vehicle to splint ers. The dead: CLARA MARTINDALE. LEE DROLLINQER, Tho injured: Hattle Oarrett. Clifford Harris. Claudia Daley, Nettle Daley, Eugene Bower. Lewis Hendricks. Thn first three were brought to Salt Lake City. All of the party wero be tween the ages of 17 and 22. They wera on the way to their homes at Marys vlllo, Idaho, from Chester, where they had attended an. all night dance, when the train hit their buggy at a crossing. ROTED PERSONAGES WILL VISIT OMAHA IN EARLYNOVEMBER Well Known Men and Women to Address Teachers at Conven tion This Fall. DR. ANNA SHAW WILL BE GUEST Famous Suffragist Leader Slated to Speak Here. SUBJECT OF CHIEF LECTURE She Will Talk on "The Importance of American History." 1 EASTERN SCHOOL HEAD COMING President Alexander Mellkejohn of Amherst College and Dr. II n tier of Chicago University Are Amontr Orators. Dr. Anna Shaw of New York, most noted American suffragist and several othor persons ot national prominence will come to Omaha the first week In November to address the Nebraska Stato Teachers' association as the result ot arrangement made by the cxecutlvo committeo of the association nt a meeting held In this city yesterday afternoon. President Alexander Melklejohn of Amherst college, Massachusetts; Dr. Na thaniel Butler ot Chicago university, O. T. Corson, editor of the Ohio School Journal; Prof. Qlddlngs ot Minneapolis, lecturer on musical subjects, and Cath erine. Blake of New York, an expert In clay modeling, are other noted men and women whom .the C.OQO delegates to tho teachers' convention will be privileged to Ihear. Dr. Shaw's subject Tor her principal lecture will be "The Importance of Amer ican History." Local suffragists already have Indicated that they desire to enter tain her. She visited In Omaha last year, Tho following members of the execu tive committee ot the Nebraska State Teachors' association attended tho .meet ing held yesterday at tho office of Su perintendent Q raff of tho Omaha schools: State Superintendent Delzell of Lincoln, chairman; Charles Arnot ot Schuyler, W. O. Bishop of University Place, E. rMlnntn,.,. if (hltlnn. Tna.nh TT FlllW fit of arand island. The teachers' association lost year broke a- precedent by deciding to come to Omaha for two consecutive conven tions becauso they wero highly pleased with the hospitality which they met In this city. "The. attendance .at tha con vention last year was 5,900 persons," said superintendent urarr, '"ana tnYear u i!UIr,maller. . SoaWhfc Switched and' Spanked Papa Forgives; Forgiven TERREj HAUTE, Ind., Sept. 14.-Pres ident Frank A. llanley ot Franklin col lege, his mother, his brother, Oakley Hanley, and Mtb. Oakley llanley and Miss llanley,, a sister, Will be called be fore the grand Jury' here Monday to tell of an assault said to havo been mode by President Hanley upon hs fa ther, Calvin Hanley, of Mlddletown. Dr. Hanley and his father were rec onciled tonight when the son motored to his father's home. In the presence) of all tho members of the family the two ' embraced and asked mutual for glvoness. According to a friend who ! witnessed tho meeting, the father de clared that he had been spoiled by be ing allowed to dictate to other mem bers of his family. The Franklin president made the trip to Mlddletown after 'he. had received word ' that his father wished to net lilm. What effect the reconciliation will have upon the grand Jury Investigation, offi cials would not predict tonight, thoUfh friends of the Hanley family declared the 1 action probably marked the close of tho Incident. , MILLER FILES BRIEF IN LABOR DYNAMITE CASES INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. H-Unlted District Attorney Miller today sent to the United States court of appeals In Chi cago a brief covering the government's reasons why a new trial should not bo granted thirty-one of thirty-three men convicted In the dynamite conspiracy trials hare last winter, Tho document Is believed to be the longest of Its kind ever filed in this country and contains 725 printed pages. Ad Reading Economies Among your friends and neighbors do you know of ono who does not avail himself or herself of the holpful hints and the many economies constantly Bet forth In the advertising col umns ot Tho Bee? We like to feel, and as a mat ter of fact, It Is almost true, that "everyone reads the adver tisements nowadays." But If you know of one who shops carelessly or runs his af fairs Independent of the helpful and economical suggestions found In the advertising of this or other good newspapers, tell him what you have found to be a fact that the best way to practlco economy in our day-ln And day - out expenditures, whether large or small, is to cultivate the helpful habit of ad-reading. Induce him to read thought fully the advertisements in to day's newspaper and he cannot help being convinced.