10 B THE OMAHA StTNDAY BEE: REPrEMBER 14, 1913. Huge Task Confronts the President of Lincoln Way Ilenry B. Joy, pretldent of the Lin coln lUchway association, has enterwl Irto the work with characteristic vigor and enthustam. In one day, eleven large track load of posters and display proclamations were shipped from Mr. Joy executive offices at tle Packard factory In Detroit. They are to be used In decorating store windows and sales rooms on Sunday. September II, the day fixed for the of ficial announcement of the transcon tinental route. It coat K,000 In stamps to mall the 125.C0O larpe tubes containing the printed matter The addreralng was done by a corps of 100 stenographers who worked at the task exclusive of everything else. Fully twice as many more were required te- fill the tubes and preparo them for mailing. The posters have been sent to gover nors, legislators, business houses and automobile concerns In the thirteen states to be traversed by the Lincoln nay, and to publto officials and leading business men In all of the larger cities of the country. The decorating plan has met with hearty response. Municipal, county and state, governments have signified their willing I ess to help. Many of the large automo bile companies are co-operating with the Lincoln highway officials. President Joy expects that the display, by bringing the project to the attention of the general public, will facilitate rais ing the remaining half of the JIO.OCO, (XX) fund necessary for the completion of the highway. SBBBB If! .BBBBBBBBBBsV 1 Henry 3. Joy ftp Lincoln H'ghwfy Asi'n ALONG THE KING'S HIGHWAY Secretary Weaver Lining Up Attrac tions for the Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival. GROUNDS LARGER THAN EVER Finishing Touches Being Added and Everything to He in Ileadlueas for Opening Wednesday Bfornlnsr. . TIMELY REALESTATE GOSSIP Vaoant Houses in Omaha Decrease at Rapid Rate. MANY RETURN FOR THE WINTER Considerable Activity la Noted In Ileal Estate Circle HI sarin a la to Dnlld Magnificent Home on Dewey Avenue. The Ak-Sar-Ben festivities begin "Wednesday, Beptember 24, and continue until Saturday, October 4, Inclusive. "Dad" Weaver says the. carnival grounds thin year will be 110,000 square feet larger than last. It has to be, too, for one day last carnival 22,671 persons were packed Into one block. As "Dad" aspects a total of mors than 150,000 attendance against 117, 433 last year, he has made arrangements to handle the crowds. The present carnival grounds cover about four blocks. Beside the main Sates at the arch at Seventeenth and Howard streets, there will be two others. One will bo at Nineteenth and Harney, the other at Nineteenth street and Bt. Mary's avenue. This will be a great con venience to the handling of the crowds and for the crowds themselves, tha idea botng to prevent any congestion at the entrances. Another feature of the arrangement of the King's Highway will be the location ot tha attractions. They will not be bunohed Jn one comer as before, but scattered here and there. "Dad" says this will give the crowds more elbow- room and more of u. chance to sea how really attractive Ml big the grounds are. Arch A bent Completed. Tha arcU Is almost Completed, and when the last ot the point U applied "Dad" says It will be the best entrance to any carnival ever held In the west. The same system wilt be applied to the ontlre ar rangement Inside the icing's Highway. No expense will be spared to make It as attractive as possible. And now that the Ak-Bar-Ben Is In their new location with more space and better conveniences, thero Is reason, to believe, everybody will bo satisfied. Cheap, flimsy attractions have been tabooed by "Dad" Weaver, who looks after the attractions. Only feature acts of the highest order will be given apace on the grounds. The attractions run all the way from the wild west show in the Auditorium to the Douglas county fair, the latter given Under the auspices ot the Douglas County Agricultural society. There will be & number of attractions, such as dog and pony shows, the diving girls, and so on. The largest attraction on the grounds wilt be the county fair. It will cover an entire block. There will be exhibitions of live stock, poultry, fruits and vege tables. It is suggested that all exhibits bo placed on the ground at 8 o'clock of the second day. Vacant houses in the city of Omaha are continually decreasing and at the present time It is figured by real estato men that but about 830 houses In Omaha' are now unoccupied, About three weeks ago there were at least 400 and these have been growing less in number as tho days go by. Beginning Monday the ftl moving sea son will be at hand and the moving men in Omaha say they have work enough to keep them busy until October 1. And all the while this moving Is going on more people will be getting ready to move back from the lakes and move into new places. The storage companies say they have had more space filled with fur niture this summer than ever before by people who have stored their property with the intention of moving into now homes this fall. Key to the eituatton 13e Advertising. Steal estate men say that more small priced houses have been built this year than ever before. The majority of future home owners have erected houses cost ing from IJ,oeo to W,K and tho majority are rive and six-room cottages. This fall, however, say contractors and build ers, there wilt be more K.0W and W.000 homes built than there have been for some time. The Bankers Realty Investment com pany will plaoe a large tract of land along Military avenue on the market within the next few days, according to representatives of the company. The land occupies about eighteen acres and will be out into large sized lots. Be a Gentleman at All Times is Advice of Father Magevney President li A. Magevney of Crelrh ton unlyerslty, gave the formal opening address to the college department on Saturday morning, in Crelghton audi torium. After reading the few rules to be observed by all students in this de partment, he sold these rules wero dictated by common sense and the needs of every organisation it it is to win suc cess. All of them, he remarked, could be summed up In the dictum, "lie a gentleman, be a gentleman always." In a special way he urged the young man to be careful ot their environment, and pointed out the potent effect ot the en vironment of their college days upon holt character and future success. At tho con clusion he announced that there wouldt b no session in the afternoon. Preceding the president's address in the auditorium, the solemn religious opening of the year was held in Bt. John's .irb High mass was sung by ltev Mortify Bronevsest. tuwltd b Rev jciepfc Wels and Mr. Ignatius Retlly i'rut. Joseph T- Ltinnon acted as rnniti of ceremonies. The sermon was preached i y nev Francis P. CasWHy. former lw president of St. Xavlw college, Cincin nati, and at present supervisor of the law and dental departments ot the university- Commercial Club to Help New Concerns Utilizing the necessity of a fund of some kind from which to give assistance to deserving enterprises and also to se cure new concerns to locate here the Industrial committer of the Commercial club has prepared a tentative plan of or ganisation which will be pretexted at Oie first regular meeting of tho committee. During the last weak Archie J . love traded a brick flat at W7, CCS and III South Twenty-fifth avenue to J. Kw bank, for sixty acres of farm land Just east of Love's present farm, on West Javenworth street Ileal estate men say this deal involves several thousands of dollars and that with the old farm and the new one, Mr. Love has one ot the best farms in the vicinity. Ills farms are located just opposite the Arwood dairy. The value of certain property in and about Omaha will be materially lnoreassd when the proposed Nlobrara-8loux City Omaha electrlo railway becomes a reality. That the road will be built and constructed in the near future was the assurance given the passenger traffic committee of the commercial club, at a luncheon Thursday noon. The government has asked D. V. Bholes, V. D. Wead and C. V. Harrison to an. praise the army supply depot and other army property here at Twenty-second and Poppleton avenue. The property Is estimated to ue worth about CM, 030, and is one of the largest appraisements evei asked In Omaha. Just why the appraise, ment la being mode no ono knows. One of the surprises ot the last week was the announcement of the sale of the SOO-acre farm of the late Ouy C. Ilarton to C. J. ITysham of Omaha, for $115,000 The property, known as, Walnut Lodge, is located nine miles south ot Omaha and was used by Mr. Barton as a countrj home. The farm when sold was stockul with poultry, live stock and about 1,000 pigeons. Plans are being drawn for the con strvetfon of a $40,000 -home for Bdgat A. Hlggtns, at Thirty-ninth and Dewe avnUA "Mr. TTfririna ( amnlAir.il . , V. . . , - an... .wjvu ilic mors Ilrewtng company and lives at Hi North Forty-first street. Payne & Blater company announce some very important changes In connec tion with the reinforced concrete and fire proof apartment house, now nearlng com pletion en the southwest corner of Poug Ue street and Twenty-fifth avenue, which was the alto of the late William A. Pas- ton's hometfead. The owneia of this new apart-Jitiit house had named It "The Alice." but alter consideration the name has been, chunked to "The Angelus." which is easily ratsembcred. Mr. Payne spent several weeks Investigating apart- ment houses In California this summer, and on his return Induced tho owners of "The Angelus" to add a number ot new features to the apartments never before undertaken in the apartment house con struction In Omaha, thus making "The Angelus" one of the most modem and up-to-date apartment houses in the mid. die west There will be fifty-two upart menu of two, three and four rooms, Those of two rooms have the accoino datlon ot three rooms; those of thre rooms the accomodation or rive rooms and thosvpf four rooms the accomoda' tlon of six rooms. rr New Embr'deries A wonderful showing of tho inoHt beautiful now do signs, nssortments brood, enough to satisfy tho most particular. Three rousing specials for Monday's selling. lCc Krnbroldcrios 7 $4 A big lino of 5 and 6-yard length loom ond strips; regular 15o and 20c a yard values, 7C 10c Embroideries 5c Edges, bands and Inser tions, In big assortment ot pretty doslgns regular 10c, and 120 val- ? lies'; at, .yard . . . . . iJC 25c Embrolderlos 15c A. wonderful lot ot flouno lngs, bands and edges, mado to sell at 25c a yard; at, yard Dress Trimmings -Two apo dal counters for Monday, 76o to 1.T5 values, at 15c 49C and 98c Exquisite New Silk Weaves Attractively Priced Notwithstanding our reputation for showing broad assortments of tho newest silk fab rics, our opening display was a very gratifying surprise to nearly all visitors. These olo gant new silks are now on display and snlo in Silk ftapartmont at surprisingly moderate pricings. See them Monday. Imported Ohiffon Velvets and Plushes Both plain and brocho effects; full lino of rich now colorings, from 27 to C FA --- 45 inches wide vi9" U Brocaded Crepe do Chines and Silk Poplins, all most wanted street and evening shades; very popular this season, 40-in. Crepe do Chines and Canton Crepes, In a full line of new col orings, special .S1.48-S1.68 40-inch Brocaded Canton Crepes and Crope do Chines, also silk Poplins, every OCn-Ct OC wanted color, at. . . Plain and NoTclty Bilks Messallnes, Poplins, new Tub Bilks and Foulard to 5fi AQt fifijs $1.26 yard values, special dOC-fOC'DOC Roman Stripe, Scotch nntl French Flaid Silks in beautiful color combina tions . . . Dress and Salting Corduroys Fine English weaves, In navy blue, black, brown, taupe, Gftp 78f myrtle, etc.', to 26c a yard values, yd 301" 1 01 $1.08 lo $1.50 New Fall Millinery Attractively Priced Tonll find for jou here in Hart, Deli a f fner fe Man Clothes not only the general effect of fashionable style and oorreot fit, but lots of bther points of superiority whloh must be sura to he appreciated. Costs you nothing to look. Exceptional Linen Values Monday Dew ploached Dolfast double Da mask, full width, 2.00 valuos, yard S1.50 Heavy woight double Damask Pattern Cloths, slzo 3x10, $6.00 values, oach S3. 08 Circular Scalloped Table Cloths, warrantod pure flax, $6.00 val ues, each S3. 50 Extra largo double twisted thread Oriental Turkish Towels, 60o values, oach 39J Rare White Goods Values Monday Imported English MoSro brocaded white goods, $1.26 values, yard, at . . ; 85e Whito or Cream Ratines, now fall wolghts, strictly now, worth $1.60 yard $1.00 Embrolderod Swisses, Voiles and Batistes, extra vaiues, worth up to $1.08 yard Q8 Sheer round thread Walstlng, all but linen, 30 Inches wide, 29c values, yard 20d New Wash Goods JacQUards, silk mixtures, new col ors, yard .... .38 to 1.00 Fall Vollos, plain, striped, f igurod, etc., jd. from 12tt to 81.25 Morcorlsod Taffeta, yard . . .20i Scotch Ginghams, 32-in., yd. 15c Scotch Zephyrs, yard 25 Fall Scotch Waitings, yard n 254 354 504 Percales, New Flannelettes, Cropos, New Plissos, etc., at pop ular prlcos. Fino Blankets, Comforters, Bath Robes, Etc. Wool Blankets, per pair at rfMm f,; V3-50 t0. 830.00 Cotton Blankets, por pair Comforters, cotton, oach at 50 to S5.00 Eiderdown and Silk Comfortables, ch S7.50 to &12.50 1 ' An advantageous ylu Millinery purchase offers you exceptional values on classy shapes for Monday's sale NEW FLUSH SHAPES $1.49 10 dozen nobby styles for your selection, black and colors; sale price less than wholesalo cost, at NEW SATIN SHAPES 98c &2.00 values, seven styles faced in erect pile silk velvet, black, navy, brown and grey; decidedly stylish. $1.49 18-IN. OSTRICH PLUMES $1.98 7-in. wide, heavy male stock, black, white and colors, regular $3 values, wonderful special bargains at sale price. Children's Trimmed Hats New felt shapes, trimmed with ribbons, 69c values, at 44c New Laces Our stock of New Fall and "Winter Laces and Dress Trimmings is now complete the most var ied and beautiful ever offered. All fashions call for laces this sea son and you should make it a point to see our special display of New Colored Novelty Laces. Quaker Shadow Laces Fully the equal of sim ilar goods that sell at 35c to 75c a yard; at 20c, 25c, 35c, 49c Fine Cluny Laces, all now, yard, 504 754 and SI Corset Cover Laces special, yd. 504 604 754 084 New Shadow Flounclngs, 504 754 SI S1.50 and S1.75 Quality Is the Keynote of the popularity of our Boys' ClothlaffS they're made right, tailored xiffht, style is right. Priced rlfbt. roa can clothe the hoy here at a very small expense and know he Is well clothed. It us show you. Fall Style Beauty Now Reigns Supreme Offering you assortments of the newest fashion ideas unsurpassed by any other store. Although the extremes are shown, special attention has been given to the practical ideas combining absolutely correct style with unsurpassed beauty and quality of design and workmanship with very moderate pricings. Just such garments as you want at pricings you'll be pleased to pay. Sample Tailored Suits 200 Imported Evening Wraps beauties, distinctive designs, ' U A ciiarming collection ot most newest colorings and fabrics, mado to sell at and well worth $50, choice Mon. $35 Elegant Three-Piece Suits No two alike, a delightful as sortment of tho most beauti ful now oreations from Europe and America's most renowned designers and makers, at $59, $75, $89 to $200 $20.00 Tailored Suits $15.00 Pretty new styles in Di agonals, Serges and Epon gecs, broad Variety of col orings and designs, remark able bargains at sale price. Exquisite New Oreations in Evening Gowns for the com ing Ak-Sar-Bon Ball; clover designs, authentic styles; vai ues that you'll find it'impos siblo -to duplicate at the mod erate price $49, $65, $75 to $145 beautiful garments, assort ments bound to meet tho ap proval of the most fastidious buyer. See tho splendid val ues Monday at $39, $49 up to $85 Special Sale of Dancing Dresses Pretty Chiffon, Net and Shadow Lace crea tions, in all most wanted evening shades, made to sell to $25, at $15 Our Great Sale of Sample Purs Will Continue This Week By buying now you not only have unusually large assort ments for selection, but prices will mean a saving to you of fully 20'. Make it a point to see these splendid offerings this week. Rousing Specials in the Big Domestic Room Silkoline, good patterns, 36 inches wide, 15c value, 10c Gingham for aprons, in blue and brown, 7c values, 5c Silk finished Taffeta, stripes and dots, 25c values, 18c Jacquards, good colors, 25c values 15c Outing Flannels, neat light stripes, good weights, 10c values 7VzC Prints, light and dark colors perfect goods, 6Yc values, at 5MiC Medium slzo Cotton Blankets, 59c values '454 Large size Saxony "Wool Blankets, $6.50 values S4.95 Beacon gray Blankets, good slzo and weight, $3.00 values $2.50 Tan Cotton Blankets, good size and weight, $1,25 values. .954 Baby Blankets, blue and pink bor ders, 19c values, each.... 154 Enfeld large size gray Blankets, good weight, $2.25 values S1.75 Comforters, good size, assorted patterns, $1.25 values 054 Others from $12.50 to 594 Hope Muslin, 36-inch wide, 10c values 7'fc 4 Lockwood 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, 28c values 23Vs4 Toilers 9-4 unbleached Sheeting, 23o values - 194 WamBUtta 81x90 fine soamless Sheets, $1.10 valuos 854 Rub Dry Towels, 39c size,. 254 CO-lnch all linen silver bleached Table Linen, assorted patterns, $1.00 values 754 Turkish or Huck Towels, 12V4c vaiues 104 Wall Paper and Paints Monday and Big money saving opportunities for Tuesday in Wall Papor and Paints Odd papers with borders; 8c and lOo values; good bod y rooms, por roll ,. uC Oatmoal parlor papers, with crown bordora; 40c and GOo valuos uuC Oatmeal Independents, with lin ers to match; OOo Qfl values OlC Murosoo for wall tinting, 6-lb. package., 16 tints, Af pkg UC Oak Brand Paints, guaranteed throe years, special rf pg for Mon. and Tubs., J J. eOO Free with 1 qt. varnish stain, 1 2-inch varnish brush, qt. ........ A large line of papers for bed rooms, living rooms, dining rooms, etc., up from wood 75c 5c (Fourth Joor) September Clear- ing Sale ot Sewing Machines All our floor samples and a big line at used machines takon In trade will be closod at bar gain prices; all aro In A-l con dition and will glvo you years of splendid Service. Hero's IS Snaps for Monday Several others equally good shown Ono 66 Singer 7-drawer drop head 830.00 Ono 6-drawor drop head rotary Whlto $35.00 One 4 -drawer drop head rotary Nhw Homo $88.00 One 4-drawor drop head rotary New Home 630.00 Ono 5-drawer drop head Amer ican Machine $21.2a Ono 4-drawor drop head Na tional Machtno 820.00 Ouo C-drawor drop head Now American $10.00 One Singer B Sewing Machine for $0.00 Ono Domostlo B Singer Sewing Machlno .$3.00 One New Iloyal Sewing Machine for $0.00 Ono Wllcox-Olbbs Sewing Ma chine $ft.00 One White Tailoring- Machine 9 Take New Elevators to 3d Floor. Telephone Douglas 2(00 and Salei tnan will calL Special Sale of Woodenware in hardware Dept. $1.60 "My Wtfe'V folding Iron ing Boards $1.10 $1.26 IXL Folding Ironing Board at 08o Folding Wash Benches, large enough for two largest slzo tubs and wringer, at $1.40 4-fU BaEswood Skirt Boards, war ranted not to warp 8l)c 6-ft. Basswood Skirt Boards, 59c 5 -ft Basswood Skirt Boards, 00c 6-ft extra wido BaBawood Skirt Boards 8c Medium she Bread Boards... 30c Large size Bread Boards 40c Medium slzo Bread Boards with rim -10c Large size Broad Boards, with rim hoc Meat Boards, 20c and,; 23c Meat Blocks, heavy, extra select, at aoc Medium size extra select imported wood rolling pins 15c A Bargain in CLOTIIES BASKETS While thoy last, a large size Ra cine splint Clothes Basket; an 85c value, at 494 No C. O. D. or Telephone Orders Accepted. Go-Carts $3.95 One-motion Collapsible do-Carts, rubber tires, with folding hoqfl last sale this year; this cart is worth $6.50 at Bowing Tables; whlto maple, fold ing, with measurements em bossed on the top, only 854 18x40 French Plate Mirrors, fancy 6-lnch frames; gold burnished; usual price, $9,50 to $14 each, In this sale, several patterns to select from, at S4.50 Folding Card Tables, felt top, only 32 Reed Nursery Chairs for children, at 654 Baby Walkers, In this sale, at, only 82 Full size Davenports, on sale for 824.50 Several odd Rocking Chairs at, oach S1.5G The New Wool Dress Fabrics Are a revelation in beauty of weaves and richness and variety of colorings. Your every desire can he gratified from this splendid showing. The New Plaids in navy and green, Eponges, Katines, Peau do Peche, tho newest brocades, and. Mattlasse ef- - . . , , i j. 1 J fi- OK iects, etc., snown nero at, up irom yaru. .tpx.u Brocaded Ratines, 50 in. wide, in navy,, brown, tans, grey, taupe, King's blue and black, $2 values, yard $1.50 80 to 54-ln. Wool FabrlcaNow fall weaves; values to $1.60 a yard, at 4S4 and 984 New Fall Coatings Astrak Dress and Coating Serges, 54 in. wide, all wool, fine, firm quality, special, per yard 98c Fancy Suitings and Tailor Serges 64-in wide in a full line of wanted colors, choice values, at, a yard... 81.25 nans, uaracuis, I'laia oacKs, Mattelasse, Broches, etc., yard $1.98 to $7.50 J I5o Glass Top E-Z and Ball Mason Jars Special for Monday l-pt. E-Z glass top Jars, doz., Ooe 1- qt. E-Z glass top Jars, doz., 80o 2- qt. E-Z glass top Jars, doz., 91.80 l-pt. Mason Jars, doz, 40c 1-qt. Mason Jars, dos .40c "AYS Try HAYDEN'S First 2 Special Cars of Extra Fancy Idaho and Utah Peaches for Monday. 16-oz. cans condensed milk . ...vho 1-lb. cans assorted soups' 7Mo Advo Jell, Jell-O or Jellycon. per txuekago V&o Mcliren's Peanut Butter, lb. 18J4o Tall cans Alaska Salmon loo B. C. Corn Makes, pkjf. 6o drape Nuts, pkff. ............ .100 g cans oil or mustard sardines 3So The best domestic macaroni, vermi celli or spaghetti, per pkg. . .7&o BProiAi, saxz: or cookies All reirular 10c cookies, lb. .'.BVJo All regular 12 He cookies, lb. loo All regular 15c cookies, lb. ..ISHe Golden Santos Coffee, lb. 200 The best Tea Slftlnrc, lb 10c Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, lb SOo The beat fresh nsr, per dosen S2o The best creamery butter, lb. 32o The best dairy table butter, lb. SSo Full cream Young- America Cheese, par lb SOo Full cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb. 180 Domestic Swiss Cheese, per b. 33o Fancy large Queen OUveB, qt 35o Neufchatel Cheese, each 3a TZtfi VSOBTA1I&23 AND rStTTT KAEXET rOB THE PEOrLD Bweet corn, per dozen ...lOo New cabbage, per lb , 3o Deets or carrots, per lb, 3Va0 Fancy rlPe tomatoes, per lb, ,.2Ho 3 heads fresh leaf lettuce So Large head lettuce, head ....7Ho Denver cauliflower, per lb. . .13V4o Beans, wax or green, lb .lfro 2 stalks fresh celery So Malaga Gropes, per lb ,7Ho Peaches or pears, basket SOo These were shipped for us to seU for tha grower. Sothlng finer than these this season, lartfe, ripe, Juicy and freestone. "7 ftp Monday Special price, caso ' W" It's Quality Ooods. Bnshel boxes extra fanoy Bartlstt Fears, nothing finer for Of cannlnr. ner crbU . . . . V fc U l Jelly or Table Orapes, per basket Tour basket crates Italian (PI (C Sine Tlam, per crate. so pounds best granulated Q f f ft Bngar for lsUU 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Lenox soap for SSo 10 lbs. Chick Feed ISo 10 lbs. best whlto or yellow corn meal for 17Ho 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice Soo The best hand picked Navy Beans, Der lb. ...So 2-qt. Mason Jars, dot . . . tt-pt. Jelly Glasses, doz. tt'Vt. Jelly Glasses, dox. Best Jar Rubbers, 2 doz. Best Jar Covers, dos.... for ,70o 18c 23c 15c 15c IT PAYS