Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; Warmer
Is Returnable at Littleton Next
Tuesday New York State Not
4 Represented at Hearing.
Copies of Both Will Be Served on the
Fugitive's Friends Purchase Through
One Via Montreal.
Prisoner Will Probably Do Taken to
Concord Monday "Without Further
Proceeding at Cole
. brook.
CONCORD, N. It, Sept 13,-ln th
United States district court In this city
this afternoon,1 Judge- Edgar Aldrlch
granted tho petition of counsel for Harry
K. Thaw for a writ of habeas corpus, re
turnable at Litfleton on Tuesday next, at
U a. m. Nathaniel P. Martin of this city,
and Merrill Shurtleff of Lancaster ap
peared as counsel for Thaw. The state of
New York was not represented at the
Proceedings were In chambers, only the
Judge, counsel and clerk of the court be
ing admitted. Judge Aldrlch issued also
an injunction restraining all parties from
interfering with the service of the writ,
or with Thaw, pending the "hearing at
Littleton. Copies of the writ and injunc
tion will be served on Sheriff Drew of
Coos county, William T. Jerome and At
torney General James P. Tuttle.
The effect of this proceeding is to bring
the situation to a standstill until next
Thaw's counsel left for Colebrook this
afternoon and Judke Aldrlch took the
same train for his home In Littleton.
Tho proceeding in the federal court
heads off extradition, with the result
that the case- may be taken by appeal
to the United States supreme court.
Throngl! Ticket to England.
MONTREAL, Sept. 13. Immigration of
ficials heard today that Harry K. Thaw's
friends had purchased for htm a through
ticket from Colebrook, N. II., to England
by way of Montreal. ' This ticket was to
be used, they heard, in case Thaw should
be roleased, by "habeas corpus 'proceedings
or otherwise, at Colebrook. According to
the' report Tht,w;& convinced that the
immigration- efflchtlte&a&not touch him
were he. to. pass through, tao Dominion
on a through ticket, basing 'his" belief .on
the , case e Jack Johnson, the, negro
This report gav.e color to the rumor of
kidnaping Thaw at Colebrook, already
strengthened in the official oplnlqn by
th presence there of a group of Thaw's
CootlcoolC -partisans and by the heavy
ruard placed around the prisoner.
Thaw's ticket to England was purchased
Within an hour or so after Thaw had
been arrested at Colebrook.
Embraced in the report was the asser
tion that Thaw, once at Montreal, would
riot sail for England at all, but would
proceed to that point of Lake Erie which
washes the northwestern corner of Penn
sylvania and enter bis native statu, where
tie believed he would be safe.
Will He Taken to Concord.
COLEBROOK, N. H., Sept. 13. After
another night of rumors of kidnaping,
Harry IC Thaw awoke today to gaze on
the ruin-soaked streets and to confer with
counsel regarding the hearing with Gov
ernor Felker at Concord, in opposition to
his extradition to the state of New York.
This hearing, according to the under
standing of the Thaw lawyers, will be
held Wednesday. Thaw will probably be
removed to the capital Monday without
further court proceedings here.
Neither side trusting the other and
Thaw's special guards trusting neither
side, all hands kept watch at the hotel
where Thaw Is housed until well otter
midnight. -
At i a. m. an overwrought repo'rter,
sure that tho presence of soma strange
men and automobile" about the building
meant no good, ran down the silent hall
ways, shouting at the top of his lungs
The entire hotel was aawake In an in-,
slant Sheriff Drew, who hod retired,
ran Into the hail In his night clothes and
twenty reporters, half dressed and dis
heveled, dashed down the lobby to tele
phone for automobiles. Women guests
peeked from behind doors on the verge
of -hysterica and the Thaw guards, wor
ried but ignorant of what was the matter,
massed- themselves livJront of his door.
Thaw himself did not wake up. William
T. Jerome also slept soundly, though
Franklin Kennedy, deputy attorney gen
eral from New York, appeared for a few
moments until he satisfied himself that
Thaw was safe.
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Fair; rising temperature. .
Tewueratnre ut OiuuUa Yesterday.
& o. m
6 a. m...v
7 ii. m.' ..... &1
8 a. m.: m'W
U n Til ttl
It) .T. m G5
11 a. m. ........... 6SJ
12 m 14,
1 p. m... 72!
2 p. lu 74
3 p. m , 74
4 p. m... is
6 p. m..., , 73
6 p. m 71
OatauarntlTO Local neeord.
18U. ISlt 1911. 1311
Highest yesterday 76 , 79 93 85
Lowest yesterday......"-.. M 19 74 13
Mean temperature 65 -a St SO
Precipitation .00 .13 .00 .09
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 87
Deficiency for the day 2
Total excess since March 1. 6S1
Normal precipitation. 13 Incb
Deficiency for the day IS Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. . . IS. 19 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 7.16 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1011. 3.23 inches
Deficiency for cor period, 1911 13 92 In ties
Ak-Sar-Bon Carnival Dates
Automobile Floral Pnrade, Tuesday
afternoon, September 30.
Electrical Parade, Wednesday night,
October 1.
German Day Parade, Thursday aft
ernoon, October 2.
Coronation Ball, Friday evening,
October 3.
Douglas County Fair and Live Stock
Show each day.
Irwin Bros.' Frontier Day JWtld
West Show, Rourke Ball Park, after
noons only, September 27 to October i.
Witness Says He Raised 'This Sura
Among Brewery Interests.
Testimony is Glren In Prlvnte at the
Preliminary Hearing? Held by
tho Impeachment Com
mittee. NEW YORK. SeDt IS. Tim ajwamhlv
board of managers for the lniDeachment
of Governor Sillier announced today that
Charles Dersch, a salesman connected
wiui wo Drewery interests, had testified
privately that ho had collected 150,000 for
Suiter's camDalen. which xvam not an.
counted for by the governor in his stato-'
ment or campaign contributions.
Tho announcement mu tnnda hv A .
scmblyman Aaron J. Levy, chairman of
tno ooard of managers, when the board
act to continue its investigations
for the purpose of gathering evidence for
the prosecution at tho Impeachment trlals
Mr. Dersch was one of the witnesses called
yosterday. but at his reaueat ha n al
lowed to give his testimony in private.
a no iv,uw. Mr. ;Levy said, had been
collected from the hrawlnc- nuin..
"This Is the most sensational evidence
we have got yet." said Mr. l- tt
cllned to give details of Dersch's testi
mony, which will bo laid before the Im-
peaenmont board.
Mr. Levy said mt a nin.-
- " " " WaaaatlOilb 1DW
York lawyer who hiui hAn n .u..
- - a XVfJ9 aVVaiU
of Sulxer for twenty-fivo years had come
iu mm loaay direct from Albany, with
this, question:
"If Governor Stllzar atinnM ....I,...
the impeachment proceedings be drop
ped?" Lovy said he renlleil thnf v.. ...
thorlty to stop them.
Solser Will Not Resign.
ALBANY. N. Y.. Senf.
Pulzer has no Intention of resigning, ac
cording to his counsel. D.
jWhon Mr. Herrlck learned of the state-
muni ioaay oy Assemblyman Aaron J.
Levy, chairman of hn hmn
agers in charge of the Impeachment .pro
ceedings, ha, ttgb. this;. Mesrssa f0 ;Mr.
JLevy in NHteVV .
"I sea irom sresa.aUnati.haa haf vmi'
state a promlnont New. York 'lawyer has
coma 10 you airect from Albany with this
question: 'If Governor . Bulser should, re
sign, would tho Impeachment
bo dropped?'
"I ask. you what the name of that
prominent Jawyer is. Either you are
stating a falsehood or you have been Im
posed on. Governor Sulxer has no inten
tion of resigning."
Justico. Chester of tho stato sunr.mA
court today denied on application for a
writ Drought In a .taxpayer's -action de
signed to prohibit tho Impeachment trial
of Governor Sulier.
Another Clue in New
York Murder Mystery
NEW YORK. SeDt. 11. The voun mar.
ried surgeon whom Annattn Dav tnvml
was sought diligently by detectives today
to tell what he nilirht know of Miss n.iv'.
last hours. Her brother, Francis, a real
estate dealer of this city, declared last
night that she was tho slain woman
whose body was dissected and thrown.
into the Hudson within tho last two
weeks. Ho Identified a portion of the
body the head, arms and one leir were
stlU. missing oa that of his sister by an
oaa-snapea discoloration' on her back,
which -he said was a birth mark.
Annette Day. accord In ir ta thn hmthrr'a
story,- was 23 years old, of dark hair and
complexion ana on of five children. Her
mother lives at Tarrvtown anrl lnt nr
Annette on August IS, when the girl.
racing motherhood, left home. SInco then
none oi ne family hod heard from her.
They thOUKht Uttla of har allnn rVi- .
while, believing she had got another plao
at ner iraae as. machine operator on un
derwear. But after a fortnight had passed
witnout word from her, the bother be
came alarmed and began to look for her.
The search, at first casual, became
general, young Day said, after the find
ing of the body of tho river murder vic
tim. Tho police were not notified 'because
the brother felt that the girl might still
be alive and he did not want to mtVa hr
disgrace public.
Detectives were told this morning that
the surgeon had disappeared recently
from his home" In Brooklyn. His wife
and two small children, it was said, were
still there. Ho had told his friends, ac
cording to the police, that ho had been
threatened .by the black hand. They
thought this strange, the police say, as
his practice was not largo and ha was
not a wealthy man.
SAN JOSE, Ca!.,'Eept 13.-Dr. Alfred
Orrichla, who has lived hero since last
April, said today he' might bo the man
sought by the New York police as "the
young married surgeon Annette Day
"I and my family." he said.- "wp
neighbors of tho Days and tho families
Uvero." intimate. Tho last' tuna. I saw
Anneiio nil wnvn ana a.u mnttmi
dinner at our bouse a few days before I
left for San Francisco,"
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept 13-Unlted
District Attorney MlUer today, sent to
the United States court of appeals In Chi
cago a brief covering the government's
reasons why a new trial should not be
granted thirty-one of ' thlrty-three men
convicted in tho dynamite conspiracy
trials here last winter. Tho document Is
believed to be the longest of its kind
ever filed In this country and contains
725 .printed pages.
Wooden Monument, Seven Feet High
and Four Square, Raised to
Show Bill's Iniquity.
Minnesota Representative Opposes
Powers Given Members.
Calls Proposed
Ian Objects to Following;
it Wilson and Dryan
mindly In neg-nrd to the
Money Mensnre.
WlAlSirjNOTON, Sept 13. A wooden
tombstone, soven feet tall and four feet
square was raised on the floor of tho
house today to Illustrate on argument by
Representative Smith of Minnesota that
tho currency bill would put tho labor.
argrlculturo and commerce of tho 'United
States under the control of four men ap
pointed by the party in power. On tho
bnso of the monument wore painted seven
circles, representing tho seven members
of the federal reserve board proponed by
those four, according to Mr. Smith tho
secretory of agriculture, secretary of tho
treasury and tho comptroller of tho cur
rency, with a fourth member selected by
them, would control tho board. Thoy would
cliango, he said, at each administration
and make tho board a partisan political
On tho shaft of the monument were
painted sixty-nine different functions de
scribed by Mr. Smith as the powers of
tho federal rcsenve board.
While endorsing the principles of tho
bill, Mr. Smith opposed tho placing of
such large powers in tho hands of tho
"What I contend for tho substitution of
'nonpartisan, nonpolltlcal control4for con
trol by banks,' " said he. "Tho great
political power which". President Jackson
saw in the First and Bocond National
banks of' his day wona morn pygmies
when compared to tho gigantlo power lm
posod on the federal reserve board, and
which, by the proposed bill, is modo tho
prize of each national election.
"If a method or means can bo evolved
by the which the government can main
tain control and regulation of the, bank
ing and currency system and at tho samo
tlmo provent It from becoming a tool and
instrument of political -Brewurs anitiatty
expedlenoy, tt would be "decldod"tni
provoment over the nioasuro. now beforo
'the house." i
A general attack on tho method of put
ting tho bill through tho house was saids
by Representative Callaway of Texas,
Who protested, vigorously against "fol
lowing Wilson, and Bryan blindly.'
Tolling of Funeral
Bell Disturbs Man
Accused of Murder
HATtTINQTONi Neb., Sept 13. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The funeral of the late
.John McFadden, who was klUed by a
blow on tho bead at Wynot Wednesday
afternoon, waa held from tho Roman
Catholic church hero this morning. II.
Y. Walton is accused of having killed
MoFadden, and is locked up in the county.
jail here awaiting his preliminary hear
ing. The hearing will take place before
the district court adjourns.
The church from which tho McFadden
funeral held is1 located but a short
distance from the county Jail, and tho
prisoner became greatly depressed when
ho heard the toUlng of tho church belt
It was reported yesterday that Walton
had killed himself, therefore cheating the
law, but this report Is untrue. The fact
of the matter is that ho suffered an at
tack of nervous prostration, from which
It took two physicians to rally htm.
The late John McFadden was a mem
ber of the Ancient Order of United Work-.,
men and Knights of Columbus lodges and
a large number of tho members of these
lodges wore in line in the funeral proces
sion. Mr. McFadden leaves a widow
and three small children.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Sept .(Speclal Tel
egram.) Representative Sloan today ad
dressed tho house in opposition to the
currency bill. Ho critlclred its partisan
character and scored the democrats for
their secret .caucus methods, and delared
that -the advisory council provided for
was Impotent and useless.
Mr. Sloan declared that basing the per
centage of subscription of member banks
to federal reserve banks on capital alone
resulted in great discrimination against
western banks, and in favor of -eastern
banks. He believes this percentage should
be based on capital and surplus.
By having It based on capital alon,ha
alleged that for every ?1,000 of combined
capital and surplus Lincoln banks would
pay $10, banks in bis district would pay
$135, Omaha banks tlVS. New York banks,
$101, Boston banks flOO and Philadelphia
banks I72.KX
MILLEN, Co., Sept 13. Mrs. Edna
Perkins Oodbee today was -found guilty
of the murder of Mts. Florence Oodbee,
wife of her divorced husband. Tho Jury
recommended mercy. Mrs. , Oodbee shot
and killed her former husband andf his
wife in the Mlllen poatoftlc a few Tvaeks
Eleven of .Rain,
TYLER, Tex., Sept It Eleven Inches
of rain fell here In fifteen hours yester
day and today, according to unofficial
Information. Bridges have been washed
away in this section and railroad traffic
paralyzed, four feet of water standing on
ibfi tracks (n this city.
Drawn for Tho fiee by Powell.
Corpse of Tammany Leader Lay
Unidentified Thirteen
nkf Days.
He Kscnpea from His Nnrses Angaat
81 aiid Wes Ran Over Few
Honrs Later -Iacnne for
Several Months.
NEW YORK. Sent 13. "Blr Tim" Bui.
llvan, the New York politician who roso
from newsboy to'' congressman, is dead.
His mangled bod.y was Identified today by
iub sieporotner, Larry Mulligan, after It
bad lam for thirteen says in a local
Sullivan, who was Hi. eluded his nurses
in the early morning of August 31 and a
few hours laUr wa struck and killed by
a train at Felham Parkway.
Sullivan's body was on Ita wv to Tnt.
tor's field when the chanco observation
of Policeman Purfleld led to its identifi
cation. The . body was transferred to
Bellevue hospital, which is the usual
preliminary to interring the city's pau
pers and unidentified dead in the nubllo
burying ground.
Special Klcctlnn Necessary,
WASHINGTON, Sept 13.-"BIg Tim"
eulllvan was' elected to tho congress now
in session, but did npf take. his seat be-
cause of illness, and as far as" records
of ,tho capltol show, be has not been 1
Washington ' since , it began work,
drew his; pay, however, " by commis
sion,", tho house agreeing to pay his sal
ary to those appointed by the New York
courts to look- after his affairs. He had
' (Continued on Pago Two.)
Butter from Russia
Awaits Lower Tariff
NKW YORK, Sept( IS. Butter from
Siberia' and Australia' is here 'in bond
wafting to make its debut Into the Amer
ican market along with Argentina beef,
which Is ' soon expected.
A, full, thousand firkins of Siberian
product firkins weighing about HI
pounds each are stored in warehouses
waiting for the' passage of the new tariff
bill, which would reduce the present lu
cent 'tariff on butter to 2 cents. De
livered' in tho refrigerators the Siberian
butter has cost 20 cents a pound, and
adding, the .tax under the proposed tariff
.It would come to the dealer at 23tt cents,
sold 'to be about 5 cents under the pre
vailing prices for butter of similar grade
from dbmestlc dallies. Some of the deal
ers declare that the Siberian product la
as good as the best grades of domestic
butter, A smaller quantity of Austral
Ian butter, and also a llttlo from Canada,
la also held here in .bond awaiting the
opening pf the gate Into the American
The. first commercial shipment of Ar
gsntlne'beef .that ever reached New York
was brought here today by tho steamship
Van Dyke from Buenos Ayres. It con
slated, of 1,000 quarters. On account of
the high Price of domestic beef, th im
porters expect to make a good profit on
their venturs.
The -National Capital
Saturday, September 13, 1013.
Tho Senate.
Not In session: meets Monday.
Conferees continued deliberations
tariff bUI.
Committee Investigating West Virginia
n ine strike continued hearing testimony.
The House.
Currency bill debate continued under
agreement to close tonight
Coming Over the Horizon
Casket is Placed in Mortuary Chapel
of the Lusitania.
Hlahop of Liverpool, Assisted' by
Clergy of City, Officiates Six
Policemen qirA Ho4r.
Threaghont Night. H
LXVKnpooL, Sept 13-The body of the
lata Mayor Oayaor of Now York' was re
moved this morning from the Liverpool
town hall, where it had been accorded
unprecedented honors by Great Britain,
and taken to the Cunard line steamer
Lusitania. It was placed In tho speolal
mortuary chapel on the forward deck of
the steamer. Tho Lusitania Is duo to
arrive In New York on Friday, Septem
ber 19.
A special guard of six policemen
watched over the body In the, town hall
throughout the ntght Tho casket rested
on a great catafalque, which had been
brought to Liverpool from Westminster
Early this morning tho mayor's body
was re-embalmed, this being found neces
sary. A death mask of the features of tho
mayor also was taken this morning, In
accordance with instructions from Mrs.
Tho Liverpool clergy, headed by the
bishop of Liverpool, persuaded Rufus
Gaynor to consent to the holding of
a religious service at ,7 o'clock this
morning. In tho dim llcht of candles
and in the great fog which enshrouded
the hallway, Rev. Theodoro A. Howard.
vicar of St Matthews, conducted an im
pressive Church of England funeral
ritual over tho remains of the dead
Authoress Asks for
Divorce from Her
Second Husband
COLUMBUS, O., Sept lA-Jessta Emer
son Bailey, who undor her former name
of Jessie Emerson Moffatt is a well
known writer of short stories, has filed
suit In tho Franklin county courts
through her attorneys for a divorce from
Frank Duncan Bailey of London, Eng
land, to whom sho waa married In New
York City Juno 8, 1911. While Mrs. Balloy
is making her legal home In Columbus at
present, her husband Is in Seattle, Wash
In her petition Mrs. Bailey avers that
while her husband represented himself
as a man of superior habits and exem
plary conduct before their marriage, sub
sequent events proved that he was with
out such characteristics.
Tho wife, further avers that on Febru
ary 21, 1512, her husband attempted an
assault on her with a heavy choir, but
that the assault failed because of tho
husband's alleged enfeebled condition.
Mrs. Bailey avers that the day follow.
Ing this incident sho left, him and has
not uvea with him since.
Tho plaintiff Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Randolph Emerson and was
born In Fredonlo, N. Y August 22, 18S0,
She was first married to Joseph Alpheus
Moffatt September 11, IBrtt It is from
her second marriage that sho is seeking
reuei in uoiumbus.
She Is a member of the Woman's Press
club of New York City and has been a
president of tho Now Yorkers' club of
New York,
iWDOS. Bent 13. The railroad at..
Iitlon buildings near Newcastle, wero de
Lrnvi this morning bv a suffrait
feirson squad. Placards wero left, brar-
VL. . i. - .AM1a. "Pramlai- aanitl.l. I. - -
Alia v i o - . . . ... ta id
Donslble for militancy. Apply to him
Ifor damages,"
Annual Fall Festival Promises to Be
i Bigger and Better Than
, Ever Before.
Rkliruanb to Kan Stseolal Train nd
Hotels Prepared to Cftro for tho
Crowds Coating t tho
To tho central west tho Ak-Bar-Ben fall
festivities' have coma to bo what the
Mardl Oras Is to tho south. Tho repu
tation of King Ak-Sar-Bon Is ho longer
local and tho namo of this monarch and
his 'home city, Omaha, are words that
hava become familiar in evrrv household
' between the mountains and tho lakes.
For years tho coming of King Ak-Sar-Ben
on his triumphal tour has been an
event that -has brought thousands of
strangers within the gates of Omaha and
at tho same time has advertised the city
far and wide. Again the annual coming
of King Ak-Sar-Ben is at hand and In
dications point to Immense orowds gath
ering hero to welcome the proud and
mighty ruler of Qulvora.
Rultrouds are probably one o'f the most
reliable baromoters when it comes to
measuring up crowds to be moved and
this year tho passenger agents of all th
lines centering hero seem to bo of tho
opinion that the people coming to tho
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, beginning Septem
ber 24 and continuing until and including
October 4, will greatly outnumber those
who have como upon any previous occa
sion Inquiries reaching the railroad of
fices oro more numerous than ever beforo
and then, too, the festivities have been
more wldoly advertised than heretofore
As a result of the Inquiries and the ad.
vertlslng, tho railroads centering In
Omaha are laying their plans for han
dllng Immense crowds. They are lining up
special 'trains that will bo run Into Omaha
from points 100 and 330 miles away. Tho
schedules are being arranged so that peo
plo may leavo. their homes early in tho
morning, spend the day hero and return
(Continued on Page Two.)
Calif ornian Dies of
the Bubonic Plague
SACRAMENTO. Cal., Sept 12.-A death
from bubonld plague occurred yesterday
at Martinez, Cal., according to reports
received today by the State Board of
Health from Dr. J. D. Long of the United
States marino hospital service In San
FrancUco. At the same time a message
was received by the board from Its secre
tary, Dr. W. F. Snow, now In Washing
ton, stating that tho federal government
had decided to appropriate 140,000 addi
tional to fight tho disease.
Tho body of tho-Martlnez victim, whose
name has been withheld, was examined
by Dr. D. II. Curry of- the federal labor
atory service In Ban Francisco. Dr, Long
personally passed upon the' examination
before prono- nclng tho case ono of
Buffalo MiU Plant
Wrecked; Many Hurt
BUFFALO, N. Y., Bept 13. A score of
men were burned, six seriously. In a
series of explosions that chattered tho
walls of the Clover Leaf Milling com
pony's plant here early today. Fire fol.
lowed the explosions, and the elevator,
flour mill and store house wero destroyed
with a loss of 1200,000. Tho explosion in
many fespects resembled the dust ex-
plosion In the Husied mill last Juno when
a larga Bmnbar 4 vasIuoar kx killed.
Announcement from Mexico City
Says Five Hundred Men Killed in
Fight at Maytorena.
Several Thousand Insurgents Driven
from tho Field.
One Mexican Killed and Six Wound
ed at Carrioo Springs.
Party, "Which. Wu lei trai AmerU
can, Btnrted to right, bat Bar
rendered When Overwhelmed
by Nnrabers. "V,
MEXICO CITY. Sept UTThro hun 1
dred federals and J00 rebels are reported
to havo been killed In a battle on Tues
day near Maytorena, In tho northwestern
state of Bonora.
Tho rebels wero opposing tho maxoh of
General Pedro OJeda's column, whloh was
advancing on Harmoslllo, the capital of
the state. Tho results Of tho engagement
aro considered by tho Mexican govern
ment to lx a federal vlotory, tho rebel
having retreated after making a deter
mined stand.
Tha robel force Is reported to number
several thousand men. Tho' federals
maintained a vicious artillery fire and
remained In possession of the battlefield,
capturing many prisoners and a quantity
of ammunition. Tho rebels, after reireat-4
Ing several miles from tho scene of hos
tilities, reorganised their forces, but
failed to renew the attack.
Bnttlo vrlth Smugglers.
BAN ANTONIO, Tex., Bept li-In a
fight between TJnltid States soldiers and
Mexican Hmugglora at Carrlzo Springs,
Tex., today, one Mexican was killed, six
Mexicans wounded and fourteen captured.
Nono of the pursuing party was injured
nnd only two cavalry horses wero hurt.
Tho soldiers came on the Mexicans
shortly after daylight a few miles from
Allmlto crossing at tho Rio Grande river
and at once began firing. An American
who Is tho reputed leader, of tho Mexi
cans, but whose name Is unknown, ns-
Piled to tho order to halt and declared
that his party would never surrender.1
Tho soldiers were then ordered to open
fire and at the first volley os Mexican,
was ahot dead, two others apparently
mortally injured and MVeral recelvoil
Tho AmericH 'toa,tMr tfo M4a
aITlaV a a-
wore against htm;' iivtmtiir4. Besides
thdv leaaMr, tlttrtotti. JKgita .were as
tlired. All ei th friseftoM Were ukik
to Windmill ranch am! a surgeon MM
summoned to treat tho wounded.
The capture wa made by a detachrainS
of tho Fourteenth cavalry, under corn,
mamd of Lieutenant McLean.
Tho Mexicans had attempted to carry
a largo shipment of ammunition and
rifles across the border ' rrora a point
about fifty miles In the Interior of. Texas.
They abandoned most of this contraband
when attacked by a sheriffs posse a few
days ago. The , munitions -were said to
be for constitutionalists; but the latter
announced they would execute the smug-i
glers if caught on Mexican soil
Refngees Reach El Paso.
BL PASO, Tex., Bept 13. Flying a bed
sheet as a flag of truce, a. apodal train
from Chihuahua, Mexico, reached Juarest
today bearing American refugees. They,
encountered no rebels on tho. way.
Tho Americans brought copies of.
(Chihuahua newspaper. which state that
following the recent efeat e Terra'
federal command at:..fiava. Andrea by,
iPancho Villa, feeai t risen era wtr
stood up and ahot beside a big cerspflro
at night and that their softies wets then
toned into the fire by the rebels. Itany
were still alive wheat ttawwa lata the)
fire, the papers say.
Protection for All Tmi nlsjiis.
WASHINGTON. Bept It, sjseeBiaa4
and other foreigners, as welt a vAmvt
leans, may find refuge with' Unite (Mates
consul&r officers in Mexico. The State
department has ordered those officials tq
extend the samo protection to foreigners
as they would to Americans in antlcN
patlon of requests which havo been re
ceived from China, Switzerland. Spain
and omo other governments, In. that
way It la expeoted to reduce to a mini
mum any grounds for demands for inter-,
(ventlon. The transport Buford. now
down the ' Pacific coast of "Mexico tot
refugees, has been ordered to give ac
commodation to all foreigners.
One hundred Americans and eighteen
other foreigners, making their, way from
Torreon to Monterey,, en route to tho
United States, aro having a dangerous
journey because of tho bod. condition of
(Continued on Page Two.)
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