THE BEE: OMAHA, SATl BDAV, SEPTEMBER 13, 1U13. RKAIj K8TATK. CITY 1'IUU'KUTY l oll SA1.R Six -Room Bungalow .J?'S0T'er" choice six-room bungalow: never been occupied; entirety modern: lull cemented basement; parlor and din ing room finished In oak; good slxed rooms; kitchen has fino pantry; large den which could very easily be used for sleep ins room. Two fino bed tooms uml buth room upstairs. South front, corner lot, on paved street. SCOTT & HILL, Doug. 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. SMALL APARTMENT BUILDING Building completed lost spring contain ing 4 apartments, strictly up-to-date, each having 5 rooms and sleeping porch, lo cated on Davenport St. near Curtis Turner park; largo lot; annual Income, !l,e20. Price, 115,000. Plans and specifi cations at our office, or will show build ing on appointment. BEMIS-OARLBERG CO. 210-312 Brandels Theater Hide. DUNDEE New, first-class six-room house, 4942 Capitol Ave., Dundee. Oak finish first floor, "birch second floor: oak floors throughout; living room has beamed cell ing and. flnp fireplace; dining room has paneled walls with heavy plate rail, also a well finished built-in buffet; bath room whlto enameled with tile floors and Keune cement walla. Route decorated throughout. First-class plumbing and Milton Rogers furnace. Conveniently lo cated, being between car lines. South fronr lot. "VV. H. THOMAS & SON 228 Btato Bank Bldg. Douglas 1649. 41071ZARD STREET Seven rooms, all modern, full lot, paved, street; needs some repairs; owner non resident; her price, 12,760; reduced from 23,200. 'Give us your offer and we will help y.ou put Birkett & Company 423 Beo Bldg. Douglas 47S. ONLY 1500 cash, balance as rent; mod ern; 7-Toom new house. Harney 6917. FULL lot, nine-room nouee, near high school, lti,0u0. U. P Stobblns. MO Chi ergo at. ' A- HAP OF OMAHA STItEETS, indexed, also Omaha Red Book, vest pocket sire, free at our office; two stamps by .mall. Charles E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, cato of property, Omaha. ' SW1NQLEY & GIPE. ' REAL ESTATE, Htt-ve moved from 238 Beo Bldg. to fifth floor, room 640. B-ROOM, strictly modern, up-to-date bungalow, bargain for cash or will make terms; elegant location. Tel. Webster 6689. 1 Completely furnished 3-upartment house, 'always rented for $57.60 per month. Only H block frpm Harney car, A very un usual opportunity and worth Investigat ing. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ' ' Ware Block. L. iVi. .TWO large (vacant lots on 33d Ave. Phono H. 472. or call A. A. Gaylord. 537 Beaton St., Council Bluffs. Reul ICstute Trackage. 14TH AND JACKSON. rot-66x133 at southeast corner 14th and Jacltson Sts, End' of switch. Price only $l$st)0Qe 4 L. D. SPAULDING, 1618 Farnam St., , ' - Telephone Tyler 100. ' - f IiKAIi ESTATE. FARM .fcltANCIl LAMIS roil 9AI.K Cuimdu. FARMERS, why starve another year? Come to the best mixed farming district In Alberta". 160 acres four miles from depot and. twenty miles -from. Edmonton, Water-und timber on place. Sliity acres ready for plow. Neighbors: American and' German-American. $20 per acre $1,200 cash, balance one and two years' -,- S. Ilsleyi owner, 352 Alberta Avo Edmonton, Alta. i Culurndu, GOOD LAND.-I ' have a home for you and your wife's folks, where you may prosper and enjoy life tilling the rich, .hiellow soli and growing abundant crops' where1 such heat and drouth as you hove had' for months In the east cannot be realized. I have land for sale, large and small tracts, improved and unimproved. Plenty of good water. Best of market .Ideal climate, adapted to stick, dairy and general farming; $10.00 to $30.00 per acre. E. NS Wright. Calhan. Colo. ' ' ' Montana. MONTANA 'IRRIGATED LANDS. Uso your Carey right and secure a 160-acre farm in famous Valler country, where wheat yields 60, oats 100, barley Cfi. flax 20 . bushels per acre; no drouth, sure crops; lands produce splendid alfalfa and timothy; diversified tarmlng Is carried on "under Ideal conditions. Write today for booklQt valler Farm JJales -Com. pany. Box 1036. Valler. Montana . f Nebraska FOR SALE Improved 200-acre farm, S miles from Page, Neb., at $50 per acre If taken at once. Address Y 253, Bee, .FOR SALE Fine half section farm In Custer Co., Neb.; long time, low rate of Interest. I. A. Coleman, 1709 9U Ave., Broken Bow, Neb. "7" Texas. ATCHANCB to buy farm land direct from the owner, 5,000 acres ranch and farm', situated eight, miles from the gulf .and seven miles from the railroad. Sixty miles N.-E. of Brownsville. Plenty of rainfall for growing crops, good ar tesian flowing, well water. Good climate winter and summon A tine tract to colonize. Will sell In a body or in 1,000 acre blocks. If Interested write quick for terms to Box 119. Raymondyllle. Tux. I HAVE nothing to trade, but have a lC3S2-acre tract which must go In a body at $18 60 an acre. ' Also, St. Joseph's Island, near Rook port, Tex., 32,000 acres, which must be sold In a body at $10 an acre; only twenty days to sell It In at that price. W. H. Graham, Cuero. Tex Wisconsin. BUY Wisconsin land; no droughts or crop failures. The last of the good cheap land, $15.00 per acre; $100 cash, balance can' run ten years If desired. Close to .good markets. Get busy. Write for full particulars. E. R. McBrtde, 823 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Miscellaneous. A 'GOOD home for someone; 50 acres food walnut land, 40 In crops, house, am, 2 mules, chickens, crops and im plements, all for $2,600. Call or phone Bee VanEmburg, Schlltr hotel, room 61, Friday afternoon or Saturday. REAL KMJATfc JiOANH OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. . O'KEEb'K. REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 271& nt ll.Orti) tan1 nr, ... proved real entate. Large loans a specialty. W. H. THOMAS, 228 State Bank Bldg. LARGE loans our siecialty Btull Bros. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam amlth & Co.. 1320 Farnsm at , CITY LOANS. Bemle-Carlberg Co.? J $10-12 Brandels Theater Bid HARRISON & MORTON. 14 um. NaT 00 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. wcaa. weaa uiag., uib ana ri Farnam. RAIIVIN BROS Loans tttw and up. WANTED City loan. Meters Trust Co. uve btock .market op west Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Yuur consign mcnts receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lire Stock Commission Merchant. MARTIN BRO& t CO.. Exchange Bids GRAIH AND PRODUCE MARKET Grain Market Beginning to Look Somewhat Topheavy, WHEAT RULES A LITTLE LOWER llrenk In Price llrlnns a Consider able Drmnml from Uxporttnir Pnrclinaers of the Smalt Grain. OMAHA, Sept. 12, 1913. The grain markets are apparently be coming accustomed to bullish conditions which exist, and In absence of further adverse crop conditions are beginning to look a little bit topheavy. This was the case In wheat yesterday, which ruled weak from start to finish, with the low est prices at the close of the day. The selling came only more from the profes sional element und front the elevator In terests. Unquestionably much of the pressure put upon the market was duo t0 Aultterent Interpretation put upon the publlo attitude of the Canada government regarding the abrogation of their duty, which action It was claimed could be taken by a meeting of the cabinet. In view of tho fact that the present govern ment was re-elected on the basis of non reciprocity, It Is a question whether such action will be taken with regard to the duty on wheat. The break again brought In some export demand In this market, and It Is understood that sales were made of about 100,000 bushels from here and Chicago to the Atlantic. Cash wheat was Ho higher. Corn traders could not find nny new po sition In tho situation which would Indi cate further damago to the crop than Indicated by the government figures, and on account of the recent steady advance there was a concerted selling movement started after the price had made an early advance, and as tho session progressed the market was put under decided pres sure by both short sellers and scattered longs, the result being a decline for the day of about lUc per bushel. The weak ness In wheat and In othor small grains undoubtedly contributed to the selling ana Drought about a lacic oi support which wao more or less conspicuous. Cash corn was iXc lower. A gToup of larger houses In the oats trade lined up on the selling side of both December and Slay oats during the early trading yesterday, but It was not until the break came In wheat and corn the Inst hour that prices had a sharp decline. Cash oats were ViJTHc lower. , . Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to 432.000 bushels; corn, none;, oats, 16,000 bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, Hd to 9id htgher; corn, Ud to Hd higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1,817,000 bushels and shipments 824,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,975,000 bushels and shipments of 1,099,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 953,000 bush els and shipments 477,000 bushels", against receipts of 790,000 bushels and shipments of 683,000 bushels last year. . Primary oats receipts wero 1,074,000 bushels and shlnments 732.000 bushels. against receipts of 1,020,000 bushels and shipments of 802,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 132 473 220 Minneapolis 426 Duluth 612 Omaha 06 49 85 Kansas City 83 34 17 St. Louis , 74 30 14 Winnipeg 363 The following cash sales were reported Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. 1 car, 83V4c; 8 cars, SZa; 1 car, 82Hc No. 3 hard winter, 2 cars, 83c; 1 car, 82Uc No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, 81ttc. No. 3 spring, 1 car, 83Kc. No. 4 spring, 1 car, SOttc. No. 2 durum, 1 car, 83c. No. 3 durum. 1 car, 82c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 82c, No. 4 mixed, 1 cor, 81c; 1 car, 77c. No. grade (No. 4 mixed durum), 1 car, 60a. Rejected, 1 car, 79c. No grade, 1 car, 76c. Rye: No. 2, 1 car, 684c Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car, 73c. Ho. 3 white, 3 cars, 73Hc No. 2 yellow, 3 cars, 72ftc. No. 3 yellow, 7 cam, no. No. 4 yollow, 1 car, 71V4a No. 3 mixed, 15 cars, 72c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 72c; 2 cars, 71Hc. No. grade, 1 car white (wheat mixed), 71Hc. Oats: Standard, 1 car, 4034c No. 3 white, 1 car, 40c; 14 cars, 4oHo;-2 cars, 404c. No. 4 white, 3 cars, 40c; 2 cars, 40c;. J. car, .40Mc ... Omaha Cash .Pxloes Wheat: No. 2 hard, 82fi84c; No; 3 hard, 8iyi83c; No. 4 hard, WiiSlHc; .No. 3 spring, 826834c: No. 4 spring, SOQSlVic; No. 8 durum, 824f82c; no grade, 81jjfllV4c -iCorn: No. 2 whlto, 73 7SHc; No. 3 white, 73373Wc: No. 4 white. 72Vttj72:)4c; No. 2 yellow, 72i4c; No. 8 yel low, 72Vic; No. 4 yellow, 71&fWie: No. 2, 72724c; No. 3. 72c; No. 4, 71V4S72c; no grade, 69H&7U4C Oats: No. 2 white, 410 4lUc; standard, 40c; No. 3 white, 40UW 40yc; No. 4 white, 4040Kc Barley: molt ing, 64007c;' No. 1 feed, 603WC. Rye: No. 2, 6SQ&ttc; No. 3, 67H9Sc, DOC.I90W91 May I95HHS Corn. I Sept.73Hti Deo..72Hlf4 May.75S$ Oats. 1 Cept.!41HH May.47HiK4 Pork. I Jan.. I 19 $5 May.l 20 00 Lard. 1 Jan.. 110 87-901 May. 11 07W Ribs. I J an.. I 10 43 May. 10 (3H, 91HGU WVi 96 76H 75 72 71!i Wi 73HUH 42 41H 4IH 44 47H 46 19 90 19 82H 20 07H 19 95 10 924 10S7H It 10 11 07H 10 50 10 45 10 C2-67 10 CO .90Hf!ij 75UI 73X1 4tei 44 47U 19 874 19 974 10 90 I U07H 90S 95H 7E4 7240H 7STif4 414 44H474 19 874 20 00-07 10 $24 U 124 10 45 I 10 624 10 60-62110 03-67 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. 9JC94C No. 8 red, 914ri24c; No. 2 hard. 89090c; No. 3 hard. SSViffSSHe; No. 2 northern. 90tl92c; No. 3, 894T90C; No. 2 spring, $9U(T91c; No. 3 spring, SSHtJS?Hc: velvet chaff, 8TOW c; durum, WrSle. Corn: No. 2, 76ff4 i No. 2 white, 764tr 77c; No. 2 yellow, 764tf764c; No. 3, 76fi 76Hc; No. 3 white. 76WtfiSXc: No. 3 yel low, 76T64c Oats: No. 2, 424c; No. 2 white. 48M?44c; No. 3, 42e; No. 8 white, 434f434c; standard, 434J43?4c. Rye! No. 2, 674CSo. Barley, GOQSlc. Timothy, $4.60 4J5.2G. Clover, $.(Xpl0.78. Pork. $2160. Lard. $11.10311.124. lbs. $10.75011.75.. CHEESE Higher; daisies, 15ffl64c; young Americas, 15i?164c; long horns. 154T164c BUTTER Higher; creameries, 2S4 304c. EGGS Unchanged; receipts, 6,606 cases. POTATOES Higher; receipts, 30 cars: Mlnnrsota and Ohio, 6070c; Jersey, 924? 96c; Wisconsin, WSOc. . . POULTRY Alive, higher; springs, 17e; fowls, 134c POTATOES Higher; receipts, 20 cars Minnesota and Ohio, ?0iff75c; Wisconsin. 70S5o; Jersey, 93fl95o. NEW YORK GBNRRAI, MARKET CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Tradlnsr and Closing Prices) on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, 111., Sept 12. Unexpected strength at Liverpool and a surprising de velopment of export demand here moro than overcame today the effect of heavy sales of wheat. The market closed ner vous at HWUc to ic higher. Corn fin ished 4'4c down, oats varying from a shade decline to H0Mc advance and pro visions unchanged to 74c off. Rains, which put the soil in fine con dition for fall plowing, has a good deal to do with the general selling that greeted an early upturn made by the wheat mar ket In response to a bulge In Liverpool. The ensuing decline reached well under yesterday's close for deferred futures, but not for September, Severe storms tn Argentina counted de cidedly In later turning the wheat mar ket upgrade. There were also disturbing advices regarding cholera at Budapest It was explained that the strength at Liver pool was the result of an unusual amount of wheat' being diverted from that port to the continent. Corn was easier most of the day be cause of selling pressure, which was largely from speculators, but the market showed good power to recover. Rains that meant much help to pastures formed the principal argument for the bears. Short sellers, however, showed no ten acity, and there was active covering when the market seemed likely to sympathize with an upturn In wheat. Oats reflected the action of other grain, easing off early, and then making a rally. Yesterday's chief sellers were buying at the wlndup. Provisions gave way under selling by a western packer, and on account of & decline at tho yards. Offerings, though, were finally absorbed by other packers and new Investors, so that In the end losses were partly wiped out. wuotations ranged as follows: Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low Close. Yes'y. Wheat! 1 T I 1 Septf 87f 88 e7'4f 87ttf 87ii LEGAL NOTICE N. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of Commissioners of Ftate Institutions until 9 a. m., Satur day. September 27th. 1913. for furnishing supplies for quarter beginning October 1st,, 1913, for Hospitals for Insane at Lin coln, Hastings and Norfolk, Feebli Minded Institute at Beatrice, Soldiers' and Sailors' Homes at Mllford and Grand Island. Industrial Schools at Kearney and Geneva. Industrial Home at Mllford, Hos pital for Crippled Children and Peniten tiary at Lincoln, Hospital for Tubercu lous at Kearney, School for the Blind at Nebraska City and Deaf Institute at Omaha. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the amount thereof, payable to the Board, and by samples when requested. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will bo Immediately returned, as will also thoso of successful bidders upon acceptance of a bond conditioned upon the performance of the contract. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept bids In their entirety or by In. dividual Item. Address proposals to thd "Board of Commissioners of State Insti tutions, Lincoln, Neb." Bids will be opened and tabulated on Saturday, Sent. 27th, 1913. Beginning on Monday, Sun. tember 23th. 1913. at 9 a. m., the Beard will meet to consider and pass upon all bids presented, beginning with classifica tion No. 1 and proceeding with the dif ferent classifications In their numerical crder and continuing from day to day until nil bids nave been passed upon. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF STATE INSTITUTIONS. Lincoln. Nebraska, September llth, 1911 RISdSt ((notations of the Dar on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 12. FLOUR Steady; spring patents, $4.60Q'4.70; winter straights, $4-WM.20; winter patents. $4.40 spring clears, $4.Mg4.30; extra No. 1 winter, $3.66 C3.76; extra No. 2 winter o.iajjj.DU. WHEAT Spot, Irregular: No. 2 red. t6c; new No. 1 northern, DS&c; Decembor, mic: May. $1,024. CORN i3rot steady, exnnrt. 8IU0. OATS-Bpot quiet; standard white, 49 HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1913. 824136c; 1912, 184oc; Pacific coast. 1913. 22&24c; 1912, 18Jf22c. H DDES Firm : Bogota, 888240; Cen tral America, 804031c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 2 SOo. PROVIBIONS-Pork, steady; mess, $23.25 &Hv2LL $24.5026.60; short clears, $20.60SC2.60. beef, quiet, mcs, $17.6031 18.60; family, $19.0020.00. Cut meats, 5,t?.:-p,cklfd. bellleB- 10 to 14 pounds, $14.0016.00; pickled hams, $16.00. Lard, easy: middle west IU.251911.38: refined, barely steady; continent, $12.16; South America, $12.70; compound quiet $9.50ia 9.75. : TA.LLO W Easy ; ,ctty, C4c, nominal: country, mc; special, 6c. BUTTER-Steady; receipts. 9,347 tubs; creamery extras. $l8314c; firsts, 28W30o, J,,StiL?Bjrjr' flnest- a: Kood to prime. 26428c; process, firsts. 25026c; Imitation creamery, first 25254c; factory. June make, flrsU, 24Q244o; factory, current make, firsts, 21c; packing stock, June make. No. L 234c CHEESE Firm; recelpU, S07 boxes; fJtS.-wno1 mllk freh colored specials. 16fc316o: white, 16Hc: white and col ?r.d' average fancy, 4c; skims. 114 13Hc. EGGS Firm; receipts. 1,788 cases; ficsh gathered extras, 29T31a; extra firsts, , 2723c; firsts, 252o; Pennsyl vanla and nearby hennery, white, 3&42o; gathered whites, 2687o: western gathered whites. 25di.,32c. POULTRY Rressed, Irregular; fresh killed western chickens, 17M24e; fowls. 14419o; turkeys, ISaaOq. ' Weather In the Corn Belt. United States Department of AgrlouU ture, weather bureau for Omaha, fnr ih twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 76th meridian time, Friday, Bept 12, 1918: OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. TemD. . Itftin . ... . P'Bh. Low. fall, Ashland, Neb.. 77 45 .00 AUDUrn. xmd..tu w .28 iNEW YORK STOCK MARKET Union Pacifio Outstrips Recent Move ments, Rising Over Five Points, PRICE WITHIN A SHADE OF 1G0 Day's Adrnnre Rendered More Im pressive liy Fact There Is no Banish Not on Which to llano It. NEW YORK. Sept. 12.-l'nlott Pacific, whose performances have kept tho stock market on edge for several days, out stripped its recent movements today by r 'f.'Pff over 5 points. Tho price came w thin a shade of 160, showing a gain of 104 points since rumors of a cash dis tribution to stockholders gained cur rency and the upturn began. Although the advance In this stock much oxcooded the average movement, tho market In general made a striking showing of strength. The day's advance was rendered the more Impressive by the fact that there was no bullish news on which to base It. Tho rise apparently was due to the In herent strength of the market In Its present position. Bears who sold on re cent developments, which were construed unfavorably, had built up a considerable short Interest. With the market thus in a strong technical position, It required nothing moro than the Impulse supplied by the buoyant rise In Union Pacltlo to start the whole list upward. Although no authoritative Information was available concerning tho rumors of a cash bonus on Union Paolflc, the re ports were talked of still more confidently In the street The ooppors, whose recent advance In sympathy with the strength of the metal market has been Interrupted In the last few days, resumed their upward move ment Canadian Pacific, benefited by glowing reports of the Dominion's crops, was strong. Forecasts of tomorrow's bank state ment were conflicting. They Indicated that the woek's movement of currency had not been Important In net results and that either a small gain or a small loss would be shown. Bonds showed an Improving tendency. Total sales, par value, $1, 9X3,000. United States bonds were uuchangod on call. Number of sales and loading quotations on stocks wore as follows: Broken Bow ... 74 Columbus, Neb. 76 Culbertson 78 Falrbury, Neb. 79 Fairmont. Neb. 77 Grand Island... 75 Hartlngton .... 76 Hastings, Neb.. 75 Holdrege, Neb. 75 Lincoln. Neb... 76 North Platte.., 76 Oakdale, Neb... 76 Omaha 74. Tekamah, Nob. 76 Valentine 76 Alta, la. 7ti Carroll, la. .... 70 Clartnda, la. .. 70 Sioux City, la, 74 87 42 38 47 42 41 40 44 49 46 40 .42 01 43 48 47 47 60 40 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .24 .00 Sky. Clear Pt oloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. oloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Temp. Rain- High. Low. fall. 84 66 .20 90 62 ,40 90 63 ,40 78 64 ,40 83 62 1.C0 72 60 .30 74 40 .00 74 64 1.80 7 44 .30 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of District. Stations. Columbus, 0 18 Louisville, Ky... 22 Indianapolis .... 14 Chicago, 111 24 St Louis, Mo... 19 Des Moines, la.. 22. Minneapolis 61 Kansas City ... 26 Omaha 17 The weather continues cool throughout the com and Wheat region. Freeslng temperatures occurred at two stations tn the Minneapolis district. No precipita tion worthy of note occurred in the upper valleys since the last report, but heavy and excessive rains occurred tn southern Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. Falls of one Inch or more occurred at the following stations: In Kansas Sedan, 2 60; McPberson, 2.80. In Oklahoma k m: Oklahoma City. 1.00. In Mis souri St Louis and Boonevllle, 1.70; Han nibal. 1.4u: jeiiorson -ivr, .wj w micii ton. 2.10: Hermann, 1.811; Harrlsonvllle. 2 SO: Springfield, 1.40; Lexington and Brunswick, 1.S0; Mexico, 1.20. in Illinois Chester, 2.70; Mount Vjrnon. Local Forecaster Weath4f Bureau. I r.. 4 n In I VWn V, , A H Kansas tr KANSAS CITY, Sept 12. WHEAT Cain: No. 2 hard. B54391c; No. 3, 844 8SV4c: No. 2 red, 96!M3o; No. 3, 8903c. CORN-No. 2 white. 7&374c; No. t, 7WS76UC. Closing prives m ,'ul" r,',, WHI'lAT December, '87ii37o; May, MCORNBePtember, 764o; December, "oATfNolwhlte, 434c; No. 1 mixed. 4214c BUTTER Creamery, 30c; firsts, 29c; seconds, 27c; packing, 22o. BQOS Firsts, 23c: seconds, 15c. POULTRY Hens, 12c; roosters, c; ducks, 10c; springs, 16c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Bept 12. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 89o: No. I northern, 8J47H9 894c; No. 8 northern, 864874oj .No. i hard Montana. 86ic; No. 8. 885Vio: SeDtember. S6Uc: December, 8SWc; May, Mtfc, . FLOUR AND mtAtt uncnangea. COR... No. 3 yellow, 72c. OAT8-N0. 3 white, 89Htt40o. RYE No. 2, eaetBc FLAX-.441.44. BARLEY CfljtWlC. 8t. Louis General Market, ST. LOUIS. Sept 12. AVHEAT No. red, 914fc; No. 2 hard, S$S,2o; Sep. tember, &Hc; May. 6c. CORN No. 2, 7Stye; No. 2 white, 764 764c; September. 76o; May, 78764c September, 42c; May, 47T.C ReoelDts. Rhlrmnt xirv.o m SLonn C,-. av Corn, bu 86,0 io!ooo Oats, ou...., ss,(uo Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. Bept. 12. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 74d; No. 2, 7s 6d; No, I, 7s tA futures, steadv. October, 7s 34d; December, 7s jd, March. 7s 34d. ' CORN Boot steady: American mixed, new, 6a 9d; futures, firm: October La Plata, Es 2d; December La Plata, 6s 6ftd. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK. SePt. 12.-BVAPORATKD APPLES Fl rm. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes. firm. Anrt. cots, firm. Peaches, steady. Raisins, un- seiiieu. Klfi. Hlsh. Low. Cloa M.KX) TH Tin i too l.too i,m ton 600 400 TOO 4IH 0 M 47J4 41s UVt 'iiii ess r.. 7, COO "mj 114H 190 111 "i'.Ho "ii oo lti 1,700 n XX) Mt, 1,100 H 17,800 111 tlOO MH 8,000 C0H "6,'eoo loi" too iuH 8,(00 MVi 1,100 1MH 1,109 11 8. MO 2SU 00 474 400 It 1.10O 17 000 1M 2.100 400 lit 3,400 ItH 6,100 OH ..... ..... toe !i soo 100 4.100 l4 too 1U 1.101 13H too nv4 1.600 toy, soo mii 41 204 8H 1 47 44 tU 9H II m loH 114 JJ04 333 u M4 MU lllt 111 47V4 t 4H 07H 47 H 44 S4 'its MU iiivi 190H 'iiji STO 8.100 200 IS s4 28 1ST il (H 13H 10 i 1H S3 UtU US 1M 1H M itvt 47 W SH 14U U7H 35(4 11014 16J em lotu 1IH t 7 100 uiH 1ST Ml ovi 1244 r?H m II MU mi 2H in 11H tITt 47 1WH 1CTK 34H 110H 16 2H tilt 103 ICS 1MU mu S3 30 two TOO W4 2.900 1U4j 4.400 1 IS 87 106 IUH 1M IUH lUVt 134H 1 so .. . 1S1 . K3,S0e 1134 HI" if' soo 1.7P0 10U i5 1,600 700 SOO .. l.SW .. 100 .. too .. 200 .. 67.700 .... 1.10 14 17H 'u' 1.S00 14 to ilH 27 U U 17H si" u 114 iiii AmalieanintMl Oorper Amtrlun Asrlcultursl Ainrlcn I)t Bucr. Airrletn on ........ American Can pfd..., Amtricui V. & F..... Amtrletn ftotton OH Am. It BtcurtUos Ait.trlein Llnwd ....... . American IxcomottT . American 8. A It American R. II. pfl Am. micar lUtlnln.., American T. 4 T Alnarlcan Totamo . . . . Ai.aoouda Minim Co.. Atchlaon ., Atchlion pfd Atlantic Qoact Litis.... Baltimore A Ohio...... DMhlhm HUol nrooklrn Itapld Tr.... Canadian Pacific ..... Cirtra! liiathar ....., Cncupmke & Ohio. .. CMcaso O. W Cbtcato, M. A St. Chicago & N. W Cblorado F. & I Contoltdatrd Oei Corn Products Delaware A Hudaon...... DcnTer A Itlo Omnde... Dnrr & R. O. pfd Dlatlllar' CVacurittas .... Kr1a Brie lit ptd..; Drl Id pM Ocural Eleotrle ..,... Oroat Kortharn pfd Great Northern Ore etra. Illtnota Central Interborouzh Met Inter. Met. ptd International llarretter.. lntar-Marln pfd ........ International Paper . International Pumo Kanias Cltr Southern.... Laclede Oa Lehlsh Valler ....... LoulsTlll St Nwhtllle.. M.. St. P. A 8. Bte. M. Mlauurl, K. A T.. MJeaotm pacltla Katlonal fltacult National Lead K. It. It- of M. 14 Pfd.. New York Central ft, T.. O. A W Norfolk & Western North Anwrlcan Northern Paclflo Paclflo Mnll Pennarlranla People's Oaa P., C. C. A St. I........ Pittsburgh Coal pnud Rtaal Our Pullman PeUacs Car... lUadlnc ..,........ Republic I. & a....... Jtepubllo I. & B. pfd.. Itock liland Co........ Hock Hland Co. pfd... Bt. U A S. P. 14 PM Seaboard Air Une..... Veahoard A. L. pM.... slos-Rnefllel4 S. A t. Boutnern memo Southern Rallwar Bo. naliwar pro Teoneaeee Copper Teiaa ic Pacific Union Pacific Union PiLotflo pfd...,,, United States Reallr.. United States nubber,, United States Steel..,, V. S, Steel pfd Utah Copper ............. 1ZX iii" Vn.-Carollna cbemtoal .. 4,000 Wabanh Wabaeh pfd Weetern Marrland Weetern Union .. Weitlnfhouie Kleculc ... Total aalia for the day, S4S.700 sharea. Kerr Vorlc Money Market. NETW YORK, Sept It MONET On call firm at 23 per cont rullns; rate, 2 per cent! closing, 2iJ3 per cent Time loons, easier; sixty dayr, 44U per cent: ninety days. 4V4 per cent; six months, t PPR1MB MERCANTILE PAPER-i PSTERLINO EXCHANGE Firm at 14.M 04.85 for sixty-day bills, and (4.SSS0 for demand: commercial bills, !4.724.82tt. 81LVEIV-Bar,. 60Hci Mexican dollars, 44)C. BONDS-Coyernment steady; railroad, "cioslnt: quotation's" oii "bbhds today were na fnllnWH! U. 8. ref. la, re... KJilC & Bo. ref. te.. do coupon . S. deb. 4a 1H1.. 0 U. 8. U. re 1WS4L A N. not. 4i.... M do coupon 10IUU. K, A T. let 4a. . 1K U. 8. 4f. ret He do cen. 4Hj...... M do coupon 'is.,"?; "J1'1 ail Panama 3a coupon.. JH Jdo cone. M. It A..C. 1st U ettt... JJH'N. fttt. ot M. 4Hs 5 Amr. As. S. ....... "'fj. "f . O. r. IHs... 11 A T, A T. c. 4a..lOZ do deb. 4a,..,,,,, ou Am. TobMco ea....1U Y. N. H. A Armcur A Co. 4Hi. IH II. cr. lHa 71 AMwSin sei. 4..... "g'N. A W, Ut. . 4a! UK do or. 4 lteo IW 'do cr. 4a 104 . CI L. lit 4a IH do i 7u B. t. A Ohio 4S MfcO. U rfd. 4ef. ie IHs R . IMS IMS.. H Drook. Tr. cr. 4a... do eon, 4a loo "cl?. ot Oe. S lOIVtffteadlac can. 4i M C lthlr si. L. A 8. P. U 4.70H MChea, A Ohio 4K. " ."... ai oonr. 4Hi... -, 7VSt, L. 8. W. e. li., T Ca?lcaS A A. 1V4! VMf- A. U adj u..', 7H OB. A Q. I. 4a... . I4UBo, Pao, col. 4i., MU do Sb. 4s. "! cr. 4 r3 O MA BP 4Ha..l01T4 do tat rf. 4a O It I. A P. . lUJIwar u, 10JU do rfi 4a.. . 4a 7IH C. A 8. r A e 4K. MHUolon Pacific . .. 7iZ n A 11. ct, 4 7 , o ct. 4a UU D A 111 O. rel. S. 7IH do l.t A ref, 4t., 7'I DlrtUlera5 ta SClJ. 8. IlubUr la.. ,101 fin,'. I. u- H- fitMl w Sa.10l do Sin. 4i. ... . V.-C. Chera. Sa 4 Oacr i: -r. B.. 7 Wabath lit A ex. 4a SI III? Cen lit r. 4i, WHWejtern Md. 4i.... UK Inter Met. 4We,..., 77WWat, Elec. ct. ti,. tlH Inter. mTM. 4H.. Cotra.1 4.... I7H Japan 4H . M Bid. Offered. Iloston Mlnlnsr fltoeUs. -nsun-nr Rmnt. 1C Closlnr nuntnitnna t vj . , , r on mlnlmc stocks were: Allouei ;'ljshr1' 44 Amal. Copper jrKNerada Con jji A. Z. L A S 13.Nlpla.lns Mine. ,., ii . M.C00 3,O0 ,.. o 1.400 1.900 H'4 '4 it CS 14' 11' 171 17' 171 441 14 M T3 1H 1SIU 1U 14 15 es evt tlK 63 i soo low ioh m .t00 SK SSH SI Tltt 71 15 frl.eii. Tin Steady, spot and Septem ber, $42.jac! 50; October. SU.Umf4l.37tt, November, I4t00ft42.26. Wd: Quiet at 14.70 bid. Antlmonyi Cooksou's. $S.4(Vff8.SO. iron: Firm, No. 1 southern, !l&.2eiS.78i No. 1 southern, soft, J15.2H"7S. London markets closed ns follows: Cop per: Firm; spot, 173; futures, (72, l&s. Tin: Quiet: spot. tlW, 15s; futures, hit Iron: Cleveland warrants, Sts, 4Ud. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 12.-MUTAIJ-tad: Slow at J4.06. Spelter. Slow at 15.75, London Stock Mnrket, IAONDON, Sept. U.-AmerlcAn securities opened quiet with prices showlnu Irregu lar changes Later most of the list was supiorted and at noon values registered from K Aoove to t below yesterday's New York e o nr. ' Ooneoli, moner ... tJSDenrer A Rio o. do account . . .71 -louthern I'ielfio Amal tapper o Union paclflo .. Canadian Taclric His SILVKR-llar. Bttsdy nt KKd . Sd4 lit! per MriMiavn.Mu . DISCOUNT ltATr-S-Short bills, 1 9-l per cent; three months. 3, per cent. nnponr op "TsaTiTno iiousic Tmnsnctlnn of Assoclntrtl nnnks for the Week. ' ,!l.-T?UIf' B',t- lS.-nradstreefs 13,02S,22S,C as HRiilnst 2.S30.5.S.0iS) last w.e? &$5'Sh$ In the cofrespondi ino.a,i.diW-.60,s-sl"ai0 correspond lng week last year CITIES. Amount. Now York Chicago Doston Philadelphia St Louis Pittabursh Kansas City Ban Francisco. Raltlmoro Cincinnati Minneapolis Xos Amreles. ...... Cleveland Detroit New Orleans OMAHA Louisville Milwaukee Seattle Portland, Ore..,.., Bt. Paul Denver , Indianapolis Salt Luke City Columbus Toledo 'Duluth 'Des Motncs Spokane Tacoina pond .; PeorTii Ss,n Dlofro iDayton Sacramento ,. Cedar Rapids Waterloo Sprlnfrfleld. III...., Qulncv. Ill uioomltiRton, HI.... ugaen, utan Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, 111... Washington, D. C. Bt. Joseph Lincoln Slouxj City Topeka Wichita I1.6M,0H7.! 3,2:w.Ck'0 1.13 049.UX) 14ft.7S7.000 77,S77,0OD 49.S27.0001 t7,42!,O0W i,SSl,W 34.230,000 St.7C0.0W 30,072.000 21. S74.00O 24,467.000 2I.W.000 H.1M,000 15,182,000 13,31.1,000 15.S.'.9.00Q 14.(5CS.OOO 11.3401 000 10,061,000 9,101,000 1,037,000 t,l73.10 ,, C.S7O.0OO 8.106,000 6,513.000 4,282,000 2,S,000 1.8M.O.X) 4.16LXK 2.300,(X 3,070.000 2.206,000 1.7RK.O0O 1.C32.000 1.232.000: 704,000 779,000 534,000 317,000 7.217.000 7,443,000 l,S7,tW 3,328,000 l.4.000 3,037,0001 Inc. Deo. 2 10.8 OMAHA UaSNKItAX, MAItKET. BUTTER No. 1, -lb. cartons, 32c; No. 1, 00-lb. tubs; 81c; No. 2. 2a FISH-Whlte, fresh, 14c; trout fresk. lfioj large cruppies, fresh, 13c; Spanun mackerel, 15o; shad roe, per pair, 40c; salmon, fresh, 10c; halibut fresh. 10o; buffalo. 8c; bullheads, 130; channel cat fnsh, lSo: pike, 15o; tilckorel, Uo. CHIEEBIfi Imported Swiss, 33o; Ameri can Swiss, ICc: block Swiss, 2lo; twins, 17c: daisies, 17 Wo; triplets, l7Ko; younc Americas, Uc; blue label brick, l8Ho; Um- nerger, i-iu., xug; nw luiu, winvo, in, POULTRY Broilers. Ua per lb.; hens, ltc: cocks. 12c; duoks, Utf20a; geese, Uo; turkeys, 20025a: pigeons, per dos., tl.U; roosters, !4c; diicks, full feathered, lie; geese, full feathered, 10o; squabs, No, U LW)i No. 2, 60o. liHifiD- 4JU1S o, i riDs, no; no. a, UCJMUK VU1 4IUt 4. iiun( ilU, AU A UKo; No. 8, UUc . No. 1 loins, ISttc; No, j. lf,U,o: No. 8. UWc. No. 1 chucks. He: No. 2, i0o; No. 3, iSifl. No. 1 rounds, l4o; Atlion Com. ...... ."nh Iutu UY. B. A C. C. A B. M. SO North Lake ...... .. 58 Cel. A Arlwna d Dominion Jr2 CJ. A HecUl 440 0wol , . iJ .m.niii.i K4Qn ncr r Range C. C. 41 (Unnnon u Ilutts C. M... U Superior M3 tin . 144 etuoerto.. An i Copper lunge C, V..., 11U Vranklln Oranbr Con Oreene casanea TiHivmarack tvi nut, m a : : y V IV. A If... 1111 ! Ilorale Copper. lv,Iot pfd ,t2 Kerr Lake lV,t "2 Ike Cbpcer !HUA CPPr Co StS le uopwr..., v"inooa jo Copper ... .. II Wolyerlno 41 T a Ball Miami Metal Market. NEW YORK. SeDt. 12.-METAt.r Lead: Quiet at $4.70 bid; London, 120. Spelter: Quiet at 15.8M26.t0! London. t?t 6s. Copper; Firm; standard, spot to No- vemoer, is.mj onereaH electrolytic, 116,76 riC87Hi lake, .87Htl7.C0; casting, $1.W No. 2, UKc; No. 1. Uc. No. l plates, 7Uo; No. 2, (Via; No. 8, Be The following price are furnished by the ailhnsxy Fruit company! FXtUITS Fancy California Salway peaches, per box, 72tto; 100 box lots, 70a; 260 box lots, OTtto. Extra fancy Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Washington IClbertas at per box, "16c; 100 box lots, 7io; 250 box lots, 70c, Extra fancy Colorado or Utah 6-tler Bartlett pears, box, 22.26 ; 0 box loU, 1120; 26 box lots' 1215. Choice Utah or Colorado 6 tier Bartlett pears, box, 22.25; extra fancy Colorado Oartless pears, box, 12.75. Cape Cod cranberries, due September I6th or earlier, per 100-qt barrel, $0.25. VEGETABLES Potatoes, Urge Cob bier, per bushel, 750. Onions, California large yellow, per pound, 2Mo. Tomatoes! homegrown, per market basket (Oo; t orate lots. 46c. Watermelons, Alabama sweet per pound, lo; 6-rato lots, per pound. lUa. MIBCELL-VNECUS-Rottstlng ears, per oc. 15o ; Michigan celery, per dos., 85a; Mott's elder, per keg. 13.(0; Nehawka elder, per keg, 13.25; asparagus, per dox., 10c; rhubarb, per dos., 20c: onions, per dos., 20c: mw beets, carrots, turnips, per dos., ci paroley per dox.. 40a; radishes. per uub,, , iifMi ivuuvc, por 00s., ai."'! himegrown leaf lettuce, per dos., 200; green peppers, per basket, 50c; wax or green beans, per basket $1.00: hothouse cuoumbors, L.r dox., 40o to COo; cauli flower, per lb lOOUVic: Venetian Karllc, per lb., UHc; new cabbage, per lb., Set ggplant, per dos., $1.50; horseradish, 1 dox. bottleu In case, per case, 11.M; Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $100! Anchor brand dates, pkg., JJiaj walnuts. No. 1. soft shell, per lb,. 20c; medium pecans, per lb., UHo; jiunbo pecans, per lb., Uo; giant pecans. Louisiana, paper shell, per lb., 26c j filberts, per lb,, Uo; Drake almonds per lb. 15o, paper sholl Uo: Brazils, per lb., 10c; large washed, per lb., Uc; black walnuts, per lb., 2Vic; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb.. 7o; jumbo pea nuts, per lb., to; roast peanuts, per lb., IV4ct ahellbark hlckorynuts, per, lb.. 4c; white rice popcorn, per lb., 4o; checkers, Ber lOO-pacxage case, 13.50; checkers, per 1-pkg. case, 11.75; Loslle berry boxes, auarts, per 1,000. 12.78. Oils nnd Iloaln. NETW YORK, Sept 12. COTTONSEED OH Easy; prime summer yellow, YlXfA SOU; October, $7.43; December, J8.90; arch, $7.06. ROfllN-Oulet. TURPENTINB-Qulet SAVANNAH, Oa., Sept It-TUUPEN-TINE-Frmer at 2SHc; sales, 700 bbls,; receipts, 680 bbls.; shipments, 138 bbls.; stocks, 32,501 bbls. ROSIN-Flrm; sales, $,645 bbls.; re ceipts, 2.080 bbls.; shipments, 1,380 bbls.; BIOCKB, Xfl,lUO UU1B. wuuiauuilli A, XJ, . D and B, $3.7Mr8.8S: F. 13.80g3.83; ti, $194 C4.20: M, $4,403-1.60; N, $6.10&5.25; "WQ. ll00a.15; WW, $8.15. Cotton Market. NEW YOR1C. Bept -COTTON-flpot. steady; middling uplands, 13.15c; gulf, 13.40c. Sales 400 bales. COTTON Futures qlosed steady; Sep tember, U.860; October, 12.96c; December, 12.o; January, U.78o; March, U.lSo; April, U.73c; May, U.iOc; June, 12. Mo; July, 12.94c. LIVERPOOL, Sept J2.-COTTON Spot quiet and easier; middling fair, 7.d; good middling. .T.71d; middling. 7.33d; low middling. 7.17d; good ordinary, C.61- ordinary. .l"d; sales. 8.000 bales. Cotton closed steady, net unchanged to 4 points lower. Coffee BInrket. NEW YORK, Sept 12.-COFFEB The coffee market sold off to abOut to points net lower owing to reports of a further decline In the cost and freight market, continued full receipts and fa vorable Brazilian weather conditions. Realizing caused rallies later and the close was steady, net one point lower, two point higher. September, 8,48o; October, 8.48o; Decern ber, 8.06c; January, 8.73c; March. S.Jia; May, 9.05c: July, .l7c Snot. nuit Rio No. 7, 9c; Santos No. 4, llc. Mild, dull. Cordova, Utio nominal, Dry floods BInrket, NEW YORK, Sept. U.-Cottoti Roods markets rule steady at the high price range Just reached. Wool markets are quiet In domestlo divisions, but foreign wools are firm and active. Bilk piece goods and ribbons are selling steadily for spring. Key to the Situation Dee Advertising;. OMAHA UYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Very Light, with Prices Showing Little Change. PACKING H0QS FIVE TO TEN UP Shlpplnir Hon Ten to Twenty UlBhrr l-'nt Sheep nnd I.nmlia Ten to llnnrter nnd Feeders Ten to Fifteen lllaher. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 12, 1913. nfVi!!p,J.wer,: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 9" c n Tuesday g,Sn f.,;6l 41,122 Srr S "! JJY'heedny.... 8,290 7.3W 29.W& ft"'0'' Thursday 3,22.1 6,817 27,103 Mtlmato Friday 749 4,300 5.M7 26.913 1B7;B73 29,8(12 116,2)ti 30,972' W.W3 29,008 70,130 27,10o VS.702 oj"0 " this week. .23,300 2 2 "J01' i1 week.. 28.IU9 n " 3 Wks. g.l,o7S h'y" " ' was. ago. i,w3 camo days lust w eni Tha fnllntil., .., ... n'"""1.'.' llt,' and sheep at th South .1.1 .. ,,v B,ock market rur the year to dale as compared with last years 5-ntllo 69S.wa ftKssi t.iw JJh"K .J.W0.740 S.2S7.134 SK334 ohrep ...,.l,6(,7ii8 1,611,U 168,662 ....... f,low'n; lablo shows the range of Pi? for.,10 ,t South Omaha for the mW n, mm comparisons: 8 31 7 U 8 5 8 27 8 l3 $24 7 47 8 23 7 OS S 02i 8 27 6 tl B 07 8 35 0 941 9 OA 93 S 91 S 39 0 97 9 021 8 35 131 8 38 7 01 8 80 8 91 9 17 t 43 S 63 $ 67 CI Date. I UU. IUll.imi.lUlO.llWU.11908.11907. pt 2. Pent. a. 8Pt 4. uopt. 6, BfPt 6. gPt 8. Bept. a. Sept! 11 Sept. 12i 7 6?U 7 COW 1 78H 7 80jJ 7 87U SOOtJ mi t5 7 80 7 87 7t8J 7 Ell 7 33 7 U2I 7 89 e e; 6 6a 5 e; 6 76 & SI C SI) i S3 6 C4 0 CS 63 7 831 6 64 G 71 582 5 Vi 5 84 688 Bunday. 11nnlnfB mn.t ,... . .... . ... , ik. V,. i ... "'."I'unmon or live hock for ftLVii0" .8Ulc Ytt,' BoUth Otnahe, n urs enains at o cjook P. m, yeaterdayt RKCBIPTS-CAHa -.' s, P. M. A at v Wabash ........... Missouri raclflo ., Union Paclflo O. & N. W., east.. C N. W.. west.. C. Ht. 1, M. A O.. k:. i. a q., ,t., O. 1J. & Q west.. C. It 1. A P.. east C. R. I. Si P., west 4 a 1 14 3 25 1 1 7 I 1 U Total 2 64 U 1 DISPOSITION-HKAD. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co. ., i m 271 hwir & co. .....::;.:.:::ioi js 21 Cudahy l'acklng Co 160 1,004 1,425 Armour & Co 20 htj a mi Schwartz & Co. .. Ml !.. S. O. Pack. CO 4 ... ! Cudahy, K. C lis ... ! F. 1). Iewls 24 ... J. H. nulla 40 I., McCrearv & Kelloffg-.... 21 ir. F. Hamilton 10 ... ... Sullivan llros 2 Christie i 12 ... ... Huffman 2 , Tanner Bros , 8 .., ... John Harvey 7 ... Othor buyers 93 ... 15,444 Total ,.,.672 3,004 20.56 CATTI.IO -Cnttln rnalnt Mr. Hsht this mornlnc, and of tho few cars reported In six cars were conslzned thrOUKh Without Iwtlnfr ntfnrfA fnr nt on this market. As a result the offer Inr; wefe really too small to make a real cood test of valu&n. Tt wnuM lm safe to quote anything In the wav of de- n.iMw.u n.iivm wiioiuor uoca Bioers or rows and hitters, as steady with yester day. On the other hand lleht nnd ma. dlum weleht stockers and feeders were very slow and hard to dispose ot for tho reason that speculators already tiad a good many cattle of that kind on hand. ah compared with last week's close the best corn-feds are steady, with common to medium grades a little lowor. Cows and heifers have reoovered all the, loss ot Monday and are e, little higher een than iasi weeKB ciose. uooa neavy feeders are fully steady with last week, but llfftit stock nattlo and medium feeders ttre u quarter or more lower than a week ago. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice nn r-r, In.l Id OA7H .1. A n ...I WI.I.WU UW4 B.WIH, f.VAI 'WW, ,U, , J WUU cornted beef steers, 17.&0S.20; common to fair cornted beef steers, I7,oojf7.90; Ifood to choice range beeves. J7.ItU7,75i iuir iu sjuoa conueu ranse oeovea, ta.uuaf 7 25; common to fair cornted range beeves, .mxov.du; gooa to cnoice neicrs, u.Z5a 7.26; fair to choice cows, (3.0042)7.00; fair to good grades, tK.26QH).G0; common - to fair graaes, i3.zeiao.uo; gooa to choice stookers and feeders, 16.t5C3.00; fair to good stockers and feeders, 13.2&36.85; common to fair stockers, 13.76e-4.26; stock cows and heifers, 14.7600.60; veal calves, 16.00(89.60; bulls, stags, etc., 26.0036.60. iiepreseniativo sales: DJ3ICF BTICERB, No. At. Ti. No. at. IV 13 m 1 10 1 1010 E to 1.,.. 110 I 40 t IU S1H 8,., 1010 6 It 1 tOO 10 1 IMt I 76 1, 10(0 I (0 1 liJO t 74 1... ...a.. ..1140 6 (0 1..... 1010 1 H ,..,. ivt a w ....., 2, 4(5 ( 1 1.... ,. 1H IN 1 I1YTT 1 u 1 (00 I 10 1,, 1U0 ( 40 1 1000 6 40 1.,., 1010 6 60 1.. 4440 S 40 CAIiVES. t 100 ( 04 1 JI0 (0 J,.... in is Ill 7 00 I TI 1 ta BTOUKKRd AND FB13DBRH. I tM M 11 C31 I II 4 471 IS II !. ill 1 471 M 1... 70S M 1 m ( (0 II 1111 J 4,.,,....,,. 070 t (I WE8TERNB. NBDRABKA. 9 feeder.. 534 4 50 WYOMINO-TBXAH. 49 steers, ...1005 6 80 23 feedors..l010 t 80 17 cows 892 B 85 2 cows.. ,.4000 6 (0 43 steers. ...1103 CO J. H. Griffin & Bros. Wvo.. Tax. 01 liters.. ..1023 CC0 H. F. Yoder Wro.-Tr. 212 steers. ..1144 70 HOGS The outlook was none too prom ising this morning when the hog market opened. All the other markets were re ported as having been In very bad con dition yesterday, especially Kansas City, where there was a drop of 2500o. Still sellers started out prlolng their hogs higher, and while packers were a little slow to put on, eventually they did so, the general run of Ducklnc hos-a aelllnr 6Q10o higher. In fact, most packers were quoting their purchases as being fully 10c higher than yesterday. Packing hogs sold very largely at ll.wi.w, whereas yesterday the bulk brought 17.7037.80. The trade became active at the advance and practically everything In sight had changed hands by 9 o'clock In the morn ing or soon after. Shippers purchased In the neighborhood ot fifteen curs out of a total ot sixty-six reported In. It Is not an easy matter to say just how much higher shipping hogs really sold. To quote the market I0nJ2Oa higher would perhaps be about right. It would oe wen to unaerstana mat snip nerti were very particular as to the kind of hogs that they purchased, and the big advance was puld only for the choicest light shipping hogs. It will bo noted that the hog market at all points has bren fluctuating very wtdidv since the beginning of Beutbmber. Thus the first of last week hogs sold on an average at 27.82H, but before the mid dle of the week was reached the average price had aroppou aown to xy.w. Then the market recovered just as rapidly, reaching the high point on Tuesday this week, when the average of all the hogs sold here was 23.0374. On Wednesday and Thursday they broke badly, the average of all the sales yesterday being only 17.76, Today's advance makes up part of this lnaa. so that the market it now around lOo higher than at the close ot last week. It wouia oe wen lor snippers to Dear in mind what was said yesterday regard lnir common lleht hogs. Which are anllfni- at the bottom of the market, while choice rancy ugni nogs are seinng at me top. In this connectlonit will also be well to nntn that while rlllht a-ood heave. ln,i urt) selling to good advantage rough heav ies are soiling uuwo at me ootiom. In other words, quality has a great deal to do with fixing the price, although the best lights are selling considerably higher than the best heavies owing to the fact that shippers are buying the lightweights. Representative sales: No. A- 8h I'r Na. At. fib. Pt. tl ,. 514 400 7 11 70 40 7 00 tl U U0 7 7t 71. lit 40 7 W .. 1044 t 10 140 ( II 110 71 1 140 I 10 I 170 I 40 SB M MA f IA -I , m i. ... m iM f l4 T " j II ... i si....,, .160 n tM 71 tin ins a m JJ "1 10 7 0 (I Jl M 7 n ...... , nu 2 Iff J TO ' Jjo iw 7 so 17 l o t iso li., j9 no 7 w J 7 W 11.. .....141 , 10 7 W i JJ 7 II 74 Ml UO 7 90 J ? I"" 61 rM ... 7 00 J M 41 M7 ... 7 M ' 1 40 7 M 71 154 IM IU) 44. ... Mi MTU m m m T M M 10 7 14 AS SM 40 T P 1 HO 380 7 W M 171 ... 7 M 71 91T fftfl 7 IX it ilt Hi, v an 7 . .Ill 300 7 15 tl! '.'.'.'.'.iU ... 1 Bfl l IT 40 7 8 41 ISO ... 7 H 71 IDA ... 7 IS RT 9ft an 7 OK 7 IS 71 Ill ... 7l " I ... 7 IS 41 541 IM 7 95 1 Mt ... 7H ll.,..,,.tSl ... 100 S 7 13 7J 114 10 I 00 1 2U 140 7 IS 70 MS 10 I OS M Ml 40 7 at 00.,,,,. .: ... 1 OS SO SM ... 7 IS 04. ......SSI 40 110 04 M3 0 7 IS 39 ..nt 40 1 10 M 1!T ... 7 IS S3 711 IM I 1 10 341 10 7 IS S7 :S 1(0 1 M si t4i ... 7 is ;t Ill ... I 30 M 104 ... 7 IS 11 100 ... 140 10 Ill ... 7 tt tO....,..tOi 40 I CO St J0O S0 7 13 II. ...J... 103 8 40 PIQS. Si 70 ... S It 4S. ...... 114 ... 6 SO 33 0 ... 5 74 BHKKPM!nder the Ihfluonce of light reoclpts prices advanced all . along the lino and trade was brisk,, practically everything, both killers and feeders changing hands at a comparatively early hour. Most traders were of the opinion tha " tho receipts had been larger little If any Improvement would havo" been In uvitieuc-a. 4 it vi&B. nowcvor, iiib eiv of fat lambs and ewes Indicated an ad- viun-o .nnyiniuf. iroin u ufiue iu n quarter and the packers wer good com- ,VILVII Ull lllllt iiibi, iiu.niiiiaiaiiu.iiR tho genarous supplies during the fore part of the week. Thoro was no really good iuh aivui on snie anu lor iw romun uu toppy transactions of consequence were made. Such killing lambs as were of fered sold chiefly at a spread ot 18.759 7.23,, a small bunch of native lambs uiiiinuiH lunar iiruid. , i no jiuiuimr price was 17.00, Thd only aged'sheep were fat ewes and they moved largely around 14.00. There were no weathers or year- (lllla IU a&'CUK, UK WUICU 11B.B men tnt case for some tittle. Owing to tho lightness of the feeder supply business was ns lively as In the case of killers and prices, ruled 10 16a higher, the best feeding lambs being ploked up nt te.2Rff6.50. Tho most deslr tfnbln feeding lambs are quotable at 16.00 (p 6.50. whllo the commoner kinds can be had st 16.I5O1J400. Aged feeder offerings continued In meager-supply. Summing, up lite general situation for the week both fat lambs and sheep are now selling 16021c lower than the clOso of last week, while feeder1 lambs and sheep aro being ploked up readily by country buyers at prices ?OJf40c cheaper than n week ago. Demand fror.i all sources for killer and feeders nllko Was strong and active today, but there are good Indications that the general trade remains very sensltlvo to tho size of the receipts. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Imbs, 5 JSlSte 'W-: mbs, fair to good, 16.i6jt7.2S; lambs, culls, t5.00atf.00i lambs, feeders. J6.2&ao.60; yearlingsgood f?.d' 5;"i,i-60: yearlings, feeders. 14,78 6.60; wethers, good to choice., I4.251M.60: E...'1 L2?JFKA' H-WZi.X: wethers 14.0O4.16; ewes, fair to good, 13.764 00 wf.. reeaers. M.OOJT3.60; cull sheep, $U0 No. 1 i,, v,- 9M U.h.,1. ... w ' ' i. 68 ggo 67 6 40 64 .7 00 49 6 40 50 8 4d 56 ,5 TO 89 3 2J 74 IU) CHICAGO I.1VK STOC1C JIAttKUT Cattle SIott nnd Steady Hobs of niRiit urnrtcsj IiOMrev. lp,s' Ji??2Jiea"; market slow, atcadyi beeves, 6.00Jr9.2S; Texas. 1470.80; west S& cows ana heifers, 170a " - - f " - a I V4y A 4k Wa HOaB-Recclpts, 17,000 head; light frades. 15o to S3o lower; others steady to w u., umtv ul eaien, oi.Kyue.sor inrht. IS5B8.W; mixed. l7.6S8.50i heavy, K.m hfSSfM''" P". H7RWL70. BflKBP AND IAMilS-:Recelpts. 18,0ft( head; market steady; native,. I3.403r4.75; western, 13.CC04.7O; yearlings, $4.83tr6.70 lambs, native. !S.2K7 BO- iv..UA, tnrr.A J ' ' T ' .fwo...,, T . I A, I ICnnan- Clly Iilvo ntoclc Mnrket. KANSA.B CITY, .Sept. 12.-CATTI.TJ Ittfiflrst. 1 rsl 1) n A tsan Ar n prime fed steers. 8.3V.00;, dressed beet Hteera. 17.60infl.60! untam Uam. ta 1A " .rv. v. . anu leetieni, tr..2Mi.00: bulla. M S&ftflM. ir rvri . t , HOGB-IleccJptB, 6,000 hc&tl; opened Mtrnnir n.tmtt unnli TKtillr o vue Vfy J40??.30; Ptwkera and butchers 750 ' .wVw.vw, fvtuui 81I13KP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,200 i, gaj, "tromr: larnua, 18.76Q7.45; year ngs, OlM wet,ler8' "&a-"6; ewes, 83.55 St. LonU tire Stook .Market. HT. IXllttH Rinl 19 r Ifnmr .r. t celpts, 1,600 head; market steady; good t choice steers. 17.25S,00 stockers and feeders, $5.2&J'7.50; cows arid heifers, JI.7S 9.75; bulls, 16.754l.75: calver, 6.00I0.60; ouuuiciii aicorB, tj.vat.i. cows and neir ers, l4.26O.60. HOGS Receipts, 8.30Q head; market steady; pigs and .lights, .15.769.10; mixed and butchers, IS.CJiJO.flG; good heavy, 18.64 y8.70. tlllP.PIl Ajn T.1UIKL.D...I.I. . aa hetd; tnarKef, lOo higher; muttons, I3.2.V ; Bl4s: City a.t,VB Stock Mnrket. tMUUJt iJixr. i a., Bept. 1ZCATTLB Recclpts, 1,200 hoad: market steady; na tive steers, 18.4038.63; qows and heifers; !5.KVS&t0i calves, bulls, stagi IfOO--Hecelpts, 6,000 head; market flv iiTJili'Sj ' i.iu'Uo.k); nunc of sales. 7.IOq'7.7S, H1USHP AND IxA-MBS-Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady; fed muttons. 14.78 - St. J.otiU Live atook Market. ST. LOUI8, Sept 1? CATTL.11 n celpts. 1.600 head; mark't steadyTnstlvi 7.60: southern steers, M.007.75 cow a tind heifers, !4.25fl.60: calves. K.QO&tZy p HOGS-Receipts, R 600 head; market 6 OS 75 KJ0,10; 800(1 heaW, W.50 SHEEP AND LAMHS-neoelpts. 1.4M r.'fVil. mar.kBt . "trong. native mutton. U.uaw. Jambs, 5.cftgr7.4o. w St. Joseph I,Itb Stook Market. ' ?H J9S.EFir'. BeP't- 12. CATTLE Re. ?&Slrn htBAl market steady; steers. HOGS Reoelpts, , tfiOJ head: market $Xde.40 Bf,et"'' top5 bul 0e'. iar.ibsfio.MDi-ona; nom,na,! Iilvd Stock la Sight. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, KansasClty , 1,500 6.000 6.20C fllOUX City 1,200 0,000 3,000 St. Louis 1,600 8,300 1,300 Chicago . 1,500 17,000 is.009 St Joseph. 000 21800' .,' , South Omaha ... 749 ' 4.S0Q 6.5B7 Totals 6,(M9 . ,43,1 S3.08T Suitor Market. NEW YO.RK. Sept 12 -SUGAR-Raw. steady; refined, steady; prices, un- .1... n.,.,1 A MlaunilerntmiUInc In the struggling days at TuskeEs Cooker T. Washington found thai he would have to use an old .chicken house for a-school room. ' "Uncle," ho said ,to an old colored 'man, "I want you to come down at 9 o'clooic tomorrow morning and help me clean out a henhouse." "Law, now, Mr, Washington,' the old man expostulated, "you-all don't want to begin cleapln' out no henhouses roun" here In de daytime." Pittsburgh Chron. Icle, The Persistent an Judicious Us of Newspaper AdvertUlng Is the Road tt Business Succtsc Hi I fl