Polly and Her VJflOTrV 60' OU HERE., R4CKIU' UP. tOR I WANT ADS Wast ads received at any time, but te injure proper classification must be presented beforo 12 o'clock nooa for Uio evening edition and before 7:80 p. m. for the morning and Sun day edition. Want ada received after such hours will have their first insertion under tho beading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH rate: for want ads REGULAR CLASSIFICATION! One insertion 12 cents per line. Xwo or moro ccnsocutlvo laser (Ions 0 oeata per line. Owe line per month, $1.80. . Twenty centa a minimum charge. Advertisement charged to patrons kavisg accounts are measured by the Mae, not by the word. CHARGE RATES, Stx words to the line. Oiw lasertloa 12 ccata per lino. Ko or more consecutive laser Ikou 0 cents per line. One Ibse per meath 91.80. Twenty cents a Bilnlmain charge. AdverUsetueate charged to patrons haviag accoHnta are measured by the Uae, no by the word. NOTE Tho Bee will not be re sponsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after the 10th of the following moatb. An advertisement Inserted to bo ma until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telepboB cancellations cannot be accepted. Dsalers in Omaha art: . Lse A. Hoffman. 24th and Dodge, X. L. Dodder, 2td and Cumins. , r, HWUKDi ilia anu vuauaa. H. Brewer, iioria nia toucan order SARCOPHAGI trita th ftrwt Lawn. Phone Florence 14. rrcpct HlU. Phone Webster 24M. WK Lawn. Phons Douglas 8W. Mount Hope, Ptions Benson lil-W. Heiy Bulchsr. 811 Marker N Or, erttcr direct from tn AMC.IUCAN ACOPHAaU COMPACT. ft"1 HO? CKHce 9M First Wst. Bank Ulo. XAKRIAQB LXCENBB8. Th foilowins marrJasa licenses were Nan) and Hesldoncs. Sftjvatoiro Itssero, Omaha Nunsl&ta Qrtco, Omaha Age. 'Zu ... Vi .... 3b ... IV Eta H. Carpenter, South Omaha . iyj Crowlsr. Denver Hilda Frtderlcksen, Denver .31 Olive P. Kidder, Omaha ... 23 SYed Hunt. Cincinnati Edith 'Wluiamwn, Omaha . ... Si ... 34 KELP WANTKD FEMALW. Clerical and Utile. STENOGRAPHER, 15. Address F 1M, COMPTOMETER operator, MO. Address LADT of good appearance who under stands .Modern office methods and who has sad saougn experience to act, as as sistant sookkee-per and cashier for a large corper&Uoa; $13 per week to begin with, advancement sure If applicant possesses ability. Address 8 1SS, care Bee tract ry and Tsmdea, TilE Kek. Tl. Co. can us a liraUed numW of (lrla ta the operatiag depart anent. Asueanta must furnish rater aces. Balary paid while learning. A p. Jily C. T. Lambert, alstrlct traftto chief, tth and Douglas. JdeaselteeylnK DoBscstlca. STUB BERVAICT OIUL PROBLEit OLVED The Bee -will run a Servant Irl 'Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha desired results. Thlt, applies to residents mt Omaha. South Omana and Council Bluffs. Brine your ad to The Bee office er mepnone -tyier rubber goods section In drug departmsnt; also saleswomen for drug department. Apply ouperinisnoem umnuc oiuixs. clove department. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2C7 Farnam. H. 4046. WANTED An elderly lady for house Xeeplng; a good home. Benson ttU, WANTED dirl for general housework. 1102 Park Ave.; H. SSei. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Whits or colored. TeL Har ney. 3. NICE home. Field club district, for gtri assisting with housework, morning and evening. Two in family. Carfara paid. D. 7IW. OOOD girl for general housework. 145 b. xih Ave. Doug. sui. COMPETENT girl for general house work. No laundry worn. Ml Burt nt. WANTED At once, experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. updixe. WiJ4 jsckson au TOUNO girl to assist with housework Saturdays, liar. k ts. Mtn. WANTED A girl for general housc worK. Apply sk uoata. iiarney sha. (WANTED experienced linen room woman and maids. Apply housekeeper, Hotel itom. OIJUj for general housework; no wash' ing. UP 8. 34th. Harney 2306. TOUNO clrl or woman for UleDhona If private family. Apply noon, at Boo was. COMPETENT girl for general house. worK. Mrs. . . is., smith. Howard WANTED-Oood second girl. 51$' S, , SCHOOL g)rl over 11 to aislst with housework and care of two children. Mrs. Saunders. 1U 8. 20th. , WANTED A whlta girl for general hausewurk; good wages; no washing. Call Mar- 71, I I I I I l 1 WWT bO y II -r ' Pais- Quite a Nice f WE. C4MT! WERE (jcW -rut cVtv 6oT WO PMCE To So! HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper nnd Domeattoa. COMPBTBNT clrl for sreneral house work and plain cookln. 4Mt Dodg-e. liar. M3. WANTKD Competent Klrl for reneral housework: eood wares: small family. m N. d 8t: opposite hlsh school. D. 4145. COMPETENT slrl for general house work; rood wacca; tel. Hartley 14Z7. 1134 8. th Ave. OIRtj for Reneral housework; call Har ney SS40. OIIIL for general housework, small family. 306 8. Kth Ave. Phone Harney OinL. to help a few hours a day for room and board, Harney Z2GS. WANTED Ulrl for general housework. Tel. Bo. 3748. WANTKD A competent maid for seo- ona worK. ti. iiarney. gnw. un 8. win Bt. OllUi for general housework in family of 3 adults. 2211 Davenport. W1UT1S OIIUj to assist with house work and care of two chtldren, S211 Cass. Harney lOTS. Mloctellaneoas. TOUNO women cominr to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building st St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to sultablo boarding ? laces or otherwise assisted. Look for our ravelers' guide at the Union Station. Wanted, Fifty Girls. $6 a week to start. Iten Biscuit Co. GOVERNMENT POBITIONH OPEN TO WOMEN 175 month. Write Immediately for fres list. Franklin Institute. Dept. (00 F, Hochostsr, N. T. HELP WANTED SIALE Ageats, salesmen khA Solicitors. WANTED t neat appearing young men to travel. Apply "06 Brandels The. Bids. WANTED Experienced clerk at soda fountain. Apply Orecn Itooin cafe, Pom pelan room, llrandela Storea tVTANTED Messenger boys; permanent work; good wages. Inquire SOT B. 14th. Clerical and Office. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, $45. Address H m. Uee. OFF1CB clerk, high school graduate, without experience, or young man With some office experience; salary, $30 to 40. Address B 200. Uee. BILLING CLEHK-Ilallroad experience. B alary too. Address D m, Bee. TOUNO man for position as general office clerk and assistant on books. Sal ary 143. N 161. Bee. IiOOKKISKPEK able to tnk enmntnt charge of small set of books. Salary ICO., State experience and gtva telephone. Address a HJL Bee. Factor- and Trades. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. WANTED a coatmaker. steady wort' J. IT. Oeesen. Seward. N Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. ATTKND tha RIGHT SCHOOL. Lars- st, best equipped school and repair shop in enure west, i'nco ao more man asr of the soKKiued schools. Equipment ana faculty not to be compared In any par ticular. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1417 Dodge. Tat Dnug. SOU. OET into tne most orafltable business et today, the automobile business, and become independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities of learning the business by actual experi ence on different makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call Na- ilonal Auto Training association, zsit N. 8th St, Omaha. Neb. Tel. W, ttti. I'APiCRliANQKn 150 new work: wul accept this as first payment on a home Dargam in suouros, wun one or nvnu lots, balance like rent. Address at once. U 220, Use. A ... .1AA ... rr T w.nt Flin man who Is wanting a home and quit wanted ExDorlenced wagon and cur blacksmiths helpers. Andrew Murphy &. Son. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY AblO- bodled unmarried men between agea of 18 and 55, oltlsena of United States, or good character ana temperate nauus, wu can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Army Bldg-, l&tn and Dodise pis., umana. ind.; ct tin bl, oiqux. vhj, la.; ISO N, mtn bu, uncoin. neo. U'lWTl.-lIiiimlni. nnd steam fitter. ateady work and good wages for A No. 1 man. Must give references. Address Y Ml, Bee. YOTINO Men Studv Law. Omaha School of Law. Law Department, University of umana. evening sessions, runner in formation address, Secretary. 510 Mc Cague Bldg. Phone Douglas W7. WANTED Printer: steady situation: must understand press work. Address tied usic rrinting t o., iiea uax, ia. WANTED -FOR U. S. ARMY - Able bodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35, citizens of United States, ot good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Army Bldg., litfi and Dodge St., Omaha, Neb.; 65 tth St., Sioux City, la.; ISO N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. Miscellaneous. . WANTED Railway mall clerks. $75.0 to J icy roontn. uetaus rree. Franklin Institute. Deot. 213 F.. Rochester. N. Y. MEN Age U to SO, wanted at once for firemen and brakemen; no experience necessary: $30 to I1S0 tier month: nro. motion; no strike; writs Immediately for full particular. Addrcaa Y 243.. carav Bea PERMANENT resident manager wanted to represent the natural Aromatic cigar etts; only those who are well ac quainted with the trade and can carry stock on hand should apply. A. Bchlnasl eciiroa . inc.. us 1 anni 01.. iM. x. u. WANTED Men to try November exam inau-o fa- CUa mall carrier; tviS to $100 pi niontn. Apply l zit, uee. succt.sful, tiiticutn-e; capable earnlng L.CO0 pr car. Must be able to carry fcow investment Aaoress r-3. uee. Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising, Little Surprise VxVMV I THE. FLAT "TILL THE. 1ST. OP Dip! MEU WE. Umt- Gin Mo HELP WANTED. 31 A LB AND FEMALE, $4.00 PROFIT on every 600 $1 mall or ders. Article, plan and directions $1 bill; either sex. C. W. Akehurst, in So. Ster ling St.. Streator. 111. WANTED Man and wife on farm In Douglas county. Good place for right party. Address II. 314, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS. FARM hands furnished, short notice, tree. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. ISth St. Tel. Douglas 1U1 MIDDLE AGED widow of refinement, employed downtown through the day, wishes place as companion nights for widow lady or housekeeping for wid ower; only those of good character need apply. Address B 14, Bee. Wanted posit, as practical nurse. W. (320. HOUSE and window cleaning and hour work done. Telephone Doug. 6274. WANTED Sewing to be taken home. Call 7220. WIDOW lady with boy 10 years old would like position to keep house for n gentleman In the city. Tyler 1719. STENOGRAPHER and clerk with two years' experience wants position after noons from 1 to 5:20. Call Webster 4549. LINOTYPE operator wants position In city or county; married; sober; can do liver the goods. E 217, Omnha Bee. POSITION required In store by experi enced grocery clerk; excellent references. If wanting reliable man write for par ticulars to Will Soffe, 420 South 10th St., St. Joseph, Mo. COLORED woman wants work by the duy. Call Web. U63. ANNOUNCEMENTS. T? f IT. motorcycle messenger service, IX. iU.. -Li. m B $itu DouB, lSo8 or 8620. D. O. Griffith, wig mfr. UFrenser Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. OET a lucky WEDDING RINO from BRODEQAARD'S, AT the SION of the CROWN, up the GOLDEN STAIRS, ltth and Douglas. . HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; 60c postpaid: samples free. Sher man it McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND'S Big new garaao at 96th and Farnam. FOKfl DOORS SEAT COVERS. (189) 1914 Model Si 11. P. Pago Detroit Automobile. Grey and Davla electric starter and lighter; fully equipped; horn, top, extra casing and tube; used less than two weeks; run about 200 ml. Owner going to leave country and will sell for $1,200, half cash, halt terms. Why pay full price when a bargain like this Is offered? Remember It is a 1914 car. J. A. ABBOTT & COMPANY, . 04 City Nat't Bank 'Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FIFTY-FOOT lot and 6-room cottage, close In, for good new automobile. Ad dress J 213. care Bee. $100 reward for any magneto ws can't re pair. Coll repairing. Bayadorfer. IIP N.18. LEAVING city, will sell piano and Cadillac auto; in flrat-class condition; cheap. Phone 80. 157 or call at 405 N. 21st St., South Omaha. Chas. Akoter. NEW 4) h.. p. Lion Automobile. Pre sents fine appearance and Is A No. X. car in every respect. Cost $1,000. SUbmtt best cash offer. Owner would consider Im proved or unimproved city property In exchange. SCOTT & HILL. Phono Douglas 1080. 307 McCague Bldg. Meteroyales. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL8" NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16TH AND HARNEY. BUB-AGENTS wanted for the Yale motorcycle In nearby territory. Also bar gains in all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Roos, "the Motorcycle Man." Rar ity -Davidson and Yale motorcycles. 2701 Leavenworth St., Omaha. Neb. ATTRACTIONS. Omaha film excli., ltth and Doug. Mo Uon picture machine and mm bargains. UUHINEHS CHAMJKJ CHANCE FOR PROFITABLE INVEST MENT. A crowing and prosperous Omaha busi ness needs more capital to carry out several exceptionally profitable contracts Tho business managers are young, am bitious men with much experience In their line. This Is an exceptional opportunity to get live business men to make you han somo returns. Much more than could be realised by putting tne money out at Interest. 110.000 or part thereof invested at this time would enable us to pay 20 per cent to 25 per cent dividends In six months. This Is a safe and legitimate business proposition. Best of references will be given. Address P 403, care Be FOR SALE One of the best little drug IW(H III vriuiuia, ill! buiuiniuuwu, $30 per month. Liquor permit. Owner going to Canada. Price $x,o$0; $1,200 cash, balance In good notes. Must sell within 2 weeks. Address B-130. car ilea. GROCERY and meat market In a lively town1, equipped with a four ton Ico ma chine! also ten by twenty ft. refrigerator, and U horse-power gasoline engine, to run same; all oracttcally new: If d re fer red will sell separate. Inquire ot uoatrey a Kiariage, wasnington, lowa. Special plans for selling your business or real estate. ICennebeck Co.. Omaha. LOCATION wanted; physician wlshe4 a location in lowu or north east Neb, Address Y-sta, uee.' FOR SALE City warfants. drawliip t per cent Interest. W. 11. Rawley, Phone South 29T4. TO get In or out of business, call on GANOEtiTAD 404 Bee BISg. TeU D. 3477. THE best bargain ever offered In north, east Nebraska; the Hotel Fremont, all furnished and clear, on easy terms. Now, It ypu want a bargain and a good bust nets, a good home In a good town, call at once. Wm. Riley, Hotel Fremont Jackson. Neb. WANTED I wish to buy a drug store In Iowa or north east Nebraska. Ad dress Y-264. Bee BUSINESS TERSONALS BrH Foundries. Paxtoa-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Msrtba Sts. THE BEE: OJIAIIA, NATIRDAV. NM'TKMBKIi 13, 1!HJ. 5UB-LET OCTOBER! You A. B. C. of Omaha A RKIN'S KOSHER G&PE stands for quality, quantity A econ omy. 218 S. 15th. middle of block. 2d floor. Empress ANY SEAT 10c, ANY TIME. KERR Abstract Co.. 305 a. 17th St. Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. LINDSAY, THE JEWELER S21H a 16th St High grade Jewelry. AK3AR-BHN Souvenirs to visitors. V ACUUM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sahltary Service Co. Tel. Doug. 2904. Ak-Sar-Ben Hints AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS. For tho best whisky on the market at $3 per gal. and for port wine at Jl.M) per gal. call at C. Schlank & Co.. 1307 Douglas. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St. Empress Admission, 10c. EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES. KING JOY CAFE Omnlin'n mn.( ..nlii.fn. nki. ! . , wiuue.u turn American cafe, open to the public Sept. wiuv oucj. diusia eveninRs RftRflnnahln nrinam tnr- ...... bicycles and niotorcyles for the floral parade. Miss Woods. 1612 Casa frnari. 1419 Dodge. Finest liquors. Excellent cafo in connection. Visitors always welcome. FOR TUB FINEST LIQUORS CALL AT KLEIN'S LIQUOR lfoUSE, 622 N. 16TH BT. SOUVENIR8 TO VISITORS! .N POLLACK'S LIQUOR HOUSE, iQlIX B CAD. AVfi. VlflltnrH fLlWAVst wAlnnmsa Flneat mixed drlnka; llquorg. Fine lunches All klndft nt Vnwnm avnsrt --1,1 FIT GUARANTEED, Prices $35 to $60. S. KENYON, 3229 Cuming. Yl. 3097 Now management. Rex & Savoy hotels, return. & renovated; mod.i conveniences, Bandberg & Eltner. photos. 107 a I6lh, I A. Borsheim, Jeweler, 606 a 16th. BUSINESS PERSONALS. CUlnH lalnttBir. ftTTW A n.lntu.. ...4.U. . Mrs. F. C. Hqynes. 1525 a. 25th St. D. 4990. Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6197. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2323 Howard. D. $481. Mrs. Rosa Boesen. 18a Lake. Web. 4795. Creameries, Dairies nnd Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Danolng; Academies. rium. Opening Bept. 8. Wobster 2491. Detectives, Omaha Sec Ser. Agcy., 428 Paxton. D. 1319 JAMES ALLAN. H11 M.vill nib- T.-...1 dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. Dressmnktngr. Terry Dressmkg. college. 2Mb. & Farnam. Drntrs. DRtTftA mi 111 1 n.lnnj. ...lv, I.i $10 orders; catalogue tree. Shermau & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Vverrtktnir fur Women. OLD nlllmM mnH, n .. w 1 J f nv n . . trleh Pliime Co.. 206 Neville Bids. D. 16. Plum, innil. 1 .... . ' Bed bur. roach A ant klllnr. ru.r'tM f. isfactory or money refunded. Special large wun. ac umana i-nom. uo.. Doug. 4344. Florists. A. Donaghue, I6CT Faraaai. D. 1001. HE8&& SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam 8t." L. HENDEHaON, 1619 Farnam. D. 126S. Fnrnnces, Stores nnd Repairs. We Carry Repairs tor furnace, steam and hot water boilers and stoves and havu competent workmen to do the work. Now Is the tlmo to pre pare for winter. No charge for Inspection, Omaha Stove Repair "Works 1206-$ Douglas. TeL Tyler 20. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tyler 1034. O'Neill's. 1605 Farnam Bt Mattrea.es and Pllluvrs. Have your feather mattresses & Cjun covers made at Omaha Pillow Co. Feath era renovated free. D. 2647. 1721 Cuming. Mnalc, Art nnd Lauomasces, Vf. L. Hetherington, violin teacher, asst of Henry Cox. Studio, 1313 Farnam, W. 752. Warsertes nnd Seeds. STEWART'S 8EEDMAN. U N. ltth. Osteopathy, Alice Johnson, iflg.9 Brandels The. Bldg. Patents. P. O. Baroelt. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red "117. H. A. Bturges. 630 Brandels Thea. Bldg? Plamblns;. PtumMng and heating, Fischer te Con nell. 1S-H William St iDoug. 673T. J. A. WE88MAN, 2612 Leavenworth; mod, heating plumbing. D. 3792, H. 2114. J. J. Ostronlc, plumbing, heating, gas fit ting; free estimates. 1414 8. 13. Tyler 1291. Paper Flowers. PAPER FLOWERS, dosen or gross lota Mail orders filled. Miss Woods, 1612 Cass St. (rear). Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. $44. The Raber Printing Co. J'1 MKE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Waters-bar nhaict Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. Tel Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th. CENTRAL PRINTING Co- Doug. S75t 1 I, 1 Drawn V'meau t'wd There yUl'-fVlt Mir VAii HAD 'IktIOWClW VTtVRfJJ A R111W1I tt THE PgtfLETVtRlAT LOOSt nil JutV I206-S WfTtf- BUSINESS PERSONALS. Serrlaar Machines. LOVEJOY. "Web. 658. Clean and repair. Sheet Metal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Trunks and Saltcaaes. FRELING & STEINLE. 1801 Farnam St. Vpholaterlnir and ncpaliins. EKWALL & CARROLL, reflnlshlng, re palring. int. decorating. 241$ Leav. D. 5018. Wines and lilunors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches, Alex .letes. 201-3 a 13th St. EDUCATIONAL. Y. M. 0. A. NIGHT SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 15TH Arch. or. Mech. Drawing, $10: Arlth. (Ele. $5; Bus.. $7!) Carpenters' Arlth., $3.75; Bookkeeping. $12; Bus. Correspond ence, $7; Bu. English. $1; Com. Law. ?if); Prln. Electrical Engineering. $15: Elec trical Testing, $15; Eie. English, $5; Free hand Drawing, $7; Gas Engineering, $7.50; German, $10; Penmanship, $7; Plain Read ing and Est, $7; Public Speaking. $7; Salesmanship, $30; Shorthand and Type writing, $18; Showcard Writing, $7; Spell li t". $3; Steam Engineering. $15. Extra fee ot $3 Is charged nonmembers. 17th & Harney. Call Educ Dgpt.. Tyl 1600. THE VAN BANT SCHOOL. Stenography only. Patronized by the educated ana experienced. Day and night school. No solicitors. Telephone or write for catalogue. Omaha. N-h BETTER PAY AND BETTER POSITIONS Hundreds of young men and wonwn are preparing for success in busln&M b) tak ing up studies in the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE! Regular term opens September 2. Finest quarters; unsurpassed facilities for teaching; graduates guaranteed good positions; easy terma of tuition; special inducements to enroll at once; handbook of lessons on business forms and practice given free. Unusual opportunity to get a practical business education, rienct for catalogues. . MUSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, 1815 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil ocrvlce and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready. Call, write or phone for It. Boyles College, ISth and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK JOR SALE Jlorsck and Vehicles. Heavy teaming gears and wagons; best makes and largest variety In the olty. Jobnaon-Danlorth Co., 10th and Junes Sts. Closing out our high grade Raclno run abouts with steel tires for $50, with rub ber tires tor $65; worth $125. Johnson Dantorth Co.. S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. Horse, wagon, harness cheap. 2604 Wirt LOST AND FOUND LOST Boston terrier, female, brlndls and white markings, near 40th and Cum ing, Wedneduy morning. Reward for return to 3920 Cuming St Call H. C524 OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS bTltX.ttT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well tc call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to acertaln whether they left It Is the itreet cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. LOST S6x4i4 Flsk casing and tubs mounted on demountable rim. Lost on West Center St Reward If returned to 1 ray nor auio to. LOPTTW Tlnatnn K!t- li. ' spots; reward If returned to Dr. E. XL Tarn. lfl 1.. t!,i rtu It-..:... or vicinity. Return to 1J7 N. 82d St Reward. 1 tVPstTa- K0,d nonogram watch fob. U.,a' ' F-it"rn Dick Ferris. Roma Hotel. Reward, MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured r. .. .. ,fr" " cures piles, ristula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for bouk recta.1 filsoasea with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Beo Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street Omaha. NebT MONEY TO LOAN. o&S,? T BURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own ..uir., uitio rates, easy payments. Nor ton & Co., 335 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RKITC. Apartsacnta and Flats. C-ROOM APARTMENT, all modern, newly repaired. 2619 N. 20th Bt Tel. Web ster 5975. Gordon Van Crv ptt at N.Uth St. or 210 a 11th 8t TeLD?5T 1SOT PAUN AIK rnnm. ..I.. " j. ' era. suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, ota, ror tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hail VE!V :r'PUnt"-i one blk. from nigh school. F. Crawford. War Blk. R. tin. rv-TLOOM mrvinm flat Wtn a i4w ..cjr im. T . . . - ... . iiiii"". upwara; near -ltOOM mod. flat, B cargo Bldg., 616H Na 21th, St, South Omaha. Hail. 4M Rime, Hide Dntir. Tift It A K' nKnMK sr.n-.n.-. .... . ...... w-.w -.r.uu"u uu oaiui, Phonit Webster 5765. STRICTLY flrst-eloss npts. MARIU8 SORENHEN. 1235 qty Nat Bk. 116790. FOUR-ROOM flat. In walking distance, just off from Farnam, with beautiful console bed, oak finish, modern in every detail, just completed. $30 per mo. Res., W. 4&S5: office. Red 4721. SAVE MONEY. DOWN TOWN. MODERN. 6-ROOM APARTMENT, CLOSE TO YOUR BUSI NESS, STEAM HEAT. SEE JANITOR, CALIFORNIA APTS. DOUG. 6237. r- for The Bee by 1 JtSt THoufifd You did1. I'D LkE FOR. To Surprise. vv 1 T riir I CD OFFERED FOR KENT. Apnrtments and Flats. SEE THIS FIRST. Nica (.room flat, close in. 120. Call Harnoy 1502. FOUR NEW FLATS FOR RENT. Ready SeDt 15. five rooms and bath. right up-to-datev with every modern con venience, one blook from High school. VA blocks from street car; walking dis tance; $45 per month. If you want some- tning particularly nice, see us at once. J. II. DUMONT & CO.. 1003 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 680. 5-R. heated apartment In the. Alsatian; modern In every way; on second floor; will bo vacant Oct 1. W. 4S35, Red 4721. 6-ROOM flat at 1021 S. 20th St FIVE-TtOOM apartment, first floor. New Harlan Apartments, 2301 Sherman Ave., vacant October 1. Very fine In every respect Janitor service, etc. Win ter rate, $47.50; summer, $42.60. Act promptly if you want It Scott St H11L Phone Douglas 1009. 6-ROOM, steam heated apartment the Dunsany 10th and Pierce. Conrad Young, S22 Brandels Theater. D. 1571. NETtV, 8-r. modern flat at 1608 Jones St Phone Webster 1736. 636-638 8. 25TH AVE St. Louis flat Phone Harney 8170. Th Albion, 10th and Pa cific, an elegant 5-room apartment, thoroughly mod em. Call D. 4612. 6-r. flat 1202 N. 24th. cheap rent:" well arranged; beautifully papered throughout; modern. Call D. 4512. Furnished Roums. DE CARNE, 2702-4 FARNAM ST. Rooms, pleasant, reasonable. Har. 3611. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat 170$ Jackson St Tyler 1S2L LARGE, cool rooms. All modern. Homo cooking If desired. Douglas S617. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Monsea and Cottages. moved. backed. shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug 151$. NO EQUAL 7-room house, 4-room flat all modern. Tirard. 220 N. d. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling on Cass, near- DCth; modern. CralsaDa university. Douglas IS20. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 148. Jfl Poa1 Exp. Co., furniture moving. ' iieea two men. $1 hour. P-S14&. TTmionn n all parts of tha city. XlOUSeS Crelah 8onB 4. COi BesBlij 6-r. and 9-r. houses, mod. Good location. 719 and 725 8. 37th. Webster 2580. A COMPLETE list of vacant nous, apartments and flats that are for rent This Is a list complied dally and can j seen fres ot charge at 80 South 17th St. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. l-r.. mod. house, 1309 S. 29th. D. 4473. FOR HHNT 7 roams, ail modern. 4017 Hamilton St Key at Wirth's Drug Store on corner, u. s. Herring. MODERN brick house, 913 Mason St, near park car. Harney 1550. 1911 Izard St. 6 rooms $17.00 $804 North 24th St, modern, 6 rooms.. 25.00 wws Douglas est. a rooms unw JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 554. FOR RENT 6 rooms, modern oxceDt furnace; large yard; cement cellar. 131 N. 43d "Ave. Tel Harney 6417. BRIOK HOUSE Seven Rooms E'our Bedrooms Modern in Every Respect At 1511 South 29th St. Tel. Harney 1509. 6-ROOM house, large cement basement, all modern, 1041 South 24th street. Five rooms and bath, 815 No. 27th Ave. NEAR SAUNDERS & BT. CECILIA'S schools, 2 shyt blocks to Farnam-N. 40th line; paved; new homos on all sides; 8-r., garage. $35. O'KEEFE REAL ETATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat Doug. 2715. Evenings H. 338 or H. 5134. B-roora house, modern except heat; nice neighborhood; walking distance; good car service. TeL Red. 6100. SIX-ROOM, modern cottage, close in, paved street. $22.60. Phone Web. 6884. COMPLETELY modern house, 6 rooms and bath; full cement basement, with furnace. 2015 Spruce; $25. Tel. Harney 6543. James C. Chadwick. NEW 5-room modern house, upstairs, $14.60 per month. Inquire 2119 S. 24th St Douglas 6548. 7-RM., mod., new. 2912 Seward, H. 5917. FOR RENT 6-rm. cottage, mod. except heat 3024 Emmet St Phone Webster 498. SPECIAL 4401 Farnam, for rent, 7-r., all mod., THE BYRON REED COMPANY, " Doug. 297. 212 S. 17th St HOUSES. 3 to rooms. 607 Paxton Blk. Stores and Offices. FOR RENT The office on ground floor et The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frjtitare on Farnam St and occupying about 1,5 square feet with extra entrance on the tourt of the building. Large vault bln office fixtures for sale. Apply X. V. Fell. Bee office. NEW store bulldlr.s, 2x6u Steam heat 1708 Jackson. 316 8. 13th St 2Uxec. OFFERED FOR SALE. "nruHurr, FOR BALE. FURNITURE High-grade furniture In first-class condition, consist ing of dining room, bedroom and living room furnishings. 814 So. 27th St Phono Harney 1266. Musical Inatrantenta. ELECTRIC pianos. $125. 119 N. 15th. FOR SALE Instruments, parapherna lia and music for orchestra. Apply Post Exchange. Fort Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Hifh grade piano cheap. Call Doug. 5019. Typewriter. RENT an L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer, visible, late model, back space key. guaranteed A No. 1 machine. L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. HIS Far nam. Phone Douglas 2213. Remember, this Is new location. 12 Cliff Sterrett J&ctnFh OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewriters. ALL makes typewriters rented and sold easy terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange wuo t arnam Bt. Douglas 6031. REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rsnted and sold on easy terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 411 a lfith St TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 montha. S. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of tholr maker. Th Remington Typewriter Co., telephone. Douglas 1284. Rental credited It you purchase and only very newest and high est grade machines sent out. Rates, a mos. for $5.00 for understroke machines or $3.00 per month for latest model vis-. lmt writers. TJ T." V n .n rt 1 1 ... . ..........,. . v. $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Doug. 2919. Miscellaneous. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. HALL'S safes, new an) Sd-ticnd. Core & McICenzIe Ptg. Co., 1407 Harney. D 2644. 8x8 air compressor. 612 a 14th. FOR SALE New and" second-hand' carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories;, bar tlxt tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balks Collender Co., 407-401 a loth st SAFES-Overstocked; second-hand: alt makes. J.J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1213 Farnara EMPTY Ink batTels for sale. Apply Be Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam Sts. 3,000 bushels red apples. Apple orchard loaded with winter apples, for sale, Apples sell, home market $1 to $1.64 per bushel. Owner, Box 62, Baldwin, Ga. ,., 4 PERSONAL. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, eleo. treat D. f. Bexten pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. 'FOR SALE Klndllnc wood. NaUonul 5ftr sn M4VK ai1 Da.lfl. Ua. is iSox Co,, 88th and Pacific. Harney ifffc MANICURING, faco. acalp, mogntU THE BALVATION ARMY solicits casti off clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 181 N. Hth fit, for cost ot collection, to tha WArthv AM, Tnl nniii.1.. J 1 T n...i wagon will call. NOTICE. I havs changed my location to 214 Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. Mrs. Dr. Bit tanhouae A Bhafer. Mass.. Elec hatha Marguerite Halloran. massage. D. 77 M. Massage, 1st ft r.6.1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele,' MAGlIETIC treatment. E. Brott, ilUXUUllt U29 vinton. D. 6026. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strsngsrs are Invited to visit the Yount Women's Christian association bulldini at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will bs directed to suitable boardlnsr places or otherwlss assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. MASSAGE! Swedish movement .41 91 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the L. H. Journal. $10; the S. E. Post. $160; the Country Gentleman, $1.50. by Sept. 30, earns that $3,000 for the Invalids' Pension Assn. Your renewal contribute! 60c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. SALE OR EXCHANGE R, B. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. (188). 137 Vi A., farm adjoining Burk. mere, Faulk county, S. D. Every bit in crop; all In wheat this year; good yield. Price $50 per A.; mortgage, $3,000; best oi soil; lays well. Will exchange for Omaha, Lincoln or Sioux City property. (190). 800 acres splendid prairie land near Coronation. Alberta, Canada. Vir gin prairie. Prico $25 per A. Enc. $5,000. Will trade for good eastern Nebraska farm land, or for good Colorado irrigated. (192) . Stock of general merchandise and fixtures, well located in splendid busi ness town In Seward county, Neb., In voicing approximately $12,000. Will trad for eastern Nebraska land. Will want part cash. FOR SALE FOR CASH. (187). Beautiful 12-room modern house, awellest location in Lincoln; modern every way; garage and barn; beautiful grounds. Price $12,600, $5,000 cash. bl ance terms. (19L) Elevator; capacity 25,000 bushels; fully equipped; gas engine; man-lift, etc.; splendid town In Seward county. S668".', .n B & M- railroad. Price. $7,500. This Is a splendid opportunity for someone wishing to engage in the grain business. (193) . Bwell 6-room house, 24x40. lo. cated in best part of David City. Neb. Has bath, furnace, electrio lights, city wuter. sewerage, right up-to-date, A bargain at $3,000; half cash, balancs terms. J. A. ABBOTT rn 504 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb OPR .Tfh.l,.. I L. -U w q. r " ""X "r" "n'o uow to sen. $L250-Neat cottage and full lot with barn at 40th and IC streets. South Omaha: rent, $10; mortgage Build ing and Loan. $425. Will exchange equity for good clear lots or acre age near Omaha or automobile, 1912 or 1913. $1,500 Two cottages In poor repair on 27th street near L street, opposite stock yards In South Omaha. Trackage lot; lot 20x150. Houses rent tor $18, but now vacant. Mortgage $600. Will exchange equity for Dundee lots or acreage near Omaha or will take 1912 or 1913 automobile In part payment. $10,000 Large 8-room brick house, steam heated, and ground 90x132 feet, cor ner, walking distance. Will ex change for good land or acreage near Omaha. " $18,000 Six brick houses rented as eighteen apartments, 2 corner lots. Income $3,400. Mortgage $7,000, long time. 5 per cent. Will exchange equity for farm or acreage near Omaha. K P. Dodge & Co.. 15th and Harney Sts. FOR SALE or trade, the best Improved 900-acre stock ranch In north central Ne braska, about :W miles west of Omaha, best reasons for selling. A small payment down and a mortgage back on the placa for the balance will take it, answer at once If interested. Address S. 132. Bis. PET STOCK. BOBTON terrier pups cheap. Doug. 385$ REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACT OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of flce In Nebraska. 205 Branrtrls Theater. CITY I'BOI'KHTJ fOIt SALE TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SKH ;OHN W. BOBBINS, lijj FARNAM i if i A IK i