Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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abserlbera leixvlna" he city
temporarily should have The Bee
nailed to them Address vrtll he
chAMTSd as eften as rcated.
W know now that the weather
can change.
Joromo may repeat the questlrJn,
'Who' looney now7"
Would thoso ethical Italian law
yers rofuse to defend Thaw?
Yen, but when is our Water board
boss 'colng to put his Junket money
"An earthly paradlso is In night,"
quoth Mr. Carnegie. With the price
of anthracite going up, too.
In ona way and another Miss Jessie
Wilson manages to hold her 'own
under the limelight fairly well.
A million dollars piled up In tho
banks by tho Water board I That
helps explain tho "robbor" rates.
The Making of a Democratic Tariff.
With npproral by tho senate in Its
amended form, tho democratic tariff
bill entors Into the final stages. As
returned to tho houso It Is as com
pletely changed and recast as has
been any recent tariff measure, and
while It will go to tho conference
committee for adjustment of differ
ences between the two houses, there
Is no reason to believe that the pres-
I ent form will not prevail In the main,
and that It will go to tho president
substantially as passed by the sen
ate. It goes without saying that the
bill will receive his signature with
out hesitation or explanation, be-
cauio he has indicated his approval
at each step of the tariff making, or
rather becauso each step has been
made according to his wishes.
The democrat wore put Into
power on the tariff lssuo; the pre
sumption Is, therefore, that In get
ting a democratic tariff bill the peo
ple will be getting what they want,
yet they havo Been that the actual
mechanism of tariff making is tho
samo in the hands of the democrats
as it was against which complaints
were lodged whop the republicans
wero In control. The original under
wood bill was framed by a sub-corn
mlttce of tho democratic members of
tho ways and means committee In tho
dark recesses of a secret chamber.
Tho bill was put through tho house
under whip and spur by the propp
ing force of tho party caucus. In
tho sonata tho procedure has been
practically the same. One or two
senators havo cried out against
the tyranny of the party lash, and do
nounced tho system which requires
every democratic senator not only to
vote for everything proposed by tho
flnanco commltteo Junta, but also to
vote down any amendment not of.
fored by tho senator In charge of the
bill irrespective of its merits, but in
vain, for thoy have themselves ac
cepted the caucus decroe.
So far, then, as tho democratic
tariff being built on tho lessons of
experience and the advlco of experts
is concorned, it is further from being
a scientific tariff than tho one it is
to supplant. It Is a purely political
concoction designed to redeem t
platform pledgo as a moans of pre
sorvlng party capital and entrench
ing tho party in power. Tho test of
tlmo alone will tell whother, oven
from this point of view, it is to bo a
success or failure
Looking DacWatd
Tho new Federal leaguo team in
Cleveland wears groen box. Hurrah
for tho Irish I You cannot keep them
dontrol'of Railroad Operation.
Those railroads that put speed
above safety will havo themselves to
blamo If tho government assumes
control, as reports indlcato it may, of
their physical operation. This would
bo tho most advanced stop In tho
J. Ham Lewis bollovos in standing courso of fedoral supervision. It is
by his friends. Ho Is out with an I said to bo advocated by tho Intor-
endorsement bf Roger 'Sullivan for statu Commorco commission as are-
the senate., suit of tho Inquiry Into tho last Now
Haven catastrophe. At loast two
What do you suppose John C. Cal- mombors of tho commission aro
houn would say of Colo Dloaso? Ono quoted strongly in favor of it, as aro
can easily Imagine what ho would also mombors of tho two interstate
think of him. commerco committees in congress.
It must bo said for thoso roads that
In tho meantime, the riro survey hl.vo faithfully exerted themselves to
of Qmaha, mado at no llttlo oxponso protect nassongers that In splto of
to the underwriters, rests peacefully tho dereliction of other lines, tho
in a pigeon-hole.
The official pronunciation of It Is
'parcel post" in tho United Statos;
percentage of railroad casualties is
on tho docllno. Yet much remains
to bo done to insure greater safety
in travel. The tendency 1b still too
..u rn a uM much on th0 B,d0 of Bpoed and ,f tno
'"uor matter cannot bo left to the rail-
' In sending his personal envoy to roads' thon tho J6"1 oTernment
Washington, howovor, Huorta proves ttf" "" lo "" " u V
Thirty YcnrH Ago
Today Is the opening day for the tate
fair, and at the ground thing are being
shaped up for the expected crowd.
At the Boyd Katie Putnam played
'Lena, the Mndcap" to an enthusiastic
Orenebaum' new palatial dry good
house on Farnarn street I now open for
liuslne. The member of tho firm come
from Baltimore and the different heads
are a follow, unit, Air. u. ocnwwui
black goods, Mr. O. V. Snyder! drew
goods, Mr. W. O. Lucas; domestics, Mr.
P. F. Anderaen; linen, Mr. William Bar
rte; trimmings, Ml Molllo Holland;
oloaks, Miss Henrietta Rualne.
Prof. Walter F. Harding, late of Ne
braska City, ha been appointed organ
ist and musical director for Trinity cathedral.
Bedford and BoUer, on Fourteenth street
between Farnam and Douglas, are boom-
ng a new addition for the city called
James Neville, southwest corner Harney
and Twentieth streets, 1 advertising- for
competent girl for general houeworjc,
Committee In charge of" the forthcom
ing South Omaha school ball Include P.
Foley, O. M. D'Donovan, Daniel
O'Keefe, E. F, Morearty, A. Fahy, John
Moore, P. H. McKenna, John Rush, A. u
Foley and Dr. McKenna.
Ttvciity Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Fell left for Chi
cago' to attend the World' fait.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Page went to urn-
caa-o for a stay of two weeks.
Victor Rosewater went to Chicago to
attend the seisions of the American
Economic association.
Frank (Kid) Sullivan easily beat the
veteran Leon Loxler In a 109-yard foot
race at the fair ground In the presence
of a largo crowd. It was nip and tuck,
ear to ear, up to the fifty-yard line, when
the kid began to pull away from the old
timer. At eventy-flve yard he wa two
feet ahoad, at eighty enough to toss
hi veteran rival a kl and at the 100-
yard scratch Sullivan led by a yard and
a half. Tho match was for 50 a sldo and
Sullivan's dad, who was on hand with
a huge roll, gathered In $260 more, which
the Loxler men were eager to put up.
Charles C. Rosewater left for Cornell
to resume his college work and stop a
while at Chicago to see the World's fair.
Mrs. Eugene O. Mayfleld was confined
to bed wtih Illness at her South Omaha
Detective Mltohell returned from Dc
Moines with a prisoner to be tried for
defrauding an Innkeeper.
Ton Years Ago
John J. Sullivan of Columbus, chief
Justice of the state supreme court, came
up from Lincoln to look after hi fences
with a view of re-election. He expressed
a hope for a clean and fair campaign, say
ing he accepted a renomlnatlon only on
the promise of auch a contet.
The Omaha club took out a permit for
a three-story brick annex 27x31 feet, cost
ing 110,000.
12, f. Nosh secured a, permit to repair
the burned building on Harney street be
tween Blxteenth and Seventeenth streets,
tho work coming to 8.000.
A. J, Donohue got the endorsement of
the Fifth Ward Republican club for
Judge Dickinson modified the restrain
ing order that prevented the city council
from entering Into a contract with the
gaa company, saying the order evidently
went further than Intended; that It was
the real purpose apparently to restrain
only the old city council, not the new,
which the order unmodified, did.
Tho rumor of early frost proved to be
a false alarm.
Mayor Moores named Charley Wlthnell,
building Inspector, to act as chairman of
the Board of Publlo Works In the absence
of City Engineer Rosewater, who accom
panied by Mrs. Rosewater and son, Stan
ley, left for Chicago, to be gone about
two weeks.
UaL ha Is not wnony dovoid or a
sense of humor.
in tho regulation of rates and other
departments of transportation man
My latest advice from homo lndl- i England rauroaas aro not per
rale that I am nractlcallv certain tn mlttod to make up time. In the
ba elected president." says Felix United States making up time to ac
Dlax, a man evidently of simple, comraodato ono set tr passengers at
rhiid.utrn fnith the peril or anotnor is common
TrainB behind time should be al
Application of the antl-nepotlsml lowed to run no fastor than trains
rulo to stato institutions is hitting! on tlmo. Tho Impossibility thus tar
several high places. It's certainly of convincing railroad managers of
tough when public office cease? to this Is offered as the reason for fur
be a family snap. ther interference by the government.
Wo had no money," is the bull Score One for Ugly Men.
mooser'e explanation for running! They may not say of the ugly man
third In the Malno congressional what thoy do of the fat ono, that no
race. Will nothing but money hold ono loves him, for Dan Cupid himself
the unafraid men in lino? la his friend. At least ho is in Ger
many, whero pretty girls have
Koto mat alter an tnai caucus iaUnchod "Tho League Against
bolting and loud noiso our demo- Beauty ." which Is nothing more nor
cratlo United States senator from l088 thnn a pledg0 t0 marry nono but
Twice Told Tales
Better Acquainted.
Conversing with a coterie of friends.
r 1 1 1 1 .1 ... ...J , it.. . .
wa , Glr, foi Wham Men BlKb
..v.u i . OMAHA, Sept. 9.-To the Editor of The
lunu. T3.. T. .1 Aitt
The physician was a guest at a oclal from ft,h.. anA .-.nth,,! I.
affair, and at dinner wa placed beside .. ,llui ,h M.fhinj .im"
an elderly lady whom he had not pre- th,nc ot th, Dftlt7 No. not ault. for i
vlously met. Almost at once tho lady, haV8 ,ttlejj. noUce,i complaints from girls
who was Inclined to garrulity, began who call themselves "old-fashioned" to
to talk. the effect that they 'have absolutely no
"By the way, doctor," she smilingly re- chanco of ever getting married, as men
marked, "ought I to call you doctor or no longef care about girls with domestic
professor?" gifts and household virtues, but prefer
"You may call me what you please, hobble-skirted amusement seekers' and
madam," wa the physician's quick re- rag-tlmo rolllckers. Then on the other
ply. "I am frank enough to admit, how- hand, you find men asking, "Where are
ever, that some of my friends call me an the girl of yeterdayt Where are the
old fool." I good old-fashioned girls who were not
'I see, doctor," smilingly replied tho above helping their husbands with their
lady, "but of course, they must be neo- work, who did not shirk cooning a simple
pie who know you
delphla Ledger.
Ther All Need It.
Mr. Olbson Haven't you got that new
dress planned let?
Mrs. Olbson Nearly. I shall only have
to have one more talk abont It.
Mr, Olbson I should think you would
get tired Ot talking with that dressmaker.
Mrs. Qlbfon-Oh, I 'm through with
her; I'm all ready to consult the police
nowl Judge.
"That Impecunious nobleman's rtc,
wife and his creditors are now sympa
thising with each other."
"On what ground?"
"He beat both ot them." Baltimore
"Tee, I'll admit the automobile prob
lem Is bothering me a good deal."
"You mean paying for repairs?"
"No, keeping myself alive." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
"So you think those mineral waters are
of benefit to your health?"
"I don't know about that," replied Colo
nel Bottletop. "But they promote my
happiness by enabling me to appreciate
other beverages when I get around to
them." Washington Star.
Impossible people, aren't
"Well, I shohld say they were! Why,
they are the kind of people who, when
they economize, actually save money."
He-You are the first girl I ever loved.
Brie well, don't worry about It. Home
meal or revolt at bringing up a few
children?" So what Is one to make of
this contradictory state of affairs? Here
are men saying, "please change the mod
ern slrl for the genuine old-fashioned
Harry Maynard used to be a member article, which always gave satisfaction
of the house of representatives until the ftna pleasure." And at the same time
voters of hi dlstrlot laid him prostrate you have girls despairing because they girls don't fancy beginners, but I don't
on the ground and left upon hi recum- are tho very things that are In such mina. uosion Transcript
bent form the marks of many iron hoofs, general request. It's & funny world,
thus effectively retiring him to private
lie. The lost time he was In the national Oh, where Is the girl for whom men sigh?
capital he was explaining in a Jocular a T1 u.n? J11", ")? a In vain,
LI llKD Ilia. KlWb 11 1 U JJ-'
Would swallow all a fellow's gain.
Eccentric hats and costumes tight
manner that an extra session of con
gress would not be necessary.
Congress reminded him, he said, of a Olve even the police a fright.
pianola of which he had heard. A man
wa preparing to go on his vacation, and
Where Is the girl for whom men sigh?
Dressed in the clothes that suit her form.
na iitifntfilnr hln ntnn in hi nHrhhnr I 'Neath winter or a summer sky.
. . . I That keeD both heart and body warm.
in ill- nei nparunrni. I TW--. mB . i, ,.
"o .una mim, no ncu, i'ine Bin oi liny years ago.
'and we ore thinking about taking our SAM L. MORRIS.
pianola with us."
"I would," replied the neighbor. "Good- Short Studies.
ne knows It need a vacation." Popu- I OMAHA, Sept. 9. To the Editor of The
lar Magazine. Bee: Whether we have the strength to
resist temptation and remain Incorrupt-
He Knen Better. IDI0 or "t. wm never ne Known until
"Generally run down?" asked the man wi hava,.ben t'1d; for wa have no crl
"Vnnr 4Vilnv tn1 nowt.JI .1. !..
and her husband la In lall."
-xes, ana ne says he will die there be
fore he 11 come across with a cent of All.
mony." St Louis Republic.
Marks You have a run nine- Account o
one of the big stores, haven't you?
x-nras iu, ana ine running account
keeDS my wife runnlncr dawn thm cnn.
tlnually for something, which keens the
collectors running after me. Boston
My husband truly loves me."
'I suppose you are sura of It because
he tells you so."
on, noi I'm sure because when we
liovi to economise, ha cuts down hi
olffar boford he'll 1st nte atop buying
matinee ticket." Louisville Courier-
'Whv hnji ynur daughter dropped her
hospital work so soon?"
"Ch tnunA she'd have to nurse noar
patients for two year before they en
trusted her with any millionaires. Bo
he' going on the state In a musical
comedy." Kansas City Journal.
"Ever hear from your summer girl now
axl ays?"
"Queer thing about that aummer girl
She lives here. When 1 met her here In
town sho didn't know me, and we ve
started another flirtation." Puck.
Mllllgan-If I be atther laving security
aqull ter what I take away, will yes
thrust me till next wake?
Sands (the grocer)-Certalnly.
Mllllgan Well, thin, sell me two av
thlm hams, an' kapo wan av thlm till I
come again. Puck.
The Optlmlst-I hear Brownsmlth is
going td be married.
The Pessimist Serve him right. I
never did like that fellow. Llpplnoott
Arthur . Chapman in Denver Republican.
Have you vlstoned the homecoming army.
Weary and footsore and brown?
Have ydu noticed the glad faces turning
Back to the light ot th town?
Childhood, barelegged and happy,
Dreaming of fields sweet with hayl
Have you vlsloned the homecoming army?
If not, go and watch It today.
Under the city's widq arches,
List to the tramping of feet;
List to the wanderers, turning
Back to the home portal sweet!
List to the note In that laughter;
Mark the glad sparkle of eyes.:.
Watch, then, the homecoming army
Back from the vacation skies.
Hark to the storle of travel
Tales of adventure and trial;
List to the yarn of the camper
And envy the beggar the while)
Stories of peaks that were conquered,
Stories of calm and of stress;
Is this an army of gladness?
What la the answer but "Yes?"
In tho drug store. "What a tonic? Pve
the very thing for you Briscoe's Bea-
tall. Three times a day, and In two
days you'll be like another man. "Fifty
cents a bottle."
"Ob, no, no, Bald the customer, ener
"But It Is th very thing for you. All
tho doctors are recommending It. We
can't wt It fast enough for our custo- ,ook upo yui" Mng sTubbo and
'I believe you, but
something else."
People Talked About
Nebraska swallows tho dose mixed
by King Caucus just as If he liked it.
Ugly men, the uglier the bettor.
Reports do not say what put this
.AnnrniiB tmmtliiA tntn thn hnorta rt
Don't you wish you wero in thoL. MV froln,nH wWW rr
banking business with a generous ... . mnn . .,.. ,
Water board to borrow $1,000,000
matrimony or tho discovery that mas-
on the credit of the city, and let you cunQ pulchrUudo , oniy Bkln dcop.
UBVO U1B USU Ol Ik 1UI 1VBB ItlUIl unit
the Interest charge?
Tho ugly man wins, that wo know,
and what difference doos it make
Lincoln's borne rule charter fram- after a,,'.8,nce ,ovo. ?8 Und W
era also neglected to insert a votes- -- Ih and ' L o d"
tor-women clauso, which perhaps jf, just like a plate of boarding house
may assuage the disappointment oil hath,
Omaha eaual suffragists when they And fellow gets sold.
know they have equal treatment. uertainiy me preuy ooys nave
aono as mucn of tno selling ana as
After that vaudeville stunt It well In the buying as the ugly ones,
would not be a far step for Mr. if not far more and better. Bo horo
Bryan to do a turn twice a day at is hoch. dear "League Against
some nearby enow house close ueauiy, ana mpy ino irauieius never
enough to tho Btato department sol get one too ugly,
that ha could ran over and back be-
c,ji. An Arizona juage aispensing wun
a jury to try tne case or tno young
Thoso responsible for tho lost fatal woman arrested for wearing an
prixo tight at Los Angeles havo been X-ray gown ovor pink tights,
formally charged with crime and in acquitted her himself, saying he
duo Umo will as usual be turned could not say whether pink tights
lotse, and this process will go on Jn- wore immodest or not. likq the Mis
daOattely wber communities not souri Judgo, who refused to punish
oaly jxjnwlt, but encourage this fprm the girlie with tho diaphanous skirt,
ttt rhis amusement I he evidently has to bo shows
Mrs, rank hurst Is comtng over and will
speak In all the large cities. The fall
promises to be a prosperous one In the
tiro Insurance business.
The thermometer scoro of ICS In St
Louis somewhat marred the patriotic joy
of the town over the news that It still
holds first place In the fur Industry ot
the United States.
C. A. Russ, who ran away to sea
twenty year ago, when 1 year old, re
turned to St, Paul the other day and
failed to recognize hi own mother.
Virgil Noble ot Bay City, Mich., 1 the
local champion fly swatter, having won
UJ.00 and a first prise of 110 in & contest
held there. In all 60S, SCO flies were killed
by tho contestant
If you think the coal man la worrying
about the weather, you have another
guess coming. He may be & trifle an
noyed about the start, but he knows hi
day Is sure to come.
Interest Is revived In the name of Dr,
Frledmann by the report of the Rhode
Island Sanatorium showing that not one
ot the ISO cases treated with the Pried
mann cure has shown Improvement, while
17 per cent havo shown Increased activity
of the disease.
Sally Rector, a 10-year-old daughter of
a Creek Indian In Oklahoma, has jumped
from poverty to affluence In less than a
year. Her allottment ot 1C0 acres yields
flowing oil, which will bring an annual
Income estimated at 1111,000 a year.
The first Instance In this state ot a
husband asking alimony from his wife
ocurred In the divorce suit filed by Ed-
terton whereby to Judge how much pres
sure we can stand, when the tempter lays
both hands on the lever.
Solomon said that a soft answer ftp- '
peases anger; but Solomon never faced
a police Judge on Monday morning. If
you give the Judge a soft answer ho wilt
more than likely think you are a hard
ened criminal, and If you deliver rour-
I would prefer
Incorrigible; the beet course to pursue
Is to say, "Good morning Judge," and
then burst Into tears, and If the city
The Higjier Code
"Nonsensot I tell yoU the Beatall will treasury Is not entirely .mntv h tnnv
J 1 .4 . , V.n n .f , . I I . .
uu mum ftuvu in una lunu uhj uiius aumigs you in peace. A rounder 1 a
else In a month. It cures everything, good fellow, a gay old boy who would
What' your objection?" rather be broke than be called a grouch;
"Only that I'm Bristoe." Pittsburgh ho leaves everything to luck, put hi
Chronicle-Telegraph. trust tn blind chance, 1 Jollied while
young, laughed at when old, and forgot
ten entirely If he lives beyond the age of
M years. He eats. Bleep, drink, giggles
and tut key trots, and leaves the world
a little worse than he found It. Women
get everything at bargain prices except
RnrinerftaM njimihifeari! T.nrrt Hni. Pleasure, and ror that they usually pay
dane's address beforo the American Bar doulbe charges. If we are seeking enjoy-
assoctatlon at Montreal was very mont we should first endeavor to purify
nchninriv. hut. v.n h.r if w the soul and polish the mind; after that
thought out In continent. A rich contrl- a" .lhe.r tJ1h,n" will either be added, or j
button It was In 10,0)0 word to tho In- ""l '"''" " WH rauw
fluence working for the greater har-1 "",T . 'i ""w"""- "
monies In the EngUsh-speaklng woild. lt "r 1 !kln f b?s
iiii-uku jitH.-uru-iiara.iu. xiuyvovci, inu i ea gnalla ti n
-jest tounaauon ior ine mgner coae, as
X.ord ilaldane would readily admit, 1b The Rear Platform Nuisance.-
scrupulous oDservanco or international omama. snt. -t fh miw Af tk.
law as It already exists. Before we can Bee: Kindly Inform the publlo whether
develop the higher code wo must see to or not the Placard Dlaced hlirh above our
It that the great publlo Is not misled by "heads on the rear platforms on treet
Ignorant or Insincere politician and sen- cars means anything when It reads, "Pas-
sation mongers into demanding action aengex will Dlease refrain from hlooklntt :
or policies mat epeil criminal aggression the entrance to car." Because of It loca-
and International burglary, that undo the tlon few see It Bo gently 1 It worded
work of years In the cause ot peace, I that the ordinary occupant of the rear
progress and morality. I platform, who seem to think hi nickel
Boston Transcript: Lord Haldane has ha purchased all the right and priv-
started on Its travels through the col- lieges of that crowded entrance, does not
umns of the nress and the SDeeoh of "eea consequently tho lndecenoy
T?n!t1 ntnta and Panada n. term sure to and often Insult to which the woman and
be frequently used even It It does not Ki"8 or tne city are subject in crowding-
become popular. In his speech at Mon- " . ,, il n nl lmo Plactt 01
treal he dwelt upon tho binding force fv,.cSO continues.
for neace between the United States and This crowding and pushing and un-
Qreat Britain of those "moral rules en- Pleasant and Indecent physical contact Is
Joined by private conscience and the uriner maae annoying Dy smowng. Are
.nlHt nf th community for which the "ireei car omciais aware mat in
Tnuh h.v nr. nam taut which the aer- many cities smoking Is forbidden any-
mnnn rn ".lttliehkelt .' Of "slttllchkelt" wher 0 '! Kansas City has mado
, .t,.n v,., ti.rh h.r.Artr it .in. hl prohibition on several of It line.
Piles a definition of a condition easier to Jn Dtrolt an,a Buff(ll10 and other cities
uL h t DrB in n. word. Mhe a&m ruI Prevails and Increasing
"""" " " " I ltl-fn.Mn II. ..A...M..l t
jnaianapons xxewa: ine iora cnancej- MlnnnolIi. nd nt. Pul w.iH,. .
ior nau occasion 10 ear um nvvy " warfare- for cleaning up the back plat-
as to tne amicamo re.auons existing oe- form ot thMr carS( aUhough tho space Is
tween the United States and Canada, and muon more rootny tnan ourf ad tholr
between the united states ana tne wnoie car8 are betttr jcept in overy way.
or ureat uritain. xte reminaea nis near-
I tnnk tllA 1lh-rtv MAVrnl to.!?. . crn n f
era m pnysica. y, out..jr .m ...uu.. urR,nK that theM lndecent connHons
-- snouiu d overcome, suggesting that the
United States wero very much alike, various women' organisations of the
There existed In each a distinct form of clty -hould Interest themselves. n !
government. Aims, amomons, uamu, growing more and more necessary for
speech, custom were so much alike as the women to refuse to enter by the !
to render the people on one siue or ine regular entrance because of the unpleas-
bordar hard to distinguisn irom tneir ant conditions. The Women' club, when
neighbor. And between them there ex- r convenes, should make this one of the
Isted 4.000 miles of frontier without a first matters for Investigation and briny
single fort. It would appear to the reader their Influence to bear to remedy the
of Lord Haldane's address that In his present unbearable crowding and ogUng.
favorable comparison there 1 great en
couragement for those who look forward
to International peace.
Quaint Bits of Life
Political Jabs
The shovel Is the emblem of the Gay-
nor for ma.vor of Naw York.
A Boston street car conauoior s biw- a handv tool for a cartv that mut dla-
est danger 1 tne naxpin worn or women t0 f et there.
passenger, one conaucior was puntvurcu
so badly by a hatpin that he was laid
up In a hospital for twelve weeks.
Mrs. Adella Wilson of Luxerne, N. T.,
wo married July 10 to Charles A. Wil
son. Although this Is her fourth wedding
At Us Justly celebrated annual outing
last Saturday the Cook county democ
racy actually shied at the tango and
turkey trot dances on the program. Not
a ooupie responded to the lure or tne
music. Thus another mystery Increases
. v. . I . .... .It.nMit A.r n.m linvlnff
Zrd XcVdveTy four brother, who,. i. perplexities of living In Chicago.
name wa tho same as her own. Hoboken views with alarm the perils of
John Lynn, a farmer of Belleville, Mo., Its excise Inspector, who Is obliged to
ward A. Blakeney of Dorchester, agalns ' became sick and fell unconscious in his visit 400 saloons every month and sample
Mrs. Mary A. Blakeney.
Joseph Fisher, 107 years old, Is trav
eling In a wagon from his home In Wash
ington county, Indiana, to Bedford, Ind.,
where he will make a new home for him
celt. He Is accompanied by hi daugh
ter, aged TO ytata. and hi ion. Ot year.
Some Interesting mtl-making mater
ial lost It awtn tn the recent dsiert
air. Lobbyist Mulhall. testifying In
Washington, threatened to pull John Kir
ley' nose Instead of hi Ug because Kir
ley sat there "making face and sticking
out his tongue at me." Could you beat
For the first' time In th hlrtory of
Somerset county, Pennsylvania, a wfll
has been probated before the death ot
the testator. Th Instrument U that ot
Israel Futlem of township,
Fullem and hi wife, Lydla Wright
Fullem. mad a Jelat will, Mr. Fullem
died. Mreral days ago and th vUI ha
baen probate
barnyard. A flock ot geeie were fright- me purity oi ine noose on lap. xne
ened and kept up such a nols that the sample aampiea cosi me cuy v a
family wa aroused and the man's life I month, but the town worries less about
saved. I the money cost than the ability ot the
Dr. F. J. Crowell of Merrimack. N. H., Inspector to stand up to the Job. So far
ha a Ulac bush whloh is In blossom tor volunteer assistance has been declined.
the first time this season. In the spring over Jt.OOO.CCO is wasted annuaUy In
grasshopper ate off the leaves and huds, Cook county. nilnol. tn providing suvte-
after which the bush had a second nance, for the party heelers ot ChUaio. The
sTTOwth, county civil service commission declares
Wlntleld H. Bands or roiiaiown, ra., It .,v. uoiuoo or mon u. vur .f
round in tne umng oi an omiruas. a politicians will give civil service full
lock Ol wnai is neueveu vo w t hoiu- i jr wJtn an axe.
ion a nsir. in iock whj wtkppwu uii in
a newspaper dated November 1, lsos. The
paper substantiates the fact that this la
It a rare day In any old season when
New Tork falls to spring a political sen-1
Washlnjrton'a hair. aanon. in. iai mrwre prsny poi
Mr.. rnl.l Miller of Eat Strouds. .. a wbukot on in w
burg. Pa.. t the posMssor of a grape sklU A0.ue4uct paid to another contractor
Tin one and a halt feet la height, which tot -legal semces" in procuring u
bear a luscious bunch of Juicy fruit. A I contract. Host or toe sensauca u con
remarkable feature of th vine is that It lined to th newspapers. TUa rent of the
ha only phutted aino Fakraary metro poUs ragaxd cxmtrajet mmrtnt as a
from a slip of an. old. rln. inxad. haw t
IN your""pair of
Crossetts you get a
through ticket to the
land of Comfort. And
you travel in style all
the way. The new
models are ready.
S mm rsinr asADK if
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Lewis A. Crosiett, Inc.,.bm, North Ablngton. Mass.
There's a' special Crossett
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