Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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John A. Peters Chosen to Fill Va
cancy in Third District.
Full Off About Fifty Per Cent from
thnt filven Ilooievelt llourbon
Attrlbnten the nenult to
POUTIiAND, Me,( Sept. 3-Speaker John
A. Petera. republican of Ellsworth, was
chasen to fill the vacancy In the third
congressional district yesterday by a
plurality of 653 over Mayor William A.
Pattangall, democrat, of Watervllle, with
Edward M. Lawrence of Lubcc, a poor
third in the race.
Returns in this special election from
all but a small Island plantation gave:
Peters, 15.106; Pattangall, 14,653; Law
rence, 6,687.
The vote, for president In November
was: Wilson, 14,692; Roosevelt, 13,236;
Taft, 7,159.
Moose Vote Falla Off.
The progressive vote showed a falling
off of about 60 per cent front that given
Colonel Roosevelt last November. On tho
other hand the Peters' vote was 108 per
cent greater than the Taft vote, while
tho Pattangall and Wilson vote showed
very little variation.
Mr. Pattangall, the democratic candi
date, gave out the following statement:
"From the returns I should Judge that
Mr. John A. Peters was elected to con
gress from this district by a safe plural
ity. Tho result should not bo construed
as a rebuke to the national administra
tion. It Is wholly to be attributed to
democratic treachery. Because certain
men failed of success in the primaries
they deliberately sacrificed the party In
this election. The democracy of Maine
Is loyal to President Wilson and will
present a. united front in the next four
years campaign."
Gardner Makes Statement.
Halbert P. Gardner, member of the
progressive national committee of Maine,
said tonight:
"The returns Indicate the, election of
John A. Peters in tho Third district. We
bad no money. Lack of funds hampered
the progressive working organization and
prevented proper publicity. It is evident
that the voters of the Third district are
absolutely opposed to the policies of the
democratic party."
Democrats Disappointed.
WASHINGTON, Sept 9. Returns from
the Malno congressional election were
awaited here with extraordinary interest
by the leaders of all parties. The demo
crats, who had sent Secretary Bryan,
Speaker Champ Clark and othor notable
came that their man was defeated. Pres
ident Wilson waited for the returns until
late in the night.
Graves in Sand,
Then Leaps to Death
CHICAGO, Sept. 9.-Mrs. Walter B
Smith, wlfo of a wealthy slook broker in
Lake Forest, committed suicide In Lake
Michigan today by tying a heavy weight
around her neck and then Jumping from
a pier. Just before ending her life, she
made two little graves In the sand of
the lake shore and decorated each with
flowers. Mrs. Smith was one of the lead'
lng society women of Lake Forest, a
suburb of 'Chicago, She was a daugh
ter of Hiram McCullough, vice president
of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway
SHENANDOAH, la., Sept 8.-(Bpeclal.)
George H. Jones, cement contractor,
church and lodge worker, is to receive a
testimonial purse of $60 or more from
the Shenendoah ' Commercial club mem
bers the first of the week. Business men
are reaching down In their pockets and
smilingly giving a dollar each to the
fund, for everybody likes Jones and
Jones Is the father of triplets, born Sat
They' are the first triplets In town, and
when Jones was hastily dispatched down
town to purchase clothing for unexpected
babies Nos. 2 and 3 he was obliged to
hold a reception on the street corner.
Business and professional men offered
congratulations and then hunted up the
committee tj contribute their dollato.
Jones himself tells the story this way
"I was sitting out on the front porch
when the doctor came to the door and
handed - the nurse a nice fat little boy
baby. Then he came back with another
little boy, and he grinned and asked me
if I wanted another. I said 'sure and
forgot all about it Thought ho was Jolt
lng me. Presently he came back with a
little girl-baby, and, say 1 Tea, they're
all healthy and the mother is doing well.1
" Jones has three older children.
TUCSON, Ariz., Sept 9. Miss Claire
Simpson's request for a Jury of women
was denied today, when she was placed
on trial In police court for having worn
on the street an X-ray gown, and tho
magistrate acquitted her because he could
not determine whether pink tights worn
beneath the gown were Immodest
Miss Simpson wore pink tights. Her
defense was that they were not as im
proper as the black tights generally em
ployed by wearers of X-ray gowns, which
contrasted sharply with diaphanous drap
eries. Tho court ruled that he was not
an arbiter of dress.
AVASIIlNOTON. Sept ?.-Proposed ad
vances of 5 per cent In freight rates on
all . commodities except grain and coal
will be submitted to the Interstate Com
merce commission about the middle of
next month by the fifty-two railroads
operating in the east.
The proposed changes will be based
upon the present first class rate between
New York and Chicago, the Increase be
ing 5 per cent fiat It 1 understood no
determination has been reached as to
new rates on coal and grain.
Arthur Shields, private secretary of
Chief of Police Dunn, was stricken sud
denly while at work in the city halt
yesterday, and was taken to his home at
2i: BInney street where he Is eMd to be
In a serious condition. l lllnocs is be
lieved to be the result of ptomaine
This morning It was reported that
Shields was a'!vt!- ifrorei', and tliat
the trlsU waj ia. jtt'
Sentence of Diggs
and Cammetto Will
Again Be Postponed
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Sent 9.-Maurr
I. Dlggs and F. Drew Camlnettl. con-
vlctcd under tho Mann white slave act.
win not be sentenced tomorrow when
they appear before Judsre William C.
Van Fleet for that purpose If the request
of. Special Assistant Attorney General
Theodore Roche is granted. Roche an
nounced today that he would nsk for a
continuance of both cases until Monday
on the ground that the Harrla-Dlggs caie
of subornation of perjury comes up this
wceK and he wishes to have all thi
cases completed before sentence Is pro
nounced on any of tho trio.
Tho government prosecutors will not
nsk that a charge be pressed ' against
Juror Helster for contempt for saylnir
at the trial that he did not consider
Camlnettl guilty and merely voted so to
save attorney fees for tho culprit's par
The prosecutors point out that public
contempt will bo Heister's punishment
and that a Jury cannot Impeach Its own
verdict, so that the Juror's statement will
not help the defenso to get a new trial.
Large Crowds at
South Dakota Fair
HURON, S. D Sept 9. (Speclal.)-
Everythlng about the opening day of the
South Dakota fair Indicates unlimited
success In every department Every, Inch
of display room In every department Is
filled, and by tho middle of last week
all of tho horse, cattle, swine and sheep
stables wero filled up and no more en
tries were received.
Tho first day attendance Is estimated
at about 1,000 bettor than tho opening day
of 1912, when 12,000 people visited tho
grounds. The concessions department has
let 10 per cent more concessions than at
this time last year, and expects to double
the number of a year ago beforo tho
week ends.
The hot weather of lost week has
changed and It is clear, breezy and cool,
with indications for a continuation of the
samo kind of weather.
The machinery exhibit and traction
iplowing display are two of the biggest
features on the grounds.
The results of Monday's races follows
2:20 Trot Purse tl.000 Merlo Mc. IIiutIh
of Sturgeon, Mo., first; Edna May, Cam
eron of Alto, la., second; Don Alrbo,
Jackson of Mason Cltv. Ia.. third: TVmn-
tross, Allen of Marlon, la., fourth. Tlmo
2:30 Pace. Purse J500 Ranee Girl. Know
len of Brltton, S. D., first; Manilla M.,
Betts of Shellrock, S. D., second; Kath
ryne Struvo, Allen of Marlon, In., third;
Leuowstone. 'inaner or isieii. iseo.. roinn
Time 2:1W4.
2:17 I'aoe, I'urce 000 Dakota Prince,
Mathews of Flandroau. first: Doxter 8..
Pettis of Platte, and Redraus, Byron of
tsoioy amaoa second ana third: Laural
Hal, Byron of Selby and Idol, Betts of
Shellrock. Ia., divided fourth. Time 2:14Vi.
iiour tf-uriong uasn, rurse jiw citadel
first; Yankee Pool second; Sliver Leaf
tntra; ljiora r uxjurth. Time, fifty- one
Hot Springs Fire
Loss Two Millions
HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Sept. 9-Accovd-lng
to a statement made public here to
day by J. S. Speed, manager of the Ar
kansas actuary burean, the property loss
In the recent great fire was 32,260,000.
with the insurance loss placed at 31,500,
000. Thirty-two and one-half blocks were
burned, Including 618 buildings. Of these
eighty-three were brick, twelve brick
veneered and 423 frame.
The report places blame for the rapid
spread of the flames on poor building
construction, Inefficient water system.
poor fire fighting equipment as com par oil
with standard recommendations and
treacherous winds.
CALUMET, Mich., Sopt. 9. National
guardsmen and deputies were called on
today to prevent a clash between rival
bands of women partisans in the copper
miners strike. Belligerent Amazons,
many Of them armed with clubs and
stones and representing on the ono hand
the non-union workmen and on the other
the members of the Western Federation
of Miners, crowded the stroets of Yel
low Jacket, a part of Calumet township,
and threatened each other.
Renewed reports that the federation
funds wero running low wero denied by
union officials. They stated that the
organization was prepared to care for
the strikers and that two boat loads of
flour and one of coal were on the way
to Hancock, consigned to the union.
Consistent "Winner.
Harry Sallee has a big cash bonus com
ing as a rewnrd for tolling so hard ,for
the Cardinals this season. He has been
the only consistent pitcher on the team
outside of a half a dozen consistent
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Your dreams come true! If
you've had dreams of owning
a car, you may realize them
now. Ford prices are down
to where you can hardly
afford not to own the one
car that has proven itself
universally satisfactory.
Fine fcorars dcllarx fcr the tutvr prfcs of
tie Fond raumbcat; Ci fewrrtee cir Is flv
fifty; the ton. exr jctm CCOy all .&.&.
Dfcfcraffc. tatnplitta wCi l iidpaimrL Cu cat
s&2S &ml partfrnilara Cram Hard Motor Co.,
19 1& Harney St, Omaha.
Mr. Anna K. Sorenson.
BUTTK, Mont, Sept 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Anna K. Sorenson, ogod S9
years, died yesterday afternoon at the
horn of her son, Alfred Sorenson, follow
ing a brief Illness. Mrs. Sorenson came
from Omaha a few weeks ago to visit
with her son. She was one of the pio
neers of Omaha, having gone there In
1S67, Three children survive her, two
daughters, Mrs. Keason and Miss Dag
mar Sorenson of Omaha and Alfred Sor
enson of this city.
Tho body will bo taken to Omaha over
the Burlington for interment accom
panied by Miss Sorenson.
Mrs. Sorenson resided at 3511 Dodge
street, Omaha.
Mayor Dahlman has been requested by
Hon. Logan Waller Page, president of
tho American Road congress and director
of the United States office of publlo
roads, to name three delegates to attend
tho sessions of the congress at Detroit
during the week of September 29 as the
representatives of the city. Twenty-
eight organizations are taking part in the
congress under the leadership of the
American Highway association and the
American Automobile association.
ST. PAUL, Sept 9. In a desperate
endeavor once mora to seo his mother
and home In tho fatherlr.nd, Mike
Wasuck, a 19-year old Pcll.w boy suffer
ing from a broken back and limbs, will
leave here Saturday for Warsaw. The
lad will make the long trip by lanJ and
sea on a stretcher, accompanied by Miss
Lydla Keller, superintendent of a hospi
tal, whero for thirteen months ne has
been helpless. Doctors are doubtful
whether he can stand tho trip.
New Denn for Iovra Dental College.
IOWA CITY, Ia., Sept. S.-(SpecIal.)-
The significance of the notion of the
State Board of Education In holding up
appointments to the faculty of the Dental
college at the (State university here be
came clear today when Dr. Thomas J.
McLornon of Philadelphia was . named
dean of the collego at -n meeting of the
faculty committee of the board. Dr. Mc-
Lemon will succeed Dr. William Suits
Hosford, who has held the position for
twenty years.
Key to tho Situation Beo Advertising.
Brush this through faded, lifelcoa
locks and ytey become aaric,
glossy, youthful.
Hair that loses Its color and lustre, or
when It fades, turns gray, dull nnd life
less, Is caused by a lack of sulphur In the
hair. Our grandmother made up a mix
ture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep
her locks dark and beautiful, and thou
sands of women and men, who value that
even color, that beautiful dark shade of
hair which Is so attractive, use only this
old-time recipe.
Nowadays we get this famous mixture
by asking at any drug etoro for a 51
cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sago and Sul
phur Hair Remedy," which darkens the
hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody
can possibly tell It has been applied. Be
sides, It takes off dandruff, stops scalp
Itching and falling hair. You Just dampen
a sponge or soft brush with It and draw
through your hair taking ono small
strand at a time. By morning the gray
hair disappears; but what delights the
ladles with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Is
that, besides beautifully darkening the
hair after a few applications, It also
brings bark the gloss and lustre and gives
It an appearanco of abundance.
Inner Tube
Toughest of all
It Stands all Tests.
rr wax rav vou to sic
Hai Won Flttt Plrne
en Mtrit
Anheuser-Busch Will BuyThis Barky
Only the pick of AmericasJBarley crops and Bohemias Saarer
Hops are good enough from which to brew and age
America's National Beverage
Traynor Automobile Company, E. R. Wilaon Auto Company,
2512-14 Farnam Street. w 2429 Famam Street.
Nebraska Buick Auto Company,
Lee Huff Mgr. 1912-14-16 Farnam Street. HASE
Ann t An : : ' 1 Drummond Motor Company,
AJJiiiliAU v- 26th and Farnam Streets.
Cadillac Company of Omaha, :
G. F. Reim. Pres. 2054-6-8 Farnam Street. T INTERNATIONAL
--TT T International Harvester Company of America,
Hi.ViOLJj.i- . . x 801 Capitol Avenue.
Doty & Hathaway, 1
2027 Farnam Street. T rASON
ITJTVPgTA'rv " VI Freeland Auto Company,
iHiiiiKbiAiiii x?X j. a. Freeland. 1113 FarnamxStroet.
Interstate Automobile Co.,
Opp. Court House. 310 South Eighteenth Street. ELECTRIC CARS
TT7 RIT jf" 1IIO
XV 327 wit IVoC' Pound! Bluffs, Iowa. (J 8010 jJSSSSO Bluffa.
Doty & Hathaway Marion Auto Co.,
2027-29 Farnam Street. O 0 w. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street
Drummond Motor Company W Drummond Motor Company,
26th and larnam Streets. V V 26th and Farnam Streets.
Marion Auto Company, DELIVERY WAGONS
0. W. McDonald. , 2101 Farnam Street. RIT :
AXWELL L. P. Madsen,
United Motor Omaha Company, 327 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
J. M. Opper, Dist. Mgr. 1122 Farnam Street.
Freeland Auto Company, a ll MAKES (Seconds)
J. A. Freeland. 1113 Farnam Street. UL ' Giant Tire Company,
ATIONAL r ' 125 Farnam Street.
Traynor Automobile Co. fEDERAL ''
2512-14 Farnam Street. H Arthur Storz Auto Supply Co.," .
OVERLAND 2020 Farnam Street.
Van Brunt Automobile Company, "TIRESTONE ; '.
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs. H Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.,
PACKARD 2220 Farnam Street.
Orr Motor Sales Company, MAHA TIRE REPAIR CO.
24th and Farnam Streets. I Henry Nygaard,
1 OPE-HARTFORD : 2201 Farnam Street.
Van Brunt Automobile Company, t" tnitkd' STATES "
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs, i T X Omaha Rubber Company,
REGAL 1608 Harney Street
The T. G. Northwall Company, 51 ;
912-14 Jones Street. ACCESSORIES
Doty & Hathaway, ZA Automobile Supplies,
2027-29 Farnam Street. 2020 Farnam Street.
2102-4 Farnam Street. VV Automobile Supplies.
v 1920 Farnam Street.
Everybody reads Bee want adsl
. JJ0?
The uniform .flavpr. quality An d purity of
Budweiser remains always the came because
oaly the best materials enter our plant.
Bottled only at the home pUnt in St Louis
Anheuser-Busch Breway-St-louis
Omsk, Htbntka
K. Itoscnfold, Distributor, Council muffs.
ut tut