Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Start is Made Toward Founding a
World Peace Society Here.
J!rrnt Bar Wn" !'"' f" ,,ro
plc to Tnlk of Jnimn Knlnsf in
Wnr llFcnnnc of Its I'rr
rnl Wnr IJclit.
first steps toward the founding of a
world peace society In Omaha were
token at the Commercial cluli at noon
fotlowinr. nn address on world arbitration
by Albert Q. Bryant of the World Peace
Foundation. William F. Baxter was
chosen as chairman of a committee to be
named by him to recommend to the
Commercial club that the commute work
In conjunction with that organisation.
The meeting was attended by about fif
teen representative business and profes
sional men of Omaha who are Interested
In world peace. Mr. Bryant did not wish
to speAk before the members of the club
as a whole, but only those who were In
terested In thn movement.
The adoption of it world congress made
up of the strongest and greatest brains of
all nations -for the purpose of settling In
ternational questions by arbitration Is the
aim of the World I'eace foundation and
wbb tho keynote of Mr. Bryant's address.
"I am not a rabid world peace advo
cate," said Mr. Bryant. "I do not be
Her that STery war In the past did not
bring tho results wanted and I do not
believe that some of them could have
been averted. What Is more, 1 do not
botlevo In total disarmament.
Great H octal Unit.
"The world Is n great .social unit and
we are faco to face with a great problem,
that of the possibility of war. War Is
only a' way of settling International
questions and these questions could be
settled by a world congress. A trcmen
dons war debt burdens tho world over.
Kvery country has a war flebt and some
of tho countries have larger debts than
others, but the smallest one is a burden
on Its country and the people.
"I was In California at the time tho
alien land bill was passed. I also knew
of the great pressure brought to bear on
tho legislature by some of the most in
fluential papers in tho country against
the adoption of the hill. It wan said that
tho passage of the bill would bring On war
with Japan. This was foolish. Japan
could not go to war with America. Japan
put up a great war against the Russians,
but it could not stage another such war
as that again in 100 years. Tho reason
Is that Japan borrowed every yen it
could get its hands on at the time and
today has a war debt of $1,400,000,000."
Mr. Bryan was high in his praise of the
'way lu which President Wilson has han
dled the Mexican situation and suggested
that the committee to which he spoke
send an expression of some later meeting
to the administration at Washington of
the manner In which President Wilson
has handled the Mexican situation.
The committee which will be appointed
by Mr. Baxter will keep In touch with
the American Peace society and also the
World Peace foundation and take ad
vantage of every possibility to promote
world so that In the end an Inter
national congress, which will work along
the same lines as the United Congress,
will control and settle ull questions and
thus ellnynate war.
Three Viaducts Are
Now Out of Sepair
Declaring the lCleventh, Sixteenth and
Twenty-fourth street viaducts to bo in a
dangerous condition and ought to be
repaired at once, Street Commissioner A,
C. ICugel presented a resolution at the
meeting of tho city commission instruct
lng the legal department to take steps at
onco to forco the railroad companies to
make the necessary repairs. The resolu
tlon was passed unanimously. Under the
contract with tho railroads they aro
bound to keep the viaducts in good re
1 1 1
Thrto carloads of Omaha people left last
night over the dreat Western for tho
Kort Peck Indian reservation In north
east Montana, where they hope to securn
land. There are about 100 in the party.
Tho Fort Peck Indian reservation con
tains an area cf 8.C0 tracts of land ot
1C0 acres etch snd about two-thirds ot
the whole is said to be suitable for agri
cultural purposes. Registration oloses
September 20 and tho drawings begin Sep
tember S3. The opening is in accordance
with the lottery plan, the first number
out of the box giving the holder the
choice ot any 100 acres on tho reservation.
Wwik of Praise
For Mayr'a Wonderful
Stomach Remedy
-mow tuanuiui we
are to you Tor get
ting a hold ot your
Wonderful Itemedy.
My wife could not
have had but a short
time to live if she
had not taken your
Wonderful Item e d y
when she did. One
more of those parox
ysm pains she was
having would have
VIUmI liar without u
doubt How she Is free from all pain,
free from heart trouble and free from
that disturbing Neuralgia all the re
sult of five treatments and the ex-
Sulslon of five or six hundred Qall
tones. Now she is able to eat anything
Mhe -wants and her appetite is i,-ood and
before taking your medicine she had no
aspetlte and when she ate anything she
would suffer death for tn .lolni. n,i
could not sleep at night; since taking
your treatment she sleeps well all night
long. X, A. Xsall, Xoanoke, ffsxas."
The above Setter should convince you
mors than anything wo could say in be
half of Mayr'a Wonderful Btomach
SUm4y, Bufffcrers should try one dose
of this Itemedy one dose should con
vince them that they con ba restored to
health. Nearly all Stomach Ailments
sire caused by the clogging of the In
testinal tract with mucoid and catarrhal
accretions allowing poisonous fluids
into the Stomich and otherwise derang
ing the digestive system. Mayr'a Woa.
Asrfal statu s,CA Seme&jr painlessly re
moves these accretions without a
surgical operation and puts an end to
Colic Attacks, Oases n the Stomach
and Intestines and all of the usual
wymptom of Stomach. Liver and In
testinal Ailments. Ask your druggist
about Marx's Wonderful Stomach sttra
ty or send to Oeo. IL Mayr., Mfg.
Chemist, 1SI Whiting St, Chicago. III.,
for free booklet on Stomach Ailments
smd many grateful letters from people
who have been restored.
Koi sole in Omaha by Sherman & Mi'
Connell, Druggists. ISth and Dodge Bts.,
Stth and Harney HU., SUh and Farnaui
Sts.. And Iittlel Loyal, and druggists
Omaha Girl Marries
in Chicago and Then
Moves Here to Live
MISS l.UClle Parrlsh. a tinnilnrnl Ilmnh
young woman, daughter of Mrs. Churlr.
A. Saltpr. Whn linn tn a rl a mill a a nnm.
for herself on the utagc, lias given up "
her theatrical career for a husband and
a home.
TllC Wrrfdlnft- nf Ml Pnrrl.h In Mr I
vimam II. Marble took place Monday
afternoon at tho Sherman llouso In
Chicago. Mrs. Marble played the char
acter part "A Night Out" with Miss
May Itobson for two years and last
spring played in "Uttle Miss Flxlt."
Mr. Marble was advancn man nnrt IaImf
became manager of the company. He
noa given up his position and wilt go
into business In this city where thev will
make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Mnrhlo nrrlveil vA.l.r.l.v
and are at thn hnm, nf Mr and im
Charles A. Salter until they move Into
tncir own home later In September.
Attorney for Socialists Says He Can
Ignore Commission.
7. 1 in m n n Is Told to Present ills Argn
inrntM In Lower Fare Case to the
City Clerk Will Heport
Friday on Petition.
MAVnr Jnmfl, C Dnfiltnan nrtA Hnrrv TV
Zlmman exchanged unpleasant personal
ities when Zlmman came before the city
commission yesterday demanding Im
mediate arlhn nn thn nutlttnn tn mihtnlt
to a vote ot tho people an ordinance
providing for tho sale ot seven street
car tickets for 23 cents. Zlmman was
representing tho socialists.
"We protest against the street railway
company filing a petition of signers who
want to withdraw their signatures,"
Zlmman shouted.
"The city clerk Is the proper person to
protest to," explained the mayor.
"Tell it to the clerk If van think nnv.
thing Is wrong," Police Commissioner J,
J. Ityder advised, "l'ou havo to argue
your case before him, anyway."
"I don't havo to do anvthlntr nf thn
kind," Zlmman stated with unusual
warmth. "I can Ignore the city clerk.
tho council nnd the mayor."
"No YOU can't not u-hlln I'm tnivnr
said Mayor Dahlman and brought his
gavel down on the tabel with several re
sounding whacks. "You've snld enough
right now. Sit down. We won't listen
to you any longer."
"But, I was Just ,"
"Sit down."
And again tho mayor struck the table
wiib Ms gavel.
Mayor Waxes Warm.
Zlmman squared his shoulders and th
mayor rose from his chair and twice
again struck the table with his mahog
any mallet.
"If you have anvthlnr oIm tn nnv vnil'll
say it to the city clerk. We're through
with you here."
"Thore's no mora business nn dm
clerk's desk," city Clerk Thomas J.
jrjynn announced.
"Tho mooting Is adjourned." lh mavnr
shouted, while Zlmman ke Dt nn nrntftfit-
Ing and asking "where It would ever end"
u we city clerk allowed the street car
company to present Detltons nf nim.i
to be withdrawn from thn
city olerk said Zlmman would be given
me same privilege extended to the street
car company, and It he desired could
tile a petition saying the same persons
Who wished to withdraw their names
were willing that their signatures re-,
main on the petition.
Til do It then," Zlmman promised,
'for I have witnesses hr tn nrn )
street car company secured signatures to
this petition by misrepresentation." Thla
same charge was made a week ago by
Prosident a. W. Wattles ot the street
cor company against the socialists.
City Clerk Flynn asked for further time
to examine Into tho sufficiency of the
pennon, lie will make his report at a
special meeting of the city commlaainn
Friday. He said the company had sub
n ttted a petition saying 309 of the sign
ers wished to withdraw their signatures
from the petition.
Asher 11. Ilurrows. district
agent of the Nickel Plate road, working
out ot Kansas city, has come In contaat
witn crop conditions In Kansas to a great
extent during the last three months and
says that while the corn crop Is prac
tically a failure In that state farmers
are in no wise discouraged.
All through Kansas and Oklahoma
farmers raised an excellent crop of small
grain and the advancing prices are bring
ing them as much money as they have
had in former years. Though pastures
aro bad, most ot the farmers have plenty
ot rough feed and the cattle will come
through in good condition. The greatest
difficulty Is going to bo to secure feed
for fattening hogs, but by mixing wheat
with the old corn held over generally the
farmers have plenty of this mixed ration
to put their animals in good flesh for
Mr. Burrows adds that tho farmers are
taking hold with renewed energy and
aro laying their plans for putting out a
lorgo crop for next year. Onlv a fw
havo left tho country, and while land Is
slow sale there Is little decline In tho
Word comes to the passenger depart
ment that little Ardetha Flckensoher,
who went through here ten days ago.
enroute to Santa Rosa. Cal., has reached
her destination and Is now with her uncle.
Donald Evan Cruxon,
Ardetha is 6 years of age and along
traveled from Berlin to California. She
could not speak English and this was
something ot a handicap in traveling.
When sh passed through Omaha, in a
leather pouch attached to a strap that
was buckled around her neck, she car
ried letters written in both German and
Unglish. In this pouch was also her
ticket and money for her meals enroute.
The uncle. In writing to the Union Pa
cific passenger office, says the .trainmen
everywhere were kind to the child and
saw to it that she was well provided for
and given all the comforts enoyed by
other travelers.
J A Life Problem Solved
by that great health tonic. Electric lilt
tern, is the enrichment ot roor, thin
Ibhod, and strengthening tho weak, too.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
.ssSsesBBBBsfBBBsBssB 'T ":: IH...-(- """".!L
Government Will Throw Open Reser
vation in Montana Soon.
When It Is All Farmed It Will Add
About Twenty Million More Hash
rl of Grain to Country's
In connection with the settlement of the
IFortPock Indian reservation which will
be thrown open this fall, it is interest
ing to forecast the probable future ot this
Immenso tract of fertile land, now In the
Infancy of Its agricultural development
With the opening of this reservation over
8,000 citizens wltt follow tho sage advice ot
the present tlmo are wheat which runs
his generation and go west to grow up
with tho country. Approximately 1,315.000
acres will be thrown opert to settlement
an area, twice as large as the sUto ot
Ithodo Island and a veritable empire on a
smalt scale. Koch settlor is entitled to
1C0 acres of land, making' 8,400 farms to
bo distributed. Allowing four members
to a family this will Increase the popu
lation of Montana by over 32,000 people.
Statistics show that every person on thn
farm supports on an average two peoplo
In tho towns and cities and it is fair
to assume that the territory contiguous
to tho reservation will benefit to this ex
tent, which brings the grand total up to
Co.000 people.
Prof. Thomas Shaw, the noted agri
cultural expert, estimate that when this
land Is cultivated It will contribute
000,000 more bushels of grain to the na
tion's annual production. The two prin
cipal crops grown on tho reservation at
the present time ar wheat, which runs
from twenty to twenty-flvo bushels to
the acre and oats, from sixty to eighty
five bushels to the acre. Prof. Shaw
estimates that this land will produce
8,406,00 bushels of Wheat and 6,180,000
bushels of oats per year. At the present
market quotations, SS cents a bushel for
wheat and 70 cents a bushel for oats, this
would make a grand total ot over 111,-
000,000 for tlioso crops alone.
Theso rough estimate will give some
idea of the prosperous future which
awaits this section of tho great state of
Montana. Half a dosen modem town-
sites have already - been located by tho
government at points along tho main
trans-continental line ot the Great North
ern railway, which runs through tho Fort
Peck reservation for over ninety miles.
B. Ij. Wlnahell, dlrectqr of traffic for
the Harrlman lines, cam in from Chi
cago yesterday his car attached to
the Illinois Central train, and shortly
afterward left for tho wast, accompanied
by Vice President MUnroe, and Passenger
Tratflo Manager Fort Of the Union Pr
clflc Their cars went out on No. 9, the
fast mall.
From Omaha tho. Harrlman rood offi
cials go direct to Yellowstone park. They
will make a four-day trip through the
park and leave In tlmo to reach Salt Lake
City for the directors' meeting ot the
Union Pacific that will be held there next
Monday. Following this meeting they
will attend the directors' meeting of the
Oregon Short lino that will be held Tues
day. From Salt Lake Mr. Winchell prob
ably will go to the coast and return to
Chicago over the southern route.
As to the trip, Mr. Winchell said that
it has no significance. The two meet
ings at Salt Lake are simply annual af
fairs and are held there on account of
charter provisions.
Bo for as ho knows. Mr. Winchell says
the Union Paolflo has no extensive ex
tension plans in contemplation. It will
keep tho rood and Its equipment up to
the present standard of excellence and
will move along, keening pace with the
needs ot tho country through which It
operates and the conditions as they are
Italph O. Van Nets, mi North Twenty
first street, died yesterday at the age
of 93 years. He had been til for the last
ten days. Mr. Van Ness made his home
in Omaha for the last forty-seven years
and came here from Columbia county,
New York. He was well known as a
landscape gardener and nurseryman and
was occupied in such pursuits alt of his
life. During tho civil war he served in
the navy as acting mate and was a
charter member ot .the U. S. Grant post
of the Grand Army ot the Republic.
k""rvlvlng him are three sons and three
daughters Ralph O., Jr., of Omaha,
James IC and Charles A. ot San Fran
cisco; Mrs. B. J. Gorman of Peoria, 111.;
Mrs. William II. Slook of Greenstork,
Ind., and Mrs. Mat W. Custck ot Omaha.
The time ot the funeral has not yet
been arranged, but It will be conducted by
the U- 8. Grant post ot the Grand Army
ot the Republic and interment will be In
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Neal D. Keardon, A. B LU B., has
been added to the faculty of the Cregh
ton Collego ot Lhw, Mr. ncardon Is a
graduate of tho Northwestern university,
also ftio University of Illinois, and his
had a great deal -of teaching experience.
Ho will conduct ' the Wasses In common
!aw ple&Ulng. persons, code pleading,
trial practice, damages and sales.
Cause of Insomnia.
The most common cium ot Insomnia Is
disorders ot the stomach and constipa
tion. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these
disorders and enable you to sleep, for
sale by all druggists. Advertlseratnt.
The Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Travel Business
This Summer Was
the Largest Ever
"Our business this summer has been
the largest of any season," says R. D.
Miller, assistant general agent for the
Northwestern lines. "The extrrmely hot
weather has caused a general exodus for
the cooler parts of the country, some nf
the more popular points being northern
Minnesota, Wisconsin, points In Ontario
and Quebec Niagara Falls and Buffalo
havo come in for their share ot the sum
mer travel and the New England states
and northern New York have proven es
pecially attractive. The favorable ex
change arrangements made by tho lako
steamship lines have attracted many
people to take the Great Lakes route and
the lake travel has been so heavy that
it has been difficult In many caeea to
secure accommodations for those desiring
.to travel that way. The Buluth gateway
has proven especially attractive and one
of "the larger parties to take this route
were the Northwestern hotel men, who,
after their convention at Duluth last
week took tho Juniata for a trip to
Mackinac, Detroit and Buffalo, some ot
them leaving the Juniata at Mackinac
and using the steamship Manltou.
Other popular water trips include
tho St. Lawrence river, Lake Champlaln
trip from Montreal to Albany: the Hud
son rlvor trip from Albany to New York:
thb Old Dominion line from New York
to Norfolk: the Chesapeake Bay to Po
tomac river trips between Norfolk and
Baltimore and Washington and the all
ocean trip between New York and Bos
ton. TherTack Hills, which Include Hot
Springs, Deadwood and Lead, all In
South Dakota, havo proven very attrac
tive and many people who do not care
particularly for the lakes", but who'llko
the woods and hills' and trout fishing in
some of the numerous streams that
abound In that region have gone to this
part of the country."
Gunsolus Will Be
Given Opportunity
to Have Case Tried
The resignation of City Milk Inspector
W. II. Gunsolus, who quit his Job when
the -police commissioner asked him to ex
plain his connection with a shooting
scrape during a tire at the home of
Charles Daniels, was not presented to the
city commission by Commissioner J, J.
Ryder at the meeting.
Gunsolus In, It Is understood, under
suspension until ho asks for a hearing,
If he desires the case, tried. If he does
not ask for a hearing his resignation wll
be , accepted.
Thinking of Your Vacation ?
Plan to
See what the Great Lakes Region and Atlantic Coast has to offer
you. Innumerable varied attractions await you both in the cos
mopolltan cities and at the attractive seaside resorts.
Sightseeing, as well at fishing, boating, bathing and other outdoor
sports will make this vacation something different something
to be remembered.
Low Summer Fare Now in Effect
via the Chicago and North Western Line to Chicago and variable
routes therefrom to points East, aoros of tho more important
being as follows:
Detroit. Mich.
Boston. Mam.
Nw Yerk. N. Y.
Niagara Fall., N. Y.
Teronte, Out.
Montreal. Que.
Atlantic City, N. J.
Portland, Me.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Ticket on sale dally until September 30th. Return limit 60 days
not to exceed October J 1st. Favorable stopover privileges.
Unexcelled train service to Chicago and direct connection
Tickets on Sale Daily Until September 20th via the
Atlantic Oity, N. J 545.60 $46.00
Boston, Mass. $42.10 $46.50
Buffalo, N. Y. .7. , . . .$33.50-$35.50
Detroit, Mich $27.50
New York Oity $43.50 $46,50
Toronto, Ont. :. $31.10
Low round trip fares to many other northern and east
ern points. Circuit tours to New York and Boston going
one route, returning another. Ask for folders or for any
.information desirod regarding your trip. '
. 'Phone Douglas 283,
W. E. Bock, Oity Passenger Agent, Omaha.
Undesirables Are
Ordered to Move at
Once from Dundee
Numerous complaints from residents ot
the western section ot Dundee concerning
a house in that exclusive neighborhood
have caused County Atttornoy Magney
to order the persons who have been living
In It to move Immediately and take out
all the furniture, under penalty of prose
cution under the Albert law. A promlso
was made that the house would be empty
within a few hours.
Recently the residents ot one section
of Dundee bought a house from a young
woman who had been making it her
home. '
Lelghton Bixby, S718 Blondo street, a
street car conductor, was shot through
the left thigh early this morning when
Tom Miller, a cook in the George Gruber
restaurant 32U South Twenty-fourth
street, accidentally discharged a 32
callber automatic. Blxby Is in St
Joseph's hospital and Miller Is under ar
rest, charged with discharging fire arms
in the city limits. Witnesses In the
restaurant at the tlmo of tho shooting
say it was purely accidental.
20 rouni
Frm Oatha to
G. A. R Encampment
twiifille ft NuhTille R R
Nu&Yifle,CkiUaMta ft SL LuisRr.
mektt- em sale 7taW iei8 laolo.
tve, arse retorsjayr until Ssetambe
ML Win MtUm ttf asAammJm - -
sto uw woteser it. KtoB-oreM wr.
laltflili mM UT Mini mL
ESfi Ask rr , A. B.,
BHUtllds XooUtt ana otao liters.
K. C WALLII, D. P. A., SL Luis
ftW.MOmW.N.W.r.A., Ckk
Go East
$42.10 to 46.50
43.50 to 45.50
33.50 to 35.50
31.10 to 35.50
33.50 to 40.35
45.60 to 46.00
43.85 to 47.85
33.50 to 35.50
with all lines East
For printed mstttr and foil particulars
call on or address
Chicago and North Western Ry,
1401-1403 Famam Si.. Omaha, Nth.
From Omaha
To California and Pacific Northwest
$25 to Idaho, Utah, Minim
Correspondingly low fares from other point?.
Dolly Septembor 25th to Ootobor 10th, inclusive.
Opportunities are plentiful In this -wonderful
progressive country, and on application, literature
will be glodlr furnished giving specific Information.
' Liberal stopovers are permitted on these reduced
fare tickets. Denver and Salt Laka City may be
visited en route.
: Standard Road of the West
' Protected by Automatic SHectrlo Block Safety
Dustlesa, Doubla Track.
Six t rates carrying through tourist cars loavo
Omaha every day.
Special oolonUt. all-touriat-cnrr trains wilt leave
Omaha September 26, 27, 28, October 9 and 10. Per
tonally conducted.
For further Information relative- to routes, rates,
reservations, etc., imply to
' 1324 Farn&m St., Omaha, Neb.
!N Phone Doug. 334. i
(Correspondingly low fares to Nevada.)
via Rock Island Lines
Daily Electric Lighted Drawing Room
. Sleepers via Pueblo, D. & R. Gr.lo Salt
yi Lake Cifcy, thence "Western Pacific to
San Francisco.
Daily Electric Lighted Drawing Room
Sleepers via Denver, D. & R, G. to Ogden,
thence Southern Pacific to San Francisco.
Personally Conducted Tourist Cars
uLCIUL. leave Omaha "Wednesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays via Denver, D. & R, Gt. to
Ogden, Southern Pacific to Los Angeles.
Through Tourist Oars leave Omaha
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sun-
LoIoraClO d,ays via Denvcr D. & K G. to Salt 'Lake
City, thence "Western Pacific to San
Dining Car Service All the Way
Sinner Teirist
laily Uitil September 30th
via the
To all principal points in the east,
limited October 31st for return
Homeseekers Tickets on sale tho first and third
Tuesday of each month to many points in tho south
and southeast at greatly reduced rates. Limited
25 dayB. Shill information and descriptive liter
ature at
407 South 16th. Tel. Douglas 264.
"An hotel of distinction
with moderate charges"
Within flvs minutes of principal rsllw.y terminals.
Situation idssi.
KffiVJSS. PS,dy"S it frlt
DoubU bedrooms, boudoir h
5uUes-Prloli,bdroomsndbth - " " JI0,Zli;$l5
Each room trith bath
For Illustrated Booklets, Fares and Detailed
Information, address
J. S. McNally, D. P. A,
14th and Farnam Streets,
Omaha, Neb.
Tickets ei Sale