i 10 Polly and Her WANT ADS Want ads received at anjr time, but to Ib-bto proper classification must be presented before 13 o'clock noon for Uio evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. for tbn morning and Hun day editions. Want ada received after such hours Kill nave their first insertion under tho heading, "Too JLato to CU-sif y." CASH HATE FOR, WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION t One insertion IS cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 ceata per lino. One Hro per month,. $1.80. Twenty ceata a minimum charge. Advertisement charged to patrons fiavisg accounts are measured by the finei sot by tho word. CHARGE RATES. Six words to tho line. On 3 insertion 12 cents per Use. 'Xko or more 'ooasecatire laser toa 0 ceata per line. Om line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having acconnts are mens tired by the line, not by the word, NOTE Tho Bee will not bo re sponsible for more than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho 10th of tho following month. An advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must bo atopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. Pealar In Omaha are: Lea A. Moffsaan. tut and. DodsT. MTU Dea4r, t and Cumins. N. r. Hwaaasa, 17ta ana Cumins;, a. H. Brewer, m North J4t St.. SWJk Dxnaha. You can order AMCOMIAGI tram th foltowlr CEMJsTJCRI ,,, FareaC lawn. Phone Florewoa 14. Propct Hill. Phone Websterf. WMt Lawn. Phone Douglaa 8. Mount Hop. PJm Benson ll-. Gracaiana Park. Phaaa Douf as Holy Saaulcher. 31S Barker .. v Or, orr atreet from the AMERICAN ARCOPHAGUB COMPANY. Douglas 2rtt. Oftlca 94 Flm Nat. Ban- nmg, B1CATK ARB JfUSiKHAX. NOTICES, ' The funeral of L. It. Wrenn will to held from Crosby's parlors. Twenty fourth and Seward, stroets, Friday-after-noon at 3 o'clock. Interment, Foret awn cemetery. MIRTHS AND DEATHS BlrthB-Jcssa and Carrlo Bourne, SUE Saratoga, girl; J. U and Lorcna Cum jiilnB, hospital, boy; C, and Maria Carl son, J2S5 Davenport, boy; Guj. and Madeline Griffith, hospital, boy; J, and Helen Joseph. 1207 Pierce, boy; Steve and Mary Kenast, 1706 North Thirtieth, girl; Tt. and Laurie Kirk, 1329 South Twenty eighth, gtrl; C E. and Clerha Sergeant, A2 Fort, girl Death; a 1, W. Webster, 7J years. 21CC Kim. MAKRIAUK LICENSES. . Tha . teWlwiac inarrlaga licenses have xeB Mauoa: Namo and Address. , Age. aienmia Seabnmelmann,. Cleveland 24 3Jora Grew, Omaha .......3 "William E. HarUnan, Kansas City,. .,..33 Jrma Deerta, Des Moines.,,.,.. 7 IFrad Atklaa, South Omaha 23 jatani ye, eoutn utnana.. , 19 Fraak Sfaroer, Xalvern, la.......,,,..,,. 30 o Aiianie sncknant, Anthony, Kan. ....,,.27 Giusipe Di FrlMo, Council Bluffs.. ,.2S Anna CaMva, Omaha... ....is 3ly l. Wilson. Council Bluffs., 23 Jluth Nicholson. Nebraska City 20 3'raBcls H. Burrows, Omaha .,,.. .21 3211a James, Omaha ,,.,,,,. 14 aeorea AltkenhewJ, Omaha..., J....5S SSaufle Guns, Omaha so John wachtler, Omaha,... 30 Anna Nelson. Omaha 33 pwen E. Searson, Manila, P. I. ,,.24 Anna A. Bryant. Needles, Cal,. 40 Ochn 3. Siegel, Omaha. , ,40 Blanche O. English, Omaha....... ...... .34 Robert T. Hill. Lincoln , 32 Xloresca M. Parmeloe. Omaha..., to z-xuncetot C. DoXory, Valentine Helen Kimmel, Mission, S. D .., 2' rank ItaubalL Omaha ZSiuabeth lust, Omaha 1$ John Blllo. Avoca. Ia si Dora Herman, Gretna. ..., ...23 Saveao Muaco. Omaha..., , ,,.30 vngeta atosa ccaiso, umana ....3S BUILDING P13IIJ1IT3. Jane B. Burbank and Annie C. Brown. aa Konn ir0ru4tn MqK apartment. flO,CQ9; John Beshealas, S&C0 Crown Point. tT!?? dwelling, $2,600; Alma Blaok. 3224 t w uwsnta, irame aweiung, HELP WANTED KKMALK. Aseata man batvonutuen. i-vfjHujviiytiu BBiesiaaies for our cloak and suit department Apply it SlS?hi. r' awn"t, .Nebraska WANTED Exoerksnced cornea jot B basement miUlntry depart ZSbimZJP Cwt- Priutendcnt, Clevteml sad urtice. VANTBT-OowPatent office girl, small ay w art. Apply between ( aud 10 WmI wry saw Traaea. Ljitb tiatrdreMibjr WANTKD CilrE" at Oppenhelma Ilea IUruft Co. THS Nefc. Tf. Co. tea It St A A flirt I -.. HUffibar ot alrU in tin opera tint; depart- ant AMneants must furnish refer- Ap. fSL f-'-arn,l," r"rlt traffit chief. and Douglasi KXPFJiiHNCKD waIni7rM foT ekMc and uU aiierailoti department 9v at oaca to Mr. S. Grteablat, .Vraakf, Clot-lag Cs. PalsOk, Well, That's Different fSO MarKf I 5. h wIW -that pa Hm ,$Tfl WW I mwll -Sleep iM "Those. J1I SI 11 1 . ) i ' " VA SMI VA J'eif Mill i 1 V Wk W4L: "E'5"(r i n'SJ IIKLP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeping? and Domestics. TUB SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The 138 trill run a Servant Qlrl Wanted Ail FREE until you sot the desired result. Thin applies to resident" of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs, Brlngyour ad to The Dee offlc or telephone Tyler 1O0O. EXPERIENCED girl for Irene rnl house work: 1M3 N. 2ith St., South Omaha. Phoile South 034. G1HL for Keueral housework, lira. Shepard, 2004 Wirt St. Tel. W. 2812. WANTED Competent Rlrl for general housework; good wages; no washing. Harney 3120. WANTED a Rlrl for general house work, two In family. Tel. Harney mi. GIRL to assist with housework; small family: no washing; good payi good home for right party. Harney 4831. WANTED A girl work. UU 8. 84th fit. for general house Tel, Harney isn. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. Reynolds. 104 N. aist Ave. OIRL. for general housework. Three adults in family. (113 Webster. Harney 4490, WANTED An experienced cook at once. Apply Mrs. James Boyd, 1803 Davenport Bt. WANTED A Klrl for general house work. Call evenings between 7 and 9, after-Tuesday, 8335 Woolworth Ave. i WANTED Competent Klrl for general housework; 3 In family; good wages; nico pome. Appiy ai once. z?Z4 spauiaing ut, or phone Webster 30S0. OlRLt for general housework; no loun dry work; permanent place. 3122 Chicago. . WANTED A good nurse for two weeka Mrs. A P. Tukey, 3126 Chicago. WANTED N oat nurse girl tor child of eighteen months. Call at, 617 City National Bank Bldg, or Phone Douglas 1&3 be tween 2 and 4 p. WANTED A girl for aecond work. St. Mary's Ave. 2005 WANTED Competent girl for general housework: must be a good cook; refer rncrs required. Mrs. Benjamin F. Baker, 102 So. 33th St. Harney 317. WANTED A good competent girl for general housework, three in family; good wages. Address 112 N, 36th Ave, Tel. Harney xx. WANTED A Rlrl for trenoral house. work; god wages; no washlnu; white girl preierrea. jiaraey mat. WANTED Youne Ctrl to asHlst with light housework. 2214 Willis Ave. WANTED Competent Klrl fop enrs1 housowork; three In family; laundress employed; must be neat, clean and good plain cook; an excellent place f6r thn right glrh Phono Harnoy Id or call at 2S36 a 32d St. GIRL for general housework on ranch hear Sheridan, good wages and transportation. Tel. Doug, 3Z&. WANTED Competent Klrl for aenerat housework; good wages; small family. Harney &&4. WANTED- First class laundress by day. 1S09 Capitol Ave. WANTHD-A vnilnir arlrl tn naslst with housework. Good homo. Small family. Wob. esa. 1830 N. 18th. WANTED Experienced Klrl for gen eral housework. Harney tSO. 3308 Harney. WANTED Canablo slrl for house work. 402 No. 38th SU Tel. liar. 720. Mrs. S. D. Barkalow. WANTED A competent cook and a Competent housemaid. References. Ap ply SOil So. 32d Ave Tel. Har. 206. wages; no washing, tuo Harney St. Har ney BUoJ. COMPETENT girl for general house work; laundress employed. Mrs. a, K Carpenter. 416 N. 39th. Phone Harney 6222. WANTUD-A good girl for general housework. Apply 1005 N. 2tn. WANTED A good plain cook. 1233 B. 37th St. Harney 3237. OIKL for general housework. Harney 23S. WHITE houeekeener. tnUdle-ared ur. ferred. to caro lor children during the day. 1130 N, 27th Ave. Mrs. Felix Roach. ELDEIVLY woman to assist with bonus. work; god country home. Benson 28S. MtacettHMVoas. YOtTNG Wnmen mtnfntr in nmaVn strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building ft St Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' guide at the Union Station. GOVERNMENT POSITION!) OI'UN To WOMEN-$7$ month. Write Immediately for free list Franklin Institute. Dent. COO F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Bright Klrls as nrmmn, and Inspectors; must be 16 years or over. Apply superintendent Prandeia Stores. lauira sowni anu aresses: aooa snisrv. steady position to tho right party. Dresner Bros., 2211 Farnam St. HELP WANTED AIALB. Aenta, yalesMva and Solicitors. WANTED 1 neat appearing young mtn iu travel jxppir ,v ranueis xne. uiqg. SALESMAN for men's furnishings. One caoaoio 01 takinir cum ni ii-nirtmi.ni nyiiij oupcnnienacni urain uros. Hoys. WANTED Of flee boy with experience. State age. references and salary wnti Give phone number. Address a-m, care WANTED BriKht bora or riffle- Desirable positions. Must bn 16 years oldi "wy mreriumucin. xtrunaeis mores. Factory and TraSea. HARVEST HANDS and Canada. Omaha reau. 121 North Kth. for tha Dakota employment uu GET into the most vrotltabU business pt today, the automobile business, and become independent Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities of teaming the business by actual expert one on different makes of cars. Out terms ara moderate. Write or call Na tional Auto Training assoc'iatlon, Tii N. 20th 8t. Omaha. Neb. TeX W. 8N3. Drug store auaps; Joba Knelit. Bea Bldg, K1Q11T cariuers wunt(d at Clarksou, Ntb.. al' inside work, at once, apply to I It- U. Oieon, flarkuon. Neb. ATTiSNDtbtt RIGHT HCHOOL. Larr. . 1 eat best equipped school and repair sho our v'n antlra west Price no more Ahan any A p. 1 of the so-called ecnoola. Equipment and No-1 faculty not to be compared In any par I tlcular. NEBRASKA AUTOUOBIUB ) SCHOOL, 1417 Podge. Ttl Doug, 3043. t THE BEE: A. B. C. of Omaha A EION'S KOSHER CME JL A emy. ntanda for o unlit v. uuontltv A econ- 31C 8. Hth, middle of block. 2d floor. Empress ANT SEAT 10c, ANY TIME. KERR Abstract Co., B S. 17th . St Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. V ACUUM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cjcanlnc done In the home. Sanitary Service Co. TeL Doug. 2904. HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trade. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. WANTED a coatmaker, steady work J. P. Occam. Seward. Nab, WANTED Men at once to learn ,tha barber trade. A hundred joba waiting. Few weeks completes. Better wagts than you can earn without trade. Tools given. Wage while learning, Drop a card for particulars or call Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th 8u YOUNG Men Study JLw. Omaha School of Law. Law Department, University of Omaha. Evontng sessions. Further in formation address, Secretary, 610 Mc Cague Bldg. Phone Douglas ftf7. WANTED-Prlnter with some all around experience, In country printing office; $12 per week; no boosing or cigarcttos. Address Eagle, North Bend, Neb. WANTED For U. 8. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tho English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruiting- Officer, Army Bldg., 15th and Dodge Bta., Omaha, Neb.; CC 4th St, Sioux City, la.; ISO N. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb. Xflscellaaeoas. MEN Age 18 to 30, wanted at once for firemen and brakemm; no experience necessary; ISO to $130 per month; pro motion; no strike; write Immediately for full particulars. Address Y 243,, care Bee. WANTED Experienced floor man. State full particulars in first letter re garding salary, experience, reference, etc. Apply In person It possible. P. Martin & Bro. D. Q. Co., Grand Island. Neb. .PBRMANENTiresldent manager wanted to represent the natural Aromatto cigar etts: only those who are well ac quainted with the trade and can carry stock on hand should apply. A. Schinasl ft Bros., Inc.. 230 Canal St., N. Y. C. WANTED Railway mall clerks. $73.08 to $150 month. Detail free. Franklin Institute. Dent 213 F.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men to try November exam- inaUon for Omaha mall carrier; $6S to $108 par month. Apply Y 218. Bea. THOROUGHLY experienced tunltor. Apply superintendent Orkln Bros. PERSONS ha.vlntf fnrnirn in tonrl. t&. We waiting or any extra work for de serving young men students, phone I. J. Beard, Y. M. C. A. Tyler 1500. HELP WANTED. MALE ANU KI3MALE. WANTED Cash clrls and each bo v.; must be 16 years or age or over, Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED SITUATIONS. FARM hands furnished, ahort Yinttna free. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. torn di. xeu uoogias luz. Wante posit as practical nurse. W. WANTED position by first class ana ex- perlonctd colored Janitor and wire in apartment houso or flat, can run steam plant Wallace. Red 7246. FIRST CLASS ' carnenter wants con. tract or labor on house. Would go out of city. L 177, Bee. . WIDOW lmil V WfLnta.tuslMnn am hn.i... ketper In the city. 1710 Cass. WANTED Position aa chauffeur for board and room by boy who wants to go to school. Address J-179, care Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Standard Furn. Rep. let cL rep's. Jlad SCSI. D.B. Griffith, wig mfr. UFrenser Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co, K.M.E.,.10!,ooy,9 messenger sarrlct, - w ...... W V . WW. V. WWfc HAZEL LEAF PILE CONKS Beat remedy for Itchinsr. bleedlnirnr nrotrurllnr piles; eOp postpaid; samples free. Sher- man e wcuonneu urug to., omana. ATTRACTIONS, Omaha film exch.. 11th and Doug. Mo Uon picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND'S Big new garaao at 2th and Farnam. FOBE DOOES SEAT COVERS. $100 reward tot' any magneto we can't r- f ir. ujii repair.ng. nayaoorrtr, 210 N.13. AM LEAVING city; will sell flve-paa-aenger Cadlllno auto cheap; fully equip ped and In good condition. Phone South 1S7, or South 521. FOR SALE My Pope Hartford 50 H, car. W. A. Mauror. Council Bluffs. Motoreyolea. WRITE FOR LIST of Second-hand motorcycles. U1UU.U1 nisniuuiaA u v 1; L.iS cjo,, HTH AND HARNEY. SUB-AGENTS wanted for the Yala motorcycle in nearby territory. Alro bar gains in all makes used motorcycles. Vic. tor It. Roos, "the llotorcycle Man." Har. ley-Davidson and Yale motorcycle-, 3701 btavenwortn ut. umana. isec. HU8INESS CHAAUns Special plans for aellieg your business or real estate, nenneoec- to., uruana. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE wacted in evsry town In Nebraska for a Contract Loan and Investment company; all or spars time. Call or writ Mr. Wing, all City National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE New drug store, In fine buttnesa town ot 500, south central Na. braaka-EnelUh wall cases and fountain: Invoice 33.KA Reason, must tak back old store account ot party not maklnc payments. Writs S 95, car Us. . OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1913. BUSINESS CHANCES. ESSEX Trading Co., Metropolitan Bids.. New York, aro looking for exclusive agency for general household specialties. Only high grade articles considered. Send particulars and circular. TO get In or out of business, call on GANG EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. GOOD building tor drug business. Write Langdon Bros., aretna. Neb. FURNITURE and lfcaae of 35-room modern hotel, county seat town, splen did opportunity, 32.EO0; also a good 20 room for 11,000. and a dandy lt-room, $300. Gangestad, 404 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. UNRIVALLED opportunity for small capital In new town In Irrigated forming district; Hah;, the terminus of tho North Platte valley branch of the Union Pacific. Wahted: Hotel and restaurant, general merchandise, hardware and implements, and all other kinds of business. Don't stop to write. Come and see for yourself. Everyone will have money here this fall. II. W. Halg, P. O., Mitchell, Neb. FOR SALE OR LEASE New 26-room hotel. Handsomely decorated, finished natural wood. Large, shaded front porch; two baths, 18 beds, office, parlor, linen closets, etc. Dining room 22 feet square: convenient kitchen; electric lights and steam radiation In every room, 27 radia tors. Ready for occupancy any time. Write owner, M. N. Spencer, Red Oak, Ia. GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. We will give a reliable, energetic li quor salesman an opportunity to go into buttnesa for himself by giving him a house account with us of exceptional advantages. Must have a liquor trade of his own of at least $40,000 per annum and a small capital, Bay $2,600. Wo will do all the shipping and billing. Any rran making arrangements with us will bo in position to compete with any wholesalo liquor dealer In' the United States. Wo will also consider a straight salary proposition. Arthur Lehmann & Co., Distillers. Peoria. 111. INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN FARM -r , . MORTGAGES. f fy V net our Investors 7 111 per cent on, choice first fS mortgagou on Improved g V Nobrauka farms In . .' . amounts from $300 to $10,000. No Joans for over 80 per cent marketable value of farm. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., fpl Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. BUSINESS PERSONALS Brass Foa-drlcs, Paxton-MUchell Co.. 27ih arid Martha Sts. Chiropodists. PR. ROY, 1505 Farnam. Douglaa 6487. C&froyractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. P. 846L Mrs. Rosa Boesen, 1823 Lake. Web. 4795. Creameries, Dairies and UnfipUea. PAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. China Painting;. rWTVA n.lnlln.. j, Mrs. F. C. Haynes. 1525 8. 2Gth St D. 4930, 'Dancing- Academies. THE last month at Mackle'a for aiim. nier rates. Mill liarncy. JKWKI.l. HIMPKOW rir.il.. - , ' w . . , whb 9 AUIUW rlum. Opening Sept. 2. Webster 243L Ureasmaklnar, Terry PresSmkg. college, -2Hh & Farnam. Detectives. Omaha Sec. 8er. Agcy.. 428 Paxton. D. 1319 JAMKH ALT. AM M.ulllA mv n. dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Orlnklas- Onus. 160 SANITARY naDer drinklnir cum Kfi postage paid. Burklty Env. Co., Omaha. Drags. 0 Orders; catalogue free. Sherman St cConnell Prug Co.. Omaha. Nb, Florists, A. Donaghue. 1607 Farnan- P. 108L HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St L. HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. D. 1258. KTerytblan- for Wosaea. trlch Plume Co., 208 Neville Bldg. D. JulO. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Iiruger. 4SQ.A. Paxton Blk. D.839 BedbUK. roach & ant killer. mlar'tM . lsfactory or money refunded. Special large wuh, hog, yjmana Lnem. Co., Doug. 434- Furnaces, Stoves and Repairs. "Wo Carry Eeoaira for fltrnnr. afNm anA V, n wn..H v. -1 1 and stoves and have competent workmen to do the work. -Now la the time to pre paro for winter. No charge for Inspection. umuna stove lienair works 1206-8 Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tvl.r 1034. O'NelU's. IMS. Farnam Bt Osteoaathy. Alice Johnaon. S0S-9 Brandels The. Bldg. -laalc, Art aaa asssv, THE EFFaIlLIS MUSIC SCHOOL 90S Old Boston Store Bldg., will con tlnue to give lessons for IS centa to any pupil who brings a card from Miss McGee. ot the City Mission, of any othpr head ot a charitable Institution, saying that he is not able to pay any more. This still holds good lit the voice, piano, viuiiu ana inroiy ucjjuunniu, Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. I'lumblBg, Plumbing and heating, Fischer & Con- neu. 1JJ5 William bt Doug. birr. J. A. WESSMAN. M12 Leavenworth: mod, heating a plumbing. P. 3792. H. 2144. J. J. Ostrontc, plumbing, heating, gaa fit ting; free estimates. 1414 8. 18. Tyler ISO. Patents, Q. O. BarnelU Paxton Rlk. Tel. Red 7117. IL A. Sturges. 630 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Plating. CONTRACTS wanted for nickel plating, reasonable charges; first-class worn. Write Clartnda Plating works for prices. Clarinda Plating Works, Clarlnda, la. Drawn BUSINESS PERSONALS. Printing-. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel, Doug. 614. Tho Kaber Printing Co. jgftS'ffiZ REE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARNHART l'tg. Co., qUal ity printing. Tel Doug. 2190, 624 3. 13th. CENTRAL PRINTING Co.. Doug. 37&L Sen-Ins Slacblnes. LOVEJOY, Web. Clean and repair. sheet Metal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Stores and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. we buy, we sell. Omuha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2744. Trunks and Suitcases. FUELING & STEINLE. 1803 Far nam St. Upholstering- and Repairing. EKWALL & CARROLL, reflnlshlng. re palrlng. Int. decorating. 2418 Leav. D. 5018. Wtaea and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches, AlcxJetes. 201-3 8. 13th St. EDUCATIONAL BETTER PAY AND BETTER POSITIONS Hundreds of young- rrien and women ara preparing for success in business by tak ing up studies In the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE! Regular term opens September Z. Finest quartern; unsurpassed facilities for teaching; graduates guaranteed good positions; easy terms of tuition; special inducements to enroll at once; handbook of lessons on business forms and practice given free. Unusual opportunity to set a practical business education, dend for catalogues. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, 1815 Farnam St, Omaha. Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL. Stenography only. Patronized by the educated and experienced. Day and night school. No solicitors. Telephone or write for catalogue. Omaha. Neb:, DO YOU KNOW HOW to do any one thine well? Co you know that the bli; business houses are search . ing ior cincienr, young men ana women like those who are graduating every month from THE BOYLES BUSINESS TlAINING SCHOOLS, Omaha and Council Bluffs. &nd Night School all the year round. Pay Comnlrta courses tn huslness. hookkeen- Ing, stenography, telegraphy, civil service and salesmanship'. More calls for grad uates ror paying' positions tnan we can flit Write ror our new catalogue. Call And seo us. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2 Special inducements to enroll now. Ad dress II. B. Boyics, Pres., 1810 Harney Bt., Omaha, Neb. Y. M. 0. A. NIGHT SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 15TH Arch, or Meeh. Drawlnir. 110? Arith. (Elo; $5; Bus., $7;j Carpenters' Arith., $3.75; uooKKeeping, iz; hum. twrrespona euce, $7; Bus. English, $7; Com. Uv. $10, rnn. Electrical aungineoring, ia. jiec trlcal Testing, $15; Ele. English, $3; Free hand Prawlna-. 87: Gaa Engineering.- $7.50: German, $10; Penmanship, $7; Plain Itcad- n;g ana mat,, l'uouc speaxins, vi; balesmunfihlD. 830: Shorthand nnd Type writing. $18; Showcard Writing, $7; Spell- UK. , nieam .nKinuorinB, fiu. Hxtrn. fee of S3 la charged nonm-mbers. J7th & Harney. Call Educ. Dept.. Tyl, 1S00. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heavy teaming gears and wagons; best makes and larirest variety In the city. Johnson-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jonas Sts. Closlmr out our high crado Racine run abouts with steel tires for $20, with rub ber tires for $05; worth $125. Johnson Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. Horse, wagon, harness cheap. 2694 Wirt LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost acme article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs street ltauway com. pany to acertaln whether they left It in the ntreet cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company la anxious to restore thorn to tho rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. LOST-An Elk'a tooth watch fob; own er's name on back; reward. Return to Bee office. LOST Between North Bend and 8chuy !er, Neb., brown Imitation leather suit case containing blue Bill: dies and other wearing apparel. Reward. City Garage, 115 W. Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. SMALL memorandum book. Finder will be rewardod It left at 2S5Q Cuming. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry curfts plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E 2t TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, cheap rates, nasy payments. Nor ton & Co.. is mara or iraoe uunoinr. OFFERED FOR HEN". Apartmesta and Flats. Gordon Van Co. 219 N. Uthet. orao a 17th St TeLD.sk 1807 FAUN AM 5 rooms completely mod ern, suitable location for otllces, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Plat Co.. 433 ltamge. P. 7408. C-ROOM APARTMENT, all modsrn, nawly repaired. 2n N. 0tU St Tat Web star 5975. FOR RENT 5-rooin house, all midern. In good condition, 1418 Ohio St Inquire Mis i-mnrcy oi. My -ui isorm utn st for The Bee by OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments sad Flats. FOR CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS of 3 and 4 rooms, with reasonable rent, that arc modern and steam heated, seo those In the Wright block, 318 No. 16th St THE ALBION, 10th and Pacific; an elegant 6-room apartment; thoroughly modern. Call X. 4312. 6-R. FLAT, 1202 No. 24th, cheap rent; well aranged; beautifully papered throughout; modern, call D. 4512. NEW 6-r. aptmta, one blk. from high school. F. Crawford. War Blk. R. K04. Apt in the Maowood, 211 Harney; large windows; living room, with disappearing bed; largo closet, with full-size mirror; kitchen, with gas range and tee box; fine bathroom; plenty of hot water; storage room In basement Summer rate, only $30; best of service. Bo auro to call and see this apartment ERNEST SWEET, D. 1472. 1238 City Nat Bank Bldg. THE HOLLYWOOD. Just completed. Located on Sweetwood Ave., near Harney St Fourteen 3-room apartments, consisting of line, large front living room, dining room or bedroom; Wtcnen fully equipped ; fine bathroom and two ivery large closets and storage room. The very best of service in every par tlcular. Price $33, with $5.50 added for heat during winter. Note the location and secure one. of these before they are all taken. ERNEST SWEET, 123$ City National Bank Bldg. Doug. 1472. UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, WALKING DISTANCE. NO. 408 COR. 29TH AND HARNEY STS. Next house east bf Baptist Church; 6 large, cool rooms, den and bath; every thing strictly modern and up-to-date and almost brand new: large front porch, window shades, eclipse gas range free, big closets, one block south of Farnam car; owner pays water rent; rent, $28; open all day Sunday. T Willows. Phone Red 1798. SC4 Brandels Bldg. . FOR CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS, of 8 and 4 rooms, with reasonable rent, that are modern and steam heated, see those in the Wright block, 318 N. 16th St Board and Rooms. VERY desirable room for one or two young men with private family, near 33d and California;, first-class accommo dations; board it desired. Address B 169, care of Omaha Bee. . FURNISHED room with board, steam, heat Phone Red 15. 815 Worthlngton. Faralsaed Rowuta. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat 1708 Jackson St Tyler 1581. PB CARNE, 2702-4 FARNAM ST. Rooms, pleasant reasonable. Har. 861. Housekeeping: Rooms. PAVENPORT, 2018, 2 or S housekeeping rooms. Hotels and Ayartaaents, DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Fnrnlaed Uoaea NEW. modern, furnished house for rent 1811 N. .34th. nOOTl fl.mnm nollRA tn tli Vm TTar. nam district, splendidly furnished, $75 per month. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 314. Uoasea and Cottage. T7TTVE?T THTV Storage and Van J? I I JVA A I Y Co. Gooda atored, AA-'A-fi-'A A A m0ved. packed shipped, 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug 1518. A COMPLETE list of vacant nonets. apartments and flats that are for rent This is a list compiled dally and can 04 seen tree ot charge at SOB South 17th St. UUAHA VAX, AINU BTUKAUtJ CO. NO EQUAL 7-room house. 4-rOom flat all modern. Tiaard. 230 N. 23d. FOR RENT Two-ate rv frame dwelllna en Cass, near' 26th; modern. Creigaton university, uougias osa. Minntnn van and Tnnni i?r packs, move, stores and alilpa household gooda and pianos. Douglas 1466. Jf T?atnr! Kxi. Co., furniture moving. . xmsvu T0 men, $1 hour. P-6146. New S-roorri modern cottage at 2428 Larl- more. uooa lurnace, lawn, cement waiKs; only $20. 1236 City NatBank Bldg. P. 1472. HOUSES-3 to c rooms, C07 Paxton blk. No. 2621 Capitol Ave., 7-room, all mod ern housu, $20.00. No. 1122 So. 32d St, 9-room, modern house, $15. ALFRED C. KENNEPY. . 209 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Poug. 722. TTniifinn ia all parts or the city. XaoUHL'H crush. Sons Co.. Bee Blig 6-r. and 3-r. houses, mod. Good location. 719 and 725 & 37th. Webster 2m 8-r.. mod. house. 1309 8. 29th. P. 4472. BRICK HOUSE Seven Rooms Four Bedrooms. Modern in Every Respect. At 1511 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 1509. FOR RENT Strictly modern 7-room house, 4602 Florence boulevard, on the prettiest mile in Omaha; grounds l&ox 400; one hundred shade trees; flna view; screened porch; carpets on all floors, screens and shades at all windows; gar age; owner takes care ot grounds. Tele phone Webster 711. One block from cars. WM. I. KIERSTEAP. Owner. MOPERN brick house, 2913 Mason St. near park car. Harney 1550. TEN-ROOM brick house near high school, furnace, gas, laundry, grates and mantels; very fine residence. Keys 2d01 Capitol Ave., adjoining. FOR RENT 107-106 S, Kth Bt; modern very way; ateam heat; closest-m room ing and boarding proposition In the city. JAMB NEVILLE. SCO Neville Block. 3320 Mandarnon. fit rooms, $12.60. 2218 Clatk. S rooms, $10. 2S13 Woolworth, i roomk, mod., $25. 2213 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod., suitable for light housekeeping, 130. 710 No, 23d, 7 rooms, mod., brick, $23. 1903 Cap. Ave., 10 rooms, 2 baths, t'M. RINGWALT. Brandels Theater Bldg. Five rooms and bath. 815 No. 27th Ave, 2431 So. 16th St, 8-rM modern. $24. 1026 So. 25th St, -r part modern. $15. 1440 Westerfleld. E-r,t city water, $9. 2S14 Reea. -r., cltynter, $9. 2418 Bo. 6th St.. 5-r., city water, $7.50, CREIGH. SONS Jfe COMPANY, &0S Ben Bldg. Douglas 2u0. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Cliff Sterrett 4 OFFERED FOR .RENT. Houses and Cottages. 624. S. 2th St., 9 rms., all mod $50.W ira in. Jim 01., a rms., vj. w. et gas. ivj 4107 Izard St, 7 rms, all mod 23.00 3610 Jones St, 8 rms., all mod 27. W 844 S. 22d St. 7 rms., all mod 32.50 BIRKETT & COMPANY. Douglas 4754. 423 Bco Bldg. OAKLAND COURT 3-r., mod, ex. heat." oak finish, gas range, elec. lights, cement basement, ono-story, new brick flats, Ref. required, $12. Open for Inspection now. 3030 S. ISth. Woodman. Red 4002. Stores and Ofliuea. FOR RENT-The office on ground floor of Tha Bee building occupied by ih Havens-White Coal company. FrjUtaga on Farnam St and occupying about l.M square feet with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault Flna office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee' office. STORE ROOM. 616 S. 13th St, c, w. ahd sewer, $15. BIRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bea Bldg. .Poiig. 47S4. NEW Btore building, 26x60. Steam heat 1708 Jackson. 310 8. 13th St S2UX60. 616 8. 13th- St, atoro room, city water and sewer $15. BIRKETT & COMPANY, Douglas 4734. . 423 Bee Bldg. OFFERED FOti SALE. Kuraltnrc Some odd pieces of furniture: mission bookcase, table, blrd's-eyc maple chlf forier, writing desk, und chair; must be sold at once. 128 So. 35th St. COMPLETE furnishing for 7-room house. Practically now. Groat sacrlttce. Owner leaving city. 2916 Fowler. Web. 49. Musical Instrument. ELECTRIC piano, J125. 119 Is Uth. Typewriter. Alali makes typewriters icntcd tin's sotf aay terms. Butta Typewriter Exchange, rt T-MTTTT m aHil 1 1 trr Hv liactrl tVnDwrlrsri rented and sold cn easy terms. Dmaba n 41 a iril, c?a xypewrnor -Jacimnitc, iu p. writer, visible, late model, back cpaca key, guaranteed A No. 1 machine. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 1819 Far nam. Phone Pouglas 2213. Remember, this la new location. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. f3. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER E&CHANOC. RENT an Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $j. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Poug. 2319. Mlscellaxeoas. 8AFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenxlo Ptg. Co.. 1107 Harrtey. D 2644. wiVSi, carloads of beer- bottles lor- sale. Quarts and pints. Nathan Steinberg, 1019 Harney St . win rat.t3.Mayv nnd Mrnnd.hand muuiii a ,.u vw . v..... . w.w .... bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures o& an Kinos, e njr vwmvuu. ,a Brunswiok'Balke Collender Co., 407409 6. 10th St 8x8 air compressor. 612 8. 14th. SAFEli Overstocked: second-hand; all makes. J. J. Pericht Safe Co., 1212 Farnam RM1TV Ink htii-rl for unlri. AnolV Bm Publlshlhg Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. NEARLY new roller top desk. P. 6430. i " PET STOCK. BOSTON terrier pups cheap. Poug. 3S56. PERSONAL. 16. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO tne L. II. Journal. 11.60: tha 8. E. Post 11.60; the Country .Gentleman, $1.50, bv feept SO, earns that $3,000 for the invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your renewal contributes 50c. Phone Douglas -7163, Omaha. . QLUmoiM. Ilia iiAUAf.ina mmn. Miss FiShef. mas., bath, elec. treat D. E43. 63-PAY BLOOD REMEDY, Beaten pharmacy. 12th and Oodsa. Tr A fJWWT'TC! treatment. E. Brott 1829 Vinton. D. wx, 10-ACHE PLACE, 6 miles of Council Bluffs on good, level road; 25 acres fine corn land, 4 acres alfalfa, 3 acres or chard, 1 acre vineyard, 7 acres pasture with timber enough for homo use, 5-room house, 2 gOod cellars, 2 barns, sheds, cribs, granary, etc., 2 good walls, a good, all around ltttlo farm where you con't have to depend on any one crop, but always have something to sell and a good market for everything you have. Such a placo so near these two cities is certainly cheap at $6,000. Let us show you, McGee Real Estate CO., 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Kindling wood. National Box Co., 39th and Pacific. Harney 117 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast, off clothing; In fact anything. you do i.ot need. We collect repair and sell at l?l Ni Uth St.. for cost ot collection, to tha worthy poor. TeL Douglas Uii and wagon will calL YOUNG women coming tn Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association, building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boardlug places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers am at tne union station. NfASSAfl-E Swedish movement. 4M MANICURING, face, scalp, magnetic treatment. Mlsa DeBar. 3711 Dodge. Marguerite Halloran. massage. D. 77t Massage, 1st fL r.C, 172a Dodee. Mrs. Steela 146 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO tha L. 11. Journal, $1.60; the 8. E. Post J1.50; the Country Gentleman, $1.50, by Sept 80, earns that $3,000 ror the Invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your renewal contributes 50c. Phone Douglas 7163. Omaha. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. POULTKY AND 8UPPMK8. LIGHT fawn and white Indian Runner ducks; puro white eggs; 4 ducks, 1 drake. $5. Qallap Poultry Farm. Braman. Okla. SALE OH EXCHANGE It. K. SEND for our largo exchange book Shopen ft Co., Dept B.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED In exchange, $500,000 worth ot good-paying Income properties direct from owner for my lands. A- B, Hsge man. Gieybull, Wyo. WANTED To exchange my ISO-acre improved farm in the Rosebud for atocK ot merchandise well located for business. Stock must not uxceed JIO.WU. Will J. Meyers. Winner, 8. D. OMAHA residence for Chicago home cr vacant lot P. O. Box 293.