Polly and Her l irJ0 3 WnME WRCEL'r Post) MW melS HER INTO , ' I V'NtVteR WliX' Hf ME RiR ForTV V4rtf I fl JW.TM MT-f PV LlHl MORNING WD IT M RFIffUE 1 ,fJ I 2ME IAJ HERE IM tf-LP ME rTEI WM 6lT SLOaJG VWrrHOOrJBf l WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but t' to iajure proper classification must t be presented before 13 o'clock noon for tlio evening cuiuon anu ueioro 7:80 p. m. for tho morning nnd Bun day editions. Want ads recclvod after such hours will have their first Insertion under tho heading, "Too La to to Classify." CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION! One insertion IS cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tion 0 cenU per lino. One. lino per month, 91.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts nro measured by tho llae, not by the word. CHARGE RATES. Six words to tho line. Ona Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive teser toa 0 cents per lino. One line per month $1.80. Tweaty cents a snlniniam charge. Advertisements charged to patrons Having accounts are measured by the liae, sot by the word. NOTE The Be will not be re sponsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after tho 10th of the following month. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. mmmimv CfceT In Omaha are; M Lo A. Hottraam 24th and Dodge. ST Ifc Dor, 334 and Cuming, ff. F. a-anaon, 17th and Cuming. O H. BreiW. M6 North 2Uh Bt. South Ton wr SARCOPHAGI tram thi faUawtng ckmsTTKKIKbh wet- HiV Phone WeButer 2404. Nwea Lawn. Phone Douglas O.. Mount Kaf. Phone Benson 1"-. i.,v niuin. nnuclas 1064. Holy Uopulchcr, 312 Barker Ma',nAU Or. order direct from the AMERICAN SARCOPHAGUS COMPANY. DpUB! Office 804 First .Nat, .inn BKATJMS AN 1'U.M:KAL NOTICKS. TtM funeral of Patrick r-halen will be feald from the family home. JB02. Miliary avenue, Tuesday morning at Wap,- at t. Cella al M Interment at Holy Heflulchcn CtTh funeral -of Mrs. Christina rc'lerson rlll-is:i:tli irofes" Crosby chapel, Tuesday afternon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. LODGU JSUTICI3, ' Members, of Pansy Camp No. 10.. JL N. of A., tiro requested to Attend the funeral of Bophle Dunn from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ahomanson, 2315 Charles street, Wednesday, September 3, at 3 p. m. MRS. ADA BRADY, Oracle.. MRS. OLIVE GRIMES, Recorder. CARD O THANK. Wi satrs to thank our many kind grlaaat and neighbors for their kindness , aatd sympathy shown us during the sick- Maa mm eath of our father ana brother, w C. Relmera. "arstT iNn unii. 3. A. TTrr?RTAM SkNRY REIMERS AND FAMILY. Wa dalra to exnrens our alneera an. ana ncartreit tnatms to our ar.a inenas tor tlielr kindneaa sympathy shown us during the long ana aeatn ot our oeiovea wue ana Also ror tne beautiful floral de- MJIS. j, j. uank, MISS JtOSH LANK. MISS MAMIE LANK. SIRTHs AND DBATMS. Mrtita-W. and Rum Wleth, til South a.MFtv-aecond. boy. f Deaths J. P. Phalen, 15 years, hospital; S 'W. C. itoyte. 1 days, 363 North Seven- MHtb: jacou Armaus. xai Lim. Mary Ju Lauk. S years. xs& South Eisventh; ,1, Mobcrson. j years, m norm inir teantb; Yank Abradovlc, 17 years, hos pltal. . HELP WANTED I'KMALK. Factory nnd Trade a. . jUeant halrdreaaicg at Oppanhelm's. TJ.2396 thh Nnh. Tel. Co. can use a limited number of girls In the operating depart ment Applicants must furnish refer eneea. tialary naid while learning. AD' jsly C. V. Lambert, oletrlct .trafflo chief, ma ana uouim. HoasekeepluBT and Domcattca. Tins SERVANT GtRIi PROBLEM fiOLVEDTht Uei Will run a Servant 04rl Wanted A-l FREE until you get the aUMred results. Tula applies to residents r Omaha South Omaha and Council Stuffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or tutphone Tyier iwo. GIRL for general housework. Mra. gaepard, ai wirtBtTet w. 2512. EXPERIENCED girl tor general house work; 1513 N. 25th Bt, South Omaha. Phone South so 4. 1 WANTED Competent girl Ipr general housework; .good wages; no washing. VVANTLD a Klrl for general house work, two la fam'Jy. Tet Harney C3SS. GIRL to assist with housework, small family; no washing; good pay; good fcttwg for runt party, iitrney sii. "GlRL for general hwaework. 1 family Mrs, W 1 1. Taylor. 6041 Davnn Krt Harney 4430. WANTED A Ctrl for general house work. 1313 a StthiBt.. TeU Harney 18tt ""V ANTED Girl tor-general housework. ' tar iNTEIl-Someone ' take core child too far from bualneia section of town cearu youiie, counie. mui. not. ne Aearru i J be. care uce. ' iNTSa.JL raoa clrl to wash. Iron Mat aaaiat with housework. US! Park, WAKTIBD Experienced baby's nurse yatWsnses reouireo. namey iwu tSaafflvW ' ssnerel mi liar.: y PalsMa Must Have IIELP WANTED FEMALE. A "R P r-f CSmihci BUSINESS PERSONALS. LIVE STOCK FOR SALK. OFFERED FOR RENT. I llouaekcrplntr anil Rouieatlcs. man .chooi KirilTk.M.t w!th houe-J work while attending achool. Harney 2631. COMPETENT girl for general home- worK. aunarcsa empioycu. uooa wages lycd. Good wages M Com. JIarn., Airs. R. c. Peters, 49th 1710. WANTED An experienced girl foi general housework. Good wages. Nr, washing-. Tel. Harney 1831. 136 8. 33th St K OIRL for genera) housework. Three adulta In family. 6113 Webster. Harney 4400. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Three In family. Good wages Apply at once. Webster 30J0 or call at 2721 Pnnuldlng St UIRL or middle aged woman to assist with housework; good pay. Mrs. C. Stein, 712 No. 27th Ave. Phone Harney 4891. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 2321 Fowler Ave. WANTED a good girl for general housework. 3126 Chicago St Telephone Hnrney 2176. GIRL for general housework; no loun dry work i permanent place. 3122 Chicago WANTED A good nurse for two weeks. Mrs. A. P, Tukey, 3136 Chicago. GIRL for general houseork. 3126 Chicago. WANTED Neat nurse girl for child of eighteen months. Call at 617 City National Dank Bldg, or Phone Douglas 1663 be tween 3 and 4 p. m. WANTED A girl for second work. 2005 St Mary's Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: must be a good cook; refer ences required. Mrs. Benjamin F. Baker. 102 Bo. 88th Bt Harney 317. WANTED A good competent girl for general housework, three In family; good wages. Address 112 N. 33th Ave. Tel. Harney 2632. WANTED A .girl for perioral house work; god wages; no washlnu; white girl preferred. Harney 3120. WANTED Young girl to assist vlth light Housework, zzis Willis Ave. WANTED Competent nlrl for KMeml housework; three In family; laundress employed; must be neat, clean nnd Rood piain cook; an excellent piaco for the ngni gin. mono iiamoy 113 or call at 2325 B. 32d St HlaoeltMaeaaa. YOUNCT women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit th Tnunr Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th 8t, where they will be directed to suitable boardlna places or otborwlse assisted. Look for our travelers- guiao nt the union station. .GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO WOMEN-175 month. Write Immediately for free list Franklin Institute, Dept OTP F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Bright clrls as wraDDera and inspeptorsj must be 16 years or over. Apply superintendent llrandols Stores. WANTED A flrst-claaa ureaaer nn ladles' gowns and dresses; good salary, stoady position to tho right party, Dresner Bros., 2211 Farnam Bt. IlELl WANTED MALE. Avcnta, yaileamcn aud Solicitors. WANTED 4 neat annaarlnar vnunrr mn to travel. Apply 70tl Brandels The. Bldg. ALKaM 1N WANTED A few Kl men to' mi 121 Paso lota at 145 to 1(0 tciy term! best seller on the market toaay, una a-oyo view lurnisnea. ui I'ssq Heights-, investment Co., uox ew, si aso, tox. 1107a. WANTED Office bov with eXDerlence. State age, references and salary wanted. Give phone number. Address H-17L care uce. Factor? and Trades. HARVEST HANDS" for the Dakotns and Canada. Omaha Employment Bu riu. 121 North 16th. GET Into the most profitable business of today, the automobile business, and become inaeptnaent. uur large, wen equipped shops offer the opportunities of ImmfniT tha nualnesa by actual expert. enco on different makes of cars., Our terms are moderate, write or can no tional Auto Training association, I4 N. 20th Bt. Omaha. Neb. Tel. W. t4t. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. ATTRNiwhn right SCHOOI. Larg est, best equipped school and repair shos in enure west, rnce no more mw ui of the so-called schools. Equipment and famitv not. to na coinDareu in any par ticular. NEBRA8ICA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1417 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 3043. Drug store snaps, Jobs. Itrelst. Uee.Uldg, niiALTHMAN wanted, architectural or mechanical. .Permanent position. Address A. 150, care Bee, KirillT carnentera wanted at Clarkson. Neb., all inside work, at once, apply to It u. ureen. i-iaraaon. nao. WANTED Men at once to learn tha harher trade. A hundred lobs waiting. Few weeks completes. Better wages than you can earn without trade. Tools given, Wages whllo learning. Drop a card for particulars or can aioier uaroer v-unete. 110 a. mn au WANTED First-.class Iron moulders, per day, nine hours. Answer Postottice UOX IMO. QJ. l-IIOUIU. V-UIUIftMU, WANTED coatroaker. steady work. F. Qcesen. Bewartl Neu vniinn Mn study- Law. Omaha School of Law. Law Department, University of Omaha. Evening sessions, .runner in formation address. Secretary. 610 Mc Cague Bldg. Phone Douglas 867. OUTSIDE painter. Phone Webster 5765. DllkCf llnueous. MEN Age IS to SO, wanted at once tor firemen and Urakenien; no experience necessary, t&0 to 3130 per month; pro motion; no strike; write Immediately for full particulars. Address x ztz.. care use. WANTED-Itaiiway mall cUrks. 174 W to 1150 month. Details free. Franklin Inmtute. Dent. 313 F.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men to try November exam ination tor umaua man carrier; i 10 ivjo par rountn. rtppiy na. utm THOROUGHLY experienced janitor. Appiy supermtenaent urain uros. . ' 1 iw ! . . I- 1 1 WANTED SITUATIONS FARM handa furnished, short notice, free. Omaha Employment Bureau, 111 N, ittn ti xti. uouzias nit Wanted posit as praciical nuraa. W 6230." WANTED position by first class and ex pericnctd colored janitor ana who in apartment hous or flat, can run steam plant Wallace. Red rati. COMPANION or attendant. In city or out; experience in care or invaiiaa, win astlst in hoMsework. Webster (ill, 3413 No. ttth fit Seen Herself in the Glass " I l)rluklur Cups. Closing out our high giade Racine run- uonaea una Cottaecs. A RION'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity ft econ- my. " a. i.tn. mmoie or piock. ia I T- USmprCSS ANY SEAT IPC, ANY TIME. ERR Abstract Co., 303 S. 17th St. Brttcr be safe than Korry. Have Kerr do your title work. VACUUM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning clone In tho home. Ranllirv Hjrvlp C.n. Tl. Douir. 2904, WANTED SITUATIONS. YOUNG lady wants place to work fo. board while attending Ooylea college. Tel. Doug, 1566. YOUNG MAN wants place to work for board whllo attending Boyles college. Tel. Doug. 1565. FIRST CLASS carpenter wants con tract or labor on house. Would go out of city, i 177, uca. WANTED Position In country by 13- year-old girl. Address F. 165, care Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Standard Furn. Rep. 1st cL rep's. Red 8691. D, 8. Griffith, wig mfr. UFrenier BUc Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. T? Af TT, motorcycle messenger seri-lci, J.V. ill. JJJ.jjj a. nxhi Doug. 160S or 8620. HAZEL. LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; 50o postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. ATTRACTIONS. Omaha film exch., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES. Bargains in New and used Cars. This week we are able to offer new cars at from 60 per cent to 60 per cent of their original coat and slightly used cars at 25 per cent to 60 per cent of first cost. we have a large line or cars to select from and if you are In the market It win pay you to come ana see us first Industrial Uarage Company, 20 and Harney. DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE DOORS SEAT COVERS. " 3100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Cull repalr.ng. .Baysdorfer. 213 N.SS. AM LEAVING city: will sell five-Das- senger Cadillac auto cheap: fully eau lo ped and In good condition. Phone South 187, or South 52L FOR SALE My Pope Hartford, 30 IL P. car. W. A. Maurer, Council Bluffs. Mataroyalea, WRITEFOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKELB' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15TH AND HARNEY. BUB-AGENTS wanted tor the Yale motorcycle In nearby terrtton. Also bar gains lu all makes used motorcycles, Vlo tor H. Roos, "the Motorcycle Man." liar- ley-uavtason ana xaie moiorcyciea. .iiut Leavenworth St, Omaha, Netok 11USINE8S CnAACES OL.r CORPORATION waiiU one re sponsible man In each county in Ne braska to act as agent for all business transacted In territory; good opportunity for right party. Address P 156. care Bee. Hn.rl.l nlana for selling your business or real estate. Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. tPAi. HKPitlCHKNTATlVE wanted In every town In Nebraska for a Contract Lrf)an ana investment cuuiiiam, ui i ,n,r, UmiL Call or write Mr. Wing. 8U City National Dank Bldg.. Omaha. Tn i in or out of business, call on GANG EdTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. trnn hat.ic Ust dray business In cen tral Nebraska. Address Y t4& Bee. BANK FOR SALE. t rntwiiinr mtaraxt In Davlns bank lo cated In prosperous German community. A. J. urowcr, noven. c nnnn knliaine for drua business. Write Langdon uroa-, oretna. o. vnvi BAl.l-VNew drug store. In fine business town of 350, squth central Ne braska; English wall cases and fountain Invoice J2.60O, Reason, must take back old store account of party not making payments. Write .8 85. car. Bee. ESSEX Trading Co.. Metropolitan Bldg.. New York, are looking for exclusive agency for general household specialties. Only high grade articles considered. Send particulars and circular. KiiitNlTURE and lease of 35-room modern hotel, county seat town, splen did opportunity, 3X500; also a good 20- room tor l,WJ, ana a uunujr ii-reom, 3800. Gangestad, 404 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. UNRIVALLED opportunity for. small capital In new town In Irrigated farming district; llatg. the terminus of the North Platte valley orancn 01 tne union I'acitic Wanted: Hotel and restaurant general merchandise, hardware and Implements, and all other kinds of business; Don't stop to write. Come and see for yourself. Everyone win nave money nere inis i-iu II. W. Hals. P. O.. Mitchell. Htb. 1IUSINESS PERSONALS Draaa Funndrtea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., nth and Martha Bts Chiropodists, DR. ROY. 1605 Farnsm. Douglas 6497. Chlroprnctora. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. Stt Howard. D. 8461. Mrs. Rosa Boesen, 113 Lake. Web. 4795. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. China PaSutinsr CHINA painting; outside firing done. Mrs. F. C. Haynts. 1425 a 25th Bt D. 4990. Dancing- Academies, THB'.last month atilackles for sum mer rates. 1816 Harney. ' JEWELL SIMPSON, Douglas Audito rium. Opening' Sept 8. Webster 2491. Dreaamakiair, Terry Dressmkg. college. 201h St Farnam. Detectives. Omaha Sec. Ber. Agcy 436 Paxton. P. VU ' JAMES ALLAN. 311 NevUle Blk. Evl dae seeured In all cases. Tyler lUt, 100 SANITARY DaDer drinking cups. 50c: postago paid. Burkley Env. Co., Omaha. Uraun, Drug, at cut prices; Trelght paid on (10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Flortata. A. Donaghue, 1607 Fnmaf D. 1001 HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Far nam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 12&i. ISverytlilnar for Women. OLD plumes made new. California Os trlch Plume Co.. 206 Neville Bldg. D. M10. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger, 429-A, Paxton Blk. D.8394. Bedbug, roach & ant killer, guar't'd sat isfactory or money refunded. Special large bottle, 25c. Omaha Chom. Co., Doug. 4344. frarnncea, Btovcs and Repairs. We carry repairs for furnace, steam and hot water boilers and stoves, and have competent workmen to do the work. Now Is the time to prepare for winter. No charge for Inspection. Omaha Stovo Repair Works 1206-8 Douglas. Phone Tyler 20. laaaraace, TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Trier 1024. O'Neill's, 1605 Farnam Bt Osteopatbjr, Alice Johnson, 208-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Uaale, Art ass l-antcnaKea. THE EFFA"eLUS MUSIC SCHOOL 206 Old Boston Store.. Bldp., will con tinue to give lessons for. 28 cents to any pupil who brings a card from MCss McGee, or tne city Mission, or any other head of a charitable institution, saying that he Is not able to pay any more. This still holds good in the; voice, piano, violin and theory departments.' Nnraerlea and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Plamblnir. Plumbing and heating. Fischer St Con nell. 1318 William St Doug. 5737. J. A. WESSMAN. 2612 Leavenworth: mod, heating & plumbing. D. 3792. H..2144. J. J. Ostronlc, plumbing, heating, gas flt- tlng: free estimates. 1414 8. 13. Tyler 12ft). j D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. ned 7117. II. A. Sturges. 63) Brandels Thea. Bldg. Prlnttnir. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 6M. The Rabor Printing Co. REE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARN It AlU l-tg. Co., qual Ity printing. Tel Doug. 2190. 624 a.' 13th. CENTRAL PRINT1NQ Co.. Doug. -3754. SevrluB Ilachluee, LOVEJOY. Web. 658. Clean and repair. Sheet Metal Works, Carter Sheet Metal Works. HQ 8. 10th. Stores nnd Office Klxtnrea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Flxtnro ana ouppiy vo.. t-iu- m. ma. u. nt Trunks and Mnltcaaes. FRELINO & STEINLE. 1803 Farnam St Vpaolatcrlnu and Repairing. KTCWAI.L CARROLL, reflnlshln. re- pulrlng.-int. decorating. 2418 Ltav. D. 5018. Wines' and Lluaors. WIIJ1W Bnrlnsa bear. Ilauors. cigars. sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 B. Uth St EDUCATIONAL BETTER PAY AND BETTER POSITIONS Hundreds of young men and women are preparing tor success in uujinjis oy ibk' Ing up studies In the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE! Reeular term opens BeDtember 3. 'Finest nuarters; unsurpassed taclhtles for teaching; graduates auaranteed Rood fioslttons; easy terms of tuition; special nducements to enroll at once: handbook of lessons on business forms and practice given free. Unusual opportunity to get a practical business education. Send for catalogues. MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. 1815 Farnam 8t. Omaha. Neb. THH VAN 8ANT SCHOOL. BtenoffraDhv onlv. Patronized by tha educated and experienced, t Day and night school. No solicitors. Telephone or write for catalogue.. Omaha. Neb DO YOU KNOW HOW to do any one thing well? Do yo'i know that the big business houses are search. Ing for efficient young men and women llko- those who. are r graduating every month from ' c . ? ' THE B0YLES BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOLS, Omaha and Council Bluffs. Day and Night School all the year round Complete courses in business, bookkeep ing, stenography, telegraphy, civil service and salesmanship. Mote calls for grad uates for navlne naaltlcma than We can fill. Write for our new catalogue Call FALL TERM OIENS SEPT. 2 Special Inducements to enroll now. Ad dress 1L B, Boyles, Pres., 1810 Harney nr., umaca. neu. Y. M. 0. A. NIGHT SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 15TH (Ele. 35; Bus., 17.) Carpenters' Arith , 33.75; uooKKeepine, m, itua. orvenfiiu euce, 37; Bus. English. 17; Com. I-iw, 110, Prtn. Electrical Enitneerlng. tij Eleo trical Tratlnn xUt KntflUh. 35: Free hand nmwinir. 17: Oaa Enirlneerlng. 37.60: German. 10;. Penmanship. 37" Plain Read- leg and Est, V.i public speaKimr. (, balcsmanahIPe 330; Shorthand and Type writing; 318; Showcard WrlUng. 37; Spell . -, D,Vttl CiUMUn ilia, v- . Extra fee of 33 is charged nonmembers. 17th & Harney. Call Educ lept. Tvl 1600. LIVE STOCK rOR BALK llaavv tcjunlna- aeara and Waarons: best maaes ana largeai vanaty in wi -" Jchnson-Danf orth Ctv, lth and Jones Bts. Drawn inuuia niui biqci uira tut tw, vvivii uu- i bor tires for $65; -worth $125. Johnson- 8-r Dnnlorttt Co., B. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. 1 Horse, wagon, harness cheap. 2604 Wirt LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Poisons havlnir lout some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to acertaln whether they left it Iti the street cars. Many articles ou.cn day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restcre them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. LOST On Farnam, west of Bee office, pair, nose glasses In old black leather covered steel case. Leather pulled off cover of case. Phone H. 6126. LOST Between North Bend and Schuy ler, Neb., brown Imitation leather suit case containing blue sill: dress and othor wearing apparel. Reward. City Garage, 115 W. Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street Omaha. Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, cheap rates, cosy payments. Nor ton & Co., 335 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments and Flats. Gordon Van Co. S 219 N. 11th St. or 210 8. 17th St Tel. D. 334." 1807 FARNAM 6 rooms completely mod ern, suitable location for otllces, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, eta, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7406. STEAM heated modern apartments of 4 rooms; overy improvement, gas ranges, private bath, electric lights, 318.50 to tU.60. .uocation, uaz to zoos turning tit. THOS. W. HAZEN. ' S07 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. a T "V , , , I1T, ni ... newly repaired. 2619 N. 20tU Bt Tel. Web ster 6975. STEAM-HEATED apartments In nnw Troy, 3009 Harney St., of 4 rooms each; every improvement: gas ranges and Jan itor under yearly leases. THOS W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. THE ALBION. 10th and Pacific;' an elegant 6-room apartment; thoroughly modern. Call D. 4512. 6-R. FLAT, 1202 No. 24th. cheap rent: well aranged; beautifully papered throughout; modern. Call D. 4512. 528 SOUTH 26TH AVE., nix-room flat. one of the best In city. II. a Mann. NEW 6-r. aptmts.. one blk. from hlrh school. F. Crawford.. Warn Blk. R. VM FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern. In good condition. 1418 Ohio St Inquire 1818 Lathrop St Key 2614 North 15th St FOR CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS of 3 and 4 rooms, with reasonable rent that are modern and steam heated, ico those In the Wright block. 318 No. 16th St UPSTAIRS APARTMENT. WALKING DISTANCE, NO. 408 COR. 29TH AND HARNEY 8T8. Next house east of Baptist church: 6 large, cool rooms, den and bath; every thing strictly modern and up-to-date and almost brand nrw; large front porch, window shades, eclipse gas range free, big closets, one block south of Farnam car; owner nays water rent; rent. 328; open all day Sunday. T Willows. Phone Red 1793. 861 Brandels Bldg. SAVE MONEY. Downtown modern 6-room apartment: steam heat: close to your business. Sea janitor, uaiuornia Apts. jjoug. 6237. Jsuard and Rooma. VERY desirable room for ana op t young men with private family, near anu -aiuomia; urai-ciass accommo dations; board If desired. Address B lis. Farnlslied Rouuia, NEWLY furnished rooma: steam IimI 103 Jackson St. Tyler 152L de carnr rrce.t pinviM et Rooms, pleasant, reasonable. Har. 3G1L Ilonsekeeplns lloomi, DAVENPORT. 2018, 2 or S housekeenlnir , uuu NEWLY furnished housekeenlnir monu. reaaonaDie. ZD 11 wapitoi. Unfurnialird lloomi. THREE rooms, modern exceDt hat: In. quire a4 onerman Ave. Hotrls and Apartmenta. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. llouara nnU Cottuitea. TTPV"7T TPV tor-LBe and Van Co. Goods stortd. shipped. mavra. nu.A n.i mill anu jacnaun sta uoug lois A COMPLCTt list of vacant uouaj. apartments and flats that are for runt This Is a list complied dally and cau oe sceii ire oi cnarga ai u south utn OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. NO EQUAL I-room house, 4-roora flat in moutrn. -niaru. cat t. ja FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling on Cass, near 26th; modern Creigaon university uougias zku. MAGOARD VAN AND STORAGE CO packs, moves, stores and ships household goooa ana pianos, uougiaa .7 fi RoPfl E- Co- furniture mortng No. 2621 Capitol Ave., 7-room, all mod ern housu. 320.00. Na 112. So, S2d St, 9-room, modern house, t- ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 73. TTnurnii in all parts of the city. UUUOM Crelgh. Bona Co.. Ken flllj FOR RENT Five-room bath. (15 N 27th Ave. cottage and CHOICE West Farnam location, 3315 uoage, 34U. iei. tiar. iiwt tor runner in formation, W O Prfn l,J f . 71 and 725 a 37th. Wsbster t-W. 6-r. and 9-r. noutw, iua. uuou tgcauuu. I I for The Bee by mod. house, 1309 8. 23th. BRICK HOUSE Seven Rooms Four Bedrooms. Modern in Every Respect At 1511 Georgia Ave. Tel, Harney 1509. FOR RENT Strictly modern 7-room house, 4602 Florence boulevard, on the prpttlesi mllo In Omaha; grounds 150x 4C0: one hundred shade trees; fine view; kcreened porch; carpets on all floors, screens and shades at all windows; gar ago; owner takes care of grounds. Tele phone Webster 711. One block from cars. WM. I KIERSTEAD. Owner. MODERN brick house, 2913 Mason St, near park car. Harney 1650. Stores ii nil urriuea. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Bee building occupied by the Hnvna-Whlte Coal company. Frjutajce on Farnam St and occupying about l.M square feet with extra entrance on th? court of the building. Large vault Fna office fixtures lor sate. . Appiy n. 1-. Fell, Bee office. STORE ROOM. 616 S. 13th St, c. w. and sewer, 118. BIRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg, Doug. 4754. xiTir w b(,ip. nnii Mm.nt haaement. 17th and Cumins; also 1721 Cuming St, 325 and 350. thus w. nA,jiin, . 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. nnicK atoreroom. with 3 living rooms, 1506ft Webster St, 320. 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. NEW store building. 26x60. Steam heat 1708 Jackson. 316 S. 13th Bt 22HX60. OFFERED FUR SALE. VnrnUurr. Somv odd pieces of furniture: mission bookcase, table, bird's-eye maple chlf forler. writing desk and chair; must be sold at once. 128 So. 35th Bt FOR SALE 365 six-hole nteel range; like new: 325. Tel. Red olOO. Musical Initrnmcnti, ELECTRIC piano. 3125. 119 N. 15th. Typewriters at.Tj makes tvoewrltera tented md sold. easy terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 1S05 Farnam St Douglas 602L REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and sold on easy terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 411 S. 15th St RENT an L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer, visible, late model, back space key, guaranteed A No. 1 machine. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 1S19 Far nam. Phone Douglas 2213. Remember, this Is new location. TYPKWR1TERS for rent: 3 months. J5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER BXCHANOE. Miscellaneous. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. ir ai.i8 gates, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKensle Ptg. Co.. 1107 Harney. D2644. PIVR carloads of beer bottles for sale. QuartB and pints. Nathan Steinberg, 1019 Harney bt. for hale New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The BrunswUk-ualKe couenaer to. tvi-tuv B. 10th St 8x4 air compressor 612 S. 14th. SAFES Overstocked: second-hand: all makes. J. J. Dei lett Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. 17-FOOT oak wall case, nearly iirtv. cheap. 303 No. lEth. PET STOCK. BOSTON terrier pnps cheap. Doug. 3SW. PERSONAL. 164 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the I- H Journal. 31.50: the a 2. Post tl.50; the Country Gentleman, 31.50. bv 6ept. earns that 33,000 for tho invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your renewal contributes 50a Phone Doug. as 7163. Omaha. QOKDON. Txlc. MAUAiil.Ma ai.vf. Miss FIsiier. mas., bath, elec. treat. 1 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmac, 32th and Pudge. Tr A fTNTTT,rPir! treatment E. Brott ojiuijuj.u ij Vinton. D. wx, iiWACiirc piace. 6 miles of Council Bluff- on good, level roaa: z& acres una corn land. 4 acres alfalfa. 8 acres or chard. 1 acre vineyard. 7 acres pasture with limber enough for home use, o-room house, t good cellars, 2 barns, shods. cribs, granary, etc., 2 good wens, a good, all around little farm where you don't have to depend on any ono crop, but always have something to sell and a good market for everything you have. Such a place so near these two cities is certain y cheap at jo.ooo. Let us snow you, McGee Real Estate Co., 105 Pearl St, council uiuirs. FOR SALE Kindling wood. National Box Co., 39th and Pacific Harney 117 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect renalr and sell at 11 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to tho wormy poor. ici. ajuukji iu. ami wagon wilt call. YOUNO women corning tn Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., wneie they will b directed to suitable boardhiK places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers aid at the Union Station. fARSAf4T?1 Swedish movement 4H aiAOOAUJ- Beo Bldg DougU 637J MANICURING, face, scalp, magnotlc treatment Miss Dollar. 1711 Dodge. Marguerite Halloran, masstge. D. 776L REAL KSTATK. All 1 11 t 1 I'LF. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in NebrasKa. zw uranaeis ineater. CITY I'ROPERT FOR SALI PRAIRIE PARK. Mv Croom. all modern houte at a har gain If sold this week; newly decorated;, terms. If not sold will ront T. H. Ochiltree, 2615 Meredith. TeL Webster S40L FULL lot nine-room house, near high school, 36.000. G. P. Stebblns, 1610' Chi cago St TO .etji on usute. double flat and 314- tory bouse, eu-u-s o. " ou, iirai- ClOSS COuulttOw, iwvua wf, . uuui . Cliff Sterreti: RE AXi ESTATE. CITY PROPJSIITY FOR SAMS TO BUY, SELL OR RhNT, FIRST .KH JOHN W. ROBBING. Ii02 FARNAM T. SEVERAL hemes at 32.000 for' sale. L. Eelby, Phone Douglas 1510. W. 9-ROOM home, close to the business dis trict, with 65 ft. lot 32,000. W. L. Selby. Colored party with small payment down for Investment, would like a residence on the outskirts of city. Address S 163, Beo. Must Be Sold at Once Big lot on Mason St. between 3d and 24th; south front; on paved street within walking distance. Price 3750. HASTINGS & HEYDEJN. 1614 Harney St HERE IS A SNAP E-room cottage, built 5 years. Has elec tric lights, gus; 50-foot lot; 25th arid Browne, price 11,850. Also all modern, 5 room cottage; oak floors: 4 years old; paved street; lot 50x150: price 32,650. Also 8-room house, SSth and Poppleton, mod ern except heat; fine repair; price 32,630. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO.. 829 Omaha Nat',' Red 553. Web. 562L BY OWNER, IN DUNDEE, New brick tile and stucco eight-room hoUBe; large living room, fireplace, sleep ing porch, oak floors, oak finish down stairs, white enamel upstairs; hot water heat Priced cheap and terms to suit Harney 4821 or D. 4512. REAL ESTATE. FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALM Canada, POOR MANS CHANCE Fine half section prairie. 2 miles to sta tion, 250 miles west of Winnipeg. PriCe, 318 per acre; 32 per acre cash; balance 31 per aero per year, 6 per cent, write now C. S. Shepard. Owner, 2004 Wirt St.. Omaha. lOITO. . 33,000 cash, with good terms. on balance, will buy ono of the best farms' In Monroe county, Iowa; well Improved, good soli. Price, 395 per acre. Address Room 5, Leader Bldg., Lawrence. Kansas. Montana. MONTANA IRRIGATED LANDS. Use your Carey right and secure a 160-acra farm In famous Valier country, where wheat yields 50, oats 100, barley 65. flax 20 bushels per acre; no drouth, sura crops; lands produce splendid alfalfa and timothy; diversified farming Is carried on under Ideal conditions. Write today for booklet. Valier Farm Sales Com pany. Box 1036. Valier. -lontana.- j Nebraska. ' TOUR GREAT' BARGAINS. ,J at nrrpc. 3V, miles out 8 6.C09 160 acres, ltt miles out S1Q,8W i60 acres, 3 miles out over half val ley land ?,oot All vrood Improvements. 160 acres. 7 miles out, light Improve ments 3 6.PTO Easy terms. Come and see our crops J. T. CAMPBELL. Litchfield. Neb. dark soil, no sand; 6 miles from Wallace, Perkins Co., iseD., in tne rain net;, fries 317.5U per acre. Fred Blake, jr., Hast ings. Neh FOUND 320-ucre homestead in stilled neighborhood. Fine farm land; no sand hills. Cost you 3176, filing fees and all. A. Tracy. Kimnan. iseo. 2M.ACRE well lnmroved farm one mile from town, Humboldt county, la., worth 3175, for quick sale to settle estate, 3155; bargain. Gangestad, 404 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Ncvr "urk. TWO dairy, grain and fruit farms for sale. Well watered; good maraets; per acre. Write for Information.. (3. W, Hlnton. Odessa. N. Y. Nevada. trn RAT.Vnni of Nevada's tiest ranches and open range properties, with cattle, horses and shop. situated In Lan der county. For lurther particulars wrlta to Mrs. isauei wait, auiuu, iuut county. Nevada. ((oath Dakota, 167 ACRES, ISO in cultivation. & In hay meadow. This farm Is located , in tns east central part of South Dakota. There I. nn w,tt- Innrt In tllQ BtatO. Will t sold for cash If taken tt once tor 3.an acie. xor parucuian wmc, v. - ence. a D. ; . Texas. A CHANCE to buy farm land direct from the owner, 6.000 acres rtnen ana farm, situated eight miles from the gulf and seven miles from the railroad Sixty miles N.-E of Brownsville. Plenty of rainfall for growluE crops, sood ar tesian flowing, wen water, uoon, tiuimiu winter and summer. A fine tract to colonise. Will sell In a body or In 1,000 acre blocks. If Interested wlte quick for terms to uox us. xtaymonaviiia. m. Miscellaneous. BLACK CORN LANDS, Northern Iowa, Southern Minnesota. The most extraordinary list of com land bargains ever offered the purchas ing public. Forty pages, seventy photo graphs. It Is free to you. Send for It today now. V. C. Gulllckson Land Co., Northwood, la., or Albert Lea. Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS. For Sale Mortgages High-class mortgage loans, netting ex ceptional rates of Interest Secured on finest of land located In southwestern Iowa. Inquire E. W. Runyon, Hotel Rome, Omaha, MONEY to loan on Omaha homes,. No delav. J, ll. Miinen tjo., inc. xi. city National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1278. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska tajrmaT O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 3715. LARGE loans our sieclalty Btull Bros. WANTED City loaiis and warrants, W. Farnam Smith & Co- 1320 Farnam 8t 6 CITY LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg C&. 310-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. GARVIN BROS.naatan-faSfc " WANTED City loans. Paters Trust Co. 3100 to 310,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, We ad Bldg., 13th and Farnam. BALE OH EXCItANGU R. K. BEND for our large exchange book. Shopn ft Co.. Dept B-. Omaha. Neb. " OWNER offers attractivs 9-room house, modern, for smaller place Long time on difference. Liberal deal. 7, O. Box 234. 0 t-- . 4!W