Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Entered at Omaha postofflce as second
elars matter. .
Sunday Uee, one year
Saturday Bee, one year ;
Dally Bee. without Sunday, one year. 4.0J
Dally Bee, and Sunday, one year.... 6.W
Evening and Sunday, per monw
Message on Mexico
i ! li
Public Utility Regulation.
Addressing tho governors' confer
once upon the "Growth of Public
Control of Utilities," Oovomor
Dunne of Illinois ventures tho aseer- Cleveland naln Dealer: President Wll-
tlon that at tho presont rate of prog- ton's counsel In the Mexican situation it
Lot ,n n. .. will ftlftnaA llffla I one of continued moderation and pa-
... . . . .u .. i , v. tlence. If anyone expected something:
til overy stnto in the union will, have ifn(ial,onM , hl, communication to con-
a commission omppwered by law to greg, yesterday that one will be dltap-
control the sorvlco and rates of all pointed. Few others will.
Chicago Post: President Wilson nas
embarked the United Statet upon n
such corporations.
-Si.r;,','nr; month J6ol iiuujcuuunmiiiu, DiD"D' Ureat experiment In International mor
, n . mn WlO ' ' '
Dally Bee. Including- Sunday, per mo.W
Dally Bee, without Sunday, per mo.45c
Address all complaints of Irregularities
in deliveries to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing company,
Only 2-cent stamps received In payment
of small accounts. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern excrange. not
Omaha The Bee building.
South Omaha-231S N Street. ..,
Council Bluffa-14 North Main Street.
I.lncoln-26 Little building.
Chicago-801 Hearst building.
New York-Room 1106, 2S6; Fifth Ave.
St. Louls-WJ New Bank of Commerce.
Vashlngton-7Z5 Fourteenth St.. N. w.
allty. In It ho may succeed or fall.
But win or lose, he gives us the ex
hilaration that comes from all effort
for tho satisfaction ot conscience and of
aa I bellevo it will not, then tho only
alternative left Is the public owner
ship and operation of utilities."
Happily utility corporations are honor
nowadays much more alive to tho sit- Indianapolis News: The address read
uatlon than formerly and as a rule ' the president to both houses of con
.11 u ...kll. .n. sreas ougni 10, ana we nave no uouoi,
and to the people of Plattsmouth by
submitting to a test that God Himself has
provided. A fair Interpretation of the
scripture lost above quoted would re
quire you to do so. Now listen again to
your lord:
"And these signs shalt follow them that
believe; In my name shall they cast out
devils; they shall speak with new
tongues: they shall take up serpents, and
Stories in Figures
the report asserts "there Is no relnspeo
tlon of old electrical work." I hav read
the report carefully and find no Ut
ment to that effect; on the contrary, the
Kansas City merchants lose $100,000 a
year to shoplifters.
Last year 144 tree-planting societies
planted 2,270,000 trees In Norway.
Swiss will colonize 5,000,000 ncrcs of land
along Magdalena bay, Lower California.
The exports from British Columbia were
Valued at J20,72,S40 In 1!H2, and 23,016,K6
In 1911, while the Imports amounted t
tl9.3E6,161 In 1912 end $fc,80,529 In 1911,
tlment. The nuoatlon remains, how- ... lu,... .x.1 ...7,,.... ' m t. ....... I Afl a matter oiiacu neariy i, rem- where men most do Congregate,
imuuBiiwui UiD Viillitw nuiiuo . f i snayl nns rtf nM alArlral ailllnmnlll UN . ... ... . . . .
over, and obtrudes every time regu- this nation before mankind In precisely , .dpartmoit (Re v. J. H Steger) "belle ve." tha t
latlon Is proposed, as to who should the a oya aud patriotic navlnB bcen M Autlng lho ,t year. ; fcj el.ev e. that
Electricity In thr l"lrc Survey.
OMAHA, Aug. 3a To the Editor of The
Bee! In vour account of the findings of
a committee of the National Board ofi" they drink any deadly thing it shall
Fire Underwriters on the facilities for not hurt them; they shall lay hands on
fire prevention In Omaha, published In ' the sick and they shall recover." (Mark
your Issue of August 22, you state thatixvl:l7-18.)
I demand that you try the poison teat,
and very respectfully ask of the physl- The latgst percentage of gain In Amerl
clans of the city of Plattsmouth that exports of Ipnchlnery has been In
they Procure some Prusslc acid: assure lne movement to South America, the total
report distinctly states that Inspection of themselves that It Is genuine, and then 10 '"" grand division In Jy02 having been
old work In the business aection Is made let you drink some of It, say on Sat- 11.973,878, and In 1312, $t7.2G.m
as time permits and that ola work Is re- urday, September 6, between the hours i Ar cording to official statistics, the com
qulred to be mnde safe when alterations 0f j and 4 o'clock In the afternoon at I blned lmP and export trade of Cuba
or extensions are made. that point on the streets of Plattsmouth ! tor mt reached th- total valtio of
' n m. n .nn,r.n... tS9,69, or an Increase of M2,477,193 over
1911. Of the total. J17,97S,X!8 represented
rxports and 125,902,241 .mparts.
served. Where tho activities of the relations Is an utterance of American
corporation are confined to a single tot',m"h'f Lwi!,ch th naUon .m,ay
m.A 1 ni m t mat f r hnud M
Omtha Bev, Editorial deprttnont
Stat, of Nebraska, County ot
It Is estimated thnt sh.pinents from the"
do tho regulating the authorities of "ac Tbune-he nSnt's ad- ThU doe "ot ,nc,.ua', lhe nu"er0.u t0 i the wicked, like myself, will be con
the state or of the locality which Is drTo the congress "'on our MIn "TTSl "fTTi'Z to w' "nmorta.Ue your name.
... ' ' and The Bee will. Indirectly be doing
paratus In the regular theaters, which more f(jr Chr8t than ft the
during the show season " visited by au hor, , tne of Nebra9ka nave
totoM' ln the ,Mt fort that
timet oftcner. In view of the number of , ... ,, . .,
leetrleal Inspector, employed and tht P0,0" -hould kill you. for a reasonble
ft that their Urn. Is largely oocuplel " th. underUker would take care , flt
V"1 "iV.rTo new. and ..t. Proua.
Jr?.."?: irtdressed community mo principle ui nuuio dorsemcnt of the American neonl. whns.
is sure to be invoked, whore tne conscience and whose common sense It
corporation's flold is statewide, per- expresses with force and sincerity.
k - .,hi .t0M Btmiin, to I Now York Bun: Intervention has no ' Z.IZ.' " V" .iJ;..t -,..!.. i you. CHARLES WOOSTER.
7J: 7 -iiJp,ace President's policy. His , Vr""i" 7 .iHVrt.
ItlCII V V num vs. (a.w ,
ment ln the relnspectlon of old electric
the federal ana state control oi ran- fixed purpote "to pay the most scruDu-
roads may bo worked out. On tho Ioud regard to the sovereignty and ln-
Dwltht WIHanw, circulation manager baslo proposition of public control dependence" of Mexico Is made as plain
of The Bee Publishing company. " .. . , j., ,il,w a .aayuaw. un tnRt n, wlUl tn8
duly sworn, says that the average .dally there is no longer any dissent worthy wen warrnnte(j pn that
waswia DWJOHT Vllia8. o tho name. strict neutrality at Washington event.
A Prre-For-AIl.
wiring would appear wormy oi Prai , Edtor of The Permlt m9 to Bubmlt
ana ravorame mention.
Circulation Manager.
As the report on the electrical situation
In Omaha is In other particulars highly
commendato.ry, It would appear that this
fact should be stated In Justice to those
Subscribed In my presence and .worn n t (i00A on the Tariff? th8 door to endly and disinterested fct "houW be.VJ " 'I, ,
to before me this 4th day ot August, 1M. tan xncy mane uoou on uic mdinti,,,, on our nftr, who have contributed to the result. It
ROBERT UUNTOk Tho custom of the democrats In iu' . ,,. .ute. that a good equipment 1. being
Notary Pubilo,
Subscribers leavlnof th" eltr
temporarily .hoolil have The lice
nailed to them. Address ttIII be
changed si often ns reqne.ted.
Are the gates ajar at Matteawan?
Baltlmnr n..rf,.n. nr- -run u.. states that a good equipment
campaigns gone by has been always aono moro during the last month or two Becured tnat tho "Prvl"lon m8jn
to make tho tariff tho goat. They for the creation of public sentiment the talned n,urM ood control, also that
have heaped upon thd tariff partlcu- v-orld over for his atUtude toward Max- the ouUlde construction Is ln good condl-
larly tho blame for the twin evil, of " " ' 'T;. Tn The finding, of the committee are. on
the high cost ot living and tho knows that this country Is unalterably the whole, highly creditable not only to
growth of tho trusta. Lot the demo- opposed revolutionary government It the electrical Inspection department, but
crata make the tariff, thoy argued, Know that- the United States has done the electric servlco companies and
, ... everything to Insure peace, and that if the electrical contractors. It demon
trad high living cost will come down, may mjLtmtJj, .r-i fnmwv the value of the urogres-
- -... uu V1IIUIU I - - -
Let no willing to pay and tho trustB w111 bo forccd to 8 for the breach of good relations must slve and co-operative spirit that animates
the prico escape.
out of buslnoss.
The democrats aro now making
be laid at the door of Mexico.
. nun 4nrlff. wlllph will nut their I
Now for a low line, enraptunng Tnn1nmi,l AV.i.
September morns. m.uuu. , x OUuio JLttJJtLCU jUlUUUij
I BOIVO WIO IllBn tool. Ul imub yiuu-ii -
the electrical fraternity ln this city In
the fact that they have been able to
maintain a standard of electrical con
struction so high that It places Omaha
third ln the list, so far as Inside electrlo
wrlng Is concerned In this country and
meets the exacting orqulremonta of the
good naturedly this contribution to tho
There Is a man In Sliver Creek
Who Is so wondrous wUe,
His head's as hard as any brick
Ana yet to write he tries.
His "dope" Is full of little bits
Of second-handed "stuff;"
We'll all be glad when Charlie quits;
we've surely naa enough.
He'll drive the other writers
From the letter box.
They aro all light fighters
Ana cannot stand his knocks.
The Bee suggested that ho talk
ui eriicacy or prayer.
One morn' the- letter box I scanned
Ana sure enough 'twas there.
Now I suggest he take a rest
And quit this awful chopping,
Or tell the women of Omaha
wnen to do their shopping.
Ilnm. the nubile will be duly grateful.
u, muum .v" n . ' I ' . . ... .. . I xr... in i n TT.,ri),ril
i m . n ir nahnria nr mi ni n nun i Aiiicneu. (Mvnnr. Mur'nii v.Mny.,ip.i.. i Aiinun wut v-. w..--. .....
ho. yo resuvo oysteri . i""" "T...".:t:. fU..n. ZTZi "Vl"'' omaha electric club.
PHRRR. TI1I1V III iL V HUHU1III L11U LUUIKO " .. . , . . . ..
I ' - I .11-. - w . I T1V THItAKIi IAJVUi L DCCTOUirr,
relnspectlon of old work, although tho
necessity for It It apparent"
Store About Pniyer.
WASHINGTON. Neb., Aug. 8O.-T0 the
Editor of The Bee: There Is an - 01a
1 1 I . I dldatr fnr mnvnp nt Vair
Whoovor else may have wept when that tho tariff haa mothered thom.l . . r ' ' .u.: Note by Editor: The wording of the
Thaw escaped, tho lawyers managed That tho democrats hava no faith lu 1 will put Coney Island spielers on the rcport u' '-There had been no systematic
I - a . ft . I . . . I .lb..H.-ll.k. a. M tJI .-.WltlF ftl 4 H Ttl tjft fl illA
to smllo. their own pretensions, nowover, is blink.
apparent, for thoy aro already ad- Chicago Jewelers solemnly assert that
KlnK Caucus can square himself rocatinK other moans of hitting tho tome months In the year carry .0 much
only by putting his soal on the walk- trusts a progressiva Internal rove- rmam lhat two birthstones are needed
... ,.v., . . . , for adequate expression. Besides boost-
eouv. b uuo u .... ' jng the traditions of buslneas, It makes saying that many men are of many
1 : r . - showing unwillingness to depend two onM nourish whers but one minds or something like that. The truth
Now, do not forget ana apoa 01 upoa tho tariff remedy. flourished before. . of this Is reflected ln The Bee's letter
"this Bummer" Just because It soems Tno ,iomocrfttB made tho most ot The national convenUon of hay fever W.
a f..i Ida mA u nanal. Lu.. Mn,,K. victims at Bethlehem. N. H.. brought For Instance "B. O. M, otriKes
u Illicit UVVUIVUUIU U HV.VUP1US IV1I- . . - T I 1 nMi.
.;irf. l.h all anrt of ml- ln8,r ""v:ues to a close by banquetin lZ.itrJrr':
Ttio. nf South Carolina has . ? " . m.mber who has done th. annual "ce. preacmmj .an iw i-r
, aeeaB now wey aro coniromou sneering stunt for the greater part of mtn u PrtDtu'y slncro wr-nulre"
endorsed BuUer. SU1I, Tammany wth thft dlfIcult t&sk of maklng a hit seventy-flve years. His triple shake- mailt th8 worW beUer honMt f;
cannot so that against him. tariff not open to the same sort ot down In September I. pronounced a Vcl lre KanaLsa. to
tr .u-Mfj. in MttllM- her 411 "ack, . ' M , . ... set aside a day In prayer for rain. Along
If England ?UCCWd W,"1??" ,.... , n , ; Ambassador Pago has found, ta London com on, Charlie Woo.ter and takes a
suffragette war. surely.'WwHe. t . .'"."-m a "cottage" the rental of wMeh comes U f la.. .
eventually to coo to time. cMtiTaa ofWtaUrioV do-t fw- The "cottage" often men go wrong. TW'UK oVer
trT 8ecraiT Lane oi ibo ABterjor uo hM twenty-three bedrooms, seven re- the bound, of propriety by lovlntf the.
T.t, wnalnr nil.H Is ruanlfig for PrlISRRl Rlcr luur Ul cepuon rooms, a large ballroom, ana other other man's wife. Suicide Is the last
jonn wosiey " WMt that the mala dirty Of the M- neceswrles of high living. Besttes, the resort In note, of Instruction somebody
mayor Of NMBVllie. joaa wesiey department is to help the Immediate neighborhood Is stocked with Is asked to pray for the erring one. who
jut eailBOt kep. away from the crib. '' " ,mM wn dukes and duchesses, marquises and decide, life Isn't "worth the candle."
1 cple to make homes, ana u we wU tnJ aome peopIe who worlt for a What ,eon do a ,earn from BUoh in-
ychologlsts Should Oet to Work. can lighten their burden the govern- nVng. stances. When It comes to "a show
Headline, ment of the United States will suffer The queen of Norway has an econom- down" who doubts but a silent, solemn
They Would Hot be psychologists not at nU. Ho saya ho found thou- leal streak In her, too. In spite of her prayer Is helpful to the least ot man
j, nt men and ral ttlon she contrives to buy her Wnd.
saada Of Belf-sacriiicing men ana dfMMB f ,eM thtn ' Vhat can be offered as a .substitute
women disnlayinir as real heroism ..... n fnrnrivtrt The writer don't know. Out
wt.. f thnt tlrn snrrnv - - : . 'D" "nam oi fw xotk, -- . : - ..
Bna tortltuao In tneir euons to ca)u herself a ohauffoute-chaperon. 01 nu'nB
of Omaha, It we don't even try to ap- . ... home8t0ads and promote Which means that if you are a lone ?kf",. x-t tt sssic !to .tnrtt ua
ply those recommendations wnose comTOUnity Uf0 as waB ovor shown woman ln a great city you can phone her
all mankind honor It WILL I. TELL.
wisdom la accoptod without dissent!
The only reason President Wll so a
beat him to it ln tho matter of read
on tho flold of battle. "Par from "".V . . ... .
. .. 7 , .,, ater, tho concert or to view the great
mo ranroaas ana biuiu wauy uin- wntto way.
Twice Told Tales
United States to Its noncontiguous terri
tortes (Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico,
Philippine Islands. Otinm, Tutulla) will
show a larger total ln 1913 than evor be
fore, aggregating approMmatcly $110,000,000
against $108,000,000 In 1912.
case I should evor want to marry I should
know where to come. Boston Transcript
Upllfter Aren't you ashamed to ask for
Weary Willie I got six months for tak
Inc It without asking. Philadelphia Rec
ord. Jones The widow of that commuter
killed In the wreck has been awarded
tf.0.000 damngen.
His Wife And I've bcen trying to have
you move to the suburbs for months, you
mean thing! Puck.
"What profession l your boy Josh go
lne to ndoyt?"
I dunno." replied Karmrr CorntossH.
"I want him to be a lawyer R-.d h h
mother wants him to be a doctor. Josh
ecems contented Jcs' to sit around nli'
stnske cigarettes an' let us fight It out "
Washington Star.
Lady All. your marine pictures rrprf
sent tho sea as calm Why don't you
paint a storm once In a while?
Artist We painters In oil can't do that,
madam. We may outline a storm on the
canvas, but ou see, as soon as wo begin
to spread on the oil colors tho waves sub
side and the sen becomes as calm as a
duck pond. Boston Transcript.
"Did you get good seats at the theater,
Mrs. MaUprop?"
'Yes: we couian t get seats in tne mez.
zotlmt gallery, so we took them In the
parokeet Baltimore American.
"Papa, I want an Ice cream sundae."
"AU right dear, remind me of it again-
this Is only Tuesday." Houston Post
"I'm sure that my speech didn't give
offense, anyhow," remarked Senator Sorghum.
"Nearly everybody In the audience went
to sleep." Washington Star.
He Do you think you love nse well
enough to be my wife?
She Yes, Qeorge.
He Thank you. I only asked to ascer
tain how you felt on the subject, so In
S. L. Holllday In Judge.
Please, father, get a bucket
And mop the kitchen floor."
"Oh. father, fetch the hatchet
And mend this broken door."
"Now, father, move the bureau
And help me lift this rug;
Then run down to the cellar
And get the syrup Jug."
"Please, favver, sew sis button
On my shirtwaist" begs Jack.
"Oh, father, won't you hook me,"
Says sister, "up the back?"
"The range Is full of ashes.
Come., father, take them up."
"Won't you make me a collar,"
Cries Jack, "for my new pup?"
"Now, father, wash the windows
And wipe the parlor walls;
Then help me get the supper.
You make the codfish balls."
Dad labors In a foundry;
All year he tolls away.
These lines tell how he dawdlaa
At ease on Labor day.
A Fearful Sinn.
Bill Sprsgue kept a general store at
Croyden Four Corners. One day ho set
off for New Tork to buy a lot of goods.
The goods were shipped Immediately, and
as Bill had lingered ln New; Tork sight
seeing they reached Croyden Four Cor
ners before him. The goods ln an enor
mous packing case were driven to the
general store by the local teamster. Mrs.
Sprarue came out to see what had ar
rived and, with a shriek, tottered and
"Oh, what's the matter, ma'am?" cried
the hired girl.
Mrs. Sprague,. her eyes blinded with
tears, pointed to the packing case,
whereon was stenciled ln large black let
"Bill inside." Everybody's Magazine.
Ills DUttnsnlsfatBK Mark.
One-day a big '"city bank.' deceived the
following message from one of Its coun
try correspondents: "Pay 2S to John
Smith, who will call today."
The cashier's curiosity became sus
picious when a cabman assisted Into the
bank a drunken "fare," who shouted that
he was John Smith and wanted some
money. Two clerks pushed, pulled and
piloted the boisterous Individual into a
private room away from the sight and
hearing of regular depositors. The
cashier wired the country bank:
"Man claiming to be John Smith la
here. Highly intoxicated. Shall we await
The answer read: "Identification com
plete. Pay th money." Philadelphia
Wasting Time.
1 Enraptured, thoy gazed, hand In hand,
A Warm One from Wooater.
SILVER CREEK. Neb.. Aug. S0.-TO, iv... tM,liiln hnmoi ..J Hh Jsaiior or ino uee; wnue nwwuns
cultiea, they are building homes, and Hani j weldeman. one of the Mineoia LL,. ,. h.,w th. h,,hr.n
lne- hlH messages ln person to con- 1 WM Particularly touchod by tho aviators, has received word from Oer- were to have an opportunity of trying
u M,lnfr many nohio, SUIienng women, on many m n. w mere was their hand. If they would, at making a pon the beautiful scene stretched be-
8 T.? ' whose shoulders falls tho main bur- " f nlm; An " Had Christian of me. I took a little side ex- ,;fo tUem m the BttUng BMn. -t,, tb.
OI lv iitov. I . ,, Ur.m " "lu iuho iu in. , vjror-um i curtion into our mucn-roasie smier iio
w l"" airman with the provision that he could of Kansas; roasted Kansas Christians for
it in.tBd nf naarins his eighty- And wnat is true 01 tno woman on not have a cnt untu he had a wife. their shortsightedness In not praying for
,i,a Mrthdav Pnrf Irlo Diaz wero uot the frontier today has been true ot Dr. Ann Howard Shaw, president of rain until after their crops were destroyed;
lOHU lliuiuj iu...m v. v I . . .. ... . ... ...... j 1 .v,. VT.,lnn.1 a,.r,.. 1. I j, ..j .1.-. n ij. -.
n i vmiid not taka two her Bince tne iirsi ciaim was siskou .. .vU.- uw,u "
yet over 60, It would BOt tfKO iwo r .... ..... . ..... tlon. has taken Issue with the announce- for rain, or any prayers at all. for that
guesses to name the man of the hour out. m '" ""' ment that member of the NaUonal As- matter, and. In fact charged that Qod
lasa was oven iwruvi uuDV .oclatlon Opposed to Woman Suffrage was not a man of His word. (Now, be
the greater Isolation and dangers of I shall hereafter be known a. "woman con- It understood, that when I uce the word,
in Mexico.
Tf tm hard to hnllevB the reuorU of the new west. Dut what a heritage servatlonlats," because their aim Is to h'Qcd" without Qualification or explana-
41 ... - . . n.tlnn thla womanly heroism conserve the home, to conserve mother- Hon. I mean the orthodox. Christian uoa.
Lonaon BUiiragewTOBeea.BBu - . hood, to conserve womanhood,
ot peaco. How could thow coy little and fortitude have bequeathed in ' .
women do the proposing. Muray sons ana nouie aausaiers.
)b there in thU larger outreach of
A Btltch In time saves nine. Omaha Influence that tho unmurmuring Bac
illi bo money ahead by tackling the rlf lco and fortitude count tho most,
For Husbands Only
garbage problem now Instead ot walt-
fnglng till the present disposal con
tract la about to expire.
although fruitful enough. It would
ecm. if It ended ln tho now cities
It It Immaterial who Is the author of
the rules following. The task of mar-
who Is. In my opinion. If the Bible Is
true, a very bad Ood.) In so doing I
uaed sarcasm. Irony and ridicule, which,
on proper occasion and I think that was
one are legitimate weapons of offense
and defense. But my meaning was not
to be misunderstood.
And then came Rev. J. II. Sterer,
"pastor of German St Paul's church" of
Plattsmouth, and without saying one sin
gle word in defense of his Qod and re
ligion, reviles ma In a sort of gentlemanly
billingsgate that well becomes an an
basaador of Jesus Christ He says that
I am "a poor lawyer," "an excellent
specimen of wisdom," "a jack-of-all-trades,"
"a smart rustic," "an atheistic
Have no dogs or pett of any kind. hero;" that I "Imagine myself to be a m ..n .M h. t.i.nkAn. nn I sucrnssnr of Johnson!' that T aav "thtre
In seven rebel attempta to capture New Jersey mosquitoes morallios on thre0 tlmM a aa 1, no ood, Whtch is false, and that 1
and states erected as tho enduring red me a to read, heed and get busy
tokens ot physical conquest.
.Tn d if In r from the satirical criti
cisms bv London nanera ot our Mexl- A New Joraey mosquito bit
ran nollcies. it ovldently takes the chautfour, causing hlra to lose con
nrltlsh torios a long, long time to trol of his roachlno, in which sevoral
forget George Washington. persona were injured, and someone night a week,
I . ( I.L It. 1
evidently uniamuiar wun tne size ot
Keep all promises made before and at
the time of marriage.
Divide, the newspaper and everything
Keep a joint bank account
Go to our club no oftener than one
lake district and they but three days
upon their honeymoon.
"Dearest he arid, gating at her
fondly, "Isn't this heavenly?"
"Yes, Reginald," she softly murmured.
"Do you know," he whispered, ardently,
"to me life dees not seem long enough
for our happiness? Just think, even If we
are fortunate, our married life can hardly
last longer than fifty years."
"Is that all?" she queried, wonderlngly,
edging nearer.
"Yea, that's so," a touch of sadness In
his voice. "Only fifty years in which to
love each other."
"Then kiss me quick, Reginald," she
exclaimed. "We're wasting time."
Activities of Women
what grave consequences ltttlo things When away from boms write or tele- "Imitate former American Infidels,"
may produce. I phone every day. I which Is another pious prevarication, for
" I iao ner wun you on guainni ana 1 1 imiiaie nooovy in anyining. in con'
,,,, ,ii,. ,.- pleasure trip, as much a. possible elusion. v, Mr. Steger Indorses my
BlMD - Da mora Mllla ta her thtn la inv Mhtr l.t.m.nt that most r. ravine- t lthr
meter rates aa low as 8 Cents per woman you meet mechanical or hynocritlcal. and thereby
l.OttO gallons, and their muntclpal Remember that .he like, flowers, candy I takes a backhanded swipe at Christiana
Our esteemed democratic congress- PJant carries a debt ot nearly $6,000.-' rouch "n"
tTorreon, 3,000 rebels and 600 fed
erals aro killed, which helps ua ap
preciate the rebels saying they will
bcx1 more ammunition to overthrow
the Huertft government.
man from the Third Nebraska district 00 t00. Contrast this with Don.t app,ar before her ,n y0ur bUth-
1. .tin inrufvin over his narsonally "mana B 010 o-cent rate ana present day suit
... - fini 26-cent rate. Make It a business to-be comfortable
tershlps by direct vote primaries Juat
as if its pre-eminent sucess had not
already been established.
The Ban Francisco Judge presiding!
In tho white slave case warned the husband to only one.
women spectators of Impending testl- ' -
mony too salacious for any woman toj
hear "except at the expense ot her
delicacy," but not a woman stirred.
Tho avowed purpose of the gradu
ated Income tax Is to eqUalUe wealth.
and yet it Is advocated by the yery EvIdenU'y no iacrmcoa mRde.
the power to tax coum not oe ngni- 0h. my. did you note the dissent
tnlly used except to raise the revenue registered by our Congressman Lo-
jieeded tor tho legitimate expenses of bee to the currency bill submitted
the government. U0 the democratic caucusT It the
gentleman Is not careful he -will be
In adopting a definite program for jn danger of becoming a full-fledged
the public ownership ot Its streot I insurgent.
railways, P-an Francisco, says the
Hearst papers, has aet a pace that Now that the silt skirt Is here, the
leads the nation In municipal owner- street railway officials who spent the
hlp. Can It bo possible they hava company's good money to lower the
not heard ot the achievement ot our I car steps must be felcking them-
'rV'ate' Bess of OmahaT selrea,
Dog Tales
I of arrant humbugs. And what I. he?
And now, Rev. J. IL Steger, aland up
and, bow your head while your God talks
to you, or, It you prefer, prostrate your
self on the ground as did Abraham
when God came walking across the
prairie and stood at the door ot his tent
on the plains of Mature:
'But let your conversation be, yea.
yea; nay, nay, for whatsoever la more.
than these cometh of evil." (Matt. v:l7.)
"Let your speech be always with grace
teasoned with salt, that ye may know
t.nw v nUdht to n.U'r nv.rv man '
A Now York dog ran away the other
Eleven person, wtre niuen in one day l .nd be ready alwava to nv .
recenuy in ou ijuia, mo., oy uoga n.wer to ever man that asketh von a
Quarreling with the pound keeper for I reason of the hope lhat Is ln you. with
imprisoning tier pet dog cost Mary Fray-1 meekness and fear." lt Pet 111:1!.)
ser or Richmond, a., a li fine the other j That will do. You may now listen to
I me. You say that I am an infldeL and
"Kannle," a collie, left Lee, Muss., and 1 1 surely am If, an Webster say, an In-
walked back to her former home nearlftdcl is one who denies the Inspiration of
Tarry town. N. Y.. over 100 miles. In two (the scriptures. But while you are pre-
momns. i tending to be a believer. I think you. too.
Miss EUnor Doherty rescued her little tare an Infidel, and also a hypocrite, and
niece from the Jaws of an ugly dog In a7 (that you do not even believe that the
moving picture theater In New York the Bible Is the word ot God. If you do so
other day. but was biy Uttea herself. jbtlWve, I ask that you prove It to tne was an officer of the civil war.
Miss Lola Larkln of Sioux City, la.,
has established an agency for supplying
harvest hands and railroad construction
The first woman ln Japan to obtain a
license to drive a motorcar Is Mrs. Wolfe,
an American woman, the wife of a dentist
In Yokohama.
In the garden of Mrs. Louis Pratt at
Belfast. Me., there are more than 700 va
rieties of shrubs and flowers, including
many old-fashioned kinds rarely seen
Ruth Borenson has been appointed the
first woman judge ln Norway and wlH
hold court at Hammerfest Let the
knocking begin.
The police authorities of Detroit have
decided to establish a board of theater
censorship, ln the membership of which
one woman will be Included. Already
over sixty applications have been made
for the place, the applicants being school
teachers, playwrights, writers of scen
arios, elocutionists and not a few promi
nent In society.
Mis. Nellie Krank, a daughter of George
T. Frank, president of the First National
bank of Petersburg, Ind., and a great
granddaughter of former Governor "Blue
Jean." Williams, I. the first woman In
Indiana to be honored with an appoint
ment as cashier of a national bank. Miss
Frank, who la a charming young woman.
It a graduate of the Indiana university
class of 'a
Mrs. Caroline Kettle, who has been In
charge ot the New Durham, N. J., post
office since her husband, Postmaster Ket
tle, died ln President Cleveland's time.
Is taking a fortnight's vacation her first
In twenty years and the town gave her
a handsome tendotf. She come, ot
Huguenot and revolutionary stock and ,
her father. Captain Charles d Clyne, I
,7- r?t&Z
A String of 1 5 Million
Silver Dollars
The dollars wo spent ln improving tho Chicago
Great Western, if laid side by side, edge to edge,
"woul Just reach from Omaha to Minneapolis through
. St. Paul, 355 miles. ' If you started to pick these up
you would have a full carloa'd every thirty-fivo miles,
or a total, ot 500 tons.
We spent $10,000 per mile ln rebuilding tho
Chicago Great Western, or 115,000,000 for 1500 miles.
It Is a good road today and the best and shortest
between Omaha and SU Paul and Minneapolis It's
Trains leave Omaha 7.44 a. m. and :ip p. m, (
Ask P. P. BONORDEN, O. P. & T. A.
1522 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb.
Phono Douglas 200.
tt MW l
"Bay ymnr
Mwrgical supplies
uhere your
phyMicinn buy hu"
La-UW ptit.
The W. 6. CleyclaQd Ce.
urgleal aad EaTaUa sTayplieav.
ItlO-lB Haraey Mt Sale. a. 1118