2 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 31, 1913. Our September Sale of Bed .Blankets and Bed Comforters Starts Monday, September 1st Special low prices- throughout the entire stock. Seo the many now and dainty Bed Coverings. Watch next week's papers for list of prices. The savings aro sub stantial. WE ANNOUNCE that our showing of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Waists for, the Fall of 1913 is complete. It is a comprehensive display of the newest styles. No ef fort or care has been spared to offer to you the best and latest fashions. 1 We invite your inspection. We will close our store at noon on Monday, September 1st, Labor Day. HOWARD L ATTACK ON ICE-CREAM LAW Iowa Makers Object to Fatting in Twelve Per Cent Butter Fat. PUEE FOOD MEN ACTIVE Prosecutions for Un Violations Lead Maker to Go Into Court IUls;e Caiup (or Conanmp tires Cloned. (From a Staft Correspondent) DEB MOINES. In., Auk. 30. (Spoclal Telegram.) Another of tho laws ot Iowa Is to be declared unconstitutional by the courts If tho lawyers can put up a good case. Because ot activity ot the pure food department ot the stato three local jce cream companies 'went into court to day to havo the law declared void which requires 11 per cent ot butter fat In Ico cream. State Inspectors have found much ice cream offered that la below standard and proiocutlons are under way. Hideo Camp Closed. "Ridge Camp" in Des Molnos was closed today. It has been maintained tor .several years as a resort for consump tives, and most of the Umo supported by private phiuvithropy for the benefit ot the poor people. The withdrawal ot county old caused the abandonment ot the camp and will compel thirty victims of tuberculosis to go elsewhere. MISSIONARIES ML (iOTAMSDON THEIR . STATIONS 1H MEXICO C&htfaued from. Fag One.) aatUfled and tranquil," and that "tre mendous damages'' will result from its withdrawal. "There is great, alarm here," reads the telegram, "oyer the American govern ment's, order for tho withdrawal . of all cltliens of the United States residing here. j7oU will understand that there is jo reason for this order. "The American colony ot this republic J of the most numerous ot these among us in its totality and, with very few ex ceptions, it is satisfied and tranquil, dedicated to its work and .attending to the necessities of its life, being respected and esteemed throughout the country. It would be seriously prejudiced in Its welfare and Its financial interests were it to abandon a country in which It is considered i and esieemet and where it has acquired numerous' and cordial re lation. "I do not 'doubt' that the president ot the United States and liU truly Just government will consult with the princi pal members oMta colony here regarding the truth of what I say. j "I beg that y.ou will .acquaint Presl stent WlUon with, what, I have, stated, calling his Illustrious attention to the tremendous damages which will result from his determination, for which In, all loyalty, I state there Is no .reason and -which undoubtedly has been dic tated against the sentiments ot Justice, of right and ot human consideration, not ORDER 4U Sunderland's Certified Hard Coal is ALWAYS the best that money can buy. Our new, fresh supply, just in, is exceptionally choice. It is not necessary that the coal shall be delivered just now, but it may save you money to buy while our summer prices are good: Sizes: : ' , price3: Chestnut : ...$11.00 . Jfo. 4 j. S11.00 fcwwo ..." $10.75, $Sg S10.75 ?Trate $10.50 No. 2 Nut. .810.00 Buckwheat $ 8,50 DO IT QUICK AND HAVE THE TASK OVER. FPPPI BrinS thia pon to our new main office 1 IlbCr and a worth-while gift will be presented to you. It is a handy kitchen paring knife. Limited supply. IMG. m El tutors UNDERLAN lEntlra Third Floor new stats Bank 17th and Harney AND SIXTEENTH STREETS by the elevated sentiments of a man ft distinguished as the present presi dent ot the United States, but through simple Ignoranco of what 1" actually transpiring In Mexico." Americana in Cnpltnl Safe. Tho Mexican Telegraph company re ceived the following message today from Charles E. Cumlngs, its superintendent, lit Mexico city: "Thero is strong reaction hero from the first. scaro caused by President Wilson's command to leave Mexico. I think a very small proportion of the American colony here will go. Today's Mexican Herald publishes an interview with sev eral Americans, including myself. I stated that during thirty-two years' resi dence In Mexico, I never received a better treatment than now and that If It comes to the worst between the two countries, I am willing to trust tho safety of myself and family to the hos pitality and protection of the Mexican people. I am in a better position than anyone a thousand miles away to judgo as to tho safety of myself and family. We are living In a civilised community, not In darkest 'Africa. I and my family will stay here, even in case of opan hostilities." Publio Schools to Open September 8 Publio schools ot Omaha will open Sep tember 8, and the majority ot private and parochtal.schools will open the same week. CrelgUtan and the? Florence schools open September 2. Following ore the dates of opening of the several schools! ' Omaha publio spsools, September 8. Omaha parochial schols, September J, University ot Omaha, September 18. Crclghton university, all departments; September 2. llollevuo college, September 16. University of Nebraska, medical college, September 8. Urownell Hall, September IT. Sacred Heart academy, about Septem ber US. BL Berchman'a academy. September 8, Mount St. Mary's academy, Septem ber 8, Dundee. Benson and South' Omaha school, Ueptomber I. Florence schools, September 2. Beginning with tho fall term tho Uni versity of Nebraska will occupy Its new building. Sacred Heart academy is de layed until September IS because repairs ot damage done by tho Easter tornado have not btn completed. low Keiva Notes. CUESTON A pretty home wedding was solemnised Thursday evening at the home 2Ci1'?!.?(le' tn MUl uth JIanncman and William Osborn, Were made man anrl w! frt thrnltfft. th. Imn...,l. i . i ----- .... -pi. Vop.VO i 1 bU tit Pronounced by Jlev. Korteling, pastor of w -isn, atwwinun vnurpfit CRESTON-Th fact that James R. Lucas, formerly ot Creston, carried aoci dent .insurance to the amount ot S87.9M in a, Missouri company at the time he shot himself In a Chicago, Burlington & Qulnoy railroad coach, may cause some insurance company's to. leave Missouri. The law of Missouri forbid an Insurance company setting up sulolde as a defense TAP Mnt .UIOIM- nnlLH Jk . companies are threatening to leav the state. It Is thought that the law may ;be cpntested, and if so will develope into u nuiif ui iiniiun-wiuo importance. The Persistent and Judicious Use et Newspaper Advertising Is the Road t Business Succesr, NOW! D 70 BIG YELK) WHIMS TOPICS FOR A DAY OP REST Many Pastors Returning from Sum mer'a Vacation. WILL START GOSPEL COURSE Clinrch of Covenant Annoanoea It Will Hold n Wednesday Evening Class in Ulble Study, with Iter. Fleming na Teacher, With advent of cooler weather many of the pastors are returning from their sum" mor vacations nnd the regular services are being resumed. Tho Church of the Covenant announces a Wednesday evening course in the Gos pel of Bt John, one chapter a lesson, be ginning about the middle of September. Half of the book Will be taken beforo Dccember-tho other half after the holi day season. The Book of Bt John was chosen by a practically unanimous popu lar vote and the pastor, Ilev. Fleming, U the teacher. Rev. T. W. Leavltt has returned from his vocation spent on the Maine coast anJ will prtach in Plymouth Congrega tional clurch, Sunday morning. This church wilt continue to hold Its services in the University of Omaha auditorium, Twenty-fourth and liv.tni stioets. while the ruined building on Florence boule vard is being cleared away and a now one erected. Baptist. Calvary Branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward, Bible school ht J:80, Harry Carpenter, superintendent. Branch in dustrial school on Thursday at 2:30. Immanuel. Twenty-fourth and Pinkney, Rev. J, s. Ebersole, Pastor Stanton Salisbury will preach at 10:30 nnd 8. Bible school at 12. Young people's meet ing at 7. Zlon. Twenty-sixth and Franklin, Itev. W. F. Botts, Pastor Morning serive at 10:30. Sunday school at 1. Baptist Young - - ..-'. h ww. i.i.u.iua act tiwo at 7;. Midweek prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:J0. Sunrise prayer meeting next Sunday morning at to 7. Grace. Tenth and Arbor, B. B. Taft, Pastor Sunday school at 10. Morning w,?,!;,hJp.Jlt,.1L Sermon by Rev. W. It Hill of the Bouth Omaha Baptist church. Young People's union at 7, rcvenlng ser vice at, when Mr, Taft will preach; theme. "Merit and Mercy." Mission Bun day school at 2012 South Fourth at 3. Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton- HJIPVlnnH n t in-fin nntl D Tit.. T a nu engcr of Somcrvllle. Mass-, vrlll preach both morning and evening. Bible school a at An r 11 v v. i j t . i iivuii, v. y, nouiB, aupennienueni. Ynunp People's society at 7. Mrs. H. J. Joseph, leader. Mid-week devotional ser vice ot the church on Wednesday at 8 nilVAt Thlf,r-tt.k CTl". k rf . Avenue, Frank II. Ward Pastor Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 and R, Tho Wednesday evening meeting Is continuing to grow In Interest and attendance Is splendid. Next Wednesday the beatitudes Mathew v:J:12. The Sunday morning serv- ibo mu uo oi opeciiat iniereat tnis week, all are welcome. Christian. First, Twenty-sixth and Harney, A. D. Harmon, Pastor Morning worship, sub ject of sermon, "Christ's Law of Happi ness. Bible school at 9:45. ChrlRtian En deavor at 7. Annual Field day of the church Monday at Hanscom park. Christian Solenee. A First Church of Christ. Bcletitlst, Twen-jy-Fourth Street and St. Mary's Avenue Services at 11 a. tn. (no evening services during July and August). Bunday school (two sessions) at jl5 a. m.iand U au m. Wednesday evening servlcea.it,8 .o'clock. CoBB-reicatlonnl. ' First, Corner Nineteenth, and, .Paven-ort--PaWor rF. T. 'nou"wlir tii'DBbh in the morning on ''What1 Went Ye Out Into tho Wilderness to Boer' No evening service, Plymouth, Twenty-fourth and Evan. Frederick VV Leavltt, Minister Bervtcos In University of Omaha auditorium. Sun day school at 10. Service of worship at h. sermon memo, a naco tor isvery Man and Every Man in His Place.'' Young People's meeting at C;Vk . Zjytaeopal. Church of the Good Shenhard Twn. tieth and Ohio, Itev, T, J. Collar, Rector iioiy communion at 7:w. Morning prayer with sermon at 11. No evening service. St. Matthias', Tenth and Worthlncton. itev. Uoorge 0. Southworth, Pnest euiiaay services: uoy communion at t. Sunday school at & Morning prayer and sennou at u. Bt. Martin's, l'wenty-tourth and' J. South Omaha, Itev. Harold Llnwood uowen. I'rioit iioiy communion at 8. Sunday school at 10. Morning prayer and sermon at It. llav. A. a. Corbett will oaiciata at au tne services, Chunrch ot St. Philip the Deacon, Tweuty-llrat, uear Paul, l'.ev. John Al bert Williams, Vlcttr l'lltoonth bunaay after Trinity. Holy communion at 7:!tu. Morning uruyer and bunday school at 10. Holy eucharist (choral;, with sermon, at Latherau. 2Uon, Magnolia Hall, MOi Ames, Rev. O. W. Suyaer, Pastor. There will be no church cervices, uible rOcttool at SiW, subject, Moopt Slnal." Orace .Ksgllsli, South Twenty-sixth QUect, Between Poppleton and Wool worth Avenues, Clarence N. Bwlhart, Pastor "Proper limphAsis"' at U. Sun duy school at 10. fit Mark's English, TwenUeth and Burdette, llev. Ur. U . Oioli. Pastor Services Sunday,: "Is Mammon the God ot the World r at 11. Bunday school at 9;4S, No evening services. St. Matthew's, Nineteenth and CasUl lar, Itev. O. v. Hnyder, Pastor Ulblo school at 10, subject, "Mount 8ltml." Gospel song and evangellstlo services at 7:46, subject, "The liasU For Salvatiun." Kountse Memorial, Faruam and Twenty-sixth Avenue, llev, Oliver D. BalUly, Ph. D 1). D Pastor; Rev. Ralph It. Wclssinlller, Assistant Pastor Morning worship and sermon at Hi Bunday school at :&. Mr. Oscar 1. Ooodman. superin tendent St. Paul's. Rev. IS. T. Otto, Pastor Services at 10 In chapel on corner Thirty fourth and Seward. Sunday school at 11:90. Evening services In Kngtlsh at 8 o'clock at Twenty-sixth and Hamilton. Rev. J. Llndemeyer will preach. Church school beclns on Monday. September 8. at 9 o'clock. Methodist. Oold Street Chapel, Thirty-ninth and Ocild, It. P. l'ctersen, Pastor Sunday school at S. Preaching oorv lce Wednes day at 8. The Norweclan and Danish. North Twenty-ilfth and Decatur. R, P. Petr- en. pastor aunaay scnooi at 9:u. Preaching service at 11 and s. Young people's meeting at T. Dleta MotnorU, Tenth and Pierce. C N. Dawson, Minister Sunday services! Sunday school at 9:30. Preaching at 10:1$, "Watch," sermon to children. Ep woith League at 7. Preaching at H. "Wheat or Chaff r Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8. The Ladles' Aid society Will meet with Mrs. Dawson. IwJT Pierce street. Thursday at !. Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth Street and Larlmoro Avenue, J. Franklin Haas, Minister Morning sermon at Q:i$. "The Pearl ot Greatest Price." Evening ser mon. 3 to 8-.S0, "The Excusing Habit" Sunday school at 9JO, Max L Walker, superintendent. Epworth League at 7, Robert 8. Cain, president. Special muslo at the morning and evening services. First, Twentieth and Davenport, M. B. Williams. Minister Sunday school at 9-1&. Publio worship at 11 and 8. Epworth leaque at 7. Morning and evening ser mons by the minister. Morning subject, appropriate to tho Luoor Day season. tKh Tie of Human Brotherhood." Evan. Ing sermon-lecture: "The Ltfe-Tragedy oft Edgar Allan Poe," Regular mid-week prayer meeting on weaneeaay evening at . Hanscom Park. Corner Woolworth Avanue and Twenty-ninth Street, Rev. C w. MoCaskllL Pastor Preaching at 11 and 7:45. conducted by the pastor. There will be good musta Bunday school at S.tS. classes tor all. Epworth League at '7. Official board. Monday evening at t, Tins will be the last regular board meet ing before the annual conference. The pastor Is anxious to have every member ELGIN SPENCER A. WI8HART. present. Midweek prayer service Wednesday at 8. Fourth quarterly con forenco Monday evening, September 8. lresbyterlan. First, Savcnuunth and Dodge The pas tor, Itvv. Edwin 11. Jenks, has returned from Ins ututlon and will preach at the Sunday scrvlco at 10:30 o'clock. Tlitni. Twentieth and Leavenworth Sunday ochool at 9:90. Public wdrshlp and bUUrtss by Henry F. Kleeer, at 10:45. Steruuptlcon lecture, "Social Gosper," at 8. Lowe Avenue. Corner Fortieth and Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McGtffln. D. D., Pastor Morning service at 11, sermon by Dr. Flsherj Sunday school at 10; Chris tian Endeavor at 6:45: no evening serv ices; prayer meeting Wednesday at 8. First United. Twentv-flrst nnd Emmet. Alonzo C. Douglass,. Pastor Sermon topics: Morning, 10:30, "Tho New Haven and the New Earth.'1 Evening, 7:30, "A Message-for Youny Men." Bible school at noon. Young People's Christian union at 6:30. Parkvale. Thirtv.flrat and Gold. Rev. A. E. Lebmann, Pastor Bible school, 9:15 a. m.i Junior and Senior Christian En deavor societies, 7 p. m.; evening song service with sermon by the minister at 8; senior chorus rehearsal Thursday evening at 7:1S. Falrview, Pratt Street and Fortieth Avenue, Charles H. Fleming. Pastor Bible school at 1:15 and afternoon worship at 3 o'clock; theme. "Tho Temptauon." Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the mid week service will be led by Miss Lydta Snyder Benson, A. J. McClurg, Pastor Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning worship at 11. Sermon by tho pastor, subject, "The Incarnation." Christian Endeavor at 7. Union services at S In the Presbyterian church. Midweek services Wednesday evening at 8. Castellar Street, C. C. Meek, Minister Morning service at 10:30. Tho Rev. F. P. Ramsay, Ph. D., will preach. Sabbath school at noon. No evening service. Young People's Society of Christian En deavor at 6:15. Prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. North, Corner Twenty-fourth nnd Wirt, fkX' "lJBlbe,q,..D. D Pastor-Sermon at 10:30r theme, 'The Greatest Artlclb of Our Fnttw." Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian En deavor at 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting at 8 o clock Wednesday evening. Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Orant, Thomas B. Greenlee, Minister Publio worihlp at 11, subject, "The Triumphant Life." Bible school at 9:13. Young People's Socletyf Christian E-ndeavof at 7, prayer and missions. Wednesday ev"lnK at 8 o'clock meeting for prayer and fellowship. Tha Church of the Covenant. Twenty 8nv"th and Pratt. Chajles H. FlTmmg. KttSEfr orAWP ot Theme dev KTWk S?.clt3: ot Christian Eh .KifJI a.t.T7L15' Evening worship at 8; m, i Midweek service Wednesday feadw C,0Ck' Mr Dyhrbu Zf the Hlsoellaneona. Chai2La,""tvB14q.Ii?5Lh ElBhteenth. Rev SdT? ShaTi iv't Mtor-Morolng i?S 'Li. unViWfrJF Miracles?" Even ing topic. "Principal Cause of Sulslde." iJSteT?2n,ii, Elbl SttKtenU Assocla tirn.hi1 iToor' Ilarlght Hall. Nlne nc n."11 pnniani-Paator u m. Herr of Brooklyn will address the association BRYAN NAMES DELEGATES TO CONGRESS ON ALCOHOLISM WASHINGTON. Aur. Bryan today appointed these delegates to mo lourteenth international congress on alcoholism at Milan, Italy, next montht Rev. Edwin O. Dinwiddle, Washragton, D. C.J Ernest II. Cberrlngton. Wester vllla, O.I Rev. Peter J. 0Callaghan, Chi cago; Rev, E. a Blaine, Ovid, N. Y.; Rev. Dr. Arthur J, Barton, Waco, Tex.; . ...v .nvii, jr., mouniona, Vail Prof. Charles Scanlon, Pittsburgh, ra.; cawin Mulrcady, Boston, Maos.; W, M. Jefferson Pollard, St. Louis, Mo.; Rev. Dr. Itufus H. Hitler. Philadelphia, Pa., and Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, Macon, Ga. Boy Dlra of Lockjaw. SIOUX FALLS, 8, D., Aug. 80, (Spe cial.) As the result of stepping on a nail, Henry Van der Wert, the 10-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Van der Wert, who reside on a Douglas county farm. died, of lockjaw. Within a few days after stepping on the nail blood poison set in and this developed into lockjaw and caused his death within a week after woelvlng the injur. THIRD JJAN IN THE BIG ELGIN ROAD RACE. FINISHED SECOND IN ROAD RACE. - - v. ltf. IRISH TO PICNIC TOMORROW Emmet Association to Celebrate at Old South Omaha Club. HAVE AN INTERESTING PROGRAM Athletic Contests for Men, Women and Children Will De Held Speechea on Erln'a Final Self-Uovernment. Old South Omaha Country club will echo to the sound of Irish wit and Iriah eloquence Moulay, when the Emmet Monument asso ciation, organised to promote the In terests ot fTho' Irish iiepubQo" meets for ,a plcnlo for the first time !n five years'. "Time -was when 2,000 Irishmen attended the picnics of this association," said John Qoffee,. of the committee on ar rangements. "But for five years we have not met. Now we are to meet again nnd we Intend to have a high old time." Police Commissioner John J. Ryder will be chairman and the address of the day will be given by Arthur F. Mullen. Dr. William J. Leary and John nnd Mr. Coffeo have arranged for the entertain ment for tho picnickers. Several athletic oventa between men, boys, girls and married women will be held, with cigars, umbrellas, mirrors, gold rings, skirts, peaches, shirtwaists and gold necklaces as prizes. Mr. Coffee was enthusiastic about tho picnic. Ho said: "The Emmet Monument association picnic and outing to be given Labor day, will bring together in Irish sports and pastimes a race which has ever been foremost In that which tends to brotherhood and tho cause of free dom. This organization has for its pur pose the complete independence of Ire land and the establishment of an Irish republic This spirit fostered by such men as Wolfe Tone nnd Robert Emmet and given their undying attention still lives In the heart of every true Irishman and will continue in Its exlstericc as long as Ireland shall live and an Emmot man shall breathe. This organization has ever been a factor in tho community In which it exists, not only for good citi zenship, but for what tends 'to gdod citizenship. Every project and enter prise tn which this organization has had a hand always met with success, for behind it were Irishmen, and everyone knows that an Irishman courts no fail ure. So on this day, then, the Irish will unite, in sociability and in hospitality, enjoying, as all Irishmen can, the sports and pleasures arranged for the day," For the convenience ot those attending the plcnlo the following information is offered: Take Fort Crook car on the half-hour at Twenty-fourth and N streets, South Omaha. Children under 15 ad mitted free. Five Are Injured in Auto Accident on Way to the Eaces ELGIN, III, Aug. 80. Five Chlcagoans wore Injured In an automobile accident on the way to the Elgin .races. They were: Mrs. T. A. Spence, knee cap broken and badly bruised; condition critical. T. A. Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Johri Spence, occupants of the same oar, badly bruised and battered.' . ' George Grundel, badly crushed., The Spences were stalled along jde the publio road near Bartlott, seven miles southeast ot Elgin, when George Oglesby, a Chicago druggist, ran Into them with an automobile while traveling at high speed. The Spences were all thrown Into the ditch. Grander car turned turtle on a nar row pike near Ontariovllle, twelve miles southeast of Elgin, pinning him under neath. Ho was rescued by automo blltats. All of the Injured were taken to Bartiett, where two private homes wore turned into temporary hospitals. ' Old Bullet Wound Troubles Gaynor NEW YORK,. Aug. 80.-The bullet wound ' which Mayor 6aynor sustained Just three years ago this month, when an attempt was made upon his life, still causes him serious troubles, which has detained him at his Long Island home for the lost two days. In response to a friend's inquiry as to his health, tha mayor described his trouble as a "fish hook" in Ills throat In me ot his charac teristic letters he said. TMy Tight lung, pneuraagastrio nerve and stomach' have again taken it Intd their heads that by combined ahd violent effort they eould succetd In casting the "fish hook" out of my throat which that bullet lodged there. But, as in their former occasional at tempts they succeeded in casting every, thin out except the 'fish hook and have completely done themselves and me up in tho bargain. "These members of my body which try to do this thing now and then are Just as foollfh as are people you and I know, who want something done all at once, which can only be done gradually and little by little. But they won't have it that way. And so to work they go, might and main, to do it all at once with violence, with the result that Instead ot doing it they do much hard mischief and exhaust them selves." Ritchie and Welsh Post Their Forfeits VANCOUVER, Aug. SO. Willie Ritchie, light weight champion , and Freddie Welsh, the British champion, posted for feits today for their twenty-round fight here September 20. Each put up 13,750, of which U.C00 was to guarantee appearance and 81,250 to Insure that the fighter would weigh inside the 135-pound limit at noon on the day of the fight y Uimill 1UHDI 1 Tf D. ORLEANS. Neb.. Aug. 30. (Bpeclal.) Orleans won both games from the fast Weber City bunch yesterday. The first game was a slugging match and the second was a pitchers' battle ot which McCoy had a shade the better. Scores: First game: R.II.E. Orleans I 4 0 1 J 4 1 -17 1J 1 Weber 1 00040I0O-8 6- Batteriea: Orleans, Carroll and Car roll: Weber. Dahl and Durham. Second game: R.H.E. Orleans 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 I 9 2 Weber 0 00101010-460 Batteries: Orleans, McCoy and Car roll; Weber, Morstt and Durham. Glltner Defeats Roclrrlllo. GILTNER. Neb.. Aug. '. (Special ) Glltner defeated Rockvilte yesterday by the score ot 4 to 1 on RockvlUe's dia mond. Score: R.H.E. Glltner 1 0 0 0 1 0 S 0 04 8 1 Rockville 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-L i 8 Batteries: Glltner, Daniels and' Goethe: Rockville. Butch and Smith. Persistent Advertjamg is tne itoad to Big Returns. "" Nut For Range To Wait Means to Pay 50c a Ton More for the Coal Why should you delay tho purchase of your wiil tor's fuel supply? Why SHOULDN'T you buy "Zoigler" now at $6.&0 per ton when you are as sured that it will go to $7.00 a little later ? For lt'a a forcgono conclusion that you nro going to bur "ZeiBler" anyway; "Zelglcr", tho coal that doesn't soot; tho coal that does not clinker; tho coal that Is nlntost smokeless; tho coal that possesses hnt units enough to causo It to bo proclaimed a nuurol. Invest $0.50 a ton for "Zclglcr" NOW, even. If AVE havo to storo the coal untU you need it, 'Twill pay you to do so; pay you BIO. (Anthraoite the gmuine Soranton sold here now at summer prices.) Tb! 1 prune Tyler 1754 Do Your Buying Early e Close Watch Monday evening papers for Tuesday a special offerings. New fall merchandise displays of uncqualed merit, combine with phenomenally low prices on goods you need right now to make the first week of September here a very profitable one for buyers. Watch our windows and ads. lHayd LARMOM ODTOFTHE PLAYING Eliminated from Junior City Tennis Tournament by Will Adamt. HANDICAPPED BT A BAD AJtM riay This Afternoon Between Poivell and Adams to Determine Chant plonahlp Other Matches Scheduled. Although he vras suffering from a badly wrenched shoulder, which sent sharp pains through his arms every time he swung at the ball and which pre vented film from smashing it, Ilussell Larmon, tho high school champion, gamely stuck to the game and played four -sets of tennis with Will Admits be fore he was eliminated in the Junior city tennis tournament at the Omaha Field club yesterday afternoon. Ixmon wrenched his arm in deliver ing an overhead serve the other day and ha received strict orders from h'.s physician that he was to refrain from making quick or bard strokes with that arm. The doctor strongly recommen'lol that be play no tennis whatever, but d)d not absolutely require it Larmon bad been selected' to win the tourney, but with the injured arm he was not ex pected to do so. Adams took advantage ot Larmon's dis ability and played a strictly lobbing game, At no stage did he hit the ball .on a 11ns, or with any speed, but con stantly lofted it Into the air and Larmon was unable to smash It without endan gering his arm. As Larmoa is particularly effective in killing lobs, he received hi worst handi cap In not being able to put his strength behind his strokes. He was compelled to bat tba ball back easily and Adams would lob. Larmon soon became exas perated at the game and practically gave tho match to his opponent The most Interesting match of the day was tha Stockings-Fullaway combat for the consolation . prise. Stockings, a red headed player with an iron constitution, broke down Fullaway.'s defense by his unlimited staying power. It appeared imposrible to wear him out, wblla Fulla way soon got tired and was then easily defeated. Finals tn tne Doable. This afternoon Ralph Powell and W1U Adams will play for the Junior city j championship. The match Is not arousing the interest as neither player is cither brilliant or Steady. Both play a slow gams with no smashes or lawfords and either one, or both, is very likely to go up In the air and play wretched garoea Tho players are universally agreed that there are several players tn Omaha- under IS years of age who are capable pf de feating either man In today's match. The finals in the doubles, consolation singles and consolation doubles will also bo played this afternoon. In addition, tha match for the kid championship will be played. Paul Nicholson and Will Nicholson, brothers, will play each other for the honor. Paul Nicholson (s two or three years oldtr than his brother and la locked upon as tba one to win the championship. Lump For Furnace 210 So. 17th St. Orandeis Thoiler Building eh Bros. Guards Are Charged With Conspiracy to Smuggle Opium SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. SO.-Ona customs inspector and ton customs guardr on duty along the water front were dl missed from the government service to day and warrants for nine of them wen sworn out, charging conspiracy to- smug gle opium. HYMENEAL llendrlckn-Currr. HARVARD, Neb., Aug. S0.-(Specla!.-At S o'clock Thursday morning at th( home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. David V, Curry, of this city, tool placo the marriage of their daughter, KlUabeth, to Prof. B. Clifford Hendricla of the Peru (Neb.) Normal school. Rev. II. H. Harmon of the First Chrlstlai church of Lincoln speaking tho words tn union. The bride was brought Tip it this city, is a graduate of Haryar schools and also of the state unlversltj and leaves many friends in her earli home who, wish her success and happl ness in tha life before hert They tmm diately left for Peru, where they will b at home to their friends after Septem ber 15. , DEATH RECORD , John Snyder. SHENANDOAH, la., Aug. .-Sp-claLWohn Snyder, who had lived west of Yorktown fifty-seven years and owned one of the richest farms in southwest Iowa, died Wednesday night after a short illness. , t "You're Safe" bo long as you keep tho Stomach, Liver and Bowels working reguT larJy and when the first sign of weakness ap pears bo sure to take HOSTE ITER'S STOMACH BITTERS promptly. It will help you keep the appetite normal, digestion per fect and liver and bowels active. Try it.