THE BKE: OMAHA, SATtiBDAir, AUGUST 3.1, 1913. FINAL CLEARING SALE OF ALL OUR LATE SUMMER DRESSES . SATURDAY, 9 A. M. To raako room for our extensive Fall Stocks now arriving, wo offer, Saturday, our entire stock ;of Fine. Summer Dresses at two prices, $4.75 arid $7.50. Dresses tlfarsojd for' $9.50, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50, SATURDAY Dresses thajBol'd'fbr $17.50;' $220, $25.00 and $35.00, SATURDAY' (jjy ............ gATrjRDAY9 A.M. BELEEYE GIRLWAS ABDUCTED Evidence to Uphold View Margaret Lnka Was Kidnaped. REPORT OP SPEEDING AUTO Ladies' Summer 4 . ' r: Hosiery Silk Boot Hose, white or black SOc per pair Thread S.Ik Hose, white or black .... $1.00 per pair Popular shades in Silk Hos iery $1.50 per pair Black or White Silk Lisle Hose.. 35c and 50c per pair :A Special Sale All Black Hats, Trim- med arid Untrimmed, Satin , or Velvet, the Newest Shape Trim med with the Latest Fabrics at Specially Low Prices. Millinery Section, 2d Floor Green County Trnstera Start Fight to Hare Itallrond Aaaeaamenta In creased In Proportion to Other Stnte Property. Wildroot" The best Hair Tonio and Dandruff Remedy on the markot, 50o nnd $1.00 sizes. "WUdroot" Shampoo Soap leaves tho hair sol t and fluffy, 15c, or two for 25c. Trailing Arbutus Tal cum, 20c. (For Saturday only.) Waists and Middy Blousss slightly soiled and mus sed, that sold for $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, (2Qn SATURDAY u;7U Main Floor, Firat Table, Center Aisls Resistal Waterproof Crib Sheets Somohting new; silk or cotton finished; size 36x36 inohes, $1.00 and $1.50 each. Infants' Wear Dept., third floor. HOWARD AND mm SIXTEENTH (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, la., All. .-(Cpc'al Telegram.) Tho theory that Margurct iiutca. a Den Moines girl. II years of PK Was abducted from the state, fairgrounds aet week was strengthened today by a report from Col. Inn, forty miles north of here. A big red automobile went coesd Ing through that town containing fr.ur men and a young girl who seemed to be In great dlstreso. The pnranta of tha girt Insisted from the first she was abdJotid, but ail efloris to trace her have fal.od. Want Ball Values Higher. Trustees In certain townships In Ureeni county have recommended to the Hoard of Supervisors that they start sul'. to compel tho state executive council to raise the assessment of railroad property or reduce the assessment on real prop erty In that county. They declare there Is a discrepancy which works an Injustice to them and that ral.road property Is not sufficiently taxed. Office Not Satisfactory. The determination of the Wilson admin istration to retain Dubuque as a revenue 1 office, after abolishing Burlington, Is causing somet rouble for the fr'cnds of the administration In Iowa. In the south ern part of the state, especially, thero Is objection to having the. revenue oftlco for, the state located where It Is so difficult to reach and at several places petitions have been signed up asking the federal author'tlea to locate tho revenue office at the capital of tho state. There has also been much dissatisfaction over the ' abolition of ono of the 'revenue offices, which was done, so It Is said, In order that a' new revenue offlco might be cerated In ono of tho sotuhem stales. Claim Discrimination. Ono of the big features of the attack on the constitutionally of the Iowa, workmen's compensation law, as made in tho federal courts. Is that It la rankly discriminating as to classes of persons affected. It Is stated that tho taw will not apply to farmers and some other classes of employers of labor, hence Is not of uniform application. Tho petlt'on In the case la signed by one J. C. Hawk Ins of Nevada, but the case la In tho hands of Des Molncs lawyers who rep resent Insurance Interests. The attorney ! general will be asked to defend the law In the courts. Tiovr Snpplytns Hoe; Serum, It Is announced by the stato . college authorities that they are now supplying a uuantlty of hog cholera serum from the new state laboratory at Ames and that by tho first of October they will probably have their permanent buildings the serum that Is needed at that time. Send the boy to school right 1 Whatcha mean; him io school right "Ssndin htm rig'it" msam that one of our right suits at a right price will be of more genuine worth and wear than half a dozen uncertain suits with a so-called bargain price attached. We have been making boys clothes and selling them on this corner for 23 years, and many of the boys we dress ed for school years ago, we ae dressing for business today. Time has but added wisdom and greater ef forts of perfecting to excel, and we have spared no pains this fall to give oar patrons the best suit val ues their money ever bought. The new fabrics cut and fashio led as they are will toe right up to the mark of the most examination and as we said before we promise you the best school suit val ues at $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, S10.00 and up you ever saw that's saying a whole lot, but we are right here to make good. lionff Pant Salts with a touch of elegance and English origin that can only bo found hero. $12.50 up For Misses nnd Youths who aro going to school we suggest thoy coma in and enjoy our display of new Macklnaws. They ar ory att active, and doa't tak up much trunk room Hats, Caps, and Furnishings to giro the right tone to the suit. Browning, King . Co. GEO. T. WILSON, Manager. Champion mare, r-abst Stock fa m, Ocono mowoc, Wis., on Queen Daisy; r.bbon, V lid Roso farm, St. Charles, 111., on Sun shine. Standard Bred Trotter Champion Btal- III., on Tommy Deyl. Kon, J. It. Peak & Son., Winchester HUM'S 1 vanmwsg MBCH SATISFACTION - iV. ' 1 )"' ' CmM4Mt free PMr One,), cetnlB eKfli ha Wen' lnCour,i the ItWit' plofnM" 'ev&e;ntia and the' untoreaeen attitude of President Wnvm us4 Secretary of Stats Bryan have ma-la it certain.' A eulogy of Huerta follows and the trrtlcW continues; "President Wilson hai taken It on himself to erysUllz tbr pop ularity of Huerta until the latter nas be come the Incarnation of national dlgult and 80rellgnty., El rata publishes an editorial along Klm'.lar lines, declaring that "Pivaldent Wilson ha not only launched the.lnl. ilacy ot Huerta. but advanced It. ho lid JIuerta be proposed ho could find no bet ter argument In Tils favor than the cttlim of a Tanked president." El Independents under the caption "Our nrst Victory" eays: "Mexico attend thrMMjti the loctd aha dignified respond,' th eM reasoning and tha Jdsf erounfls cf kteaeean slowacy." TJw Ifftaarelal. dting the fact that ne- tjaHtaB have not terminated, dot not batteva H opportune to attempt o an alyse the situation; It counsels tmn quKy anly. Mafrevln ana apple, "dt-jg tBt'eaum'taua tar taken by the Mexican H-f va n m Crna. TKIfA CRUZ, Max.. Auc .-Numbc. of American refugees are arriving ht.rj warning to them to leave Mexico. iht so' In need of assistance are appealing to Consul Canada for aid. Some famt.Ue'nt means from Mexico City also h&vo ar rived and a great Influx la expocted hoio during tha next few days. Most of tn refugees will remain In Vera Cms watch- lntr 'for developments In the situation. Petalbi of the recent accident to the Halted Rtatea battleship Louisiana tuie ot woe at target practice show that no damage vras dona to the" vessel. It nrrrk a leef whole steaming at four knots and was floated again Immediately. Oil Steamer Burning v iii NeYork Harbbr CAYALRY TEMWIHS MATCH Skirmish Una Makes lip Change. Jn ' - -Scoreif W JfarXsMen. 1 NEW YOniC, Aug. . The steamer. Bui germeister Hackman. with W,000 loi.s of crudb oil and behtlaa In Its hold, MAlX xtU'i channel toward "on. foineen liours OrrroB la Third, United State Ma JTHIS3EI SECOND ttno Ceraw Foarth and Iorra riftn Cnptata ClojBt6a la HlgU Man. CAMP PEIiny. O., Aug. &.Tho No- arter U. cargo. had been fired by a spark created "by f. let Ion when two tin cases struck violently. Tha 9, JO.-ton vessel had listed f.ftien ftet to port at B o'clock and tha water wo then wtthln a few Inches of Its deck. A botttiy of three fire boats surrounded tlonal rifle team match u ennriurt a iho craft, and t.umped water on it all day, the United titates cavalry team w:n plsht, but It burned steadily. Biasing nlng with a score, of 3.CT5. The victors blocks ot wood, dislodged from IU steel were led by Captain W H. Clopton ,ot frame, floated down tho river, menacing i the Thirteenth cavalry, other cra.t Nine thousand gallons of I Other leading scores were: United bensine , had not been reached by tho ; 6vtea navy, socond. 1655f Or.rnn flames at t o clock and fire fighters wero 24i United States Marino corps, fourtli, hopeful that It would sink beforo this , 2.CC2; Iowa, fifth, 2,601. should explode. Thousand ot persona The shooting of the skirmish run tho lining, the water front were swept back final stago of the match, today, produced oy mo pouce ieerv i lureo prcsiocis, iuiijr cnangea in the standing. Before the who believed they would be Imperiled In 1 skirmish run the United States Infantry case of an exploson. Ham was In first place, the marina The "Bntterni.uv Channel" Ilea between toatn was second. United flt.t.. ,.i!-.. tho crowded flouth Brooklyn water front was third. Wisconsin fourth and fowl and Governor's island, the Utter covered , Cfth. along the shore with army ctora houses and aarracka. FUNERAL OF FRED DALT0N . HELD AT fAftEHTS' HOME TABOIt, la.. Aug. .(8peclal Tele eram.) The funeral of Fred. Dalton of Macedonia was held here today at the Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. The cavalrymen moved from third to fhrot place, Um navy r0M rom eIgRlh placa and the Oregon team came from the middle of the list. Th dropped from second place and the Iowa icara ueia us own. try ft m ne iBiantry team, which hd v.ia first place until today, dropped down to eigntn. hvme ot hie parents. Nr. and Mra. Harry t,in cin7n .hi .7. ,t r v'r Mten.. Baf. D. U. Norrla,. Pastor ot n.1C'"f.t.0'L! ' b! H" ' iwa won tne eniisiea men's match. The scores made by tho five leader on the skirmish run wore as follows: Cavalry, 1.027; navy, 1,040; Oregon, 1.009; marines. 961; Iowa, OSS. Beorra In Team Match. The other teams In the national team match finished In the following order: ew zone s.isps Ohio r,m ......2,U0 the Chr!et'an . church, officiating. The young man was found dead on a rented farm near Macedonia Thursday 'lying on the flor and across hie rifle. It U be lieved ho shot himself In the head. He was a bachelor near 90 years of age and rented his farm for cash tho last two years. He was much discouraged by poor 'crop seasons. He acted In a pecu liar manner last week while- here attend ing the base ball tournament. He re turned to Macedonia last Sunday. All our regular 11.50 shirtwaists Sat urday at E9o. Julius Orkln. gaaaMapspEBHBkassasasBBaaaaaDsaBsaannmEB aaaaaasama Drugs at Cut Prices You ueel Borne ot the standard Drugs and Tolit Artl lea lifted belqw. You can save cousldorablo money by getttug them here. Note the desp cuta in prices. Kan 'as ?,5 7 U, 8. Infantry.. i.M Via, of Colum..2,SM Artsona 2.ST8 Colorado ..,,,...2.5,0 Wisconsin t,U0 Alabama ....... .M7 Massachusetts .5 MS Tnn . Washngton ...3,638 I West Vlrgtnla.2.6a ; Indiana Florida 2.W8 'Thoy havo placed In charge of the state laboratory C. Q. Cole, who has been In charge oi tne teaerai UDoraiory at tne college where serum has been manufac tured for the various government experi ment stations. State 'Want to Bay I.nnd. Regardlag- thn. .contemplated purchase of land ior stato Institutions the States Board, c-f (Jontrc-l has Just made public tho following 'otatcraent: Tho Board of Control by an act of the thirty-fifth general assembly Is au thorized to locate a state colony for epileptics, a new location for the reforma tory for women and a district custodial farm, and to purchase land for these In stitutions and we desire to get In touch with respons'ble real estate men and others Interested In each county, with the view of looking at some of the farms that would be suitable for these purposes. In tho opinion of tho board tho sta.o colony for epileptics should have from 00 to 1,000 acres of good land. The other Institutions would require a smaller amount of land. In the view of tho board thero are some conditions In the estab lishment of a otato colony tor epileptics that are very essential; first, n good sup ply of puro water; second, good sanitary building sites where tha dr&lnago problem can be easily solved and, third, good productive land. Among other conditions would be land so located that switches connections could be had with some leading railroad." ir ln Wrsther far Favr. Tha stato fair never in all Ita history' experienced such nearly perfect weather for such an event. There waa a very heavy rain two daya before the fair opened, after which there waa not drop of rain fell on the fair; no wind nor threat of storm and for moat of the time it waa hot enough to etart the crowds go'ng. but not too hot for tha comfort ot the exhibitors. Great Stock ExMfclt Tho live stock exhibit at the Iowa state fair waa clearly one of the greatest ever mado anywhere. Between 000 and 1.0CO cattle and an equal number ot horses were shown. Many of the classes were very, even and there waa no poor stuff. In the hog department there waa a fair showing only. Below will be found the sweepstakes prlxe winners in tho live stock depart' mcnt: Srrlue 8rreepstnkee. vrkuVilrf Omn champion boar. T. ! Manly, Guthrie Centei J sow, B. F M.rgfcn champion stall on, J. C. Drunk ' Si- ,ngf cid, 111., oi. Allen f. . . Shetland Champion stallion in harness. Qeorge Jleyl, Washington, 111., on King Lor i go. Mu e Champion. F. I Iiutson, stati Center. Cattle Streepatakca. Polled Durham Crand champion bull , II. Miller? Peru. Ind.. on Sultan'f Creed. Ayrshire Adam Belts, wauKeona, wis., on I mo. Baraonoch Day Cavalier: cow same, on Imp, Uarbolgh 10th. jersey uuu, Memo jraoyan, ueneva Til r T),. am.. I tr Tl..lln. lilt, U1I ,U13, WW, . VC..l& Lake Villa, 111., on Bullnda's Vennor. Ilea Jfolleu uuiu uaussier uros., iio- bNeb.. onTeddy-a Beat. Dn,fon. on.lsvrwln C.; cow, same. ', EiRcxcap Mctienry. . uauoway buii, u. o. tieotner, unanion. Guemaoye Bull. W. W. Marsh, Va.e. loo. on J "id Haves Cherub: cow. santa on Imp. Moreland Aquamarine, cuich beitea uuu. tr. iu csanaen Mesa. Arts., on Columb'a King. Shorthorn C. O. Saunders. Manilla, on Cumberlard Type. Brown fcswirs uuu, Aiimnuret farm. n on Wis . on Mvone Boy. Shorthorn Cow. Anoka forms. Wauke sha, wia, on village inower. Hereford Bull, u. Hams. Harris, mo on Repeater; cow, J. V. cudahy, Belton mo., on renecuon uoss. Hhortnorn uow. u. h. uurge, mu ver non, on Silver Mysle. Hoistein cow. u a. weison. ivaveny on Chlod Art's Jewel. Galloway Cow, Capital View ranch. Sl'ver Ixtko. Kan on Daisy Dimple. Hnlitelna Bull. Iowana farms. Daven port, on Iowana Houttje Pontlao Count. VOTES FOR MANY YEARS: FINDS HE IS NOT A CITIZEN ATLANTIC la., August 23. (Special.) After voting for thirty-four years as a cltUen ot the United States, holding pub- He office and living during this time under the Impression that he waa a cltlsen, Jacob Chrlstenson, the pro- I. Kun illllnola 2,(01 .New Jersey, ,..,;,497 I'tah s 493 Miomgan ...... J.4C5 Pennsylvania ..5469 Hhode Island.. , 3 43 EOo Carmen Powder. ..... .Oe 11.00 Hyomel, complete ...5"' 2Pq Lyou'u Tooth Powder . -1 6 25c Menen'a Talcum Pow-'or, 10 c 26o Laxative Uromo Qu'nine. 12 ac Pond's Vanish ng Cream, 15 i BOc Pebeco Tooth Paste. . . O 26c Packer's Tar Bosp 14 i 50c Pape's Dlapcpsih 20 c 25c M.ntholat4.m 14 11.50 Fellow' Syrup of Hypopb,osphils . .f7i 11.00 Duify'a Malt Whiskey. 73d 35e Cutoria 31c 25c Carters Little Liver 12d 3.00 Fountain Pen, heavy eolld gold pen 81.00 f 2.50 and S3.00 Dowes Stand ard 8elf-Fllllng Pen, .. .81.00 36o Prophylactic Tooth Brush 24-C 11.00 Protono ....57c $1,00 Delatone ..57 26c Ltatetlne ....15c 1-Plnt DUUlted Extra.t Witch Haiol 20 e 11.00 Druua's Sarsapar lla. .07c 91.00 Dike's Dlood anj Hkin R-medy OTd 26c Peroxide of Hydrogen. . .Ct3 50c Beaton's Coll Crem...35c COo Casslmero Greaselcss Cream 34c Beaton Drug Co. 1 follow tho Beaton Path.' rarnara and Fifteenth Streets. Minnesota iui Mississippi .....2.3W Connecticut ... .3,324 Tennessee 3,310 Vermont 2.S07 Oklahoma 2JSH North Carolina Kentucky 3,K South Carolina E.JS Virginia .......A1S7 Narr Team Second. The national trophy and 4S0 In cash sees to the Un ted States cavalry team I as first winner; second prise of 3S0 cocs to the United Btatee navy teams third, , prlte of X) roes to the Oregon tam and the fourth prlte of $S0 goes to the united Btatea marine corps. These four teams aro winners of Class A. Uy tandlns In sixteenth place the Washington team takes first money of Class B. which Is SU0 and the famous Hilton trophy. Second pne money of goes to West Virginia, third money of a goes to Indiana, and Florida geU fourth monev of JMO. Tho Sronse Soldier of Marathon and (300 goes to California as the winner ot the first place In Class C, which Is thlr- Maryland Montana Hawaii .4is Missouri California 2 JT7 W..nMlHH ... 1 ... . .1 Oeorsla J.S7S Chester hiteDoar A. B. Bomeryllle, New Mexico., ..2,mi Monroe; sow, Thomas F. KenU Walnuf, unii vnuiaef,j'4 i ianiuriii-uuaj w - - MMtit anw. iajtib. ilOinpfchlro boar. Clayton MEncr Keswick, sow. Btutono eioctv imuu rtiinmlAriiev Boar. O. R. Stevens. Itlp- pey; sow, Wahlmeyer Bros., tierKanire uoar, iawn imito enport; sow, samo., J. E. Meharry, To lonp, lit; sow, same. liorar swnv'iaKr'1 Clydesdale J rand champion stallion, .TnmM t illev. lrltt- Oil ivIUKS Faui.Uj itt rve rlbbou II. Harris Ford, Storm Lake, on Prince Cedrlo, ..tiiulai.B-4.hamp.on stallion, tu uttt- Kur. Klrfni on Julea Ileml: reservn rbbon. WllUam Crownover, Hudson, on rartnoa ae oaiaroingo. vnuninvn """Ji ll. Lrebure. tairiax; riDoon, iw c, V nrh IndfDcndo .ce. RhirrH (,'hnmolon stallion. Truman Stud farm, Uuehnell. III., on ColeshlU niomni vflnrr: r bhon. W. Crownover. Hldson. on Boro Ragetd Boy, champion mare. Truman Btud farm, uusnneu u. nn Tinn Auromi ribbon. F. J. Wolt man, ceoar Funs, on Mouuon rriraeii. Clydesdales-Champion mar. II. H. Ford on Princess Maei ribbon. Hthel. wold farms, Mondavi, Wla, on Amy. Pvrcherone Champion stallion W. H Kox. Genoa. Neb., on Jeun; ribbon II. G. llciltllan. Rock Rapids, on Matador, prletor of tho Chrlstensen Brothers' store of this city, dtscovered that he was not a citizen and had no right to vote, and that he would have to be naturalized to become one. The discovery was nade last week when Mr. Chrlstensen appeared In court as a witness for an applicant (or naturalization. When ho waa asked about h!s own naturalization and citizen sh'p ho replied that hla father was natur alized at Yankton, 8. D., before he was of age. thinking that he spoke the truth. After figuring up by dates It became evident that there waa a mistake some where along the line, so investigation was made by mall, which resulted In ending that hla father was naturalized after ho hod obtained his majority and that therefore ho (Mr. Chrlstensen) waa not a citizen ot this country. ,As soon 'as he Jcarnd .thlR tact ha ap plied for naturalization papers In the office of the local clerk of the dUtrlrt. court ' MrChr'stenserf wb,PB9 father, was. a native of Denmark, is Inclined to see the mater In the nature of a Joke and good humoredly stated that this time he would be sure be had a right to vGte. Iorra Newii Notes. IOWA FAIXS After lfrln eva' hours, Everett Stonebreaker the 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stone breaker of this city, led of tho tqrrlbl bums received while at play. CRF8TON At the Creston homecotntnf Qlen Martin will use his demonstration machine Instead of the racer, as he sty ho can give a more showy rilsDlav nnd remain in the air better. Thin n thr macnine in wnicn ho ascended 7,000 riot In Chicago recently. IOWA FALLS Tha ravuei tit ho- cholera In this part of the state seems to spread witn rapidity and resultant Inv running Into the hundreds of thousands or dollars, northeast oi Ackley the dla ease seems unusually virulent and farm' ers are losing from sixty to 200 head- CRESTON Word reaching here today savs mat onenrc (Colonel ityan when visiting Hamburg for the second tlnto in tre last week with search warrants round several Karons or tne questional! liquid In the Ell Marker place. Th res idents of the Marks placa claimed '.he goods to be the property of John. Calla han and a warrant waa Issued for bs arrest. Another of tho ausDects nurnst Ad Hughes was arrested and entc.-od a piea or guuty. tiOQAN The Women's Christian Tem perance union meeting of this district waa held hero Weunesday. There wero many excellent speeches made, umoru? which wa th lecture by Mrs. Ida B. wue-amun. -mere were miny-iive uci- egates In attendance lrom the dlsttl; embracing Pottawattamie, Audubon, Cam oheiby ana Harrison counties. Spanish Consul and Wife Burned to Death NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Thousands .of curios gathered In many lands and stacked high in the apartments of Hlpollto Uriarte. for f.fty years a Spanlsl consul, ted a firo kindled In lighting a cigar today and blocked tho (vay,pt.-tht agedhdlPlomattst and .his wife to, safety. Urlarto was found dead, JeanlngtBoroas a window allL. His wife, Mary E.jLomse, mistook a window leading to an air ehaft for one opening on a firo escape and plunged four stories to her death. Urtarte was S3 years old. For fourteeu years he waa Spanish consul general Id New York. His last service- .was In Canada. During his travels for hla gov. ernment he had accumulated ;souvenlri and momeatos of every country In which he had lived. They crowded every nook nnd cranny of his apartments, and ln 'bi smoke and confusion resulting from the Cre effectually cut him off from escape. The fJre was kindled, it Is believed, when he lit a cigar which he Intended to smoko before going to bed. The aged couple had been up until a late hour cele. bratlng the home-coming of their sou, Lotus, an accountant In Cuba. A Viper tn the Stomach Is dyspepsia, complicated with liver an kidney troubles. Elcctilc Bitters help .all such cases or no pay. Try them. BOc. Foi sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. Key to the Bltuatlon-Bee Adertlslng. ty-nrst in the I st ot winners. Sec champion etalllon owned tn Iowa, If. a, ond money or 00 goes to; McMillan on Matador: ribbon. M. J. Nel thlrd money of $115 goes to Georgia, while ! Cambridge. , on Kon'Jf 'f; Camp- on Couceorua; ribbon, Dunham. Wayne, 111., on lids. New Mexico wins fourth money of $1S0. Th Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper AdvartUlog la the Koad la ButJnew Buccesa. iVui-knavft ChamDlon ataUlon. Pabst Btock farm. Oconomowoc. Wis., on Bag thorp Sultan i ribbon. Wild Rose farm, U Charles, lit on Beehatn Motan. A D -itorieal mv hw Starw Aa-lter Olen Hmet fe thmt ou don't know cm be Uarned from tha mia yo'd ltat tuip ct f kntvolni iv Ev.ry tvu an t to it m m an is: " IV y , I tiln t knt you had un thing toJU nit,'' nnd bso thmo tuuth U rns iom.thtn about elcthigt at ue ueotr cuAUd ia"fl named inofilinary cUttUng ttortt aryl he earns t jrom th$ ilore he mvr .upectid of tciiojolng vtry mttcA about thinye matculiM. Those extraordinary Benson & Thorne suits for Fall are ready For yoars this store catered especially to the younger set much to tne annoyanco of men folks desirous or getting apparel of the nl.h character that this store handles. For savoril seasons we've ben enlarging our range ot a.xei unta now It Is a reasonably hate assertion that your else need not stand in tho way of your wearing one ot our extraordinary garments. Young Men Elderly Men Tall Ken Mont Men Saill Men Urge Men Attention! For some weeks past we've baen opening cloth ing boxes, marking prices and arranging cases to the end that we're ready with Fall Suits and ouch a line why, there isn't a favorel b yle or fabric missing and many of our ultra fas' Jon ble models will b found 'n no other store. A eto.k that will appeal parti ularly to fell ws who want genteel but uncommon clothing at reason able prices. $15 to $35 OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING 8TOUZ Fellowi tso aeeV fM unconv mon in Furnihinj an t h it tciUfohlg'iy piloted ufti vhat Itoy find here. 1S18-S0 FARXAM STREET. 1