12 Polly aild Her WANT ADS Want ads received nt any time, bat to Insure proer cl&wilflcatlun mnst be presented before 12 o'clock noon for tho evening edition nnd before 7: BO p. m. for tho morning nnd Bun day editions. Want ads received after ruch hours will havo their first Insertion under tho heading, "Too . Late to Clammy." CASII HATE FOR WANT AT) 3 REGULAR CLASSIFICATION! Ona lasertion 12 ccnta per line. Two or more consecutive inscr Uom B cents per lino. Obo II fe per1 month, 9 1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. AdverttaCBiestfl charged to patrons having acconnta are mcaiitircd by the line, not by the word. CHARGES RATES. Six words to tho line. Ona Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or mora consecBUra inser Uon 9 rents per line. One line per month $1.80. Twenty cents mlnlmnm charge. Advertiscmenta charged to patrons having accounts are measured by tiio line, not by the word. NOTE -The Doe will not bo re sponsible for more than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed uftar the 10th of the following month. An advertisement Inserted to be run antll forbidden must be stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo BKATH AMD FUN43H.AL NOTICES. Remains of Mnu Nettle Collins OfttfJi, who died In Paris, France, August 4, 1I1S. will arrive in Omaha Friday evening and be taken In charge by Bttrket St Leslie company. Funeral services at Trinity cathedral Saturday at 3 o'clock. August 30, 1813. Interment, Prospect Mil cemetery. Lao A. Hoffman, 24th and Dodge. K. L. Dodrtcr. 23a and Cumins. H, P. Bwanson, 17th and cumins, a. iL iJ rawer, m Nortli 24tt tit., South Omaha. You can order SARCOPHAGI Xratn th following CEMETERIES: Forest Lawn, l'hone Florence Hi. Prospect lltlL. Phone Webster 240. West Lawn. Phono Douglas lUV. Mount J lope. Phono Denaou HI-V7. (Iraceiand Park. Phono uougiaa" lOGi lloty aepulcher. 213 Barker Blag. Or, order direct fom tue AMnJUCAN BARCOPUAUUS COMPANY. Douglas 2M2. Offleo 304 First Nat Bank Bldg. LODGE NOTICES. Attention, V. fl. Grant Post No. 110, O. A. R. You are requested to meet at Henfey & Ileafey's chapel Aug. SO. UO, at i a. in. h&rts. Funeral servtof tor our into com rade, W. H. ttboematier. All ex.euldieis lnvSteO. Joseph MulUion. Commaiioorj JL 2. Tuten, Adjutunt. M1KTUB ANU HBATUS. MrUw-C. C and A. Lont, SUO North yifty-utU. juri; J .and Latin osierman, iiU Worm Turenty.third, boy; J ens I e anc Hello 1'erUtt. Ma Cumins, inn; v ilium and Aaols itead. W tioutli Fitteontli, ulrl. Ueatiia Robert liludeoe, 35 years, lion. Slut: Macule U Uyen, ki yearn, left outh nixieeath; J. H. Chrltlanin, it kw, uoiiuu; llobert Hni.tn, u years, fcil North Twentynievenih uvouue; V. H. hocmaker, bit years, hospital. aUILDIMQ I'KKMITS. Conservative Bavlnus and lxian asso station, lu ilarnvy, orick stoi-c. T,km, UKLl' WANTED KE.MAX.li. Ajcenta autt bulentruiuvu. "WANTiSD-LAdy asunu. Best reduclug corset utaue, aim omtr popuiur uioue. Imiuv pruiiu. ai lAiUlb cutuu.x CU.. bU iOUiS, Mow WAKTUU Competent Rtrl lor central housaworai uooa wanes; no wasmns. WAtiTtAi a Klrl tor iieucnil houu. Ytork. two in family. Tel. narncy waa. OHUt to assist with housework, small ainuy; no wasntne; vood pay; good yome lor right party. Harney l. QUttt tor general housework, z in famny. Jura, . a. Taylor, evil Uaveii Iwrt. Harney HM. WAN THO Ldy aventa and deinou. ixatora. TeL Harney bU&. Clerical nnd Olfice. GIRL, to act as uishler and stenos fapher In retail jewelry store. Mutt uo high school Kiauuate ana nuai writer. 2'rmauat posiuon. Apply, aiailntf ae Vaotorjr auU Xradea. T-iesxa halrdresilcsT at Oppeohelm's. H.VSi tUiS Neb, Tel. Co. tan use a limited number ot girls In the operating depart ment. AcDlicants must furnlsn refer. en cea. Uatary iaid while learning. Ap. iy xi. r, iunuert. nisiuci iraiuu cniei. in ana uousiu VVANTiliU Twu Kood women ennlii at Wayne State normal. Salary, first cook. MB; second cook, tM. Address Ullie JUaum, Manager C in Ins Hat!, Wayne, Nebraska. WANTKO a high school sir or a mlf 1 aged woman, who wishes a good hots with a, married couple, to help with tiousework. Telephone lied 6372. WANTED-A lilirh Mihnol irlrl In vnrb tor her board and room while attending cboot. Mrs. 1". A. lieardsley, bCl Daven porfc Phone Harney MX TH H I HK11VANT OIIU PltOULEM SOIUVBD The Uee win run a Servant 6Trl wanted Ad FREE until you get thi ftMlred results. ThU applies to reidenu pf Otnaha, South Omana and Council JaJuffa. Bring : your ad to The Uee otftce er tcltphone Tyler leva fiS I " " ; 1 ' '- ' TP 17 All cff pa I I I IrrSf 1 i HclPfCfJE. IF M1DMT IWlrTEO-g , i0r teRTD ' . ITS ILL OFF. R4 I toe A ALL DAV J HAoda MAKE Some. JPj W. TZll i 4 1 PICMiC iM MtVlM . RfM' , J Pot The ) IIE : JHOU5E1J LOOK Al IT j oM PalsAndtlie Rain HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTKD-OIrt for general houaowork. Mrs. J. Iteynolds, 101 N. 21st Ave. WANTKD Olrl for general housework; 3 In family, good wascs. Stft Dodge. Harney am.9 WANTKD A filrl for general houio work U 1 Park Ave. Harnay .3g. niii'iiivu- wnite girl lor general tiousework. No washing. lloom nnd board. Good wages. Private family, neforences. Phone Webster 11. 1901 Wirt Ht. WANTED Competent Rtrl for general housework. 1326 S. 31th. Mrs. C. U Alleman. COMPBTKNT girl for general houao work. No washltiK Or Ironing. Oood wages. Inquire 418 Omaha National Rank, villi 1. 1 it i ui nuunirnuin. family ot two; it per week. Middle-aged woman preferred. 221 N. Hth. WANTED Olrl for general housework: no washing! per week; references. OX Dodgo 81 Tel. Harney 1743. ainL. wanted for general housework; no laundry. Harney lOGt QIHLi for general housework; small family. 205 B. Kith Harney U39. WANTED Olrl for general housoworlc. 4108 Davenport. Harney 2CC2. HXPEUUKNCED Klrl. with good refer ences, for general housework. Mrs. uenj. h. uaHtfr, l( tin. 3Mh St. VJ A NTIT T A trrmA n ti ran a, tnAvjuki no good cook. Harney (A WANTJOD QJrl for general housjwont. Mrs. Koenlg, 112 No. slat Ave. Harney 4S70. QOOD rollahio girL No washing nor ironing, small family. 1909 Capitol Ave. Mlscellameons. YOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers ore invited to visit the young Women'a Christian association building atvBt. Mary Ave. and 17th tit., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise nanlsteu. Liook lor our travelers' guide al the Union titatlon. aOVKllNMUNT POBITIONB UPKN TO WOMhiN 171 month. Write IminodiHlely for free list. Frunklin institute, Uvpu u If, itoch-ster. N. Y. Avents( snlesweM sail ttullettora. WANTED 4 neat appearing young tnea to travel. Apply M jarandeui The. liiog. INSTALLMENT JEWJULKi: SiLUUi&DLlAJN WAiNTiliJD. Vo liavo an opomng tor an A-l oxpcnoiicccl retail boics tuaii. Tills is an exceptional opportunity lor the ngnt man. In answering givo full dotails of your oxporionco and what concerns you havo beon with in this lino. Your reply will bo trcatod in the strictest con fidence. Address Y 247, Omaha Bee. SAUCBMEN WANTKD A few good mn to sell 151 P.iso lots at tiS to M. on easy terms; best seller on tha market today. Utrd's-eye view furnished. Ui iVso Heights Investment Co., liox Mu, CI fso, Tex. .MAN to act as InvesUgator and cot lector for lariccst credit jewelry house In the world, now opening branch la omana. Must bo well acuualntod with city. Btau age, experience mid salary expected. Vo sltlon permanent Addiess L. lot, liee. Factory mm 'siraiaee. HARVK8T HANDS for the Dakot-n and Canada. Omaha Employment Ou rau. Ill North 16th. QI3T into the most profitable business ot today, the automobne business, and become independent. Our large, well equipped shops otfer the opportunities ot learning the business by actual expert ence on different makes of cars. Our terms art) moderate. Write or call Na uoual Auto 'i raining aunucmtiua, &ii N. XVth Ht.. Omaha, Neb. Tel. W. aa. HELP Call Omaha Employment liureau. ATTEND the 1UUHT BCllOOU larg est, best equipped school and repair shop In entire west. Prtoe no more than any ot the so-called schools. Equipment aud faculty uot tu be cumpareu in uny iur tlcular. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1417 Dodge. Tet Doug. 9041. Drug store suupa; Jobs. Knelst, Uou Uldg. DItAFTBMAN wanted, architectural or mechanical. Permanent pokition. Adurvs4 A-lau. care uee. WANTED Gordon pressteeder. Doug las Printing Co. Ulaceltaneous, INSTALLMENT JEWELRY SALESMAN WANTED. Wo havo an opening for an A-l oxporieuced retail sales man. This is an exceptional opportunity for tho right man. In answering givo full details of your experience and what concorns you havo been with in this lino. Your roply will be treated in tho strictest con fidence. Address Y 247, Omaha Bee. WANTED-IUllway malt clerka. tlaoi to SIM month. Details free. Franklin Institute. Dent. XU FM Rochester. N. T. ANT competent person desiring to better tits present position, can learr something of advantage about different ways of getting positions, bv sending their address to O-SJI Utlca HUg., 1 MoIocjv, la. MEN Age IS to to. wanted at once for firemen and brukemeu; no experience necessary, ISO to Sl per month: pro motion; no strike; write Immediately for full particulars. Address Y 143., care Uee "MAN acquainted with city for posltlow as outside salesman ana collector for credit Jewelry store. State age aud ex perience K 160. Dee. -HE BEE: Spoiled Pa's Picnic A. B. C. of Omaha A RION'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity A econ cmyt Sia t). 15th. middle ot block, id floor. Empress ANY BEAT 10c, ANY TIMK. K EIIU Abstract Co., 305 8. 17th St. Bolter be safo than orry. Have Kerr do your title work, V ACl.'U.M cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done In tho home. Sanitary Service Co. Tel. Doug. 2901. HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED Men to try November exam ination for Omaha mall carrier; 336 to 1109 per month. Apply Y 21B, Bee. AUTOMOBILES. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOblLES THESE UAKS MUJST BE SOLD THIS WEEK 1 Jackson live-passenger, two-cylinder car; tires all good and an exceptional bargain, reduced for Immediate sale to 1 ' flvo-passenger, 4-cyllnder Fmmtlln. fully equipped, in good running ordr. paint in good shape, tires all good, re auced for immediate salo to S4S0. 1 tlve-passenger, 4-cyiinder Oldsmobli car, thoroughly overhauled and in jx cpllent shape. This car has foredoora. Heduced for immediate sale to SUM. 1 -cyllndor. seven-passenger fYank'.ln, fully equipped, paint in good shape, wou'd make ideal family car or suitable for liv ery business; demountable rim, all tires in good shape; reduced for lmmediato sale to SG00. 1 Stevens-Duryca five-passenger, 4-cl. Inder car. This car Is a high-grade car and will give several years ot good serv ice, Price reduced for this sale to I00 . 1 19U Chalmers W touring car, fao tpry overhauled, bears full equtpmant. Urea all in good shade, has seir-ntartnr nnd will give good service for a number of year. Reduced for Immediate sale to 1 IMS Hudson touring car, fully equipped, in excellent shape, equipped with demountable rim, has one extra tire on rim, windshield, top, speedometer anl self-starter, tlrei on the car practlci'ly new. Iteduced for Immediate sale 'to 1 Plerco-Arrow IVJI model, fully equipped. Including seat covers, an ex cellent top and windshield, Urea all in exceptionally good shape, car In perfect running shape at the present time nnd should appeal to anyone looking- for a high-grade, serviceable family car. This car Is an exceptional bargain and reduced tor this sale to SOUX 1 Btevens-DuryM model X, 4-cyllnder car for which wa have one seven-pasnen.' ger limousine body and on flve-uavsen-ger open touring car -body t would make a good family car and an ideal car tor anyone doing taxlcab or auto livery bu. ness. This car can be seen at our mueit room and price will bo made upon appli cation. We need the space now occupied by these cars and must sell them this week. If Interested In any one of these cars call at our salesroom Immediately and wa will demonstrate them for you, Stewart-Toozer Motor Co. 2044-C-8 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 138 DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at th and Farnam. FORE DOORS BEAT COVEJW. 1100 reward tor any magnuto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Uaysdorfer.. S10 N.ll Odds and Ends Bargains WS White Demonstrator. One Model 10 Dulck. Hogers' Kalston friction drive car. II. Peltoa. va Farnam. Doug. 3301. EXPEHT anu guaranteed repair work on all kinds ot cars; battery charging and magneto repairs; castings welded; bargains in used cars. BCATKd MUTOlt CAU CO.. 1U& Dodge. Motorcycles. W1UTB FOU LIST OF EECOND-HAND MOTORCTCtiEB. MICKELH' NEUitASKA CYCLE CO., l&TH AND HAKNEY. 8UB-AQENTB wanted for the Yale motorcycle in nearby territory. Also bar gains In all makes used motorcycles!. Vic tor 11. lloos, "the Motorcycle Man." Har. ley-Davidson and Yale inotoroyclss. 2IU1 Leavenworth Ht., Omaha, Neb. WANTED SITUATIONS. FAIIM hands furnished, short notice, fr flmntui. lOmnltw limlit UuraiU. Ill N. wth tit. Tel. Douglaa 1UX. YOUNU man who has had three years experience in National bank wanta po sition as bookkeeper or assistant cashier. Good references. Address, Box XSX. Cortland, Neb. Wanted posit, as practical nurse. W. C30. YOUNU lady wants piace to work ro board while attending Uoyles college. Doug. liCS. YOUNU MAN wants place to work for board while attending Uoylea college. teU Doug. ISO. WANTED-Sltuatlon by a young lady for general huukework on a, farm near Omaha. Address Y Zii, Bee. WANTED A position In private fam lly to do the housework, where work is light ITll Dodse. Doug. SSU. IHDHITION as housekeeper, ahamher work, clerking or day woik. Found at 1731 Dodge, room 8. Doug. gnt WOMAN wants work of any kind. 1.I1 Dodge. Doug. UL ANN0UXCKJ1KNT3. NOTK'K TO CONTOACTOna. Boated bids will bo received by the M'hool boavd of Cedar ttnpids. Neb., for the construction of a two-story brick school building with basement, according tc plans and iik Ideations on file with secretary and Charles Wurdeman, archi tect. Columbus, Neb. All bids to be filed by September It. ISOS, and accompanied by nertttled check tor 5 per cent ot bid aa guarantee. The school board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. C. A. ONOOK, Becrelary. n.Aug.3. Cedar lUplds. Nets. OMAHA, SATURDAY, AT'CHST 3D, 1013.. Standard Furn. Rep. 1st cL rep'g. Bed 8C3L D. a Orlfflth. wig mtr. 13 Frenzer Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co." Tl Af "Fl motorcycle messenger service, . 2U B' "" Doug' 8606 0f 36ao- ffftT a lucky WEDDING RINQ from BRODEOAARD'S, AT the BIQN ot the CROWN, up the GOLDEN STAIRS. 16th and Douglas. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for itching', bleeding or protruding plies; COo postpaid; samples froe. Bhcr man & McConnell Drug Co., Omahsu ATTKAOTIONB. Omaha film exch., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. BUSINESS CIlAMJKf City National Bank stock for salo or exchango for some in vestment that bears dividends. Enquire b'48 J3randeis Bldg. OLD CORPORATION wants ono re sponsible man In each county in Ne braska to act as agent for ull business transacted In teirltury; good opportunity for right party. Address P Its, care Bee. Htwcl.l nl.n, fnr Itlno ...... k...i- .' IIPAI. II h!PU h'Mh!hM '11 In every town in Nebraska lor a Contract Loan and Investment company; all or sparo Mmd. Call or wrlto Mr. Wing, SIS City National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. TO gel in- or out ot business, call on OANQIufTAD. 40t Uee- BUrf. Tol. D. 3471. FOR SALE Best dray business in cen tral Nebraska. Address Y 40, Bee. BANK FOR BALE, Controlling inteiest In paying bonk lo cated In prosperous German community. A. J. .Urower, lioveu. ti. L. GOD building for drug business. Write Langdon Bros., Gretna, Nob. Kooadsg Jlonsea for Sale. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. Up-to-date, strictly modern, detached house, close in, all filled with young mon. Must sell at once. Address O 156, Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS Brass Foundries. Pax ton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Bta. Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1603 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 2333 Howard. D. 8461. Mrs. Rosa Boesen, DOS lAike. Web. 47'J5. Creameries, Dairies and Sapjpllesr DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. China PainttnK. CHINA painting; outside flrlne done. Mis. F. C. Haynes. l&B S. J6th Ou D. 435)0. Dancluir Academies. THE last 'month at Mackls'a for sum mer rates. 1818 Uarnoy. JEWELL BIMPtiON. Uouirln. Auriltn. rlum. Opening Sept. X Webster 21SL Dressmaklntr, Terry Dressmkg. college, 20th & Farnam. Detectives. Omaha Bee. Ser. Agcy., 428 Paxton. D. 1319 JAMRR AT.T.AV 14 N!nulll mi. rc... dence seoured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Drtnkluir Cups. . . 100 SANITARY paper drinking cupa, too; postage paid. Burnley Knv. Co.. Omaha. Urav. nrnra n f rtnt nri... .lit i AH S10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug lo., Omaha. Neb. Florists. A. Donaghue, 16OT Farnam D, 1001. MKaa A BWOUODA, 141B Farnam St. L. HKNDiiiltSUN. ltUi Farnam. D. 126s. Uverythlnir fur Woiaes, trlch Plume Co.. 206 Neville Bldg. D. JoiO. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Beabug. roach St. ant killer. ru&r'tM ntl lsfactory or money refunded. Special large umtic. iov, uinuii villein. v;o., iJOUg. 4J44. Furnaces, Stores and Repairs. Wj, rkrrv r.nalr. run.... . and hot water boilers and stoves, and uavu Guuiiieiem woramen lo uo tue work. Now is the time to prepare Tor winter. No charge for Inspection. Omaha Stovo Repair "Works i3- Douglas. Phone Tyler 20. Insoranco, TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tyler 10C4. O'Nelirs. 1506 Farnam St Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. 208-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Nunerln and Seeds. STEWARTS BEEDMAN. lit N. 16th. Patents. D. O. Bamell. Poiton Blk. Tet Red TUT. H. A. Sturges. 6a Uran6la Thea. BldjT Ptamblncr Plumbing and heaUng. Fischer it Con hell. 111S William St Doug. 5737. J. A. WE88MAN, 2612 Leavenworth, mod, heating & plumbing. D. 3793. H. 2144. J. J. Ostronlc, plumbing, heat-ng, gas fit. ting; tree estimates. Uli S. 13. Tyler 12S9. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. The Raber Printing Co. J0euph? PKK HUXJ. ItNTltANCE. ON COURT. ATr.ila-UAltNlld.tU rig. Co., qual Ity printing. Tel Doug. HtO. S34 8. 13th. CENTRAL PRINT1NQ Co.. Doug. S7S4. Seminar Slaehlnea, LOVEJOY. Web. (BS. Clean and repair. Miect Metal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 1)0 S. 10th. Stores and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes; scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, wa sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 4H-1C-1S a Uth. D. -"711. Drawn BUSINESS PERSONALS. Tronic and Suitcases. FRELINQ tc BTBINLE, 1S0O Farnam St. Vpholaterlnir and Repatrlns. EKWALL & CARROLL, reflnlshlng, re palrlng, Int decorating. 241S Leav. D. 5018. Wlnca nnd Ltuuors, ( WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches, Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. 13th St. EDUCATIONAL DO YOU KNOW HOW to do any oue thing well? Do yo'i know that the big business houses are search Ing for efficient young men and women like those who are graduating every month from THE BOYLES BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOLS, Omaha and Council Bluffs. Day and Night School all the year round. ComnletA courses In hustnesa. bookkepn- lng, stenography, telegraphy, civil uervlep nnd salesmanship. More calls for grad uates for paying positions than wc can fill. Write for our new catalogue. Call and sea us. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2 Special lnuucementa to enroll now. Ad dress 11. B. Boyle", Pres., 1810 Harney St., Omaha, Neb WANTED Ten children, aged 7 to 12 years, at the EFFA ELLIS MUSIC SCHOOL Friday morning, 10 o'clock, to uso tn -giving a freu lesson o music teachers. Y. M. 0. A NIGHT SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 15TH Arch, or Mech. Drawing, J10; Arlth. (Elo. 5; Bus., $7; Carpenters' Arlth , S3.7S; Bookkeeping, 912; Bus. Correspond ence, S'i Bus. English, S7; Com, Law. 4 111, Prin. Electrical Engineering. SIS; Elec trical Testing, 315; Elo. English, J5: Frea hand Drawing, 17; Gait Engineering, S7.C0; German, $10; Penmanship, 17: Plain Read ing and Est., S7; Public Speaking. $7; baleBinonnhlp, 330; Shorthand and Type writing, IIS; Showcard WrlUng, 37; BpelU ltig. S3; Steam Engineering, f 15. Extra fee of 33 Is charged nOnmembcra. 17th & Harney. Call Educ. Dept., Tyl ItiOO. . THE VAN SANT SCHOOL. Stenography only. Patronised by tho educated una experienced. Day and night school, No solicitors. Telephone or write tor catalogue. Omaha. Neb. ' BETTER PAY AND BETTER POSITIONS Hundred's of young men and women are preparing for success in bustnjis by tak ing up studies in the MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Regular term opens September 3. Finest quarters; unsurpassed facilities for teaching; graduates guaranteed good positions; easy terms ot tuition; special inducements to enroll at once; handbook ot lessons on business forms and practice given free. Unusual opportunity to get a practical business education, dead for catalogues. MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, 1815 Farnam 8t.. Omaha. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heavy teaming gears and wagons; best makes and largest variety in the city. Johnson-Dantorth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. Closing out our high grade Racine run abouts with steel tires for $30, with rub ber tires for $tf; worth S12S. Johnson Dantorth Co., B. W. Cor. ICth and Jones. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to acertain whethur they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to tho rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street. Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. D. 11. Tolman, 335 Board of Trade building. 11.400 to loan on eastern Nebraska land at 8 per cent- Write Omaha and Lincoln Realty Co. Room 436 Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments and Flata. Gordon Van Co. Si 213 N. Uth St, or 210 & 17th St. TeL D. 3M. t-ROOM APARTMENT, all modern, newly repaired. 2613 N. 20o SL TeX Web ster 6378. 1807 FARNAM 6 rooms completely mod ern, suitable location for oil ices, studio, dental cr dressmaking rooms, etc, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dist. Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7403. A FEW CHOICE FLATS AND APART MENTS. 1510 No. 20th SL. 5-r.. strictly roodsm, 322.60. 2043 Howard. 4-rM strictly modern, very close tn, 13. Ml 1007 Bo. 30th Ave., 6-r., choice neighbor hood. 332.C0. 330 No. 3th St, 6-r., very close In. 337.50 2S29 Cass, a new. strictly modern 8t Louis flat 5-r., hot water heating plant, S37-50. . 2601 St. Marys Ave., 6-r., good residence district close In, $40. Apt o. 1. Caiiyle, 6SS So. Wth, 4-r., verr close In. Farnam, &-r., steam heated. T7.50 tn summer, $35.60 winter. 23 So. 2Uh, 4-r., steam heat. 320. We have others. Bee our complete printed list before renting PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. SAVE MONEY. Downtown modern 8-room apartment; steam heat; close to your business. Bee Janitor. California Apis. Doasr. 637. for The Bee by OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments nnd Flats. THE ALBION. 10th and Pacific; an elegant 5-room apartment; thoroughly modern. Call D. 4512. 6-R. FLAT, 1202 No. 24th, cheap rent; well aranged; beautifully papered throughout; modern. Call D. 4512. 623 SOUTH 26TH AVE., six-room flat, one of the best In city. H. a Mann. NEW -r. aptmts.. one blk. from hlph school. F. 'Crawford. Ware Blk. R. 204. SIX-ROOM house, modern except fur nace, in good order, $20. Inquire 2522 Charles St. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern. In good condition. 1U8 Ohio St. Inquire 1S18 Lathrop St. Key 2614 North 16th St. Board and Rooms. NIOELY furnished room and good board and homo cooking. 2621 Harney. 1824 Webster, room and board, $5 week. Furnished Rnm, NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat 1703 Jackson Bt Tyler 1631. Rooms, pleasant reasonable. Har. 3631, TWO Inrra mtm miuIami uni If desired. 3008 Farnam. Housekeeping; Roams. DAVENPORT, 201S. 2 or 3 housekeeping Furnished Utc. GOOD 9-room house in th Wf -c nam district, splendidly furnished, $75 lpr mnnlh ' ' HARRISON & MORTON. 818 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tel. D. 314. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. lionsea una Cottuiies. FIDELITY co? -yrvu. iMtii ttiiu ejumvuun flto, DOUR iDltt. A rnMPT.pirpir. nA . apartments and flau that are for rent This is a list compiled dally and can 0 seeu free ot charge at 8u0 South 17th St. umaha vaji abu aTUUAUE CO. 00-7-r., a Krsklne St, modern. !S'9rr- 3510 Jackson St. modern. $27.60-6-r., 202 Pratt St. modern. 3?'Sh".. 622 uth 8t- modsrn, walking distance. $30.0O--r.. 807 So. 31st St, modem. $J5.00-6-r. flat 642 So. 26tn Ave,, mod. $35.00-6-r. flat 630 Park Ave,, moijarn, desirable. $370-8-r., a027 Chicago St, modern. $40.00-7-r., 1319 Lothrop St, modern, hot water heat. $t0.00-8-r., 1819 Wirt St, modern, fine location. GEORGE. & COMPANY, Phone D. 766. 002-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg SIX rooms, nice and modem'. 3515 Luv. enport, $30. 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1591. NO EQUAL -room house, 4-room flat, all modern. Tlxard. 220 N. 23d. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling on Cass, near Uth; modern. Cretgalin university. . Douglas 2320. 624 So. 28th St, a-r., all modem, $50. 3610 Jonts Bt, 4-r., all modern, $27 60. 844 So. 22d St, 7-r., ull modem, $32.63. 4107 Ixard St, 7-r., all modem, $25. 450$ Ixard Bt, 7-r., part modern, 15. IOOS Pacific Bt, 7-r., all modem, 315. 1127 No. 17th St, 3-r., C. W. and jaa. 310. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4731. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496 T n TfapH Exp. Co., furniture moving. U.V. AHit-U Two men. $1 hour. D-6146. 7 ROOMS, modern, first floor, oak fin ish, C01 Park Ave.. $40. 6 rooms, mod ern, 2012 Elm Bt, $24. Harney 1510. No. 2621 Capitol Ave.) 7-room, all mod em house, $20.00. . No. 1122 So. S2d St, 9-room, modern house. $45. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 722. ASK about thls-3315 Dodge Bt. 3(0: open for Inspection. Preston. Harney 1166. Rnncnn In all parts of the city. FOR RENT Five-room cottage and bath. 815 N 27th Ave, 719 and 725 B. 37th. Webster 2530. ERRINXfh':n1?4Co-' N- BRICK HOUSE Seven Rooms Four Bedrooms. Modern in Every Respect. At 1511 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 1509. 7 ROOMS, modem except heat 322.60. Owrer. Web. 6621 Stares and Offices. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frjnlajca on Farnam St. and occupying about l,M square leet, witn extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault Fin office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee ornce. NEW store bulldlr.g. 26x60. Steam heat 1703 Jackson. SIS S. Uth Bt 22HX60. STOREROOM. 616 So. Uth St. C. W. and sewer $15. BIRKETT & COUfANY, 123 Bee Bldg. Doug. 47S. OFFERED FOR SALE. Furniture. FURNITURE for sale. 2603 Pierce St. Typewriters. easy terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, .CAE Wkbm C TVnl i tfAI. 19W KMlimi wm.m.m ... m nPlJITITTI mrr HerKtlv Ivn.wril.P. . , n ..M r m.v I...... ftm.ha Typewriter Exchange. 411 S. 15th St RENT an Oliver type writer. 3 months. $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Doug, sis. RENT an L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer, visible, late model, back space key, guaranteed A No. I machine. I- C. Krolth & Bros. Typewriter vo.. uia r ar nam. Phone Douglas 2213. Remember, this la new location. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months. iK CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Miscellaneous. SAFES M-hand. Aracucan Supply Co. Cliff Sterrett OFFERED FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzle Ptg. Co., 1407 Harney. D2644. K I V K rnrlnarii nf h.A, Kntl iam . . I . Quarts and pints. Nathan Steinberg, 1015 Harney St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys- and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-4(3 8. 10th Bt SAFES Overstocked; second-hand; all makes. J. J. Derlgu Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam EMPTY ink barrels for sale, Appty Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. 8x8 air compressor. 612 JS. nth. 17-FOOT nnlr null name. nn-l.. ....... cheap. 308 No. 16th. ' ' PERSONAL. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bcxton pharmacy, 12th and Dodte. Miss Flsner, mas., bath, elec. treat l. m. 164 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO Sa.J1- Journal, $1.60; the S. E. Post $1.60; the Country Gentleman, $1.40, by bept 30, carna that $3,000 for the Invalids' Pension Ass'n. lour renewal contributei 60c Phone Doug.as 71SJ, Omaha. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. I, tha undersigned, will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by .others than myself on aud after this date, WALTER C. PERC1VAL, CHARLES D. LINGENFELTEIt. Mao sage. 1st fl. r.S, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. . FOR BALE Kindling wood. National Box Co.. 39th and Pacific Harney H76 T1II3 SAI.VATlnN A IIM V nllMl. off clothing; In tact anything you do 'no I ecu. e coueci, repair ana sen at iij N. Uth St, for cost ot collection, to th worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 4125 and wagon will calL strangers are Invited to visit the Younu iv oiuuu s v.nris(ian association ouiiaing at Uth and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look toi ur travelers aiu at mo union Hiaiion. MASSAGE Bwedish movement 41! HiOgfcO.tjJH Boa Bldg. Douglas C37?. MANTniTIIIISiri fano ...In M ...... ...I- treatment. Miss DcBar. 1JU Dodge. . ITOULTRY AND SUFPLIE8. MAMMOTH Pokin Ducks. Am disposing of my large flock of While Beautlea at $1 now. Larger and finer than ever. Mrs. M. J. Casson. Neola. lo. Route"! - REAL ESTATE LOANS For Sale Mortgages Tllffh-r.lnsN mnrfirair. Innw . 1 1 -, , wsuw ivu, jiciuiii, ex ceptional rates of Interest Secured on finest of land located In southwestern J.?wa iniulro E. w. Runyon, Hotel Rome, Omaha. MONEY to loan on Omaha homes. No uniiii jjiua. ougiaa Xila. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. .Nat. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms, IMS OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2718. LARGE loans our aiecialty. Btull Bros.' UiHTnn TH, U... a '. L" ' iuAia ctnu warrants. W. Farnam Bmith & Co.. 1320 Farnam at 6 Ejft? ijOANS.' Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 310-13 Brandels Theater Bldg. GARVIN BROS.&a WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. I1IE1 Tf Till I . M , .v. n n . I .. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. REAL ESl'ATii. ABS't U.tt 'I .,, , I IXR, REED Abstract Co.. nlrtpnt nhntrni-t Af. flco in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY l'ROrani't FOR SALE. Greatest Home Bar gain for $1,800 in Omaha Jllfit lUteH ftm Imm.WIn. l I 1 w iut lumiwiOlO HMD Willi quick posseaslon. 4ZA Patrick Avo IVi Ughtful home owners' community: a full " V uut lot, witu street newly paved, alley, Iron fence, largo shade trees and lawn, lota of fruit In bearing. A choice cottage nicely decorated and in cvtm, wnu yarior, aining room, kttchen, two bedrooms, nice bathroom. . "'""'oi ,'..vj ui biuooio, uiuu ce ment cellar, electric utod gas light. Wlth- uui uii oxuepuon tne Dest noma offered this year for the money. Wo challengo n n vn n a tn uhmv hA i l.i. v uw i tuu cuuai i.l una prop erty for less than $2,2t0. PRICE Foil v . win., ,i,cw. j,oii t miss this opportunity. BEE IT TODAY. Owner will show you through. Payne & Slater Company, Bole Agents. 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. $1,950 Nice 6-room cottairo in rtinnn. it. blocks from car: In fins reoalr. ttirma very easy. D. M. Sloan D. 2140. NEW, MODERN HOME. $300 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. Seven rooms, with sun room, all mod ern, oak floors throughout, uulit-ln book cases and window seat, paneled walls. luu Basement, lurnace neat, luunury con nections, tine south front lot 60x133 feet: paved street Just east of itountze park. RASP BROS.. 106 McCague Bldg. Phona Doug. 1653. TO settle an estate, double Hat anu 3ft storv house. S21 -23-25 S. 20th Kt flrat. class condition; reasonable. Phone H. 2923. HERE IS A SNAP F-rooin cottage, built 6 veara. Una plon. trio lights, gas; 60-foot lot; 23th and Browne, price $1,860. Also all modem, 6 room cottage: oak floors; 4 veara nlrl? paved street, lot 60x160: price $2,6u0. Also S-room house. 28th and Poppleton, mod ern ticepi neat: line repair, price IZ.6MJ. GRAlLULI-PETKRS REALTY m Oi Omaha Nat'L Red 663. Web. EtSI ARTISTIC? brick and stucco itnnhu bouse, Bcmis Park, just completed; built for heme: flreolaces. sleeDlmt nnrrti.. oak trees, beautiful view, artlstlo papr ing. Will rent one or both houses mysulf. Rent from one house will give fair ln terest on entire investment JTUANK CRAWFORD, Ware Block. Phone Red 2S04. A SNAP. 6-room. strictly modern, naif rlnlal. SJ.TCiV See owntr. 311 N. 28th Ave. Phone hkhO' wi ) A V