Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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    fllE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY AUGUST 28, 1913.
11 A
Close In
Jmr net f
For Sale Cheap
Northeast corner of 17th and Harness
8x131. "
. ;$8;ooo
Owner very anxious to soil ana will
divide. This is, the best bargain tn that
rapldlr developing location.
I Charles W. Martin
& Co.,
Tyler 1S7. t a Om, Na. Bank Bldg.
To Owners of
Rental Property
While accusing no one of spread
ing such a report, we desire to cor
rect the Impression that Beems preva
lent over town that wo do not rent
houses. This la cortalnly not so, for
in all modesty, wo claim to be the
best rental agents In town. This
statement is called for at the proaent
time by the largo number of calls wo
are receiving for houses to rent, and
our list of a hundred or more houses
aro all ronted at present and we can
not fill inquiries wo have for moro.
Wo want you to romomber that we
have an exclusive rental aeparimeni
In charge of a competent man, and
will be glad to lako charge of your
houses or business property. If you
are satisfied with your present agent
iinHn nn rlrctimntAnccfi leave him
hut If you have no agent, or aro con
sidering a changoi it win pay you to
see us.
A, P. Tukey & Son
441-2 Board of Trade Bldg.
Phono Douglas 2181.
West Farnam Resi
dence, 319 North
41st -Ave,
mut. I. hull tv11 em-nnntA brfolc
nnd stucco residence, located at one or
tne nign'poims in ino nesi iiuiuuu "
First floor: Living room across the
front of the houa with tile fireplace and
.... n .1 ... , aB,. Intntr mAm With ll.1V
window and window seat; good sued pan
iry ana Kiicnen. . , ,
Second floor: Three good sited bed
rooms, screenea Biceyiug turv;u imti
bathroom. . .
Third floor; Servants' quarters com
plete; bathroom and ample storage room.
Oak finish and floors first floor white
enamel finish second floor.
Large grounds with fine shade trees.
Price $8,700, Very reasonable terms of
payment. - " '
George & Company
Tel. D. 7&S 802-12 City Nat. Bank- Bldg.
Northwest part of the city, high and
sightly; 1 block from car; located on
paved street; we have a five' room, mod
ern bungalow; practically new; 60x130 ft
lot; nice Iron fence and first c.ass condi
tion In everv detail:' this has been re
duced for quick sale; owner leaving the
city September 1. some one will get a
oargain mis ween.
Glover & Spain
9th Floor City Na. Bank biug. t. 3352.
New Home
Easy Payment
This fine house at 911 S. 27th St., near
Leavenworth car line; has 6 rooms, bain,
sleeping porch and full cemented base
ment; oak floors and finish; look It over
today. Key at our office; very easy terms
can bo arranged.
The bunguio type of house at 2343 S.
33th St. tn Crelghton's 1st, near Hanscom
fiark and three blocks from car line, hav
ng 6 rooms, bath, oak floors and finish,
full cemented basement, can be yours for
a small payment down and tho balance
monthly, bee the houao today.
Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg.
6-room cottudv. i muca from car; al
mast new, easy termB.
Inter-Mountain Realty Co.,
338 Dee Ultig. 13. 4u26.
ARTIoTiC brick and stucco double
house, iiemiu Park, Just completed; built
foi home: fireplaces, steeping porches,
oak trees, beauutul view, ari.atic paper
ing. Will rent one or both houses myself.
Rent from one . tiuuse will give fair in
Wrest on entire investment'
Ware mock. Phone lied 2S04.
F1VK-HUUM cottage modern but heat,
on lot ooxiau. fl.tivu; tUl cash, bal
ance flo.w per month. Phone Web. Sjtiu,
TWII rnmnp IntR lllivl ..I m At ..1
Corby. Price, fo5u. Cal. uwner, Tyier UU.
6-room, otrlctly mourn, oak finish.
13,700. Bee owner, 311 N. 2Sth Ave. Phone
Haruey SMh
JOHN W. ItUUBlNti. !Sv3 KAtt.SAAl vp.
TO settle an tMiule, uuuuiv nat and iq.
story house, tu-tt-Xi a. xiih bU; Ural
class coudiuon, itanonaiue. fnuun It ).
5 rdoms besides large reception hall;
strictly modern; lot tux 125; nice shade
trees: paving all paid; prettiest block In
Omaha. 2oth and Manderson. trice 43,300.
Phone lted aiS. evenings Webster 6621.
6-room cottage, built 5 years, lias elec
tric lights, aus; tu-foot lot; liih and
Browne. Price J1.8M. Alao all mooern. 5-
room cottagu; oak floors; 4 yearo old; I
jiuvea oirooi; 101 ouxiuu; price $Z,iQ. AtSO I
S-room house, 2Sth and Popplelon, mod- j
irn wcrpt neat: line tepair, price fZ.E&O.
V3 Omahl Nat't Red 553, Web. 2t
ARSI tt, It AH Pit liAWlJg Fort BALE
MIt HOMEfiEEKER write J. B. Holt
ot Ogamaw, Ark., for particulars about
his improved farms as low as fio p.r
'ere. Also timbered tracts.
ALBERT A-GuS acres beautifully situated
mixed farm. ll,4 miles frontage on Bittern
laka. SCO acres tillable. 70 cultivated, ma
fenced; good house, 2-story barn, 3 stables,
dairy, 4 granaries, hen house, etc Dead '
snap, $17 per acre; 11,000 cash, balance to I
suit. About this and other hariralna write
eorge Grant, Herald Blk , Calgary, Alt.
fit Indications Are for Trouble for
Sealers in Corn.
I Both llearlib. and Bullish and
Both Factions of the Trader
-Are Seeking to Hectare
aiarlcel LeveraBO.
, OMA11A. Aug. 77, 1S13.
while the trao in sru Monuay and
yeaieruay was sumewnat smtultr cuau on
any an oi lasi wtek, tnu earuiarkit ut
Pit conditions reflected trouble io. the
tpecuiauirii, who ha made a uecldvd
stand on tno bull or bear side. Ti.ose
who have put out big short llnea of W
teraber corn with the expectation of be
ing able to procure all tna corn noccs
sary to place them In an easy position
claim that growers are stl.lng tho casn
more treely, but this Is not roflected In
tna receipts at primary and other mar
ket! and these claims are geneially ols
..te? consequence. There were 654,
wq bushels of corn at primary markets
yesterday, and while these were a IKtlo
hit larger than a week and a year ago,
they may be called small when the
amount of corn said to be i.eld by larmors
and others is considered. Theie was a
gieat deal of news received tn the com
markets yesterday that waa moat bearish
aawell as bullish.
The small exportable surplus of corn In
Argentine and the fact that manufac
tures In the United Btates are buyers of
Kooaiy amounts there, has caused ho tiers
to offer sparingly as well as to ask hlgli-sr
.prices for their grain. This Is likely to
help the bulls no little tn the United
States. Farmers are holding their torn
rather tlghtlv and thoy wl I continue to
sell In a cautious manner until aucn time
as the entire corn country Is thoroughly
..Cash corn was unchanged to lc lower.
Blr William White, who has just made a
thorough examination of the wheat tuup
of western Canada, says that the whtiat
Is two weeks ear.Ier than It was last year,
as well as tho year before, and tho live
lihood Is that tt will be harvested before
frost This would Insure a big move
ment of wheat during tho dry weather.
Cash wheat was unchanged to tic ower.
A foeble advance was made In oats early,
but a weaker tone prevailed later on
when & heavier Increase In country jtter
lngs were made. Cash oats were Vi3
Celarances of wheat and flour, 1,127,000
bu.; corn, 9,000 bu.; oats, 1,000 bo.
wneat at Liverpool was uncnangea to
Ud lower; corn, Hd higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,400,000
bu. and shipments 716,000 bu against re
ceipts of 1,410,000 bu. and shipments of
(54,000 bu. last year. .
Primary corn receipts were 620,000 bu.
and shlpmonta 3(8,000 bu., against receipts
of 796,000 bu. and shipments of 232,000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts were 1,378,000 bu.
and shipments 818,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 1,403,000 bu. nnd shipments of
672,000 bu. last year.
Wheat corn, crata.
Chicago ...
, CO
. i.
uumii&t ..............
Kansas City.
Bt. Louis
... 75
.. 63
. 8
The folio wins cash sales were renorttd:
Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 3 cars at 81VSS.
6 cars at SOTic, 1 car at 80Uc: No. 3 hard
winter, 1 car at 81Mo, 2 cars at 81c; No.
4 hard winter. 1 car at 80c: 'i-elected, 1
car at 76Hc Cornr No. 2 while, 3 cars
2 yellow, 5 cars at Sll4c; No. 3 yellow. :
cars at 7114c: No. 4 yellow. 1 Car at 70ttc.
1 car at 70c; No. 2 mixed, 1 car at 71Uc;
No. 3 mixed. 2 cars at 71 Ho; 4 cars at
71KC 1 car at 71c;, No. 4 mUcd, 2 cars at
70Uc, 1 car at 70c; no grade, 1 car (wheat
mixed) Olio. Oats: Standard, 2 cars M
SSHci No. 3 white, 4 cars at 29Vic; 15
cars at wc; no. 4 white, 8 cars as zaw:.
no grade; 1 car, wheat mixed) at 38o;
i car (.wneat mixed) at nw, i cat
(heavily wheat mixed) 37c Rye: Thre4
fifths of a car at 64c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. !
hard. W82o: No. 3. hard. 79'A384c: No.
4 hard. 7g80c: No. 3 spring. SOViiTMc: No.
4 spring, 7S&"79c; No. 2 durum, 8OHO8I0;
iso. a . aurum. 7kwc. uorn: no.
We hava i?ood aandv lnnm whHAt forma
for sale pruddclng 30 to 40 bushels, per
ucre. aibq une uairy rancnes. un nev
It R. and teleuhone. tSO to 1X0 ner ncm
Address A. L. McKejnolds, Felt, Fremont
county, iuauo.
STOCK lUNnn-inAitn.
Belling to settle estate; S3) acres under
free Irrigation; near tree range and town
on u. ic & ti. iu it.; 290 inches court-decreed
water r chta from Illcr Wnnil kp.
1C0 acres alfalfa: all good land; fenced;
Price 35 per acre; terms. D. C. Honnura.
4 Mutual Life Bldg.. fleattle. Wash.
SO acres. 3H miles out , X 6.C00
160 acres, 1H miles out.. 110.800
1C0 acres, 3 mllea out, over half .val
ley land IJ.800
dn kuou improvements.
160 acres, 7 miles out, light Improve
ments , , ) 6,000
Easy terms. Come and aeo our crops.
Litchfield. Neb,
.trw"j JAat vAtuH aw acres
Wtn good Improvements mostly new.
n 0 jnl'ee from railroad town, thtrtv
tu.ifsa nuui umuu. zxot more man flt
leen acres sandy, lulinn nrh hianu ..,.
no atone; no swamps: no overflow. All
can be cultivated. This Is a fine farm
uiiu ureal crop producer every year, wet
w x-iita tivo per acre, imo trades.
J. li. DUliONT & CO..
1603 Farnam St. Omaha.
FOR HA m Ti -i.l.
dark so.l. no saud; miles from Wallace!
Perkins Co.. Neb., In the rain belt. Prioa
SgsNb Bltit0' ir" ilM
FOhSU 320-acre homenlrnH In .....
neighborhood. Finn farm linrl- nn m
hills. Cost you 1175. filing fees and all
J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
New lurk.
TWO dairy, grain and fruit farm for
sale. Well watered: good markets: 130
per acre. Write for information. U. W.
Hlnton. Odessa, N. V.
THE2 best Improved stock, dalrv and
grain foams anwhero ore now lor bale
in Central New Vork. These farms uvor-
age pctter leuiu and cost itss by half
than farms In the Missouri voilev. Tnw
are clone to colleges, scnools, churches,
cities, towns and markets for ten million
people. Send for tree illustrated list. Ad
dress McBurney & Co., Flsrier lildg.. Chi
cago. 111. We refer hv f.nrmljiainn tn it
C. Otlssman. Station 11. Omaha. Neb.. 11 nl
Thoa. ThoiBon. Canton, a D.
LARGB stocic rmvl tnr nmm
and winter; for full particulars address
owner. H. A. Leach. Wells. Nevada.
FOR BALIS One of Novola1. I...,
ranches arid open ranee properties, with
cattle, homes and ahueo. aiiimien in 1 ...
der county. For further particuters write
to Airs. Isabel Watt, Austin. Lander
county. Nevada. "
CAN furnish retired hualn...
clerks, bookkeepers and others fine farms.
C acres and up to 1,000, near railway sta
tions and good markets, cheaply and on
fcfsy payments. Write for particulars to
Btephenson Land and Lumber Co., Oconto,
BEND for wur
larga uxenang .k
finoin-n A Co.. Dept
omaha Meb.
tofXXOOO worth of good paying income prop
erties direct from owner lor my lands.
A. U. Ilageman. Urevbull. Wvo.
Dolgoff Jd-hand store pays highest prlcaa
for furniture, clothing, slioes. WebT 1107.
Ship live stock to South Omaha, tiave
mlleago and shrinkage. Your consign
ments recti vo prompt and careful atlen
tlon. I Live if lock Commission Slerchaata.
MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchango Bids-
white, TJc: No. J white, 72U07SV4C; No. 4
white. 7itNlo; No. S yellow, 71H No.
yellow, 7146)71 Ho; No. 4 yellow, Htf
79Wc; No. . 7H4G,71Hc; No. 3, 717Wo; No.
4, &H4J70KO. Oats: No. i white, WtfOtOcs
standard !40; No. 4 white, 3iV4e: Bar
leys Malting. 647o; No. 1 feed, S08c
nye: No, J, cmjOCo; No. 8, G5Ho,
Penttirr of the Trndlnic nnd Clontnir
Price on Board ot Trnne.
?iIy'ao. AvL' --Corn again todAy
waa it.e active feature of speculative In
terest, but weakened on liberal elln;
J0SK?;. jut.,n .th0 flnal part ot lh "8
yion rallied fairly well on tebuylng by
trder8.,vno considered the market ovcr
.JJ' prices were He not lower to
Ho net higher, with the September option
showing the greatest recovery. Waoat
cl.ed UCHo lower, oats Ho lo
otf and provisions unchanged to 10a
Corn started with a good show of
strength on the continuance of hot, dry
weather In the southwest Profit-taking
sales followed the upturn, somo ot tho
leading longs putting big lines on tho
market Pi ices eased rapidly and tt soon
became evident that there had been over
selling In the face of the naturailv bull
ish crop conditions. A buying rally. In
which somo early sellers figured, lifted
Prices fairly well and the close was firm.
A leaturo of tho day was liquidation of
September corn and subsequent buying
that caused It to recover nearly ail of
the So It declined from Its high point for
the day.
Wheat eased on practical assurances
that the northwest crop Is safe and that
Canada will soon comp.cte the harvuiu .g
of a large ylold. Lower cables alo de
pressed the market and another bour
factor was the falling off tn export buul
ness. It was satu tho export call touay
was the poorest of the season to dato.
Llquldatlnc by holdern of Saniemher
wheat was ft feature of the mitrkeu Tne
steadiness shown by corn helped wh'tut
at tno ciose and the tone waa firm in
the final hour.
Oats showed weakness almost through-
trot mo any, aue to iacx or uemanu.
Belling by longs depressed provlbtons.
The demand was slow most of the day.
Closing prices of futures:
Artlclel Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yes'y
B6TiffS7 87?; Mh 86h( 87
W4 tV 89Ti P0V4 90H
H 94?i K
73H074 74 73Vi 73TI 73 ti
WftWH C9HOH 69H?; 089 (STism
70ViU 70V4H4t 70 70WOV4
41U H'A mi) 40S 41H
4374044 4Si 43Vi04i 3ilH 4J J
46HC47 47 46H4ShOH 5i
0 95 20 95 30 95 20 95 20 95
19 42H 19 45 13 40 19 40 19 45-17
11 10 11 10 11 00 11 10 11 10
10E2H 10S2H 10 7711 10 80 10 80-SX
U 80 11 80 11 20 I 11 22H 11 V4
10 27H1 027-30 10 22HI 10 S5 10 25
Uhltago casn Prices Wheat: No. i
red, 89ji095)4o; No. 2 hard, 87l4fS9o; No, 1
northern. 92W093hc; No. 2 northern, 910
92c; No. 2 spring, saQflic; velvet chaff.
001c; durum, 79Ic. Corn: No. 2, J60
76Hc; No. 2 white. 76J477c; No. 2 yellow;
jaaJWiC Oats: No. 2 white, 422Vlo;
standard, 41HW420. Rye: No. 2. 6J(Uo.
Barley: COQiGc Timothy: 84.606.40.
Clover: S10.00ai2.00. Lard: IlLCi nih..
BUTTER Unchanired.
EGGS Firmer; receipts, 11,224 cases; at, cuts inciuaou, i)2ic: oralnury
firsts, 21n022o; firsts, 2J&23Mc.
CHEESE Unchanged.
POTATOES Firm; receipts, 70 cars;
Minnesota and Ohio, SSQwc; Wisconsin
white. HXSGOc; Wisconsin red, fiOfitidc.
POULTRY Alive firmer; springs, 17c;
fowls, 14 He,
Corn and Wheat Region nnlletln.
United States Department of Agricul
ture, weather bureau, for Omaha for the
twenty-tour hours ending it la. m., 75th
meridian time, Wednesday. August 27, 1918.
Temp.- Rain-
Station. High. Low. fall. Bky.
Ashiand, Neb.. 101 6i ,u) Clear
Auburn, Neb... 99 64 .00 Clear
Broken Bow..., 99 52 .00 'Clear
Columbus 92 81 .00 Clear
Culbertaon 100 5S .00 Clear
Palrbury, Neb.. 104 63 .00 Clear
Fairmont. Web. 99 GO .00 Clear
Grand Island.. 98 64 .00 Pt. Cloudy
Uartlngton ....93 63 ,00 Pt Cloudy
Hastings 98 61 .00 Pt, Cloudy
Holdrege, Nob. .100 64 .00 Clear
Ltncoin. Neb... 99 69 .00 Clear
North Platto... 98 M C0 clear
Oakdale, Neb., 94 57 .00 Clear
Omaha, Neb.... 97 71 ,00 Clear
Tekamah, Neb. 93 59 .00 Clear
ValenUne ..... 98 70 .00 Clear
Alta. Ia 93 62 .00 Cloudy
Carroll, la 91 69 .00 Clear
Clarinda, la. ...101 62 .00 Clear
Sioux City 92 60 .00 Pt. Cloudy
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
utax'ttiux AVISUAQEB,
No. of
TemD. Rain.
District Buttons.
Columbus, 0 18
Louisville, Ky... 22
Indianapolis .... 14
Chicago, 111 24
St. Louis. Mo ... 19
Pes Moines 23
Minneapolis El
Kansas City..... SO
Omaha 17
xugn. low. fall
Temperatures continue unseasonably
high In the southern portion of the corn
and wheat region, and the weather has
grown much warmer In the Upper valleys
west of the Mississippi river during the
last twenty-tour hours. Appreciable rains
occurred at three stations In the Colum
bus district.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
New York General Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27. SUGAR Raw,
market firm; muscovado, 3..c; centrif
ugal. 8.S0c : molasses. 3.05c: refined, firm:
cut loaf, 5.50c; crushed, 5 60a; mould A,
6.15c; cubes. 5.05a; XXXX, powdered,
4.90c; fine granulated, 4.80c; Diamond A.
4.10c; confectioners' A, 4.Gfic; No. 1, 4.55c
BUTTER Steady; receipts. tuns:
oreamery extras. 2Stt6Z)a; firsts, 26)
CTKc; seconds, 20Q26c; state dairy, finest.
27Hc; process, extras, 35fl:8tyie; firsts,
23M24Hc: Imitation creamery, firsts, 244
625c: factory, June make, firsts, 34c;
factory, current make, firsts. 23tto;
packing stock, Juno make. No. 1. SJHc
packing stock, current make. No. 3. 21 u
;uEKHE-Firm: receipts, 4,998 boxes:
state who.e milk, white and colored,
fresh specials, 15U81fltfc; skims, UUO
KGGS-i-Steady: receipts, 13.515 cases:
fresh gathered, extras, 2830o; extra
firsts, 2027c; firsts. 24025c; refrigerator,
special marks, fancy, charges paid, 24S
c: seconds, 22$23Wo; nearby hennery.
Whites. 2SB3&B! wirn r.lh.J
222Se. o-.v.v-, milieu.
POULTRY Dreaaerl vV tr..u 1,11,
jy.L"'?ken.sjJTe22Hc; fowls, im
.'7v, lurKjri, iewo.
K'!!.CIy pnln Provisions.
KANSAS OITV in. wr t,i,,..TL
Cash: No. 2 hnri .Wi. ;"i-tiT"
79HeSSc. '
WHEAT finlm)i.r inin. 11. 1
Ml. -.. v.,
74c; December,
HAY-Cholce Umothy, (15.6O1100.
Minneapolis Grain Sfarket.
1 hard, 8Hc.; No. 1 northern, 87i75,e: Na
iioruicrn, svoovkci no. t nara, Mon
tana, 84Hc; No. 3 wheat 834f4Hc: Sep
tember, 85Tio; December, 89Jic; Maj', 94V4
CORN-No. 8 yellow, 70Vi71c.
OATS No. 3 white, 3SKS8Uo.
RYE No. 2. 62WB4o.
BARLEY 5 46700
Cotton Market.
Jiujet; middling uplands, l2J6c; gul
closed firm. ttlnatn hln
August 12.89c: September, 12.23a; October,
12.19c; November, 12.07c; December, lL09o:
Jn"ar. 12-OOc: February, 1102c; March,
LIVERPOOL. Auif. 27. CoTTON-fliml
quiet and steady; middling fair. 7,Od:
good middling, 7.16d; middling, 6 Sid: low
middling, 6.6kl: good ordinary. 6.0Sd; or
dlnary, 5.74d. Sales, 5,000 bales
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frulta
APPLES-Qulet and steady.
DRIED FRUIT-Irunes. firm. Apricots,
quiet and steady. Peaches, steady. Rais
ins, firm.
Most All Kinds of Cattle Free Sell
ers and Strong.
Lambs Active Seller at Prlcea Ten
to fifteen Cents HUhrr Sheep
In Demand and Stronx to
Ten Higher.
eOUTII OMAHA. Aig. 27, MM.
nr .... Cattle, lloga. dheap.
OWclal Monday ,519 3.4tO 21.714
ptflclal Tuerday 6.T7 6.0W
t-stlmata Wcdncsdoj-.. 4,000 8,300 iv,w
Three days thta week.19,238 17.SS4 64
game days this week. 15,13$ 18,817 41.S95
Bame days 2 wks ago.,13,633 L35 4:,tli
bamo days 8 wks 28,307 M.H7
Same days 4 wks ago.. 8.5J9 2J.779 UM5
Same days last year... 17,371 ls,S3 7u,VM
Tho following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheop at tho ctouth
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date aa compared with last yean
lull ten Ino. Dee.
Cattle 640,005 547,513 W7
Hog l,Bv.0,551 2,21a394 3W,bU
onecp 1,8.0,700 l,30j,4S$ 45.214
The following table shows the range ot
prices lor hogs at South Omaha tor the
last few days, with comparltous:
Date. mi. 1012.19U.lltf.lW.11908.lW7.
7 17
7 17
7 17
H 24. 7
8 80 7
nat 7
8 23 7
171 I
8 54' '
8CJ 7
8 64 1
a 70 7
ttl I
8 69 7
6 71
5 70
a tCI
5 61
6 55
6 ti
6 87
7 76H
7 tH
8 0S
8 41
4 41
8 C9j 7 1
8 00)
a vl
8 Oil
7 271
7 -&
8 !U
7 98!
7 81Vi
7 81 ?i
7 9Hil
8 10
7 15
7 06
6 SI
7 Ito
71 i S.
8 J&i 7 li
6i. 6 ill
s -U
B3 6 ll
Receipts and disposition of llvo stook
nt the Union Mtoc Yards, South Omaha,
lor the tvventy-tour houis enulng at 3
p. m. yesterday:
C, M. &, St P. Ry.. .. 6 ..
Wabash It It 2
Mo. l'ao. By. ....... 18 . 5 2
Union Pacitio It R. 1 19 47
C. & N. V cast... 1 13 .. ..
do west 41 34 16 ..
C, St P., M. & O... 1 12 .. ..
C. B. & Q., cast.. 15 4
do west 63 13 9 J
C, R. 1. P., east... 1 13 1
HJnols Central Hy. .. 5 ,.
C, Q, W. Ry. 1 1
Totals 167
Cattle. Hogs. Sheop.
Morris & Co.,,., S78
OC V.U. .............
Cudahy Packing Co.....
Armour & Co
Schwarta & Co
J. V. Murphy
Morrell ,
Boock & Co.
L. P. Co ;
St Clair
Karf & It
W. B. Var.sant Co
B. Vanaant tt Lush
Stephens Bros.
F. B. Lowts
Huston & Co,
J. B. Root & Co.
L' . . . I r . a r.
890 ...
218 ...
88 ... ....
183 ,
63 -
609 8,930
L. F, Muss
McUrcary & Kellogg.
Werthelmer & Degei
H. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros.
Mo. St Kane. -Calf Co...
Cllne & Christlo
Juuahy (Id C.)
Other buyers
Totals 4,354 6,913 20,208
CA'iTLE Receipts ot cattle were '.ue
tmal.est that iho i.ave been thus tar this
week, oniy lis cars oelng reported In.
If or tho three oays this weuk the tuul ie
ccipis amount to l,iJ6 nead, bouig luo
larnest ot any tnrec-uay periou since the
opening ot Uie raugo season. Among tbo
oitenngs 'wus a conquerable Bpr.nKiintf
ot better.corn fed steers tnan have been
been horoitm most ua' of iatu.
iiuicra or Hit calm o.o out in the
yards In goud season In the morning look
ing tor supplies. As a result tho market
on ah (ieliaoie kinds was airoiig to a
little hlithur tnan yeai.era.ay. 'ihera wera
cattle in the yards good enough to bring
I, both heavy and ilgnt wuunts. Uuou
range steers wore aiso aciio ommra at
strong iigures.
cows and belters movea ireeiy at tirm
nrlcpn. ana the market aa a whole Wus
in a good healthy condition.
BiocK cattle ana teeaeis wero duubiii
attnr and the b&tter uruues Were strOuK.
Tne country demand has been quite brisk
all this weeK, una tne cu.o urn.niK nave
met null quite ready sail) at very satiq
satistactory prlcos.
ivUOlUlluns oil uaiua: uoou to onoica
corn-tea steers. 8.ttuV.Oo; fair to good
corn-fed steers, ltf.bugf8.SUj common to
tulr eorn.loil steers. (.25u8.uu: good to
choice range beeves, I7J2&97.75; fair to
good raiiau teavi, o.ijiui.i; common tu
fair rauso beeves, good to
choice heifers. n.tiO7.60; good to choice
cows, liww-v.W; talr to good grades, iw
Cfl.Ou; common to fair grades, 3.innjo.w;
kuuii to cnoicu stuckers and lueanrs. 4f.u
7.60; fair to good stockers and feeders,
v.4n,sJt cui.iiiiuu lu lur biuvkbih huu
feeders, 15.Sir6,60; stock cows and heif
ers, H.iiu.w, veai caives, o.uv9.w;
buds, staas. etc. li.ixtri.w.
Keprcsentatlvo sales: 4
illicit tri. jiiiw.
Kb. AV. IT. h"o. At. Pr.
10 711 170 Ik 1U 160.
1 , I7 00 li ,.UI I 71
s mi 1 00 21 .,iiu t
1 lltS 8 10 31 ,.1UI s n
40 11M I U 22.', 1ISI I 00
11 mi t M 11 i 00
27 710 I 40 10 1207 I 40
7 t 4 3 1 , 1000 ( 71
1,, I0 4 IS 1 .....1014 oo
1017 I U 3 1195 IS
1 10UO 5U .1, 100 0 24
4 115 71 11 M0 10
nil ( n
7., t:i 1 00 1 too 1
2 in in 1 io e to
1 710 8 M I 1100 t 10
3 11S0 B J 1 1110 I U
1 1410 t ti 1 1140 I u
1 BM t 40 I KO 111
3 UU 6 60 1 1U0 (
t 260 4 00 1 1U 1 1
1 240 7 W 11.,., ill t 71
t 114 I 00 1 ISO 00
... m 100 t 170 ito
7 217 I 1 itO t 00
1 140 6 40 I Ctl 1 00
17 114 10 10., 778 T 09
CI tU t M ...., , 711 7 Of
11 Its 4 (0 2S H4 7 U
7 471 I
Wyomlng-W. S, Miller. .
12 half era... 901 6 50
Wyomlng-V. Riddle.
22 steers. ...1130 95
Wyoralng-RIddle & M,
30 feeders.. 079 7 19
Wyoming-Miller & R.
25 feeders.. 966 96
13 cows 913 7 00 7 steers. ...1035 6 40,
23 feeders.. 999 6 40 10 cows 1072 5 60
8 COWS 992 6 15 4 COWS 885 4 60
4 calves... JGO 8 00 14 feeders.. 1082 4 00
27 feeders. ,1060 6 55 U steers. ...1168 6 40
0 steers.. ..1029 6 00 7 feeders.. 791 6 85
2 hlfers..,1060 90 37 feeders. .1130 6 0
19 feeders.. 672 6 83 5 cows 998 10
1 steers.. ,.1223 6 50 91 feeders.. 1226 7 10
13 sters....U44 6 40 16 steers. ...1210 6 70
11 stters.,..10eO 6 00 28 steers.... 933 7 05
26 steers.... 760 60 14 cows 723 20
2 bulls.. ...1740 ( 66 bulls. v.. 745 6 50
42 steers. ...1273 6 (5 11 steors....H87 45
83 feeders.. 1237 7 00 24 feeders..U35 7 00
1 feeder., .WW 7 00 1 steer, ....1110 f 65
81 feeders. .1041 7 16 33 feeders.. 1031 7 15
12 feeders. .1063 ( 45 7 feeders.. 718 80
1 bull 580 6 60 84 feeders,, 967 7 15
40 feeders., 1008 7 16 2 heifers... 1060 6 25
2 feeders,. 726 6 85 2 heifers... 630 8 15
6 feeders.. 593 f 85 2 htlfers... 520 e 16
1 bull U49 6 CO 2 COWS 965 S 90
7 heifers... 540 4 60 10 heifers 83 6 85
2 cows, .,,,1295 6 85 14 COWS, ,...1023 6 70
1 bull 1510 6 60 6 heifers... 980 6 25
10 feeders., 560 6 65 2 feeders,. 600 6 00
11 feeders.. Sft'J 25 8 heifers... 610 6 00
1 bull 1130 5 25 1 bull 1409 6 00
1 cow 1210 6 CO 2 feeders.. 535 7 CO
82 steero,...1438 7 65 1 bull 1330 6 60
21 feeders.. 7 05 20 cows 1130 6 (&
27 steers.. ..1008 7 60 22 steers. -.UU 7 10
4 steers.. ..1350 6 60 28 steers. ...1U7 7 65
32 steers. ...131 7(6
30 COWS,.,.. 998 6 05 27 Steers., ..1208 6 86
29 cows...., 701 6 60 40 steers.. ..1251 6 86
43 steers . ..1210 K. 24 steers ....1272 6 86
138 steers.. .1122 60
6 steers.., WW 6 86 4 cows 1194 7 00
9 feeders.. 1141 7 26 7 cows.... .1036 6(0
29 steers.. ..1182 7 00 6 feeders. .1171 7 26
18 calvea... 610 8 CO 17 feeder.. 640 7 00
8 feeders., 693 7 W 3 feeders.. 689 6 00
4 feeders, ,1M) 7 0) 8 f coders.. 894 6 90
17 Cows 975 6 66
11 feeders.. 997 7 00
Jensen Nebraska
flows 9M 6 60 1 cow 1190 6 00
1 feeder... 1170 6 25 13 feeders.. 1146 6 90
6 cows 1061 6 50 1 bull 13i0 6 65
1 steer 7S0 6 25
HOGS Receipts were the heaviest of
the week to date, about 121 cars or 8,300
head being reported lm For tho threo
da) a receipts foot up 17,886 head, or over
I. 000 larger than both last week and last
Early Indications were that the warket
would be very much the same as on
previous days of the week. Packers made
their first bids at prices that were In
many cases as much as lOo lower. Ship
pers on the other hand all wanted hogs
badly and they started out early buying
anything that they could possibly use.
Quality of the light hogs showed somo
Improvement, and shippers! purchases
registered an advance ot anywhere from
a shade to IOQISo and In a few cases
sales were quoted as much as SOa higher.
With shippers buying so freely packers
found It impoes.ble to lay out tor any
length of time and bids were raised until
they were about steady with yesterday.
A good many hogs were sold at this time,
but competition was keen and the market
continued to Improve, closing prices look
ing to be all ot a nickel higher than
Tuesday, On the whole the market on
packing hogs was steady to 6c higher
than yesterday's average. Bulk of the
sales was msde r.t J'-SWO. with 37.M
the most popular pi tee. tleit lights sold
as high as J9.&5, Just 20Q higher than
yesterday's best price.
Jja A. Ho. rr no, ,v. flh. rr.
47 124 1W T 10 U Ml MTU
U.......140 ... T 70 M .M HO 7 M
an ... t 71 ....... .tie to 7 ss
U.......220 M 7 56 O. ...... tJ ...75
M III . tM M tU
5? IM ... T TS tl 10 IU
at 242 200 T 20 i 270 20 7 M
H na ... 7 10 ci ,.3)0 3o 7 u
TO 211 ... T 20 M..,,.tl2 1C0 7 SS
IM 180 7 N 211 to t I7U
a 171 200 T 10 l 214 SO T I7H
0 0 1 29 M ill 1 t 0
71 1U (0 T 20 0 Ill 120 7 20
f? HI ... 7 M (I Ut 240 7 20
31.......I0I 20 7 10 71 t 40 T 0
ai aa ... 7 20 it t ... 7 w
J rc ... 7 to e ml at 7 so
114 no 7 to it as ... 7 n
" 40 7 80 22 21 ... i
JJ "J SOO tao fl 202 20 T5
H" ?ji 300 7 0 U tW 140 t 11
f M7 2 7 20 70 212 IN IK
tl.......2SS ... 7 20 75 1U It TM
J" M T221, 70 Ml 10 TM
JJ "4 ... 712$, 70.......1U M to
?! '!!'" 7 111. TI 241 IN I 00
li "J no 7n4 m ,24 a oo
J' 40 T 2J (t MS ... a 00
I -5 T as w at to a os
aa ... t k tt na 40 a os
Jf 330 ... 7 21 (I tit to I 06
JJ aj ao 7ti ti tn to ioa
5J 2 7 as c 2 ... a ia
a4...202 t m ti 13 ... I 18
J aa ... 7 is C5 24 ao a 20
'J St? ... 7 K 80 11 400 2 20
J JM M 7 M ti ..a7 40 8 20
S J ao 7 2.1 1 272 ... 2 20
J -aj ... 7 it 70 24i ... a as
;.......tu ... tu 71.. mo io a as
a wo t as ai sit h in
H J ... 7 IS 17 nt ... I ti
H aa lea t as n ns ... a 40
H n 240 its 71 ill n tu
f 21 t h a no ... to
:f io i is a 16a ... a to
1 fa ao t as 7 a .., a to
i-ili ,.. 7 U ITS ... 1 M
II ai ... 7 is eo i7i ... a w
, riGd.
a ti ... 4 to ii E4 ... a eo
34 75 ... 4 00 1 100 ... 8 EO
tt....... It ... I 00 11 to ... I to
SHEEP Good runs of lambs for the
middle of the week her and at Chicago
did not check the advancing tendency of
prices this morning. A vigorous demand
on the part of the packers featured tho
market, and as a result killing lambs
advanced , 15025c over yesterday's trado,
and anything In the lino ot aged sheep
sold strong to a dime higher. Several
reasons were responsiDie tor tne bullish
feeling, among which were tho light re
ceipts on the first two days ot the week
and an Improved demand in tho cast for
lamb and dressed mutton. Tho fact that
comparatively lltlio stuff Is In sight for
the rest of the week also served to stimu
late competition between buyers. Trade
was very active throughout nnd by 10:."
o'clock tow klllors ot any kind were In
first hands.
A now top price Tor lambs this month
was mane, tne sale consisting ot six
double decks of Idaho lambs weighing
nround 65 pounds, at 98.10. .The general
quality of the lambs, waa good and better
than any previous day this wook, and a
range of J7.W8.00 took tha bulk of them
, Tho good market on lambs was reflected
In the aged sheep division, though prices
did not show as much Improvement. Pat
ewes were again In moager supply,
though somo of them were good onougti
to bring 84.65. Aa on the last few days,
not enough wothers and yearlings vcame
In to Indicate any variation In pVlce.
According to the way fat lambs are sell.
lrg, some traders thought fat yearlings, and of the right weight, are
quotable nt 5.G5.. weiani, are
Feeding lambs were again In good do
mand. but as the trade was prettv welt
uppifcd prices showed llttlo if nny
change from Tuesday. Bomo feeding
lambs moved early at 86 60.
quotations on Sheep and Lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, 87.6&3S.10; iambs,
fair to good, $7.257.65: jambs, culls, 85.00
Ofl.00; lambs, feet ire. 38.000485; yearlings,
good to choice, i6.76a.00; yearlings, fair
to good. 6.6o5.75; yearlings, feeders, 16.00
CT6-60; wethers, good to choice, f4.CO04.85i
wethers, fair to i good, 4.2&4.60; wethers
If.?Jf,?AUM4-Z5i fWM- 1100,1 10 choice
11.35-4.9); ewes, fair to good, 34.004.85t
ewes, feeders 33.00p3.60j cull sheepT!3.0o
No- Av. Pr.
801 Idaho feeder lambs 63 6 75
584 Idaho Iambs 53 0 70
664 Idaho lambs C4 7 to
6J Wyomlnif lanbo , rr? 74;
70 Wyoming lambs , 71 7 CO
4SS Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6 75
312 Idaho feeder lambs 39 6 63
773 Wyoming feoder ewes ...... 94 8 65
83 Idaho ewes .....107 4 26
too Wyoming ewes 100 4 25
63 Ihado wethers 107 4 50
143 Idaho yearlings 89 6 0
l&M Idaho lambs 70 8 10
63 native lambs 68 7 85
Cattle Strong to Fifteen Cents
Higher Hoes Easier,
ceipts, 16,000 head; strong to 16a higher;
beeves, f7.ooao.25; Texas steers, 38.76
7.76: western, (3.16 ,436.00; stockers and
feeders, 5.4O7.90: cows und heifers, W.U6
S.60; calvos, f3.10g12.15.
HOGS Receipts, 29,000 bead: closed
easier: bulk of sales, f7.7508.GO; lights,
K.3509.20; mixed, I7.6039.16; heavy, 17.40
8.80; rough, f7.tOS7.70; pigs, fi.00t28.80.
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 22,000
head; steady to 10c up; natives, 13.85
6 00; western, t4.l(yfl6,00: yearlings, f5.2SQ
6.25; lambs native, tS.75Q8.lO; western,
Kansas City Live Htoclc Market.
Receipts, 9,000 head, strong to 15o
higher; prime fed steers, fS.6O0O.OS;
dressed beef steers, f7.76Qt).40; western
steers. t6.2&6?7.80; southern steers, fS.OO
06.60; cows, 13.603-6.25; heifers. f4.6fr2T6.76;
stockers and feeders, I5.0O37.C0; bulls,
f4.26QO.25; calves. f&609.00.
HOGS Receipts, 9.600; steady to 100
lower; bulk, fg.40S4.65; heavy, ti. 403 8.70;
packers and butchers, fS.268&90; light,
8.25.85; pigs, 15.7537.25.
BHBBP AND LAMIJB Receipts, 4.000
head; 10 to 16o higher; lambs, ft. WW
8.10; yearlings, f4.7606.C0; wethers, HWt
6.10; ewes, f4.00Q4.7t.
St. Louis Llvo Stock Market
ET. LOUIS. Mo., Aug. 27. CATTLE
Receipts, 6,700 head, native, steady;
good to choice steers, t7.S6Q6.00; Blockers
and feeders, i5.26fP7.t0: cowj and heifers,
li.76Q8.76; bulls, fC.7638.7&: calves, fO.000
10,60; southern steers, W.25 & 7.76; cows
and heifers, f4.2606.60.
HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head: Co lower:
pigs and light. f5.COO9.80; mixed and
butchers. tJ.Wtf.20; good heavy, f9.709
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,700
head: 26o higher: muttons, f3.25774,C0;
yearlings, f6.COC4.00; latnbs.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27. While today's
official weather report from Iirasll
showed temperatures down to nearly
freezing, the coffee market was unsettled
as a result of heavy realising and re
ports that Uracil was urging Its offer
ings. Opening was 18 to 19 points down.
Prices rallied 4 or S points with the close
steady at a net loss of 21 to 26.
September, 8.94a; October, 9.04o; Decem
ber, 9.24c; January, 9.34c; March, 9.64c;
May, 9.63; July, 9.71 Spot, unsettled; Rio
No. 7, 9o; Santos No. 4, 12ft12ttc Mild,
dull. Cordova, 13&16c.
Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising.
Holds Steady, with Good Undertone,
Till Last Hour of Session.
One Hour After Delivery of Pres
ident Wilson's Meaansie on Mex
ico, the hint tlcglnn to
NEW YORK. Au. 27,-Untll tha lost
hour of trailing touuy stocks nald s.eauy,
mill a giHiu uiiuuiiuiie. autiuuftll uuuiutk
tiuiis were nanotv. mien moteiiioni us
ocvurreu wero mostly UAvau, tltn spe
cialties. Inaiuulng American co, Ameri
can Agrloultuiul Uliuiulcal, Piople's Una
kiKt beais-ivoeuuck in tne lead, lowurd
Vha close ot tne da. points ot
wuaknoss appeared. Lnlon J avliic, noaa
ng, Lenivli Vaiiey, iSow Xoik al.
Can, tiiueiung aim various other siocns
fed ott 1 to X po.nts and tlio whole mar
ket was heavy at the cluso.
Mexican airalia retained first place In
the demonstration of sentiment. After
ordors 011 hand at the opening had boon
exeouted the imukot settled d-iwn to
await Prenluent vilsoiia mcasago and
t.aalng came almost lo a standstill. De
livery of the messuae iiiaae no eftoct on
prices. It was an hour alter ih muwago
reacuvd tho street boiore tho list begun,
to decline. Despite this lapse ot time. It
was tho Mexican situation wiilcli was
ched as the cause. Sincitlng. which liiw
heavy Interests in Mexico, was tlio weak
est stock among tho louuors. Tho slump
aipeured to bo duo, however, less to any
alarm over tha situation than to soiling
by bears, who nut prices down a mply be
cause they hkd not gone up on delivery
of tho message. .
Union Pacnio's decline was Influenced
by an Jul statement, allow
ing a decrease In not earnings of fGil,0J0.
New Haven again developed weakness In
the early .trading, fal.lng off 2Vi to a no
low record at 9lfc. UnUed States Kxpresa
made another low record by rail n to
nonda wore Irregular. A number of Im
portant Issued showed a considerable de
gree of strength. Total salon, par value,
11,190,000. UnlteJ States 4s registered d-
0li?5mberSf "sles and leadlnt; qnoUtlons
on stocks woro aa follows:
I BilM. Hlh. Low. CIMJ.
Anltnite4 Copp.r ,. 11.000 7 7114 .
Amtrlcin AtrleuHunl "
Amwkaa can .C0O WVi WH aJ4
American Can pM....... 100 Wk
Amrlc.a Cotton Oil..... 44W 4IV4 44
American Io Becurlllpa. 7. SO0 lH 4
American Un4 ...... .
Amerln I-ooomoJW. ... 400 MJ4 J6J4
Amarloaa B. a P......... 3.M0 7Vt . H
Amrlcn B. A B- pM.. WO 100 100 100
American Butar IUf.... 100 IIOU J10H W
Amrlean Ttl. & T.... 400 Wli 1IH WH
Ainrlcan TobMno
Anaoonda Mlnlnf Co.... ..."
Atehlton 1.300 ftti
Atchlann pM ,JJ
AtUntle Coaat UB ''
liaUlmw. a Ohio 400 HK M M
Ilthkm BtMl .0 J4 J4
Urooklrn IIapM Tr l.ivo U a
?Cnadl.n Iailfle 1,400 HM l aiJTi
Central Liaatbtr '
Chupk ft Ohio W0 tlH IW t
Cbtcaso Omat Wentern ..... 1JW
rhloAo, Mil. A Bt. P i JS?
Chlcaso fc N. W k IJJ
Colorado l'uel & Iron.., ..... ..... .....
Cooaolldalod Gaa 400 1H 111 111
corn ProducU W W4 UH n
Dolawara ft Hulon 0ll
tnTr A lllo Qrand 2i
rxmrer A It. U. ptd SOO SS ti S3
uutiiknf Bocurltift ... ..... ..... JJ
rirta U 2374 2114 1H
Krte 1M ptd. 46
Krl M ptd '
ottural UlocUU 100 1MU 14414 IIS
Orcat Northern, ptd.,... 700 iriH 111 154 H
orat NVirthtrn Ore ctfa. ..... 14H
Ullnola Cantrai ......... euo isi imn in
Z.SUU lb'
lJtt 1114 1114
tiU ii atH
InturhomuahiMat. ntd.i. 7.100
inur narroaier ... .
tnter-Marlno rtd 1H
International liper .... ..... ..... a
International i urop .... ..... ..... ..... 7Vt
Kanaaa Cllr Ebuthern.. H
lAclade Oaai 14
Uhlstl Vallef 1,M0 1U 154 11414
LoulMllla ft Nahv1ll 400 1IIU 1M '
M. BU P. A B. B. M. ..... 1I7H
M.. K. A r. ..... 2K
MlaaoUM Pacttla KM IUt H SOW.
Kntloatl niacult ..... lit
National Laad ......... .,.. ..... ..... 41
N. llr. ot M. U Btd,.., 100 13i 13, 14.
New Tork.Ontraf ..... 1.600 s7H M14 Wi
N T. O. ft Wi. ...... ..... ..... ..... X$H
Norfolk ft (00 1041a IMll 104
North 'American (.1. ..... T1U.
Northern IMcitlo ....... too lJIH 111 11014
laolllo Mall 100 114 11 11
nnarlranla SOO li:i M Ul
lfopl'a Ox L400 111 117 117
P. C. C. 'ft BU U
riutDuran tai ..... ..... ..... Jr
Praaud Bteal Car H
i unman a-aiaoa uar. ... in
ttaadlna ,... 21,700 UU4 1404a 160'
raiaoe car..,, iu
.... ,... 21,709 UHi J04i lfiOH
I. & S.. 304 MS UH Ml!
I. & B. ptd 17U
and Co K 17M 17 li 1714
Hacublle I.
Ilock laland
Rock taland Co. ptd t.. SI
It. 1 ft ft V. Id Pfd.. ..... '
Beaboanl Air Lint .., It
Heaboarfl Air Uo ptd 4414
Btoca-Hhefileld 8. 4b I 5914
Southern Iaclll 20,(03 00M tSK l.
Boutharn Hallway , u
Bontbern ltallwajr p(d.., ..... ,., ,. 7
Tannaaaoa Copper too ll tl 11
Triaa A Paelflo 700 17 II 1CU.
Union Pacltlo U.ioo USK 143 mil
Union Pacltlo pfd , 103 11 tiH i
Unllrt Rtata Ittalty ...7. tlht
United State Itubbor... 900 at II coii
United States Hteel .... SI, 600 US 1U q
United SUtaa Steel ptd, 300 107K 107H 107
UUh popper MOO H i" Tt
Vlrelnla-Caro, CSiem , Mii
SJv !V 4
WabuJi pfd ,.,
yeatern Marrlano 4oJ
WwUrn Union ff
Wratlncbouae Gleotiio ,, 1,100 7H1 73 73
Total aales tor the, day, l,too aharea
BUTTER-No. 1, Mb. cartons. t3ot Na
1, CO-lb. tubs. ao; No. i, 26c.
KIBH-Whlte. fresh. 12o; trout, fresh
c; large crupples, fresh, 13o; Bpanlsh
mackerel, Uc; shad roe. per pair, "i;
l?!??,"' ' .""s halibut, fresh 10c,?Bo!,JUll,1Je1"i .1!c'" channel cat
"V5h4r.1.,t.0t;wpe' 18ct P'ckerel, lie.
CIIElsaifi Imported Bwles, sic; Amerl
can bwlss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins.
17o; daisies. !7Hc; triplets. l7ho young
Arasricaa, Uo: blue label brick, tso; lim"
Mfi J.",b.i s"l N8W Toi whits, lift,
POULTny-Brollers, Ko per lb." hVns,
Wc; cocks. 12o; ducks, ls2yo; geeie, Uc
turkeys. 20r2ic; pigeons, per do", tuti
roosters, 8c; ducks, full feathered, ioa
TmtVMWN JtT ttnjl All.
Ma. " . ' .7 I ' We Vt VTIU
the"aillln.Ky"i?rult Mmww,u rn"nea W
PRUITS-Washlngton apricots. nar
crate. fl.M; Wtekson large gfien plums!
per. crf.tei f W! meOlum red plums per
crate, W.00; large blue plumba, wr crate
flOO. Psarsi Baryetts. por bt ttiil
box lots, f3.B. Peaches; Perbor Isot
California B Hardy pears, per box. 'flu
Applss: Duchess or Transparent. dSt
bu., Wo; e-bu. loU. too; 10-bu. lots, foe
Cantaloupes; Arisona standard, cer
Fnt. life- Alanni llnwu 5f '
Arisona Jumbo, per crute, 12.7. Oranges
178,, SOO, 316. 2W sites, per boa,. U.Cu Orape!
fruit: Klorlda, Indian niveiV . tt. 04
Uss, 110.00. CranberrUsi Evaporated
carton containing It paiksges, pr car.
ton. f2.7a urap-st Callturnia, pii crate Lemons: Extra fancy minklst. tool
and S0s, per box, f.60; extra onolce lted
Ball, foos and 380s. per box, tm
VEQETABLEB-OfotatoeT. larg. Cob
bler, pr bushel. Mo. Onions, California.
large yellow, per pound, ifau. Tomatoes,
homegrown, par markat baskat. toe: B
crate lots. 45c. Watermelons. Alabama
sweet, per pound. IHcj 6-?ats loZs. pui
pounu. ivo,
&IISCELLANEOUS Roasting ears, per
ox., Uc; Michigan Celery, per dosl. 35c
Mott's cldsr. pjr keg. tS.tOi Nehawks
cider, Per keg, f.2B; asparagus, per dos
Micj r n u barb, pr dos., Wc; onions. pr
dot,, 20c; nsw beets, carrcu. turmps. per
dos., 80c; psrsley per dos.. 40o; rsdlshes.
per dos., tocj nad isttuco, per dos., fi.oi;
homegrown leaf Icttucs, pur dos.. too;
green pepperr. par basket, oOc; wax or
gresn beans, per basket, fLOO; Iiothouss
cucumbers, per do., 40o to COci cauli
flower par lb 10llV4oi Venetian gariio.
per lb 12Ho; new cabbage, per lb., Sci
eggplant, per dos., fUO, horseradish, t
cox. bottles In case, per case. II.'jO;
Dromedary brand dates, pkg., 13.00;
Anchor brand dates, pkg., UiS; walnuts.
No. 1 soft shell, per lb 20o; medium
Ptcans, per lb., lSHo; jumbo pecans, per
lb., Uc; giant pecans. Louisiana, paper
shell, per lb.. 2io, filberts, per lb,, Uo,
Draks almonds per b. Uc, paper shell,
lbc; Uracils, per lb., 10c; larno washed,
per lb., 12c; black walnuts, per lb., iio:
raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., 7c; Jumbo pea-
; iso.
u'"i Nr,, l80u.CKt:ou?doi:1'N1o'c,,
nuts, per lb . 8c: roast peanuts, per lbH
ite; shellbark hlckorynuts. per lb., tot
white rloe popcorn per lb, 4e; checkers,
per 100-package case, M.DOi cheokers. Per
to-pke. case. 11.75; Leslie berry boxes.
Quarts, per 1,000, fs.76.
Tloslon Slonk Mnrkrl,
BOSTON, Aug. 27. Closing quotaUont
on mln tig Mocks w-
Allonet 1 Mehiwk 4S
Asual. Ccpeor 7IH hferada Con , llty
A K. L t )', NIplMlns Mlns ... t
Arlinnt CommVreUt. I North Hints 27v
n. A C. c. A 8. M. North Laka Hi
Calumrt A Arliooa. Cllt Old Dominion .. 4
Ctlumrt ft IUsia....4IO OMeola ...71
StnUnnlal , llgulaer 1
p. n. C. C MBhannon IS
Bast Oattt a II.... 11 suprlr 24
JraaMln. 4 Suptrlor A D. M.... Ji
Oranbr Con x TamaraeV 2a
tlreene Caoana .... imu. s. IU A ti 11
lilo itoj.ii.i, do ptd , tVJ
Km Lake mtllah Con
CoJ'r ! Utnh Coppr Co fl
LaSall Copper IU Winona .,. Xll
MUral Copper JtH Wolrerln - 44
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Aug. 27. American security
were quiet, with n good tone today.
Prices opened unchanged and later most
of the list advanced a fraction At noon
the market was steady and unchanged
to higher than yesetrday'a New York:
ConMia, money 7 Canadian relf1e...5W.
do aoconnt 14 Dtnrtr A Itto O.... iov.
Araal. Cupper 7414Bouthern racltlo.... Wi
Atcblaon tt Union P&ein 1571?
utLvnu-Uar,' stoauy at 27 3-16d per ox.
MONEY-214 per cent.
The rato ot discount In the open market
for short bills Is 8fff3H per cent; for
threo months' bills, 3 11-lGftJi per cent,
New York Jfoney Mnrket.
cnll, steady, SUtKH Per cent! ruling rate,
3 N per cent; closing bid, IV4Cr?H per cent,
Tlmo loans; Weaker; . sixty days, Si
per cont: ninety days, i per cent; six
months, 6 per cent
6H por cent.
for sixty-day bills, f4.S61fi for demand.
Commercial bills, R&tt.
SILVER Bar, t9ioi Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, easy; railroad, In
Porch Climbers
Stopped as Enter
Bishop's House
Unmindful that he risked hts life, II.
C. caps of Thirty-first and Harney
streets walked up to two porch climbers:
who were breaking Into the home ot
Bishop A. L. Williams., 315 South Th'rty
first street, and ordered them to lotva
the premises.
"Beat It yersolf, now, or we'll plug
you," exclaimed one ot the thieves, ex
hibiting a pistol, Mr. Caps withdrew and
called the police, but for some reason
tha latter did not respond. In the moan,
time the thieves mado their getaway
Tho two men had climbed the porcli
posts and torn off a screen from a win-'
dow on tho second floor when Mr. Capo
discovered Uiom. Bishop William end
his family are at their summer homi at;
Richards landing, Canada, and tn hH
absonco tbe house Is being occupied by
Oeorge and C. It. Tyncr, neither of whom
was at home last night.
Start on Long Hike
to Cure Tuberculosis
Walking from Chicago to the Pacltlo
coast to euro tuberculosis Is rather heroic
treatment for tho disease, yot Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Harris arrived' in Omaha,
last night boarlng a certificate from a
physician that thoy both have the dis
ease and showing other tredentUls ndi
aatlng they havoj cortfe .overland from
Palntsvlllo. Ky, TThey plan to walk to
tho Paelflo coast and perhaps irli ox
tend their pedestrian tour' to othar coun
tries. Tho couple left their home July 5, anO.
Chicago on August 4. They sleep out in
the open except when in the larger titles
and average about thirty- miles a day
they say. 1
Mr. Harris was a miner and following;
serious Injuries which left him physical'.?
weak, he nnd his w(fe decided to naka
the long Jaunt He says each no las
gained a few pounds since startlnif ou tha
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 27,-(SpeolaI Telw
e gram.) A successor to Congressman i
Klnkald as member from Nebraska ot
the national congressional committed was
not selected tonight, as both Congress- ,
man Klnkald and Senator Nonis wen
absont from tha conference. Consrvii. '
men Barton and Sloane met and Rtter
waiting a few minutes for the other No- -braska
republicans adjourned until to- 1
morrow, when an effort will be made to -get
At a Joint caucus tonight republican
senators and representatives chose most
of the members of the congressional cony-,,,
mltteo, which will begin work soon on
tho congressional campaigns. Every- stata -
waa accorded one representative, tho
choice of the state's delegation In ths
senate and house. Six senators wero
among thoso chosen tonight. A number
of states wero pot ready to report and
will announce selections later.
BUFFALO, Aug. 7. Practical and ap."
piled hygiene Is much iarther advanoe1
In the Philippines than in the United.
States, according to Dr. Allan J. Mc.
Laughlln, sutgron of the United States
public health service, who was one of tho
speakers at today's sessions of tho fourth
International congress on school hygiene.
"In this country," said Dr. MaLcughlln,
"we are prone to overlook the enormous
influence of school children upon tho
hygiene of tho home. The children oC
poor, iU-oducated parents are often tha
Intermediary through whtch the slmpla
gospel of hygler.o and disease prevention
reaches the parents. In the Philippines.
In many instance, it Js only because oi
the children that the parents carry out
the instruction of the health officer.
Thomas Hodge, who last winter es
caped from a carriage on the way to th'i
pesthouse while suffering front eriai'
pox, attempted to cut down expenses :tt
night by sneaking Into, the home of If,
Polloy, SOS North Eighteenth street, and
going to sleep In one of ths beds.
He was discovered when he started to
snore and the police were called to taJ;u
him to Jail, where he finished his nap on
a cement floor.
"31 ot aa Xxyertaiaat,'
h. POEHLER co.
Sstf Usbs4 IIH
aUna tor JJaUl? StukSe X..