Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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T WILL bo difficult for autne or tho globe trottors to r call to the troplcat
IW of Omaha this summer. During tho flmt part of August, when
the thermometer reentered over 100 docroes, many Oninhnns wero In
the mountains of SwlUerlnnd, whero Uioro was At least two lnchot) ot
snow. In fact, tho hot wave has not seemed to have reached anr part of
Europe as It did last year. Tho largo colony ot Omnhans In London have
written that It has been most comfortable, there, tho entire summer.
Among those who have been In SwIUcrland thin summer aro lion. J.
II. Millard and Miss Josslo Millard, who have been motorlnR. Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Ilurgess and Mr. nnd Mrs. George H. KolJy, who have loft Luccmo'
for Paris for n star before returning homo. Mrs. Ida M. Honchott has
been spending soveral wocks enjoying tho scenery of tho Itnllan lakos and
Switzerland, and after a brief Btoy In Cologno, Germany, nnd Paris, will !
go to London. Dr. G. A. Young spent a delightful summer In tho moun
talnB of Switzerland and returned homo Monday.
Among those who have spent much time In and near London are Miss
Mary Munchhoff, Miss Margaret Mol'hcrson, Dr. nnd Mrs. A. 11. Bomors,
Mrs. P. L. Hallor, Mrs. P. II. Colo, Mrs. K. M. Palrfteld, Mrs. Charlos
KotinUo and Mrs Ward Durgess. Mrs. Warren Ulnckwell spent Uio sum
mer in London visiting Iter sister.
Davis-Cunningham Weddin".
The weiHlln ot Miss Nnnoy Cunnlni
hsm. daxuthter of Mrs. W. C. Cunning
ham ot arena Island, to Mr. Itnymond
Ewlns Davis of Oklahoma City was
quietly celebrated this afternoon at S
o'clock at the residence of the bride's
ster, Mrs. Howard Kennedy. Ilev. D.
K. Jenkins, president ot the University
of Omaha officiated.
The rooms wero attractively decorated
with pink roses and palms, and only
the Immediate relatives were, present.
The bride wore her traveling; suit ot
navy tlut broadcloth with bodice ot
chiffon and lace and a small blue hat
to match. Mrs. Ward roses formed th
rortace bouquet.
The out-of-town relatives present were
the bride's mother, Mrs. V. C. Cunning
ham of Orand Island, Mr. and Mrs. J.
I Clearly, Miss Elisabeth Cunningham,
Mr. T. J. Cunningham, all ot Grand
Island; Mr. and Mrs. IL J. 1111, Miss
Helen Hall and Mr. Stanley Hall ot
Following the ceremony there wts a
buffet luncheon for the wedding guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis left for a short wed
ding trip und will make their home in
Oklahoma City, where tho groom la in
the automobile business. The bride has
nade her homo with her sister, Mrs.
Howard Kennedy, for several years and
's an accomplished pianist and organist.
She la a member ot the Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority.
A farewll party was given Sunday by
illss Dora Sherman In honor of her
cousin, Ml Viola Hymen .of. Bt Paul,
who returns to her homo ""today. The
prises wero won by Mis Hymen and Mr.
Barney Kulakitfeky. Those present wero:
Mlsseo Misses
Viola Hymen of India Singer.
St. PaUl. Znldn. llurrl.
Ida Wlrsthafter, Mollle Singer,
. Hellen Hollub,
1 PMfnrn'
Ptail Chernlsa.
nose Whltebook.
Council Bluffs:
Jennette Marcus,
Council Illulfs;
Eva Krelden,
Freda Trustln.
Hose Oracle,
I Bess Fr.eden,
Dora Sherman,
. Kssle Oraets.
1 Anne Qreonberg.
I Barney Kulukdfsky, rhti ltosenblalt.
Nathan Muskln.
Morris Sherman.
Jake Melashock,
1 Harry Trustln,
rhlllr, Romaneck,
Ben Tatle.
Harry felnser.
Jo nrenberir.
rhlllp Grossman.
Harry Chernlss,
Morris AVarshawsky.
Morns Jacob
David Greonborg,
Mr. and Mrs, J. Sherman,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Sherman.
Mr and Mrs. F. Sherman.
At Happy Hollow.
Those who will entertain at luncheon
Thursday are Mrs. J. It, Beaton, who
will have covers laid for twenty-guests;
Mrs. H. N. Wood. tour, and Miss Elisa
beth Finley, eight
Mrs. IL G. Browc entertained at
luncheon today, when 'covers wer laid
Mesdames Mesdomea
G. W. Trumble. J, 11. Smeaton,
M. C. Hodgtn. M. V. Funkhouser,
Charles Thatcher, bailie Havens.
H. O. Brown,
Miss Mabel Hodgtn.
Among those who will entertain at din
ner this evening aro a A, Wilcox, who
Will haw six guosts; V. J. Prentiss, seven;
J. 1. Lamps, eight; A. G. Klop, four;
EL T. Heyden, four; S. A. Rohrbaugh.
Real Hair Grower
Found at Last !
The Great English Discovery "Crystolis"
"Grows Hair in 30 Days."
$1000.00 Reward it We Fail; Read Our Guarantee.
Try It at Our Risk. Nail Coupon Today
BaSSsjssssissBissssVBHs ssaBBsssasasHsasaiasasasa
Paulflttft---- ? 'tHssHsssssssssssssssssft
Beautiful Hair and lots
HarV coc4 tvs at Uit tor Um bmb ant
women vtwn tuir U UUIsc bo art growing
teld u4 crur. hoM sulps rj conred .ttt
dtaanift that DOtblnc Mxms t scp svaj a4
boM tuii (ten 1U sud.
OotA ntn s tot tbftM who IrusUk tfcta
Ins hoptUruly sal Isconblr bila or vta
u3to- -trora bslr er seals treaUs et any klat,
VCm hiT MOirl tb sot ijMrtua rlMs
tor tn irtt EnslUh SicoTwr. Crrwoll. tb
nw luUr motif that to Burep lus La called
tft AMt voalcrtul dUcoyery ot tbs cesturr.
1t1oi beta awnrdel 014 UedJd st th blf
J'irl iU BnKl Eipoltlon.
Alrtt4r sues coriBc to Amcricto rlcuU,
buscrcd ' et mu nd vamsa Mt. wrlttca u
la till ot pbeaameiial rem It oMsuwd br lu
tin. ImsU vbo havs been bald tar run tell
how tbr now (lorr In tbtir tsatiral hlr.
ptbsn Vbo htrt bMA 4udnin all tbclr Htm
aj tbr bs now a clou, healthy scalp a&d
tfcat batr storP talltsc aTUr a l.w appllca
tloss C Uua woodcrrol bw traatutot.
W don't can -sbaUMr r at bothered with
SWiC' MUv vtanatsralr srar baU, mattsd balr
TlTL-e- J 7
Tuesday, August 20, 1013.
four; W. l Mllroy. four, and It. L
Ilobtson, threo.
Mrs. Leigh Leslie entertained at a
children's party today at Happy Hollow.
Mrs. Odley Duke Campbell assisted and
tho children present were;
L-uclle Dodds,
Mary Elisabeth
Addle Deems,
Gladys I'litman,
Alice Leslie.
Mlldrcy Olney
of Minneapolis,
Jennie Dow,
Herbert Darker,
Ileatrtco Wagner,
Helen Uorahelm,
r inrencn Dow,
Msrv Leslie.
Mrs. R. A. Swartwout gave a children's
party thin afternoon at the matinee dance
at the club for her daughter, Bao. Those
present were:
Margaret Cullln,
Kstella Cullln.
Bernlce Jones,
llonnle Jones,
Winifred Travis,
Helen Nolan.
Ioulse Stoetsnl,
Kdlth WlUobrand,
Kntherlne Belby,
lusrolee Heleryurgon
urpna -iravis.
hum urcsiey.
Margaret Uorahelm, Alice Klmberley,-
Mary Walton
Helen Housn.
Angelina Bush.
Helen Stotenberg,
Gertrude Gray.
Mildred Branden.
Mildred White,
Edna Btrss,
Margaret Dow,
IUo Swartwout.
Alice renman.
At Sevmour lake Country Club.
At the regular Wednesday musical fol
lowing the table d'hote supper at Sey
mour Lake Country club this week Miss
Grace McBride will give, several violin
selections. Miss Clara Ltcber and Mr
Bernard E. Johnston will be tho vocalists
of the evening and Mr. Ed Andreesen,
pianist. Monologues will be given by Mr.
Otto Bridge.
Mrs. John Urion gave n Kensington
Monday for her house guost, Miss France
urion of Chicago. Twelve guests were
At Carter lake Country Club.
The women a swimming club at Carter
Lako club will entertain tho husbands and
their friends this evening at dinner. Cov
ers will be laid for fifty guosts.
Others who will entertain at dinner this
evening aro Ouy Snow, II. O. Nlllson
and William Baumelster, two.
Among those who had gut-sta at dinner
Monday evening were Dr. J. B. Flckea,
who hod two; Edward Bear man and
Arthur Btora, twevle.
Hatleton-Cooley Weddinc.
The wedding of Miss Agnes Cooley,
daughter of Mrs. A. II. Cqoley, to Charles
Sargent Haxelton ot Council Bluffs took
place at the homo ot the brldo's mother
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It was
a very quiet uftalr, only tho immediate
family being present.
Mr. and Mrs. Haxelton left for an oust
ern trip and after October 15 will bo at
home at Ml Mills street.
With the Visitors,
Mis. Hanford Finney of Fort "Worth,
Tex., who has been spending the summer
in the east, arrived in Omaha Monday
for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Y. Bmlth.
Miss Belle Criglor and Mrs, Hattlo
Griffin of Seattle, Wash., formerly ot
Omaha, arrived lust week to bo tho
guest ot Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ryan. Many
affairs have been given In their honor.
Among those who entertained at dinner
last week for them wero Mr. and Mrs.
of It if yoa use Crystolls
or strlnor balr. daadrnrc. ltcblnx scalp, er anr
or all (ansa ot hair uoabla. we wast 70a to
irj -CHYSTOLW." at our flat
We sIto tou s blnitaz cuarnotM wlUuvt any
'atrlnc' er r4 tape, that It woat coat yo
a cut II we do not Km to you that "Cryito.
Ill" will do all w claim (or It. and what's
Important, wa bar pltatr of ncoay t bank
oar cuajuts. M'a bay drposlUd ILOM In oar
local bank as a special (Mod to be lorhttod It
wo taU to comply with thta coetracC Cut oat
the con pea below and mall It today to Creole
LaboratorUa. 7 W. Btroet, Unchaiatoa. N. T.
nvctt COUPON.
Tb Crealo tAburatorlea. 71 W. Street.
Blntbaraton, N T.
I air. reader o( Tbo Omaha Be. Prote
to me without coat bow Cry at ol la tUv fail
les hair, banuhe dandraK and Itchlac scalp
and reatorca crar and laded balr to natural
color. Write your nam and addms plainly
Daily Fashion Hint
Chemlssttte of white thread linen with
fine tuoks and entredeux of Cluny. Bead
buttons at tho front nnd cuffs email
turn-un collar.
A. O. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bmlth
and Mr. nnd Mrs. H. P. Boyer.
Miss Edna Foster of Hydo Park1. Cin
cinnati, la expected to arrive this even
Ins to be the nuest of her aunt, Mrs.
Ilalph Connell, and Dr. Connejl. Miss
Foster will spend several weeks In the
Motor Trips.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorea A. Bedlck left
Monday In their car for the Minnesota
lanes to be gono ten days.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Airs. Ole Hlbner of Canton. O.. Is visit
ing; Mrs. Cyrus Tyson,
Miss Marsuerlto Hcott and brother. T.
Boy, have returned from an extended visit
in Washington. D. a, their former home.
Dr. O. A. Younsr. who hits pent the
summer In Swltserlnnd and Hntfland, r.
turned Monday. Mrs. Young- :trr'tvd yes
terday from Columbust Nb whuro tho
spent tho summer with her mothe., Mrs.
Keating. They will spend tho weolt nt
the Banford and will movo to their horn
Mr. Boy Wood of Now York, who him
bean spondlnft tho summer In Colorado
Is the guest for a few-days of Mr. Prank
Latenser, and will return east Wednes
day. Miss Isabel Harrlty of Philadelphia
Who Is the HUeSt of Mlsies Bantrlen unit
Irene Coad, returns east this week.
Mr. J. D. Bowen of this city formerly
of Dallas.. Tex., who .has been serlouslj
111 with rheumatism, lias gono to Hot
Springs, Ark., for an ox tended stay.
Mrs. Arthur Pinto left Monday for a
short visit In Chicago, Milwaukee and
Mrs, W. T. Mullen ot Berkley, Col..
Is -vieltlnsr her mother. Mrs. Mary A.
Pried, SOU North Nineteenth street. '
Ua-htlnr Tlxturcs, Snrress-aranaa.Oo.
Boot Print It Now Beacoq, Press,
rtdsUtr Btoraj-s ft Van Co. Douff. 1818
Oa Way to Leavenworth Ten military
prisoners from Ban Francisco coma In
over the Union PacJtla yesterday and
were transferred to the Missouri Padflo
that took them on to Leavenworth, Kan.,
where they wilt be confined in the mili
tary- prison. The ten prisoners were ac
companied by fifteen guards.
Rpwolal Train Sunday Next Sunday
the Burlington will run a special from
Chicago to Minneapolis, carrying the east
ern delegations to the convention of the
National Paint, Oil and Varnish associa
tion. 8everal Omaha parties will attend
the convention, but there will not be
enough of them to Justify taking a cor.
Abused Xls Wife James Paneck. 1114
a race street, was given a sixty-day sus
pended sentence by -Judge O'Brien for
assault and battery on his wife. Mrs.
Paneck stated that her husband would
not come to supper until several hours
utter the meal and when he did come
would beat her for not waiting for him.
Paneok denied her statement.
Bays Story Erronaous Charles Savage,
who sustained a broken leg Saturday
night when attacked byanother man and
about whom a story was printed Sunday
morning to the effect that 'he had said he
could whip anyone, says the published
statement is erroneous; that the attack
on htm was unprovoked.
Sack front Canada After having
spent three months In Calgary, British
northwest, II. M. Iltgglns' of the Union
Pacific Is home. In Calgary Mr. Hlggtns
met George Craig, city engineer there,
and who held a similar position in Omaha
for years. Craig, he says, has intro
duced city methods into the Calgary of
fice J has become very popular.
Hai. . Blight Backset Fire Captain
John It vel, who was Injured at the Bur
gess Gtahden company fire. Is reported
as suffering a slight backset. lie was
removed from St. Joseph's hosp'tal to
his home, K03 Cuming street, last Satur
day and in some way caught a cold. His
outlook, however. Is very good and within
a couplo of weeks he will be out and
around again.
Mnsd for Ordinance Violation AV. C.
McCJatn ot Equality, 111., was arretted
by Officer R. E. Ford Monday afternoon
for violating an ordinance by tacking
signs on prohibited places throughout the
city. The signs were advertisements ot
the Northwestern Yeast company of Chi-
vago. Judge O'Brien fined the offender
15 and costs and promised him the maxt'
mum penalty for a repetition of the mis
An Auspicious Start -Harold Qlfford
Tamlnoslan. son of Mr. and Mrs, J. I,
Tanlnoslan of Dundee, born August It,
Is starting out auspiciously for. a babe
nine days old, for he now bos a bank
account that promises a healthy increase.
I A dollar was the original deposit, then
I his father's birthday came along and 44
I cents, one tor t-aen or his dad s years.,
I were added, and now ho has the parental
t promise' that the price of every shave Is
to 00 savea ana added to the account.
lour last cnance to buy a cloth suit or
coat tof IS. See advertisement on nan 9
. Julius Orkln, itl Duulgas street.
One Factory Docks Pay of Five Dol
lars Per Week Employes.
Foster llntrs Account of Suffering;
Cn! by Insufficient I'nr
from Workers Who Cora
plnln to Him.
Wage conditions existing In at least one
large factory of Omaha as a result of tb
nine-hour working law for female em
ployes was vividly revealed by two work
ing girl Monday to Dr. Henry A. Pos
ter, member of the legislature. Following
an article In The Bee Sunday morning
giving an account of conditions as the
labor commissioner hod found them and
saying that Harry Poster had declared he
would make private Investigation, these
girls sought him and told their tale.
They said tho girls In the factory wero
hired with the understanding that they
were to work for $G per woek, but that
the employer now maintains that a week
Is six days ot ten hours each. Also he '
bows to th dictate of the new law and
works his girls no longer than nine hours
a day, but docks them for the hour which
ho claims would be required to'make a
day as ho understands days. Thus at the
end of five days ho has five hours to
cut off the tS salary. Further than this,
he lets the girls off on Saturday after
noons. This Is another half day. 80 at
the end ot every week the girls are
docked a full day In their wages. That
makes 8J cents reduction per week. 1
Thus on tho books of the company for
purposes of Inspection, the girls are listed
as working at to per week. Their check
at the end of the week Is written for
One of these girls reported that after
diligently saving underpaying only her
board and car fare, she had SO cents left
at the end of the woek. This left her
nothing for clothes and almost nothing
tor even as much entertainment bs a
moving picture show.
Unable to Live on Wa0es.
The girls told of many Instances ol
pitiable circumstances. They told ot one
girl who was found crying quietly at her
work a few days ago. When the floor
lady asked her what was the matter she
sobbed, "I can't live on tho wages I'm
getting. I've tried and tried to make It
reach, but I Jus?can't do It"
The floor lady ropo'rted the matter to
the manager who told her he would pay
no mora. The girl got her hat and started
for the door, saying there was no use
staying nny longer as she was falling
behind every day. The manager then
called her back and promised to put het
on the $S list. She had been on the H&O
Dr. Foster advised the girls to see
Robert Cowell at once, as h.e Is the chatr-
man or the minimum wage commission
that Is to Investigate cases of ridiculously
low wages paid to help. The girls said
they would do so.
New Secretary of
Bohemian Society is
Popular in Omaha
Another Omaha man has been accorded
honors by a national society at a na
tional convention. Charles Spalek, one
of Omaha's most prominent Bohemians,
was elected secretary of the Sokolska
Jednota Blest, which is the Bohemian
Kymnastio society of the United States,
In Baltimore, Me., Monday.
Mr, Bpaleft has never before been a
delegate to the national convention, but
his lmmedlato election to the office ot
secretary Is Illustrative ot his worth as
a representative ot Omaha. He Is well
qualified for the position, as he has been
the secretary of the local Tel Jed Sokol
organisation for the last five years and
has always taken an active Interest in
the business affairs ot the order during
His membership. He has been a mem
ber pf the local order more than fifteen
years. ,
Mr. Spalek was never active in the
gymnastlo work of the Turners after his
llrst year because ot his preference to
ward management of the business af
fairs. He took an active part In the
dramatics that ore given regularly, how
over, and has played leads and char
acter parts. He was chairman of the
entertainment committee and n member
of the executive board of the western
division until this year. Tho executive
committee has jurisdiction over the en
tire state ot Nebraska.
Knights Entertain
Orphans With Auto
Rides and a Pionio
Under the auspices ot the Knights ot
Columbus over 100 little tots from St.
James' orphanage at Benson were given
a taste ot now pleasures and eojoymtms
yesterday when they were all token
lor an automobile ride around the city
followed by a picnic at Krug park.
The children were safely seated In the
battery of automobiles furnished by some
ot Omaha's charitably inclined dtlsens and
at 9 o'clock In the morning started on
a twenty-odO mile Journey over the city
That tho tots enjoyed the experience was
manifested by their shrill screams and
loud yells ot delight as the drivers ot
the machines accelerated their rpeed a
bit or took a corner with suf.tclent
velocity to throw the children to one side
of the car.
After the tour they were taken to Krug
park and the lunches served thetru The
relish with which they made tho choice
delicacies vanish was a dtllght to the
older people present. Most of tha chil
dren were in favor ot another :vut, mo
bile ride and after the children had been
allowed to explore the mysteries cf the
park for a couple ot hours another trip
was given them.
A dinner was served them in th even
ing alter the second auto ride and then
Uie little tots were conveyed back to
the orphanage In Benson.
ChHs Christiansen waa arrested lion
day evening on complaint of 8. P. Hansen
and Chris Uarsen. proprietors ot the Kan
sen hotel, who assarted h disturbed the
peace in their establishment at Seventh
and Leavenworth streets.
According to them Christiansen came
home late at night and expressed his
wish to conduct the place. Not heedlna
the objections of the landlords, ho drove
the guests into the street, after which he
ordered both Hansen and tatrsen to leave.
The police were summoned and yesterday
morning Chrlstlanaen waa fined 5 and
costs by Judge O'Brien,
Store Closes
5 p. m. Every
Night This
Weok Except
6 P.M.
Notable Basement Bargains
Tho woman wjio knows the value of economy will surely appreciate these har
gains. Fall stocks are arriving and in order to make room wo must Fell these lots at
once. The original cost to us is of no consequence now. We have marked these goods
at prices to mako them sell.
Long Lawn
Light shades
with fancy Moral
designs, woith
With flno tucks,
worth 19c
Wednesday spe
at. .
50c, all
9 st .ffrada whits on '
cloth, 1V4 yards wl a .
all psrfect from
tha bolt, Wca
nsfiay, at
Fine nainsook embroidery edges
and insertions, up to 4 Inches
wide; Many worth 10c ql
basement at, yard O2 C
Women's fino ribbed cotton vests,,
mercerized taped neck .nnd arm'
eyes regular and extra Blzes
actually worth 10c baso- 1
ment at, each ,J"2C
Women's fine cotton hosiery,
doublo soles, spliced heels and
toes, plain black, tan, fancy etripoj
and light colors, worth to r7-Lr,
15(! basement at, pair. 2 C
Children's Strap
Slippers, patent
and gun metal lea
thers, sizes rj
to 11, at..OUC
C h 1 1 d r en's and
Misses' Two-Strap
Velvet Pumps an I
Children's Bare
foot Sandals, sizes
to 11; on eale
Wednes- OA
day at. . . 05C
Misses' High Shoes
all solid leather,
with low heels and
high tops,
Blucber lace kil
low heels
Hugo Peters, bartender, was sentenced
to thirty days In loll on two charges In
police court- The first Woa for carrying
concealed weapons and the other for
using obscene languago over the tele
phone. Peters said that he waa belnc Jobbed,
but the appearance of several witnesses
against him gave no substantiation to
his statement Peters was also charged
with vagrancy and disturbing the peace,
but waa discharged by Judge O'Brien on
both of the latter charges because of
lack ot evidence.
YTavfl HlavHarfeiteP
of deadly mtorohes occurs when throat
and lung disease are treated with Br.
King's New Discovery. 60c and 11.00, For
sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
T&iay's Beaity Recipes
By Mm. D'Mllle
"A complexion rivaling the lilies In
purity naturally follows the use of a
plain may atone skin lotion, made by dis
solving an original package may atone In
one-half pint witch hazel. This aimple
lotion applied to the face, neck and arms
In the morning lasts tlu-ougbout the day
and overcomes the 'shiny' greasy looH
caused by powder or creams. For tan,
freckles and other complexion blemishes
the mayatone lotion Is un equaled and
not only gives to the skin a velvety
smoothness, but la actually invisible and
Is a fine protection for the complexion.
"Superfluous hair con be removed
quickly and without pain or expense by
the application of a delatone' paste, which
la prepared by mixing enough ot the
powdered delatone and water into a paste
sufficient to thickly cover th object'on
able hairs. This Is to be applied and In
two minutes rubbed off and the skin
washed to' remove the remaining paste.
Every trace of hair vanishes with this
simple treatment and the skin Is left
smooth, firm and spotless. No harm re
h ' mn lt use Advertisement.
Crook&d Tnih Straljhlen&d
Don't allow a deformed mouth
caused by Irregular teeth to exist
another week. Do It today. Consult
our specialists In this matter. No
charge for consultation.
srw omca
70s an jtatt. same auto.
Tel. Bonglaa asC.
Br. allay. Sr. Xjodwlok.
r. hlphcrd. Orthodontist.
Women's and Misses
Wash Dresses
Women's Good Quality
Auto and Street Go its
Three-quarter or full
length poplins and linens,
with colored collars and
cuffs; also short silk
Jackets, plain or trim
Ltfiwns, percales
and ginghams,
also linens, i n
plain and trim
med styles, light
or dark shades,
all sizes, worth
med, worth
up to $6, at
Women's Dressing Sacques
Flno lawns and percaleB,
In light and dark shades,
checks, polka dots and
figured designs, all sizes,
50c values. 29c
Flno checked
g i n g h ams or
plain colored
c h a mbrays
worth up to 35c
all 10
sizes, ., IOC
tits cs for
mall ihldren
Percales, in
light or dark
shades, strap
trimmed, worth
35c, Wednesday
each . . 18c
Whit curtain scrim -
and curtain voll
dslrabl mill rem
nants on gpedal sal
Gool Drinks 1c Glass
rrr basstbxbwsszixsda.t
We will servo Orangeale
and Wild Cherry Phdsphate
from ice cold bottles all day.
Extra special at, a
Men's Plain White and Colored
Dorder Mercerized Japanotto
Handkerchles, soft finish, various
widths of hem; also women's
Swiss embroidered made to sell
at 15c, but were slightly OJL--
damaged basement, each 2
Boys' $3 Oxfords,
patent and gun
metal leathers
laco J i O C
styles. P 1. a6J
Woman's Sa.SO and
13.00 Oxfords and
Pomps tan, gun
metal and patent
3, at. ,
leathers, with low
Or hlirii heels
... 1U
small sizes
at, pair.
A little Bee want
Everybody reads Bee want ads
The Holyoke-Dox School JSSSSS
Will reopen "Wednesday, September 17, at 3863 Farnam street.
Classes are carried from the Kindergarten to Seventh grade.
MRS. E. A. HOLYOKE, Principal.
f- .IPdin CMf ni Conservatory
. or Young - . omen
T bt toiomU KM aehael la taa G antral wC PrmaraUrr aaa Jnalar rti
Kya. HlChtsl iraa. at Ujlirattaaa. Pr. In art. BlSXstt i k Do" .
Brian aaa Basiaaa. Osau-anlMii CansarTatarr.-Oarnaa Bta.i.,;.
Mvmi aatilpragat. Catatotu. A"r I
W.VXXXI6W,A.L,9riUmt, 9 OHg JPiae. lfsxleo. Mo. j
Gas. Automobile and
Th yoOTj nan who eompltbs fltirr ona of Uicas
roarae la aar of a Job. wlui gool pay. Ia tb
Wtat there li a continual drtnaad (or yoonc men
wtUi a timlcal fcnowladg ot gaa. traeuoa
ensine and automobile.
Sak aaara auy to Sataaaa U tan auatta.
You can learn nor aboot an eoUse at
Highland Park College
In tuna mcoUia than ta that many years aa so
apprentice. Student work right In machluaihcpa,
traction eof to tiooa and auto saraga, Hepalr
anil (tare caa and a team en tine arut automobile.
Uaa EntUM Court may be taken wltn either tbs
ho entrance examination!, feud tor catalogue.
01001 T. atl0HL.rn aldaat,i Catsaa.Im
Edit i L. Wagner
'PHONE HED 7005.
Appointments now being mad for
th coming season.
Odd Jewelry
Scarfs l'lns, Belt
Pins, B r o oclies,
fobs, etc, worth
to 25c, Wednes
at. . . , .
Women's and Misses
IVnens, repps and ratines
in plain tailored or Bal
kan and llusslan bloimo
styles, worth
up to $10,
Women's Wash Skirls
White and colored, plain
tailored or plcatel and
button trimmed models
worth up to 75c cut lu
full sues all
lengths, at. . . .
White Lawn
Sew tig Aprons
Plain or with
laco and em
broidery trim
mings, worth
19c. at, t
oach. Uffhtand dark itan-
Aard qnallty pretty
pattern per cU
Jnt the thing to?
school drs,
Scrolls, dots, stripes, borders, flor
als and Balkan effects splendid
array of new fall color- OCb
ings Rt, yard MtC
Plain and fancy silks, check and
stripe silks, mcssalines, foulards,
Bulgarian silks, etc., in remnant
lengths and worth up to $1 a yard
basement, oe and on
at, yard. . . . iOC OtC
Serges, Henriettas, novelty suit
ings, whipcords, check and stripe
suitings, Bedford cords, etc.
lengths from 2 to 7 yards 3C
to 46 Inches wide base- oq
ment at, yard O J C
Women's White
Sea Island Duck
Shoes, with Good-
Men's Mnleskin
Shoes, in drab or
brownwlth elkskia
soles, built for
serv- QO
ice, at.4l mUO
welt soles-
up to
Women's Strap
House Slippers,
with hand turned
Boles and dl
heels, at. . .
Boys' High Shoes,
all solid leathiy,
laco styles; on sai
at, per J-f
pair P1
ad does the busines
mamtmm iiii ia
Accredited to the North Central
Association. Degrees at O. A. and
D. S. Broad culture, with elective
vocational courses that lit for life
and for self-support. Vacuity In close
touch with the slrls. Chosen body ol
students, llealth nnd safety para
mount. Pare air, pure artesian water,
fine campus. New fire-proof dorml;
tory.electrlcllsht.steamhtat. Good
Table. Cataloeue. Box BZ.
JUUA 0. CUUIYtE. n. D LU D.. rWiaal
Twenty Eighth Season'
.TV -Y TTaita.ta.aw1f sPm.. J.-.DIA .
Chicago's Foremost School of '
MUSIC Pa- modern courses '
whom art many nt l.inr..n... i ""V?:; .
WaohwforoollM... Durable Dormitory io.
507 KrMt ALL HALL, Chicago, ,
Drawn For The Beo
The best newspaper artists of tho
country contribute their beet
work for Bee readers.