THE BEE: (fttAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1913. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Tanners Unwilling to Sell Wheat at Present Prices. CORN CROP REPORTS BRIGHTER Free Soiling of Futures Murk Nwi that Has Deer Coming In Con cerning Welfare of Yel low Cereal Harvest. OMAHA. Autf. 26, MIS. The buying of September wheat by car riers as weil as shorts was tho principal builisn iniluence- In that market yester day. Thutt in a position to Know ad vance ino opinion tnat with the premium still nmu ror winter varieties at Chicago small ueuverics are more than likely on Septemoer 1. farmers are unwilling to seil their winter wheat remnants around tho present price leved as shown by the smail receipts because of tho strong posi tion now held by that grain. UL Louis reported a good business In flour, with some of It taken on export account. In the event of this buying power tho market In the southwest witl nued all tho wheat that Is coming for ward with whicn to fill their milling re quirements. vord was received trom the seauoard yesteruay that white exporters were unwilling to mako puonc as to the amount of Wheat taken lor foreign ship ment, the business was larger than at any day of the present week and on sev ei iii occasions auring the period the ex port takings were reported at 250.WO bushels. Considerable stress was placed upon tho report of a change to bright weather throughout the spring wheat country, which was a reflection of an Increase in the movement to Aiinneapolis and Duluth in tho very near future. Cash wheat was lo higher. Crop reports on the growing corn were much belter yesterday, and thero wan free selling by longs and tho putting out of short lines early. There was a com plete change In the feeling later when car.y sellers becamo buyers and a reac tion and advance was estab.lshed and final prices were Mo better. Otferings by the country were smaller on the recent decllno and this was helped some by continued dry wsather In Kansas and the return to higher temperatures In many sections of the belt. Cash corn was f4&'lVJ higher. Tho feature of the osts market yes terday was tho continued changing from one month to another; in fact, in undoing Ute and early transactions. Statistical returns were bearish, but the tone of tho market was not as weak late as was J?riyu ,n the o'on. Cash oats were 'MUlo higher. ai"nce" on, IX?1 nml fl0". 1.00o bushels bushels; oats. 6MX corn. 945fHc higher. Primary wheat receipts were 867.000 bu. 5k,pment" bu., against receipts L2W!,a bu. and shipments 1,17,000 bu. last year. Primary corn recolpts were 654,000 bu. Ed5nKPmnt2 'I8;000 u" palnst receipts 648,000 bu. and shipments 311,000 bu. laset year. Primary oats receipts were 1.812.000 bu. and shipments 700,000 bu., against re ceipts 1.S1S.0Q0 bu. and shipments 768,000 uu. last y oar. CARLOT RECEIPT8. Wheat.Corn.Oats. Chicago 332 HQ 370 Minneapolis w .w E"iuth w ... : Omaha 44 62 40 Kuimas City M 00 16 Bt. Louis U6 g gj Winnipeg 1 47 ... Tne can "a'11 were reported: V, htat Ao. 2 bard w.nter, 1 car, 82c, 1 car, Sliiij "ci, ..,)., io. -im.u, cai (Turkey), iWaa; 1 car, 8iJc; l car, 810; 1 car, lc; -i cars, 81c; 2 cars, Hc. No. i spnng, 1 car, !lo; Wo. 4 spring, 2 cars, ibito; Xso. 2 duium, 1 car, Sic; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 81ic; No. 4 m.xca, 1 car, 79o; no grade, 1 car tsmuttyj, iOmc Corn No. 2jynu5' ln car, '0' lv0- whlie, 1 car, 72c; No. a yeilow, 4 cars, 72c; no. a yel. low, b ca.s, iiuj 1 car, il,c; ino. 2 mixed. 1 car, 7zc.; 6 cars, Vl-frc; l car, 71ftc; No. 3 rruxeu, jfc earn, HYto; -No. 4 m.xeu, 2 cars, 71c. uats ciaiida. u, 3 cars, 4vc; No. 3 white. 1 car, 40c; 6 cars, 3ac; No. 4 REAli ESTATE. CITY I'ilUi'cKi 1. oil SALE BAKUAir. jNew 7-room nouau, jnouern, goou iiamiun, zu, nuur Ames Ave. rnce .huw. a ci in. T.wusier km. h I I W ....I... Uu ...... . m house; 1st l.oor oak tliilsn, cement tnent; 3d floor, tieaiouins uuti bain. t.QM. Web. Uvb. TO BUY, tELL Oil ItiiNT. F1JKJ3T RKtfl JOtlN VY. ItUMMHao. 1Sj2 FAILS AM s'f. 3130 bUUTH lSTH-A guoa liOUa aau lot' good piace tor a nicy amiiy. vn cheap. 'XL settle Hit Mime, uuuwio uu auu a,j. sluiy tiuuav, m-u-iu 0. tuux ou, iuv Class cuua.tiuli, ictuuiltelite. flivua tU iJ llEAlj KUTaTE. FAUM fc Ki..iil u.inutt FUR SAL19 ACkHUMI, MR. write J. E. Holt of Ugaiutiw, Afivt, lor particulars about his liiiptoteu lurius as iuvv as flu p.r acre, aim timbered tracts. tuiurixlu, IRRIGATED farms within sight of Denver, innting tor sugar basts ij to M cami, ior nun at w pur acra auu up. TJiiiiupfoveu innus uuuor ottcn Li. duo trrikaicu muua 110 trop iiuiures tor wan irngnuuii we muKo our own cuuiatit. tilate Uibya 11 te. cubii inveauneut Co., lueul r.ufc-., Denver, Colo. Acbratkn. FOUU aitEAT BARQAINa SO acrek, ni.itb 'ou. s E,00 160 acies, IVi miles out flO.SOJ 160 acrek, a miles out, over halt val ley laud 8,600 Atl good Improvements. lo aciek, 1 m.iua out, u0nt Improve- menu 3 6,000 i-any terms. Come and see our cops. J. T. CAAlfuKi-i . . L.itcuficlu. iseb. FOLi.l-&:-iu:rt) nomeattud m neignoornoud. Kme lariu laud; no id hliu. cool you ei.o, linng fees and at J. a. Tracy. Kimball. NeD. lun lurk, TWO dairy, grain and fruit farms for sale. Weil wuured; good maiKtts; i pr acre, write tor lU.uimuuoa. U. w. luntu.i. Odessa, N. V. netaua. LARUK stoca rw.BC, good for summer anu wiuiei, ior tun painuuiais auurtuta OWIltl', il. A. 14C1I. t.U.tb, .tUlk WlKVOBSta. CAN furnish retired business man, cle.Ku, buokKecpers anu uttleis line fauna, 6 ucies unu Up to l.vtM, uea. ruunlt t.ia tluu ai.u tuud uidravtB, cutaply aim on eaa,y punuuie. ivntu ior pk. to blepbeuson Land auu i.umuii' Uu., uvoiilo, Vvta. bAlttu tilt Uti It. 1 FOH EXCHANGE A ilww equity in a goou hlvUa utul t, mini lu cutru. lovta, tor weiitrn tand. farmers iteau Co.. usceoia; ia. SliAU lor ur iala wioauni; uw4 faliUfell At -Q.. jjKUk. u.. ullUBa INSO. TO TRADE. 144 acres liltfc.-t.iUuu ungated land In the Yetiowstone vauey, ion.ana, Ior luuulu.B auu undertaking buainebs. Ad areaa .ttt, care Jte. IVaAWb I'O bll Loliiolt Id-iiund suiie pays highest price tor turniturn, clotuing, aiioes. b. uul. WAJilKD H) lifc,N f. WAM'nu-jjeuroom wun sleeping porcn in pnvato muni by single gvuue- vvi siviiiai puriiuuiaia, location, price, etc touiet at b, care Bee. iaK BlOUlv MA1UU5X OK WKhT fahip .ve stock to South Omaha, tsave mileage and smlnkugc. Your cuiisigu mcnts receive piomyi and carvful ailed lion. Live Stock Luiuaulaaluu Alercnanra, M AUXIN Bnoa &CO.. Exchango Bldg. white, 14 cars, S9t4c; no grndc. 1 car, SSHo. Hye No. 3, i cars, ffittci 1 car, C5 c. Omaha Cash 1'Hcee Wheat! NO. 3 hard, Slijtta; No. 3 hard. NifS3&o; No. 4 hard, 7S(U0c! No. S spring, 8ltfSUo; No. 4 spring, 784714010. 3 durum, S1U81H01 No. 3 durum, WttSOlfo. Corn! No. 2 white, 7HSW;cs No. 3 white. 7Stttr7Sttc: No. 4 while, 727Ho; No. 3 yellow, 71 7Jo; No. S yellow, flHWlo; No. 4 yellow, T071e: No. 3. 7114013c; No. 3, 71147Wc; No. 4, 70Vi(B71c. Oats: No. 2 white, 4014 4014c; standard. 40o: No. S white, 3!4fl4uc; No. 4 white, SSflttllic. Barleys Malting, 6ij7c; No. 1 feed. Itye: No. S, i4ii9o; No. . eatfosHo. CIIICAOO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trailing; and Clolngr Price on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 28. Corn prices rose UGfto today on hob weather In nearly the cntlro corn belt. Wheat eased at the close, after an early show of strength, quotations being a 'shade to Ho net lower. Oats closed HI Ho to Ho off and provisions finished a shado up to 60 down. Tho chief bullish factor In corn 'today was the renewed talk of aamago done by tho heat to tho Nebraska crop. Drv hot weather preva.Ied today over almost the entire corn country and the forecast was for a continuance of this condition for several days at least. September shorts covered freely and ruing prices wore helped by the higher cables. The market was nervous and active throughout the day and prices rallied quickly after each little setback following profit taking Later ln the day the weekly Iowa crop report stiffened prices with Its showing of large losseu to corn In various part of the state, the crop being estimated at more than 1,000,0)0 bushels less than that of last year. Wheat weakened toward tho cloeo of the session, largely on an Increase of more than 2,000,000 bushels In the world's avail able supply. Another sourco of wcaknoss was a falling off In speculative wheat de mand, corn again coming ln for the greater share of attent.on. Falling off In export business Also helped tho bears and prices eased all around after noon, the early strength due to higher cables and a hardening of cash prices being counteracted by the persistent attack. Buying of oats by leading cash houses took the snap out of tho market after an early show of strength. Generous selling of nearby months by tired longs depressed provisions, though at the close there was a better showing In lard. Closing prices of futures: Artlclel Open. High. tow. Close. Yes'y. Bept. Dec.. 87 87 8714 90H 95U 90S4!4 May, Corn: Bept. Dec, Hay, Oats: 734 73M 72T4 68H 68T4etll) 70&7014: 69 Sept. 41U 4m1 43T4 46i 41 4.94 Dec, May. ,47t44 fork Sept 20 IG 19 40 20 93 20 9714 19 40 11 15 10 80 11 8714 10 2214 Jan., Lard: Bept, Jan., Ribs: Sept, 19 45-47 11 10 11 10 10 80-82l0 80-82 11 30-32 11 3214 10 ZS j 10 25 Chicago Cash Prices Whfat: No. 2 red. 9090He; No. 3 rod, S31i8914o: No. 2 haid, 88HS5c; No. 3 hard. 888S14c; No. 1 northern, 92!493cj No. 2 northern, 90 92c; No. 3, SS90c; No. 2 spring, 891491o; No. 3 spring, 8e8914c;' velvet chaff, 81 91c; durum, S74f91c. Corn: No. 2, 7e7CUo; No. 2 white, 7146770: No. 2 yellow, 76 76Hc; No. 3, 76H0T6c: No. 3 white, 7614 77c: No. 3 yellow, 7ft&'714& Oats: No. 2 white, 42X43c; No. 3 white, 4214c; stand ard, 421442l4c Rye: No. 2, 68147014& Barley, 557714c. Timothy. 4.C06.4a Clover, 310.0013.00. Pork, $20.96. Lard. 311.07H. BUTTER Unchanged. EGOS Firmer: receipts, 11.324 cofcs; at mark, casos Included, 14ff?21c: ordinary firsts, 2IWfl221c: firsts, 232Ji4c. CHEESE Unchanged. POTATOES Firm; rif elpts, 7 cars; Minnesota and Ohio, 583wo; Wisconsin white, BOCfiOc; Wisconsin red, 6Q55c POULTRY Alive firmer; springs, 17c: fowls. 1414c United States Department of Agrlcul. cure, weather bureau, for Omaha for th twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m.; 75th meridian time, Tuesday, August 26, 1913, OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. Temp. . Rain- Ptatton. High. Low. fall. Sky, Ashland, Neb. .103 64 .00 Clear Auburn, Neb... 100 61 .00 Clear Broken Bow.... 97 48 .00 Clear Columbus ...... &S (8 .00 Clear CulberUon 94 53 .00 Clear Falrbury, Neb. 103 59 .00 Clear Fairmont, Neb. 102 53 .00 Clear Grand Island... 103 G9 .00 Clear Ilarilneton 94 68 .00 Clear Hastings, Neb.. 102 62 .00 Clear Holdrege, Nob. .101 64 .00 Clear Lincoln, Neb. ..101 64 .00 Clear North Platte.. 96 C4 .00 Clear "Oakdale 95 65 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb.... 96 70 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb. 99 69 .00 Clear Valentine 94 62 .00 Clear AKa. Ia 92 60 .00 Clear Carroll, la 90 69 .00 Clear Clarlnda, la 99 61 .00 Clear 6Ibley, la 8!) 66 .00 Clear Sioux City 96 GO .00 a ear Not Included In averages. Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain District. Stations. Low. fall Columbus. 0 18 Louisville, Ky... 23 Indianapolis .... It Chicago. Ill 24 St. Louis, Mo... 19 Des Moines, la.. 22 Minneapolis 61 ansas City 26 Omaha 17 8714ff 874U 14if4i 10-14 73H6T4 74 eshtroo t9i4 7O&70K 7014 41i?4 41tf tiftUM 44H 47i4 474 20 95 20 95 IB 45 I9 60 11 15 11 15 10 87H 10 8714 11 3714 11 3714 10 25-27 10 30 80 68 .00 86 66 .00 S6 66 ,0J 84 CO .00 SO 62 .0j 92 62 .00 S8 62 .00 100 CS .00 98 6S .00 Very warm weather again prevails ln the southern portion of the corn, and what reKlon. Temperatures continue ; fairly moderate In the northorn portion. NO appreciable ipiotiiuuiuuii occurrea within the last twenty-four hours. Local Forecaster Weathir Bureau. New York General Market. vr.W YOIIIC. Aug. 26. SUOAR-Raw. firm: muscovado. .20i(3.30c; centrifugal. 3.7CQO.80c; molasses, 3.01Gf3-06c; refined, firm. . . - . BUTTER Firm; receipts, b,pj iuds; ciciimiy extras, 2S-)4ic; firsts, 2o'r40 Z7f4c; seconds, 2a326c; state dairy, finest, 27Hc; process, extras, SotjiSotac: firsts, 231402414c; Imitation creamery, firsts. 24 4 4r2c; factory, June make, firsts, 24c; factory, current make, firats. 23aJ3c; packing stock, June make. No. 1, 2214c: packing stock, current make, No. 2, 2114 4j22c CHEESE Firm: receipts, 4,996 boxes; state who.e milk, white and colored, fresh specials, UUQlnftc; skims, 11149' 12Wc EGGS Steady; receipts, 13,515 cases; fresh gathered, extras, 2S30o; extra firsts, 26327c; firsts. 24025c ; refrigerator, special marks, fancy, charges paid, 2iy 23c; seconds, 223c; nearby hennery, whites, 28836c; western gathered, whites, 22P2SC. POULTRY Steady, weak for dressed; fresh killed western chickens, 17Q2214C; fowls, l&ffUlao: turkeys, l&g20c. Kansas Citr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 26. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 hard, S3V4i$86Hc; No. S, 81 8Sc; No. 2 red, S6S7Vjc; No. 3. S4aHc. CORN-No. 2 white. 76Ue7614o; No. 3, 76c. Closing price of futures: WHEAT September, 81Mc; December, 8Mic. CORN September, 7411c; December, OH OATS No. 2 white, 4214c; No. 2 mixed, 41Hc WAY-Cholce timothy, 31.K8 16.00. BUTTER Creamery, 26c; firsts, 25c; seconds. 24c; packing, 21c EGGS Firsts, 21c; seconds, 12c. POULTRY Hens, U14Sfl2c; roosters, Pc; ducks, 10c; springs, 16c. aflaueapolU Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 26,-WHEAr-No. 1 hard, &3V4c; No. 1 northern, 7.iSjt 89c: No. 2 northern, S614MSic; No. i nard Montana, tone; No, 3 wheat. OVWrtsj aeptember, WHc; December, t14c; Slay, '4 c. FLOUR Unchanged. BRAN-Unchanged. CORN No. 2 yellow, Wf71c OAT8-N0. 3. white. 39!laC RYL No. 2, 62V4tj64c, KIX U,4S15A,, BARLEY Mil lc NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Indifforencfi Characterising it Re cently Exhibited. MOST CHANGES ARE TRIFLING Vigorous Drlvr, However, Unsettle Market for a Time Unrlnw the Early Trading; Bonds Unlet. NBW YORK, Aug. 26,-Dcsplte a vig orous drive which unsettled the mu.kst for a time In the eurly trauing loday, changes In most cates weio InCuusd (lUuntiul and tno market as a whole con tinued to exhibit the Induforenua tlmt has characterlzea It recently. The early unsettlemcnt coutered around New Haven, widen soid oit at a tj.ta that afiectcd the who.o list. Jta low iiR ure 01 the day wus a tiecreuno of over tour points. The acc.lnn 10 a now low record was attrlbuud lo usumatvt of earnings for the last fiscal ycr, whlcn iiiaicate that theio was a uo.luli 01 over 4,0uu,000 after pe-ymtint oi i4 Per cent dividends. .fcieei, Bino.tlnK. Lo hlh Val.ey, U1.I0.1 riulik an a numef ol other s.ocks suld oft a j.o.nt or sj. A quick turn In the couise 01 tiie mar ket caiim w.tli the aniiouncnunt that the reading of I'res.oeut l.sonn moi kage to congiess nau bcon putpoiica ut tuu requtnt i( the Mexlcari gur.ruinnt. 'the belief preval.ed tnut a ciianiit- .01 tno bolter was implied. Thero vas a central rally, but price mnln.s tnerea.Ur were narrow. i'i,.lnw n. thM dividend on the pre- (rrMi ktni-U ot the "'ijllf 10 ur" caUkuU a urop ot live points ln the common uIook. me prrried, tne insv nuio . r.n at uu, was Ottered at 80. Texas to.inuy was oxtepi.onaiiy oirune, points to ti huh record ior tho ye,ir, ut 125. belling by London was a factor . the -v: ..Sur.u Kor.Un le.llnic nmoUilUd to about l&.wO shares, largeiy b.eoi i.nd Canadian Pacltlc. tonus were quiet ano irrogumi. sales, par value. 3U76.v00. United OtoUii U, re.steiou, advanced H ana Panama s, reblbicred, declined 14 on call. Numuer of sales una leauiiui quotations on stock -were as lollows: Btl. Hlfh. Low. CImj. AmstissMted Cooper .. U.VOO .4 W Wi American AETlcuilUMl " Am.nca iit Bui.r... . g Aroerloa O. a - lu I Amtrlwin Cottoo 'Oil.... .. American 4o umU5 7oo it iK 2-J American LiBwd ,ij Amcilwa S a H...... l.Jvi ln H ArSerlctS &. K. pfd.. W 1W 1W 100 Ameilcan Bugr nctluing ..... w , AMil Mlulns Co.. 4iW W "A AiehlMa 1.800 W MHi Kk Atchuon pld WO VH a AUanllc Coait Lln ..... A Iltltlmora 4h Oblo VH H H K( Uotbiiiiem Htael Drooklro Kaplu Trantit. ,w . M M Canallin I-acltK. I, COO JlHi 219 2UA Jiiti.i,r'roho'!!.' i'.ioa 'ii'i 'iii til Chicago Oreat Weatern. 1 H . Chi.. Mil. ft BU 1'.... 0O 196 mi l.l. I C. : M W.. Colonulo Fuel & Iron., Jl Cooaoiiaaled Oaa "n Cora 'Products 104 11H UU 11 A Pt. aware a liuddon , ui BBTr & lUo Orande If D. & H. O. ptn M tiiiuiiera' Becurltle ... ..... 11 Erie U00 UTi US JtH Erlt lit p(d ,r Erie M ptd SH Oeneral Ulectrlo 300 11514 Ul 115 Great Northern pld 1MH Oreat Northern Ore ctt ..... MH Illlnola Central 700 101(4 107 107 Int.rboroujh Met 00 16H Hit HV. Interborouih-Uet. pta. ,M0 V. C3 C2 International lUrrtiter. 107 lnurnatlonal Marine ptd 16 International 'Paper ... International rump 7v H..B4 city Bout.iern Ms Laclede On 1. Leblth Vuller 9.200 155 H 1S4 15ft Loulifllle ft NaahTlllo 131 M HI. V. tea. o.... 133 M. K. &. T S3 MlNxmrl I'aciric 1,100 3 Hi 30H 30n National UUcult SuO lfat lUtt lit National Lead IS M Hf. ot M. 2d pfd... aw 13 1!; lit; New York Central 1.700 II4 7(i S,, N. Y., U. At ... i 2u0 Norfolk & Western JM!t North American , 72 'Northern l'nclflo 00 ltlH 111V4 1UH I'aclflo Mall 21), Pennaylvaata COO 113 1UK lu-rt People'a Oas 1,600 MM 11154 lit lltta.. ., C. i St. L t) PlttiburKli Coal 19 Preaaed Steel Oar Republic I. ft 8. pfd..., Pul,man Palace I Cte 153 Reading 11,900 1S0T4 H1H llUpublic I, & S U cb!lc I. ft a pfd sli nock Island Co 300 lis l'Vi 17 Vi I., and Co. pfd.... (00 17 ii S6i n St. L, 4 8. K. 51 pfd JW) JO IV, Seaboard Air Una , i Jm hoard Air Line pfd lt Sloat-Sbef field 8. & I i poumern i'aciric 1X.JO0 V4Vi MV4 W Southern Itallwar 600 25'i UK :4'i .Southern Ry pM i 79 .wwr w sivi ji 31., Teiat ft Pacific jj Union Pacific 11,000 154V4 HHi 1M Union Pacific pfd....!... 100 83 i ajv aju United Btatea Iiealtr .. ..... .7... "... el United States Rubber (014 United Statea Bteel.... 55,100 C3U 63 at United State Steel pfd.. 100 108 103 107W Utah Copper tiy. uu n rslnU-Carolina Chem. . 'suo it is jVt WaUah pfo""'.!I!".ir.".V.' 12 i Weatern Marrland ijj Weatem Union ..... 1?!4 WeetlnihouM Kiectrlo .. m 71T4 11 K Tm thellns & lake Erie. . . . Total aales for th dar, 215.300 aharea. Ilostun Stork Market. BOSTON, Aug. 26.-C109lng quotations on mln ng stocks wrrn Allouea S4 Mohawk A Amal. Copper 71l4NVivada -Con. ...... ut; A. Z. U & 8 JOHNIplaalns Mlnea .. IMS Aritona Com :4 Norta Uutte r7Vl B. 4C.C1B, M. 3 North Lake lu Calumet 4b Aril ..i. 62 Old Dominion .. alumet & iiic.a U Oaceola . jj Centennial 114 Qulncj '"to Copper Itante c. Co. 39H1annon ait Ettat Outte C. U. UViSoperlor Uv. ranklin 4 Superior & D. M..! 2 Granbr Con 'i Tamarack Ju Greene Canaena , tlj U. S. K. & M... it Ile ltojallo( Cop.) 11 do pfd "" ICerr Lake H Utah Con . "' Lake Copper , Utah Copper ..... Mu La Salle Copper .. l2 Winona Miami Copper U, Wolrerlna ....I!..!! ijtj New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 36.-MO.Ef-,n coll steady at 2mi4 per cent; ruling r8 liCS.'liL1.0'".nf' percent TIME LOANS Steady; sixty day,). Mi per cent: ninety days, 414 per cent, tlx months, 61i per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-Ki to 6 per cent. STE11L1NG EKCHANGE Steady, 81.83 for sixty day bills. H.8o2i for demand: commercial bills, 24.S214. ' SILVEU-Bar, -bnc; Mexican dollar, BONDS Government, Irregular; rail road, Irregular. London Stock Market, LONDON, Aug. 26. Amencan securi ties opened steady today. During the forenoon Canadian Pacific declined 4 under realising, but the rest of the list advanced from U to on fair buying. Conaola, money.. TJ U-ltSt. Paul jrii, do account 74 Denver a Hlo Q.,.. 20S Amal, Copper........ 7H Grand Trunk XIV Atchlaon W Mo., K. T 2JH Canadian Iacl(le....l!SStlouthern , actllo.... ii Cblcaco O. W 14 Union I'aclllc IS SILVER Bar, steady at 27 7-Kd per os. MONEY-2Q24 Pr cent The rate of discount ln the open markut for .short bills Is per cent; for three months' bills, 3 n-l&tf34 per cent. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 26. METALS Lead, quiet; 84.70 bid; In London, 20 10s. Spelter, steady; 84.&O&4.90; In London, 20 17s Cd. Copper, dull; standurd, spot and fu tures nominal; electrolyctlc. $15.87 ,iy 16.00; lake. 316.00; costing, 815.621416.76. Tin. firm: spot and August, 311.764342.00; Sep ttmber, 84l.6214S42.00; October, 84L6714U 4I.87V4- Antimony, dull; Cookaons. 3.0y 8.60. Iron, steady and unchanged. London markets closed as follows; Copper, firm; spot, 70; futures, 69 18s M. Tin. firm; spot, 190: futures, U9 6s. Iron, Cleve land warrants, 64s 6d. ST. LOUIS. Aug. . METALS Lead strong, 3l.e64j4.&5. Spelter; Strong, 86,'i&U 5.78. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK. Aug. 26,-EVAPORATr.w APPLES Quiet. DRIED FRUITS Prunes quiet but firm. Apricots, dull und steady, Peaches steady. Raisins quk-t i , - - - Cotton Market. NP.W YORK Aug f, - .ITTON- K.vit quiet, mid Mug IP ar Is, tU 4j gu r, 8i. 0 Futures closed steady, clootng bids Au- mwi. 12,lSej September. 12.OI0: October. 11. o; November, 11.890; December, 11.91c; January, ll.SJo: February, H.84a) March, ll.Olo: May. li.Wc lutlon closed steady net 3 points lower on August and only 1 to S points higher on Uto monthB. LIVERPOOL, AUg. !8,-COTTON-Bp0t. moderate bustueis and steady. Mtddltag fa.r, 7.41; good middling, 7. IS: middling, 6.81; low middling, 6.01; good ordinary. 6.06; ordinary, 6.71. OMAHA CHSKUriAli MARKIST. nUTTlCU-No. L Mb. cartons. 2?c: No. 1, CO-lb. tubs, SSlic: No. 2, SOc lflHII-Whito, fresh, lfc; trout, fresh. Ibct large crapples. fresh, He: Bpanlah mackerel, 16c: shad roe, per pair, 40c sulmon, fresh, loo; halibut, fresh, 10ci buffalo, 9c; bullheads, 15c i channel cat fnth, 16c; pike, loci pickerel, lie ClilCliHlS Imported Swiss, 82oi Amsrl can Bwlss, 26o: blpck Swiss, Stc; twins, lie; daisies, 17V4c: triplets, 171ici young Americas, 180: blue label brick, 18c; 11m borger. Z-Ib.. ai New York, white, lto. POULTHY-Drol'.ers, no per lb.: hens, 16c: cocks, 12c; ducks, 18t0a; geese, 18o; turkeys, rojjzic: pigoons, per dos., 11. to; roosters, 9a; ducks, full feathered, 104 Unci Meets, fuil leathered, 10o; squabs. No. 1, ll.Ml No. 2. DOc BRI3F CUTfl-nibs: No. 1, 170! No. S, 141,c: No. 3, U4c Loins: No. 1. 18 Ho! Nu. 2, lie: No. 3, 14V4C, Chucks: No. 1, llJtoi No. 2, lOftc: No. 3. 100. ' Hounds: No. 1! !8io: No. i. iic: No. . liuo. Plates: No. 1, 71ic: No. 2, 7o ; No. 8, 614c Thn toltowintf prices are tumlshed by tho Gllllnsky Fruit company: FnUITS-Washlngton apneots, per crate, 41.60; Wlckson large green plums, per crate, 12.00: medium red plums, per crate, W.CO: large blue plumba, per crate. tlOO, Pears: lUrtletts, per box, 12,76; J box lots, 12.85. Peachos: Per box, 8Ca; California II Hardy pears, per box. 12.15; Apples: Duchess or Trauiparvnt, per bu.. Wo; fi-bu. lots, sso; 10-bu. lots, Wa Cantaloupes: Arlsona standard, per crate, ArUona Pony, par crale. 11 IJ; Arizona Jumbo, per crute, I2.7S. Oranges: Extra fine Valencia!. 12$, 2aS sues, per box, tO.uo: sunklst Valencia, uo, 14.60; 170, 300, 216, 260 sixes, per box. If.OO. Grape, fruit: Florida, Indian Hivei, 46, (4, 64 sixes,- 110.00. Cranberries: Evaporated, carton containing 36 packages, per car ton. 82.70. Qraies: California, per orate, 81. hi. Lemons: Kxtra faucy dunktst, 800s and SOOs, per box, .00; exua choice lied Ball, SvKis and 2i0s. per box, 89.00. VEOaTADLEU Potatoes, large Cob bler per bushel, 90o. Onions. California, large yellow, per pound, 2Vfcc. Tomatoes, homegrown, Per market basket, 6O0; S crate tots. 46c Watermelons. Alabama sweet, per pound, 114a; 6-rate lots, pel pound. IVic MISCELLANEOUS Iloastlng ears, per dor... 15c; Michigan celery, per doz., &a, Mod's elder, per keg, 82.(0: Nobawks elder, per keg, 83.2$; asparagus, per dos.. IVc; rhubarb, ier dox.. 20c; onions, par dux.. 20c; new beets, carrots, turnips, pur doz., sac; parsley per doc, 40c; radishes, per doc., 20c) tied lettuce, per doz., 81.U); homegrown leaf lettuce, per dos.. too; green peppers, per basket 60c ; wax or green beans, per basket, $1.00; hothouse runumburs. Der doz.. 40o to 80ot cauli flower, per lb., 1O01Z14o: Venetian garllo, per lb., 1814c; new cabbage, per lb., 8c; eggplant, per dos., 81.W; horseradish, 1 doz. bottles In caae. per case, 81.80; Dromedary brand dates, pkg 13.00; Anchor brand dates, pkg., 82.23; walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 20c; medium pecans, per lb., 1314c; Jumrw pecans, per lb.. 15c; giant pecans. Louisiana, paper shell, per lb., 25c: filberts, per lb.. lBp: Drake almonds per lb. 16c, paper shell, lie; lirazlls, per lb.. lOo: large washed, per lb.. 12o; black walnuts, per lb., JJ4c; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb.. 7c; Jumbo pea nuts, per lb., so: roast peanuts, per lb Stc: Bhollbark hlckorynuta, per lb., 4a; white rice popcorn per lb , 4o; checkers, per 100-packagu case, 81M; checkers, per W-pkg. case, 81.75; Loslle berry boxe quarts, per 1,000. 82.76. ATnllalile Snppllea of Grain. NEW YOUK, Aug. 26. Bradstreet's ad vices show the following changes: Avail able supplies: Wheat, United Btatos, east of the llocky mountains Increased 300,000 bushels. United States, west of the llocky mountains, Increased 301,000. Can ., .1 .. .1 .. LuunnrY Aflnnt fnr n rul In Europe increased 2,400,000. Total lncreaue Z,124,WO. corn, unnea aiaieo unu uwr nrin fAOmnaAil I till 1 1 1 1 M II f 1H. llalsa. .United Btotes and Canada Increased 3,874,- WJ DUSIieiB. leauinn iiiurcnacs aiiu ui- creanes: Decreases, Manitoba, 231,000 bushels: Akron, 75,000 bushels; San An tonio, 70,000 busheis. Increases, Louis ville, 148,000. Coffee Market. NEW YOIUC. Aug. 26. COFFEE The appearance ot threatening weather condl tionB Iri Brazil and renewed frost appre hensions gave the coffee market a firmer tone and thsro was a sharp advanco In futures. Jfhe closo was firm. August and Septembe-,, O.lic; October, .25c; December, 8.46o: January, .66c; February, 9.Wc; March, 9.6Sc; May. 9 8So; July, K.Boc. Spot market firm: Hlo No. 7. 14o; santos 4s, I2'45i,1214c Mild, yuletj Cordova, uipiK, nununai. T.tvffrtinnl rSrsIn Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. X WHEAT Spot steady. No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 9d: No. 2. 7s 6d ; No. 8 7s 814d; futures, steady; Oc tober. 7s 214d; December, "s lT4d; March, 7s 2Ud. , . , . CORN Spot, strong; American mixed, now kiln dried. 6s 9d; American mixed, new UUn dried, 7s. Mfit. firm; Sep tember, Laplata Es Hd; October Laplata, 5s 2Hd. St. IJula General Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 26. WHEAT No. 2 red, 90&92c; No. 2 hard, 8091c; September, S,C01tN-No?2,C76o; No. 2 white. 761400; September. 76c: May, 7171T4c. OATB-No, 2, 4H4Q421ic; No. 2 white, 434c; September, 41Hc; May, 474iHc ItYE 70S71C flnsjar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 26.-8UaAR Raw, market firm; muscovado, 3.30c; centri fugal, S.SOo; molasses, 8.06c; refined, firm; cut loaf 5.60c; crushed. 6.60c; mould A. C15c; cubes. 5.C0c: XXXX, powdered, 4.90c; fine granulated, 4.60c; Dlamon A, 4.W); confectioners' A, 4.C6o; No. L 4.Coc. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 26. Values ruled firm on the primary cotton goods market. Fancy worsted for meil's wear moved satisfactorily for the next spring season. Messallnes are 6 cents a yard higher for the next spring season. CHICAGO LIVE BTOCK MARKET, Iloga Close Steady to Shade Higher Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Aug. 2o. CATTLE Receipts, 6,0i head; market beeves, steady; cows, voak; calves, 60u higher; equalling the best price on record tms mar net; beevea, .amatf.lo; Texas steers, tViO7.G5; west ern. 16.107.; stockers and teeders, 86.40 4J.70; cows and hellers, U0&.40; calves, 0.50a 12.25. v Iloui-Recelpts, 15,000 head; mar ket ciosed steady to a shade higher; bulk of sates. 7.SOtj.5; light 8.4O&.80; mixed, 7.r9.20; heavy, rtMa.i rough, 87.4oiP 7.70; pigs, 8400iif.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 36.000 head; market steady to 10c up; native, I3.h54j4.85; western, lUG-SK: yeanlnge, 5.26U6.20: lamos, native, 15.76QS.19; west tern. 86.5038.10; Kanras City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 26, CATTLE Receipts. Jo.000 head, market steady to strong, prime fed steers, ta.5uiiu.00; dressed bett steers, S7.6uffe.GO; western steers, t6.uutii7.b0; southern steers, $S.25& C.50; cows, e3.6Qtj4.25; Iitlfirs. 84.75ra.a5; btockexs and feedets, 85.26j7.70; bulls, 4.0(ni-26; calves, l5.COtfg.76. HOGS Receipts, ll.uu) head; market steady to strong: bulk of sales, 88.40ur 8.9U; heavy, 8. toy 4.70; packers and butch rs. Ji.2-tjS.92i4; light, .4ij.2t4;, 8G.tX37.00. SHLEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.0J0 I.eaa; sheep market steady to 10c lower; lambs, 10c nlgher; lambs, 87.OO7J7.90; year lings. M'iMjW; wethers, 4.Wj6.Wj ewes, t2.75Q4.0S. ' St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.k Aug. 26. CATTLE Receipts, U.ovO head; market steady; good to choice steers, 3I.25&V.C0; stockers and feeders, K.tb&lM; cows and heifers. 84.7 ias.76; bulie, tS.76&ti.76; calves. W.Otujlo.W; rfouiherii steers, 8a.26b7.7S; cows and heif ers, 84.304j6.5O. HOGS-itecelpts, 7,500 head; market etoady; Hgs and lights. 85.50tr9.30; mixed and butchers, tS.VG39.2fi, good heavy. 8S.70fi9.lB. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.200 Ik ad market steady to active; muttons, U" AM yearllngSr 33.Uaj.0 lambs. OMAHA LIYEJTOOK MARKET Some Kinds of Cattlo Lower and Others Show Strength. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE X0WER Sheep. In Goi.rt Demand at fltron rrleea, While Lsmba Are Slronar to os Mnch as Ten Cents lllgher. HOUTlI OMAHA. Aug. J. IMS. Official Monday P.M0 3,490 Jl.TW Eitlmatu Tuesday C&K 6,933 18,471 Two days this wrek..H.K!l - 9.418 W.m Rame days last week.. 12,043 9,676 84,630 Same days 2 wka ago. .10,128 16,266 86.1S3 Same days 8 wks iigo.,U,2H3 15,676 aR.SU Rame (lavs 4 wka suh.. fl.69.1 16.330 26.140 8imo days last yfar...U,MG 9,691 63. '28 The follntvlnir InW inn recclnl of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to uato as compared with last yean tlilt 1019 Ini.. rVp. Cattle IM.m 642,229 MM iloga l.RM.CW 2,203.030 369.960 "heep .., 1,330,631 1.2S1.8U 43,710 Tho followlnir table alinwa tha rnniro of prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons! Date. 1913. 1912.19H.1910.1D00.1D03.19Q7. Aug. Aug. 7 7IH 8 14 8 08 7 17 7 17 7 1J 8 24. T 64 8 SO 7 67 8 70 8 74 t 44 AUg. Aug. Alltf. 7 76H h 24 7 72 1 41 7 77H 8 OM 7 1 8 23 7 "4 8 37i i to a a 6 70 j ul 746 7 W 8 OuM 8 00 3 Aug. Aiur. Aug. Aug. Aim, Aug, 8 v H Jl 7' 27 7 4l) 8 M' I 8 CV 7 63 6 X3 6 6J 7 25 82, 6 US 8 lu 8 1C 8 16 7 15 6 OA 6 67 577 7 Of. 8 641 7 621 6 8! a. 8 l)i ui 26 8 871 7 10 7 12 H 70 7 ih M 8 li7 7 CO XJ 'Sunday., Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union StoCK Varus, bouth Omaha, tor the twenty-tour hoUia enulng at 1 p. m. yesterday: llfcJfcll ITH ajAllN. Cattle.lloits.SlieetKUVs. C. M. & St P 4 .. 1 Wabash 111.. Mlkkourl Pacific 3 2 .. 1 Union 41 10 19 .. C. & N. W., east.... 8 8 .. .. u. At in. w.. west... w a .. C, St P., M. fc O.. 1 7 C, B. te. ii., east.... 7 1 .. .. C, . ot u.. west.. .108 It 3 t C., It 1. & P., east. 1 5 .. C It 1. A P., west. 1 Illinois Central 1 3 .. .. Chicago Gt West.. .. 3 .. .. Total receipts... 220 hi 61 ntHPOHlTlON HUAD. Cattle. Ilocs. Mlieeii. Morris & Co Swift eV Comoany tiH 920 844 l,u KJ0 2,691 Cmiahv Packlns Co.... 914 1,240 1,320 230 L07 131 139 823 1,914 ... .... Armour ft Co D43 Bchwaru & Co J. W. Murphy i .... Broecx Barr Moat Co , L. P. Co 8 fnrlaki .mt 1,S "W. 11, Vansant Co!!".. 129 &8 11 124 403 180 229 181 35 104 102 423 82 34 132 68 Benton, vansant & L.. a O. P. Co..... llllt & Son F. D. Lewis Huston St Co J. 11. Root tic Co... J. 11. Hulla ..... L. F. Huhz Itosenstock Bros McCreary & Kellogg.... Worthelmer & Dcgcn... It F. Hamilton Hulllvan Bros Rothschild & KrVsba Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. Cllnn & Christie.. 101 Other buyers L67 .... 6 980 Total i..6601 5,403 15,112 CATTLE Receipts, while small than yesterday, were very liberal. 20i cars be ing report! In the yurds. This makes the total for the two days this week 14.824 head, the largest of any similar Ovrind thus fnr alncn tho aoenlng Of the I rango season and about qn a par with a year ago. . , , Fat comfed steers were very slow this morning, buyers complaining that the moderate receipts of that kind of cattle at this point have forced tho market gradually upward until prices here ale higher In proportion than at other points. For that reason the morning was well advanced beforo very many cornteds hud changed hands and price were anywhere from weak to 10c lower than ye.terday. Among -the offerings were cattle good enough to bring 88.75, wan the top price yesterday. Cows and heifers were ln liberal sup ply, but the demand was good and tl.e market reasonably active at price that wero fully steady and In many caga n little stronger than yesterday. In tact, buyers were claiming that thelt cows and ca'jeclally the heifers were costing tbum uii)eo mopt y than yesterday. Stockers and feeders were In good, ac tive demand, and prices on that ciajs i.f stock ranged anywhere from steady to as much as lOo higher than yrsteiduy- Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers. 110039.00: fair to good corn-fed steers, 8K.GOft6.30; common to fair corn-led steers. 87.25v8.00: gol to choice range beeves, 87.25G7.75; fair to good raiitj beeves, 6.7au7.w; common iv fair range beeves, 86.257j6.7i; good tJ choice hklfers, 88.60Q7.50; good to choice cows, SS.00S6.50; fair to good grades. 85.00 fe.w; common to rair graaes, liwawv; good to choice stockers nnd teeders. IT M 7.60; fair to good stockers and feeders, ItLiril.uu: common lo toir Blockers niJ feeders, 33.756.60; stock cows and heif ers. 4.i&je-w; veai caivec. ta.Ma4.w, bulls, staas. etc., 14.7507.00. Reprbsenutlve salew No. 4..,, A.. IN o. At. Pr. 1174 I 10 80 1IM I U t 12t0 I II to. mt Kii .... n tco .... us u ,.,.i IIS ., v ....1111 IK I.... I M.... 7.... 24.... n.... 12 1WI I 75 M IMS 171 .1110 I 40 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... m i w CUWSL 1... 1... 27... 1... I... 2... 8... 4... I... 7... ll.i. 11... 1... 1... 110 I TS 0 I s 4., .HI I 40 .IN IH .1134 t 60 . Ill 6 43 IIS I 00 . Ill I IS (56 I 00 wo I oo 1050 I M 1004 I 40 11. ..... It t , IS. HEIFERS. 141 I II U 717 15 117 I 76 I Ill 25 111 I 00 21 1041 to 440 I 00 2 OJ 4 M 1(1 OS 88 Ul 7 00 4M 1 10 BULLS. , IM I 40 2 1294' 6 13 Ill I H 1 1U4 I IS BTOCKERo AND FEEDERS. , It) 00 10, Mt 4 71 .111 IK 17 4S1 I 40 21 . W4 I IS it . Ul .1 70 U III I 7t 111 t 80 Ml 4 13 111 7M II.. 11,. II.. wtaaiKiina. NEBRASKA 6 steers.... 1U3 6 60 25 feeders.. 1178 6 85 15 cows..... 9l3 6 00 37 cows 94S 6 0 IS stters....l220 6 50 41 steers... 1171 7 10 15 sters....H93 7 10, 42 steers... .1179 7 10 61 cows 951 6 85 J, M. Anderson. 23 feeders., ra 6M 6 cows SSO 6 25 Parmelee Ranoh Co. 26 heifers... 856 6 40 48 cows 904 6 05 Kilpatrick Bros. 5 feeders.. 1174 6 65 107 feeders.. 1174 6 65 6 feeders. .1011 6 60 3 feeders.. 6u6 4 00 steer 1X3 7 85 S3 steers.... 1329 7 35 65 teeders.. till 6 55 39vfeede... 744 6 70 39 feeders.. 744 70 76 feeders . 9oS 6 75 47 stteis....lOI 7 00 85 fede.s..ll03 6 55 19 feeders. .1216 6 60 I bull USO 5 40 J. H, 31 steers... .1307 7 35 15 steers.... 1329 6 66 22 teeders.. 467 6 75 2S feeders.. 864 6 65 2S feeders.. fc64 65 2) steers.... 8J8 6 65 18 feeders,. 1133 6 S5 25 ftede.s..U44 6 65 Si leeoers.. 601 6 85 Barr. C feeders.. 958 6 85 14 teeders. JS t 85 J. Laird. 43 heifers... 553 66 3 neKers... 600 5 65 3 he.iers... 400 6 60 Becker Bros. 90 cows..... 966 6 iw N. Llngfelter. 5 cows... .1010 6 65 2 stockers.. 675 6 60 I cow 690 6 00 1 ntlfer.... 620 6 60 3 steers.,., 2u0 7 00 3 heifers... 370 6 50 t steers.... 7V4 7 "6 14 feedeis.. 523 6 60 lUily & Musser, Nebraska. 54 feeders., 31 6 86 lu Tex. sirs nil 6 85 21 feeders.. 914 85 1 bull lvOO 6 00 Ii Tex. stra 946 5 85 Tully St Mussel-Nebraska. U Tex sirs. 931 6 85 P. J. Sturgeon Nebraska. 41 feeders.. 1204 7 15 3 feeders.. 1285 711 J. P. Blbbltt 4 Co. Nebraska. 84 feeders.. 1111 66 " NEBRASKA. II feeders,. 824 6 60 l cow S00 5 00 Scows.. , 804 6 60 1 cow. .. ..1141 600 1COW....1C8J I CO lcow... 1130 6 8) W feeders. , 755 6 W 9 cows ... 9 6 u J. 11 Minor, Nebraska. 15 hMrer.,.10a 6 40 127 cows 10(18 5 90 o. Jitrgetis, jr. Western NourasKa. 31 r!Klr.r..l!SJ 7 15 S OWS-lltS. 9V3 feei1eis,.2$4 111 8 feeders., UCd 18 feecois.,1116 6 75 13 cows UU2 87 feIera,,llJ9 6 75 38 Iseders..ltU8 14 cows 9k7 6 86 WESTERNS. S9 steers.. .1141 8 06 WYOMING. 18 feeders.. 768 6 90 4 feeders.. 677 30 feeders,. 1004 6 40 29 steers.. .1004 83 steers. ..1032 6 25 29 steers.. .1113 27 steers. ,.114'i 6 46 31 steers. .AM U 15 6 60 6 060 060 0 26 6 83 75 Dlamoug Cattle Co., Wyoming. 78 feeders. .1046 7 44 26 cows 981 l J. Beard. 20 feeders.. 819 8 65 II. Everett. 17 cows 9sa r m F. JesNe. , 10 23 feeders, .HIS 7 15 10 heifer. S3 6 90 10 cows uu 6 75 SOUTH DAKOTA. A cows 1001 6 U 12 steers.. ..1183 7 CS KANSAS. 67 feeders.. MR 6 75 64 feeders.. 940 6 95 63 fredcrs,. 9J3 0 DO 11 cows 921 5 60 46 feeders.. 933 6 95 MONTANA. S9 steers. ...1038 6 GO 48 steors,...1097 47stnra....U88 6 90 43 steers. ...U03 41 tf era... .1100 6 80 24 steers. ...1213 no 6 80 6 W so steers.,, .mo o to Mrs. J. U. Kendrlck. 14 steera....U67 0 85 IlOas Supplies were light again today, something like kl cars, or o,Vi ncad, iiiiik Ing up tliu total fur tho uay, lor the two days the receipts loot up V.llS ncad, tielug Just u trifle smaller than uolli Unt weea and a' year ago. The market opened out very slow, with packets making au effort to take another clmo of u.uca. As was the case on Momta), hiineter, salesmen lielu out tor steady money, and while the.e was al- most nothing done by killer uuers until nearly 10 o'clock, when lit at sales i.ere nnaiiy made, values wero no more than Do off, A good many salesmen oujtLteJ to making any reduction, and as sh.ppers and speculators wcro buying freely, tne packer buyers finally cam, through nnd the market closed up with prices Just about steady. Generally speaking, the cost of tho packers' droves Is steady to 6il lower than on Monday. Bulk ot the hogs sold at (7 7MJ7.66. Movement was rather slow and It was late beforo n clearance was finally made. Hhlppers started out early and bought freely all the morn'ng. Prices were fully steady, and In a great many cubs strong to some higher. Nothing choice showed up today and the best hogs here sold at 18. SR. It was the genral opinion of ship per buyers that a cholca light load would easily bring 88.60. mo. .t. h. Pr. No. At. Bh. Pr. 4T ..tit ... 1 is ia mo ... 1 It to m W 244 U 201 62 1H 4 271 61 ::s II Ul 14 Ill 47 1M tl Ml M B 41 Ml 41 Ill 7 Ut W 7 70 M 7 71 t r 75 W 7 71 10 7 71 I 71 S "O ' " ei lit ... i it Ill 10 in tl ,.141 ... T 15 tl 0 ISO T Bi 67 2" ... HI U Ill 14 T M 10 Ill M0 T W 41 140 ... T IS tl Ill 44 7 IS 7 7S 7 71 7 TS JTTH 7 7 10 7 M 7 M 7 at 7 M 114 ISO 49 M tl Itl 144 7 IS 10 1 IS IN 7 I7U ... 7 0 40 1 M 13 I 10 40 7 90 ... T 10' 40 T SO 40 1 M ... T ... 104 14., 71., .... 141 161 ....117 ITS 114 141 .....7 Ml 40 to.. 7S.. 44.. to.. 71.. II.. tl.. 71.. 71.... .... 11.... It.... 74.... 77.... 61. .. ..217 ill ita 7 14 HI 10 7 14 Kl 40 7 M .247 40 7 10 .140 IS) 7 M .104 110 7 10 .111 .114 II..,. 40 T 10 II... !..:: 10... to.., 14.. , 71.., M.., 13.., It.. It.., 18.. !.. P.. 41 Ill 80 T 10 ..110 1W too 41 Ml 40 7 10 U 44 7 10 71 til 120 7 M W... .,.,110 10 7 10 2V UQ ... 7 o U,..,.U4 10 TM ,,,.115 ... 100 ....IH 44 104 .,,.101 120 100 ....115 ... SM ....lit 1M t 14 ....371 to I It as... ,...! u tu ..117 I M I M 8 10 t IS I IS 8 M 71 ..140 110 T SO ....102 ....Mt ....111 ....Mt ....111 .M 49 T 44 at tl. II. U. a4 ... 7 uu 111 14 7 1U to 71 ... 7 tju .241 1C0 7 12 U was. 55 ... 4 25 21., 71 ... 4 10 , 7 t oo oiin.uU' The market was very modor ately supplied again with lamos, tesult ing in a brisk trade at urtces strong to a iiime higher. While, prices' weio a little bo iter some of the .laments were suited a iiitie nearrier man on nonaay, ana ior that rcaaoo. some of tne aales do not show as much Improvement as appears on paper. The packers were good com petitors for tin, thing at all decent as killers, consequently It was not long be fore the bulk of the fat offerings was d s- poscu or. vius Jty wan about the same as yesterday and a range or 87.40iS7.75 In cluded moat transactions, thara belnir five cars of lambs at the latter figure. The tamos tnat sold at 87.75 tnts morning, being top for tho day. were the same as seven cars of lambs yesterday at 8T.C3. i'ai ewes continued in iit,nt supply ana changed hands freely at good, strong figures. Wethers and yearlings were aga'n scarce and there were no toppy mutton offerings of any kind In the barn. The keen inuulrv for feed In lambs Was a (rain In evidence and, though few coun-. try buyers were present, quite a few or ders were In the hands of commission men. wno comreted strongly ror the best offerings In s'ght. It was a good, stronr deal for all kinds of. feeder stuff a"d most everything cleared at an early hour. O'lolstlo"!. "n t lmna I nb, good to choice. IT.0Otfl7.90; lambs fair to (rood. 87.200T765; Limbs culls. 85,0.0n: lambs, feeders. 3fl.00tfiffi.SS; yearlings, good to rho'c S,35r5.75 yearll-c. tai.- to a-rtod. IS flrVRS.IS: yearllnra. terArn. 85 009 b.v: wetnera. aocj to cnoice st.iwt.icr; trrlbera. fair to rood. 14 5034.85: wethers feeders. t3.E04T4.S2; ewes, good to rholce, 14.85lS4.60: ewaa. fair to sood. 4.00X4S5: twss. feeder, t3.09e73.t0; cull sbeep. HO eia.ou. No. AV. 1ST Wyoming ewea 103 686 Wyoming feeder lambs. ...r 61 354 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 Pr. 4 20 6 60 C CS f, 65 655 665 6 10 3 CO 3 CO 860 .360 8 60 7 :a 7 25 6 65 7 05 C 00 C 65 665 7 60 700 700 4 CO 4 25 300 4 15 4 15 3 40 4 95 4 95 7 35 735 7 35 7 35 3 25 3 25 400 6 25 6 75 675 3 60 300 660 6 CO 3 75 711 Wyoming feeder lambs..... 51 sfi Wyoming feeder lambs si 540 Wyoming feeder lambs 51 1"3 cull feeder lambs 43 109 Wyoming feeder ewes lOi 182 Wyoming feeder ewes 91 211 Wyoming feeder ewes.,.. 181 Wyoming feeder ewes..., 214 Wyoming feeder ewes.... 225 Wyoirllng lambs 112 Wyoming lambs 176 Idaho feeder lambs 1.3S7 Idaho feeder lambs 92 , 91 , 92 . C3 C9 60 68 87 k.... 64 63 71 91 Idaho yearlings 413 Idaho feeder lambs.... 237 Idaho feeder lambs.... 117 Idaho lambs 174 Idaho lambs ten ........ I - K 71 71 93 68 Montana wethers 54 Idaho ewes 10 cull ewes 109 Montana ewes. ... w 89 90 90 225 Montana ewes., 100 cull ewes 181 Wyoming wethers 45 Wyoming wethers 193 Wyoming lambs . V) Wyoming lambs 217 Wyoming lambs,,,.,,...,, 105 Wyoming Iambs 232 Wyoming ewes IPO Wj'omlng ewes in Wyoming ewes 233 Wyoming feeder lambs... 221 Wyoming feeder lambs... 213 Wyoming feeder lambs... 8 native ewes SS native feeder ewes 65 native lambs 25 cull lambs t native buck ,.. 85 ,..1M ,..106 ,.. 65 ... CO ,.. 65 ,.. C5 ... 90 ... 89 ...103 ,.. 65 .. 55 .. 56 ,..106 .. 90 ,.. 63 .. 65 ..250 Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX OITY. Ia., Aug. 26.-C.A.TTLE-Recelpts. TOO head: market. Steady: XT. tiaUVtf- l7-"-75: wt and heifer. HOaS-Hecelpta. 6.6) head; market, steady; heavy. 37.6Oa7.S0; mixed nsoa flight tl.m.; bulk f sales. fl! ( SHEEP-Recelpts. 200 head. It. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Aug. 25. CATTLE Re ceipts 3.009 head; market slow: steers 85.60817: cows and heifers. l3.75f78.G0 HOOS Receipt. 8,700 he-d : market steady: top. t80: bulk. S.1OS.70. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 2.000 head; market slow; lambs. tS.60If7.85. Ueflned Sntrar Advanced. NEW YORK. Aug. 26.-A1I grades of refined sugar were advanced 10 cents and soft grades 6 cents a" hundred pounds today. Woman Takes Shot at Fickle Lover Cora Lee strenuously objected to C, C. Collins paying attention to another col ored womau and late last night she voiced her protests at Thirteenth and Leavenworth streets with a .44 caliber pistol. One buliet struck Collins in the bark. He was taken to St Joseph's hospital Thtj woman waa locked up. SPECIAL TRAIOIDN'T RUN Hundred or More from Nearby Towns at Sen, Nevertheless. LETTER CARRIERS ENTERTAINED eaoeaaeM a Nntnber of IlplrRnlra on Way 4o Con Tendon In "an Frnneloco Par Visit to flamaon's Caslle I2n llonte. If the big chautauqua hud not Just pitched Its tent In Uancraft there might, hava been marly a thousand candidates to Initlaio at iho Ak-Mar-ilon Den last night from somo of the towns In north eastern part of the statn. Uut the chauau qua pitched Its tent and a large per cent of the liaucruit ileieatlon that warn lo moke the trip here "pinched out" Now this was not tho greatest trouble but when Ilancroft "pinched" the rail road company got skeptical nbout pro viding a special train to carry the crowd to Omaha nnd back. That meant that many of the men from Craig, Oakland, llertha, Pender and Lyon could not ctmo. They walled for tho special that never came. Nevertheless the spirit of over 100 of the business men of these towns was ehown In tua fact that they caught tho early trains dur.ntr tho day and hustled trto Omahn. The result was that when evening coma thero was a representation ot Iw strong irom the six towns. Letter Carriers Are Gnests. Jlesldca theso many letter carriers from, Cincinnati and othor eastern towns slopped over in Omaha on their way to ban Francisco, where they go to attend the meeting of the National Assoclatida of Letter Carriers. Also there were new candidates from Omaha and many visitors who happened to be In the city for the night. So the Den devoured n a goodly grist. John G. Mugavln of Cincinnati, chief! clerk of the National Letter Carriers' Benefit association was the first speaker when alt tho candidates had been prop erly pllverlced by the Initiation. He sold if tha Ak-Sar-Ben show and entortain ment was a sample of the hospitality Omaha shows strangers within Its gates, then he sincerely hoped the next conven tion of letter carriers would be brought here. Dick Ferris, of the world In general, an he was introduced, said ln his tjavetu he had discovered that the Ak-Sar-Btn Is now known alt over the United Btatec. "No matter what you do," he advised, "keep this Institution alive, for It Is thn talk of the country irom coast to coast.' Young Colored Woman Shoots Lover in Quarrel Earl Edwards, colored, was shot through the heart and almost Instantly killed last night at Council Bluffs by Theresa Russell, a younc- nearo vnman 1 with whom ho had bten living without j ln(s -.-,.,,.. . . 0"! mo rrnponsiDiuiy or a marriage cere mony. The tragedy occurred at the rooming house kept by Mrs. Fisher, a colored woman, at 1122 Avenue a The shooting followed a quarrel between the. two and the woman claims to have shot In self-defense., The police were notified and when Officer Welmer reached the plaeei I)so Russell was lying Across the body of her lover Weeping hysterically, 8hi de clared that he was choking her to death and that she shot to save her life. GEORGE H. GRAHAM DIES FOLLOWING OPERATION George H. Graham, formerly oejmtar of the Burgess-Gronden company artd I son of Wl T. Graham, real etaA msn. niffht In tha a fa n,gnt In . 8 'mm"Uel - ' Pltal, where he went Friday for reilleC ; from acute appendicitis. He was 24 vearn of age and graduated two years ago from the University ot Nebraska. II- was unmarried and lived with his parents at 4723 North Thirty-eighth street. No funeral arrangements have been male. Toung Graham was the oldest son ot W. T. Graham and was well kno ern tn Omaha business circles. Ke Is survived by his parents and two brothers and a. sister. The Persistent and Tudlctobs TJse ot Newspaper Advertising is tha Road to Business Success. Office For Rent The large room on ground (loor of Bee Building, oc cupied by the Havens White, Coal Oo. Nice Farnam street front age. About 1,500 square teet of floor space with large vault. Extra en trance from court of the building. Fine office fixtures are of fered for sale. Apply to N. P. FeU, Bee office. I fassj III I II II ill J Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles. Lymphangitis, PoQ Evil. FUteU. Rous, Swelling Stops Laseaess and rllays pain. Holt Sorts, Cott, Bnibes, Boot Chifes. It it an ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE IsoK-roieoaocs Doci uot bliitcr or remove; tha hsirandhcrte can be worked. Plntanttoute. 12.00 a bottle, delivered. Deicribeyoui cam for special tnttructiont and Book 5 K frea. AHSORBINE, JR.. aatiRpk UalacM let auaUai re. ace tutiat, ralatul Caeaea. SveUea Vclna, MIDc Ut. Oeui. CMcestratca aaly s Kw cipi rcaolRd ateatwH. eadaaw rrioa II wf acoie u aialtr. of ftU'tr-. . f . T0UK0. P. U. F., 104 TaojJi St.. Sartarflttt, WU -Hot aa JUperuuaiil.' H. POEHLER GO. ZstaUltbsd IIM CRAI.4 LwKihn l&SION -Stnd lor iiauy ataxas. letter. sumnu.roua pvt.wM MONblYIN GtAIiSj lit burs puts or talla on W.000 buttala t wheat or corn. No further rlaa. a uaTement el to tna price ittee you a ehaaea to take IMO 4c. 1100, tc 1X0, etc Write (or paitleulara. rtaaaea Broaeran Co-, 1U X, ruuuws lllll., (Ctoaaa CIV.