Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, At "GUST 21, 1913.
Enured at Omaha postofflce as second
class matter. .
Sunday Bee, one year
Saturday Uee, one year w
Daily Bee. without Sunday, one year. 4.00
Pally Bee, and Bunday. one year.... 8.W
Evening and Sunday, per month....... KJ
Krenlng. without Sunday, per month.SSo
Dany Bee, Including Sflndav per mo.6Sc
Pally licet without Sunday, per ntw.J&e
Address all complaint ot irregularities
In deliveries to- City Circulation Dept.
Remit by dratt, express or postal order
payable to The Ilec Publishing company,
Unly 2-cent stamps received in payment
cf smal, accounts. Tersonal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern excrange, not
Omaha The Bee building.
South Omaha 2318 N 8trcet.
Council Bluffa-H North Main Street.
Lincoln-! Little building.
Chicago-)1 Hearst building.
New York-Room 1106. 2W Fifth Ave.
Rt Louls-tt New Bank of Commerce.
Washington 723 Fourteenth St., N. W.
Communication relating to news and
editorial matter ihould bo addressed
Omaha Bee, Editorial department.
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.
D wight Williams, circulation manager
ot The Bee Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says that the average dally
circulation for the month of Juiy, mi,
was 60.H2, DW10HT W1LLIAM9,
Subscribed in my presence and sworn any compromise, tho only thing to do
Expedite the Lawsuit.
By doclalvo majority Uio voters o(
Omaha have decided they prefer to
try out in court tho clnltn of tho city
that It has a right to reduce the price
of gas under tho present franchiso
rather than maku a settlement that
would give tho desired reduction at
onco In oxchange for franchiso ox
tension, that being the verdict, tho
city and its legal representatives
should proceod nt onco to expedite
the lawsuit, which at best can hardly
bo brought to n conclusion for a year
or two, and perhaps longer.
Incidentally, tho public should bo
reminded that this lawsuit involves
two separato and distinct proposi
tions (first), whether tho
schedulo embodied in the existing
franchiso. with ovor five years yet to
run, is. binding upon the city tho
same as other parts ot the agree
ment, and (second), whether tho
proposed 1 price is reasonable and
compensatory to the company.
To the layman, it would seem that
tho first question could and should
bo decided by itself, becauso if de
cided adverse to tho city, tho second
question does not arlso. But accord
ing to the accepted legal procedure,
so tho lawyors tell us, all tho issues
must bo tried together. With in
structions from tho peoplo against
Looking BackWatxl
000 AUOUHT 181. ? POD
Thlrtr Yrarn Am
improvements in prospect mil ceme
tery aro noted, among them a fine monu
ment erected upon tho lot of 8. 8. Cald
well mnde of chiseled Rhode Island
granite, designed and furnished by Joe
Padju of Chicago nt a cost said to be
16,000. The san monument mun Is put
ting up clones for O. W. Donna and C.
A. Baldwin In this cemetery and for F.
C. Morgan In tho Catholic cemetery.
No court until Thursday, when Judg
Davidson of tho Third district will hear
rato the celebrated divorce caso of Thomas
against Thomas.,
Harry L, Llngafelt. with Albert San
der, the grocer, Is receiving congratu
lations on a son.
Mrs. J. K. Glsli, as secretnry, signed
the. call for the meeting of the Omaha
Auxiliary society for the Homo ot the
Nugent Sc. Lucas will put on variety
In their show house on Twelfth street
this year.
John Steele, at the offlCo of the Ne
braska Ice company, Invites orders for
clean, bright sand' at prices that defy
Omaha wholesale market quotations
are: Kggfl, 13 centfl to WV, conts; choice.
dairy butter. 14 cents to 18 cents: pota
toes, from SO cents to 40 cents a bushel,
and tomatoes, 75 cents to L10 a box.
Twice Told Tales
Vorrf of Habit.
Senator Lo Baron B. Colt of Rhode
Island told a story a few evenings ago
which would seem to Indicate that It la
llcunnnslbllltr for the Insane.
OMAHA, Aug. 20,-To the Editor ot Tho
to before me, this 4th day of August 1913. j
Notary Public
Bnbacrlbera tearing ' the- city
temporarily should hitve The llee
mailed to tliem. Addresa will bo
chnntfril often aa requested. '
Looks a llttlo equally for tho ad
ministration' pet currency bill.
is to try tho lawsuit, and find out
which contention is correct.
Modesty the Charm.
Officials of Portland, Oro., havo
joined the crusado against certain
yagariea In women's dress styles, or
dering tho arrest of thoso offensively
altlrod. Thus far llttlo but mirth
and ridicule has been aroused by
such action by mayors nnd chiefs ot
police, yet there Is a serious aido to
tho situation that deserves atton-
umaha voters oviaentiy havo a
constitutional, objection to taking tlon.
Sa8 I Tho tendency of thoso radical faah-
1 ' ; lono la doplorablo because it Is away
ho iot as ono can ion, wo ions, from tnnt downing quality of worn-
dry spell has not daoiaged tho hay
lover crop.
0u!ter 8hQruid"tiatti auawn" better
than to try cutting tho bases on Urn-
plro Murphy, ' ''V )
i T ,
Folks Whd rldo la Autos ovlnco
iruch' "moro 'interest in good roads
than "thoso who foot It. '
Ouy rotAllors euro started Borao
tl'lngj when they took tho lid off that
early closing Pandora box,
1 r-
It Is always reassuring to know,
)&wevcT, that, thq woaj.hrtr maa
swelters the ektna as tho rest ot us.
A two-thirds voto In a special olec
tioa Is a fairly good exhibit of clvio
Interest and goneral participation.
anhood, Modesty, Which In all ages
has been tho charm attracting mon'8
lovo and admiration and It 1b impos
sible toi cuUlvato mo'desty with Im
modest. rjaportinent of any sort, dress
stylos -or what not. Tho attentions
comman'ded by those attires now be
ing conderonod in Ppril&nd and elso
whoro arb, noedloss o say, no part of
lovo or genuine admiration. And
Hint la ' a serious matter, aa every1
thoughtful woman must admit It
will bo time to ceoso laughing at
freak creations Jn, flrosa when they
begin to uodormlno tho bosio charm
)f womanhood and mako immodesty
tho magnetic foroo.
The Nebraska Apple.
Through tho Nebraska Fruit
Qrpwers' association comes Uio re
port .of tho salo ot about throe-
SOnly .301 reglatbred socialists inii fourths ot southeastern Nebraska's
Omaha -huY.thtty4fafake! as, mu'eh' 1918 Wytcrop at. prices 50 Tier cent
itpim m uunero were ti(ox ,ot tuom, . tp- p. v tui ,uu io-
f '-'' , " : called that within the year this asso-
v u ia & tease caaritauio to say mat ciauon porioctea pians ror closer co
"Omaha played In bad luck" in
ciironlc)Tug 'the reports of tho last
ball game, i
"Aro tho ladles of London diffor
ohtT" aska '"iieafst" papof. jao'niSo
ovlucntly nr'e.r 'strikingly different
from others. '- ' ' ' '
well to carefully weigh your words and ' Bco: 1 havo been reading with interest
study your surroundings before you our or "0 menacing Bpreau oi
spring the talk. I Insanity in this stnto ahd your demsnd
Some time since, tho senator related, a for care R"d treatment of Ifjsann per
preacher was Invited to speak In a Now BOns ,n hospitals equipped and conducted
England penitentiary, and the following for tnclr rell8f Instead of crowding them
Sunday found him facing the sinful con-, without needed attention In tho county
gregatlon. 1100 r 'ami, and I wish you would bring
In tho beginning the prisoners were ! about "Peedy reform in this matter. It
very attentive, but suddenly a smllo ,s disheartening to thinK mat poor peopio
floated over tho featurra of all. imd in otoii oi tneir reason, yet possmiy still
the end their amusement was evident- ln condition to be restored to sanity and
Whereat tha preached greatly wondered, health should be deprived of thut oppor
"1 am afraid that I old not seriously tn'tr. and their disease made perma
Impress your prisoners," he said to the nent b lack of PPer treatment. To
warden on leaving the Jail. 'They seemed avo ono out ot 100 woul1 00 worth
to bo very much amused." ' wnlle' a person Imagine ono of his
"I don't wonder, Mr. Parson." smilingly rw" ' . Bnu K,n a,onK msano
responded the warden, "after what you 'nmas Kept at tne poor rarm instead ot
Bajj," i being sent to the state hospital and tho
"After what I said!" cried tho preacher ?wrul responsibility will strike close to
Wife (toml)lttlnlnslv) Tiou iitimiiiM hn.
fore we Were married that I should nave
all tho money I wanted.
Hub I must have thought there was
much more of It ln circulation. iioton
"What's the matter?" demanded the Im
patient passenger In the stalled automo
bile. "It seems to be a case of Idooniotor
ataxlcab. sir," rosponded the ohauimur,
with a mirthless laugh Chicago Tribune.
"The tipsy fellow ln the automuhlle
collision had a remarkable escape from
'Yes, a paradoxical escape."
"How paradoxical?"
"Because though pickled, he was p:c
8erved." Baltimore American.
"Modern method aro phnntrlnc many of
the old saws."
'How so 7"
'For Instance, winn tliBi-n'ii n will.
there's a way to break It." Baltimore
Governor Bieae'6. of South Carolina
t oxprossoa a desire to go to tho United
States senate. All right, If ho will
rJ&urryisapJhbm. '. '' I
" -ZT
President Huerta may be excused
,vfpr not trying to carry cut his bluff
? to ignoro John Llnd, soelug ho did
jot know Llnd beforehand,
' 4IIarry Iudtr Jto,ba nrJualae man-j
aer iiextcMon-Theatrloal not,
- If he Is the kind of a manager that
ho has been a player ho will bo a
Thaw's father allowed him 2,G0Q
4 year, but the loving mother raised
to $80,000. How did the good
woman expect the boy to spend ?80,
00 0 a year without Inviting troubloT
z ilatheraatieal rjddle:, If twd;nd
two make four, how ' much la the
ater board losing for 'the taxpayers
(by borrowihgi,P0pi0q0 at Jer
operation of orchnrdista In the ruai--
ketlug of their apples, Evidently
thoso plans are bearing' fruit and
Justifying, still further prosecution.
t Nobroflka'u soli and cllmato aro
admittedly well adapted to npplo cul
turo and nppies maKo a profitable
crop, affording .diversification in tho
industry of farming df exceptional
value in years such as this, when
corn or othor crops may bo blighted.
lyhy,. then,.. nof incroasa thp acreagq.
and Utensify tho Cultivation ot ap
ples? To bo vory frank about it, Ne
braska apples havo not successfully
competed on tho markot horotoforo
with applfta of soroo other states, not
because of inferiority, but rather for
lack of a standard that comes from
being sold under a labelin 'other
words, for lack of organization
among the producers.
And hero in another point. 'With
tho organization and tho label, wo
ought to enlarge our storage facili
ties within our own torrltory. Our
fruit growers should store their own
surplusage Instead of sending it to
distant warehouses. Already thoy
have begun on a small scale to do
this, hutL tpcy should proceed to con
struct .'large atorago plants in Omaha
and points convenient tc tho Ne-
hfcnalrn nifHai.rtB tltnt will
" 1U Ul-' edlent to await market lmpr
Ttvcnfy Voaro Aro
While C. 8, Culllngham remained cham
plcn In the singles, Conrad H. Young
nnd !. C. Denlse won the doubles :n the
Nebraska state tennis tournament.
Mrs. W 8. Seavoy returned from Camp
Comrort to be hero several days for ined
leal treatment.
Mrs. John S. Brigga got in from the
World's fair at Chicago, whore she found
the Nebraska women's exhibit aucji a
marked success and thts was duo very
largely to her own untiring efforts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Brandt of lingers-
town, Mil, were visiting Mr. ami Mrs,
. K. Jenntson, 2636 Dodge street Mn.
Brandt's parents. The Brandts were
former residents of Omaha, where they
were popular In society.
A powerful petition by business men
and bankers pleading for tho retention
in office ot Chief of Police W. 8. Seavey
had the desired effect upon tho Board of
Fire and Police Commissioners.
Rudolph Bhrimrock, a Missouri Pacific
employe, was drowned In Llttlorield
lake, 'Where-he was swimming.
A monster meeting of railway emp'oyes
was billed for the Young Men's Christian
association hall, to bo addressed by Eu
gene V. Dct)s and O. W, Howard.
Ten a can Apo
The Board of rubiio works signed me
contract with tho Barber Asphalt, com
pany for general repairs ot the streets
of th cltv.
Fred C. Behtn, HCS South Sixteenth
street, electrician In the boiler depart
ment of the Union Pacific shops, fell a
oons'derable distance whllo at work and
sustained serious accidents. It was be
lieved his skull Was fractured.
Austin M. Collctt, for thlrty-flvc years
foreman of tho Union Pacific shops, was
retired an a pension and succeeded by
B, Julian, formerly foreman of tha com
pany'a shops at Denver,
Miss Zolma T. Carlson, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Carlson, announced
she would lcavln a few' days, for Ber
lin to complete 'her mUsWl .education
as a singer. Hho had already achieved
much local distinction.
City Councilman Nicholson declared ho
was determined to havo a rockpllo for
tho employment of city prisoners. Ho
said Joe Hummel, street commissioner,
told him ho had enough .rock on hand
to run a pile ot this sort for two years.
Brick and Mono contractors were noti
fied to reaumo work on tho walls ot tho
Auditorium and proceed aa rapidly as
possible, so as to have tho building ready
Cor rooting by November 1.
In dismay. "Didn't I preach a proper
Oh, yos," rejoined tho warden, still
smiling; "but In starting It, undoubtedly
from tho force of habit, you remarked
to tho congregation: 'I am glad to see
you gathered hero in such large num
bers.' "Philadelphia Telegraph.
Simplicity and Socialism.
The lata Charles 11. Cramp, tho Phil
adelphia ship builder, had little sympa
thy with socialism, and to illustrate the
socialists' ptgheadednesa he used to tell
a story.
"I had a socialist draughtsman In mv
shipyard," so he would begin. "This
draughtsman said to mo. one day:
Tho world's all wrong, Mr. Cramp.
If 1 had my way I'd make n new law
compelling xno ncn to uiviae up every-
thlnC with tho mn. nrwl t, mM
all start equal.
grand, eh?' "
Grand? No!' said I. 'Jn ten years
after that euat
incuallty Micro I
" 'Then,' said the draughtsman, cheer
ily, 'then we'd dlvldo up again. Divide
up every ten years. It's as easy a
rollln' oft a log, ain't itr "Washington
O. O. W.
i "He never lets It pass through if he
i knows his business, my son." Waahlng
j ton Times.
I understand your daughter Is gdlnh
to marry n title."
es," replied Mr. cumrox. . ,
"You seem rathsr. gloomy about it'
"Well, every Joy has Its shadow of; sor
row. I have a favorite horse nametn
Prince and a favorite doa: named 'DtlkO.
I don't know which I'll tinVn lo K6t rid
of to avoid contusion In tho family.''
Washington star.
R. H. Tlthcrlngtun In Judge.
If an Income tax they frame, . .- .
And you find they've got your name
Will you truthfullv disclose
All that In your pocket goes? 1
will you count eacn tee you earnoa, -Tell
how much your stocks returned?
Will you, on your honor- true'.'- , ' -
Tn. . V. n nltMA.1 Man, MtnC. (1 1 1 T
Tell the truth.' str. If yoil cant
Tell the whole truth iiko a-mam.
Would you stoop to lies, forsooth?,....
Tell the truth I
poor nnd then We'd
Wouldn't that be
start there'd bo tho tnme
Ir now.'
The LokIo of LoTe.
"Thore Is no logic In love," said Dr.
II. Mitchell Wilson of Denver as he
drank In tho air of an Atlantic City p'er.
Dr. Wilson, gaIng absently at a school
of porpoises tumbling ln the sunlit water,
"Two young , people sat on the beach
tho other night. Moonlight whitened
the sand. . The sea In the moonlight was
like frosted silver. Tho young girl, mys
tically beautiful beneath those calm rays,
" 'How do you know I can make you
" 'Because,' groaned tho young man,
'you mako mo so miserable.' " Philadel
phia Press.
Aimed at Omaha
Men ancl Women
11. U. Mellqr of the school of mines of
the University of Pittsburgh, is planning
to glvo Instruction to tho 8,000 miners In
the state ln regard to tho dangers thoy
run and the best means ot obviating them.
Miss Margaret Leslio ha hunted lions.
tigers and elephants in Africa. She has
gone after grlullcs In our own Itockles.
But she declares that adventures on land
palo into Insignificance when compared
with catching whales.
American newspapers gallantly help
Provisional President Hucrta's campaign
for recognition by printing his picture.
Nebraska City News: Billy Sunday has
consented to .tackle one ot tho hardest
Jobs he has yet had, He will attempt to
awaken Omaha to a more Christian spirit.
He does not propose to begin woik until
for at least a year, so as to get fully.
Edgar Post: Tho Omaha Bee Is right on
tho Job when It comes to exposing cer
tain kinds of businesses that need It The
Bee stuck Its stinger Into one this week
and the county attorney got on tho Job
and the Albert law. was. not needed.
Peterabug Index: The Omaha Gas com
pany is running a series of ads to edu
cate the people to think the gas com
pany is a charitable Institution.
Beatrice Express: Last Saturday eve
ning i majority of tho merchants ot
Omaha closed their stores at 6 o'clock,
and the thing has become so popular that
those wh6 would not sign tho agrcemen
aro tumbling over themselves to get in
tha band wagon. They are educating the
people to do their shopping in the after
noon so tho overworked clerks may hav
a chance to get out Into the open them
selves, and it is going to be a profitable
move tor Omaha.
tjnlrnrneil I.rsMiim of Sbiiitrreclf.
OMAHA. Aug. 20.-To tho Editor ot
The Beo: What has become of the Un
slnkable ship? Here scarcely a year
after the terrible Titanic catastrophe,
wo have vessels llko the Btate of Cali
fornia sinking and carrying down pro
clous lives plainly for want of safe
guards. How many shipwreck disasters
must we havo before wo heed the les
sons? . x. X
OMAHA, Aug. 20,-To tho Editor ot Tlie
Bee: It Is a well known fact that In the
city of Omaha original government
mounds and monuments have heen ohlit- 1
eratcd by time nnd destroyed. It Is well
known among real, estate men and civil '
engineers that it is quite difficult tor that
reason to ascertain the boundary lines ot
lots and tracts of lands, especially ln the
older part ot the city. It Is well known,
also, that much carelessness has pre
vailed In the past In tho surveys for
streets, curbing and pavement, partly be- J
cause of an absence ot well defined and
recognized monuments and starting points
for surveying, and partly because en
gineers and surveyors will assume for
themselves different starting points at
being correct, or nearly so, and espe
cially as being convenient. It Is well
known that at numerous places street
curbing and pavement has been negli
gently and carelessly placed, and It has
become so customary that little cure at
tends such Improvement. Frequently
street lines are wholly disregarded. At
various places three to five feet are
added to a man's property on the wt
side and taken from the person's prop
erty on the other side.
I am informed that much more care ts
taken ln the survey of the property md
streets in other cities, as a rule, than In
Omaha. If persons Interested ln the rav
ing and curbing of the street adjacent' tn
their property would definitely ascertain
how tho curbing Is placed with reference
to the-property line, it would frequently
help them to understand what Is meant
by these suggestions without taking a
general survey ot the city.
Now,' this condition should not exist,
at least should not continue to exist. An
effort was made a few years ago to hive
a commission appointed to ascertain nnd
establish monuments for futuro qurvnya
but that was not done. It can be done
havo decayed or have been
one Is to blame for the abaenco'of theso "
original monuments and base-marks as
a rule except time, the destroyer, and
no one Is to blame for much of the inac
curacy that consequently has followed
But a few well established monuments
for surveys will remedy all the trouble
In the future and save much annoyare,
loss anil litigation. I wish Buch a com
mission might be appointed, or some
method adopted which will bring about
the much needed remedy, and I believe
our up-to-dato and progressive council
men will favor such a mpve,
wnai do inn surf rnwt ton u-nnt nnv.
We want to sweep the country, dad '
'Well, do not denI)lRl unuill httrlniii..m
Suppose you make a start with tho dlnirip
room, my uear. louisviiio uounor-Jour-nal.
"Welt son, now that you've graduated,
what are you going to bo?"
"I think I'd like to bo a lawyer, sir.
Chorea a good ueal of money passes
uirougn a lawyers nanus, isn't there7
If to wed a girl you seek, ,1
And the maiden thus shoiild speak:,
'When we're married, will you be '
'ust as you are now to me'.'
Will you bring me sweets and flowers.
Sit and hold my hand tor hours?
Will you take me to the play,
Never care from mo to stray?" '
Tell the truth, sir, Ilka a man!
Tell the whole truth If you canl
Farsohood Is a serpent's tooth'
Tetl tho truth!
Organized 1850. Purely Mutual.
Assets $50,038 807.81. -
selection of tho form of life Insurance contract bcHt adapted to your
perBohal and business 'needs, if you will call nt our office, or drop
us a card, wo will submit a proposition fitted to your lndlvlduarcase'-'
and glvo you a full explanation thereof. There will be no charge for'
this service and you do not Incur any obligation ln requesting Uie lh-'
formation. "
Tho National Life is ono of the strongest and 'oldest mutual com-'
pantos in the ouslnuss, with an established reputation for liberal and
square dealing with its policyholders. It holds choloe Hobraska se
curities amounting to over $3,300,000.
Write or telephone Us today nnd W3 Will gladly supply full in
formation. JAMES V. STARUETT, State Agent,
Telephone Douglas 120. 401-3 Paxton Block, Omaha, Seb.
ii mat was not aone. 11 can ue aone ,
t, before al( the. original monu'monts '
i which original Burveya were made '
ivo decaypd' or have been removed. No 1
Political Jabs
Excursion Fares
Western Points
Via Rock Island Lines
San Francisco, Los Angeles and Ban Diego On sale August
22d to 29th '..;.....'....'.....'.. V855.00;
On sale daUy to September 30th :$o0,bo '
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Victoria and Vancouver' Oh ealo , ,
dally to September 30th. , I,. -. J?fl0.qpV,
San Francisco Ono way via Portland On Bala August 22d
to 29th .$72.00
On sale dally to September 30th .$77.00
Phoenix, Ariz. On salo to September 30th. .............. .$58.00 J
Salt Idke City and Ogdon On aalo 'dally lo Soptombef OthVaO.Otff
Yellowstone National Park, including stauo" transportation ' "
and hotel accommodations in tho Park On ealo uolly Juno
12th to September 12th $08.25
Glenwood Springs, Colo. On sale dally to September 30th, . .$27.00 :
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo On sale dally to ' ' '
September 30th , $17.50 "'
Daily standard and tourist sleepers through to California
points via Scenic Colorado, with choice of two routes. ',.
For further information coll or.vrrlto
J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A.,
14th and Far nam Streets
W. O. W. BLDG.
Chicago News: Dither New York vot
ers are more intellectual than other kinds
or there will be soma eighteen-foot bal
lots erroneously marked at the primaries.
!New York Mall: The 'greatest of tha
"crimes and misdemeanors" committed
Three roads were. open to Thaw
out of Matteawan. oho leading
tralgfat into New - York- !ity. ono t4
' Uio Connecticut aUtb lino and Ono to nJl a
ditnada. It is.W "to guow ' ;thi KL ,r !'
Where Babies Are Popular.
Hastings Tribune: Omaha merchants
have at lost adopted the early closing by Governor suiter was his unwillingness
hour for Saturday nights. Another movo t0 b0 owned body and aould by Tammany
ln the right direction for tho good ot tho halt.
metropolis of Nebraska. gt Tbaw ,n offlcc Bu,r mRn,.
...... , . ,. ., tested a disposition to grind axes of 1)U
Grand Island Independent; In certain , xr,,,w ,i 1,1.
Uncle Sam may not bo able to recognlin small circles In Omaha, the new nine- IIonco xho flght by Murphy upon
iiiu inn, um unf mun, un aquuifu ,nour laoor law in a o xjiner 11 w inn
glance, would know it a mile off. employes. In several lines It is necessary
Congress contains only one member of , to shift hours In such a manner that, on
toad ho did not'take.
, Oh, yes, .that reduction in fire
'fates for Ofliaha, ltfnlng So is
Christmas. Vhbep' underwriters aro
, almost as good.; promisors as . our
Vator boarders,' whoso promise are.
toverat notchos-below ,'par.
Governor ' Morehead. 1 won't tako
inoney ior public addresses o chau-
' lectures. Wbaf, he would
&o It be werejofterea'a $500 guar-
i&nty and h&ir-tbe excess' gate re-'
1. i.jM' .il; 1 . ..
-eipis is leivwwe imagination,
It transftroa that.""rother Char-
Joy" 1" to DjBi'assoclate editor, as well
fis publisher,' of Mr. Bryan's onco-ar
Imonth Commoner. The Inference
li.ust he that 'Mot" landed that
I'ananm job at lust the right time,
royal birth, J. ICubto Kalalanaole, ot
Hawaii, son ot the late King Kalakan
and Queen Lllloukalanl. He la known In
Washlntgon as "Prince Cupid" and
makes, on the average, ono speech a day,
Chicago's water commissioner Is urging
tho Installation of water meters as a
means of checking waste. There Is no
suggestion of working off on consumers
a IS meter tor fll-lS, The city will foot ,
tho meter bill when favorable action is
Actlnit Governor Glynn of New York Is
n navfennn,, tllllillhl, ntirl ! f - n v
a -small town in 1111 , the beardless face of a preacher, dresses
ctUolly bOBBtlng of Its quietly nnd works a soft voice. Ills oyea.
Boston Transcript: Huntington Wilson
" I Z Wilson ought to get together and or-
sufficient, imd men clerks must be se
cured to take the places of quite well
paid women cterks. Undoubtedly, how,
ever, theso will be the exceptions, to
prove tho rule.
Editorial Snapshots
babies,'' says tho Chicago American.
It Is, going to advertise thorn in thp
moVlng pictures, wh.Ub tho business
won ot the coramuuity proudly pro
claim that apartment owners there
ye&Uf prefeY Wabiba to poodle dogs
as tenants,
All at wh.Jch must bo gratifying io
the enemies of raco sutcido, but not
entirely a. unlquo condition. Omaha
ban movies that offer prizes for
babies' photos, which are nightly
thrown upon the screens during the
progress of' the-benuty competition.
This U calculated to stir the prldo of
tho-' mthcr,B and the nvy of other
married women with .obvious effecta.
?t may bo aboVo all olso an adver
tising teu-atrlko on the part of the
resourceful moving picture man who
contrived tho scheme, but that need
not prevent It serving other good pur
poses as well.
Bo there are communities In the
country where tho baby's popularity
has regained sufficient ground an to
olaco blm ahead ot the poodle dog in
St . Post-Dispatch: Cheer up;
winter Is on the way.
Philadelphia Ledger: ' 6a far no eur-
ganlzo "The AVoodrow Wilson Hur
lv0r3' association."
. Pittsburgh Dispatch: Governor Foss ot
Massachusetts, by his willingness to get
back into the , republican party as Its
gubernatorial candidate Indicates that he
regards it as a party with a futuro tenso.
as well as a past one.
Boston Transcript: The only bash upon
which President Wilson will permit con
gress to take a recess and postpone ac-
tlon on the currency bill is the concession
to him of full authority to make all the
laws single-handed In tact as he does at-
peer through sills of eyelids draw-n rency Byitenl u daitio enough to stretch " "ect
surplus. '
Washington Post: The Baltimoryan
who underwent 00 operations and then
died must have welcomed the old ijoctor
with.- tho scytho. . 1 rM,B,,.. tKT iftVv la 11S.1I Der 11.000
TalkiQE of the law's delays, here
tfro th.o poor Oreeks, whoso plates
lwere pillaged and property destroyed
fa the South Omaha riots several
.a" 85? 6t!u to f,nd UM tho,race for domestic preferment.
Awar in.ay.must iops tp Kugrei6 n. B. Oyster Bay papers ploaso
er w w? nuiMi ior rep&rauon. 1 copy,
lnjr the political game In Albany
James A. Cahlll. mayor of Chllllcothf,
O., and candidate for reelection, will
haw no opponent from any party In tho
coming election. Two years ago he was.
elected on the democratic ticket by a
majority of thirty-five. This year will
bo the first time that any candidate Has
had a clean sweep In the, history ot the
A hardened sinner doing business In the
Chicago sto?k yards, pulled into court for
gambling, was asked by tho Judge why
ha had remained a bachelor for twenty
five years. "I haven't Jound a woman
who would take a chance to live with ma
In the cologne district," ho answered. Tho
Judge told him to go and tell It to tho
girts tn the district.
Miss Ine Wisdom of Ypsllantl, Mich
has ousted Mhts' Miriam' Hubbard from
the position of champion on the lung
testing machine by making a record ot
S70 points. Miss Hubbard succeeded n
reaching a mark of 311 Miss Wisdom Is
a nsw'poaper reporter, but Is training her
self for physical culture work In the
Normal echool at Ann Arbor, Mich,, and
plans to securo a degree from Michigan
Mnr Urlp fiomr.
Washington Herald.
Colonel Roosevelt says he If volng to
give the republicans of Texas some ad
vice. Wo hope they will both read it
Stories in Figures
Baltimore American: "Seal, seal, who's' . ,i,lation.
got tho sealT" is the popular game at : nanway. 0f tho world at the close of
Albany. The next variation will bo, .M. MDr..4nted a total capitalization of
"Jobs. Jobs, who gets the Jobs?: , 3S,96o,K9,8Gt.
Indianapolis News: - The government Gross earning for the German railways;
plans to deposit about 113,000.000 for crop tn V..rury weie JU.OOO.WO, an Increase
moving purposes this month, and maybe ! of J1.TJ0.0W over February, 1912.
Its plans will work out better than yours t United States railroads In lSli carried
to deposit a sufficient sum tor vacaUon S04,1CS,S91 passengers, an Increase of
purposes. 6,M7,SS4 over the previous year.
Brooklyn Eagle: Look out for a crop Port'ord, Ore., has a population ot more !
of lovely maidens sitting In broken down than 265,0CO, according to the unofficial
autos by lonely mountain roads. A estimates ot the 1913 city directory.
Brooklyn girl who was tn that plight Canadian Pacific road Is to bore a six.
he Business Opportunities
in the MK classified pages
Your chance to make money
may lie in a want ad in The Beo. Others have
made money through acting upon opportunities
offered in tho "Business Chances" columns, of
The Beo. Follow this department every day.
It offers rich fields for investments and pre
sents many advantages that you will find no
Tfhere else. The Beo gets results that count for
the moBtLearn by using these ads.
Bee Want Ad Department.
Tyler 1000
The drawing an,d cut will cost you only 13.50. Let
The Bee Engraving Plant do your work.
near Collegevllle, Pa., two months ago
was rescued by a Brooklyn man and to-
da.y they nro to be .isrrted There's
no law against speeding up courtships.
teenrmlle tunael .through the Rockies at
Kicking Horse pass to cost f 11.000,000.
Tho cost or the silk mills strike ln
Paterson Is figured at S10,OOQ,COO. but this
Philadelphia Record: The newly- docs not Include the adverse advertising
elected mayor Of IrfA Angeles. Cat, has 1 given to the city,
appointed a young woman law student Casualty, credit, fldeUty and surety
aa his assistant private secretary. She companies doing business In New York
will look fetter his correspondence and state In 19 had total assets or ice.3?
his collars. TJis tact that women have
vote' In California has not gou unob
served by .official dignitaries. The ladles
hold up coaxing apron when" the plum
tree Is shaken and havo their due share . Quln valley, and It is expected to
ln tho sport. 1 900,009 to 400,000 pounds this season.
and raid U,17,57 In claims.
Turkish tobacco growing has been In
troduced into California; last year 100,000
pounds were shipped from the San Jon-