10 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 19m -i Nebraska BAD GRUB AT BRIDGE CAMP Pare Food Inspector Finds Supplies Hot Worth .Cooking. SERVES NOTICE ON THE COOK ItrfrlRrrnlor In nnd Condition, Meat Tnlntrri anil Canned Gnnda Snolleil, lint Cnntlon la I -sued hr Official. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. l.-(8pecial -The attention of Pure Food Commit loner llamian has bien called to tho rendition existing In th couk cimp nt thf Ashland brldcc tli Burllng- tou railway Is putting lu a new bridge. An Inspector was sent tc Investigate the matter and discover sd that the pluaj needed looking Into. Tha rcfrlgeiotor contained tainted msat and canned goods unfit to be used. The boss of the cook camp waa ordered to use. ef enter rare In kl-eplng his meat Mid othor goiJs from the files nnd to keep I, covstil .p. The Inspector was told that a portion f the cm nod goods had bn bought In Lincoln nd that when pu.-chsuie3 th cans shotvsd to be swelled because : the niwllsd cmi dltlon of tha contents. An Investiga tion Is being made. Motor Company's Tax. The Union Match company has paid Its occupation tax to the xtnte under the new law. Last year undo. tho old law Its tax was 1100. This ywr It toot l?S0 to get the right to do bml'ifss In tlu state nnllronda May Wltb.drn.ir Change. The railway commUalun hits received information from an unofficial source that the railroads aro considering the matter of withdrawing their application to the Interstate Cominnre commission tor permUston to Increisi the minimum ate of carload shipments of flour to 40,000 pounds. The apnf ntloti for the Increase brought a slrsngr protest ficm Nebraska millers who ship flour out of the state. Opposes Tax I.err. W. J. Courtrlght of Fremont has ap pealed to the supreme court from tho district court of Dodge county denying the right of th assessor of that county to tax him for an automobile which ho kuys he did not own on April 1. A copy of the assessment -shows that Mr. Cart right was assesed $230 on all peroral property After the assessment had been mnde the automobile assessment of 11,000 was added. Courtrlght appealed to the board of commissioners of the county and they upheld the assessor. Ho then took the matter to the district court and tho court tjpheld the board. Now he appeals to the supreme court. Boone County Corn Makes Great Strides ALBION, Neb., Aug. .20.-(8pecial.)-Corn : making tremendous strides slnoe the recent rains. Fanners are busy plott ing for fall wheat and the acreage will pe lartffi. The next cutting of alfalfa tromlMji to be excellent. T. D. Bowman and sons left today with ten head of blooded horses for the Iowa, state fair. From thero they will go to the Nebraska state fair. T. Had PltUnger haa returned from a somewhat extended fishing and vacation trip. David Craig, secretary of tho Doone county fair reports indications splendid for the fair, which will be held next month. P.: Cunningham of Spalding, Neb., sus tained a painful injury to a hand while operating a threshing engine near here, lie was olUng the machinery and In some manner his glove became caught In the gearing, drawing his ringers In. He was brought to town and cured for by a surgeon. VEWS NOTES FROM FAIRBURY AND JEFFERSON COUNTY FAHIBUHY. Neb., Aug. 20.-(SpectaU -tUchard Bowlln' was arrested on W Charge preferred by his nelghbora for whipping his 8-year-old child with a buggy whip. He appeared In county court and pleadod guilty. Judge C. C Boyle fined him 5 and cost. A "safety first" meeting was hold In the Hock Islaand auperlntendent'a office Tuesday and a large number of commit teemen were present. Each class of rail road service on the Nebraska division was represented. Those In attenJanea Included: 3, L. Ogden, Nat Downes, Kd "Miller. Henry Hitter, Hiram O. Nellie, E. M, Sullivan. Ed Carr and Ed Hardy. This makes the second year of this or ganisation In. Falrbury. That Bhepherd, a nock Island engineer, Is taking a vacation. The mechanical force in the Rock Island shops has been increased by James A. Ceres of Downs, Kan., nnd Harry A. Meldrum of Pratt, Kan. Sev eral t the regular mechanics have re signed. Ferry L. Crouch of Goodland, Ktin., was In Falrbury this week visiting with ftlends. He Is chief clerk to the master mechanic at that point. Today was Hock Island pay day here snd in the neighborhood of 133,000 was tlstributed to the W0 employes here. The Checks were unusually good this month, owing to the heavy business last month. Np pay car was run this month. The pay' checks were sent to Agent F D. BraVcy for distribution. Mrs. Arthur Wells of the Apoll? Con cert company of Chicago may Institute personal Injury suit against the Chi ago, Burlington & Qulncy railway for njuries received at Endlcott. in this county, last week white transferring Trom the Grand Island to the Chicago Burlington & Qulncy railway. Mrs. Wells tumbled and fell over an unprotected ttmaphore wire. She was injured 'n ternaity and may undergo an operation 3he had eppeared on the Chautauqua pro gram at Falrbury and was en route to Salem. Neb., to fill another Chautauqua tngagenvn when the accident happened .rra Xotec of Seward. SEWARD. Neb.. Aug. (Special.) Tbe barn on the old Thomas farm, be tween fit ward and Tamora, was struck ry lightning Monday evening and way sompletely destroyed, together with Its contents. Emmet Booth, who is farm- lug the place, lost 600 bustels of oau. several tons of hay and .baled straw. aarness. etc. Uofd Anderson, who bus been 'dtieer Ing the local expresn for some time, has been promoted to a position on the soad and has been assigned the run from aim Btronviburg as express messen ger. Three Children Are Burned to Death and Mother is Dying IIBMINGKOBD. Neb.. Aug. . (Spe cial Telegram.) The three children aged t. 6 and 8 years, respectively, of J. 8. Pitman, a farmer living four miles north of here, were burned to death and the home destroyed this morning, as a re sult of a gasoline stove explosion. Mrs. Pitman, who was getting dinner at the" time nnd who was surrounded by the children, was so badly burned that she Is not expected to llvr. Mr. Pitman, who was working In the field, ran home when he saw the smoke pouring out of the doors and windows, but only reached there In time to save tho baby, which was In a room the farthest away from the kitchen. In doing so he was overcome by the smoke and fir so that ho nar rowly escaped. News and Gossip From West Point WEST POINT. Neb., Aug. 30.-(Speclal.) -The marriage of J. C. Fillus and Mtss Caroline Kraft took place at Bt Mary's church. Rev. A. E. Klemenz, assistant! DflJltfir. celfthrntlnar llm nuntlnl mnaa Thn! bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "William Kraft of West Point. The young people will make their home on the farm. Mrs. Conrad Paul, widow of the late Conrad Paul of West Point, died at tho family home, aged A7 years. She la sur vived by a large family of grown chil dren. Interment was In Mount Hopo cemetery. The thirty-second annual session of the Cuming County Teachers' Institute U being held here under the supervision of Mtss Emma R. Miller, county super intendent. The attendance Is very large, numbers of teachers from other countlei being present The Instructors are Prof. Reese Solomon, Norfolk; Superintendent Moss of Wlsner, Superintendent Bowen, West Point, and IMIss Bertha Knoll of Wlsner. Thomas J. Peatrowsky, a pioneer set tler. Is dead at the age of CO years. Ho had been suffering for some time. He leaves throe married children and his widow. The shoot of the gun club at the farm home of Adam Peatrowsky doveloped some excellent shooting, the score .for tho one twentyftve bird event being as follows: ,F. Cejdo, It Jordan and A. Oarodot, twenty-five each; L. Seeman, M, II Kert and Fred Ruedlgcr, twenty four oaoh; A. D. Peatrowsky, W. Rodueu chel, Nick Peatrowsky and Karl Kerl, each twenty-threo; IL Donna and Oust Krueger, each twenty-two; J, Radebaah and John Peatrowsky, each twenty-one. SWEET CORN CROP IS A, FAILURE AROUND BEATRICE BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 20. (Speclal.) Tha sweet corn crop in this locality Is a complete failure and the Lang Canning company will not make any effort to can this product this year. It Is the first fall ure of this crop In fourteen years. Tho pumpkin crop also Is a failure and tho faotory will handle only beans and ap ples tills season. Most of the fruit will be shipped here from Nemaha county. "Shorty" Gibbons of Wymore and John MoFarland of Horton, Kan., pleaded guilty yesterday before Judge Ellis to the charge of stealing a suitcase from the buggy of Mrs. L. B. Dyer and were sentenced to thirty days each In the c6unty Jail and to pay the costs, John Norcross and Miss Luclle Rice were married yesterday at tho home of tho bride's mother, Mrs. F. L, Klncald, Rev. U. G. Brown officiating. Immedi ately after the ceremony the young Cpuplo left In a touring car on a wed ding trip through North Dakota and Minnesota, The Richardson farm of 1(0 acres, lo cated near Blue Springs, was sold yes terday at referee's sale at the court house to John J. Clancy for $11, 270 cash. J, H. Harder has purchased the grocery store and meat business of D. R. Smith A Son In West Beatrice. II, A. Bennett, traveling representative for Allen Bros, of Omaha, who was operated upon at a local hospital for ap pendicitis, la slowly recovering. President Pease of the Commercial club has appointed H. A. Thompson and F. A. Miller as a committee to co-operate with Miss Jesslo Pyrtle, county superintend ent, In making arrangements for the Cage County Teachers' Institute, to be held hero August 15 to 2d. Superintend ent C, G, Pearse of the Milwaukee schools and a former resident of this city, wilt appear on the program during the meet ing. WOMAN GIVEN PARDON FOR MURDER ON MARRIAGE B10WAUD, Neb,, Aug. ,-(8peclaI.)-Jensle Carmon, a former Seward girl, who, while a resident of Sheridan, Wyo., shot James McCoy, was convlctol of manslaughter by the district court of Johnson county, Wyoming, to which the case was taken on change of venue. Her sentence was an Indeterminate one of from four to fourteen years. Sho com menced to serve her sentence in Wit. On account of the Cheyenne (Wyo.) prison not having a woman's waid the woman was taken to the prison at Car son City, Colo. After being there a year she was paroled to her parents, who re side at Beaver Crossing, this county. She was married Tuesday, August 19. to James W. Teal, ex-sheriff of Johuton county, Wyoming. He was sheriff dur ing the trial of Jessie Carmon and had charge of her. He Is a widower with two small children and Is In the livery business at Buffalo, Wyo. The bride Is 28 and the groom 44 years of eg. The governor of Wyoming pardoned the woman on her marriage to Teal. FINE HOGS ARE DYING; NO SERUM TO BE HAD ORD, Neb.. Aug. 30.-(8pealal.)-Hog cholera la ravaging a number of fine herds of swine In thts vicinity and al ready thousunds of dollars' worth have died. The disease' seems to be prevalent among unlmmunlied herds of fancy hogv. W. U McNutt of this city haa lost twenty-three head of tint hogs, nearly all registered animals. J. W. Mather haa lost quite a number, while Nels Peterson has had sixty-five or his fine herd suooum to the disease. J. D. Tolen Is also another heavy loser. None of the herds has been Immunised against cholera, with the exception of several head In the Hather herd, which Sir. Hatber exhibited at Chicago last fall. Hog raisers are greatly excittd and there Is a great demand for cholera serum, which la almost Impossible to se cure at the present tlma. ' LEAGUERS. HAVE TO HURRY North Platte Defeats Columbus Men, Fire to Four. AKTLEY KNOCKED FROM BOX nana Takes Placr nnd fltnpa Srorlnit Norfolk and Fremont Play In Ir, WaltTOrlh Opposing; Can tray. NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Aug. 20.-(8pe-clal Telegram.) North Platte defeated the Columbus state leSgue team hero to day. 6 to 4. The agmo was hotly con tested from start to finish and with men on base In every Inning, there was plenty of fireworks. Columbus started the game with Arttey In the box, but ha was knocked out In the second and relieved by Bono, who stopped the scoring. With the score 5 to 4 In the ninth, Krann went out, third to first. Bono sin gled to left. Reed, a pinch hitter, went In to bat for Bono and struck out, as also did Rondeau, ending the game. Brlght's fielding of Rondeau's Texas leaguer In the fifth with two on was the feature. Score: R.ILE. Columbus ...,0 01100020-471 North Platte 320000000-6101 Batteries: North Platte, McClure and Dante: Columbus. Artier. Bono and Grnlnnlger. Hits: Off Artlep, 6 In two Innings; off Bono, 4 in six Innings. Struck out: By McClure, V, by Arttey, 1. by Bono, S. Time: 1:30. Attendance: COO. Umpire:. Duncan and Knowles. Norfolk nnd Fremont Tie, NORFOLK. Neb., Aug. 20.-(8pecIal Telegram.) The Norfolk base ball team today played a two to two tie game with the Fremont state league team. The game was called In the eighth Inning to allow the visitors to catch a train. Wal worth, pitching for Norfolk, struck out eight men, Conway for Fremont struck out soven. Water Users Asking For Legislation SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., Aug. t0.-(Bpe-clal.)--Flve hundred water users under the government project have placed in definite form the legislation which they deem necessary for the success of the project. They ask a definite and fixed policy of pnyment, and terms which the settlers would be able to meet They recommend that no charge be made for two years, nnd after that, for five years the charge be $tW per acre. The next five years It Is proposed to pay 2 per acre, and then $3 per acre until final payment Is made and the project be comes the property of the water users. Kearney County Corn Crop is a Failure MINDEN, Neb., Aug. id The corn crop Is a near a total failure in Kear ney county as It can be. The stalks are being out up for feed. Corn binders am running night and -day. Hay is very light. The only comparison that is made is with the year ISM. Corn Is being bought at SO cents a bushel and ground corn is bought at Sl.oO per 100 pounds. No higher price has been known in the history of the county, Wheat Is not be ing sold, farmers keeping it for feeding purposes, Farmers are quite opllmtstlo and looU forword to better years, believing that the cycle of dry years have now passed and wet ones are to follow. MONUMENT TO MEMORY OF VETERANS OF WARS MINDEN, Neb., Aug. - .-(Speciat.) The' yettrans' committee, Consisting qf J, R. Maxon, C. P. Anderbery, David Top. ham and deorge Witters, appeared be fore the county board with a proposal that the location of the monument to be erected to the memory of the soldlera and sailors of the civil and Spanish American wars be changed slightly. This monument has been planned for about two years nnd the contract Is now let for Its purchase. It will have nil the names of the veterans of the civil and Spanish-American wars Inscribed In raised letters. The number of veterans who have re sided In Kearney county surprised those looking the matter up. All told, there will be 405 names on the monument. deattTrkord. 1 J, Ii. Carpenter. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Aug. 20. (Specials Word has been -received of the death of J. L. Carpenter at Melbourne, Fla. He was a brother of Mrs. It. 1C. Davis. He was afflicted with heart trouble. Be sides the sister, he leaves parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fmnk Carpenter, and sister, Mrs. George D. Button, of Calnllen, Tex.t a sister, Mrs. O. H. Thompson, of Au, burn and a brother, Knowlton Carpenter, of Kansas City. He was about SO years of age. S'W Factory at Humboldt. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Aug. !0.-(Speclal.) Humboldt Is to have a factory for the manufacture of the Oossett hinge and wheelbarrows. Part of the machinery' 1 already here. It Is expected the factory will soon be running. Frank Gossett of Hiawatha, Kan., will have the manage ment of the plant and William Gossett of Falls City, Neb., who patented the ar ticles, will superintend the work. Local parties are also Interested In the con cern. Arradla Wanta Pavement, ORD, Neb.. Aug. 20.-(8pecial.)-Efforts are being made by the business men of Arcadia to secure paving for the main street of Ord. The question Is being agi tated by a number of the leading citizens and it Is probable that )he matter will be taken up by the Commercial club In the near future. Ileadr for Valley Fair. ORD, Neb., Aug. 20 (Speclal.)-Prepa-rations are going forward rapidly for the Valley county fair that will be held In this city on September 23 to 26 Inclusive. The speed program promises to be a good one and exhibits will be etxenslve. Valley to Raise Much Cora. ORD. Neb.. Aug. 20.-(Speclal.)-There Is going to bs a much larger yield of corri In Valley county that It was thought during the hot, dry wetaher. There will be considerably over half a crop. A few fields are entirely and some are spotted, but a good many will make an average yield. The' sand flats will have a big crop. The worst damake Is In the south eastern part ol the county. Deadly Krleht possesses sufferers from lung trouole till they learn Dr. King's New Dltcorer will help them. Price (0 cants and ll.Cn. For als by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. HOWARD HOLDS UP THE PAY Auditor Refuses to Isiue Warrants on Brian's Vouchers. NEW MOVE IN INSURANCE FIGHT Kmploj-ea of Department Under I,. O. nrlan Will Have to Walt for Tay Until Conrta .More. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Aug. 20.-(8pcclal.)-Audltor W. I). Howard will not Issue warrants on vouchers signed by tho new Insurance commissioner K . Brian, and consequently the job holders Jn the de partment will have to work without pay and In addition pay their own expenses. Thts might not be so bad wero It not that the supreme court may decide that the new Insurance law Is unconstitutional and then all the hard work and tho money paid out for expenses will be for naught. The same condition which exists re garding the actuary and the examiners covers the salary of the Insurance com missioner, L. G. Brian and that of the two young ladles working under him, Miss Lillian Peters and lss Nettle arks. However, in the case of the young ladles who held positions under r. Howard when ho had charge of the Insurance de partment, r. Howard has offered to Issue their vouchers up to the time the de partment was under his control, July 24, or to August L If they desire, which waa the time they were notified that their appointments under the auditor's depart ment expired. Vouchers were mode out for both Mlsi Peters and Miss Marks with tho icquost by Mr. Howard that they sign them so that warrants could be drawn for the pay they were entitled to. Miss Marks recently signed her voucher and received her warrant, but MIbs Peters has so far refused to sign any voucher which would contain the name of Auditor Howard In ordor to get the money coming to her earned while she waa working for Mr. Howard In tho auditor's department. Auditor Howard will refuse to Issue warrants to employes of the Insurance department on vouchers signed by Mr Brian as insurance commissioner for the reason of the fact that by so doing he will be recognising tho rights of the new Insurance board when he haa filed In court an application for a roh6arlng of the case wherein he was deprived of the department, on the grounds that the law as passed by the last legislature Is un constitutional and that the bill passed by the two houses Is not the name bill that was signed by the governor. Council Bluffs Business Men Raise a Protest On Walk Display A distinct note of protest was heard yesterday 'ariiong business men concern ing the ad t ion of the city council instruct ing City Solicitor StUart to draft a new ordinance ' prohibiting all displays of merchandise on the sidewalks for sale purposes. The action of the council was upon recommendation of the Retail Mer chants' association, and the Initiative Is thus altogether with the merchants themselves. It was asserted yesterday, however, that there was only a bare quorum of the Merchants' association at tha meeting when the resolution calling for- the new ordinance was passed, and that the' action did not thus represent thesentlment of' a majority of the mer chants who are members of the associa tion. It" was stated 'yes'terday that the council 'would be asked tti defer action until the merchants are given an oppor tunity to express themselves. If the majority of them want such an ordinance It Is said the minority will gracefully acquiesce. That there has been complaint and ex cellent grounds for It concerning the ob structions of the sidewalks by second hand dealers Is admitted. These men have piled up masses of nondescript and unslffhtly.looklng stuff on the sidewalks to a degVeo that thoy have really ob structed the walks. On the other hand, many merchants have wares that cannot be satisfactorily displayed Inside the stores. This particularly refers to hard ware stores, where such things as lawn mowers fall to attract attention unless placed on the walk In front of the stores. "Such displays are In the Interest of cheaper cost of living," said a retailer yesterday. "There should never be any provisions displayed on the streets, but there are other articles of merchandise where an attractive sidewalk display re. duces the cost of doing business, and this Is one of the chief means by which re duced prices to the consumer may be brought about. I am certain It Is In tho Interest of the poor man to display on the streets real bargains he Is In need of, and I believe the poorer classes were dis tinctly harmed when some of the shoe dealers were forced to discontinue dts playing bargains on the streets. "I know of one Instance where fifty cases of shoes were bought of an Omaha wholesaler at less than $1 a pair and sold within a few days when they wero dis played on the street with bargain prices marked on them. Another lot of oven better bargains was purchased soon after by the same firm, when the sidewalk displays were prohibited, and the stock was not sold for months. This display attracted attention nnd the prices made the sales. Tills waa a positive benefit to the poor man and did not In any degree harm the regular trade. We want to at tract trade, and that such displays do Is evidenced by the fact that half of that shoe stock was sold to out-of-town peo ple." WESTERN IOWA FIELD YIELDS nnnw fiptppm ffft hirh That the corn crop in western Iowa has not been affected by tho rather hot I and dry weather that has prevailed for so long a period is indicated by a stalk of 1 corn brought In yesterday by John Thomas, a tenant on one of the farms of Dr. Mell. J. Bellinger, located several miles northeast of Council Bluffs. The stalk was fifteen feet high and bears alt ear of corn a toot long hanging down ward nine feet from the base or ground line. There are cornfields In the vicinity of Council Bluffs whoie owners are con fident will yield more than seventy bush els to the acre. There haa been suffi cient moisture, and the rich soli and In tense heat has done the rest. Stork Tanks Mnde to Ortlrr. We carry In toek and build all kind4 of ilock tanks to order, out of whlti pine, fir or cypress lumber, on short notice, at wholesale priest. C. tlafer Lumber Co. 'SATURDAY ANOTHER BIG $5,00 SALE IN OUR CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT Tho bucccsa of last Saturday's J5.00 Bales compels us to duplicate th same bale again for this coming Sat urday. The garments that will bo placed on sale at $5.00 will surprise all that will attond. A glance in our windows will give you an Idea of what you can expect for $5.00 Sat urday. It will pay you to come hun dreds of miles to attend this wonder ful sale. Just think, ladles' and misses' high-class up-to-dato coats, suits, silk and wool dresses, also evening and party dresses, woith $2Q.OO to $27.50 at $5.00. Wait and be hero early. THE NOVELTY CO., 214, 216, 218 North ICth Street. central city family is seeking lost son An appeal that greatly Interested Sher- ; 8 Iff Ltndscy waa received yesterday from Sheriff Scudder of Merrick county, Ne braska, asking him to assist In locating Joseph Tralnor, 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tralnor of Central City, Neb. The Information la that the young man left home on the evening of July 8 last and that his parents have received no tidings from tilm since. The Nebraska official says tho aged parents desire "to see and talk with their son and Bet their minds at case concerning him." They offertl00 reward to any person who will put them Into communication with him. Thoy describe the youth as being five feet nine inches tall, sandy complexion and red hair, which he commonly wears In a bushy stylo. There are several scars on the back of his neck below the hair. The Nebraska sheriff says Joe Is a good boy, but that his conduct now la break ing the hearts of his parents. He begs Sheriff Llndsey as a brother officer to make every effort to assist In getting word to the boy and asks him to secure tho co-operation of the local police. The reward will be Immediately paid when the boy Is placed In communi cation with his parents. Three Girls Sue Long Beach Millionaire LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 20. George H. Btxby, the Long Beach millionaire Indicted by the county grand jury sev eral months ago, on charges of having contributed to the delinquency of Irene Mary Brown-Levy and Helen Cleo Bar ker, minors, was made defendant today In three damage suits, each for 0,000 and each brought by a glrL. The two girls mentioned and Jeanette Ellis were the. plaintiffs. They asked damages on the ground that Blxby had committed '-Tilgh crimes and misdemean ors" against thorn. PEACHES CHEAPER Ex tra fancy California freestone Elberta peaches Wednesday, 79o case; sugar, 21 pounds $1; extra heavy Jar rubbers, 3 dozen 25c; Mason fruit jars, pints, 43o: quarts, ESc; gallon, 73o dox.; tin fruit cans, 39c doz.i Jelly glasses, 23c doz.; Mason Jar tops, 15a doz.; sealing wax, 6c; extra fancy watermelons, 30c to COc; fancy to matoes, market basket, 20c. J. Zollcr Mercantile Co., the big downtown store, 100-102-1O4-10C Broadway, phone 3020. t. , 3 LIVE LOBSTERS Packed In sea weeds, kept at ocean temperature all the way from Rockland, Maine. Fresh mountain trout from Ogden, Utah. Fresh Black Bass, fifteen hours out of the water, all shipped di rect to Hotel Loyal. These are some of the things tha.t make Hotel Loyal noted for good things to eat. Then wo know how to cook 'em. Served In the main cafe, the buffet grill and In a few days more in the new grill room for men. HOTEL LOYAL Omaha's Best Place to Dine AMISUMHXTS, SATUDAY, AUGUST 23, CHILDREN'S DAY AT LAKE MANAWA Dancing In the Large Orand Ball Room will bo FREE to Children up to 14 years of ago All Afternoon. Music by Arthur E. Smith's orchestra. A Free Ride on the Ills Roller Coaster to each child at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. ItATHIXO BOATIXO HOLLER SKATING And Many Other Attractions FREE MOVING PICTURES EVERY EVENING A Balloon Ascension Sunday Evening at 0:30. Admission to Park FREE S - TONIGHT I Mats. trd. and Sat-Coolsd by Xo4 Air. I LANG Xn TXS XVKAWAYJ Frlcsst 3So to COC Will Opn at A SI ERICA STSspt. 14. RPHEUM PHONE 1018. 494 ASVAKCSD VAUDSVIXU:. Matin ETry Day, 3119. ETery Mtxht. 8:10. BEABOir OPENS SlXllAY, AlUUST S I. Beats JTow oa Bale. 15c Loom End A big special purchase of 5 and 6-yard loom end strips of Embroidery. Edges and Insertings, also a fow Swiss col orud Embroideries In matched boU, made to sell to 15c yd. If 1: August Clearance Bargains Each Day Offers Even More Pleasing Aug. Clearing Sale of Long Silk Kimonos Mude to sell at $5.00; your choice for $2.95 $7.50 Dress Skirts $3.95 Pretty black anl white checked fabrics so popular this season; unequaled bar gains at $3.95 r v Mew Fall Tailoring Suits 225 Sample Suits sent us for In spection and selection, choice fabrics and colorings In the very newest style and colors for fall 1913. You can navo fully 15 to 20 by buying now $14.95, $19.50, $25 Thursday's White Goods New Cloth, combination of ratine and crepe, 39c val ues, yard 25c Plisse Crepe, new weave for undergannon ts, 25c values; t, yard 18c Moire Brocaded White Ma terial, swell for suitings $1.25 values, yard 85c 1 1 I'll Bail xmmmx tax Saving Prices on Staple Merchandise That Should Crowd Domestic Room Thursday 9 . . -n - Striped and plain Poplins, good colors, 25o values 15 Fancy striped Voiles, good col ors, 18c values lOd Lonsdale Muslin, 36 Inches wide, 10c values 7Hti Curtain Swiss, fancy borders, 36 inches wide, 18c values, yard 12iid Serpentine Crepe, long rem nants, good patterns, 15c val ues, at 106 We Advise Our Customers to Put Up Peaches and Tomatoes Now Our second car is very fine, extra fancy fruit. This Is one of the finest cars of California Elburta Freestone Peaches Hhlpned to this market this season. THURSDAY, Q f1 OSATZ UUU Put up your Tomatoes now, lAirgo market baskets, rnch 25c 31 lbs. Best Ctranulattd Sng-ar, 91.00 48 lb. sacks Best High Grade Dia mond If Flour, nothing finer for Bread, Ties or Cakes, made from old wheat, per sack 81.00 10 brs Beat-'Km-AH, Diamond C or Lenox Soap for 33c 10 lbs. best Whlto or Yellow Corn meal for 4 IbB. Fancy Japan Itlce, 10c qual ity, for 35o Tho best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkg. 714 Grape Nuts, pkg lOo K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. So Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo 8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines, 3So The Dest Hand Picked Nary Beans, per pound , 80 11 Pay Try HayderTs First SPEND MONEY TO SAVE MONEY IP YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL INVEST A SMALL SUM IN BEE CLASSIFIED AD VERTISINGTHE RESULTING SALES AND THEIR PROFITS WILL PROVE TO YOU MONEY IS SAVED BY JUDICIOUS Embroideries at So 5c Savings and Satisfaction Always New and if Possible Economies in Our Great Women's Ready-to-Wear Thero has been an unusu- ally brisk buying, exceeding all previous August records, and no wonder for the values have 'been simply phenom enal. Here's 1,000 Pretty Dresses which in tho beginning of the season would have cost you $3.50 to $5.00. Dainty lawns and cool ginghams, offered Thurs- gfe.f CQ day at, your Jjfc I choice. . Tibis lot includes big as sortment of styles in both white and colors and in all sizes from 14 to 44. Tailored Suits Spring and summer styles, plain serges, linens and fancies, made to sell at $15.00 to $25.00 more than 100 for selection at $7.95 $4.00 Silk Waists $1.45 Pretty summer styles in good colorings, nearly all sizes; on salo $1.45 Dressing Sacquos Made to soli up to $3; choice, 69c r rr- v Clearance Sale of Children's Dresses Hundreds of beautiful Dresses, in nil sizes 6 to 14 years and made to soil at from $3.50 to $6.00; beautiful tailored ef fects in both whlto and colors. Dainty lingerie and embroid ery ureases in a big A S variety of charming l & styles; your choice. High Grade Wash Goods C00 pleccg ol Anderson's and Bromley's Scotch Oinghams, 32 'inches wide, all designs, nurses stripes, checks, tweeds, etc; on on sale now only, m yard IOC 350 pieces of Wm. Anderson's genuine Scotch Zephyrs, all tho latest designs; now on rjp sale 500 pieces of summer goods to close, that sold up to 26c yard; until close at, r yard 1ZC Made Sheets, 72x90, good mus lin, &uc values 336 Apron Oinghams, blues and browns, 7c values 5 Percales, neat stripes, good col ors, 12c values Cretons, good patterns, 10c values 7W Cotton fiats, from $1.00 to Hd A. C. A. Ticking, good weight, 21c values 186 Prints black, white, checks 6c values 4Hd OSAOKBK SPECIAL 6 to 6H pound boxes beat No. 1 Soda Crackers, per box 39o THE VEGETABLE MARKET Or OMAHA rOB THE PEOPLE Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen . ...lOo 6 bunches fresh Iladlshes or Onions for 5,, 4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots' Co 5 Summer Squash for 50 4 bunches fresh Parsley !so 6 Green Peppers g0 4 lbs. farcy Blpe Tomatoes lOo 15 lbs. New Potatoes aSo 2 stalks fresh Celery for 60 Denver Cauliflower, lb laWe Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. Bo Fresh Turnips, lb 1140 Large Egg Plant, each 70 Good Cooking Apples, per pcck...lDo Whitney Crab Apples, market basket for aso I-nrgo basket Concord Grapes ...SOo Fancy basket Peaches nr P.ir. wwi Fancy Canteloupes, 30, 8c and 7Mo Tbs utst Wo. 1 Creamery Butter, per pound 28c SPENDING