Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Lady Constance Stewart Richardson
On How to Acquire a Beautiful Figure Through Dancing
for Women
Kiguro Ono (on top) This
is known as tho "Praying Boy"
This takes in exorcist that
develop tho shoulders into
rounded grace, and also Rtrotch
tho waist muscles taut and
The chief exercise concern!)
n shoulder shrugging movement
that is easy to learn nnd pro
duces wonderful results in bust
mj BKL t
v 'w fe .. w
A cortaln California bishop was nt first
opposed to woman suffrage.
Next ho Investigated it
Then he saw It wascomlni;
It caitie.
. v(ori bottom)
I This '
fJr'acefnl "
of tho
' Whole Body.
This is a
More Difficult
;Than Any
so. For
'Described by
uu.VIs Well
Are Fullr
, Described
In the- -Accompanying
' 'l(Copyrlght''i9ft KWs Service.
In ancient times, dancing stood for two
'. "thinga-ran expression of dlvlpe worship
and an effervescence of human Joy.
.''Dancing has come down through all the
age, and It .nesma to wo that what It
stood Tor haa persisted and come down
ui today too.
' ) I never can say In enough ways, or
' with sufficient emphasli, this ono doc-'
, .trine that I .hold all' Jmpor.ta'nt: Tho
human body was given to us by our
Maker In all health and youth and
' the beauty that Is the result of these
component parts. It la our sacred duty to
' respect, and to keep beautiful and well
- this temple of our-sacred jsoul. .
Now, since dancing makes the body
supple, pliable, fine and fit, Is not this
' proper exercising of the body 'lie gavo
us a beautiful form of worship of Its
' 'Maker?
We were meant to be happy, I think.
Most of our troubles are really men'
tal attribute entirely, or If real Ills bo-
fall ub our minds can magnify or mini1'
inlrp, just as we choose to have them do.
So If Joy wells from our spirits, and ex
presses Itself In graceful posture and
movement; If a spirit of happiness and
thanksgiving expresses Itself In ryth-
These pictures wore especially posed for tills page.
Today's Beauty Recipes
liy Mme. D'Mllle.
"An actress whose complexion Is a
marvel to behold confided to roe that she
always tubooed creams and powders and
uses only mayatone lotion made by dis
solving an tiiiglnal package of mayatone
In one-half pint witch haxel, The maya
tone lotion is applied to the face, neck
and arms when the morning tolletta Ib
made and gives to thp complexion a
touch of refined elegance Impossible with
powder or creams, It Is especially nice
tor hot weather use, because one appli
cation lasts an entire day and It over
comes the 'oily,' 'shiny' apperance and
quickly banishes tan and freckle as well
ax reduces large pores.
"Bothersome hairs on face or nock can
be quickly removed without pain with the
aid of a delatone paste which is spread
on the hairy surface for lo minutes,
then rubbed off. The paste Is made by
.Rlxlng powdered delatone with water,
and after It Is removed the skin should
be washed to rid It of the sulcus dela
tone This simple treatment- leaves the
K'tn free from hair or blemish, and se:
coin i a second application ik easury "
mlcal movement, we are only completing
the circle of all the ages and In Its ex
pression of human Joy dancing gives
thanks for existence even while It bene
fits physical existence with wondrous
Today I am giving you two exercises
which I Incorporate In my dancing and
which I have copied directly from two
fascinating little Greek bronzes. The onq
Is called "The Praying Hoy," and-'tfiq
other is a "Dancing Maiden." Ono "is n
very simple movement yet It brings about
wonderful co-ordination of muscles, and
has a wonderful value In arm develop
ment from shoulders to fingertips. The
other, which Is a difficult and compli
cated step, Is well worth a careful study,
for It will give flexibility of waist and
back, grace' of arm, arched insteps and
a Utile, swaying carriage. Quito a wt
for one exercise, Is It not? Now lot mo
go Into detail and, prove my assertions.
Figure 1 The praying boy figure may bo
copied with' an ease that Is deceptive
for the grace that comes from absolutely
knowing how to control ' your" muscles
with ease and smoothness la haid tu ac
quire. Advance the weight on tho ball
of tho right foot, and stand poised thus
lightly with tho lifted heel and' ball of
the left foot, leaving only the toes on
the ground.
Sway from foot to foot, changing' the
weight to the forward foot. When you
have mastered ease in this part of the
movement, combine It with tho arm ox
erclse shrug the shoulders as high as
possible, at the same time raising the
arms from the olbowa with down dropping
wrists and woll'separatod fingers.
When tho forearms are completely
raised at the elbow raise, the wrist, and
gradually diminish the uplift of the
shoulders. Practise this again and again,
swaying from foot to foot tho while; then
walk forward, practising the arm exor
cises as you move. The shoulder shrug,
glng wll develop the shoulders In rounded
srace, and will also stretch the waist
muscles taut and firm.
Figure I Walk forwurJ on tiptoos.
bending the weight gradually backward
as yoi move. When, you jiave learned to
keep your pose while doing this xrclx,
try r with the flexed body a-swav from I
tide to fclde. and then final!) add the '
arm movement wh.r-n should lx dene in '
opposition to the leg mtAfmcnt
when the weight is advancing to the for
ward right foot, 'bend the body to tho
right, with tho arm In a perfect curve
drawn from waist lino to elbow,' and from
elbow to wrist the forearm In a second
curve circling" tho head. While the left
foot Is hclc) back the right arm la for
ward In a graceful horizontal curve. With
the line of the torso stretched back wulk
slowly forward, swaying from side to
ulde. and clrot'ng tho arms aa you sway
These exercises are well worth fa '
ful practice and fiom them It is possible
to develop graceful movements of the
danco and graceful control of the human
body two consummation's devoutly' to be
Now he gives in
struction to the
woman of his
bishopric. It Is
something like this'
"Inform your-
solves thoroughly
) on nil questions of
i state. You are cn-
tulng ;ntp giae
r e k p o n slbllltles,
that of free clti
zens. Inform your
selves, be wise In
what you do."
This Is advlco
that a wise father
should give to his
Thero was nqver
a time whon th
need for women to becomu wise was co
great nn It Is now. Their rights, per
sonal, political, commercial, Involve a
concomitant responsibility.
When' we wore children we used to
think how' glorious It would be when wo
wovo grown up. Then wo would have tho
.privilege of otayiug out nt njglit as long
t an we ehone.' nnd of dolnjp what wn
j plrnsed all day Ioiir.
Hut when wo became men we realised
that thero was a limit to tho hour of Jim
night, also to our capacity to keep awakci
that In order to heiblo to "have a Rood
time," n man must control himself.
Kver,v privilege Is bounded by responsl.
billtles which have to oo Carried' In
order to makn tho prlvllego possible.
Whon Abraham Lincoln signed the
emancipation proclamation, ho gave the
colored race nn opportunity to change,
but ho did not change the lace.
That Is ull any human being has op-
portunlty. - ,
The opportunity for suffrage nnd per
sonal rights Iiiin not comn easily io
woman. They have worked until they
havo quite an understanding of the rights
that thoy want, and lha jirJvlllgcd Oiat
havo been denied them.
. In most of tho States, Whcro suffrage
haw iiceli '.grnnk-d.' lis Koinan, suffrage
clubs have been turntjd,, .jfto civic re
search clubs.. Vomen-aro hrlnplng politi
cally unprejudiced minds' ta.bear on po'lltl-
,cal ' sltuutlons nnd their now prlvlUees.
Their actions, as a rule, uie decide.)
by this test. "Is It ihtht or s it wroni"
Women whoso actions uro not Influenced
by right and wrong are inking very1
little Interest in tho Woman suffrage
i movement.
The Itov. MaJiol M. Irv.-ln. a Cnlvcisa
llst minister, gives put a well-timed watn
,Infj to women, Kho urges them to malfc. .
iu mistake's n using tho howly acquired.
Privilege of thtlr" natural right. Hho elo'-
quently urges them to use their power
to develop a better, nobler race.
Mabel M. Irwin affirms that women
'havo hat been' shirking the burden of
motherhood, but tho bondage or mother
hood. -When women havo the rights of
free citizens thlu bondugo will b ra-.
moved., .Then there will be the Joyou
laughter, tho phtte'r of little feet that
makes pcierintnl ydutli.
IJoatrloe Harraden.- the Kngllsh author,
Jn- n recent number - ot "Votes for
Women," expresses ji b'.ear understand
Jnir of how vital to the, English women Is
thn caufA of- woman suffrage.
If there woro 'only a few women en
gaged In thin movement we might think
It wbh only a ill cam of fair women. Hut
wnun i:siwives, tlnplate worker.8, weav.
etc, tailorcwi;, lipholsteioesus', laun
dresses, charwomen, lopo makers, slioit
(assistants, nurses, teachers and .swoat-
shop workers unite In the demand for
suffrage as equals with tho women ot
nobility, there Is something Very vital In
tho movement. , It means that theso
women are stirred Into action by a primi
tive Instinct.
Itecontly.a deputation of women from
every walk In life spoke eloquently to
Mr. Uoyd deorgo and his colleagues. '
Many of them had never -rbefor mado a
speech. They were unlettered, hard
working women, moved to eloquence by
a causd.
Miss Hnrraduu says the women Im
pressed the statesmen though tlui states
men did not impress tho women. Thulr
cloaks and trappings of office meant
nothing to those women, demanding tho
privilege 'to exercise their Inherent right
of freedom.
When women who toll with their hands
Join with nobility, and all aro mudu equal
by the cause which Is moving them, It Is
tlmo that the ISngllshmeu recognized that
It Is an Inherent, natural light that
women aro demanding.
way with the Marcel Wave and the "Kid
Curler,'" and Hurrah for the Beautiful Straight
Hair of Ethel Amorita Kelly. : .: : : : :
. Avault yo marcel wave's, slteptdlspcMitg
halr-curlerr; nnd all grief Over hair .that
Is straight ami dank as'aawead, A way
out haB been found, ahd'nbw from hear
lug "water-waves" talked about with
pleasing generality. I 'havo seen tho
"how" and the pleasing results thereof
demonstrated. My teacher was pretty
lUhcl Amorita Kelly, and J nm going to
pass on her method plus the personul
guarantee that I have, tried It, and It
Tlmo, 1 o'clock of a warm July even
ing; place, brightly lighted dressing" room
of the New Amsterdam theater, wheru
"The Follies of 1913" hold the stage; and
girl Utlitl Kclley cf the soft brown
"Is your hair really and truly for sum
perfectly straight?" I asked with carnost
"Absolutely) Ab-so-lute-Iy!" said th
teacher with equal earnestness. "Now
watch me very closely. I part my lialr
way over by my left eyo, but, of course,
everyone must comb her hair In Its most
becoming lines only tho first step 'Is to,
arrange the front hulr about nt you dress
It when it is all combed. Then dampen
It with hot water whloh wH evaporate
more quickly than cold, and In its rapid
drying, bring the hair more quickly Into
xhape. Noxt take a comb with close,
flno teeth, and with 'this pull the 'balr
loom on tit's forehead and push It for
ward Into two or three waves. Actuals
push It )ntp place with the fingers of ono
hand, and then holding tho waves firmly
In place, pin them down with long wlro
Miss Ethel Amorita Kelly.'
hairpins. A soft veil or a wlJ" ribbon
tied over" the wavos will-hold them-flrtn,
and through their, pressure help urg th
waves to come. ,
"Now to method you must udd patlehae
and perserveranqe, for tb flrat.weok'o
if forts, are likely to bo crojvned with fail
ure; but If you sea .the falhfest park
that looks like a wava going across your,
trcsses.'encburugp lt,by pinning tlia.wavo
In the same place, as often as you'can.
A.fter a whllo your hair gets so well,
'ruined that you "can dispense with water
and hair pins In making tho wave, and
can Just comb It Into placo and coax a
bit with your flngors and there Is a soft
pretty wave that has como'to- be, perfectly
natural In- straight haln Honestly It will
Dorothy Dix 's Article
Women are "always complaining vt do
mestic slavery, but tfiey seldom seem to
reflect that they, themselves, forge the
fetters against which they chafe- They
aro slaves all
right, but are .
mostly slaves to
an Idea.
Take the Jdea of
neatness, or In
stance. Once let. a
woman get bitten
by that particular
mania and she Is
a downtrodden serf
who is chained to
a broom and a
scrubbing brush
for the baliinoe ot
her life.
Hho can't be Jim
ordinarily clun(
and comfortable,
ami let It go at
that. Nor edit she
divide out her
houW8(iunj,' labors
gafa tu (he place -where npbody ejso can
dust h room or sweep under a bed to
suit her ' t
She matte her; houe a piftce of tor
ment for hertelf and ver body whe
on i a in U Her h s-rj.tnd wipes jvu
On Women as Slaves They Are Mostly Slaves to an Idea,
and It's Really a Form of Insanity.
because she soon
ter, lie feels his wife's lynx eyes on
him at the dinner table for lar hu will
drop something on the tablecloth. lit
has to peek the back -orch to smokt
because she doesn't allow tobacco where
It can scent up the curtains.
He never dreams of lying down on
the couch, becauie the ora cushions are
sacred ornaments that are, not Intended
for use. Jle even sits uneasily In hit
chair because he knows that he has
moved It out, of Its proper placo ' and
his wlfo Ih fidgeting to put It back again,
Her children have no liberty In their
own home because their mother can't
bear to have hor floors traoked up and
playthings scattered about, and sq they
escape to the street, or the neighbors,
and are offered up as a living saorlflco
to their mother's fntloh of neatness.
Kven tho casual guest In such a home Is
on needles and pins because he has al
ways an awful foreboding that he Is
mussing up things, and that his hostass
Is waiting with brush, pan and broorn to
sweep up after him,
Then thero Is the woman who tnakss a
slave of herself to the Idea of order,
Kvcrythlng has got to be done on n cer
tain appointed day and hour, though Hit
heavens fall, and though It could bo don
twice as easily and with half the trouble
bako on Thursday, and saw on Friday,
and darn on Haturduy, and who are so
absolutely dominated by this cut and
dried routine that they simply go to
pieces If anything happens to upset It.
You might Invito one of them to go to
the most delightful party oil earth, but
If It chanced to bo on the day that was
sot apart to baking or Ironing she would
refuse. Thero might bo tears la her
eyes, and bitter disappointment In her
voice, but she would still refuse.'
To suoh women to have dinner fifteen
minutes late Is a tragedy, and to ho
asked to receive an unexpected guest
or to do anything to break up thrlr
cant I ron order of doing things Is to
have tha Impossible demanded of them.
They sacrifice oven natural affection to
It, and lovn no one well enough to be
willing to mak.e a change for his or
her sake,
I was acquainted with a woman, of
this kind onto who refused to go to
tho bedside of a dying daughter who
was calling pitifully for her, because the
telegram summoning her catpo nn tha
day on which for' thirty years she had
always swip.t-' thr,parlor,. v gfi ,
It Is because women get these" flvvd
Idi-as, which ara leully u phafco of In.
sapity about the Importance of trifles",
at some other time There are women' and the necessity of doing the same
who nvist wash on Monday and Iron on thing at the samo minute every day
that s, j on tttc doormat btfor i daru. to f i (Ticsday and clean on Wednesduv and tbut tht-y wunplalivf ,lRVhfitoywo.(fi
housework and call themselves domestic
slaves. They could, make variety for
themselves by doing things differently,
In dlffcront ways and at different
times, and thus keep out of getting Into
In' reality housework lends Itself to this
mora thmii, any olbr kind ,'pf, work.
There is no reason why, If Monday Is
a bad day, that the.. wash shouldn't be
done Tuesday, or why on a matinee day
a woman shouldn't put oft her baklngtl
bho fuels tired and bluo and go to the
show, and bake another day. It's a Rood
thing to chang about In work Just!
meiely to keep from getting to ba tho
slave, of the Idea (hat you havo (fPt to do J
,1. Intra Aff ...,.. I . ,u
.!,ni, ... vvitmu iiiiiu uim in ix tenant
way. Order may be heaven's first law,
as the poet says, but It Isn't all of them,
and la's fun to. break the law Just to shoe?
that you aro free.
lireak up this shivery to your Ideas, you
who complain of the tyranny ot. tha.
home. Hebe), " Makn a strike for your
freedom. Dominate your work Instead
ofHettbig. It dominate' you. .Run your
hout. , Don't let Jt rdn U.r;pn't.gefe
hi nn.. uiu win yourwivemyautselC
fr6m growing old and getting wrinkle
Jnrt-pur face and your temper. ,
There W no s'avery more grinding than
Uie slavery to an idea, and it doesn't help
matters to know that you rivet your
,jattlua an. yourself.
work without fall," concluded Mlai
ICelley. )" ' "''
To which J. add'tho stamp of approval
its having" rlod It ' myself. - "Honestly it
-wlll.V" vv- '
. ' Next l Vatcl'ied" MIssVKTelley twist bail:
thn loft slda-of her hair loosely, separate
n generous ldck on -the right of the sldo1
parting and droop i low over her fo're
heud. Then she -fastened that loch high,
on the crown of her head Just above thot
right car;' then the hair at the tight wan
, drawn. Inpsely over, the, right ar and
coaxed Jnti) .Its near'-natural wave, n
cucli 6Ther-.part had been. Tho three
eetlon were, then comboj Jhlck
strand and cabsht In a big coll at tho'
nap's," of tho.necld;-;
"It Is so mUCh"coo)er
than all fluffed out i around Jt," Miss
ICeley aasuYed ,me.' "That -is how I hap
pen to w.eart "this "way, bdt I rather
IrpaKlne- th(tt slniple hair dresalns I
piost' becoming. , U, Is- Just like getting
your fines in qrptyi'ue-'ot any' sort-simple
.graceful ones-rtha,t4.Tlnsr,. out your own
natural dine Instead of dlstortlne It Into"
something els, i .. .
"You. see, I don't, wear corsets, and
my flgura has. molded Itself instead oil
being molded" but of alt proportion. Dane
Ing AVlf help the figure If you don't aU
ways dance the Same -steps,- as a profes
sional has ,tOj do. It Is' vise -Jo bring all
possible muscles into play, so as to ee
cUro uniform development. And I think!
dnnclnfc- will make you fat ot thin as you
ought to be, I think dupclng rriakes yoil
nqrrrtal. floodness, though, "I havo" danced
quite a. distance away, from hair, about
which you wanted me to talk!"
"All beauty hints thankfully accepted,
said I. '.'Only haw. to arrango her hair la
Woman's Kternal Question," and If yotl
havo helpsd tQ settlo tho problem of howf
to havo waving locks I think you will
have as many grateful friends as you
have hairs on your head."
In tha horns
es food Hseif"
there is nothing so
effective as Hyfirox,
Heals, whitens, re
firetbss the bkln - Helps
temove bhmlshes. Al
ways a ssfeguatd in casa
of cuts, bu,rns or bruises.
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