Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Here's a Splendid Business Chance for a Live Wire
We must have a dealer in Omaha at once to take care of local inquiries and sales for tho Borland Electric-tho most and best advertised clcctrio car of today. A big national advertising campaign is being
conducted in Life, Outlook, Literary Digest Vogue, Harper's Mugazine, Harper's Weekly, Country Life in America, Collier's Weekly, Dress and Vanity Fair, Auto Trade Journals, Newspapers, Theater Programs,
etc. inill page advertisements are appearing each week in some of the foregoing publications.
! t:fJ
on an a
5-Passenger Coupe, $2000
Wheel base 96 ins., comfortable scats for five, all facing
forward; Borland patented horizontal control, from either
forward or rear seat; six forward and threo rovorso
gpeeds; automatic cut-out disconnects power when emer
gency brake la applied. jgJjjg batteries, standard
equipment. Luxuriously equipped with every neod and
convenience. A roomy, comfortable car for all the family
Xdgbti&r Ylrtar, Sarariara&.Oo.
Havs Root Print It Now Baacon Press.
rjflslitj SVoraife k Van Co. Poutf. 1516.
2 Iff Bolt TransUrrsa Suit for $15,000
damages., started by John Toraasek
against th Chicago & Northwestern rail
way company, . has been transferred to
tho federal c6urte.
Otort Brands! Back Goorjro Bran
dels la back from Now York, whero he
has been spending -two weeks with the
buyers of the. big store. Mercantile In
terests In tho cuL he reports, are focused
on congress In expectation of tariff legis
lation. 2at Johnson Setuws rat Johnson,
manager of the lace and notions depart
mentd at Hayden Bros., has returned
from a buying trip to Now York, .where
he secured a supply of fall novelties. Mr.
Johnson went to New York via Los An
Beles, Saa Francisco, Vancouver and the
northern routo through Canada,
Blaksly Suit ilimlas4 A. suit for di
vorce and $50,000 alimony started against
Charles Blakely, wealthy Omaha real es
tate dealer, by Leora Blakely. who al
leges that she became his Wife by a com
mon law contract, has been dismissed In
district court. Settlement out of. court
was made in the case and the records
merely record the statement, that the suit
U dismissed at, the plaintiffs cost s An
Judge English.
Wcalo at Seymour 3ake The Young
People's Jewish Social .club will bold Its
first annual picnic and dance at the
Seymour Lake Country club, Thursday.
An extensive program of Interesting
event has been carefully prepared by the
committee In charge of the entertainment
ami everyone who attends Is assured an
enjoyable evening. Bathing and boating
will be In order for those who do not
desire to dance. Cars leave Omaha at 6,
7 and 8 o'clock and South Omaha at 6:30,
7:30 and 8:20 o'clock.
Mrs Christopher Durr,
Omaha Pioneer, Dies
MrtV.CnrJstopher Durr, 8 years of ajw,
died Monday evening at. the family wi
dened 3027 South Eighth street For the
last six years Mrs. Burr's health bad
been 'falling and since the first oC the
month -she had been confined to her bed.
She cam to Omaha forty-five years ago
from Cincinnati, O., and was among the
pioneers who saw what was then a fron
tier village grow1 Into one of th dtles of
the wist.
Surviving her besides her husband,
Christopher, who has boen associated for
a, good rriany years with the Union Pa
eifio railroad, are six children, E. 6,
Durr, ifU California street) Mrs. r. H.
James, Chicago; Miss Mary Christopher.
Jr.: Miss Agnes and Allen, ail still ilvne
at .home. '
The funeral will take place from the
residence at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday
morrilng, with services at St. Patrick's
church, Fourteenth and Castellar streets,
at 9 o'clock. Interment will be at Holy
Sepulchre cemetery.
LONDON, Aug. 19.-The situation be
tWeen Bulgaria and Turkey is becoming
critical. Prince Said Hatlm, the Turkish
Brand vizier, admits that the Turks have
occupied Demotlca. twenty-five miles
south of Adrianople, and other strategto
points on the right 6ank of the Maritxa
river; but he explains this was-done only
fof the protection of the railway which
runs along the stream.
Said Ilallm denied that the Turks hav
occupied Dedeaghatch, the terminus of
the railroad on the CJulf of Enos, or that
they are advancing on Oumuljlnak, to
tho northwest. The Porte clearly has
not the slightest Intention of abandon
ing Adrianople, where Envcr Boy has
n army of 30,000 troops, which soon will
be Increased to 400,000.
FA1U3, Aug, W. Theodore P. Shout
of New York, president of the Inter
borough Rapid Transit company, bud 1
narrow escape from death today when
lit fell beneath a moving railway train
i.l T.A nrellll. A bvtan1f itfhA him
Pall pulled Mr. Shonts from between the j
whetls Just In time to save the New
Torker from being run over. As it was
Mr. Bhonts' hands and legs were badly '
out, but tonight he appeared to be Utile I
the worse for his misadventure. 1
When the accident occurred the train
f as stopped and Mrs. A; P. Moore
(Lillian Kussell, the American actress),
who was a passenger and had a first aid
outfit with her, alighted and bandaged
up Mr. Bhonta' hurts.
j Til, Jorlotii.dCicif'oiriiii.s Coin jsiniy 31 ! liuunon. 9 Chticoio HI.
City Counoil to Meet Wednesday to
Pass Levy Ordinance.
Dohemlan Catholic Tarnm to Hold
Convention Latter of Month
Chauffeur Finds Mnn Who
AVondn't Fay.
In order to come within the time limit
set by the city charter the city council
will meet Wednesday evening for the pur
pose of passing the levy ordinance. Mayor
Hoctor, City Attorney Murphy, City
Clerk Perry Wheeler and the council
worked on the ordinance yesterday even
ing1, but failed to complete thflr work
In time for the council meeting to aot
on It.
The principal work of last night's ses
sion was getting out the bids and approv
ing th bonds of the successful con
tractors for Improvements In different
parts of the city, Grading district 123 i
was let to Ed Carr at a prlco of 17.S
cents per cublo yard. Carr also won
grading district 120 at 14 M0 cents. Chris,
Hugh got grading district 120 at 20 cents
a yard and Dan Hannon grading district
12V at 214 cents per yard.
An ordinance covering the work of tho
new building and rewer Inspector was put
on first reading' and referred .to .the
Judiciary committee. John Tralnor Is to
be appointed to this place It Is under
stood. City Clerk Wheeler's annual report was
presented and filed. The .report of tho
clerk was clear and covered every Item
of expense that passed through his of
ficial hands. The completeness nnd In
telligibility of the report was commented
on by all who tnspeoted it,
Upon motion of Councilman Henry
Hartnett Of tho Seventh ward and un
animously endorsed by the rest of the
council tho salary of Miss Isabella
Flaherty, stenographer to the city at
torney's office, was raised to $75 a month.
The resolution of Councilman Hartnett
recited the fact that the work of tha
city attorney's office was Increasing and
that the bond ordinances and ordinances
from other departments of the city were
being drawn by the city attorney's
stenographer. City Attorney Murphy
stated that he was pleased with the
action Of the council In taking notice of
the increased work and responsibility of
his office force.
It C. Beavers asked that the city make
good a I os of 83 sustained by him when
hU auto was struck by th city's street
sweeper a week ago. A number or
motions to place electric lights at dif
ferent sections of the city were passed
by the council.
Councilman rtlha asked that the sani
tary Inspector investigate the complaint
of the residents living In the nlghborhood
of fire hall No. 2, rhlch Is said to be the
cause of Unhealthy odors.
Turners In Convention.
Bouth Omaha Bohemian Catholic tur
ners will num an annual convention In
this city from Friday, August 29, to Sep
tember 2. There will be a big parade on
Sunday, August St A special Invitation
has been sent to the mayor and city
council by the turners. Former Council
New 1914 Prices
Eifectire August 1, 1913
Model T Rjnaboot . . $500
Model TTourial Car $559
Medel T Town Car . . $750
WHlt Fell Eialfmcat F. 0. B. Detroit
Ford Motor Co,
Which of These Men
Gas Car Dealer
Everywhere, gas car dealers arc
addiug clcotrio cars to their line.
You can turn your moderately
profitable gas car agency into a big
paying, 12 months, year 'round busi
ness by representing "the Borland
Electric. You more than double your
prospects in showing the Borland.
To Any Such Who Ctmes To Us
with proper credentials showing his abilitiy, wo have a most attractive agency proposition to present
that requires less than tho usual initial outlay and gives a liberal contract that is conceived from having
viewed the possibilities through tho dealer's eyes. Morovovcr, we are ready to give such a man an un
usual amount of really holpful co-operation, including local advertising. Write or wire today, giving par
ticulars about your qualifications for our proposition.
man John Vann, a prominent turner, was
present last night wth a committee to
Invite the mayor and council to attend
the celebration
Find Ancient Check.
While engaged at work n Ralston yes
terday Henry Dethlefs of GOOKorth Thlr.
tleth street. South Omaha, found a check
for $45 that may have been stolen from
a bank somo years ago. The check 'was
drawn on the Bank of Perry, la., and Is
signed by the Detroit Qlass and Paint
company. Tho finder of the paper turned
it over to tho police, who are Inclined to
bellevo that It was stolen from a bank
somo years ago. It Is dated 1910.
Chauffeur Flnda Fare.
John Wolfe, a young chauffeur of
Omatia, searched all day yesterday for
George Turner, n. negro, whom Wolfa
claimed cheated htm out of $1$ taxlcab
charges Sunday night. According to tho
story told the police. Turner came down
from Omaha with Wolfo Sunday night.
When tho negro arrived at Twenty-eighth
and II streets, Wolfe says, he alighted
from the machine nnd then refused to
pay his fare. Wolfe tried to urgo tho
negro to pay, but the latter is said to
have casually toyed with a revolver as
ho talked with the chauffeur. Yesterday
Wolf spent half the day trying to locate
Turner. Shortly after nOon lie found his
roan In a brick yard near Thirtieth street
The police auto brought Turner to jail.
"At least I won't have to make good tho
1115 he .cheated me out of," sold Wolfe
to the police. ,
Mayor ?iat Soldiering.
Mayor Tom Hoctor will not bo able to
accept the governor's Invitation to tho
military staff to attend the army maneu
vers near Waterloo. The mayor said
he was too busy to attend the exercises.
"I had a letter from General Fhii Hall,
asking me to be present, and .1 under
stood that the governor had Issued a
call," said Mayor Hoctor yesterday,
"but I am too busy and will havo to be
excused from duty at Waterloo," he con
tinued as he loosened up the collar of
his shirt to a degree that was anything;
but military.
To Hold Inquest.
An Inquest upon the death of Pat
Jones, the carpenter who was killed at
tho plant of Morris nnd company Sunday
afternoon, will be held this morning at
tarkln's funeral parlors. Jones has an
aunt living out In tho stato and an aged
father In Ireland.
aiaa.a City Gossip.
J. D. Courtney, plumber. Tel So. 1091.
Miss Bertha Tobias has gone to Excel
slor Springs to spend a fortnight.
A special program wilt be given by
the bouth Omaha Eagles at their hall
.ins evening.
Oscar Doudhrrty, employed at the stock
yards, Is contlned at the South Omaha
nospltal with typhoid fever.
Thomas Galloway, superintendent of the
tube system at the Armour plant, is vis
iting at his home In Lucas, la.
Miss Edna Alstadt and Miss Alma An
derson left yesterday for a visit to Kan
City and Kxcelslor Hprlngs.
For a case of letter's Old Age or Gold
Top beer call So. 868. Prompt delivery to
all parts of the city. Win Jetter,
The Ladles' Aid society of the Hills
dale Baptist church will meet at the
church. Forty-third and I streets, Thurs
day afternoon.
The Epworth league of the teller Me
morial church will hold an Ice cream
social at the home of XI rs. Isaac Waltz,
Twenty-seventh and Jackson streets, on
next Friday evening.
Electric Car Dealer
Why not handle tho best adver
tised elcotric the car with all the
best features backed by a coucm
of finanial strength that many a
bank would envy easy to sell
certain to satisfy tho purchaser.
Tho Borland Electric will make
money for you tho year 'round.
Miss Helen Fry, 12 years old, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Fry, 2024 Binney street, died Monday at
Hot Springs, S. D from an acute attack
of nppondlcltls. Together with her
mother and sister, Ethel, she left
Wednesday for a several weeks' vacation
at the summer resort, and the news of
her Illness came as a surprise to Omaha
relative. Mr. Fry left for Hot Springs
r v TJ - -
Traynor Automobile Company, R. N. Howe. Fred O. Hill.
2512.14 Farnam Street. 2103-4 JTarnam Itmt,
Nebraska Bulck Auto Company, E. R. Wilson Auto Company,
Lee Hnff Mgr. 1912-14-16 Tarnam Street. w , ' ' 2429 TarBam jfrMt.
V 6. P. Reim. Pres. 2054-6-8 Farnam Street "HASE
HEVIOLET- ' L Drummond Motor Company,
I J Doty & Hathaway, 26th and Farnam Mtr-U,
f 2027 Farnam Stroot. T INTERNATIONAL
ETROITER- : ' : International Harvester Company of America,
The T. O. Northwall Company, 801 Capitol Avewn.
912-14 Jones Streot. Ti T ASON
INTFRqTATP ' ' IVI Freoland Auto Company,
H TEKaT A l ii -LVA J. A. Freoland. . HIS Farnam SkMt
Interstate Automobile Co., wwan.
Opp. Court House. 310 South Eighteenth Streot. ELECTRIC CARS
lV 327 W SSS, Council Bluff., tow.. (J 8M0 JSSSSvSJ Ilia
Doty & Hathaway W Marion Auto Co., .
. 2027-29 Farnam Street. J a w McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street,
Drummond Motor Company, W Drummond Motor Company,
: 26th and Farnam Streets. VV 26th and Farnam trW.
Marion Auto Company, x DELIVERY WAGONS
0. W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street, y y-ix ; -- "
ARMON ' ' ' K L. P. Madsen,
Marion Auto Company, A 327 West Broadway, Counoil Blufff, Iowa,
0. W. McDonald. 2101 Farnam Street. :
United Motor Omaha Company, A LL MAKES (Seconds)
J. M. Opper, Dist. Mgr. 1122 Farnam Street. IX Giant Tire Company,
IDLAND " 1205 Farnam Street.
Freeland Auto Company, TEDERAL '
J. A. Freeland. 1113 Farnam Street. H Arthur Storz Auto Supply Co.,
ATIONAL ' . 2020 Farnam Street.
Traynor Automobile Co. T HIE STONE ' r
, 2512-14 Farnam Street. H Firestone Tiro & Rubber Co.,
OVERLAND . 2220 Farnam -.Street,
Van Brunt Automobile Company, -MAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. I
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs, f 1 Henry Nygaard, . '
PACKARD ; 2201 Farnam Street.
Orr Motor Sales Company, T TNITED STATES
24th and Farnam Streets. I J Omaha Rubber Company,
I-jOPE-HARTFORD w 1608 Harney Street.
Van Brunt Automobile Company, . 1
2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs. ACCESSORIES
The T. O. Northwall Company, Jk Automobile Supplies,
912-14 Jones Street. 2020 Farnam Street.
Doty & Hathaway, Vy Automobile Supplies.
' 2027-29 Farnam Street. T ' 1020 Farnam Strett.
Everybody Reads The Bee Want Ads...
Are You?
Any Other Man
who wants to get into tho biggest,
fastest growing, best paying busi
ness of today and the future. Here's
a splendid chance to got out of a
rut into business for yourself, or to
start a son in a permanent, profit
able business selling Borland
Immediately upon receipt of tho Informa
tion of her Illness but. It Is said, arrived
to late to see Miss Helen alive.
The body wilt be brought back to
Omaha nnd funeral arrangements will be
announced later.
8 AN FItANClSCO, Aug." t8.-G. W.
Hanger, a member of the National Board
of Mediation and Conciliation, who cams
.., - Tho Automobiles Editor of Tho Omaha Baa will
CCIUl matiou regarding'
sorios roprosontcd
Wheel baso 96 inohes, open body wheel steor.
This roadster is an ideal car for the business or
professional man or for any who prefer an olec
trio car that combines thq general appearance,
of a gas roadster, with tho comfort, cleanliness,
easo of control and economy of tho Borland
Electric With all these there is remarkable
speed and mileage capacity.
west recently to attempt the adjustment
of differences between tnn Southern Pa
cific Railway company and Its locomotive,
and train crews, annpunved tonight that
a compromise hod been effected that
full' satisfied all parties to the contro
versy and averted a threatened strikes
Gonnterfett Dollars
buy trouble, but & genuine quarter buy
.Dr. King's New Life nils! for constipa
tion, malaria, headache and Jaiindtc. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co. AdvertUomunt.
any of tho automobiles, trucks,
in thia directory. Write today.
Roadster, $2550
WASHINGTON. Aug, m-Tha- United
States will facilitate a court test of tho
California anti-alien land law,, but the
Initiative must coma from soma: ag
grip - Japanese representative.
President Wilson let It be known today
that such was the status of tk situation.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the JSoad to
Business Success,
gladly furnish yqu detail infor-
wagons, tiros or accoa-