Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bringing Up
0utcla8 Wichita by Good Work in
Every Department,
Given Perfect Support nuil Brings
Oniric III War the
Score of Ten to
I'a nr.
WICHITA. Kan., Aug. 19.-Des Moines
made a clean sweep of the series, out
classing Wichita In every departmnt
Mussor Pitched treat ball with men on
bases and had perfect support.. Score:
AU. H. 11
A. B.
iiahn, rr 3 3 3
0 0
Fox, IT 6
Hunter, cf &
Leonard. 3b. 4
Jones, 2b 5
Itellly. ss
Hhaw, c, S
Sheldon, lb....,,..,, 4
Muiscr, p... 4
Totals ..40 10 'IT 27 " ' 4
. au. it. ;t
Rapp, ts i. 4 2 d
Nicholson. ..If 4 1 i
A. K.
2 1
2 0
1 2
1 10
Middleton, cf r. 0
Hughes, 2b 6 0
mils, lb 3 0
Burke, rr 4 0 0
Smith. 3b...' 4 0 0
Wacob. v 4 0 0
Durham, p 8 l o
Totals ...t i 1 "t SI U "t
Des Moines I 0 0 1110 1 1-10
Wichita 0 OlOaO'lOO 4
Lett on bases; Des Moines, lit Wlthlta
8. Sacrifice hits:. Hunter. Hclily.
Leonard, Sheidon, Mussor. Two .base
hits: liahn. Itellly, Bills, Midd.eton,
IRapp, 'ihreetbssa .hit: Fox. btolon
bases: Nicholson (I), , Rapp. Hushes,
Fox, Struck; out: By Mussir, 3; by Dur
ham, 3. Bases- on balls: Off Durhairti J:
nff Musser, s. Hit by pitched balls
(Leonard, Bill.. Time: 2,15. Umpire: AP-
Iboti. '
Lincoln captures HEitiiiis
Mokita Clean Fmec-p With St. Joseph,
WlnatnE Three to Two.
LINCOLN, Neb;. Aur. la.J-Llncoln made
& clean sweep of tho St. Joseph series,
winning; the final same by a score of i
to 2. it waa another buttle between the
pitchers, in which Khman had much the
better of It, holding; the opposing bats
men to three hits, but one of theso was
n home run and the other a triple .In
all but one Innlntr Jenkins kept tlia Un
coin hits scattered. Score:
' aL II. O. A. K.
Jioitl. lb;.... -.v. o
Eolllnt. to,. ........ 4
ole, cf 3
McConnlcK. t 4
Barbour, lb. ...,.. 4
aonovan, rf 8
Dowllnt, cs 2
Carney, o....... 3
lChmtn, p.... , 1
0 1
ToUls 28 3 8 27
10 1
err. juhisj-ji.
AB. R. II. O. A. a
Dawson, rf...., ..... 4 1 1 1 0 0
JCellev. It 8 0 0 3 0 0
KwlllfnV, Cf: 8 X 1 3 0 0
Weeterxil. 8b... .,.. .01020
Oygll, lb. ............ 3 0 0 8 I 0
Watson, 3b 3 0 0 3 2 0
Bchang C... 8 0 0 6 3 0
Mtlnke. as 8 0 0 1 0
T.nWIn. Tl 3 0 0 110
Iluschsr, p., .-O 0 0 0 1 0
atener I O 0 0 0 0
QulnIan 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totals .5 ."a "s u II 1
Batted tor Bchang In the ninth,
matted for Jenkins In the ninth.
Uncoln .0 J 0 0 1 1 1 0
8t Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-1
Earned runs: Lincoln, 1: St. Joseph. 1.
Three-base hit: Zwtlllng. Home runs:
McCormlck. Dawson. Bases on lulls:
Off Ehraan, 2; off Jenkins. 2. Struck
out: By Ehman, 6; by Jenkins, 4; by
Busohec. 1. Left on bases: Uncoln, 4;
Ht. Joseph. I Bacrjflce h'Ul Dpwiing,
Ehman. Gygll. Stolen bajea: McCor.
mlck, Donovan. Westersll. Doub.a plays:
Collins to Lloyd to Barbour; Watson to
GygU. Passed ball: Schaiix. Time: 1.5J.
Vmplres: Begrst and Collltlower.
Ilroim Wtchrs Star flume Agntnst
blaux Cltr Team.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Aug. 19. Brown
pitched excellent ball against his former
teammates and Topeka took a fast,
snappy game from Bloux City. Bunched
hits off Klein In the fifth and sxth In
nings netted two run, which were enough
to win. Secret
AU, It. 11. O. A. E.
Cochran. 3b 401010
1.. nt......
, J I - i
Vorsythe, rf......
McLarry. 2b.......
Gear, If
, 4
, 3
, 8
jiap,- id
McAllister, c 4
Krcsoli. as 3
Brown. B -8
. 3
Totals. .....JO 2 27. J4
AB. H. U O. A. E.
Cooney, Sb 4 o 1
mreeier, ii ......... v i
Smith, as 3 0 0
Callahan. 3b 3 11
Davidson, ct 3 0 0
Burns, lb 2 0 1
Marshall, rf ......... 3 0 0
JUtpp, c , 8 0 0
Klein, p..., -.3 0 0
Doyle, p. 0 0 0
Clarke 0 0 0
Totals 27 1 4 24 12 1
Batted for Klein in nlath.
Topeka o oooiloo 2
Jdloux City -o..0 1. 000000 0-1
Throe-base hit: Cooney. Two-base hits:
McLarry. McAllister. BacriflM hits: La.
Krtnch. Callahan, Double play: Callahan
to Cooney to Burn. Hits: Off Klein. 9
In tfrVcn Innings Bases on balls i Off
- Oo'.fOO Hr;AR
Standing of Teams
.Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Denver 120 77 42 .645
Dos Molnfti 119 M CI .C72
Lincoln 120 63 67 .625
St. Joseph 120 00 00 .600
Omaha 122 63 64 .476
Topeka 119 65 64 .4H2
SIOUX City 119 62 67 .437
Wichita 13 47 75 .388
W.L.Pct W.L.Pct
Sew York.,77 84 .6!M mil'nhla ,74 3)1. .06
'hlla'phla .CI 41 .610 Cleveland 45 .000
ChcaRO ...62 61 .40
Wnshlns'n 63 49 .6(3
Chicago ....62 U .W0
Boston a 67 .4
Detroit it CO .426
St. Louis.,. .45 73 .331
New York ..3$ CD ,356
Brooklyn . .49 60 .645
wnsion k c.1 .4a
Cincinnati ,45 72 .88
HI. LOUIS., ..43 71 .3771
Milwaukee .74 49 .602
Kearney .. .M S5 .613
HastltiRB ...C3 41 .664
Superior ....49 45 .Ki
York 48 4S .SID
ColUmbUS ...45 43 . 4S4
IX)UIsvllo ..70 64 .603
Mlnneaplla 70 64 .665
l.OlumDUS ..13 67 . 644
St. PaUt ...67 61 .43
Kan. aty .66 69 ,W
Toledo 66 73 .421
Fremont ....43 ll .467
Beatrice ....41 53 436
Or. Island., ,33 CO t40u
lndlanaplls 45 78 . 36o
..Xestcrday's llesnlts.
HL Josoph, 2; Lincoln, 8. :
Des Moines, 10: Wichita. 4.
Hloux City, 1: Topeka, 2.
Omaha-Denver game scheduled for y6s
torday pluyed In double header Sunday.
Pittsburgh, 8: New York, 3.
Cincinnati, 4-2t Boeton, 2-0.
Chicago, 3; Philadelphia, 2.
fit. Louis. 8; Brooklyn. 2.
Boston. 1: Chicago. 6. '
New York-Bt Louis gamo postponed!
Phlladulphla, 4; Detroit, 3. J .
Washington. 0: Cleveland. 1.
Indianapolis, 6; Toledo, 4. V
Minneapolis. S; Milwaukee, 0. ,
Columbus, C-l: Louisville. 0-2. . . 1
St Paul. 3r Kanso City, 8.
HastliiMs. il Beatrice, 3.
Yock, 8; Superior, 2. . ,
Keorneyt 7; ..Fremont, 0.
Columbus, 4; Grand Island, 2; eleven in
nings. J
, Western League Omaha at' Wichita,
Uloux City at Lincoln. Des Moines at'
Bloux City at Lincoln, Des Moines ntJ
Pjnver, JTopeka at St. Joseph.
iiauuiwi buc I'liiBuurgn ai 4ew,
York, Clnolnnatl at Boston, Chicago nt
Philadelphia, St. Louis at Brooklyn. I
American League Boston nt Chicago, I
New York at Bt. Ix)Us Philadelphia at!
Detroit. Washington nt Cleveland.
American Association Indianapolis at
Toledo, Minneapolis at Milwaukee, Co
lumbus at Louisville, St. Paul at Kansas
- Nebraska State League No garnet
scheduled. .... ... ...
i - '
Brown, 4: off -Klein. 6. Struck out: By
llrown. 4; hv Vlotn 1 hv rtnvia 1 rrin...
1:60. Umplrea: Q Toole and Kempton.
tionsiderable Class
to These Golfers
WASHINGTON, Aug. -19. - Golt has
forced the more weighty problems ot
statesmanship temporarily out ot the
minds ot senators. Rumors that leading
and boastful golfers ot the house were
crowing of their proweat on' the Chevy
Chase and Columbia club links, led golf
ing senators today to perfect their senate
golf association, which will soori be ready
for nil comers.
Bunator Halilsburrv has tin thn aotli'n
tlguro In bringing together- the golfing
enthusiasts, who ' Include many of the
lending men ot both' parties. Here Is the
rotter ot officers and directors of the new
association, as given out by Senator
Honorary president. Vice President Mar
shall. Honorary secretary. Senator Galllnger.
President. Senator O'Gorman.
. Vice president, Benator Cummins.
Treasurer, Senator Uppltt.
Secretary, Senator Hitchcock.
Manager, 8enator Saulsburry.
Captain, Senator Hollls.
Sxecutlve committee. Senators PJtman,
stow, Townsend, Walsh and llansdeli.
Former Senator Jonathan Bourne ot
Oregon, as ex-offlclo member of the sen
ate association, will aid In the manage
ment ot tho team. He it an, expert player
and defeated President Tail on several
occasions.' , '
Am.erlcnn Association .Results.
At Milwaukee R.H.E.
Minneapolis. i. a-. 8 11 1
.Milwaukee v...v 0 4 8
uauenea: Minneapolis, i'icdo ana
Smith; Mllwuukee, Blapnlcka and Hughes.
At Kansas City-' IMI.B.
Bt. Paul 3 3
Kansas City i 8 11 8
Batteries: St Paul, Laroy. Walker and
Jtmei; Kansas City, Richie and O'Con
nor. ' At Toledo- ItlLE.
Indianapolis 6 8 2
Toledo - , 4 6 4
Batteries: Indianapolis. Willis, Casey
and Cotter; Toledo, Dashner, Btnn and
At Loulsvllle-Flrst game: IUf.E.
Columbus, 6 9 1
Louisville , .....0 4 2
Batteries: Columbus, Cole and Smith 1
Louisville, Nbrthrop. Powell and Sever
old. Score, second game: . R.H.E,
Columbus 1 7 3
LoulsvUW. 3 4 2
Bstterlet. Columbus, Ferry and Smith;
Louisville, Woodburn, Tonry and V.
Clinmona. tUven Innings,
Persistent Advtrtlslng Is the Rood to
-7- t- Bk '
COTTlght UU, Intsrnational News &nrlc.
-'KffAvfoW I
Take Fourth Game From Giants by
Eight to Three Soore.
lilt Frorame Hard During Thimc In
nings, In Each of Which Carey
Gets Homo IlaD Murray Make
Sensational Catch,
NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Pittsburgh
evened tho series at New York by tak
ing tho fourth game by a score of 8 to 3.
The visitors hit Vrommo hard In the
first und second Innings, scoring six runs.
In each of thete Innings Carey drove a
home run Into tho upper tier of the
grandttand. Ills long drlvo in the second
followed Adams' ulnglo and Byrnes'
double. Crandall, who was purchased
back from Bt Louis yesterday, alto was
hit hard and. was poorly supported.
Bchupp, a young left handor, who has
been with tho champions all yenr, -got
Into his first big league game and did not
permit n hit In the two Innings he
Adams waa very elective In tho early
Innlgs, hut weakened In .tho fifth and
sixth, when six hits were madd off him.
However, he finished strong in tho last
threa Innings. A sensational one-handed
running catch by Murray on Wagner l
the eighth IrTnlg wast a feature. Score:
AD.H.O.A.E. A.U ll.O.A.l!.
Etcher. If.. 4 10 0 OMaranvll. M 3 'I 2 3
riUi, rt,...l 1 1 Q OMror., lb... 4 S 12
Druh tb.... 4 1 I j ,ipBnAlr. U 0 1;
Ilsblltnl. lb I 1 11 1 OOrlltltb. rt. 4
Tlnkar, ... 8 1 tRmlth, tbi. 1
Dotti, 3b... 111! 1 MtDR. ct-.. 4
Kilns, 0....4 0 6 0 Pltsrliltn, e. I
JohDMA, p. t 0 0 t llUddpn,
' j Dlckion, p.. 0
'ToUls l a 27 17 4McDontld .1
!! 1
Colllai .. .0
0 0
0 0
Total! tl imt 1
Batted for RudolDh In the sixth.
Battod for smith in the ninth. . .
Ran for Hess in. the ninth.
Cincinnati ..........0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 14
Vostoit, ..VM.1 0000100 0-2
' Twn.hnun tittnl Jtnfilllr11 DniliiH Thr.
base hit: Ileichor. Hits: Of; Rudolph,
7 in eight Innings; off Dickson, 1 In one
Inning, Sacrifice fly: Bates. Stolen
unses: Myers (3.) Sacririce hits: Rarl
den. Marsans, Dodge, Tinker, Double
plays: Myers to Maranvllle, Tinker to
lloiilltzcll. Left fin bates: Cincinnati.
6; Boston, 0. Bates on balls: Off Ru-
aoipn, ii otf Johnson, z; off Dickson, 1.
First base on errors: Boston, 2; Cincin
nati, 1. Btruck out: By Rudolph, 3; by
Johnson, t; by Dickson. 1. Time: 2:10.
Umplrea: Brcnnan and Eason.
Bcoro. second game;
AB II.O.A.C All U O A K.
una; id., b i e i orii-h, if... j c i l o
Carejr, It-., 4
Vlox, !b,... t
Winr, , l
Millar, lb.. 4
O-Wllaon, rt t
Mltcbtll, cl 4
Olbeon, t... I
Adamt, ,.. 4
t;t.- ib.. 4 . 3
oi'cn nr. ' l 2
or, b... l .1
VikU, lb. 4 ?1i
SMurrtx, r., 4 3 3
osnodira, ct 4
OMctean. c. S
ftThorp .... o
---- "artier,
n n i i irommi,
D. 0
CVandall. n 3
t'McC'ormlek t
sehupp, p. .. 0
10, 0 0 0
Total SS -p 27 1 C
Ran for MoLean In the seventh.
Batted for Crandall in the sflventh.
Batted for Schupp In the ninth.
Pittsburgh 3 30011000-8
New York .........0 000210003
First base on errors: Pittsburgh. 2.
Two-base hits: Byrne, Shodgruss. Mer
kle. Homo runt: Carey (2) Sacrtripx
''"Miller. Stolen bW Shafer?Carey
iHa.rtLcy' . S" ." ba: New York, 6
Mrrk e; Miller to Wagner: Snodgrass to
lVuX UaB,CB ." O" Crandall, 1;
off Schupp, i; off Adorns, 1, Struck out
By Adamt. 2. mia: ntt ii i i
and one-third Inulngsi off Crandall. 7 in
oft iw-rll,,tdV !nn,F: off "hiVp"
PIHlniiLPHIA, Aug. 19-ehIeac-o
PhR J,,.".ri0.urt!,1 t"l'1it here todai ovc?
Ph ladelphla. the score being 3 to 2. Tho
ni2r1 'ct tlielr runs In two In
iilngs by bunching four hits. Including
doubles by Sohulte and Archer, with two
p??' rrvaJt.h and Ki'Ufer made six
?.i J1?.' I,hl, h,u " plorce- ,outh
' JJ'.. UlB ifor,ner. 8lne two doubles
and two singles In four times at bat.
Pierce kept Philadelphia's hits souliirod.
except In two Innings. , Score:
AU ltaar. An. i i.o ax
!. a i Plieckar. If . 3 1 10 0
Kera, 3b... 3
Hcbult., rf. S
Xtmrnan, 3t 3
Baler, lb.. 4
Wtlllaraa, If 3
Oirrldun, aa 4
Archer, e. .. 4
- v virvTOire. ir. . o o o o
t 1 OKnab. Sb... 4 0 3 4'
12 1 tLobart. Sb.. 3 1 X 0
0 10 0 Oilat, cf .. 4 0 t 0
oio eeramu, rf. 4 4 o o
J 1 J (Lulcrua, IbJ oil 0
17 2 ODoolin, aa.. 4 0 4 4
I'lerce, p
4 o OKIlIKrr. e.' 4 2 3 3
Beaton, p. . 2 e 0 1
11 T 27 11 0'Dolan ...10OO
Dooln .... 1 0 6 0
. , Totale 33 I 37 It 3
Batted for Becker In eighth.
Batted tor Seaton In ninth.
Chicago o 0 0 2 l o 0 0 0-3
Philadelphia 00 1 00000 1-3
r7''8"b'fS hits Schulte. Archer. Cravath
(I). Sacrifice hit: Seaton. Loft on bases:
Chicago. P; Philadelphia, 7. Struck out:
By Pierce. . by Seaton, 8, First bare on
errors: Chlcayv, 8. Bases on balls: Off
i1?.. ,' Beaton. 3. Hit by pitched
ball; By Seatoa Evers. Williams. Time:
1:50. Vnmlres; ryDay and Emulle.
BOBTOK, ,AJ. -Cincinnati, pinylng
good base uall. today won both garnet
of a double-heavier from Boston, hs
ilr.,t., to :- ttna oond a thutout.
3 to 0.
; Long hits by Headier and
were ihuinly Instrumental in givuu Cin
cinnati the victor- In the nrst oopttAt
Suggs allowed but two Boston men to
reach ,frst haae .In the mooud uontrst
and hp was only prevented from plicnln
a.-AQ-bit orno whet) MaranvlUe 3l a
r . . - A BATW! J I s
Kitchen '
scratch Infield elude In the fourth In
nlng. Tlio ball that the Boston short
stop hit boundod off Hoblltzel'a Riove,
and before the first basemun could take
It and throw to Suggs, who covered tlrst,
Maranvllle had reachod tho bag. Ihe
official scorer and all tho reporters
agreed that It would hava to be recorded
as a scratch hit. Score:
Il,echcr, It. 4 110 ollcrrnvll, 4 l 3 I )
IJitM, .rf.... 10 3 0 0Mycr, lb... I OHIO
flroh. 2b... 4 1 1 2 OConneflr. It. 1 0 Z I) 0
Mimti, cf. 4 2 0 0 0Rwner, 2b I 0 1 6 0
HoblltMl, lb 3 0 1-oarlttltb, rt. 3 0 0 0 0
Tinker, .,. 4 0 4 1 OPtflln, 3b.. 10110
Dmtge, 8b... i 0 1 4 OSTmlth, Sb... 0 0 0 0 0
Clarke, e... 3 110 oMann, c(... 3 0 10 0
Hen; p.,.. 3 2 11 OWtullns. o.. 2 0 7 1 0
- TrUr, p.... 3 0 13 0
Tbtl' !2 7 27 9 O'Morxmaia . 1 0 0 0 0
, HtM 1 0 0 0 0
' Totals..... .27 1 27 15 0
Batted for Devlin In tho eighth.
Batted for Whaling In the ninth.
Cincinnati 0 0010010 0-2
Boston , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hit! Groh. Ritcrlflcn lilt:
.Hoblltsell. Left on bases: Cincinnati. 6;
boston, l. Buses on balls: Off Tylor, 2;
off Suggs, 1. Struck out: By Tyler, 7;
or Suggs. 8. Time: 1:35. Umpires:
Easorr and Brcnnan.
HO.QICLYN. .Aug. 19.-St Louis played
a bunting game, to defeat Reulbach to
day and had the Brooklyn inflelders
standing on their heads try 1 nff to stop
th csacriflce bunting. This was especially
truo of the sixth Inning, when the usually
reliable Daubert made two errors that
went a lurlg way toward scoring tho
visitors' three runs and deciding the
game. Perrltt was effective up to the
eighth, when he weakened, W. FMiher's
triple, singles by Moran and Stengel and
un out sanding two tallies over. Purritt
filled tho bates bv toasslhir Whent anil
Daubert and another ball was cn'led on
smitn wnen Muggins substituted Haiiee.
who stopped tho rally, Ragan pitched j
tho ninth for Brooklyn and struck out,
tho three batters who faoed him. Score.
'AD ll.O.A.E. All lt.0 A.E.
Moran. ft-. 4 11? Olluulna, 2b 8 1 S I o
Mir,4..u e ,o ,o;ok. ct... i i.o c
Ciililiaw, 2b 4 0 2 t OMann, If... 4 2 1 0 0
4 OMllKa. If... 4 2 1 0
0 OMowrfr. 2b. 3 3 i 4
1 OKnflchr. lb 3 1 13' 0
0 2Uhltttd. aa. 4 " 4 3
Bteniti, ei,. 4 3 a a OMoirrrr, Jb. 3 2 l 4 0
meat. If... 3 1 1 1 OKnttchr, lb 3 lll'O 0
Daubert, lb. 3 0 t
Bmtth, Sb.. 4 1 1
II. Planar, sa 4 0 2
Miller, p... 3 1 6
W.PlMihr. rf 1 1 8
Colllna .... 10 0
OCalhera, rf. 4 0 9 0 0
1 OWInao. 0....1 3 5 3 0
4 QPrrltt', V- 3 1 0 3 0
0 oSallm, p... 13 0-00
0 0
Hfrilb.rh, p 0 0 0 2 0
VlntllDc 1 0 O o fl
l ot nil Zl 3 27 10 i
1Ui5n, p.,. 0 0 0 0 0
llimmell ..1 0 0 0 9
Totala.....33 7 27ir"s ' 1
Battod for Moran In.thc ninth.
Batted for W; Klther hi the ninth.
Battod for Reulbach In thn.elghth. '
Batted for Rngan Iri the ninth.
St Louis .....,.,,,,0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 05
Brooklyn iv.u.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 '02
Left on bates: St. Louts, 3; Brooklyn,
8. Two-hate, hlt Mowrey. Three-base
hit. W. Flflher. Sacririce hits; Hugglns,
Oakes (2), Mowrey, Konctchy, Reulbach.
Pirst base on errors: St. Louis, 1; Brook
lyn, 2. Stolen bate; Oakes. Bases on
balls: Off Porrltt, 9 off Roulbaoh. 3.
Struck out: By Perrltt, 2; by Reulbach,
3; by Bailee. 2: by Rngan, 3. Wild pitches!
i-ernii, iteuiDacn. mis: uit I'erritt, v
In seven and two-thirds innings; off
Bailee, 0 In one and one-third Innings,;, oft
Reulbach, 9 In eight innings; oft Ragan,
0 In one Inning. Time. 1:40. - Umpires:
Rigler and Byron.
Welsh Has Battle
With Baokwoddsman
" VAN60TJVER, B. C Aug. 19.-Freddie
Welsh's breakdown, which has cauted a
pnttponenient 'ot'hlr lightweight battle
r.lth Champion Willie Ritchie, scheduled
for Labor day, resulted from- a physical
argument he hiid with a batkwoodsman a
week ngo. Welsh and tho logger engaged
in a difference of opinion over the com
ing bout and the 200-pound woodsman
struck the lightweight. The -latter re
taliated, and before they wbro separated
tho pair were rolling .on the pavement
In the fight Welsh was kicked In the
stomach and hit ankle waa turned. Ho
resumed training a day or two later, but
in running on tho road again sprained tho
Injured ankle.
Ritchie examined Welsh's ankle today
and afterwurd vetoed a suggestion that
(he Englishman might keep the Labor
Cay engagement after all.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 19.-Tlie Chicago
National League club was tod,ay fined
1500 by the National Base Ball commis
sion for fanning players to Louisville
of tho American association white Will
iam Gray ho ii, Jr., former prestdont ot
the Louisville club, is debarred from con
nection with any National league olub
until he has been reinstated by the com
mission. Ansley Team Defeated.
ANSLBY. Neb., Aug. 19.-4Speclal Tele
gram.) Tho Antley bate ball team,
chamlnnt ot thlt section, were defeated
here today by the Boston National Bloom
ers In a fast well played game, scorn 3
to 0. Batteries: Antley, Munn Shepard,
Rothenburger; Bloomers, Chesney and
VlBNER. Neb., Aug. 19.-(Speolal Tele
gram.) Wittier defeated Bancroft on the
home brounds by the scoro ot 8 to 4.
The feature ot the game was a running
eaten by K. Kane ot Wlsner Score:
Wlsner 1 0 2 2 3 0 0 1 8 $ 4
Bancroft 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 04 6 0
. Batteries: Wlaner. Martin and Thomp?
son. Bancroft. Farley and Farley.
A Kudden Collapse,
or stomavh, liver, kidneys and bowels ts
moot surely prevented with Electric Bit
tera, tlio- safe regulator; SO centt. Kwr1
sale by Beaton Drug Co.AdvertIteiuenU
Kranti for
ALL RiquT!
Washington Thrower-Wins Ten-Inning
Game With Cleveland
In the Lnt Slow Vleldlnw on Part nt
.Vnin and Free lllttlnur by
Senators Giro Walter
CLEVELAND, Aug. 13. Walter John
con pitched hla thirteenth straight victory
for Washington here today, downfng
Cleveland in tv contest that went ten
Innings. The tcoro was 6 to 1.
For nlno innings tho game was ' a
pitchers' battle, in which neither John
sen nor Falkcnliere. who pitched for
Cleveland, excelled. But In tho tenth slow
fielding n the part of tho locals and free
hitting by the visitors, gavo Johnson tho
Cleveland's' only run was scored 1n the
first Inning, Chapman singled, took sec
ond on Jackson's out went to third when
Lajoto whs sate on McBrldo's low throw
and scored on a passed ball by Alnsmtth,
which was another wild pitch.
Washington tied the score In the fifth
Inning bn MoBrlde's single and stolen
base and Johnson's triple. Their other
runs wero scored in the tenth when
Alnsmtth walked, Johnson's bunt took a
hop past Falkenborg for a tingle, Foster
singled, Gondii got a sun double and
Morgan and Shanks singled and Johnston
tnadp an error.
Falkenberg struck out ten men. Score:
AD.H.O.A.B. AU.H.O.A.n.
Lelbold, cf. b 0 3 0 MUbellenrt., 6 0 3 0 0
Chapman, ml S'7 0 rooter, Jb.. S 2 0 6 u
Jackion, rf. 3 1 1
Lalola. 2b.. 4 1 2
v a Milan, ci . o z i u u
3 OGanall, lb,. ( 1 17 0 0
0 1 Morgan, lb. 3 1" 0 S 0
Johntton, lb 4 0 6 1 Morten. Sb. S 1 0
Turner, 2b.. till OBnanka, If,. 5 3 10 0
Jljan, If..,. 4 1 2 0 OMcUrldc,, aa 6 2 2 0 1
Cartach, e..'4 2 11 1 OAlcimlttf, 0 3 0 6" 2 0
2 OBnaalu, If,. 5 110
0 OMcUrldc,, aa 6 2 2 0
1 OAlcimlttf, 0 3 0 6" 2
0 OJuhDton, p. 4 3 1 1
Faiknbrt. p 2 0 o 0 OJoboaon, p. 4 3 1 1 o
'Olaon ..... 1 0 0 0 0
. Total!. ..t.42 13 20 11 I
Total.., . 34 7 30 It 1 "
Cleveland ,;L 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Washington ...iJO, fr'0.0 I 0 0; 0 0 4-5
Two-base hits: Jackson, Johnson, Gan
dll. Three-base, hits Carloch, Johnson.
Sacrifice hit: Jackson. Stolen' bases:
Johnson (2). M6Brtde.-Mllaft. Gandll, Fos
ter. Double plays Cartach and Lajole.
Bases on balls; Off falkenberg, l; oft
Johnson, 1. Struck out: By Falkenberg,
10: by Johnson, 5. Passed balls: Aln
srhlth, 2. Wild pitch; Falkenberg, 1. First
base on errors: Cleveland, X. Left on
bases: Cleveland, 7; Washington, 8. Time:
2:15. Umpires; Evans and Hlldebrand.
Champs Lone to Chicago. ,
CHICAGO, Aug. IS. Chicago made It
two straight from the world's champions
today when they -defeated Boston, 6 to 1.
Eddie Cicotte. the former Boston twlrler,
was in great form and held his former
teammates sate until the seventh, when
he eased up, and the visitors saved them
selves a shutout when singles by Speaker
and Lewis, followed by a double steal and
a hit by Janvrin netted their lone run.
The locals got to Ruy Collins at the start
ot the game, singles by Becker and Lord
ana a aouoip uy cnate giving tnem
enough to win.
, During the seventh Inning Manager Car
rigan of Boston protested a decision on
Weaver at first base and waa sent to tho
club house. Score;
Hooper, rt.. 4
Mundr. lb. , 4
Speaker, cf. 4
Jwta. If.. ,4
3 0 OCbappell, It 4 1 1
0 0
t 0 ouerger, Sb,-4 2 s
2 0
3 0
1 .0 OLord. Sb
3 2 0
i 0 Ollodlo. cf.... 4 1' 4
0 0
Gardner, Sb. 4
Janerln, aa. 3
Waaner. 3b. 2
0 1 OJ.ColllRa, rf 2 O S 0 0
1 4 0chalk, c 4 1. I 1 1
1 0 0 Wearer, aa.. 4 I. 4
2 1
1 0
carrltau, o. 2 0 I 0 OCIcoUe, p
3 10
Tbaroea, o. . 1 1 2 0 0
It.Collloa, pi u 0 9 0 Totala 31 11 27 10 3
Terkea ....1 0 0 0 s .
Moeeler. p., 0 O 0. 1 0 I
Untie 1 0 0 0 0
Hall, p 0 0 O 0
, batted lor Moseley In the ninth.
Batted for R. Collins In the nlxth.
Boston 0 0 0 o o o 1 0 01
Chicago -....,2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 5
Two-bate hits: Chase, Bergor. Chnp
pele. Three-base hit: Bodle. Hits: lff
It Collins, In five innings; off Moseley,
6 In two Innings; off HiUI, 0 in one In
ning. Sacrifice hits: Cicotte. Lord.
Stolen bases: Chase, Janvrin. Speaker,
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The Bee by George McManud
law . "l
Lowls (2), J. Collins. Double play;
Chase to Weaver. Left on bases: Chi
cago, 6; Boston, 5. Base on balls: Off
Cicotte, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By
Hall (J, COlllns.) Btruck out: By Ci
cotte, 8; by Collins, 2;. by Moseley. 3.
Wild pitch: Cicotte. Time: 2:00. Um
pires: Dlneen and Egan.
Mnckraen Defeat Tigers.
DETROIT, Aug. 19. Detroit prcsonted
Philadelphia with a 4 to 3 victory today.
Wild throwing. Indifferent' throwing, loose
fielding and an error at a critical mo
ment enabled tho vlstlors to come up
from behind, score three runs in the sixth
Inning and. win the game. Neither eani
did a great deal of hitting, but Philadel
phia used three pitchers and Detroit Used
Halt, who pitched good ball, was forced
to leave the game In the seventh. At
tempting to field Schang's bunt he col
lided with tho runner and Injured his
ankle. Schang was spiked, but resumed
play after his wound was bandaged. The
latter entered the game In tho fourth In
ning, after a foul tip from Hall's bat dis
abled' Lapp. Score:
!:.Mrp1lr, rt 5 0 2 0 uDuih, aa.... 4 1 3 3 0
Oldrlng, at. 4 1 Z 3 0 Louden. 2b. 2 0 1 8 X
Colllna, 2b, 4 0 3 2 0 Crawford, rf 3 10 0 0
Ilakcr, Sb... 3 2 11 ICobb, cf....S 13 0 0
Molanla. lb 3 3 O lVeach. It... 4 4 4 0 3
Struak, ct, 2 13 1 OOalner, lb.. 3 0 10 0 0
Walah. If... 4 12 0 OTutw'ler. lb 0 0 3 0 0
tapp, c 1 0 3 0 OBtanae. 0.. 4 1,2 1 0
g&awiter, p. i o o z OMoriartr, so 4 o i i o
Houck, p.., 10 0 1 Ollnll, p...., 7 10 10
gohant, c. 2 14 0 1 Lake, p 1 0 0 3 0
bender, P,., 0 0 0 0 OMilsh , 1 0 0 0 0
-uauM .....o oooo
Totale., ...29 6 27 10 3'MeKe .... 1 0 0 0 0
I s s M a
Total 22 7 27 17 2
Batted for Gainer in eighth.
Ran for Stanago in ninth.
Batted for Lake In ninth.
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 Ol
ueirou UV3U0000 03
Two-base hits; Iialtor i. rv,h Th,...
base hit: .Crawford. Hits: Off Shawkcy,
4 in three Innings; off Houck, 3 In five
ui.iuhb, uuiiB nut iri mnin. naeririce nits:
Houck (2). SdeHflcfi nren' aftlnnia f
Crawford. Stolen bases; Sohnngv01drlng'
oubu. mil oq oaset: inuaaeipnia, e; w
trot, 7. Bases on balls: Off Shawkcy, 2;
off Hull. 3; oft Lake, 1; off Houck, 1.
Hit by pitched ball: By Shawkey. Louden.
Struck out: By. Shawkey, 1; by Hall. 1;
by Bender. 1; by Houck, 2. Time: 1:69.
Umpires: O'LoUghlln and Sheridan.
Cold Drtuks During: the Summer
Do Not Injure the '-Digestion.
A change has come over the .attitude
of health experts with resard to the
ways and means of preserving health, In
hot weather In recent years. Almost any
one of middle age will remember very
well when it was .the custom to decry
tho use of lco water as particularly dele-
terious and most of the' preceding gen
eration were quite sure that this habit of
drinking lco water in large quantities
whloh had developed amonur Americans
In tho latter part of the Nineteenth Cen
tury would surely bring about serious
disturbances ot digestion and perhaps
lead to such degeneration of dlKestive
powers as would leave men In their later
muidie ages tho victims of Incurable dys-
South Omaha:
Wm. .Jettor, 2502 N Street.
Phone So. 863.
pepBla, or at least seriously Impaired di
gestion. Tlieso prophecies of evil have not been
fulfilled. The craving for cold drinks
in hot weather has proved not. only to
bo enttroly natural, but also tjulto whole
some. Physicians have comes nround, and ot
the beginning ot tho hot weather the
New York City Department of Health
through the commissioner announced
that cold drinks' and especially1 Iced
drinks were not harmful In themselves
but, on the oontrnry, wholesome,, nnd
that anything that cools the system dur
ing hot temperatures is llkoly to do good
rather than harm.
It Is another case of lnttlnct and the
tatte for things' proving to bo correct in
spite of prejudice and the declaration ot
thoBe who thought they knew better
from reasoning to the contrary. Even
the use of Ice cream at the end ot a meal
Is now recognised, to b ea help rather
than a hindrance to digestion. It cools
off the stomach for a moment, but tho
reaction that, follows, Immediately ac
tually brings moro blood to that
than a .nervous tone tp the mucous mu.i.
brans and Us glands that .causes them to
digest better.
During very hot weather thero 1b a re
laxation of the circulation affecting the
stomach as well as' the exterior of the
body and Just tho tamo healthy reaction
-cauted by cold water on the' outside
takes place on the mucoUs membrane
on the hisldc when they are bathed with
cold water. In very delicate individuals
the reaction may not take place, but the
effect Is usually beneficial In all those
who caro for cold thlngs-New York In
dependent .
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