Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    rim BICE: OMAHA, 'WEDNESDAY, ACttl'ST 20, 19)3.
Now For Your Autumn
Suit,$kirt or Dress
Made to Your Special Measure
The woman who desires practical help and suggestions.
The woman whose figure requires special study.
Will have a satisfactory, becoming garment, represent
ing the utmost value of her money.
You are invited to call.
Lawful Exeoutive Fending Outcome
of Impeaonment Frooeedings.
Activities of IHtbI Uubernntorlal
CnmpN Center Largely Alton t I3a
miii of Thaw nnd Meetlnnr
of JlulIillnE Ilunnl.
ALBANY, N. Y Autf. 19,-Lieutnant
Governor Martin H. Glynn la the lawful
chief executive of New York state pend
I us the outcome' of the Impeachment pro
cecJInifi atfalnst Governor Sulser, ac
cording to an official opinion rendered
today by Attorney General Thomas
Carmody to Secretary of State Mllchell
May. Mr. Carmody hold that tlto as
sembly Waa within Ha rights In Sniitt
tutlnff Impeachment proceeding at an
extraordinary nesalott.
"When the governor Is Impeachtd by
tho assembly," saya the opinion, "all of
his power are automatically sUspunled
until he has been acquitted or tha Im
peachment proceedings dismissed, bv the
court of Impeachment. In the meantime
tho lieutenant governor act as governor.
This Is the plain Intent of tho constitu
tion. Any other construction would
nullify Its express provisions."
Authority at Assembly.
With reference to the authority of the
assembly to Initiate Impeachment pro'
cet dings, the attorney general aaysi
"It Is my opinion that If tho assembly
was not assembled cither In extraordinary
or regular session it might aascmbie
lu elf and proceed to the discharge of
Its power In this, regard. Otherwise the
governor of the state, could prevent th
impeachment of' himself and his friends
In office of crimes, however great, utter
the adjournment of the regular session
of the legislature by the simple process
of omlttlnsr to call the legislature in ses
sion;" The activities of the rival gubernatorial
camps during the day centered .laraoW
about the escape of Harry K, Tha Irom
Mattewan and the meeting .of tno Puolto j
Building board to open bide for recon-
tiuctlon work In tho capltol.
The policy adopted by Mr. Suiter of
screening Ms official acta from tho pub-
llo was rigidly adhered to today.
Principles Laid Down.
Attorney Oeneral Carmodya opinion
with reference to tho statute of the gov-
ernowhlP and the. authority of tho lesla-
laturo. lays down these principle;
"After the Impeachment of tho gov-
fh. Bjia.mhiv. the Dowers and
duties of the office devolvo upon the consented and they talked over their dlf
lleuttnant govornor unUl tho dUablllty Jrce until they hna reacned tho Cliff
shall ceaso I "oUs
"The term nmpwehment' U used la thU! "So ,ol won't lake mo baokt" asked
connection In Its. ordinary sense and . 8"U!R' . . , .
. .,in nt rtmrrri. Mr. Martin said her next sensat on was
The Msombly la not precluded from
tho exercise of 1U constitutional powers
v... ,k. , ot h. I mil tha UirlMla-l"
ture of -which. U forms a Prt '.a convened
in estraordinary session for otnor pur
poses." The attorney gensral find that tha
claim that the assembly waa without
authority to institute Impeachment pro
ceeding at.ah extraordinary session "l
clearly baaed upon a misapprehension or
tho toatura of tha functions of the as
sembly when adopting; and presenting th
articles." He addi:
"This Is no aenso a legislative unctlon
it la judicial.'
WASHINGTON. Aug. W.-Indvldual
Identity ot the. many ofltciala of tho Post
office department waa wiped' out today
and henceforth ,o(flclal tltlca alOno will
Identity tho ttettda ot dtvWIous.
Postmaster Oeneral Burleson haa pro
hibited the addressing; ot his subordtn
ate as Mr. lirown or Mr. Junes.
If Mr, Brown happens to bo the .first
assistant postmaster general. Mr. Burle
son wanta him addressed as the first as
sistant, if Mr, Jonea Is the fourth as
sletant, ho wonts Mr, Jonas so ad
dretaod, and not aa Mr. Jones. The rule
applies even to routine memoranda within
the department
Tbonias Carraber.
MADISON, Nob., Aug. 19.-(Speclul.)
Thomas Corraher, a pioneer ot Madison
county, la dead 4ter an Illness of less
thsa a week of cjiolera morbus.
deceased was born In Armagh county.
Ireland. May , 1831 He accompanied his
parents to America In uso. In Now York
City ha was engaged In the mercantile
business and afterward settled at Thorn
asburg. O. June. 1S66, he was married to
Katharine Silk, who survives him.
In September, 1SSS, deceased, with his
family, moved to Madison county and
located on a farm ten miles west of
Madison. During his residence on the
farm he served one term aa county com
missioner ot Madison county. In 1SS8 ho
HI' hla farm and took up hla residence
In Modi son, where he hod since resided.
He if survived by his widow, two sons,
Frank of Fremont and Mark of Madlsont
four daughters, Mrs, Thomas O'Shea,
Madison; Mrs. John Carey, Petersburg!
Mrs, Leo Matthews and Miss Helen Car
raber, Lincoln.
A Horrible leatb
may result from diseased lungs. Cure
Coughs and Weak, Sore Lungs with Dr.
King New Discovery. CQc and 11.00. Fo
tale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Frederick irosieau, Kidnaped Seven
teen Years Ago, found.
Deserta from llnnil of Momnil nnd
Take Itefnicn with Moults, Who
Ilepiirt Mntter to Montreal
WATKRTOWN, N. Y Aug. 19. Word
reached luro today that Frederick Bros-
sciui, aged 21, who was kidnaped by
hy gypsies nearly seventeen ychrs ago,
has boon restored to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Brosscau ot Slssmvllle,
I N. Y. They had long mourmd him as
On October 11, 1830, when but 7 year
old, young Brosscau left homo to meet
ha father nt the edge of the Village. That
wan tho last seen of the boy In Station
Vlll. About a -week ago, a young mnn do
rerttd from u band of Gypsies In tho
Canadian 'wilds and took refuge with tho
monks of Oka, Whose Isolated monastery
Is "forty miles from Montreal. Ho could
remember nothing of his history .previous
to becoming a member of the band except
that ha had been called Fred and that
his formor home was In northern New
Tho presence of tho wanderer was re
ported by tho monks to the MUrcal
pollco una an aunt of the young rr.nn
recognised . his picture In a newspaper,
Tho parents were notified Hnd went to
Montreal where they positively Identified
Brosscau by a birthmark.. He Is hejnn
dotalned by tho police ns a witness
against aomo of tho gypslca who are
under arrest charged with kidnaping.
Won't Take Spouse
Back, Thrown Into
the Pacific Ocean
SAN FRANCISCO, Atfe. 19,-"What did
your husband do to your asked the desk
sergeant of Mrs. II. Martin, when she
Inquired at police headquarters today how
to got a warrant for his arrest,
"H throw me off the cliff Into the
ocean," answered tho youns woman,
wJl""ut any how ot emotion,
ToW Ilt sweater length, Mrs. Martin's
f tory was that she wna estranged from
J'r husband, but that last night he called
', on the te cphone and asked h,er to
tako walk with him on the beach, flho
one rPa descent and she was
,,5E"nS, j" tha brrs, at the toot
Edward Smith, who happened to be tar
gaxinr on the. isahds, saw her fall and
brought her to shore unhurt. The hua
band escaped,
Corner Stone of
Postoffioe Laid
DKNIBON, I Aug.' 10,-(Spclal.)-Tho
cornerstone of tho new government post-
offico building at this city waa laid yes
terday. The exercises wero In charge of
tho grand lodge ot Masons ot Iowa. In
the evening tho Eaetorn Star tendered a
reception to visiting lodgo officers. The
following wou tho program:
l'anulo ot Maaona to tha federal bulld
Itur. Opeoliiir of ceremony by Grand Master
V. B. WUltaker.
tfervtcA of lnvlntr mrtiAMtAtiA In. n,i
Master P. 11. Wlil t bI Vr. ' '
.Address. last Qrand Master Judge W1I-
utm JJtuioniBon.
Address. ox-Congressman J, p. Conner.
Address, Past Master Carl Ji Kuehnlo
OGDKN, Utah, Aug. 19,-Itecelpt of a
lettor signed with1 a black hand seal and
cross bones, threatening his llf unless
n.aierlal fees,, a Dutch lunch banquet
and $35 In cash waa delivered by Satur
day night, was reported to the pollco to
night by M. Yousltu, a Japanese funnel
living near Ogden.
Among tho articles demanded are eight
bottles ot beer, two pounds of llmburger
cheese, five loaves of bread, seven boxes
of crackers and pickles. Members of the
Japanese farming nolony wero terrorised
by tho receipt of -the letter.
. HmiMOSILLQ, Mcx.. Aug, l.-Tho
constitutionalists of the stato ot Slnaloa
have begun an active campaign, accord
ing to official statements hero today, and
already have driven tho Huertlntas from
Topolobampo and have captured Mocorito,
The advance of the Insurgents upon
Slnaloa City and Cullacan also was re
General Obregou announced that
was leaving for the front
L'lianarrB In Cromwell Hank
C1H5STO.V. It,, Aug. W.-tSpeolaU
deal haa Just 'been dosed by which
number of local capitalists have .bought
tha utock ot the Cromwell National bank
and 'will now soon taka full possession,
uui employes aro to be retaineo,
Governor Clark Will Have; Levy Suit
Taken Up.
II. n. Conter, I.nnR Commercial ainn-
nicer of Ionn Telephone Cora
pnn, Made Commercial Su
perlntendent of Company.
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINK8. la.. Aug. 19. (Special
Telegram.) Governor Clarke announced
today -on Immediate appeal would bo
tnken In tho case Involving tho levy of
a special tnx to provide funds for the
enlargement of tho capltol grounds. The
decision df Judge Hunter having gone
against tho legislature, it Is possible for
tho stato to effect a quick appeal and get
thematter settled by tho supremo court.
H. G. Conger, for forty years local com
mercial manager of tho Iowa Telephone
company, has been made commercial su
perintendent for Iowa to succeed B. A.
Clark, who has gone to Omaha.
(Continued from Page Ono.)
committee, alarmed by tho apparent
gravity of tho situation, hurried down to
tho White House to ask for a conference
with President Wilson. There seemed to
be a division of opinion among them as
to whether Minister Urrutla communlca'
tlon was authorised. Some were strongly
Inclined to accept that explanation as
given by Foreign Minister uamooa.
Charge O'Shaughneaay's dispatch.
backed up by Mnd's, served to dispel tho
Imprewlon tho first news dispatches had
created, nnd tho official vlows switched
around to a genoral belief that, while
the situation was a delicate one, thero
wan hope of some satisfactory conclusion
so long na conferences wero continuing
between llucrta and Llnd.
It was generally understood that, while
negotiations wero still ponding, the Mex
ican government's request that publica
tion of President Wilson's vlewa as pre
sented by Llnd be withheld from publi
cation, would be respected and that they
might not be given out today.
They Hee tlir Denial,
Senators Lodge and Stono were shown
tho following cablegram to Secretary
Bryan from Charge O'ShauKhnessy dated
last night and received at t a. m. today:
"The correspondents havo cabled that
Mexican government has stated that Its
noto to I.lnd demands that tho united
States rocognlzo tho JIuerta government
botoro 12 o'clock midnight today or a
statement praotloally to that effect.
"I brought the matter to the attention
of tho minister of foreign affairs ut 10
in. Ho saw the president and Minister
Gobernaclon Senor Urrutla, who is .sup
posed to have given out the statement.
and he authorized me to deny this state
ment to my government as having any
foundation In fact."
Tho senators wore also Shown a mes
sage from John Llnd, In which 'ho said:
Spent two hours with Hucrta at his
suggestion. Very cordial."
The message was received at 2:10 a.
nv. oday. - - t
Tho senators conferred briefly with'
President Wilson and as they left tho
White House, said they wero satisfied
that alarming reports woro not Justified.
Thoy still wero hopeful that Mnd's ef
forts to brlnff about an amicable Undor-
tnndlng would bo successful.
Uoth senators wero acquainted with
tho contents of Huorta'a noto to tho
American government, cabled by Charge
O'Bhaughnessy to tho State department
Although the tone ot tho note la scorn
ful In lta rejection of the American sug
gestions, nothing In It related ta an Ul
timatum or a demand for recognftlon.
Federals Believe Traffic to Chilian-
. hua la Restored.
EL PA BO, Tex.. Aug, U.-NIno freight
and passenger trains are ready to leavo
Juarex for tho south late today In a: ef
fort toNreach Chihuahua. An escort of
2,000 federal troops will accompany the
Telegraphic communication has been
restored with Chihuahua, and federal .au
thorities believe traftlce ovur the railroad
wilt bo uninterrupted. The trains will
carry mall and a large quantity of sup
plies and ammunition.
(Continued from Fago One.)
route to tho Suahanna gold field, and
Alvan Drake Of Des Moines.
The eleven survivors treated In the hos
pital are:'
II. It Andrews, suffering from shock
nnd" exposure.
Alvhi Drake, Des Moines, tevercly
Mrs, Belle Drake, Dea Moines, bruised.
Lawronca Ferris, New York, kneo badly
Huns Johnson, third engineer, head cut
Pilot McGIIUvray, rib broken and body
Goo rite O'Dell, Kansas, head out
Mrs. Peter Olson, Taooma, shock and
exposure, not expected to live.
voter Olson, xacoma, snocK ana ex
C, V. Shaw, Sydney, Australia, head cut
Mrs. M. J. Tracy, atawardness, shock
and exposure.
The State of California is a total loss
wth everything aboard, Including cargo.
mall and express and personal effects or
the passengers. Those who survived es
caped with only the clothes they had on
when the steamer struck. Many wero In
their night robes.
Causa or I.o of Lite,
The loss ot life was caused more by
wreckage than by drowning, ttccordlng
to Captain Thomas H. Cann, Jr., wlu was
master of the lost ship. Captain Cann
said tho upper works of tho State ot
California broke up as the vessel went
down and many pooplo were caught In
the wreckage
It waa In this way that Miss Lillian
Ward, daughter ot Kdward C. Ward of
Seattle, assistant manager ot tha Pacific
Coast Steamship company, lost her Ufa.
A mast as the upper works were car
ried away and struck her as she stood on
the deck. She was taken oft In a small
boat and later put aboard the Alaska
Btoamshlp company's ateamer Jefferson,
but died before that vessel arrived here
Sunday night.
So quickly did tho State ot California
sink after It struck the rook that Captain
Cann barely had time to run her toward
the rocky beaob of Gambler bay before
It hit the bottom.
Tho wireless operator aboard thu State
of California did not have a chance to
summon nld. but boats from a cannery
put out from shore and assisted tho crew
of the wrecked steamer, picking up tho
people floating among the wreckage. Two
gas boats wero obtained from tho can
nery nns ono was sent to Petersburg
for aid. while the other headed toward
Juneau, meeting the Jcffersorl, which pro
ceeded to the scene of the wreck nnd
Picked up the survivors.
(Continued from Page pne.)
and give public opinion a chance, to die
Girls In the Office.
A few days later she called me up
and asked mo why I was still In town.
I told her that I had some buildings In
construction and that there wero details
In connection with them I had to look to.
"About a week before we went to
ncno, Dlepenbrock, my landlord, told me
that tho Janitor ol the building and the
policeman on tho beat had complained
to him about my taking girls to my
"Tho same week I took an automobile
ride with Miss Warrington on the Stock
ton road. We saw another machine be
hind us and 1 told her It was my father
with an officer of the Juvenile court. We
traveled, fifty miles an hour for some
ml Ids nnd loft them.
"My father was In town then and I
know he was, looking for me. I believed
what I told the girl. She said: 'Believe
me, you're not golng away and leave mo
" 'Do as you please,' I sold. 'I'm going
and I'm going alone. I've got too good a
family hero. Pvo got to think of them.
I've got lota beforo me In this town and
I want this to blow over."
Marsha Would Go, Too,
"Marsha said no, she'd got to go. too,
and Miss Norrls with her. Miss Nnrrla
never Would havo gono to Reno, If Miss
Warrington hada't Insisted on It from
the first
"I got th machine," continued Diggs,
"and rode around In It nil day, calling
up O'Brien's saloon from time to tln.u.
" 'That father of yours is a terror,'
O'Brien told mo. 'Ho'b running iroUnd
hero ltko a maniac. "It's places like
this that ruin young men," says he. "I'll
have it closed if It takes tho last ctnt
I've got." '
"I went Into hiding. What O'tlrien
told me, on top ot what Dlpnnbrock had
wild, scared me. I told O'Brien I'd heard
my father was looking for mo "th a
policeman and he said that was truo
"Later I learned from my uncle that
my father was gone ahd I came out of
hiding. Miss Warrington and Miss Nor
rls had visited mo at my hotol.
"March I met Camlnettl and Mawnall
Dlggs, my uncle, with Miss Norrli. and
wo talked things over". Miss Norrls sug
gested that I leave town. I explained the
difficulty Of doing that, aa business men
had put several hundred thousand dol
lars In contracts In my hands.
"My uncle said that I should go homo
to my wlfo and quit running around and
leavo other women alone. Miss Norrls
Insisted that I'd best leave town. My
undo told me my wlfo knew all about
my affairs."
Would Have Been Fired.
"Tho next day (Monday) Carnlnettl
camo to my hotel and soldi That father
ot yours Is a terror, Ho , called mo on
tho Phono to ask where you woro and
when "I "told "him (t did not 'know he coiled
me a liar and told me he'd havo me
fired out ot my Job; that I wasn't fit to
bo working for the Stats Board of Con
ttoL' "Cam. told me his wife had, boen after
him; that 8he had told lUm she waa
going to Judge Hughes for a warrant!
that things had gone far enough.
"The Wednesday night before we left
for Rono my uncle asked me to go home.
Aa I waa entering tho house I mot
Camlnettl leaving. He wouldn't apeak
to me.. .
"I had dlnnor and went down again.
Cam. told mo what rny wife had been
saying to him. 'You've been a snake to
mo for four years,' he soldi aha told
hlmj 'now I'm going to ahow you up for
a real aerpont. I'm going to cause 'you
untold trouble.'
"Cam said she hod palled him to tho
housa by telephone. Ho said ho was so
scared when ho went in that ho hid be
hind a door when he saw her coming
until ho waa sure she didn't have a gun.
"That same night I aaw O'Brien, too.
lie told ma that he'd hoard through
Marsha Warrington's uncle that her
father had said he'd heard she was going
with a married man, that he was sua
plclous ot mo and that he'd sworn It ho
ever found Us togother he'd kill us
The direct examination concluded with
out any questions about Uie purchase of
tickets to Reno, the trip on tho train or
tho three, days In tho Reno bungalow,
Coal Mine Strikers
Placed Under Arrest
VANCOUVER, II. C.. Aug. 19,-John
Place, socialist member of the British
Columbia Parliament; Arthur Jordn,
secretary of tho Nailolmo coal minors'
local, and Joo Angclo, leader of the for
eign element In the strilto at Nanalmo,
wore arrested at Nanalmo last nlghr with
forty others Implicated In strike disturb
ances. They are charged with taking
part in an unlawful assembly. This and
flooding of the Western Fuel company's
mines today and the discovery ot a pile
oi ammunition at Ladyamlth have thrown
the district Into a state of great exolte
Surrounding the Nanalmo Athlello club,
whero WQ miners had gathered to Jlscuss
tho terms of tho proposed agreement with
the matiagehient of the Jlnglepot mine,
400 soldiers under the command of Colonel
Halt barred every avenue of escape and
took every man In the building Into us
tody. They wero removed In batohts. of
ten under guard to the court house, where.
they were searched. Those who could be
Identified aa having taken part In the
disturbances ot last week were arrmutcd,
and after having been separated from
their companions were marched under a
strong bodyguard to the provincial Jail
The others Aere liberated.
I.eiuou with the Glasgow.
Arthur L. Lemon, for some time the
manager ot the Midwest Tailors, has
Joined forces with and assumed the man
agement ot tha Glasgow Tailors. S10
South Fifteenth street, tho ohange being
made possible by tho fact that Mr. Fred
erick 8. Hanna, proprietor ot tha Glaa
gow, intends In the future to devote his
time to looking after "tho tntereata of his
three establishments located In Omaha,
Qrand Island and Fremont.
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
General Mexican Y. M. C. A. Secre
tary Speak of His Work.
George I, IlaMcock, Mx-Omahn Mnn,
In Cltr Says that Sentiment In
Cnpltnl Was for Settlement
In Any Ienntble Way.
"Americans In Mexico would welcome
recognition of the republic by the United
States. They have alt along been urging
such action by the home government,
nnd they were loyally backing Ambassa
dor Wilson to that end."
This was tho expression ot George I.
Babcock, general secretary of Young
Men's Christian association work In
Mexico, who is on a visit In tho north
and reached Omaha yesterday.
"Sinco my departure from Mexico, a
little over a month ago, much has hap
pened In diplomatic channels and I do
not feol qualified to speak of tho present
crisis," continued Mr. Babcock, "but
when I left, feeling was general among
Americans that recognition by tho United I part of tho state.
States would havo done much toward j "These counties havo precinct orgnnl
paclflcatlon. laUona and wo are organizing tho women
'The revolution has progressed so far n every precinct," asserted F. S. Mo
hnd with such serious consequences In Bride, state superintendent ot tho loaguo,
inony slates, that a general feeling hod "With women voting, wo aro feeling un
grown Up to Welcome any plati that wohld usually confident. An example of the
settle tho trouble and bring about stable way thoy will vote was recently given at
government Judging from papers and uenton, where 118 out of 120 voted against
letters from Mexico City, I would say the saloon."
that President Huerta has up to tho , '
ecutlve has In mind now by his reported
ultimatum to tho United States, I can
not say."
Mr. Babcock was In Mexico City at tho
time of the battle which resulted event-
ually in the death of Madero, tho Young
Men's Christian association building bo-
lng used aa a fort by followers ot Diaz
and wrecked to tho extent of about HO,-,
000. The institution waa enabled to se-
oUro funds for rehabilitation ns soon as
comparativo peace was brought about In
the capital and Is now carrying on Its
work as usual though much restricted In
many lines.
Tho Mexican association secretary tame
north on a four months' leave of absence
granted by the association following the
strenuous period of the overthrow of the
Madero regime He will go at once for
a throe months' period of study' to Spain
to perfect himself In the Castllllan lan
guage and Institutions, all of which bear
directly upon the work In Mexico, which
he feels oontldent will bo resumed under
favorable conditions.. Mrs, Ba'jjock,
formerly Miss Cora Chaffee of Omaha,
will accompany him.
Whllo In tho city Mr. and Mrs. Bab
cock are guests at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. G. F. Fisher. Mr. Babcock for.uerly
was In association work In Omaha, leav
ing here eleven years ago to establish tho
wcrk in the southern republic.
Wet Skirt Causes
Short Circuit and
Miss Weatly Killed
NEW YORK, Aug. 1.-M!ss Morgaret
Westly, 21 years old, was killed .today at
Edgemeno, L. I., when tho wet skirt of
nor bathing1 suit caused a short clrilt
with the third rail of the Long Island
railroad tracks which sho' waa crossing,
to reach her homo.
Whllo In the surf, Miss Westley wns
taken with a chill and hastily started for
her home. She had to cross three tracks,
the third rail of each unprotected. Hav
ing crossed one track she was about to
step between tha third rails of this and
the third roll of tho mlddto track when
the current leaped to her wet skirt from
the live rail of tho tlrst track and
dragged her acrOss the rail of the mid
dle track, Tho body showed but dlfght
burns on tbe elbows and the lo't hand.
Depositories Are
More Than Doubled
WASHINGTON. Aug. 19.-Deposltorlc
in whloh the government keeps Its money
to pay current expenses havo more than
doubled In number since February 1. On
that date there were HO depositories In
various cities. Today there are 990.
Tho Increase Is the direct 'result of an
order by Secretary McVeagh that all
drafts on government funds be drawn on
tho treasury. This necessitated an In
creaso in depositories so that the funds
would be more easily accessible.
Tho $iO,O0O,O0O to bo deposited In the
agricultural states this month will fur
ther add to tho number of depositories
and United states Treasurer Burke ex
pects thero may be more than 1,200. Many,
however, will only be temporary.
ras finish are some of he tfeatures of tho new Tango.
Like all Ido Silver Colhu-8 'the Tango has Linocord
Unbreakable Buttonholes. Thoy insure retention of the '
original goodness of tjho collar through months of wear.
4 siies-r:2 for 25c.
50510 SO. I1fT
Quarrel Over Money
and Shooting Results
eastbound train No. 2 of tho Salt Lake
Route was speeding across tho desert
today John Bertallo whipped out a re
volver nnd fired nt his two companions.
Passengers, In a panic, fled into tho
other coaches, When the train crow en
tered they found George Locchncr and
Ocrro Klorndl lying In he aisle, the
former mortally wounded.
Bortallo was put In the Millard cotinty
Jail at Delta, Utah. Tho two wounded
men wero brought here. A quarrel over
money was said to have caused the
CHICAGO, Aug 19. With tho thou
sands ot women voters, six Illinois coun
ties Boon will be added to thirty now with
out saloons, officers of tho Anti-Saloon
league predicted today. Elections on the
liquor question will take place November
6 In seventeen counties In tho southern
CHICAGO, Aug. 19.-Moro than 230 bank
er nre expected here next Friday to at
tend tho .conference recently called by tho
, chairman of the currency commission of
( the American Bankers' association to
discuss currency legislation now before
Clearing house associations of about 200
' cities will bo represented at tho confer-
ence, according to advices received. In
addition, the full membership of tho cur-
, rency commission of tho American Bank-
ers' association Is expected to bo Pres
Aunt Sally's Advice
to Beauty Seekers
K. C. F. says; "My skin becomes so
greasy every summer, and this so attracts
dust and dirt that I hac an awful time
keeping my fuce clean looking. Can you
suggest anything?" Tno method men
tioned In reply to Elolso will overcome
this condition.
D. N. A, writes: "How can I get rid ot
crowsfect and wrinkles about tho mouth
corners? Uso a wash lotion prepared by
dissolving 1 oz. powdered saxollto in V
pt. witch hazel. This tightens tho skin,
tendlnir tn i1lRt)prin wrinkles, nnd Its tonic
I effect Is more than temporary.
j:.ioise saysi -xviy aro worse
than over this year, made doubly con
spicuous by a pallid complexion. Is there
any cure?" Ask your, druggist for an
ounce of mercolized wax, apply nightly
like cold croam, removing In tho morning
with warm water. Aa the wax gtadually
and harmlessly absorbs the affected cutt-
niy win tno freckles vanisii,
if ana younter sain wnicn ap
hava a hn.ilthv colnr. Prob
ably you will need to continue treatment
a week or more Woman's Realm. Ad
vertisement ESINOL HEALS
Anil Clears Unsightly Complexions.
Tho. soothing, healing medication In
Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap pene
trates every tiny poro of tho skin, clears
It of all Impurities, and stops Itching In
stantly. Reslnol speedily heals eczema,
rashes, ringworm, and other eruptions.
and clears away disfiguring pimples and
blackheads, oven when other treatments
prove worse than useless.
Why don't you let Reslnol stop your
skin trouble, too? Reslnol Is n phyal
clan's prescription which has been used
by Other doctors for eighteen years In jthe
treatment of all sorta of skin Humors,
sores, bolls, wounds, and piles. Vou cuu
use Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap
freely, with tho perfect assuranco that it
contains nothing that could Injuro tho
tonderest akin. Rqslnol Is sold by every
druggist In the United States. Trial free;
Dopt 9-P, Reslnol, Baltimore. Md.
One application will remove that un
pleasant odor and atop sweating feet or
other parts of the body. Do not deupalr
because you have failed to got relief
from nostrums, but send SOo for a reg
ular dollar nlse bottle. If not satisfied
with results In 10 days, on return of bal
ance unuied bottle will refund amount
paid. Po.'npelan Chem. Co., SOO South
Washington Street, Denver, Colo.
Chic and ultra, the Tango,
a White Striped Madras
Collar, is the very newest
of the new among smart
lis extreme wide front sweep
effect Its perfoct fit and solid
comfort and Its hoautifnl Mad
Thos. Kilpatrick
1511 Douglas Street
Brooks, Clothier, Pushes The
Stick Reducing Idea to .
tho Very Limit,
Doesn't Want a Summer Suit
in the House in a Few
"Weeks Prom Npw.
"Brooks," tho Clothier In The City Na
tional Bank Building at 16th and HarneV
streets, employs modern,' progressiva
Ideas about "moving" a stock of Spring
and Summer Clothing. '
"Brooks," Is one of the very few clothV
iers who la willing to let a suit go nt
"Half Price" without experiencing a
heart pang; Brooks figures the first loss
Is tho best: ho doesn't want to see THIS
season's clothing on his tables' NEXT
season; he is making over? possible 'ef
fort to avert such a happening.
THAT'S tho reason "Brooks" has
created nothing short of a sensation In
clothing circles by continuously 6fferlhg
120 suits at 10; $25 suits at H2.60;
suits nt CIS; 33 suits at 17.E0 and $40
suits nt $20.
And his Hats, Furnishings, etc., are ga
ins at the same apparently reckless pro
portion of reduction; It may all seem un
businesslike, but Brooks' way generally
wins out t
"No summer stocks for mo In winter; I
prefer putting tho money In NEW winter
goods," says Brooks.
And thero you aro.
Crowns the
Day's Work
Thore's nothing as re
freshing as LUX US
after a hard day's workl
It Tests the tired hody
and overtaxed nerves.
Always havo a case in.
the cellar, that yoi may
have a glass on coming
Browed and bottled by
Fred Krug Browing Co.
Phone your order today
Consumers' Distributors
Luxus Mercantile Go.
109-11 North 16th St.
Douglas 1889.
Drawn For The Bee
The beat newspaper artists ot tha
coHHtry contribute their beat
w"ork for Bee readers.
BATHING, new bath h'qase
and fine beach BOATING.
DANCING, nftcrnoon and
other attractions. '
A balloon ascension nt 0i30
p. m. on Sundays.
Admission To Park Always Free
Stat. Wed. and Bat Cooled by Xcea Air.
Za THU KUJf AWAYJ Fries si a&e to BOc
Xaat Varformanca Saturday tflght.
DolUnr up l primrina;; rattlar leadr for
conHa of "aXX.B YKOX BTABULirS,"
.r. bettei than .messary
SXA3 AS Ooans TtL, An. 22, 10 A. X.