10 Polly and Her Cohirouuo it' WHERE' My PIPE? Stole MV PIPE! WANT ADS Wnnt ds received at anjr tltno, but to insure proper classification niunt be prcsccted before IS o'clock noon for tho evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for tho morning and Sun day editions. Wont ads received after suqb hours will have their first insertion under Uio heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH KATK8 FOIl WANT ADS IlEGUIiAIl tJLASSIPIOATIONi One insertion 13 cents per line. Two or more consecutivo inser tions IH cents a word. No adver tifccuient taken for less than SSo cents. Two or more consecutive inser tions 0 cents per line. Oao line per month, $1.80. Twenty cento a minimum charge Advertisements chanted to patrons having accountI aro measured by the line, not by the word. CUAIUJK RATES. Six words to the line. One insertion 1Q cents per line. Two or more consecutive insor tions 0 cents per line. One lino per month $130. Twenty cents a minimum charge AdvertisemenUi charged to pat cons having accounts are measured by tho line, not by the word. DEATHS AND FUNKUAI NOTICIis. Dt'UR-Catherj'n; aged 6S, beloved wlfo or Chris Durr, Augjirt la. . Mnerai from reslaenoe. SMI South Eighth street, "Wednesday at S:W a. in. to bt. Patrick's church at U a. no. interment uoly Mepuicher cemetery. Ueceasea in survived by husband and sir children Hank f., Chris. Jr., Mary. B",0. nes DurrW umaha and Mr. 12. 11. Jants, UHUt'htcr, of Chicago, 11L r'OLEY Alda Mi, wife of T B. Foley, nied Monday, August U, aged year. iHineral uifivlces Wednesday wilt leave leslaencts U2 Burt Bt, at b-.JO a. m.. to fat. Cecilia's church, ,7 N. 4uth 8t. Where services will be held at o ciock a. ni. interment Korst iawb cemetery. Friend milted, MNN-Charle H August It, lilS. at Kansas City. AgeU 46 years. . Kuneral services Wednesday afternoon at SW irom juinu jcujhvv( Ames Ave. Interment forest Jttwn ceme tern. IIVIIUS OAHU OP THANKS. We desire to express to our friends and neighbors our stnecro appreciation, espe cially tho Union tfuclflo'Jieaaquarters, ior their klndnesn and beautiful floral tributes in our late bereavement, the elok nvss and death of our beloved mother. Y. W. FHANEK, LILIAN FHANElt pealr in Omaha, ares , Leo a. Hoffman, Utu and Dodge. K. L. Dodder, Sfcl and oumuig. xs l. bwanson, litti una cuiomg. U, H. Bmwer, Ma Aorin SUli m., South Omaha iou can order &VRCOP1LVUI from the following ClCMETEUIEtJt t Forest Lawn. Pnone Florvnco U4. Prospect Hilt Phone ' VoUtir livi. West Lawn.' Phone Douglas Ktt. Mount iiopa Phone - if eusuii ltl-Wi Uraceiand ,1'ark. k'hone .Douglas 10O. Hoiy bepulchor. 312 Uarker Or, order tflrecl Xrem the AjklUtUCAN SARCOPHAGUS CUMl'ANY. Douglas 2442. Office 34M First Nat Bank Uldg. 8IRTII8 AND BBATHU. lrth-J. Q. and -Lily Nugent, 203 North Twentieth, boy;?v. Wv and Emroa Boyce, 332 Nortn Sovwiteenth, boy; tt ana Frances Kllmept, 16 Frahces, boy.' . , Dealths-Mrs. AUa M. l'"oley, 3 years, hospital; K. U, .Hanntngs, 'Si years, 221o Noith Twenty-seventh avenue; June Muller, i raonths, 6127 North Heventeenthj, jonn AicuormicK, I years, nospitai, Cnarles Wise. 41 years, 1017 Farnam. LUDOB NOTHJ15. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA NOTICE. The logrolling association plcnlo will be huld at mair. Neb., Thursday, August ii. Neighbor George Magm-y will mane the aaaress oi tne aay. ueorge llodns or chestra will furnish music for dancing. A good card of starts has been arranged. t ome out and spend a nay away troni t no oust oi tne city, juverynoay wet corned. atAItltlAtlB LICENSES. The following licenses to wed have been Issued: Name and Residence. . Age. Frank Culllson, Omaha 37 Mary Hcrringsen, Omaha. Ji Ray J. Dascuback, Pittsburgh Ju Alary Alicei Lynch, Omaha over XI Dennis G. KavanaUzh. Lincoln 1 Catherine Lee, Lincoln : it Thomas Luffa, Omaha .t 3 juna Dlspensa, Omaha.. t.....l James Convey, Benson 21 Gladys Johnson, Benson , u Klwood Q, Craft, Des Moines; la 21 lonine it, Kyi, uesjbioinea, la U John Labro. tfoulh Omaha 25 Btule Jailca. South Omaha so building risasiiTS George Thresher. 1029 North Thlrtv fourth, frame. SS.KW; Minerva Howbridge, -lib urana avenue, irame, ri.ww. t -ti.- ... ... , : 1 UELI WANTEDr-FEMALE. Factory and Trades, Learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm. D. 2380. THE Neb. Tel. Co. can use a limited number of girls In the operating depart ment. Applicants must furnish refer ences. Salary paid while learning. An. Ply C. V. Lambert, district traffic chief, nth and Douglas. WANTKD-airls to label and pack. Skinner Manufacturing Co., i:th and Jackson. Housekeeper and Damrstles. WANTED Oood white N. 40tb. Har. 343. laundress. 421 WANTED A competent girl for gen eral Housework. Mrs. T, 11. Fonda,' Jr., Ot Bo. Sth Ar,; telephone Harney 2XB. II .-. I 1 sftaB I ftJIW LXf IV F- I I I I Ii - iiMi I Pals--Pa Merely Stars ! 1 KtiCNU WHERE lh 4 Temper! I I -..il t ICMDFrt f MKOi . 1 I TttrL lri IT T rtW IHh I f Jill Ifcr IT I II I wr . "'Ii'' I Hl I OiA.n " 1 ; w ...HUI 1 ( JtLU"' " . . UMW UWUC It . I T,rir UF'C DO n (J I I sftsaBaM tti ALL MY BORM MVS! iu all mv J uwcLt -.i - porch: y T ,, Yr'v nlnr i , r . i . l aa i i umn ill i i jii in i . . i lutj jwrll ,c.wi- i i ijiri. . r ll I sbbbbbbbbbbbbi r i S BORM 04VS.1 I " , n.l 1 r,rtD iu- lllrzW iH J HELP WANTED FEMAIjK. Ilonaekrepera and JJontcatlo. THE BEIIVANT OHU. PHOI1L.KM SOt.VRD-The Vee will run a Bfrvant Oirl Wanted Ad FRK1S until you set tho desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha, and Council Uluffs. Hrlnff your ad to The Beo otflco or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTBD Reliable white jrtrl for Ken erat housework. Hmall family. 4S05 Dav enport. Harney 4471 . WANT1CD A competent cok. Davenport. Harney to; 3120 WANTED An experienced white maid to do washing and ironing and help with housework. Mm. Barton Millard, 123 No. S9th 8t. Harney 47. WANTED A competent maid for gen eral housework. Good wages. Mrs. Cliaa. Hlch, 8319. Dodge Bt. WANTED-Mlddle-aged lady or Klrl to take care of child IVi yearn old U per week; apply mornings. 2210 Webster. WANTED Ii once, American or Scan dinavian laundress at 1015 South 20th Ave. WANTED Cook. No washln. Wages 110. your In family. Harney 625. WANTED Noat aDDeaiinir YOUhK Rlrl njly; to do general housework: four In faml Cathollo preferred. 1016 Georgia Ave. Phone Harney 1767. WANTED Qlrl for Keneral housoworky smau ramny; highest waces; private room and bath, 305 s. 3Sth Ht. WANTED An American or Scandi navian laundress. 1C1G B. 30th Ave. ami, for general housework. 1311 N. ibin Ht., south omaha. ho. z&se. WANTIn-nmnnUnt iHrl fnr .jinA.il l'ousework. Three In family. Oood wages. White girl only. Apply at once. Webster or call at 2721 Hpauldlng Bt. WANTED A work at onoe. rlrl for general houao 68 South 20th St: WANTED Girl for general housework. WANTED-Experienced clrl for eeneral housework, tto per month. Iteferences. 4305 iooEe pi. xei. iiarney nw. . WANTED Laundress: must be partlc- lar and quick; references required. 1801 wirt mi. webstor lira. WANTED White girl for general housework; must bo particular and quick; no washing; good wage; room If desired; references required. 1801 Wirt St. Phone Webster 1169. , WANTBDillouae maid: small family. Mtaoeilaaeea. YOTJNCJ women coming to Omaha as strangers are invuoa to visit the Youpk Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers- truiae ai tuo union Station. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO WOMEN 75 month. Write Immediately for free list Franklin Institute, Dept 600 F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Girls for chorus, exnerlencii unnecessary: also want young man capable of handling front of small show maxing tne nig raira Call after 10:30. uouKias ltooming House, 304 N. 16tlt St. HELP WANTED MALE. A aentc, dalesmen .nd Holleltors. WANTED i neat annearitiir youne men to travel. Apply 70S Brandeis The. Bldg. AGENTS Make bla money aelllniT our everlasting sign letters for stores and of fices. Working outfit free with sueclal orrer, .Forest Letter Co., south Amboy N. Y. WANTED 2 or 3 youne men of irood appearance to solicit advertising; expe rience not necessary: rood chance for ad- Isvancement; give references and telephone number in first letter, Address a zas, care Bee. AOENTS Good, reliable, to handle htsh rrade line of household specialties; write fur free. catalogue and particulars, a, w, Carl. 1427 Wells St., Chicago, III. , . Buy. WANTED Boy to drive wagon for plumbing shop. Call 1477 or write to L 27, care Bee. WANTED A boy between 16 and 20 for hipping clerk and to learn film manufac turing. Omaha Film Exchange. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER. 175. Address 2M, BOOKKEEPER S$5. Address O IS), Be. Factory and Trades, HARVEST hands for tha Dakota and Canada. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 n. itn. WANTED Printer with soma all around experience in country printing or rice; (II per week. No boozing or ciga rettes. Adareis Basin, North Bend, Neb, TWO barbers wanted. Casper, Wyo., Box- 109. U A. Spencer, MEN WANTED Can qualify In few weeks for positions waiting. No previous experience necetsaiy. Learn the barber trade. Everything In the business taught practically. Tools given. Can earn money wnii learning, can at once or write, Moler Barber College. 110 8. lUh St. GET Into the moat profitable business of today, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities of learning the business by actual experi ence on different makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call Na tional Auto Training association, 2814 It. 20th Bt.. Omaha, Neb. Tel. W. 6913. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. ATTEND the RIGHT SCHOOL Lam. eat best equipped school and repair shop In entire, west Price no more than any of the so-called schools. Equipment and faculty not to be compared In any par- tloular. NEBRABICA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1417 DOdge, Tel. Doug. K13. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst. Beo Bldg. WANTED Platen pressman; steady work. Deltch & Lamar Co., Sioux city, Iowa. Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mall clerks, 175.00 to $150 month. Details free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 213 F., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to try November exam liiatlon for Omaha mail carrier; 363 to $190 per month. Apply Y 113, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS. YOUNO lady with seven yearn bankvas experience desires position in bank; Com petent and acru'ate. References, former employers. Addreaa Y 20. Boa. THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1013, Wanted to now Where His Pipe Was 1 DOM LOOkM' IT i i wMN i r"v-' a i if rirc, yi' t i ill ill mt at Ji m m ' w ii ( 1 1 ii f - i . i if ii i vi li r-zi. iivu n nu w , f hi Porch J . flint- I A. B. C. of Omaha A BION'S KOSHER CAFE A JR. tnnria fnr nuatltv. nuantltv At eoon- cmy, 316 S. ISth, middle of block, 2d floor. Empress ANY SEAT 10c, ANY TIME. KERR Abstract Co., 305 . 17th St. Better be safe than sorry. Have Vrr An vnnr .Ills n'nrlr. N5 E11RASKA CYCIjE CO.. "Mlckel's." 15th and Harney. Dotmins i'z. We rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. VACUUM cleanbrs sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. sanitary sorvice Co. Tel. Doug, aioi. WANTED SITUATIONS. FARM hands furnished, short notice. free. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 1112. SITUATION by a competent widow lady as housekeoper In a respectable widower's nome, satisfaction guaranteed. jan aiso give good references. AddresB F 112, care of Ilee. WANTED Dy experienced bookkeeper, position with city firm; coal firm pre ferred. Address O 111, care Omaha Uee. Wanted posit, as practical nurse. W. 6230. SITUATION wanted by colored girl for morning work or chambermaid; Cum ing. Doug. 6033. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Standard Furn, Rep. 1st cl. rep'g. Red S69L D. S. Griffith, wig mfr. 12 Frenzer Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. OET a luoky WEDDING RING from BRODEGAARD'S, AT the SIGN of the CROWN, up the GOLDEN STAIRS, 16th and Douglas. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; 60a postpaid; samples free. Sher man McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ATTIIAOTIONS. Omaha film exch., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND'S Bli new garage at 2Sth and Farnam. FOIIE DOORS SEAT COVERS. EXPERT and guaranteed repair work on all kinds of cars; battery charging ana magneto repairs; bargains in used cars. CAR CO., 1415 Dodge. castings welded: BCATE8 MOTOR ODDS AND ENDS BARGAINS. Two auto truck bodies, $25...... 1100 Rogers Ralstron, friction drive car,..., 100 wnito steamer, two now tires., zco Set of 4 S2x3Vi oaalngs and tubes.... k 60 Two-cvllnder motor and transmission. 40 Truok chassis, solid rubber tires DO 11. PELTON. 2021 Farnam. Phono D. 3301. 1100 reward for any mhgneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer, 210 N.18. AUTOMOBILE Auburn. 1914 modol. 40 H. P.; run about 900 miles; all modern equipments! a bargain; must sell. 11 S. 1st t., council muria, FOR HALE 5-passenger Palite-Detrott auto, good condition. Will sell' cheap. ucst Ac Russell cigar more, su so. ititn. Motorcycle. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. M1CKELS' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15TH AND HARNEY. SUB-AGENTS wanted for the Yale motorcycle In-nearby territory. Also bar gains' in all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Roos, "the Motorcycle Man." Har- iey-uaviuson ami Yale motorcycles. 3 mi Leavenworth St., Ornaha, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES. GO INTO BUdlNESSS FOR YOURSELF. We will give a reliable, energetic liquor salesman an opportunity to go into busi ness for himself by giving him a house acount with us of exceptional advantages. Must have a liquor traae of Ills own of at least I40.MIO, Wo will do all the snip ping and billing. Any man making ar rangements witn us viu be in a position to compete With any wholesale hauor dealer In the United States, We will also consider a straight salary proposition. Arthur Lehmann & Co.. Distillers, Peoria, 111. REGISTERED pharmacist wanted with 3300 to take charae of drua tore. Par ticulars address M. Burrows, Farmtngton, rew -Max. FOR EXCHANGE New stock of va riety and groceries; Invoice 3000; good business; low rent; as pan payment for furniture and lease of hotel. Address Box 137, . Chapman, Neb. A TIRE and tire repair store carrying a small, but complete line of accessories. Located In the best automobile city In Colorado. A good, paying buslnrss that will stand investigation, inquire Boak Rubber Co., 17 Ho. Cascade, Colorado Springs. Colo, TO QV1CKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha. WANTED Party to make small Invest ment and take working interest in grow ing business Address O 263. care Bee. LOCAL RE PRES BNTAT1 VE wanted In every town In Nebraska for a Contract Loan and Investment company; all.' or spare time. Call or write Mr. Wing, 815 city rational uana umg., umana. TO get In or out of business, call 34$ OANQEaTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. BUSliSElwiNALS. llrasa Kooudrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta Chlronodlata. DR. ROY. 1305 Farnam. Douglas 6137. Chiropractor. J. C Lawrence, D. C. 2323 Howard. D-S4SL Mra jtosa Boeaen. 1822 Lake, Web, mi. China Palatlna. CHINA painting; outside firing done. Mra F. C. Haynea. 1525 8. 26th St D. O30. Creameries. Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMF.RT COM PA NT Dancing; Acadenilea. THE last month at Hackle's for sum mer rates. 1U6 Harney. UreesutalJna.. Tarry Dretsmkg. collage, 20lh & Farnam n FER VER PUT ft THERE OAJ THE &4W6oME IT ! BUSINESS PEIISONALS. Detectives. Omaha Sec. Ser. Agey. 428 Paxton. D. 131. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler US8. , Drinking- Caps, 100 SANITARY paper drinking cups, 60o, postage prepaid. liurkley Envelope Co., Omaha. Orniti. Drugs at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. KverythliiK for Women. OLD plumes made new. California Os trich Plume Co., 206 Neville Bide Dg. 010. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger, 429-A, Paxton Blk. D.S394 Bedbug, roach & ant killer,, guar't'd sat isfactory or money refunded. Special large bottle, 5c. Omaha Chem. Co.. Doug. 4314. Vlorlats. A. Donaghue, 1C07 Farnam. D. 100L HESS t SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1618 Kamam. D. 1258. furnaces, Stoves, Repairs. We carry repairs for furnace, steam and hot water boilers and stoves, and have competent workmen to do the work. Now is the time to prepare for winter. No charge for inspection. Omaha Stove Repair Works 1206-8 Douglas. Phone Tyler 20. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call 1024. O'NelU's. 1S06 Farnam St Tyler INSURANCE Fire, tornado, auto. Dan It Smith, 326 Bee Bldg., Tel D. 970. I.tKhtnlnir Ivoda. PURE COPPER LIGHTNING RODS, WUOLSESALB AND RETAIL. We keep lightning out of your home. Write or Phone It F. STRUTHERS M2M. CO.. Doug. 8393. 1108 FARNAM St.. Omaha. Neb. Naraerlea tun Beads, STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. MIRACLE WHEAT Hardiest winter wheat grown. One-third bushel scads an acre. Awarded highest honor at Charleston. W. Va.. 181i state show ii per busheL Nlmahl Nutum, Shlnnston, W. Va. Os&ieopattis. Alice Johnson, 803-9 Brandeis Tha Bldg. I'Htenta. D. O. Darnell, Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. H. A. Sturges, 630 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Prlntlnc. DOUGLAS PrlnUnTco. Tel. Doug. 644. The Raber Printing Co. g0!?h$ BEE BIDG.. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARN HA RT Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. ToL Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th. CENTRAL PRINTING Co., Doug. 3754. Stores and Offtcw fc'lxturea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shu'.v. ing, etc. We buy, we selL Omaha Flxturo ana supply uo., m-ic-m a. km. u. ti Plumbing. Plumbing and heating, Fischer & Con- nell, 1313 William St. Doug. 5737. J. "A.. WEBSMAN. 2612 Leavenworth: mod. neatlng ec plumbing. D. ai92. II. m 3. J. Ostronlc, plumbing, heating, gas fit ting; free estimates, nn a. ii. xyier xsn. (Sheet Metal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. Trunka and Sultcauee.- FRBLINO & BTE1NLE. 1803 Farnam Bt UprolatcrluK and Hepalrlnur. EKWALL & CARROLL, reflnlsulng. re palrtng. int. decorating. 2418 Leav. u. flu. tyinea and Liquor. WILLOW Springs Deer. llaorsj clears. sandwiches, Alex jeies. am-a o. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. EDUCATIONAL. DO YOU KNOW HOW , . to do .any one thing well? Do you know that the big business houses are search ing for efficient young men and women like tnose who sre graduating every month trom THE BOYLES BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOLS, Omaha and Council Bluffs. Day and Night School all the year round. Complete courses In business, bookkeep ing, stenography, telegraphy, civil service and salesmanship. More calls for grad uates for paylqg positions thun we cun fill. Write for our new catalogue. Call end see us. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 2. Special inducements to enroll now. Ad dreas II. B. Uoyles, Pres., 1810 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. THE VAN BANT SCHOOL Stenography only. Patronized y thc educated and experienced. Day ana nlcht bt hool. N solicitors. Telephone or write for catalogue. Omaha. Neb. BETTER PAY AND BETTER POSITIONS Hundreds of young men and women are preparing for success In 'business by tak ing up studies In the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. Regular term opns September 2. Finest quarters; unsurpassed facilities for teaching; graduates guaranteed good positions) eaay terms of tuition; special Inducements to enroll at once; handbook cf lessons on business forma and practice given free. Unusual opportunity to get a practical business education. Send for catalogues. i MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, 1816 Farnam St, Omaha; Neb. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons haviror lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha i &. Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to acertaiu wneuier tusy leu it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful ovvner. Call Douff bus a VblRE TOOLIJH Smoke Tiwt "There are Times' uhem old pipe of Rax AfoTHIfJfr VtflLL Cupid. HEtt DO Bui A 6oT 5bME Z5: PIPE. Pollv!) Ci6JR IN Si oe 1 LOST and FOOUND. IX)ST White pup. Saturday night, with brown spot on forehead: cars clipped. long tall: liberal reward If returned to A. Garotto, 604 N. '16th St. LOST Elk charm, diamond setting, $40 reward. J. W. Reed, Merchants' hotel. LOBT Red moroccd pocketbook contain ing money and Masonic patent and other papers or no uso to anyone out me. Finder can keep the money. Return papers and get reward. J. II. Dumont, 326 Board of Trade. LOST A pink crepe dress laundered 'A. N.' on delivery card. Finder call Florence 338. Raward. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. It Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal disease without Burglcal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money jSold until cured. Writo for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. D. H. Tolman, 333 iioara 01 xraae Duiiamg. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments and Flats. Gordon Van Co. 219 N. 11th St. or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 394. 6-ROOM APARTMENT, all modern, newly repaired. 2619 N, 20th St Tel. Web ster 5975. 1807 FARNAM 5 rooms completely mod ern, suitable locatlmt fnr fifflrp ntnrllr. dental or dressmaking rooms, etc. for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Plat Co., 433 Ramgo. D. 7406. THE ALBION APARTMENTS, 10th and Pacific Sta. An elegant 5-room apartment, thoroughly modern. Call D. 4512. FLATS. 2956 Harney St, 6 rooms, modern, 345. 609 8. 22d St, 7. rooms, modern, 340. 521 S. 28th St, 4 rooms, modern, 315. 2C09 Lake St., 5 rooms, part mod., 312. 2214 D St., a O., 5 rooms, part mod., 39, 4204 Lake St, 4 rooms, city water, $8. DETACHED HOUSES.' 2615 S. S3d St, 5 rooms, mod., new, 325. 1337 S. 27th St. rooms, mod., 322.60. 2617 Charles, 5 rooms, city water, 315. 505 S. 34 th St.. 5 rooms, city water, 312. GARVIN BROS. 345 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 628 SOUTH 26TH AVE., six-room flat one of the best In city. II. S. Mtuin. Furnished Ilooma. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat. 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1521. 24th and Farnam, room with bath; rea sonable; Kentlemnn. Tyler 1123. Hotels and A pnrtmeut . DODGE HOTEL-sModern. reasonable. Houses and Cottmten. 1911 FARNAM, 10 rooms; J45. D. 1598 T7TTM?T TTV Storaga and Van XL) EjLL 1 X Co- Go"1 stored, . moved, pacKod, shipped. 16th and Jackson Sta. Doug. 1616. A COMPLETE list of vacant nouses, apartments find flnt thnt am tn- wn J This is a list compiled dally and can be ovw. hcd ui uiiKruo at jua noutn lull ol. OMAHA VAiN AHU STORAGE CO. MAGGARD VAN AND STOIlAlli: in packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. FOR RENT Two-storv framn ilwxlllnir on Cass, near 2fith; modern. Creignlon university. Douglas 2320. NO EJUAL 7-room house. J.mnm not all modern. Tlzard, 220 N. 23d. J. C. Reed Exp- Co- tumlturo moving, u . j. j-viiu. Two met ,i nour vv. 2748 Houses Jn,RlJ,.PHr!. ot ... , v''b", mji.p I.U., XJCC XII. IK. FOR RENT 342.60. 8-foom hm.n- Knuntze' place; new plumbing; hardwood floors; corner lot; fine shade. Web. 295S, FOR RENT Five-room cottage and bath. 815 N 27th Ave. FOR RENT Six-room cottaae: Lath. etc.; in good order; Immediate possession. 2433 South 16th street. lrRRRTN Van amJ Storage Co., 15 N. MODERN 7-r. brick house. 20th -ind Cass; $45. Tom Kclley Co., 203 N. 16th D. 1538. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow. 219 Charles St Phone W. 7166. NICE. cozy, newly decorated cotlauf reasonable. 1311 S. 11th St. 1558 N. 20th, 4 rooms, water paid, $14. 710 N. 22l, 7 rooms, modern. $35. 1903 Capitol Ave., 10 rooms. 2 baths, $50. RINGWALT, Brandeis Theater Bldg MODERN 6-toom cottage. lth furnace; comer lot; southfest cor. 28th Ave. and nugglcs, $22.50. Thos. W. Hazen, 207 Mc Csttue Bldg. DoSiglas 1300. Stores and Offices. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Beo building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam St. and occupying about h'-Oi square feet, with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault. Fine oftlce fixtures for sale. Apply N. P Fell, Bee office. OFFERED FOR SALE. Furniture, Why buy second-hand furniture when our bargain basement contains odd pieces and dropped patterns at a traction of their valuer It will pay you to call. Beaton & Laier Co. 3304 HENSCHELL $150. Leaving town. piano, almost new. Address L 107, Bee. EXTRA BARGAIN. On account of leaving city will sell new furniture, 4 rooms complete. In lot or by piece; big sacrifice. Phone Webster 676L Typewriters. Rebuilt typewriters rented, aold; easy terms. Butts Typcw'er Ex., 1SC6 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS for rent; $ months. SS. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE ""REBUILT and slightly used typewrlteri rented and sold on eaay terms, o Typewriter Exchange, 111 .H. 13th St Drawn for The Bee by Cliff Sterrett Did Vfcr xTr IT 1 til i c-1 OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewriters. RENT nn Oliver typewriter, 3 months, 14. The Oliver Typewriter Co., Doug. 1319. RENT nn L. C. Smith & Bros, type writer, visible, late modelf back space key, guaranteed A No. 1 machine. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1819 Far nam. Phone - Douglas 2213.-- Remember, this Is new location. Miscellaneous. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Beo Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories;, bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswit!k-Balke Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th St. FIVE carloads of beer bottles for sale. Quarts and pints. Nathan Steinberg, 1019 iiarney .si. SAFES Overstocked: second-hand: all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKcnzle Ptg. Co.H 1107 Harney. D 2644. 8x8 air compressor. 612 S. 14th. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. FOR SALE Refrigerator, CO feet long, 12 feet wide, cold storage room for fresh meat, buttor, cheese, etc. Now in use, will sell cheap. Orkin Bros. - ' PERSONAL. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat. D. 861 Massage, 1st fl.,r,6, 1723 Dodge. Mr. Steal' LAURA WILSON, Bath, Mass. Tel. Doug, 8751 62-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. , ' Bextcn Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. 197 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the L. H. Journal. 31.50; the S.'E. Post 81.60; tho Country Gentleman, 3L50, by Sept. 30, earns that 33,000 for the Invalids' Pension Ass'n. Your renewal contributes 50c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. GOHUUIN, Tilt. AlAUAiniV OlAiN. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. ' NOTICE. I have changed my location to 214 Bulrd bldg., 17th and Doug. Mrs. Dr. Rlttenhouse t Shater, mass.. g.iec uaum YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit th Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. ilry3 Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers iu ui mo uwuh mmm... m a Ota A CIW, Swedish movement 413 MAObAlXill Bo- Bld Douglas 6372. MRS J. B- HUTCHINSON Your daughter, who was born on or about November 17, 1884, and left at my home Nov. 27. 18S4, is still alive; if you wish to see her. call or write Y 214. Bee. MAGNETIC treatment 1829 Vinton. E. Brott, D, 6026. MANICURING, face, scalp, magnetic treatment. Miss DeBar. 1711 Dodge. SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. TWO new Jobs plastering; about $85. Want plasterer who can buy small house Ing and chickens; worth $895. Easy terms. He does not neca to pay u Address J 123. Bee. SEND for our large exchange oook. Shopen & Co.. Dept ornana neo. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLE. R.J!D Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska- 06 Brandeis Theater. REAL ESTATE. CITY 'PROPERTY FOR SALE. Dundee Home With 3 Lots This Is a well built, modern 10-room residence, in first-class repair, located near 49th and CaBs Sts. Five bedrooms on the second floor be sides a large attic. Good sized barn, can bo used for gar age. Tho grounds have a south frontage of 150 ft, 135 ft. in depth, with several . '.a 1 V I ... I B,.il(i. large snaae ireea ana uvautuut ... u bery. One-half block from the car line, A thnrnnehlv developed. comDletO Place. ready to move Into. Let UB snow you mis place ai j'uur convenience. iPrlce $8,700. George & Company 903-12 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 766 FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Elegantly flnlshod home containing reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 nice bedrooms and bath on second floor; strictly all modern; lot contains considerable shrub bery and trees; conveniently located to car line and school. Price $4,100; paving all paid. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. BARGAIN My home, oak and white enamel finish, fine plumbing. Want an offer. Don't fall to see It. Webster 4193. 2866 Blnney. Must be sold; a bargain. 7-r. all modem now house. Owner. Harney 5917. 1515 N, "33D ST. S-room mouern house, full basement and attic. Combination fixtures. Newly painted. Cement walks. Three blocks from school, on paved street and car line. Lot 43Hx75. Terms $4,000. $2,204 down, own time on balance If sold by September L Rents for $35. Lyls Burns, Owner. 3130 SOUTH ISTH A suod house and lot' good place ror a nice tamiiy. very cheap. TO settle an estate, double flat and 2H story house, 821-23-25 S. 20th St; first class condition; reasonable. Phone H. 2933. FOR SALE By owner, new, modern house; 1st floor oak finish, cement base ment; za iiocr. Dearooms ana oatn $3,500. Web. 2445. Kountze Place bargain. $ rooms, modern except heat; 53x133 ft lot: paved street Cheap for quick sale. Webster 488. TO BUY. SKIX. jR KENT J KIH3T 8EB john w nnnniNK. ioj KaKiVau st REAL ESTATE. FARM A HANOI LANDS POK SAL 13 Nevada- a Trw stiutr sHtrisa srrwsrl tVt mimwisw and winter; for full p&rtlcuUro address , owner, H. A. Leach. Weils. .Nevada. T JUST . . iVitftfERE. 17 V1045 REAL ESTATE. FARM UANC11 LANDS FOR SAI.I5 Minnesota. FOR SALE COO acres splendid farm land In Roseau county, Minnesota; eight een Inches heavy black loam clay bottom. $3 per acre; smalt payment down; balance to suit, via uiistering neat; no crop failures. Answer quick, J. F. White, Chamber of Commerce. Minneapolis. FOR SALE Stock farm, 644 acres; cen tral Minnesota; 35,000 cash needed for first iinvment. I For sale, highly improved farm, SS( acres in the Red River valley, Minnesota, nsnoo rush nemlnd for first payment These farms for sale at a bargain IS . n t. ,AJ T- .... .1 IB lien ai once, uwner. ixj. oit javciiLiwu., la. New York. TtVn ilnlrv. irrnln nml frtllt farms fol sale. Well watered; good markets; 331 per acre. Writo for information. G. WJ Hinton, Odessa, iM. y. Mr. Someone's Employe: ARK Yfm IlKADY TO OIIIT WORKING? FOR A BOSS? WOULDN'T YOU RATHER WORK FOR YOURSELF? Lei's quit talking about It and get down to facts. -How would this New York farm Btrikoj YOU. No. 253, 55 acres $100 per acre $5,500. Right at the door of tho world's great cat markets. ! Here is a splendid little farm, with fruit enough to assure a good living right from, the beginning. Here is a seven-room A house and sufficient outbuildings every- . thing all ready, no money needed for Im provements. The buildings, etc. could not be built for less than $3,000. The farm Is only two mllos from town and Is on a paved, state road.' THE FRUIT VA acres of apples, VA acres of raspber ries, 200 peach trees, 50 cherry trees and 25 pear trees. Then there is a five-acre timber lot for firewood, posts, etc., and two splendid springs of clear, sparkling water. Tha land is gently rolling and the soli a rich, loam, just right for fruit and alfalfa. What more could one ask for, a nice lot of fruit in bearing no waiting. Add a few cowa and a nice lot of chickens and a garden. Put in Just enough grain to feed your stock and seed the rest to alfalfa, which will sell at $15 to $25 a ton. Let us sell your city property for you quick and then go and buy this farm on. easy terms and be independent for Ufa Come in to our office and let's talk It over or write for our book, FARMS AND, FIELDS OF WESTERN NEW YORK- 70 fine pictures. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Ifebrastta. FOUND 320-acre nomestead In settleel neighborhood. Fine farm land, no sal4 hills.- Cost you $175. filing fees and- alt J. a. -j. racy, nimoaii. wen. LAND FOR SALE 1.000 nrru lovlnt- from 4 to 8 mtleo from Fremont; sail it In 40 acres or more. Will take 20 per cent, down, tha balance at 5H per cent interest; from 6 to 10 years. Address D. Schroeder, 250 W. Military. Fremont Neb. mweuol REAL ESTATE LOANS. Money to loan on Omaha homes. Na delay. J. H. Mlthen Co., Inc.. 921 can National iBank Bldg. Douglas 1278. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nau OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 71 WANTBD City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam ti aa CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Oo u 310-12 Brandela Theater Bldg. GARVIN BROS ana w up. vr-tv v j-m AJixKjtj, Qmaha Nat Bulk, WANTED City loans. Peters Trust O LARGE loans! our specialty, fltull Pro '.$100 to $10,000 made Drommly. F. D- Kveao, vveaa xsiag., uin ana furnam. WANTED TO BUY Dolgoff 2d-hand store payl highest prices! for furniture, clotnes, shoes. Web. 1607.' Slightly used high grade piano. W. 372a " WANTED Used touring car, 5-pasaen a-er. 1912 or '13 model. Must be in cmorC condition. Give full description and prictwi feier iveiiy, neweia, a. u. WANTED TO RENT. FOUR or five furnished rooms com Dleto for housekeeping, within walking distance. Two bedrooms. Not over $3 month. Address H 110, care Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST .Ship live stock to South Omaha. Savci mileage and shrinkage. Your consign nients receive prompt and careful atUn tlon. , Lire Slock Commission Uerehaxitsv MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Vxchange Bldg. Woman Witness In j Hyde Trial Drowns i With Her Mother KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 19. Miss Loll1 Vannuls, who was drowned at Hampton.. Ia., today, was. one of the witnesses fori the state in the trial of Di B. ClaikJi Hyde for the murder of Colonel Thumaa' II. Swope, the millionaire philanthropist., Her death will weaken the prosecution,! which Is planning to bring Dr. Hyde tai trial for the fourth time next montn. Miss Vannuls was a nurse In the Swopai home at the time of the unusual series; of deaths there. In the trials she testi-i fled to a series of stranxu happenings at' the Swope home and said she recognized the odor of cyanldo on the hands ot1 Thomas Swope. the colonel's nephew.i after he had found a capsule alleged to) have been dropped by Dr. Hyde.. Tha! testimony of Hugo Breckleln. a druggist,' who aold cyanide to Dr. Hyde, and that of J Miss Vannuls, were to a great extent' responsible for Dr. Hyde's conviction at his first tral for first degree murder. Tha Persistent ana udl clous Use of Newspaper Advertizing U the Road to Business Success. i 4