The Omaha Daily Bee Everybody Reads tlio day's linpparrinRs every tlay. If folks tlon't rcntl your More news evtry day. It's your fault. THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XLIIINO. 54. OMAHA, AYEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. OFFICIALS FEELING ENCOURAGED BY ADTOROMLIND Rejection of the Proposal Submitted to Huerta in a Disappointment at Washington. H0PE,H0WEVER,N0T ABANDONED Discussion of Alternative Measures is Now Held in Abeyance. ANOTHER MEETING EXPECTED Mexican President Thought to Be in Something of Reoeptive Mood. MAY REMOVE EMBARGO ON ARMS Ten p Feel Ins: in Department Cir cles nnd a Illapoaltlon to Go Farther Into the Mexican Qneatlon. WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. Whlla Hu crta's rejection of the American proposal was a disappointment, officials were en couraged by advices from Llnd that he was conferring further with Huerta on the suggestion. Discussion of alternative measures was held in abeyance. The proposal to grant exportatlons of arms to tho constitutionalists on an equality with Huerta cameto the front again. Such was the situation following a series of tclegramB from the embassy announcing the rejection of the Acmerl can proposal and then an invitation from Huerta, for further conferenca with Llnd. The message from Und described as very cordial his conference with Hdsrta 'ftt the tatter's suggestion. Include 1 in tho samo message, but under date of August 16, was the first part of tha text of the note which constitutes the Huorta reply to the American .proposal. Its pre-, Uminary sections gave no hint of ulti mate rejection, but were phrased in cour teous terms. It set forth historically the establishing of unofficial relations, conversations with Foreign Minister Gam boa and the first conference between Huerta and Llnd. In this note Huerta referred to Llnd as a well Informed man; animated by slncerest motives to bring about a satisfactory solution of the unfortunlty tension existing between thewo nations. The communications after narrating the developments that led up to the presenta tion of tho American note ends abruptly with tho notation that the remainder would bo forwarded laer. There was a tense feeling In official circles and a disposition to Inquire fur ther Into the origin of the statement by the minister of the interior. Senor TJrrutla, demanding recognition' for tlfe 3Iu6rta government under penalty of severing relations between tho two coun tries. president Wilson, though at first op posed to the removal of the embargo on arms, was said today to be open minded. A number of senators have ln , formed him, however, that to remove the embargo was the only alternative through which the overthrow of Huerta could be accomplished without direct In terference, of the United States. llryan Hears from. Mexico. Charge O'Shaughnessy cabled Becetary Bryan from Mexico City today that Presi dent Huerta, through Foreign Minister Glmboa, emphatically denied there was "any foundation whatever" for the state ment that Huerta had Issued an ulti matum to the United States demanding recognition, with the alternative of hand ing Mr. O'Shaughnessy his passports. A dispatch from John Llnd Informed President Wilson and Secretary Bryan that he had been In conference with Pro visional President Huerta at an early hour today. He characterized his recep tion and conference with Huerta as cor dial. Last night's dispatches, attributing the announcement by Minister Urrutla of an ultimatum by Huorta, stirred offllcal cir cles here deeply. Secretary Bryan, an early riser, read the morning papers and hurried down to his office, where he found the reassuring cable . from Charge O'Shaughnessy and then went to the White House to confer with' President Wilson. While there the message came from Llnd telling of the conference with Huerta. Members of the senate foreign relations (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled with showers; not much change In temperature. Hour. Deg. 5 a. m 74 6 a. m 76 7 a. m, 76 8 a. m 81 9 a. m '84 10 a. m 85 11 a. m 87 12 m S3 1 p. m 90 2 p. m..... 93 3 p. m VI 4 p. m 96 6 p. m , 95 6 p. m. S3 7 p. m 91 8 p. m oi Comparative Local Ileeora. 1913. 1912. 1911. 1910. Highest yesterday...... 97 89 84 83 Lowest yesterday I? I? K SV Mean temperature S5 SI .6 74 Precipitation 00 .00 11 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal compared with the last two years: ' Normal temperature . 74 Excess for the day 12 Total excess since March 1 421 Normal precipitation .11 Inches Deficiency for the day 11 Inches Total rainfall since March 1.. 15.63 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1912. 8.9S Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.11. 61 Inches Iteporta from Station at 7 I. M. Station and State. Temp. High. Ruin of Weather 7 p.m. cat. fall. c heyenne, clear 78 1 ave i; port, clear 4 Denver, cloudy && Dea Moines, part cloudy 84 Lander, clear 88 North Platte, part cloudy 82 3noha, cloudy 98 Pueblo, part cloudy K! Salt Lake City, clear 86 Santa Fe. cloudy 72 M 60 90 2 97 92 Sheridan, clear 86 Valentine, clear SO S4 M L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, TWENTY-FIYEARE DROWNED No Change in Death List of the Steamer. California. BUT TEN BODIES ARE RECOVERED Snrvlvora 'Who Were Injured In the Shipwreck Are .Now In the Hos pital at Juneau, Where They Are Treated. JUNEAU. Alaska, Aug. 19.-The list of known dead and missing passengers who were on tho Pacific Coast Steamship company's Iron steamship State of Cali fornia when It struck a rock and sank In Gambler bay Sunday morning, today stands unchanged, with ten bodies rc cbvered and fifteen passengers known to(be missing and given up for dead. Whether more passengers than thoio whoso names appeared in the list of mis sing are among those whose bodies were taken down with the wreck is uncer tain, as Purser Coughlln saved no rec ords and Is not sure how many -wcm aboard the ship when It went to Its doom. To the best of Coughlln's recollection the State of California left Seattle with fifty-three passengers. Nineteen moro boarded the steamer at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, nnd several others took passage at Ketchikan, Alaska, and other ports on the way north." but how many or who left the steamer at the several stops along the coast he does not re member. ot I) en a. Following Is a llstjOf the dead whose bodies have been recovered: MRS. A. B1RNBAUM. MRS. J3LLA R HARDEN. MRS. CLARA VALDERLASS. -MISS L1LLA WARD, daughter of Ed ward C. Ward, assistant manager of the Paclflo Coast Steamship company. MISS LILLA WARD, died after being taken off a life raft. MRS. NELLIE B. WARD, mother of Miss Ward. FOUL UNIDENTIFIED WOMKN. Following Is a partial list of the m!;s lng who are believed to have perish-jd; MISS ANNE L. CASSIDr. MISS MAY DIXON. W. A. DYER. BLANCHE FRIDD. MINETTE E. HARLAN. LESLIE HOBRO, manager of tho Pa clflo Coast Steamship company's office !n Sun Francisco. J. HOLMAN. MISS ALICE JOHANNAN. LILLIAN B. NORMAN. NICK PITTULAS. MISS REARDEN. MRS. C. B. SPITHILL AND CHILD. BEN A. WADE. MISS WILSON. , Klevm In Hospital. Examination of the hospital list, where eleven survivors were taken, added two names to the list of passengers saved. They are George O'pell, a Kansan en (Continued on Page Two.) FiveSubje.QtsAre to Be Discussed by' the Governors CHICAGO, Aug. 19. Recommendations for drastic changes In the rorm of .state government will be presented at the Springs. The program Is announced by Seoretary Riley ot Madison, Wis. Five subjects will be discussed. "A State Department of Efficiency and Economy," is assigned to Governors Cruse of Oklahoma and Lister ot Wash ington. Six states now have such a de partment. "Distrust of States' Legislatures, the Cause, the Remedy," will be by Govern ors O'Neal of Alabama and Hunt of Arizona. Governor Hodges of Kansas will lay special stress on tho "remedy" phase of the subject Governor Dunne of Illinois will discuss the "Growth of Administrative Commis sions." Governors Baldwin of Connecticut and Carey of Wyoming will present argu ments on "State Assumption of Nomina tion and Eloctlon Expenses." A committee of nine governors, ap pointed last year, will present to tho conference a bill providing for establish ment of rural credit banks and land mortgage co-operative associations for the purpose of both buying and selling the articles required by the farmer and selling' his. crops, and with provisions sufficiently elastic to meet conditions In every section of the nation. Graduated Reduction of Duty on Sugar Defined in Senate WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. The Bristow amendment for a graduated reduction of the duty on sugar to 1.26 per 100 ptmnds was defeated, 39 to 24, Senators Ransdcll and Thornton of Louisiana voting with the republicans for the amendment. An amendment to abolish with ther pas sage of tho bill the Dutch standard as a test for estimating sugar tariffs was adopted. Senator Brlstow, republican, offered the amendment and demioratlo leaders agreed to Its adoption. The- fight against the Dutch standard had been waged since 1909. The bill would have abolished the 'test next March. Democrats were Jubilant over their majority unimpaired In the crucial tests. Determined to press the fight, the anti-free- sugar senators moved, to trlke out the provision for freo sugar after 'three years. An amendment to that ef jfect was offered by Senator Norrls of Shoots His Wife ' and Kills Himself WHEELING, W. Va., Aug. 19.-Frantlc because he had heard unfounded rnnnrta reflecting on his wife's character, John Marshall today fired five bullets Into her , body as the couple sat atthe breakfast . tnblu In their home In Martin's Ferry. I Chief of Police Kdwanl Ilyland. wh lived, next door, heard the shots and forced the door to the Marshall house. Marshall fled to the attic and Ilyland summoned policemen, who surrounded the house. Finding eseane eut off, Mar shall blew out his brajns. Mrs. Marshall was killed In the pres ence of four ot her six children. FRANCHISE QL LIKEO BY T Proposed Ch Eaflnpany Is Rejected Kara Decis lve ONLY TWO WARDS IN FAVOR Third and Tenth Give Maporitics for the Ordinance. VOTE IN CITY IS VERY LIGHT Only Eleven Thousand Take Part in the Eleotion. NEW LAW MAKES TROUBLE Voters Challetifted at Polls Kind Great Difficulty In CeMlntt Right to. Vote Heconnlnril by Offlclnls. By a majority of 2,933 In a vote of 11,177, the voters ot Omaha yesterday refused to grant the Omaha Gas company a twenty-year extension In franchise, the chief concession ofered by the gas com pany being an Immediate rate of U Per thousand for gas; the piesentrate Is $1.15. The vote was not so heavy as had been expected by some, for most estimates put the figures at close to the totnl registra tion ot 18,000. Only two wards In the city gave a majority In favor of the proposed franchise, tho Third and the Tenth. The Twelfth ward went almost three to one against the franchise. The total vote by wards follows: nntaTaMH Ward. Yes. No. Ward. Yes. No. First 270 399 Eighth .... 24$ 401 Second ... 445 680 Ninth 831 7M Third 6K1 204 Tenth 424 419 Fourth ... 199 436 Eleventh .. 289 499 Fifth 342 776 Twelfth ... 463 1,248 Sixth 239 606 Seventh .. 61 693 Totals ..4,127 7,030 When the polls opened yesterday, twenty-five .of Election Commissioner Moor Head's clerks and Judges failed to report for duty and It was necessary to fill their places hurriedly with volunteers. Owing to Moorhead's redisricting of tho etty many voters experienced diffi culty In locating the poling place In their precinct. The polling places arc widely scattered and the new boundaries ot districts have caused much confusion. Hindrance to Votem. . Workers at the polls report that Com missioner Moorhead's inspectors are put ting every obstacle possible in the way of voters, enforcing all the restrictions possible. Several Instances 'were redted where Mr. Moorhead's Inspector's refused to permit voters to declare their prefer ence on-the gas question where the copy ist had made a mistake In one letter In the voter's name. Some ot theso were compelled to visit the court house to get a certificate before they were permitted to vote. Under the new, election commissioner. paw the chalUwv,pfBs,; voter as'UsedMn yesterdays ejection is .a icarxui- ana, wonderful thing. Any voter, whe Is re ported as "unlawfully registered" Is liable to chalenge by the election commissioner or any of his deputies. Then after going through a prescribed course ot action the challenged elector can vote anyway. Many Challenged. Quite a number of voters were chal lenged before they could vote at yester day's election, either by the election com missioner or his Inspectors, The exped ience of one naturalized citizen who re ceived notice that he wax challenged because he was "under age" Is typical of them all. Since he did not have a copy of the election commissioner law he came to the office of the commissioner in the court house tor Information. Ho told one of the employes there that ho was natur alized In Duglas county; that his papers showed his age an 23: that he had voted at other elections and would like to do so now. After having been kept standing about for- fifteen or twenty minutes . while art Investigation of his case proceeded his predicament wan referred to the election commissioner, and after another wait of about the same length of time, he was In formed that he was all right and that all ho had to do was to go and sign an af fidavit that n.o was of age and find two other regularly registered voters who would sign the affidavits. After 1olng this, upon returning to his precinct he was allowed to vote. "It takes the patience ot Job, the en durance of a department sto;e clerk and the obstinacy of a mule to vote these days." he said after the first half ot en. deavor, "but I expect to succeed," Every challenged voter can cast a bal lot by presenting evidence that he Is legally registered In the form of affi davits of himself and two other registered voter. CITY Wllil, ASIC FOR A 91 ASTER Will Take Step, to Proceed With Case In Federal Court, "The next step will be to have the federal court appoint a master In chan cery to take testimony In the case be tween the city and the fcaa company," said City Attorney Rlne last night. "How long this will require cannot bo told. Tho city will shortly make a request that the court appoint the master, and the hearing will commence," Stdamer Victims Lived in Hastings HASTINGS. Neb.. Aug. 19. (Special j Telegram.) Mrs. Stella Rlordan and Miss j Stella Rlordan, who perished In the sink lng of the steamer State of California, I wero wie mowier ami sister or airs, u. Morey, wife , of a prominent attorney here. A mossage to the family from the Pacific Coast Steamship company this afternoon said that the body of Mrs. Itfordon had been recovered, but that of Miss Rlordan had not been found. They left here for Alaska three weeks ago. l.naea Arm, hut .Vnt III I.Jfe. NORFOLK, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special Tel egram.! Scribbling a fareM'ell note to his mother, Lawrence Forest, aged 29. hurled himself headlong In front of an Incoming Sioux City-Norfolk pastenger train last night, but failed to end his life. The pilot rolled hla body off the truck. His left arm was amputated. Drawn for Tho Bee by Powell. NEBRASKA APPLES IN DEMAND Fruit Growers' Association Disposes of Them in Lump. GET MUCH HIGHER FIGURE Fifty Per Cent More Will Be Pnld than Formerly for Crop ot Three-Fourtha Orchards of Nebraska. ""Frtmr a Staff "Correspondent.)' ' LINCOLN, Aug. U.-Opeclal.) Ne braska apples hava once more demon strated their ability td cope successfully with those of other states. Secretary Marshall of the Southeastern Nebraska Fruit Growers' association has olosed a contract wth a Chicago nrm which will take ail of tho apples grown by members of the association this year. According to Secretary Marshall, this will be about three-fourths of the entire apple' crop and wliu include the best or chards of the state. The price to bo re ceived will be about W per cent higher than any previous year and the apple will be sent to the Now York and Pitts burgh markets. Mr. Williams, who made the deal for the Chicago firm, says that Nebraska apples will keep later In the spring than any other apples ot a like kind grown In the United States. All along tho Mis souri river on tho Nebraska aide tho aoll seems to be peculiarly adapted to raising an apple which In flavor And keeping ability exceeds that ot tlio products ot any other state. It Is for this reason, according to Mr. Williams, that tho Nebraska apples are In such demand and tho reason that eastern firms are willing to pay tho high price for the fruit. He has been buying ap ples for fifteen years and thinks that Nebraska stands far In the lead as a producer of apples. Apple orchards have not been hurt by the extreme hot weather, according to Mr. Marshall, where- they have been cul tivated and sprayed. Orchards which havo been allowed to go through tho season with little or no card will not develop much of n crop; the apples already are drying up nnd fklllng from the trees. In the orchards wh'lch havo been cultivated the ground seems to have retained tho moisture bet ter and the fruit on tho trees which hQVe been sprayed Is as perfect as In a rea son where the rain has been plentiful. Another strange condition which exists In the face of the dry weather li that fruit trees have put out a new growth running from eight to fourteen Inches more than In any previous year. Change in Name of Organization DENVER, Colo., Aug. 19.-The Army ot the Philippines and the .American Veterans of Foreign Service today adopted separate resolutions to merge In a new organlation, to be known as tho Society ot the Army of tho Philippines, Cuba and Porto nico. The organization Is open to all who served In .foreign territory, Including China, during the period of the Spanish war and tho Philippines. NEW CHRYSANTHEMUM IS NAMED FOR MftS. WILSON WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.-Mrs. Wilson Is the name of a new type of chrysanthe mums that has ben developed by the ex ports of the Department ot Agriculture for the department's annual autumn flower how. Named In honor of the wife of tho presi dent, the new bloom Is said to be a mag nificent specimen. Other striking blooms havo been christened Margaret, Jessie and rileanorr, after the three daughters of President and Sirs. Wilson. The pies Ident and every member of his family are great lovers ot flowers. Save the Silage, The National CapitaL The Senate, Resumed consideration ot tnrlff Dill, taking up sugar schodule, .with prospect of disposing ot It be for o adjournment. Democrats, at request ot Representa tive Clayton, decided to caucus tonight on his eligibility as successor of tho .ate Senator Johnston of Alabama. The Honse. Considered miscellaneous bills. Lobby committee continued Inquiry Adjourned at 12:68 p. m. until noon Fri day. Democrats caucus on currency bill.. Sulzer Not to Abide by the Opinion of Attorney General ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 19,-That Gov ernor William Sulzer will decline to abide by the opinion of Attorney General Car uiody. declaring Lieutenant Governor Martin H. Glynn to be the acting governor of the state, hut will seek a court de cision to tt the1 legality of his Impeach ment by tho assembly, was the general opinion expressed In official circles today. Both Governor Sulzer and his counsel de clined to discuss the attorney general's findings. Some of the state departments which havo been wavering as to whether thoy should continue to recognize Mr. Sulzer as chief executive, are expected to follow the advice of the attorney general and accept Mr. Olynn as the acting head of the state government. The legislature was schoduled to meet at noon, when It was expected Acting Governor Glynn would transmit a mos sage concerning financial matters, tho ac ceptance ot which would amount to for mal recognition ot his claims to tho gov ernorship, pending the Impeachment pro ceedings against Mr. Sulzer. A meeting of the assembly board ot managers which has tho mpeachment procedlngs in charge was arranged for today. Oity Officials of Minot Sentenced for Blocking Streets MINOT, N. D., Aug. 19. Twcnty-one defendants. Including former Mayor Arthur Lcseuer and Street Commissioner Dewoy Dorman, arrested during the recent riots resulting from street meet ings conducted by Industrial Workers ot the World, last night wero found guilty of blocking the streets. Leseuer and Dormau were fined 125 and costs and the othets were sentenced to ten dnys at hard labor and drow fines ot 120 and costs. One man was clubbed until unconscious during a disturbance which arose when an Industrial Worker attempted to mako a speech last night. Chief Assets of Porter Are Dogs CHICAGO, Aug. 19,-Franols O. Porter, the broker whose Airedale dogs aro prin cipally the cause of his appearance yes terday before a roferce In bankruptoy, asset-ted be had spent P3.000 on the bluo blooded animals. Their care was onp of the heaviest drains on his finances, ho said. Porter stated that three ypani ago he invented 8100 In dogs and since that time has spent JW.OOrt on thsiq. "There woro thirty-eight in your kennol when the revolver took them ,ovor.. how much Hie they worlhT" They should bring II&.0O), for thcie Is a good market for them," said Porter. Attorneys representing creditors oatl- mattt that Porter's liabilities will exceed 8200,000, Tho do.'s are the principal as- tets ' DI6GS IN HIS0WN DEFENSE Refers to That Trip to Reno When Arrested as an Escapade, PUTS THE BLAME ON THE GIRLS Didn't Want to Klope Trlth Miss Warrington, hut Affairs nt HI Home Were Becoming Too Warm. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 19.-Maury I. -Dlggs; . oot tue'.wltncss stand In his own defense today and 'told his story ot the motives Impelling what he called tho Reno escapade. This was the midnight flight across the Nevada Btato line, from SAcramonto to' Reno, with Marsha War rlngton, Lola Norrls and F. Drew Cam tnottl, which resulted In the present 'trial Under the Mann whlto slave traffic act. "What did you call ltT" asked Judge Van Fleet, Interrupting the testimony. "An escapade' repeated Dlggs, look ing the Judge squaroly In tho eye and speaking In a clear, confident voice. "Proceed," directed the court, without comment. Alt his testimony went to prove that he was worried, harassed, hunted from every side by tho consequences o; his own mU conduct, and that his only thought ,was to get out ot town, give the scandal sur rounding him a chance to de down, and then come back to his family and busi ness. Contradluta the .Women, In direct contradiction to testimony of Miss Warrington and Miss Norrls, who have sworn that they left home against their Judgment and desire and only when rnarrlaKo had been promised them. Dices named Marsha Warrington as the onei who had Insisted that they go. As early as January 31, he testified, sho had sold to him. "You're a piker. We girls have framed this, and you fellows have got to go along with us." Dlggs wan perfectly master of himself. lie spoke with a clear voice In an easy, free, but oarnest manner, looking for. the most part directly at his counsel, 'but sometimes turning his large eyes to the Jury and sometimes dropping them to his carefully manicured finger nails. "On March 3," testified the defendant, "I remember talking about my fix. with Miss Warrington. 'I've got to go away from here,' I told her; 'things are get ting too hot for me. We'd better discon nect.' "She didn't want me to go. I told her that I hud to that I had a future, a fumlly and a business to protect and that 1 was going to Los Angeles for a while (Continued on Page Two.) One Hundred Killed or Injured When Oars Come Together MEXICO CITY. Aug. 19.-i-An explosion ot a car loaded with dynamite on the tracks of a street car company In a thickly setlod portion of Taoubaya, a suburb of the capital, billed or Injured moro than 100 persons, chiefly women and children, early today, Thirty bodies already have been taken from the ruins of the houses, Scorns ol wounded are lying In the streets. The disaster Is said to have been caused by a car loaded with Iron pipe crashing Into the dynamite car. SANITARY INSPECTION OF DEPOTS AND TRAINS' ORDERED WASHINGTON. Auir. la.-liunejjllnn t the sanltury arrangement and saregu-trds In railroad stations and trains has been ordered on a sweeping scale by Acting Secretary of the Treasury Allon. The In. vostlgatlon will be mode by iho Inspec tors of public building's,, under orders from the supervising architect ot tho treasury. Their reports will be tunwd over to the publlo health service. AUTHORITIES OF CANADA SAYTHEY WILL DEPORT THAW Slayer of Stanford White to Bq Dealt With Under Immigration Regulations. ARRESTED IN QUEBEC T0WK Asserts Dominion Officials Cannot Hold Him. NOT DISTURBED BY DETENTION Says He Has Not Committed Crime) , and Cannot Be Returned to U. a, WAS MAKING FOR THE COAST- Cornea Orer Maine CentrnI from Conl nectlcntt Ilia Two Companions . Are Held hy OfMccra on Kuaplclon. V OTTAWA, Ontnrlo, Aug. 19. The Can adlan Immigration authorities declared; this afternoon that Harry K. ThaW would be deported train Canada under the Immigration regulations. Inslata that He la Thaw. COATICOOK, Quebec, Aug. 19,-HartT' K. Thaw, or a man posing as tho slayeel of Stanford White, was arrested hero to' day and is being held awaiting Instruct! Hons from the government at Ottawa. The man drove Into town nt 2 o'Clocli this morning, having engaged a rarmcr to bring him from Hereford, where ho leftj a Mnlno Central train last night. He do- clares that ho Is Thaw, the man who os-t coped from Matteawon last Sunday, an4 says tho officials cannot hold him. Ho! was arrested by local officers at tho re-fi quest of Sheriff I). II. Kelsey ot Colel brook, N. 11., who says ho saw Thaw ori a train last night and later followed hint! here In an automobile. Though not knowing what they can daS with their prisoner, his captors are ln) tereslcd In tho C00 reward which has been offered tor his apprehension and they wilt hold him until his release Is ordered, on other disposition made ot htm by tlio govi) ernmcnt. Admits Ilia Identity. Tho mart who claims ho Is Thaw freely admitted his Identity, but would not dtsi) cuss his movements since Sunday morn-4. lng, except to say that he took a train) east of Uoston. Ho said that he was, making for tho coast and planned to sail) for Europe. Ho did not appear greatly,! disturbed by his dotenslon here, dcclarV tug that as ho had committed no crlmai he could not bo returned. In company with two men, ono hcavy built and tile other slight, and both smooth shavqn, Thaw, according to thai police, came over the Malno Central from some -point south of Co'lebrook, N H., last night. This branch of tho road esHj tends to Portland, Me. Tho two com panlons have been detnlned by the pollco! on suspicion. Thaw Is held as a fugln ttve from Justice. Police Make Statement. n Tho police made this statement; "Harry 1C Thaw was arrested by Con stable Woodrow on a charge preferred by the constable, with tho advice and, information fit B. H. Kelsey, deputy sheriff of Colebrook, N. H. "Notlco has been sent of Thaw's arw rest to tho Matteawan asylum by Hector Vcrrct, king's counsellor ot CoatlcooK. who Is acting for Deputy Sheriff Kelsey Word has been received from the MuNr teawan authorities to hold tho prisoner!' until further Instructions were received, from them." Thaw's two companions retained coun oel and on the advlco of the latter re fused to disclose their Identity. Thawi will bo taken to Sherbrooko for arralnj- ment. Thaw was arraigned before Justice ofi the Peaco Dupey this afternoon and wan' remanded to Shcrebrook Jail. Ho will api pear before Judgo Mulv.ena, extradition! commissioner, probably tomorrow. WASHINGTON POLICE TELL PAT CROWE TO MOVE ALONG, WASHINGTON. Aug. 19.-Pat Crowoi was ordered to leave Washington todayj tiy Pollco Judgo Pugh, or else to servo a Jail sontenco for vagrancy, Crowe, when arrested, mi hAiiu,i be Insane, but later waB declared menj tally unsound. Ills attorney believes ho) Would be able to nrovldn inn mnnnv tnW Crowe's Journey to Chicago before nlght,j LANDMARK AT 6ETTSBURG DESTROYED BY LIGHTNING GKTTYSnURG, Pa., Aug. .-Thll cupola of the old seminary from which Gcnoral Ieo directed the movements of the confederate forces during tho battla of Gettysburg, was struck by lightning and wan burned, destroying one of tho principal landmarks of the historic fielaVi The Power of the Press r . When people used to talk about "the power of the press" they re ferred to the tremendous power possessed by newspapers In lnfu enclng publlo opinion. That power still exists and exerts Its lafuenco good or bad, an the cape may be, depending upon the principles and policies of each particular publi cation. Rut newspapers wield another great infuenco upon the public mind, It Is the far reaching- ef fect ofSadvertlslug. Just read care fully through tho advertising col umns of The Bee today with this thought in mind, and then con template how Intimately this ad vertising news affects the dally Uvea of readers and you will have at leuut some Idea of the advertis ing power of the press. The news columns tell people what they need to l.tirnv about the events of the day. 'Wie advertising columns fiynlitli faotH thut are in valuable to the Conduct of their dally Uvos-winformatlon of which every thoughtful realer takes advantage.