Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Success in Business
depends on profitable buying nnd
selling. Advertising brings tlio
customer to tlio merchant.
VOL. XL1II-N0. 03.
Official Opinion. Rendered by Car
mody Declares Impeachment
Proceedings Lawful.
Conference of Executives Will
Recognize Sulzer.
Rival Not Asked to Attend Meeting
at Colorado Springs.
80 Far an Federal Government
Concerned There Will lie no
Interference In Content In,
Kmptre State.
ALBANY", N. Y Aug-. 18. lieutenant
X Gov
ernor Martin IL Glynn Is the lawful
hlcf executive of Now York state pend.
lng the outcome of tho Impeachment pro
cecdlngs against Governor Sulzer, ac.
cording to an official opinion rendered
today by Attorney General Thomas
Carmody to Secretary of State Mitchell
May. Mr. Carmody holds that the as
sembly was within Its rights In lnstl
tutlng Impeachment proceedings at an
extraordinary session.
Conference to Itecognlae Solaer.
MADISON, Wis., Aug. 18. The gover
nors conference which meets nt Colo
rado Springs, beslnnlng August 26, will
recognize uovernor sulzer or new xorK,
according to Miles Hiley, secretary of tho
conference. Mr. Illlcy said today that
an Invitation had been sent of Governor
Sulzor and that none,' has been set to
I.leuteant Governor Glynn and that he
saw no chance of the conference taking
cognlzace of the situation.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. So far as tho
federal government is concerned, there
will be no Interference In the Sulzor-
Glynn contest In New York state.
President Wilson told Inquirers today
that the question had not come up. Ho
recalled that a century ago when thero
were two contesting governors In Rhode
Island and the national administration
was callod on to decide, the supremo
court held that It was the duty of the
federal government merely to guarantee
a republican form of government, as
prescribed in the constitution and no
obligation devolved on the federal gov
ernment to Interfere In the contest.
He Will .
Keep on Lecturing
WASHINGTON, . Aug. 18.-Sccretary
Bryan made a formal statement today
about plana for his lecture tours:
"There has not been the slightest
change in my plans and I have no
thought of abandoning lecturing," said
he. "I expect to lecture Just as I sold
would an for the reasons that I gave.
tune it for granted that l will have a
chance to tako a vacation just as other
officials have and during my vacation I
expect to lecture as my needs may re
"The only reason why my lectur) dates
have been cancelled during the last three
weeks is because I have felt that I
should remain here, owing to the work
that the department has at hand. Hut
these conditions wilt not continue always,
When tho time comes for mo, to take my
vacation I shall utilize so much of It as
.1 may find necessary, for lecturing."
LOGAN, la., Aug. lS.-(Speclal.)-Through
the clever work of Sheriff Hock,
James sales, piano tuner, was appre
hended at Clarlnda yesterday afternoon
and. detained by Sheriff Whltmorc for
tho alleged offense of obtulnlng money
under false pretenses.
About Juno 1 Harry Way, a pluno
dealer at Missouri Valley, employed Sales,
who sold a piano to Mallnda Thatcher.
June 23 Way discharged Sales, who, It Is
alleged, went to Mrs. Thatcher and of
fered to discount the piano S5. She paid
j:60. way learned of tho deal and turned
the case over to Sheriff nock, who began
a search for Sales.
Deputy Sheriff Myers left hero yester
day afternoon to bring Sales to Harrison
CALUMET. Mich., Aug. 18. According
to General Abbey In command of tho
state troops in the copper mine strike
tone. Governor Ferris will keep the troops
here until It Is believed the situation can
be safely turned over to the 'sheriff and
his deputies.
Hoisting of rock Ib now under way In
five Calumet and Ilecla shafts, No. 15
resuming operations this morning. Large
bodies of strikers appearedjln the vicinity
jf the shafts this miming, but they wero
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair.; not much change In temperature.
Temperatures) at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Temp.
6 a. m 76
6 a. in 74
7 a. in 77
8 a. m 80
9 a. m S3
10 a. in.. 88
11 a. m 1
12 m n
1 p. m... 93
2 p. m... 93
3 p. m 97
4 p. m 90
6 p. m 93
6 p. m 90
7 p, m . . . S7
8pm 83
Railroads Report It in About Same
Condition as Week Before.
IrrlRnted Section of the Stntrn Gives
Every Indication of HnvliiK
a Moat nonntlfut Yield
of All Cerenla.
Although some parts of tho state have
received good rains In tho last week or
ten days, crop reports complied Monday
by railroads with Nebraska lines Indicate
that with the exception of tho northern
parts, to which the drouth did not ex
tend at any time, ltttlo material benefl
was derived and tho corn Is In approxl
mately tho same condition as before,
In tho north part of the state In tho
territory of the Northwestern lines be
tween Bcrlbncr and Oakdale, rain has
been sufficient to assure a good corn
crop ond the Union Pacific running west
between Fremont and Grand Island pre.
diefs an average crop. South of the
Platte river, however, along tho Burling
ton districts, crops arc In a deplorable
On the Omaha division Lyons received
3.":5 Inches of rain last week, and .Ran
dolph received threo Inches even of rain,
but the corn was In such critical condi
tion that tho precipitation did little good.
The Omaha division Is still In better con
dition than any other of tho divisions
running Into the southern partB of the
On the Lincoln division, where corn Is
in almost as good condition as on the
Omaha division, some fair rains fell. Sar
gent reported a total precipitation of 2.75
for1 the week, while Greeley Center, Eric
son, Comstock and Arcadia reported more
than two lnchjbs.
The Wymore and McCook divisions,
which have been suffering from lack of
rain, had, as usual, very little precipita
tion. Station agents on the two divisions
reported heavy rains after the precipita
tion of last week, but It Is probable that
the agents wero too enthusiastic as a
result of the first shower for six weeks
and did not tako accurate measurements
of the rainfall.
Status of Corn Crop,
Superintendent Allen'j weekly report to
the Burlington at Omaha estimates tho
corn to be In about tho same condition as
a week ago. The following figures com
pare the present crop on the various
divisions with an average crop:
Division. Thin Wik. T.nst Wwt
urn aha 77 77
Lincoln 60 59
Wymore M sn
McCook 45 52
Pastures and meadows are 'practically
burnt beyond repair nnd tho third crop
of alfalfa Is badly damaged, Potatoes
and sugar beets." two commodities that
have been holding their own with tho
heat, are now In bad condition. Apples
and peaches are, also In bad condition.
can plowing is sun nanuicappea by dry
ground and it Is probable that nothing
lUA. Jt deno. along that line . for soma
weeks to'conle
Irrigation Crops Good.
D. Clem Deaver of the Burlington col
onization department returned from a
trip through tho Scott's Bluff country.
Btudylng tho crop conditions In tho Irri
gated country. Ho was accompanied by
Prof. Erwln of tho Ame3 Agricultural
Mr. Deaver was overjoyed at the way
the crops In Scott's Bluff county .wero
growing. In addition to tho Irrigation,
tho county has received bountiful rain
fall, which has caused the crops to
grow beyond the most optimistic expec
tations. ' v
"Sixteen years ago." said Mr. Deaver
In discussing his. trip, "I pxodlcted that
Scott's Bluff county would ralBo more
produce than any other county in tho
stato of Nebraska, and It looked very
much as If I wero correct. This year
the county is raising every Imnginablo
product and every one of those products
Is growing In fine style. Even if the
county does not lead In tho amount of
produce raised, ono thing is certain5
It raises the best varied products In Ne
braska and It will bo but a short num
ber of years before no county will raise
the amount of produce Scott's. Bluff
county -will raise."
Diggs to Go on
Witness Stand in
His Own Behalf
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Aug. 18,-The
third week of the trial of Maury L. Dlggs,
charged with white slavery, will begin
tomorrow. Diggs Is expected to take the
stand In support of tho contention of the
defense that tho purpose wnlch Impelled
him and F. Drew Camlnettl to run away
with Marsh Warrington and Lola Norris
from Sacramento to Reno was solely to
escape troubles pending them, and not to
tlmulato the white slave traffic. Tho de
fense will Beek to show that the girls
were not transported within tho meaning
of the Mann law.
L. P, DlggB, father of tno defendant.
has already testified that he had threat
ened the four with arrest In the hODo of
severing his son's relations with the Wart
rlngton g)rl. and the owner of the Sac-
ramento building, In which Diss's had in
office, related that ho had warned Dlggs
that Juvenile officers would be after him
for taking young girls to his office.
By showing that the girls were acou-
mulatlng thick and fast about Dlggs, the
defense will try and convince tho Jury
that he was afraid to remain in Sacra,
monto and that If he had not gone to
Reno, he would have fled to some point
where he would not hrfve been liable to
the operation of the "Mann law.
R. C. Ramsay, a lawyer friend nf
Maury I. Dlggs, was fined 1100 In nollce :
court today rnr assaulting a newspaper
photographer Friday nfternoon after ad
journment of the Dlggs trial. Ho ap
A warrant for Dices, charclm? an.nn
and sworn to by another newspaper pho
tographer, as a sequel to the same fra
cas, remained unserved today.
There Is no fear that Dlggs. has fled.
Ha Is thought to be seeking to avoid
further notoriety as far as possible.
Martial Lntr lu Nicaragua.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Aug. 18. Mar
tial law is being rigidly enforced in
Nicaragua, and the Diaz administration
has established a strict censorship over
al' criticism of the government s acts.
I r r-rz&t
IN ItitiBPTto
Twenty-Five orBfePassengers and
Seven of Crew Go Down with
State of California.
Boat Lost in Gambicr Bay, Ninety
Miles South of Juneau.
Steamer Jefferson Picks Up Surviv
ors on Rafts and Small Boats.
Craft Valued nt 400,000 and CarRO,
Mali nnd Hxpreaa a Total I.oaa
Number of lloraea for Hh ni
hil nun Trail Loat.
JUN'EAU. Alaska, Aug. 18. Twenty
five or more passengers and seven mem'
bcrs of the crew of tho Pacific Coast
Steamship company's Iron steamer Stnto
of California perished at 8:30 o'cloot Sun
day morning In Gambler bay, ninety
miles south of Juneau, when tho vessel
struck an uncharted rock and sank In
three minutes with many passengers im
prisoned In their state rooms.
Tho steamship left Seattle last Wednes
day night for Skagway and way points.
Travel to the north Is unusually heavy
on account of tho stampede to the
Shushanna gold field. The purser lost
all of his records and It Is not possible
to give a complete list of tho missing.
Following is a list of the dead whose
bodies have been recovered:
MISS LILLA WARD, daughter of Ed
ward C. Word, assistant manager of the
Pacific Coast Steamship company-
MRS. NELLIE B. WARD, mother of
Miss Ward.
Following Is a partial list of tho miss
ing who are believed to have perished:
LESLIE HOB HO, manager of the Pa
cific Coast Steamship company's offlrc !n
San Francisco.
Niritf PlTTttr.AR . .
MISS LILLA WARD, died after being
taken off a life rafe.
Survivors T,Aken to Seattle,
The uninjured survivors, crow an dpaa
angers, are being taken to Seattle on tho
Jefferson and will arrive Thursday,
A great hole wns torn In tho bottom
of the Stato of California. The vessel
and cargo, mall an dexprcss, are a total
loss. Tho vessel was valued at $400,000.
A number of horses for uso on the
Shushanna trail were, lost.
The steamship Jefferson of the Alaska
Steamship company, Alaska, southbound,
heard the wireless call of the sinking
steamship and turned back to rescue the
survlvorsl who had taken to small boats
and llfo rafts. Ten of the passengers had
suffered so severely from exposure that
It was necessary to take them to a hos
pital In Juneau for treatment.
Carried Seventy-Five ateii.
The State of California, ari Iron steam
ship of 2,276 gross tons, was built at Phil
adelphia In 190 nnd carried a crew of
seventy-five men. For many years It had
curried passengers between Puget sound
and San Francisco.
Tho wrecked vessel was commanded by
Captain Thomas II. Cann, Jr., who had,
commund of the steamship Valencia on
Its last trip from Seattle to San Fran
cisco and who was transferred to an
other command when the Valencia
reached that port, thus barely missing
being on that steamer when It went
ashore at Capo Beals, B. C January 22,
196, with a loss of 117 lives.
DULUTl I, Minn.. Aug. 18. The cot
oner's Jury inquiring into tho cause of
the death of John McAlplne, millionaire
lumberman, found dead In the basement
of his home Friday, today returned a ver
dict finding that McAlplne was "mur
dered by persons unknown." Neither Mrs.
McAlplne nor her son. Dale, was held.
Making the Most
Br o. w. fugslky,
Of the University of Nob r ask a.
Every farmer should savo and
use all the feed produced on bis
farm every year. This Is doubly
Important during years of drouth.
The fanner who lets his drouth
lnjured corn stand In the field,
husking the nubbins and poatur.
Int the stalks will save the least
feed. He who cuts up the corn
for fodder will do better ami the
farmer who puts as much of his
crop as possible In the silo, Is the
wisest of all.
An acreage of com left In the
field sufficient to feed one cow
will feed it If it is made into fod
der and three if made Into silage.
A pit silo can be made for fit up,
machinery for fllllnr purchased
for 575 up.
In a dry year corn should be
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Regrets Seeing- Democrats Go to Re
publican Side of Chamber.
DIllinKhnra Wonld Spend Portion of
the Income Tax -for Mnklnsr
Good Honda In the
WASHINGTON, Aug. lS.-While Sir.
Brlstow was speaking on the tariff today
Senators Ttansdell and Thornton of
Louisiana,, democrats, moved over to tho
republican siclo pf the chamber and on
the' dclnocratlo side only Senators Chil
ton, Williams, Sheppard and Thompson
remained. That caused a protest by Sen.
atop Smith pf Michigan.
"I wish to call attention to the lament
aDie fact," said he, "that during the
presentation of this logical nnd un
answerabje argument on tho Important
subject before the senate, the democratic
side has been deserted. I wish to express
my mortification and shame that the ma.
Jority members have deserted their posts
and to confess my hopelessness that wo
will be ablo to accomplish any change
in this schedule."
Senator Dillingham of Vermont pro
posed an amendment to the tariff bill to
spend the proceeds of tho Income tax on
good roads. Each state would appoint an
amount! to its' share of the Incomo
The debato led off Into a discussion of
whether free sugar In 1316 would not ab
rogate tho Cuban treaty and republican
senators contended, that a conflict be
tween free sugar and the treaty might
Invalidate tho whole sugar schedule, but
democrats contended there was n'o con
Divorced Wife
Kills Husband and
His Third Wife
MILLEJN, Ga., Aug. IS. Mrs. Edna
Godbee, divorced wife of Judge W. 8.
Godbec, shot and killed tho Judge nnd
his third wife today In the postofficu hnro
Tho third Mrs. Godbee was formerly
Miss Florence Berger of Youngslown, Pu.,
She married Judge Oodbee about three
months ago.
Mrs. Godbee, who did the shooting, was
the Judge's second wife and Jiad dlvorred
him several years ago. Today when Bhe
met Godbee and his wife she drew a re
volver from her handbag and, without
warning, killed Godbee with three shots
and tho third Mrs. Godbee. with three
more. She was arrested charged with
of the Corn Crop
cut for fodder when ;ther is lit
tle ohanoe that It wjll make any
mora growth. The longer It can
be left In the field without drying
and burning the better. If It can
be left until ears are glased and
partly dented, a better quality of
fodder will be secured. Dead and
dry corn should be eut at once, as
more feed will be saved.
The name rule applies to cut
ting cern for the silo. Let It go
as long as it Is Increasing in food
value, even to the point of haring
the kernels glased and partly
dented. Farmers who are Inter
ested In saving as much of their
feed as possible can get helpful
bulletins on erecting and filling
stlos, cutting corn for fodder and
feeding fodder and silage by writ
ing to the Experiment Station.
It's Up to the Voter
. -ffl ON THE
B compromise
Rains Bring Some
Relief in Kansas
and in Missouri
KANSAS CITF, Aug. 18.-Further
showers wore reported In parts of Mis
souri and Kansas last night, but the
status of the drouth, according to reports
reaching tho weather bureau here and at
Topekd and resumes of the situation
made up at railroad otflcos, Is not greatly
changed generally. Great relief wan ex
perienced from rains of Saturday ami
yesterday and a temporary drop In tem
perature, but tho heaviest precipitation
rarely passed one and one-half Inches
nnd wldo and needier sections wero only
lightly sprinkled.
Wnbro rains wore as light as onchalf
Inch the baked ground drank tho water
and a day or two of hot sunsiiino will
leave tho soil where. It was before tho
rain, it 1b said.
Belief to crops In Missouri Is roported
greater than In Kansas. From the St.
Joseph district, fanners report pastures
iresnencd and lato corn given a chance
for life. Southwestern Missouri received
excellent rains,
lteports from Pittsburg, In southeast
ern .Kansas, today say that section has
nan practically no relief. Tho showers of
Saturday nnd Sunduy wero too light to
moisten tho soil or replenish dried wells
and ponds and today the sun again
ournca in a cloudless sky, promising to
senu tno temporaturo above 100.
mi m . . a
-no aopeKa woamer bureau reported
prospects lor another day with tempera
tures around the 100 mark In Kansas ir-.n
orally. Rains of lasting benefit In the
siato nave not covered wide areas and
reports still reach the state capital o
suffering from exhausted water supply.
Scores Lie Dead in
Streets of Canton
nuu 1VUJXU, AUg. W.-Tho federal
general, Lung Chi Kuang, who Is Presi
dent Yuan Shi Kal'n candidate for gov-
ernor or (.nnton, disembarked from a gov.
eminent Doat at Hong Konrf Saturday to
laao cnurge or the city.
Guerrilla fighting, In which the rebels
are being aided by pirates. Is nroceodln
against the government troops some miles
beyond Canton. Tho guerrillas are prin
cipally oent upon looting.
On ono corner of a street In Canton th
bodies of sixty-four persons killed In tho
righting Friday wero found. All the men
woro new uniforms.
The lied CrosB has been unable to
reach the r.on of fighting In Canton,
where frightful conditions aro reported to
exist among the wounded, owing to the
great heat.
The governor's yamen, which was de
stroyed during the fighting, was the
scone of wanton vandalism. Tho valuable
furnishings, such us vases, blaokwood,
screens and other articles, wore taken
to the streets and smashed. Stationary
objects which could not be removed wore
battered to pieces with guns by the rebels.
Near tho yamen tho body pf a Chinese
woman, dressed In silk nnd, having largo
pearls In her cars, was found, sho has
been shot through the head.
Tho treasury building, which wbb dam
aged by shells, was looted. Wholesale nx
ecutlons at Canton arc taking place dally.
The National Capitol
.Holiday, AuKiiat 18, 1013.
The Senate.
Senator Tillman in speech attacks wo
man suffrage.
Consideration of tariff hill resumed.
Senator Briatow optned debate on sugar
and offered substftuto schedule.
Senator Dillingham argued as to tariff
tp divert Incomo tax revenue to construc
tion of good loads. '
diyb,y comnl,t,'0 adjourned until Frl-Finance-
committee heard conHudlna
arguments of California wine produceri.
The Iloute,
Not In seislon. meets Tuosday
Lobby committee resumed with I ir
MeMlchael under exawiniuonT
Mayor Dalilman Says Gas Franchiso
Will Carry by 2,000 Votes
Antoa Will lie Uaed to Cnrrr Voters
to the l'olla, Which Are to lie
Open from H a. in. Until
0 p. ni.
Special suction on gaa franohlss to.
''i ntu polls open frtim H a, nt.
to o p. m. ,
On the mom of the gas 'franchise ejec
tion both sides are professing to be confi
dent of victory. Mayor Dahlman Monday
predicted that the frunchlse would carry
, by at least 2,000 votes. The more votes
cast tho larger tho majbrlty will Uo for
tho franchise, ho asserts.
Mayor Dahlman estimates that about
10,000 votes will bo polled. Ho said It was
his opinion that tho gas franchiso would
carry In every ward but the Twelfth,
Ninth and Seventh ond that tho majority
for tho antl-franchse combination would
bo small In theso wards.
.I m run u Preillcta Defeat.
Hurry Zlminon proclaimed yesterday
that the gas franchiso would be defeated
He asserts that tho heavier the voto tho
greater tho majority against It. Asso
ciated with Zlmman on his committee nro
H. B. Howell, F. p. Wcad, M. O. Cun
nliiKhaim C. F. Harrison and J. Polcar.
Autos will bo used by both sides to curry
voters to tho jhjIIs. Tho opposition to
tho franchiso say thev havo about Mo
automobiles which havo been volunteered
and every ono will be pressed Into jiorv
Ice. They are using automobiles on, the
legal opinion that It would be lawful to
convey tlio voters to tho polls.
Tho mayor and those favoring the fran
chlse say they have about S00 automobiles
and overy ono will be kept busy carrying
voters to tno polls.
McMichael Comes
in for a Grilling
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.-nenresenta.
uvo jomes T. McDcrmott's lawyers turned
a grilling cross-cxumlnatlou today on I.
ii. MCAiiciiucl, rormer chief page of the
house, planning to shako his story that
McDermott got 7,CO0 from Washington
pawnbrokers trying to beat tho federal
loan Biiark bill.
McMlohael, referred to In the lobby ex
i.uaUro oi jwnrtin M. Mulhall as chief
iy on congressmen for the National As
sociutlon of Manufacturers, testified ho
had not Been any money given to Mc
Dermott and had only McDermott's own
word about tho alleged transaction with
tho loun sharks.
McMlohael swore that In an nrfon
have him "keep his mouth shut" Mc
Dcrmott's brother-ln-luw had
him a inunlclpul Job here. McMlohael sold
ho wus to got tho Job through Attorney
Jtalston, counsel for the American it
eration of Labor and a former partner of
District Commissioner Slddons. ltalston
denied that he or tho federation was
concerned In the alleged offer.
During the sovcre storm that vllti
Kansas City Saturday night Charl it
Linn, 3811 Ames avenue, was killed by a
lightning shock while uslnir the ti..
Phono. Tho bolt had hit somewhere olong
hid mm just at a time when he -had the
rocelvor to his ear. He died .imniv
afterwards. Surviving him hoM...
widow are two children. Wallaca nn.i
Holen, both of whom live at home.
Mr. Linn was t years of sun m,,i
conducted a business at Kansas Cty.
His home, however, was in Omaha.
The funoral will be held from tho rest
donee Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock and Interment will be In Forest
Lawn cemetery. Itev. J. Franklin Itass
of the Pearl Memorial church will officiate.
Refuses Mediation of the United
States in the Affairs of Mexico
. at This Time.
Is an Ultimatum to the Note of Presi
dent Wilson Sent Some Days Ago.
Less Optimistio Feeling Around De
partments and Among Officials.
Contend that This Country lias
Done Its Dntr anil Kxhlhlted
Desire far Peace and
AtBXICO CITr, Aug. lS.-rrovlelonat
President Huerts, replying today to Pres
ident Wilson's noto which was recontly
delivered to the Mexican government!
through John Llnd, refuses mediation In
the Mexican situation or any similar sug
gestion made by a foreign government-
Mr. Llnd haa forwarded Clinerat
illuerta's answer to Washington and Is
awaiting a reply.
Hale to Have Protection.
WASHINGTON, Aug. lSAdmlnlstra
tlon otfllcals appeared to bo less op
timistio today over tho Mexican situation,
but still were waiting some word from
John Llnd, which would mako possible
publication of President Wilson's viowa
already In the hands of the Huerta govt
Chairman Bacon of the senate foreign
relations commlttoo conferred with the
president. "At least we have done our
duty,' said ho, when leaving tho execu-.
tlve offices. Ho discussed posslblo reject
tlon of tho vluws of the United States
"We have shown the world our friendly
Intentions nnd Jt will not be our fault ifi
tho suggestions are rejected.''
Thero was an undercurrent of discus
slon of possible alternatives, of which
lifting the embargo on arms was ono.
Mr. Bacon declared that would be dona
only after all peaceful means had failed.
Whlto House officials intimated Uia
United States would take a deep Intor-i
est In proper protection for William Bay
ard Hale, President Wilson's friend, who
has been sending reports from Mexico.
Though Hale has no official status, his
ptosence In Mexico has boon hotly at
tacked by Mexican officials.
Mrs Christopher Durr,
Oinalia" Pioneer, Dies
Mrs. Christopher Durr, 69 yoars of arc,
died Monday ovonlng at tlio family resi
dence, 2027 South Eighth street. For tho
last bIx years Mrs. Durr's health had
been falling and slnco tho first ot tho
month sho had bocn confined to her Ik d.
Bho cumo to Omaha forty-flvo years ago
from Cincinnati, O., and was among the
pioneers who saw what was then a fron
tier village grow into one of tho cities of
the west.
Surviving hen besides hor husband,
Christopher, who has been associated fos
a good many years with tho Union Pa
cific railroad, are six chtldron, K. C,
Durr, 4011 California street; Mrs. C. H.
James, Chicago; Miss Mary Christopher,
Jr.; Miss Agnes and Allen, all still living
at homo.
The funeral arrangements have not yet
been decided upon.
HUNTINGTON, Ind Aug. 18.-Mrs, J.
W. Caswell and daughter wero driving
In their electric runabout yesterday when
thoy found they could not stop.
Wearying of the enforced ride, they
headed the electrlo up a steep hill. Miss
Caswell applied the brakes and I educed,
the speed so that her mother could
Jump out, The mother telephoned
her husbund to head oft the machlno
and when the girl drove up the hilt again,
ho hopped in nnd the girl got out Ha
drove up one street nnd down another.
Dinner time passed and still the car
rolled merrily on,
' After four hours the battery became
exhausted and the car died on the out
skirts of tho town.
Child Illen After Operation.,
GENEVA, Neb., Aug. 18.-(SpecIaU
The little 8-year-old daughtor of Orllej
Merrill died yesterday after an operation
last Wednesday for appendicitis.
Purchases Reduce
Every successful business has a
complete system of bookkeeping
from which, at frequent Intervals,
statements are made that show
Just how and where every cent has
been spent.
The finances ot a family should
bo managed, on a reduced scale In
much the same way an a business.
Too little stress Is laid on this
point of domestlo economy. The
disbursements of tho larger Pro
portion of families ore made In a
haphazard, unayBtomatlc way. so
that at the end of the month no
one knows where the money has
been spent. The only sure fact Is
that la Is gone.
Begin watching and keeping ac
count of your household expendi
tures. You will find, without doubt
that you have been spending
money without getUng good value
for every dollar.
The noxt move Is to decide in
telllgently what you want and to
buy where you can get Uie ereat
eat amount of good out of your
money. Bead thoroughly The Bee
advertisements and you can?t go
wrong In picking the places wheTe
a dollar spent will gva you thl
maximum amount of ,,ttiL,1 ?
I i "".W-UUII,