THE BRIO: OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY, AFGURT 13, 1913. 11 KKAli ESTATE. C1TV I'nOt'KKTY roit 9AL1S. DUNDEE New, first class six-room hou, 4Wt Capitol Ave., Dundee. Oak finish flnt floor, birch, second floor. Oak floors tliroughout. Living room has beam-H celling and fine fireplace. Dining room has paneled walls with heavy plate rail; also a welt finished built In buffet, liath. room, white enameled with tile floors find Keane cement walls. House decorated throughout. First class plumbing and largo Milton Rotters' furnaco. Conven iently located, being between car lines. South front lot. W. H. THOMAS & SON, K8 State Dank Building. Doug. 1511. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Precipitations Over Country Lower Prices of Yellow Cereal. MANY CONVERTED TO BEAR SIDE Moisture Give the Corn Crop n Bet ter Outlook and Many ne ' Tinders Desert the Ilnll Slcmrnt of Market. SixRoom Bungalow tS,760 Very choice six-room bungalow; never been occupied; entirely modern; full cemented baeemtnU Parlor and din ing room finished , In oak; good sljed rooms: kitchen has fine pantry, large den which could very, easily bo Used for sleeping room. Two fine bed rooms ana bath room upstairs, South front, corner lot on paved street. Special dltcouut ror one-half cash. SCOTT & HILL, DouiiIasliOCO. 07 McCague Bldg TO settle an estate, aouoie rial biuut story house. 821-23-25 8. 20th Bt.i first class condition; reasonable. Phone H. 292q. ..... - .,. Th 11. room house 2 blocks from Tearl and Broadway, Council Bluffs, modern except heat This belongs to heirs who ask us to get best offer and It Is going to vU. Fine location for rooming house. McQee Real Estate Co.. 105 Pearl Bt. . tttitfDitif rtODntlTl !MtTT To buy an Ideal West End home. Owner anxious to sail this, ftvo-rponi home, modern except hoat. Havo fixed up this house for home I large lawn sur rounds; porch and other conveniences to make It home. Better let us show It to you. Price. fi,400; ce.n make terms. McQee Real Eatate Co.. 105 V earl St. 1515 N, 33D ST. S-room modern house, full basement and attic. Combination fixtures. Newly painted. Coment walks. Three blocks from school, on paved street and car line. Lot 42ftx76. Terms t4,0o0, $2,200 down, own time on balance If sold by September 1. Rents for $35. Lyle Burns, Owner. EXPERIENCED colonizer In touch with strong selling force; big money for right party. Box 890. Omaha. TO BUY. 8KLL OK RENT. V1KBT SEM SOHN V . BOBBINS. 1801 aRiHAMBT. OFFERED FOR BAUC. Furniture. HOUSEHOLD furniture. Call Harney 22H i CHIFFONIER library table and child's bed. Phono Webster 877. Muatcul litstmuicuta. ELECTRIC Piano. U25. 119 N. 15th. Typewriters. Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold; easy terms. JJUltS lypswur ax.., low gmniam, an T. I? (Smith X.- HrOH. tVOS i.Ci.t . w. ,j ..... -. . - - writer, visible, late model, back npuco key. guaranteed A-l machine. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 181V Far nam. Phone Douglas 2213. Remember, this Is new- location. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months, ti. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and fold on easy terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 411 8. 16th Bt, RENT an Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Doug, 2919. Miscellaneous. EMPTY Ink barrete tax sale Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and JTarnam Sta. FOR SALE New and eecond-hanU carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all tctnds; easy payments. The Brunswtok-Balke Collender Co., 4O7-409 S. lUth Bt. FIVE, carloads of beer bottles for sale., Quarts and pints. Nathan Steinberg, 101a Harney St. SAFES Overstocked;, seoond-hand; all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam HALL'S safes, new aim zd-hana, Corey & McKenslo Ptg. Co.; 1407 Harney. P. 244. 3x8 air compressor, 812 8. 14Un SAFES id-hand. American Supply Co, PERSONAL. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat. D. 863. TjAIITIA WII.RON . Uth .! fri Doug. 8781. ' MAGNETIC HEAL1NG-1829 VINTON. Massage. 1st fl..r.6. 1723 Dodge. Mrs. BteeleT 62-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Btxten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. 207 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the L. H. Journal. 31.60: the S. E. Post. J1.G0; the Country Qentleman, I1.S0, by Sept. 30. earns that 33,000 for the Invalids' Pension Aaa'n. Your renewal contributes owe. roona uougiu noo, vmana. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young ."Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers mu at me union aiauon THE SALVATION ARMY solicits off clothing', in fact, anything you do nbt need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., tor cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 4125 and wagon will can. MAGNETIC ia?$2gn. & 5T- f AS3 A fi-V Swedish movement, 411 MBS J. B. HUTCHINBON Your daughter, who was born on or about November 17, 1884, and left at my home Nov. 27, 1S84. Is still alive; if you wish to see her, call or write zif. uee. LOVEJOY Webster 658 SEWING- MACHINES HEAL ESTATE LOANS. Money .to loan on Omaha homes. No delay. J. H. Mlthen Co., Inc.. 021 Clt itauonai xianit mas. uougiu i-ia. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. OMAHA bomea. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO., 10W Omaha National. Douglas Tlv WANTED City loans and warrants. TV. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. y CITY LOANB, Bemls-Carlberg Co, i " 4iu-ii ursnucn x neater uiag. GARVIN BROS.&at-a WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co, LARGE loans our specialty. Stun Bros, 2100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D, wead, weaa mag., inn ana rarnam. WANTEDTO B1JV Qolgoff. :d-hand store pays highest prices icr rurniiuro. ciqwibs, siioea. cu. iwi. Slightly used high grade piano. W. 3723 LIVE STOCK MARRE1 OF WEST. Bblp live stock to South Omaha, 3avi mileage and. shrinkage. Your consign inents reoelve prompt and careful uiu-a lion. Live stock Coiumlaalun Merchants, MARTIN BROS, & CO.. v.xehangs T4ldg. ... , OMAIIA. Aug. 12. IMS., While thii Vilr tnnirt nnrl rmirnld bull leaders In corn cave that market a. sreat deal of attention, as well as support yes terday, they were unable to hold the price up to the level where It closed on Satur day, Tho rains over the greater part ot the corn belt since the close ot the Board of Tradn Hnliirdnv itml the nromlae of additional precipitation coupled with mucn lower tompeartures, were the causes of heavy desertions from the camp of the bulls, and the addition of new converts to .the ranks ot the bears. One of the bull leaders, togetherd with a heavy short, bought a great deal of corn, the first mentioned paying great attention to the September, of which he Is known to be long, and the latter taking the December and May. With the excep tion pf Kansas and scattered sections in other states the corn belt was pretty weu wet qown and it now iooks as it the matter of deterioration la raat for a period, at least, If not on the crop. Cash corn Is being ottered at little more freely In the country, atlhough It was wa nere yetserday that Kansas uuy was bidding for corn at all points around Chicago. The trade In corn futures has gone larKelv out of tha Rootember and over Into tho other months because ot the congestion now to be seen In the first named option. t.asn torn was unchanged. Wheat dlflnlftVA n nnnatriarnhlA atull. bomnesa and lhl inn. In lh fnr of tslllng bearish factors. There was no export trade and bldB for the other aide of the ocean were out of line. There was no milling demands to speak ot and yes terday's sales amounted to only 10,000 bushelB. Cash wheat was c higher. The r rowers of oata wura In no hurry to dispose of tbelr surplus yesterday. Ac- nurams to (no laeas or tne more con servative men In the trade at Chicago while there was some Dressure on the market yesterday, there was no change In sentiment as the day wore away, and prices were about Ma higher. Cash oats were wuc nigner. Clearances: Wheat and flour eaual to 935,000 bushels. Liverpool closed with wheat 4d lower and corn Kd lower. rnmary wheat receipts were i,638,ww bu. and shlpmonts of 783,000 bu., against receipts of 1.238,000 bu. and shipments ot 1,449.000 bu. last year. Primary corn recelotb were E13.000 bu. and shipments of 399,000 bu., against re ceipts or sas.wu du. ana smpments oi SSfi.OOO bu. last year. Primary" oats receipts were 1,451,000 bu. and shipments of 58t,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1.3S6.000. bu and shipments ot 44C,wq bu. last year. UAKL.UT KKCKIFTB. Wheat. Corn. Chicago .... Minneapolis Duluth Omaha ...... Kansas City c. jouis Winnipeg .101 .101 ., 76 ..113 ..177 ..104 B5 11 65 32 17 Oats. Ml The following cash sales were reported Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 2 cars, SOVic: cars, ivlAC u cars, sue. jno. nam winter, cars, vow, i car, eufto; i car, 80c: 4 cars. 79Hc. No. 3 spring. 1 car. $0c. No. 4 mixed, 1 ear, 79c. Rye: No. 2, 3 cars, 6614c; No. 3, 1 car, 66c. Corn: No. 2 white, 73ttc; 3 cars, 73c. No. 2 white, 1 car, 73c. No. 2 yellow, 2 cars, 73e. no. 3 yellow, z cars, 73 c. ivo. 2 mixed, 4 cars. 73c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 73c: 7 cars, 72&c. No grade, 1 car, 72c. Oats: Stan dard, l car. 40a. No. 3 white. 2 cars. 40Ho; 3$ cars, 40Uc; 3 cars, 40c. No. 4 white, 3 cars. 40c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car (black oats), 39o. No grade, l car, Z9c Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. hard. 80S0Wc: No. 3 hard. 79V48eOV4e: No. 4 hardi 7779c; No. 3 spring, 80V4c Corn: No. 2 white, 7SS7SHC; no. s wnue. vao; 2. 73c: No. 2. 72i 4113c: no grade, 72c; Oats: Standard, 40c; No. 3 white. 40Q 40Hc; No. 4 white, 40c. Ilye: No. s. 6c; no. s, rec. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PnOIBION8 Feature ot the Tradtnff stnd Closlnc Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 12. EsUmates that thn corn croD had shrunk 300.000.000 bushels since August l. exerted a pow erful effect today in lilting tne mantei, Clnslncr nrlrr.a were firm at & net ad vance of T4UiC to lHc. Wheat showed a cram nr tn qfcapwe. ana oaia a riHe of iMo to Ho higher. In provisions the outcome was a decline of IV46V4c. According to well known experts the extraordinary new damage that Is al leged to have diminished the corn yield has been ascartalned by a widespread Investigation as to barren stalks. Tha Injury sold to have demonstrated is charged to severe and unusual weather conditions at tho fertilising season. Incessant dry hot weather southwest more than offset In the corn pit any ad vantage the bears might have obtained from rains In portions ot the country nearer Chicago, Many former holders re placed lines, and there was much new being unusually rmall. Liberal profit taKlng sales on mo auvunce , urounni about only a moderate reaction from the top figures of the day. Black rust reports from Manitoba and North Dakota helred cause a rally In wheat. It wao also asserted the export and milling aemanu naa improves. Weakness which prevailed early was at trlbuted largely to on Increase of tho European visible supply, bringing the tntal to above that of last year. Oats rose with corn and because ot the emallness of orrenngs. uuying, now- Aver. was onlv fair. Provisions broke sharply. Dry weather hogs were too plentiful at western pack tng centers, and there was only a poor can ror casn prouucis. Artlclel Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.iYes'y Whsatl sept. Deo.. May. Corn. Sept. Dec. May. Oats. Sept. Dec.. May. Pork Se'jt. Jan.. (.ard. Sept. Oct.. Jan.. Albs. 8ept. Oct. Jan. I 7iwe 67H068I 41V. 4444Vd 20 63 19 00 11 20-22 11 20-27 10 65 86H sou K 73 63 H 42U 44HH 47?, 20 65 19 00 11 22V4 11 2714 10 7i4 10 92H) 10 96 11 CO 11 CO 10 02HI10 06-7 35H 89H 94H! 67T4 48HI 20 47V4 18 5 11 11 07H 10 60 10 37-60 10 85-87 11 00 8H 94H ,69HH 42 47l 20 EO U 90 07HIU 17-20 11 23 10 62H 11 CO 11 00 10 05 83 V 94Vi 71V4H ,8QC8Vi 41ttS 44V 46 20 87H 19 20 U27H 11 33 10 7214 Jill 02-5 11 vo 10 12H Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 12. METALS Quiet. 11.45. In London. 20 7s 6d. Spelter, steady 35.7ft36.80; In London. 20 Copper: Strong; standard spot and August, Ill.7aai5.85j September. 114.92 15.75; October, $14.96615.76; electrolytic. U6.71100; lake. IU&0; casting, 16.76. -Tin, weak; spot. 141.75642.00; Au gust. 341.66041.90: September, 141.10941.40, October, I41.O0Q4l.10. Antimony, nominal; Cookson's, U.4&S8.50. Iron, steady No. 1 northern. 1.W16.; No. 2 northern. tlt.60ei00. London markets closed as follows: Copper, easy; upot and futures, 69. Tin. weak; spot, 118 10s; futures, 187, Iron, Cleveland warrants, 55s. Persistent Adverting s the Kuad to Big Returns. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 86!487V4c; No. 3 red, new, 55HS6oj No. 2 hard, new, 86&87c; Ho. 3 hard, new, ffittS6?ic; No. 1 northern, new, 91c; No. 1 northern, old, 91392c; No. 2 northern, 90891c; No. 3 northern, fc300c; No. 2 spring, new, 89c; No. 2 spring, old, 90-691 c; No. 3 spring. 68390c; No. 4 spring, &Stj6Tc. velvet chaff, 8&38S'4c; durum, 4Q90c Corn: No. 2. 72?4fiP73Hc; No. 2 white, 7314 iW3Vic; No. Z yellow, 72H072Wc; No. 3, T:Vi7Sc; No. 3 whlto, 727iV4c; No. 3 yellow. 72Hfi-73o; No. 4, 71H372c; No. 4 white, 72S4r72c; No. 4 yellow, 72ViQ72ic. Oata: No. 2. new, 29t40c; No. 2 white, new, 42HG43o; No. . new, 33V4c; No. 3 white, new, 4141c; No, 3 white, old, Hi 42o; No. 4, new, 40S41c; No. 4 white, old, 4UWtf41c: standard, new, 42e42Uc: stand ard, old. 42U&42WC Rye: No. 2, 62 63V4C Barley: 50370c. Timothy. J4.0Og4.8O. Clover: Nominal. Pork: 322.50. Lard: 1U.12H. Ribs: I10.5O6U.75. BUTTER Unchanged. EGGS Receipts, 11,163 cases; market unchanged. POTATOES Lower at e&S&oc; receipts, 60 cars. PO V LTRY Unchanged. St. I.onln General Market. ST. LOUIB. Aug. 12WHEAT-No. 3 r.A HM.SlKlKc: No. 2 hard. 847tftff9Mc: September, 8Wj8iie; May, 9336ac, rnrtKNo. 2. 77Uc: No. 2 whlte.78a: September. T4o; Jfay, Tic. OATS-No. 2. 41H42'4o; No, 2 white, UHoj September. 41c; May, 47Hc. RYE Cie. . ., . , Tiew York Oeiirml Markrl, NEW YORK. Aug. 12 SUGAR naw,' steady muscovado, .53c, centrifugal, 171c, molasses. 3.P1c, refined, steady, rut loat. 5KV. crushed. 5,40c. mould, t.P&v-, cubes, 4.95c: XXXX powdered. 4.86c, powdered, i.fci; tine granulate, 4.7W; dia mond A, 4.70a; confwlloners, A.., 4.55c; No. 1, I.DOc. Kantian Cltr Grain nntl l'rnvlslons. KANRAS CITY. Aur. 11 W1IKAT No. 2 hard, SWSSe; No. 3. 80H,8lc; No. I red, 83W384C; No. S, 8K3c. v;ur no. z wnite, ttho; rvo. s, 6rtc. OATS No. 2 white. 43o: No. 2 mixed. 42c. RYE-720. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Sentember. 8Uc: December. corn eeptember, 754T6Hc; Decem ber, 69Hc. NEW YORK GEEKAI, MARKET Quotations at the Dr on Varloa Contmodltles. MOT Vrtntr A..- irtmiii ...... aw...., nui ... ' . .v .V , . steady; spring patents. I4.0O&N.W; winter straighui, 14.1034,20; winter patents, 34.40itr4.eO; spring clears, 11.00 4.20; extra No. 1 -winter. tS.554J8.76: extra No. 2. winter, (333.50; Kansas straights, lt-l5ti4.2S. WHELVT-Spot. firm; No. 2 red. 934c; So. 1 northern Duluth, 974ot futures December.' 9754c. vuit opot, quiet; ox port, Nic. 647Hc; No. i white. 43c; No. 3, 46f4VrO. HOP8-8tady: 1912, IftSSOo: 1911, lSiw, Paclfle coast, 1S12, 19fl22c; 1911, 66aSc. HIDES-Flrm; 230Hc; Central America, S9i,c. P l-YT nAT .r1 1 t r nin v.i. bulk, 36.00; barrels, 13.70; 'cases. 111.00, ' I nwiff tnnuara, j.wai.wii; no. esocT PROVISIONS-Mess pork, steady; $23.25 2i75j family. Wl.tTMoo: short olsar, w, k-r.w. xajk, ((uicii tie.wiip.w: iimr- Uy, K0.0021.00. Cut meats, ateady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pound, 117.50, ploklod f v Jits. IT IMA , IIIIUUIO west, lll.45Sll.55; refined, steady; con- pouna-. T BUTTER Market steady; receipts, 10. 352 tubs; creamery, extras, 27JT27feo. state, whole milk, fresh colored specials. m.if ' . . ' .I,.:.. IWH .Vllll. 14Jic: skims, 3i8imc i!iuusv-tnrm; receipts, 16,103 cases: fresh gathered No. 1, 16V4c , POULTRY Dressed, dull and lrreRru lari fresh killed western chickens, 17U28oi fowls, leHQ'lSH0! turkeys, I8.9U0. OMAIIA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, Mb. cartons, 23o; No. 1. 60-lb. tubs, 27Hq; No. 2. 6c itt-wite, rresh. 1201 trout, Xresh. 15c; large crapples, fresh, 13c; Spanish mackerel, 16o; ehad roe, per' pair, 40c j salmon, fresh, 16c; halibut, fresh, 100; buffalo, 9o; bullheads, l3o: channel cat tish, 11c; pike, 15o plokerei, lie CHEESE Imported. Bwlss, 82c;- AmerJ. can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins, 17c: daisies. 17Uc. triolets. HUc! vnunir Americas, 18c: bluj label brick, 17o; llm- oerger, fio., ato; isew xorK, wnite, lc, POULTRY Broilers, 23o per lb.: hens, 16a; cocks, 12a; ducks, 18a0o geese, iSo; turkeys, 20$23c; pigeons, per dos., 11.20; roosters, 9c; ducks, full feathered, lOo; geese, full feathered, 18c; squabs. No. 1, $1.60; No. 2. 60c BEEF CUTS-No. 1 ribs. 17c: No. rlha. 14o; No. S ribs, ISVJc; No. 1 loins, l9o: no. 2 101ns, 110; no, a 101 ns, lavw; No. 1 chucks, nc; No. 2 chucks, Uttc; No. 3 chucks, 104o; No. 1 rounds, lie; No. 2 rounds, U!4o; No. 3 rounds. 18o; No. 1 plates, 7V-; No. 2 plates, THc; No. 3 plates. 6V0. The following prices are rurnlshed by the Gllllnsky Fruit company: FRUITS Washington apricots, per crate. 11.60: Wlckson Urue irreeh Plums. per crate, $2.00; medium red plums, per iraio, lame uiue piumDB, per crate, 12.00. Pears: Bartletts. Der box. 2.1R: K. box lots, $2.65. Peaches: Per box, 85o; California B Hardy Dear, ner box. 12.23: Apples: Duchess or Transparent, per bu., 90c; 6-bu. lots, ssc; IO-bu. lots, 80c Cantaloupes: Arizona standard, per crate, Arizona rouy, per crate, 32.76; Extra fine Valenclas, 126, 2&8 sixes, per dox, o.w; owiikhi vaiencias, lw, ig.60 176. 200. 216. 260 sixes. Der bolt. 17.00. Ctrnn: fruit: 'Florida, Indian River, 46, 54, 64 sixes, siv.w. v-ranuerrioa; evaporated, carton containing 36 packages, per car ton. $2.70. Qranea: Calltornia. Der emtn. $1.83. Lemons: Extra fancy Sunklst, 200s and 260, per box, $9.50; extra choice Red Ball, 30Us and 360s, per box, $9.00. VEGETABLES Potatoes, large Cob- mer, per Dusnei, wc. unions, California, large yeuow, per pouna, zc. Tomatoes homeitrown. Per market basket. 60a; k. crate lots, 45c. Watermelons, Alabama sweei, per pouna, jc; o-rate lots, pet Dound. l.c. MISCELLANEOUS Roasting ears, per dor., 15c; Michigan celery, per doz., s&o: Mott's cider, per keg, $3.60; Nehawka cider, per keg, $3.25; asparagus, per doz., 50c: rhubarb. Per doz.. 29c: onions. nr doz.. 20c; new beets, carrots, turnips, per aoz., iwc; parsiey per aoz., wo; radishes, per doz., 20c; head lettuce, per doz., Jl.OO; homegrown leaf lettuce, per doz.. zoo- green peppers, per basket, 60c; wax or green peans, per oaaxet, ii.w; hothouse cucumoers, per .aoz.. uc to too; cnuu flower. Der lb.. 10Jf2o: Venetian irnrlln Der lb.. 12Uc: new cabbaee. ner 11. 3n eggplant, per doz., $1.50; horseradish, 2 uoz. uomea in cue, per case, 91. w. Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $3,00; Anchor brand dates, pkg., $2.25; walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 20o; medium pecans, per lb., l3Hc; jumbo pecans, per lb., 15c; giant pecans, Louisiana, paper shell, per lb 25c; filberts, per lb., 15c; IDrake almonds per lb. 15c, paper shell, 18c; Brazils, per lb., 10c; large washed, per lb., 12c; black walnuts, per lb., 3tto; raw No, 1 peanuts, per lb,, 7c; jumbo pea nuts, per lb., Sc; roast peanuts, per lb., fctyc; shellbark hlokorynuts, per lb., 4c; white rice popcorn, per lb., 4c; checkers, per 100-package case, $3.50; checkers, per 60-pkg. case, $1,75; Leslie berry boxes, quarts, per 1,000, $2.76. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 12. WHEAT No. 1 hard, Hc; No. 1 northern. 87HO 89Ho; No. 2 northern, 85H87Ho: No. hard Montana, 84Hc; No. 8, 84H85Ho; September, 86S3c December. 89tt 5Wc; May, 94iS91o. CORN No. 3 yellow, 7676Hc. OATS No, 3 white. tt40c. RYE No. 2, 570690. FLAX-$1.464G1.47. BARLBY-482c. FLOUR Unchanged. BRAN-$17.00ail7.60. Liverpool Grain StarUet. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 12. WHEAT-Spot, easy; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s SHd; No. 2, 7s 4Hd; No. 3, 7s 2d. Futures, easy; Octo ber, 7s d: December, 7s Hd. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new,' 6s 2d; American mixed, old, 6s 6d; American mixed, old (via Galveston), 6s 3d. Futures, easy; September, La Plata, 4s 10d; October, La Plata. 3s Hd. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 12. COFFEE Higher European cables and reports of advance In the cost and freight market caused an opening advance of 4 to 12 points In the coffee market. There was a good deal of realizing and prices soon eased off. The close was steady at 7 to 12 Dolnts lower. AususL a.Krtn: flantum. ;tr, 8.72c; October, 8.83c; December, 9.07c; (January, 9.16c; March, 9.34c; May, 9. Co; July, 9.61c. Spot, quiet: Rio 7s, 'ic; Ban 'tos 4s, Ho; mild, dun; Cordova, 1316c nominal. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-COTTON Fu tures closed steady; closing bids: August, ll.61c; September, 11.20c; October, 11.03c; November. 10.95a: Deembr. itooTo. January. 10.55c; February. 30.87c; March,; jnay, Cotton closed ttcadv. unchanired. tn a points lower. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 12.-COTTON-Bpot. moderate business and steady; middling fair. 7.07d; good middling. 6.73d: middling, 6.4ld; low middling, 6.2ld; good ordinary, 6.65 d; ordinary, 6.31d; sales. 8,000 baits. Sntrnr Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-SUGAR-Raw, steady; muscovado, 3.23c, centrifugal, 173c; molasses, 2.9Sc; refined, steady; cut leaf, 6.50c: crushed, 5.40c; mould, 4.06c; cubes, 4.95c; XXXX powered, 4.85c; powered, 4.80c; fine granulate, 4.70c; dia mond A. 4.70c; confectioners, A., 4.55c; No. 1, 4.60c. ' ' Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 12, -Cotton goods markets are steady with more business offering for late deliveries at conces. Innu fF Vl . if . m ,i I fn. alllra I. i Jnhtir sr havlnir uatimt mrt nn. . . thus far this season. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Trading Approximately 550,000 Shares, Most for Many Months. M'ADOO'S ACTION IS HELPFUL Much of Improved Sentiment At tributed to Intention of Treasury Department to Flnnnce Crop Jlntrinrnli vtnw rnnk-. Aik. ll. lmonlled by a variety of Influences, many of them ad mittedly favorable, today's stock market renewed us recent nuvance, mo no em braclng moro than the usual number of secudltlei In practically all divisions of the list. Trading approximately was fcA- 001) shares, which tar exceeded any ses sion or recent montns, Maximum kkiub In the favorites averaged almost two point, but profit taking In the final hours largely reduced this advantaga. stee, Reading anu union i-acmo m n time relinquished their positions as leaders. Trading In steel, which aggre Im1 m'Ap 2F nr rent of the Whole. was again remarkable for tho largo lots which changed hanas. It 1 Intorrstlnr. as showlne tho state of the speculative mind, that muoh of the Improved sentiment Is attributed to the intention of the Treasury department, an nounced some time ago, to nnance tne movement of the crops. When this was first made known the nnanciai aisinoi manifested something more than mild resentment and openly denounced . tho commercial paper feature of the program as savoring of "Inflation." Now a conswcraoie taction raura iu the Bovernmenfa action as a bull argu ments, saying It will relievo this center of any momentary strain, and will act ually bring td It a large share of the crop money where It will find an out let, lr not In speculative, in various other channels. . . Formation of tho Southern Tacit le syn dicate, with Its world wide ramifications, was also accepted as a sign that bankers are nat averse to a further advance in quoted values. Coppers wero helped by an advance In the metal to 10 cents. Additional ease In long time money was Indicated, with an enlarged demand from Interior points for commercial paper at six per cent, a reduotlon of one-fourth per cent. Bonds participated only lightly in the better tone of the stock market Govern ments wero unchanged on call. Total sale par value amounted to $1, 8.000. Number ot sales and closing quotations on stocks were: Amtltmtd Cepper.. American Agricultural, Amtrlou Ileet Kugtr Amtrlcin Cn Amtrlean Can Md..,, American 0. & r...... Amtrlctn Cotton Oil... American lea Recurlllea American Unaeed ...... American Locomotive ... American P. & K American S. 4 11...... American S. & It. old.. American Sugar Refining American Tel. It Tel.... American Tobacco Anaconda Mining AUhleon , Atchison pti Atlantlo Cotut Lin Daltlmor & Ohio Bethlehem Steel Urooklrn Haptd Tracalt. Canadian Faetfia Central Leather Cneeapeake Ohio..... Chicago dreat Weatern. C. M. St. P........ C. a K. W Colorado Fuel & Iron. Coneolldated Oa ........ Corn Product Delaware A Hudaon,,,, Denver ft Hlo Orande.. D. & n. O. pfd Dlatllltra' BecurlUee Erl Erie lit rfd Crl Sd prd. General Electrlo ....... Oreat Northern ptd Great Northern Ore ct. Illluola Central Interborough-Met Inlerborough-Met. ptd.,. International Harreiter. International Marine pM International Paper .... International Pump .... K, c. Southern ,, Laclede, du Lehigh Valley Loulivllle A Nathrlllo. M.i fit. P. 8. Ste. IS. M K. &. T Mlaaourl Pacltlo ., National Blacult .,..,.. National Lead N. R. o( 11., 2d pfd,, New York Central. N. Y O. ft W iNortollt & Weetern.... North American , Northern Pacltlo , Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People'a Gu ............ Pitts., C, C. i St. Id.. Plttstiurgh Coal , ' Preaaed Steel Car Pullman Fa ace Car Reading Republics I. A 8 Republic I. ft 8. pfd.. Rook laland Co. Ruck Island Co pfd.... Bt. U ft 8. F. td pfd Bmboord Air Lin Seaboard i Air Llna m. SlouuSheffleld B. A t,, Southern Paclflo Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd., Tenneuee Copper Tula ft Paclflo Union Pacific Union Paclflo pfd ', United State. Realty.... Untt4 Statu ltubber ,. United Statu steel .... uopper galea. High. Low 42.700 74K 71 1,400 1I.400 too too eoo 300 i.'too t.roo "tw too t.m 8,600 too 41 4T 44 an 'il'si eitt 6IU iiiii Sit 7a 171 31 H 44H 46 e 4SS Cleae. 74H W 4(H 4K 44 U!4 I JJ'i U u 101 nut in ih inn 317 ten MS 7H iS4 400 w n t7 I, 100 icH H 1,600 OOttj iH K lt.100 XltU. WH 1,100 Hl 1ST II H i.r00 tlH MM n W 14 14 IS II, 000 10S14 107H 10IH 1,000 lml no w 1,700 I3H tVA i,too Wji in lasji 4,100 UU 10M toil ..... ..... ..... 1B7V4 A II M0 KM H UU r09 14 14 14,100 H H 19U SH 304 41 47U 41H 100 liZ SJU M 143 14tti iuh 1H ssv. ttii lt jot is 1H 1H H ' ITIHi lltt (4 7 3,109 37 29 i n U3 lltti 11IU HSU 190 31 344 33 34U. 130 1IH ' 49 11U 143U 1,100 1U eoo sh 0 00 107 l.too its ,00 (3 i.too m too iuh payments yestirday, w,75lt. The tie- fklt Hits flarnl year Is ll.tJ3,ii. nKsiust a deficit of IMKt.W last year, exclu sive of Panama canal and public debt transactions. llitstnn Mlulncr Stncfcs. BOSTON. Alts. 1! -Closing quotations en Boston stocks and bonds! Allouea Mohawk Amal, Cepper KH.S'eiada Coeaolldated 14H 8. A. 2. U A Aril. Com. ... 1). ft C. C. ft 8 Cel. ft Arliona Cat. ft llecta ventennlal . .. llHNIplwIn Mlnee Nortn nutte M. 1 North Lake . . KliOld Domlnlrn t?0 Oaeeola 13 Qulney Copper llange C. Co. eoV; Shannon uuue ... i:nupetior KTanklln ... .. H8. A It, M drsnby on M4Tamarek Ureene Cananea .... 4HU. 8. tr. It. ft. M, Kle Iloyalle fcvn.l lit. An erd Kerr Lake . . . .3 7-liUtah Copper ... Lake Oipr-tr .. .. I winonn I.atUlle Corpfr . Ill Unlrrlna Miami Copper ... . 13H 1 4H 39H tot ! ! 37 43 Mt Ut 4 London Stuck Market. LONDON. Aur t'lAmrlran r.(Ulrl(lt opened lower today. Later fair buying orders rallied prices and at noon the list ranged from above to U . below yesterday's New York closing. coneele, money ,do secount Amal. Copper,..,, Atonieon Canadian Pacific Chicago a. W.,,. Bt. Paul.,... , Denver ft nlo 0 Krle do tit ptd 7Jillllnola Central 1111a tlOrand Trunk......... Sii . ?k)tM,k r. a 4.,.!..... itt .lOOt, Southern Paclflo.... MH 329Hllnlon Pacific 119 ,14 V. 8. Steel tit, .ltUWahaeh l . 21UDeUeere ... llt . tlHlUnj Mlnee U . 41V SItiVER Ilnr. alenilv at 27 &-l(d ner ox. MONEY 54 per cent. The rate of illannnnr In th nnnn market for short bills Is 340341 por cent! for three months' bills, 3 1.14 per rent. Corn nnrt AVhrnt nrglon Ilulletln. United Btates Department of Agrlcul ture, weather bureau, for Omaha, for the twenty-tour hours ending at 8 a. m 75th meridian time, Tuesday, August It, 1913: OMAHA DISTIUCT STATIONS. Temp.- Italn- Elatlon. High. Low. tall. Ashland, Neb.. S3 70 .00 Auourn 70 ,w Broken Bow... S3 05 .00 Columbus ...... (2 t,7 ,0i) Falrbury 95 o .00 .Fairmont SiS C5 .00 Grand Island.. 84 (41 .00 Hartlngton .... S8 (A ,00 Hastings S3 60 ,00 Holdrege W 67 .00 Lincoln ... 87 69 .00 North Platte., tt 66 .00 Oakdalo 84 69 .00 Omaha 84 70 .00 Tekamah 83 67 .00 Valentino .... ss 6$ .02 Alta, la SO 64 .00 Carroll 7 5 .00 Cipjrinda n 70 .00 Btbtey 80 G4 .00 Sioux City 82 66 .01 Bky. Cloudy Clear Cloudy in. cloudy Pt cloudy l't. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Halnlng Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy l't. cloudy i'iouay Minimum temperature for twelve hour perled ending at I a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. 78 64 .60 94 73 .10 Ki 66 ,S0 74 . 62 .60 92 72 .80 SO 04 .(0 82 60 .10 100 74 ,M SS 68 .00 OMAHA LIVEJTOCK MARKET Very Moderrttc Receipts of Cattle of All Kinds. H0QS COMING IN QUITE FREELY Monday's tllii Itnn ot Sheep nntl I.nntla VoUotvril by SninH"" ne relpta on Tncadny Trade In Ootid Condition. sntiTir omaiia. Aus-. 12. 1913. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheer. Official Monday 6.498 4,701 ai.sii iistimato Tuesday s.ww u,iw tvw Two days this week-. M9S 16,201 34.922 Same days last weck...U.2S3 l,o7R 4S.S6J fame days I weeks ago 6,60$ 1B.S30 p,l0 fiamo days S weeks ago B.W7 l?.6lf Same days 4 weeks ngo 6,172 H.001 11,630 Same days lost yrar,.14,lM 13.SC6 ,41J The'followlng tablo shows tue range of Prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with compprifoiis: . Date. 1 1913. li: illl.r.10.llBO9.H06.lO7 July 2S. S 69 6 61 July 2). 8 5714 T66 6 67 July 30. 8 66U 7 67 July 31. 8 S6H 7 72 69 Aug. 1. 8 MK 7 76 6 64 Aug. 2. 6 48 7 (6 6 69 Aug. 3.. 7 93 6 76 Aug. 4. S 434 6 9 Aug. K 8 S3S 8 03 7 04 Aug. 6. 8 17M 7 6 Aug. 7. 8 19 7 90 7 18 Aug. R. 8 UH 7 83 7 8 Aug. 9. 8 18 7 S9 7 n Aug, 10 7 96 7 a Aug. 11 8 191, 7 21 Aug. It ....... 8 04 7 11 3 231 7 98 7 71 7 601 7 00 7 7& 7 si 7 40 7 It e 7 49 7 M 607 6 It 6 14 6 41 6 44 e 0 ii 7 701 7 62! 6 SSI 7 6HI 7 641 6 68 7 701 7 65, o 46, 7 69! 36 6 30 7 49 7 41 7 34' 7 43 7 W 7 79 7 81 7 83 7 93 6 40 6 60 0 41 6 93 6 04 6 (4 6 01 6 91 tn 6 92 5 83 677 680 6 8S 6 S8 I nntl several loads sold at tho top prlif, o.w), usual, pnrners were rntner litio In getting, out, nnd tho first bids wr.o 11 ude at figures that looked to bo lOQloo lower than yesterdRy's average market. Several droves were sold on this basis, but It was not long before values tumbled still more, from this time on tho prices paid were Quoted as IWSJOo lower thin yesterday's general market, or 204f-'5,, below the first Mies yesterday. Trnda rather slow and there wero still somo l'ogs In first hands at 11 o'clock. Bulle of the sales landed at J7.804r7.96, showinir a decline of nearly IXV as compared with, yesterday's packing purchases. Tho rloe of the trade was worse than any other time, lly 11 o'clock nearly all orders had been tilled and as there was only one buyer still looking for hogs he had things very nearly his own wav. Values slipped down n few more notches, sales made at noon being quoted as fullv 26c lower than j'esterday's average, anil at 1 o'clock there wero quite a number still on sale. No. Ar. 8h. Tr S7 300 leo IM II 303 M 7 90 II 311 HO. 7 10 M 2XS It 1 to 13.,... ..113 ... 7 to M 217 ... 7 to 23 211 S 7 tn 13 311 It 7 to (,... ,...JK 10 7 tt S3 303 30 7 M fit SIS 324 7 36 CI, ...... .311 SO 7 95 tt.......31 ... 7 93 7 371 200 7 IS T4. .,,.,. 1M 7 13 et 210 to t 95 71 174 ... tto tO 310 .... 100 l 379 . . 8 00 0 .771 110 IIS 75. . ,.,,-320 200. t SO 75 Ill 40 I 30 7S 204 ... t !71J 7J. ......o in 1 n 41...... .33 IS 309 34 SK Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live- stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty.four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. yesterday IlECEJPTS-CAUS. Cattln.Hoes.Sheeu.H'r's, C. M. & St. V. Ry 4 6 .. 1 Wabash It. IU S 4 .. Mo. Pao. lly 8 4 Union Pacltlo t n. ,. 21 28 41 C & N. W. Ry. east.. 1 8 I do. west v.... 1 64 .. .. C. St. I'. M Sk. 0 12 17 V., II. & Q, lly., east., a 6 do. west 63 28 9 1 C, it. I. & p., east... 3 10 Illinois Central Ry 1 ..' .. C. O. W. Ry 1 Total 137 ICC 61 3 DISPOSITION CARLOADS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep, No. At. 8h. rr. St. . ..317 20 7 70 64 27 ... J 73 II 374 19 7 7t 77 . .. 41 ... 7 to 40. 270 ... 7 10 II. .,.,.373 10 7 80 t7 303 ... 7 10 to, .... 31S ... 7 10 4T... ...2I3 ... 7 334 13 m 40 rs II. Sta 0 7 13 SI t7t 130 7 13 35. 390 ... 7 34 31 313 .. 7 13 U ..VH 130 7,13 M 301 ... 7 IS ., SOS ... 7 to tt..... ..2l4 1C0 7 tt 31 MS .. 7 IS 33 241 ... 7 15 t 3S3 10 7 30 19 S00 40 7 M H 240 40 7 M 71 213 180 7 M 71 161 10 7 to IT 373 40 7 90 II. ,,,,..374 SO 7 TO 17 2 S0 7 M II ..til 110 7 10 It SIS 110 7 90 75 200 19 7 tO 1,100 1,700 too 34't 1IH lt0!t 300 3,(00 too 4,300 200 3,100 100 13 tMi tU 29U JOH jve; ioti tin 1134 S3 1,900 11IU IUH w 111 ll5t 13S n ton 107U. 71H 113H 13 S3 Vlr.lnla.ttrolo"ciiVri:: 7J$? wiaih pfd r 1 400 a Wabaah ' ' . ' MS? 74,300 113 3,100 J5tt 1,200 3,100 8,O0 too 1,600 (00 400 11,900 3,300 too 4,000 10O 49,100 190 too 3,100 loo 7.900 ton 431k 39 ni ki 11 3 3,100 300 6 44 'iiii 3MW, 23 mi 1SH sou n& 4H 33H 9IH SlU to "tt 17 ISITi II IS (1 4T4 MH 21 43?t 44 71U 1134 33 114K 1I4H 1114 II 3444 1M14 mil S3 It ltli 30V4 tH 20 44H siu 4 71 31 It lit tlU 01 MVt m 31 IIU 4, 114 IIH 6 Wabaah Weatom Marland weatern Union .. Sj,tM,h0H.a. B'ctrio.., iieoo eJ! dlr ErU" 'or me dr. (37,399 ahariut. - Vo'k aroner li.rk... PRIME MT2RCANTILB PAPEP-fl wltif0??- SS? at 34 8323 for slxtyd'a'y bills SSd"" titm f05tr,S5JffaV. Commercial bills, I4.S3. 7SILVER-Bar, W4e. Mexican dollars, steadyP8-001'8"""'"4, 8toa3y! railroad, Closing quotations on bonds today were ss follows; U. 8. ref. Si, reg II K. C. ffo. rf. Is.. 97 do coupon l Ij. 8. deb. 4a mil) tou U. B. 8.. reg 103 n. & N. un? ii..)'. nZ do coupon ?; K. T, lit 4a IIU U. B, 4a. reg 1104 t0 gen. u,' " ll do coupon '"n'Mo, Paclflo 4..!'. 17 Panama 3a coupon.. tl4i oconr. !,.. aa A1-Ch. lit 6l ctfa.111 N. , ef M, 4V4a' ' 12 Amer. Ag. 6.. . HH N. y. U, gen. !ia M A, T, A T. cr. 4191H d deb S Am, Tobaoeo a,,..,lllHeN. T. N. II. t Armour mi. rvcT, 41 M A,tl,WM ...... I w T, , qy, 4 District. Btattons. High. Low. fait No. of Temn.- Italn. coiumuus is Louisville 22 Indianapolis .... 14 Chicago 24 St. Loui 19 Des Moines 23 Minneapolis .... 61 Kansas City 26 Omaha 17 A slight but general rise In tempera, ture Is shown this morning throughout tho entlro corn and wheat region, when compared with tho twenty-four hours nrevlous. The weather continues vrv warm In tho southern portion, but tern- fieraiuros are inuuti more moderate In he northern portion. No precipitation worthy or note oocurred In the region west of the Missouri river during tho last twentyfour hours, but showers were fairly general In the central and eastern districts. UA, 1VKLSH, Local Forecaster. Woathtr Bureau. Kansas Cltr Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug, 12.-CATTLB Receipts, 12,000 head; steady to 106 higher. Prime fed steers, 8S.6Gfj9.00; dressed beef steers, 7.60Qtl.40; western steers, td.l6$feM6; southern, steers, $8.401. 8.65; cows, 83.6O.60; heifers, S4.507T4.8O; stockers and feeders. 35.26(34,76: bulls, 4.25tSfl.75; calves, tu.00fi.60. iiuus iteceipts, is.wu ueaa; 6a to ICO lower; bulk, t8.SO08.7O; heavy, 18.168.00; packers and butchers, S8.204ie.77H; light, 8.6i78.7o! pigs, 35.76417.00. SHBBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000 head; steady to strong; lambs, S3.00t3T.00; yearlings, it.wuo.w, wetners, liJtoei.Wi ewes, 1z.lOW.t&. St, I.ouU I.lve Stock MnrVet. ' BT. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 1 2. C ATTLB Receipts, 6,900 head; 10a lower; good to choice steers, 37,2&flB.00; stookers and feeders, So.25ilr7.t0! cows nnd heifers, S4.75 Hj8.40; bulls, t5.75dj.75; calves, 36.0OQiU.00: southern steers, SSSsyuS; cows and heifers. J4.2Stftl.60. HOQfc Recetnts. 13.000; 15c lower! cists and lights, 36,659.20; mixed and butchers, W.SIJM9.15; good neavy, m.iws.6. BIIEEP AND LAMU8 Receipts. 7,000 head: steady; lambs strong. Muttons. JTIWHOO; yearlings, 3S.00tr6.0O; lambs, 35.60 tjo.oa nils nnd Tloaln. NEW YOnK. Aug. 12.-COTTONSIiBD Oily Market weak; rosin, quiet; Turpen tine, steady; moiasses, ami, cmiwy yy tine, steady. HAVANNAH. Oa.. Autr. 12. TURPEN TINE) Firm! 85MC! sales, 837 barrels; receiDU. J.Z51: anipmentsi zju: atctcits. 25.00(1. ROSIN Firm: sales. 2.4S8 barrels: re ceipts, 1,911; shipments, 2,494; stocks, 171.848. auote: a ij. w.6za.H) c n. 38.70: k. 80: K, 3.80n3.90; O. M.8&fi3.flO: If, t.1.83 W3.92U; 7. I3.90tfr3.95! K. It.OOfBt.lO: M. 33.40; N, 4.30; N, 33.25; WO 3)6.10; WW, Slottx CltrvLlve Stock: Market. 8IOUX CITY, la Aug. 12. CATTLE .eoclpts, COO head: mitrket 10 to 16 h'gher; atlve steers, t7.60tI8.65: cows and heifers, tS.O0dT6.10; bulls, stags, etc., 15.C67.H). HOOS Receipts, 8,600 head: market 20c to 36c lower; heavy, t7.50tj7.70; mixed, 7.70tff8.00: llcht. t8.O0Q8.10: bulk of sales. rcot.c8. BHHE3P AND LAMBS Receipts, 000 'ead; market steady: fed muttons. t.75tj iOO; wethers. H604.76; ewes, J3,7&04.60; amos, ts.owo7.w. f Live Stock In Sltrht. Receipts of live stock from six prin cipal western markots; Cattle, Hogs, Sheep. filoux City ooo 8,600 000 Kansas City 12.000 13,000 7,000 Bt. LOUl 6,900 13.000 7.000 Chlago 600 16.000 33,000 South Omaha 8,000 11,600 13,000 St. Joseph 1 &00 9,600 2.500 Morris & Co Swift & Co Cudnhy Packing Co;.... Armour A Co Bchwarti ft Co J. W. Murphy h. u. I', uo U P. Co Swift (country) ........ 'Armour (K. C.) W. B. Vansant Co 11. Vansant & Lush.... Hill & Bon P. U, Lewis Huston & Co ... J, U. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Hubs Rosenstock Dros McCreary & Kellogg ... Wcrthelmer A Degen ,, 11. F. Hamilton Rothschild & Krebs .... Mo, & Kans.-Calt Co... Cline & Christie S. & 8. Other buyers 904 494 444 303 t 19 m 4$ 68 921 243 241 18 72 44 20 9 110 177 145 60; 83 733 2.891 2,962 2,020 8.638 1,423 76 1,896 8.034 4,835 857 403 do ct. Si ,. M4No. Paeiflo'a au At. C. U lat 4a. H4 do 3e ... ..." ' Hi n a. n i. ... nun., hi t. -m".'" r?T i do SUe 1 Brook. Tr. cr. 4e, Cen. of Qi Ienn7 etu.' l tiu ed a. II 1034 Readlns m,n."ii 2S Cen. Ualher 6. .. 11(48. I & a. P. f"i. iXS Chea. & Ohio 4Ve. " do a;n. Ca llil do conr, 4a 7tS. U 8. Vf, t'.'u Si CM. A. 84a., 844 B. A. T. adj. Ii. 71 C, D. k Q. i. 4eM48o. lello eel. iju do un. 4e 33 do er. it,,. . Q OHtlPt 44a 10l; do lit ref to C. It I. P r 4a M41So. Rallaw (a iSa- do rfg. 4a 74 ap gen. 4a ... ., iu? rMUo 4i..tl4 6a 71 do lat A , .!' ' iX - 794 do O. A B. r & e 4 Ha II Union Del. & II. er. 4a M to cr. V. & It. o. r. Dlattllora la .. ErU pr. I. 4s.. do gen. 4a do er. 4a, aer. 111. C. lat r. 4i Inter. Mat. 4Ua. Inter. M. M. 44e. I1UWH, Central 'i,. .V w vym ........ . . t r Bid, i 71 . do lat A r mu 7l4VaCar. Ch. , " mH T14Wab. Kt & V' iirL 39HWeat. Md. 4.T 4 7I "irzir-" cr, ta.. 314 flair York Mlntnc Storks. NEW YORK. Aug. 12.-Cloilng quota tions on New York mining stocks: Com. Tunnel stock. 10 Utile chlel 3 do bond! toiiatlcan ,, 199 i.-on. uai, ac va..,, itontarlo Iron Sllrer IMOvhf Lcadrllle Con. SVellow Jacket Offered. Treasury Statement, WASHINGTON, Aug. 12w-Thn enHl tlon of tho United States treasury at the beginning ot business today was. Net balance In goneral fund, 1131,002,006. Total receipts yesterday, tl,2J7,l73. Total Total , 3,700 12,145 17.236 CATTLE neeelDt this morning were only about half as large as yesterday and tho total for the two days this week shows a falling off ot almost 2,000 head as compared with the corresponding two days last week and of about 4.600 head as compared with the corresponding period ot last year. Tho danger of a flood of dry weather cattle such as ICanias City experienced last week seems to have tassed. for the present, at least. Evoryone that the supply ot cat. tie Is so scarco that the farmers are not likely to sacrifice their cattle on any temporary croD scare. There was a good active demand for beef steers and the market was strong to 10a higher than yesterday, or 10dJ15a nigner than last ween, Most or tne or ferlnga changed bands In good season In tne morning. Cows and halfers wre In active de mand. with nrlces on that kind of stock 10tT16o higher. Pretty much everything in the way or butcher stock was 01s nosed of In cood season. The most advanco was on stock cattle and reeders, as they suffered moro de cline last week and week before. Cattle of that descr lot on were I0tf20o higher. or around 26ftC0c higher than the low time, this means mat tne recent Dreait has been recovered and that nrlces are as high as they havo been any time this season. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfed beef steersi S. 1639.00; fair to good cornfeds. u.OOtr8.2S: common to fair cornfeds, I7,263.00; good to oholce amge beet steers, 37.4OQ8.00; fair to good rang ers. 37.00(37.40: common to fair rangers. i0.4O7.0O; good to choice heifers, W.VW 7.60; good to choice cows, 36.0006.60; fair to good, is.uosi.w; common to rair graoes, t3.uo3jrt.uu; guoa to ouoice Block ers and feeders. W.KWje.OO; fair to good stockers nnd feeders, t6.26djO.60; common to fair stockers and feeders, $5.76CJti.23: stock cows and heifers, tt.60tro.25: Veal cavjes, JS.OOdJD.W; bulls, stags, etc., t4.60 REEF STEERS. Totals ,.24,800 71.600 63,100 Thursday Will Be Elks' Day at Carter Lake Country Club Women and children ot the 'Elks' families eagerly anticipate tho annual women outlne that will be given Tlurs. day of this week on the new grounds and the beach of the Carter Lane ciuu. A program of athletic ami aquatic sports begins at 3 o'clock, open to men, women and children of kiks- lamincs. There will also be dancing during the afternoon. Flfteen-m.rute streot car service will be provided between Locust street and tho lake In the rush hours and oftener it required. Tables, coffe and lemonade will be sup plied for th-- picnickers, who bring bosket lunches. Table d'hote dinners will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock at tt a plate, children under 10 years and over 6 being served at halt price. Tho menu Is most attractive and caberet entertainers., tho beet in the city, have been engaged. Boating and bathing facilities have been provided and indications are that with favorable weather several hundred will participate. Elks may invite friends also and are urged to do so. The athletic programs, however, are restricted to Elks and their Immediate families. No. At. IT. 7 ,. Ml 7 7S 13... V77 7 It 17 171 7 90 30..., 1110 too II ,,.,1036 I OS II Itt3 I 30 t&... 1174 I 26 II U0I I 30 No. At. Pr. 1 tiO t tt 1 1011 I IS It 1097 I 31 ss.. 1110 t to 1111 8 60 3... 1010 ICS 19,., 1111 I 14 SS 17SS I td STEERS ANU HEIFERS. 110 I 35 134 4 tO 100 I 00 741 I 60 ...... 143 I 10 1047 I IS 170 (00 1800 7 II 1310 7 71 31 174 I 31 11 COWS. 3 310 3 CO I...., 1 ,.. 330 I 10 3 1 IK t IS t 1... 1000 4 73 I 1 720 4 75 4 7 901 4 IS 1 1 110 I IS 1 3 10M 4 30 1 HEIFERS. 1 4M I 36 1 1 MO 6 00 14 1 wo e 11 1 t 700 1 is 7 1 tOO 6 SO DULLH. 2 K0 S 00 1 3 133 I 31 3 t 1110 I 40 1 CALVES. 1.. 200 4 10 4 I ,.. til I 7S 3 t 404 00 ,130 IS SIS 6S , IJO 7 M 403 7 00 ..1430 .. SOS ..1439 .. 90S .. 40S I 40 s to 6 10 t 00 6 7S 3.,.. I.... 18.... 4.... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. SIS I (0 SIS 4 71 no to til 7 00 73S 6 IS I i?o s is it 110 a to I,...,,, tlO SO II WESTERNS, NEURABKA, C feeders.. 830 6 75 7 feedors.. 711 t lecoers.. v 1 uo 15 feeders.. 853 7 05 44 feeders.. 995 7 20 975 6 5 956 4,00 16 COWS, a vuwa,,,,, m e,w 0 cows 906 5 70 58 feeders.. 1108 7 25 4 COWS..... 1064 83 heifers... 933 al cows 623 Btrclsson 43 neiiers... 751 8 feeders.. 845 23 feeders.. 1106 20 feeders.. 911 2 cows 765 1 cow 970 1 bull 12i0 6 feeders, ,1104 61 heifers., .,978 18 cows 658 7 06 7 05 7 36 7 10 6 00 4 00 5 23 6 25 6 10 4 26 6 20 6 10 5 20 & FJrth, Nebraska. 60 10 COWS 845 E 65 W. T. Hardlmr. Nebraska. CI feeders,. 858 6 30 H. . Stockham, Nebraska, 43 steers.... 743 6 30 WYOMING . 2 steers. ..1240 7 60 29 feeders.. 603 1 CS 19 cows 972 4 85 13 heifers... 611 6 SO 38 heifers... 967 6 40 14 cow 1007 C 65 11 calves... 179 8 25 J. P. Moorhead. Wyomlnir. 41 steers... ,1202 7 35 134 steers.... 1230 7 40 36 steers.. .,1211 7 25 11 cows 1CS0 6 60 L. B. Dadgett. Wyoming, 88 cows..... 967 6 60 Band Hills Land & Cattle Co., Wyoming. avi livers.. ..leou 1 vo DIAMOND CATTLE CO. WYO. 74 feeders. .1049 8 00 60 cows..,,. 997 6 65 22 heifers... 965 6 60 C. C. Longhurst Idaho. 0 calves... 292 7 CO 16 cows 7 60U5 65 9 cows,,,., 1023 R 65 7 calves... 183 8 75 HOQS-Buppllea wero liberal this morn Ing, about 168 cars, or 11,600 head, bclnif reported In. Added to this wero some 1.600 carried over from yesterday. For the two days the total is 16,201, just a trifle smaller than a week ago, but nearly 3.000 larger than for the same days last year, Shippers opened the trade this morning, buying a fair share ot Uie supply at orlces that were weak to a dime lower, IS. ......147 10 til It 200 10 I 40 S ii t to 1 to I s t IS pioa u 10 14 .. 6 60 1 It ... 10 SHEEP The bulk of a rather moderate. supply of lambs sold very active at prices anywnerer rrom lowwc higher, owing to the hlg Improvement in tho quality over yemeruay me sales on paper appear higher than thev actually are. Iluvent got out early and seemed eager for any thing In tho lino of killing lambs, result- iiik in a snort, snappy iraae ana every- thing at all decent for killers wer.01 Cleared at a comnarntlvelv enrlv linur.l Amoilg the transactions were some fat lamDs, a straight cut or which brought 4 tS.75 yesterday that sold at itt.S5 this! morning, mo general quality of the of-t ferine being better than on hnl previous day a higher top was soored,, me nignest price being- 37.16, having been paid tor several loads of ambs. Most1 ?t the killing lambs sold at a range of 16.85Q7.15. Aged sheep wero none too active at, steady prices nnd all such offerings were iut uispusea 01 until a late nour iq they forenoon. Tho demand was not as broadl as In the caso of lambs. Some range1 wethers being the samo ns those at 14.60. brought the same prlco today. . ,7$ l"8 .and "dvunco in prices tn the killing end of the lamb trado was re flected in the feeder market, as every thing on the, ordor of feeding lambs changed hands Just as soon as sorted. More buyers were In from the country than In several days and most everyone of them wanted lambs. The best feedlns r M 7i3m M"iiy mcKea up at a range ot mS&iM. Feeder sheep were In light "'''''f . "me 01 oioaing this roJ5ort, r.e,w' lf ""y- "de were made. Quotations on sheep nnd lambs-Good to choice. 26.7E(K7.1R' Intnh. e.l. tC.604je.7S; laniba, culls. t5.00O6.00; lambs! llnShP-yPfW 'ettrIlK. fair 'to gd t4.76tJC.00; yoarllngs, feeders, tl6O.10: wethers, good to choice, t4.25(4.00: weth ' tt'i SS?' -W-5 wethers, feed, ers, tJ.50dJ4.; owes, good to oholce, 34.1 J 434.40; ewesjfalr to good. t3.764M.15: ewes, feeders. t3.00tT3.2S; cull gheop, t2.0OSS,t. NO. 160 Idaho feeder In ml,. 269 Idaho feeder lambs 91 Idaho feoder Jambs.,.,. " ; : " muiua, ......... m laano reeaer lambs 49 194 Iduho feeder Inmlm jo .5i SUH 'din lnub ,. 45 197 Idnho lambs 68 aii. luauu lamoa , 59 mil JS0 !am.bS M 239 Idaho lambs 68 172 Idaho lambs ,. gg 192 Idaho lambs is 174 Nebraska feeder wethers., 93 162 Nebraska feeder wethers.. 04 207 Nebraska feeder wethers.. 94 194 Nebraska feeder wethers.. 96 190 Nebraska feeder wethers. 1 04 298 Idaho lambs 63 106 Idaho lambs 56 112 Idaho lambs , 65 65 Idaho feeder lambs 49 233 Idaho feeder lambs 49 268 Idaho feeder lambs 63 92 Idaho feeder lambs 53 117 Idaho feeder lambs.. 51 200 Idaho feeder lambs 51 161 Idaho, lambs 64 304 Idaho lambs , 64 234 Idaho lambs 64 78 Idaho ewes , 98 76 Idaho yearllnsrs 79 167 Idaho feeder lambs ........ 68 601 Montana wethers 101 88 Idaho yearlings 83 55 Idaho ewes 96 45 Idaho feeder lh.mbs..,..w... 61 191 Idaho feeder lambs 69 SH Idaho larnbn , $3 11 Idaho oull larnbn rvr Ko Idaho lambs 216 Wyoming lambs ij Wyoming wethers ....... 162 Wyoming wethers ....... 220 Wyoming wethers 34 Wyoming wethers 216 Wyoming wethers to wyomlnir wethers 61 Wyoming wethers 95 fie urnM.iH . . 1 n. 28 Wyoming wethers ss 149 Idaho lambs 73 77 Idaho lambs Ti 188 Idaho lambs Tt CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MAIIKEI Av. .. CI .. 62 .. 61 . 3 .. 64 .. 61 .. 96 .; 98 04 96 90. 82 Pr n 3S 6 US 0 ss 6 35 685 6 !.". 600 6 75 0 75 676 6 75 C 75 6 C5 4 25 4 2S 4 SS 4 25 4 215 6 60 6 65 6 6T 6 XT 6 35 8S5 (1 dS 6 Hi 6 45 6 90 690 6 99 4 00 6 00 6 25 4 25 6 10 4 00 6 60 6 50 690 5 75 fl 85 700 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 460 4 10 4 10 4 50 4 60 7 15 7 15 716 Cattle Stendr to Shade Lower ltoaj Wealr. CHICAGO. Ausr. 12. CATTr.Tnr. colpts, 600 head; steady to a shade lower;, calves stronger; beeves, t7.15U9.S0: Texas steers, t6.6037.E0: western Bteers, 16.25 7.60; stockers and feeders, t5.40ty7.7S; cowsl and heifers, t3.MQ.6Q; calves, ts.25tlll.60. iiuub ueaeipts, iu.uqo nead! weak: 6q to 10c lower: bulk of sales. tS.20iSS.90T! light. t8.8SQ0.iO: mixed tS.06SHVl: hiuiw. t7.75S8.96; rough, t7,76Q7.95; pTgs, t4.60( SltEEP AND LAMPS Receipt!, 23,00(1 head; steady to 10a higher; natfve, 83.80 4.16; western, t4.O04.8O; yearlings, tS.10 6.00; lambs, natives, t8.254OT.60: weaternj t5.767.60. St. Joseph Live Stock Mairket. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 12,-CATTLE-Re4 celpts, 1,600 heal; market steady; steers t5.603S.8G; cowa and heifers, t-003.60: calves, t40000.00. HOQS Receipts, 9,600 head: market 6d to 10c lower; top, 18.76; bulk, f8.15t?8.GC. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 2,503 head; market strong; lambs, t5.o&g3.75. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. AUK. 12. EVAPORATED APPIE8-Qulet. DRIED FRUITS-Prunef. firm. Auri- cots, quiet. Peaches, dull. Raisins, quiet. 21 fit THICK, SWOLLEN GLANj inst mate a none v neere, Roar, hve Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be reduced with alio any Bunch oi Swelling. No blister, no' hair gone, and hone kept at work. Con centrated only a few dropi required at an application, f 2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 K free. ABSORBINE, JR., antiseptic liniment for man kind, reduces Cyttt, Went, Painful, Knotted Varicoie Vcini, ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at ' dealers or delivered. Boole "Evidence' free, . f.rOUM, p. 0, F IWimpIt St.SprUnfliU, "Mot an 3SapnmsDt,, 8 SCU TO h- POEHLER 60. Established ma. GRAIN COMMISSION Bsnd for II ally Market Xtur. MXMMICXrOrJH PPEtTCT