Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1913, WANT AD SECTION, Page 3-C, Image 25

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    The Dingbat Family-Just a Little
r- v whv. V.Vro fci (Bur My cherub Houk-houk' Aty Foot") TSlTI .ve be emicallvL s -J " " "
. J what arb. YoU) r CHAWriCLEEfe r&W A ftoosTER." Doe&Aiffp (TWVrs The wav Ar v!l7 J &Wt5ASe& SIR. I CavTel (Mow.
(iCLUUCWfa J AMD I .AAV "CLUCK ,J LraUOC-CLUCVC - A cL CAUS.l (" A Rooster clvck: T TO vw (
V FOR. C(.UCKiMt -KH. A J ( RoosTEfe". HOAtC-KQAiKS) I SAY A "ftoofcT&R? WHiur SH&, fAlsisrs I Sift.. WHO (BOTH Ml EMMM
WRoo-- -- V aucK-auc If'VJ! A "roosts "
s 11 J
(,'ITV 1IM11KF1 TV Infill sit.P I rtTV iftii.t)t' ivt u t t .t,v . . I iiitv vtit itiumnv tj.i u 4 I r i r liitiitiLMimv t.- c i. iitmi V n i vim v.awiiu tifiii titt I tuiMr :fit t.i vni run if.n,
Will Buy a Lot in
45x120 Feet
With sewer, water, gas and coment walks all paid for,
Building Restrictions
Keeping all houses back 40 feet from the front lot line and of a uni
form cost.
We have had remarkable success with the sale of these lots.
47 lots have been sold to people who will build homes.
. Only 20 Lots Unsold
They aro the best lots, for tho money, offered today.
Is on the 24th street car line, one block from JL'ller Park, one block
from tho "Prettiest Mile" and only four blocks from the Miller Park school
Watch tho development of this tract of ground.
Charles W. Martin & Co.
216 Omaha National Bank Building.
Thla almost new 9-room. strictly mod
em house, built by day labor for a. home,
has fine vapor heating plant; first floor
finished In oaK. second floor natural pine,
with birch doors. For sale by owner,
Phone Webster 258. 1212 Durdctto St
Cathedral District
Hot Water Heat
Eight rooms and bath. Finished In
best of quarter-sawed oak with every
modern convenience. Brick fireplace;
hOft Water forced all over tho houso by
hldraullc rum. Only four years old.
Dull Yt nroon t ntrarr for a home, and
one of the biggest bargains In tho dis
trict for the money. , run ioi. un.mSc.
Paved street.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler IMS. 21U-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Hanscom Park
Owner going to California and will sell
cnicnitM s.mimi modern home with
garage, fine shade trees, paved street and
one diock to euner r.nsi or t o-uc
Thin nrnnurtv la In first class: condition
and very desirable. A bargain If taken at
nr. nnd 11.500 worth of high grade fur
niture bought one year ago, at great sac
rifice. For appointment can,
F. H. Drake
Solo Agent
Douglas 3705. 710 Brandels Theater.1
New, first class, six- oom house, 4312
rnnitnl Ave.. Dundee. Oak finish, first
floor: birch, second floor. Oak floors
throughout. Bathroom white enameled
with tile floor and Keane cement walls.
l.'irBt titles tilumblng and large Milton
Ilogers furnace. House Is decorated
throughout. Price $3,MX. House will be
open for Inspection Sunday from 4 p. m.
to 7 p. m.
228 State Bank Building.
At a Sacrifice
New 6-Room House
Strictly modern, oatf" finish and oak
floors throughout; lurge living room with
flreplaco; beam celling and bullt-ln book
capos; paneled walls In dining room,'
rMtchcn. pantry and rear entry. Three
bedrooms and bath second floor; all
wulls decorated; large east front corner
lot. In fine location. Terms.
Norris & Norris
4(0 Hmi Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4270.
8-Room House
All modem except heat; new plumbing;
tuotl basement; small barn; large lot,
w th ihado trees and fruit; located one
block vveii of Walnut Hill car llnu on
Upward at.: small cash payment: bu anon
monthly payments.
Norris & Norris
X) lite Bldg. Tel. Dougtas 40.
FOR" SAU-About thin,- fine building
ots: eeven in Dundee. th others Ik
ot Ouiolm Terms, 5! down und J!
' veek w.thout int-Ttt 1'nune Dons
II II Hi'T-1 - a . J jrir? l
iai l'li-i tv Na'tor-al HanU Bldg.
Tyler 1S7.
$1,000 2 lots, 3-room house, east front
J2C0 cash. $10 month.
$L400 5-room houso In fine shape.
well, (fruit.
1200 cash. r
$1,9006 rooms, gasT bath, near Bcml.
Park, half block to car; $500 cash
114.70 per month.
$2,500 New 6-room cottage, oak finish,
uain, gas. oiecinc iibiu, oiuaiva
to attic, cement basement at
walks, south front; $300 cash, i
$2,000 An up-to-date cottage strict
modern, near car ana scnooi;
rnnh. SM month.
$3,G50 A room bungalow, with mantol
nrepiace, ouni-in oooKt-usen, up
to-date lighting and bath fixture
full basement, east front lot, nicely
terraced and sodded, near good ctu
llnn trM rnah i3S month.
$2,609 Owner needs money and must oell
'IMS ti-room HOUf, l iuwucim
cost J3.0C0. but owner will Uko $2,6!
and throw In lot
Phone D. C013. 17th and Douglas. Omaha.
Modern Homes
For Sale
C-room modern cottage, 50th and Mere
dith, $Ao00. .A, . ,
B-room modern cottage, 3th and Parker.
dlth, ,
New 3-room modern cottage, 4J1S No.
36th St., $2,600.
New 5-room modem cottage, 3ol0 Grand
avenue, ?2.S0O.
g-room moacru nouso, am uhu ruw
. . 1 1 KM
8-room modern house In Bemls Park,
8-room modern house In Bemls Park.
ll-room moaern nouec in uoiuia iiui
Can make goou icrms on aoove.
Also have other bargains, both vacant
and Improved,
G. W. Garloch
230-232 State Bank Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 1818.'
Dundee Home
This Is a well built, modern 10-rootn
residence. In tho first class repair, lo
..str,,! near 49th and Cass StS.
5 bed rooms on the second floor besides
a large attic.
Onod sized bam. can bo used for gar
age. The grounds have a south frontage
of 160 ftfet. with several large shade trees
and beautiful shrubbery. One-half block
from the car line. A thoroughly devel
oped, complete place. Ready to move Into,
Let us show you this at your conven.
lence. Brlco $S,700.
George & Company
Phone D. 736. 902-12 City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg.'
Make your next move Into your own
home and let your rent pay for your
! We havo bunealows and homes of dlt
rerent types at locations to nult. hor
khI for small payments down, balance
Uko rent. .All have been built by day
labor. Call In at our office or phone us
and make an appointment nnd wf will
show these places! Traver Bros.. 706 O.
Nat. Bk. Bldg., Phone Red 4721; Ras.
Web. 4S23.
$1,600 Buys
7-r., new bungalow, utore building. 2 lots
with housen for chicken ranch: 4 Mori;
to car: N. S4th St., $W0 cash4, balance
largu mod. brick hotfl milldluc: rent.
Ing to good tenant for $4,000 per year;
owner will take up to $30.O eastarn Neb.
! or Iowa land.
412 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8037.
for a new, flvt-roum cottage, 3318 Gold
street This hous Is Just being erected
by splendid orkmevi and is eerlalnlv
u gem. It will be decorated throughout
and is a greut opportunity for a par
son of moderate means to obtain a splen
did homo.
Dougta mi.
$250 Cash
tuiarre ry mtiir. pa - m'titf
Nc n "dern lKrne ,!' iied Pn
t (all Ownt Hanc ' V
Question of Natural iHstory
Specials Must Go
$ C21 No. 33th St. Cho ce location,
bttck liou:e, partially damaged by
cyclone; non resident owner un
able to rebuild, can bo had at a
snap. Don't fall to Investigate this.
$10,000 One of tho best, handsomest and
cheapest, new mod. up-to-date
brick houses In the city, just fin
ished, but special reason why must
be sold quick, and special price
made. Investigate. Location choice.
If you want a good Dundeo home, built
absolutely right, don't fall to let us show
you three extra nre names:, one or 9
rooms, hot water heat, hard wood up
stairs nnd down; sun room and sleeping
porch. Owner lias left city, must go.
Another one close to Happy JIollow
club, on California St., extra choice, well
built and very tasty, In every appoint
ment; fire- place, beam celling, hand
home lighting fixtures; but must be sold
regardless of price. ,
Also one of 8 rooms, well located, oak
finish, fully mod., price reduced from
$3,700 to J4.7&0 for a quick turn.
Don't fall to ask about these or phone
for appointment to sho wthem. All bar
galss. CLOSE IN
$3,600 On Capitol Ave. between 27th and
2Sth, 50x135 ft. with extra well built,
practically new, mod., up-to-date
bungalow. This is choice and nifty
and a good bargain.
$2,750-$300 to $300 cash, a good extra well
bu)lt, fully mod. house, furnace
heat, 7 rooms, south front lot, COx
04 ft. Investigate this quick. It Is
a bargain.
...61st and Ontario St Just north of
car lino Krug's Park, Ideal lo
cation; high and sightly. Good 7
room house, furnace heat; ground
130x240 ft. all set to fine bearing
IrUlt; good barn and out buildings;
unusually attractive. Don't fail to
Investigate thla if you want a
choice country home.
,..-10 acres 1H miles N. W. of Benson,
close ,to Military road, 3 acres in
oweet potatoes, 2 acres In Irish po
tatoes, S acres in alfalfa; lays fine.
Only $3,200 with crop. $700 cash,
balance arranged.
$3,160-North part, oast of 20th, dandy,
fine, modern, up-to-date, oak fin
ish, 6-room bungalow. Unusually
choice, well 'built. Sure to please
any one. Don't fall to Investigate.
$o00 cash, balance monthly.
913 City Nat'l.. Bank Bldg, Doug. 49.
New Double Stucco
Dwelling For
Sale at Cost
The owner Is building for a home, but
an unexpected incident makes a. changb
necessary. Theso houses are right up-to-date
in every respect; have all modern
convenience, including sleeping porches
and wide verandas, from which there Is
un extensive and restful view. The
houses would readily rent for $50 per
month each, nnd, whllo the exact cost
has not been figured up, the income will
bo approximately 13 per cent gross,
Owner will sell on easy terms If desired.
This Is a splendid chance for someone
to fcccure a fine, new property at cost
with nothing added for tho trouble and
risk of building. Invest a few thousand
dollars and pay the balance out of tho
net rents. You can do It safely.
J. H. Dumont & Co.
Phone Douglas W0.
160S Farnam St.
Dundee Bungalow
Largo 5-room, shingle and stucco bung
alow, Just being finished, between 43th
and 60th on Webster Ht. (one block north
of Underwood Ave), Large living room
(13x23), with fireplace, and dlnlnr room
with bullt-ln buffet with beamed ceilings
and bay windows In both. Kitchen Just
the right size with bullt-ln kitchen cab
inet Largo bath room, two large bed
rooms, with enamel finish In aU three.
T.wo rooms can be finished on second
floor. Oak finish throughout. Large
cement basement Ten-foot porch across
front Best hot air furnace. Most at
tractive and well built bungalow in Dun
dee, located on a beautiful lot Price,
$4,750, on good term!.
Peters Trust Co.
1B22 Farnam Bt. Phone Douglas 698.
5108 Underwood
This Is a well built. 2-story frame
liouko with three large rooms and recep
tion hall on first floor and thtee good
bedrooms and bath on second floor. Full
cemented basement' furnace heat, south
(tout. paved street, all specials paid.
Vow being offered for less than eot.
i Price $4.7(0. Reasonable terms. Investi
gate at once.
George & Company
Tel. P-750. Wi-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg.
$27,500 Investment
We are offering for the first time nn
or ino cuoicest
lie choicest close In tomera. adjicVnt
Vi,8','4' Wlt"
to V
a part of the ground vacant; suitable for
flnfta rtf nnaflmonl. tit VIA rn ul. ...Ml .....
die This in nn excellent Investment
paying desirable rSturV.V'.Wi
renieu. anu wun an assurea juturc
Glover & Spain
?wi r iu'ji i 1 1
Uoug l
Lots in
Havo cement sidewalks, gas and city
water; within ono block to car lino and
paved Btroet; tho best values offorod In
tho city today. These lots arc located
on' Wirt St., between 43d and 43th. Call
at our office ally time, or call us up by
phone and we will show you thete lot
We only havo a few left at tho price of
$450. Seven new houooa aro now being
built In this addition. Don't wait until
It Is too late. Call us up at once, as
these are tho cheapest lots to be hud in
Omaha, so closo to car, that havo cement
walks, city water and gas.
1814 Harnoy St.
Dundee Specials
$5,000 Seven rooms, largo living room ar
rangement, with brick fireplace;
finished In hardwood thruiltrnout
and located on south front lot near
49th and California, You'll Uko It
on sight.
$5,600 Near 62 and California, sovon-iooin
ana large cncioseu anu noaieii
sleeping porch, oak woodwork, 1st
floor, birch and white enamel
above, oak floors , throughout'
dandy largo rooms, panelled valls,
beamed ceilings, unusually com
plete basement with laundry
equipped with sanitary tubs. Ar
rangement la fine and location un
surpassed, $6,750 On Capitol Ave., near 60th street,
only six months old, but owner
says it must go; 8 largo rooms and
sleeping porch, maid's room on
third floor; brick flreplaco, elabo
rate seml-lndlrect lighting fixtures,
oak woodwork Int floor, oak floors
throughout, beamed ceilings In
living room and dining room, toilet
in basement. Complete In all tht.'
little details and a bargain at tho
money. $2,400 cash will handle.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
1 ylcr 1526.
J10 12-14 Etate liank BIUg.
This homo Is full two stories, strictly
modern, oak finish on first floor, pine
with maple floors upstairs, has large
living room 23x11, collnnado opening from
dining room, with window neat nnd plate
rail, neat den or sewing room and handy
kitchen and refrigerator room, front and
back stairs, thre.o good bedrqoms, four
closets, screened. In sleeping porch and
tiled bath on second floor, easy stairway
to storeroom In attic, full cement base
ment with cellar drain, cement walks and
screens. Price, $3,750; largo lot 50x120.
Come out today and seo this nice little
home and satisfy yourself. Can bo seen
by appointment any time. For more In.
i formation, pnone owner, Harney 6706.
5 rooms, all modern, large llvlne and
dining room finished In oak with beam
celling. Very elaborate light fixtures. Dec
orations an done, shades furnished to
suit Located near Florence Boulevard.
bmall first payment, balance like rent.
The one advertised last week located at
3218 Decatur Ht Is sold. Call us for an
appointment right now ns thin won't be
on the market long. Traver Bros., 706 O.
mau jibiik mag. t'none lied 4721; Res.
Web. 4835.
Dundee Bungalow
At cost. 5 rooms and bath. Mtrlrtlv
ern. Vestibule, living and dining room In
selected oak, balance In birch and hard
pine, finest finish throuirhrmt nnmirf
bath, full cement basement with hot and
could water for laundry. Built for homo,
not for speculation. block to car. You
mil ii KB ii woeu you see it. 1'hono Har
ney 4SS7 for owner.
To Land Owners
Have you ono Or morn aerca anil wnuM
you like to have It pay you from $200 to
$500 a year? If no let ma vontract a fruit
ror yuu. Auuress Q 222, cu
Near Carter Lake
Two lots situated at lith and Fowler
Ave Only M block from new car lin. a
good location fur a biinKKlow lrir tnr
both. $450. Terms $10 cash, bajanco $.' per
W. Farnam Smith & Co.,
Farnam Bt Tel. Doug.
$10 Cash
Balance flo per month. Fine east front
lot, 50xH3. Clearmont. Price 1826. Cement
Fine' location for V oBmr'U l ttl'
wuiu, sewer ana paving palo to aate.
"1'0 buy nn idettl W?Bt ,5nd 1
nom. modem except boat Havo fixed
ur tnls house for home; large lawn sur
rounds; porch and other .-onvenlencej
to make It hnme Retter let us show It
jo vou. Pile tutj, can niak-- terms.
McOee Real Fstate Co.. i J earl 8
10, 1013.
uwt i itiri uiki a i- trii sr.aai i v UvUi tv , we iianuo vp iiim i 'mini tv- a. -t '. .tv j
Good Dundee
$3,003 Seven rooms, two stories, built but
three yoas'H; In good condition
throughout; oak floors; droonvtodj
good furnace; cement basetnont;
ono bedroom on flist imd three
.... . . ,i i ,ti ...... i.
$4,000 BltAND N1SW BUNGALOW; etuoeo
and frame; six good rooms; very
attractive Inside and out with
built-in bookcascn nnd buffet; all
oak finish; fireplace, etc Terms
$1,500 Flno homo near the school, with
living room, dining room, sun
room and kitchen first flour: all In
oak, nnd three bedrooms ami largo
enclosed sleeping porch on second;
oak floors; VKR.Y GOOD VALU1!.
$S,GOO-01 CHICAGO, 8 rooms besides
largo sleoplng porch; den on first
floor; oak finish und oak floors
throughout. This 1b ono of tho
best locations lit Dundee.
$6,000-STUCCO HBH1DBNC15. high and
nightly location; eight good rooms;
up-to-doto urrangoments and hard
wood ritusii; nropiace, uvoxcascs,
full south front lot; pement drive
way. Terms EASY.
$,000-BR1CK HKSIDUNCE; one of tho
moat attractive homes In Omaha
or DUNDEE; nino rooms witn
largo living room arrangement;
largo fireplace: sun room; broak
fust room; four bedrooms and
sleeping porch.
100xlS3, south front; or.o of th most
desirable corners to be had; high and
sightly and well located; worth $3,000
easy, but offered at $2,750 for quick salo,
Terms easy. .
66 or 00 feet frontage at 61st and Web
ster; very good and very reasonable at
$24 a front foot.
South front lot In SUNSET, $1,200.
Glover & Spain
0th Floor, City National, Doug. 3Wi
Brick and Stucco
West Farnam
Mrm for this first class, well built
houso. Located on tho West Farnam hill
and udjoliiglng many linnasomo resi
dences. Tho interior arrangement is both
attractive and practical. Tho first floor
has a large living room across tho en
tire front of tho house, dining room opon
Ing out of this, pantry and kltchon.
3 bedrooms, sleeping porch und bath
on second floor.
Servants' quartern, bath and storago
room on tho 3d floor.
Grounds 60x110 ft, with flno uliado trees
and shrubbery.
Let us show you this houso at your
convenience. It's worth investigating.
I George & Company
Phono D. 750. 802-12 city rmt Bk. uiug.
Close In
7-room house, strlctfy modem and up-
to-date; largo living room with flropiace:
beam celling; bullt-ln bookcases and
buffet: dlnlni; room has ouarter-sawed
oak wainscoting; nlco kitchen, pantry and
roar en.ry; four bearooms ana nam on
second floor; mirror doors In bedrooms;
all walls nicely decorated; large attlo;
window shades; everything complete; flno
filll basement with laundry tubs; screons.
corner ot with paving all paiu, iocawa
S21 N. 3lBt St. Prlco $5,000.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg. Tol. Douglaa 4270.
For Quick Sale
OnFarnam Car Line
4628 Cuming
ninr.t 1100 if nold by Sent 1; remod
eled same as now; five rooms and bath;
now Piumotng; an moaern uui ooi,
trie light; lot 50x150, south front; paved
street; now renting for $18; $&W casn, $H
monthly payments taxes it.
lJf 'J-f llUri'lUAil, WW will
uiv ,im nnri rectiDtlun hall; full base
mont, with place to do washing! stair
way to floored attic; hardwood finish;
hardwood floors, upstairs and down; hi
flno order; ready to move right Into;
lot 47x111. with Plenty of shade. Prlco,
tiono nr will rent at $30 per month.
iia.u. .r.n- 1fv first door cast.
Klx-room modern houso In DUNDEE,
tK MA nn Wnbster near 50th Bt
Owner wants smaller house and will ox-
change for cnoaper Place.
Room Ct4 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Phone Douglas 1304
wiiA'f will vou give for lots 13, 14,. 16,
blnek 33. Cheyennu Wells, Colo. A. O.
arbott, Montrose. Ia.
Trtna wnrtli looklnc over. The 14
.,w.m t,niiH 1 hlnnkii from Pr-arl and
Broadway, Council Bluffs, modem except
heat. Tills belongs to heirs who ask
us to get bet offer and it is going to
rt. Firm location ior tooiiihik uuunu.
McO Real Estate Co. lfo Pearl Ht.
1M5 N. 3D ST. -room modern house,
full basement and attic. Combination
fixtures. Newly painted. Cement walks.
Tiir. blorku from school, on paved street
and car line. Lot 42',ix76. Terms $1,000. $2,K
down, own lime cu naiancc u soia uy
toptember 1 Rents for $SS. Lyle Burns.
Owr sr.
Drawn for The Bee
A'mv York.
They Don't Pawn Plows
This is Just another way of saying that farming pays. It Is tho big argu
ment why tho city man Hliould leave h Is office, shop or trado and get out on tho
land. You aro your own boss pn a farm; you set your own hours; you nay
your own wngo.
The avcraxo city man the meohanlc, the shopman, the clerk or the offlco
iran-is unable to provide more than a. baro living for his family In the city
His wifo Wtcn times Is a drudge. Ills children do not get tho sumo advantage
that other children do. But on a western Now York farm the city man who has
saved a little money has an opportunity? to malte his family Independent, to
give his children even- advantage that any other child has.
VrM.Hw. KTm , . 1 ........ I n
kind the city man muni nrfnnt. A taw fruit
alfalfa or barley, a few. cows and pigs,
..van-tit uw iuiA iB uuvotviiui wu uiury. xueir Huiiuoi synicm is over lou
ear old. There are churches everywhere, and the nearness ot neighbors
makes for closer social Intercourse.
In moving to western Xewlork, he In making for hlmsolf a steady, Increasing
Income and building tho foundation far n fortuna.
Western New York I Idxallv miltml for ,Ilvt-ntriMl fnrmlmr. wtilnli ! l
une crop laiiuro won t nurt. Ho has many kinds of crops. Bad weather or
sicknexs do, not hinder. His wealth keeps on growing nil the time.
A farm In western New York Is YOUIt "wny out." It Is tho road that leads
from the hard. HOPELK83, grind of tho city to tho free, easy and Independent
iiiv iil inn uuumry, x
In Wfrntem Nnw Ynrlr. vnur mnrkAta
blKlioat prices becautte you nre close to
juiiy iur ino uniraineu city man to go to ma somi-uriu farm land of tho west
and hopo to succeed.
Not One in Ten Do
He should go to tho more dovelopod legions, where tho hardship ir elimi
nated, where profits are sure, where nil that l.i needed for succoss Is lntelll
gent effort, western. New ork farms offer the great opportunity for tho city
,.muL.iTi10.P1'rffct "A1, buildings, roads, the lakes nnd everything cumblno
to nuiko this an attractive, profitable hnm.
lint we want to do Is to brave thl to you, Come to our offlco and let ua
show you photographs of this region. Let us show you nnmo n.-timi intixr.
furmors, men who have left the
como and see us, wrlto us. At nny rate,
Leave the City and
Third Floor Ware Block.
Douglas 1781.
lMlOl'Ult'l'Y I '"OH KAI.U.
Lots '
$275 and
The best values offered to oloso to car
Una. Nona aver one block from paved
street and car line. Qlendalo addition
is located in Florence, along the Forest
Uwn car lino, flvo blocks west ot Main
The te-ms aro $3 DOWN AND $3 A
Special Inducements offered to parties
buying two ormoro.lots.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
8-IL modern house. I3C0 cash: balance
to suit purchaser; Hunscotn Park diet
uougias 2784. Harney 6703. u. A. Eckies.
One of the nicest hdme and in on a ot
Omaha's exclusive residence district at
a very great bargain, will bo found at
2616 Fowler avenuo. The house Is strictly
modern and contains 7 splendid rooms,
with screens, window shades, water
heater, etc., and possession can be given
at any time. The owners are leaving the
city and aro vory anxious to make' a
quick sale,
Doug. 1781.
PLEASE NOTICE-I.. M. Stern, the
real estate and insurance broker, ban
moved to 03 Beo Bldg. Call D. 8610 for
best results.
SOUTHEAST cornor 35th and Jackson,
60x124 feet with old cottage; price, $3,400,
A. Wendell. 1S23 Webster
Only halt block from street car line,
2870 Corby St. Splendid new, 6-room,
Strictly modern house, with oak floors
and largo lot, at a prlco away below Its
actual value for a (julclc sale.
Now, strictly modern homo of C large
rooms and nun room or sleeping porch;
oak finish; bookcases, window seat, hall
seat, reception hall coat closet; guaran
teed furnace; full cement basement; high
grade plumbing; flno large south front
lot, 60x128; paved street: oloso to school
and car. Price reduced to $4,500. Easy
terms. Owner. Doug, 1653. or Rasp Bros.,
100 McCague,
WANTED From owner. C-room modem
house, small payment down, rest like
lent. Must be bargain. Address D 278,
Aruini ua.
270 acres fine land, unimproved; level
rich; one mile from railroad town: good
community; good health; best of bar
gains; $10 per acre. One-third cash, bat
anca 1, 2 and 3 years at t per cent inter
est. J. T. Carlton. DeOueen. Ark.
We are closing out on our small farms
both north and south of town on eaav
i payments at the price of $60 to $125 pot
.r Bargain In Improved or unim
proved tracts ci b to so acres. Anything
vou wish ihtap. Day Ss Hess, 133 Pearl
St. Council Bluffs, la.
by Herriman
Nciv Yurlt.
..... . rr.. . i . i . .
trnnn. a fw imroa rtt pnrn
nnd a man Is rich. His Income la sure!
nrn nl r1nit., .i t.
the vast consuming communities. It Is
city and none to th fnrm. if
make this decision now.
Get. Back to the Farm
FOR SALTSI own and havo cultivated
for four years 100 acres or orchard land
on tho bank of the Snake river In south
ern Idaho, ono mile from Nyasa, Ore., on
tho Oregon Short Lino railroad. Thla land
lo all under Irrigation and wo havo a pcr
potunl water right of ono-half Inch to
the acre. SO ucres of this land was planted
In 1910 nnd, 20 acroa in 1911 in tho following
varieties: Jonathann. Wlnosaps, Winter
Bananas, Yellow Nowtona and Roma
Beautlos. Address J. IC Pratt, lSugeno,
Wo havo good Handy loam wheat farms
for sale producing 80 to 40 bushels per
acre. Also tlno dairy ranches, art new
R. R. telephono. $30 to $30 per aero.
Address A. U Molleynolda, Felt, Fre
mont county, Idaho,
FOUND 320-acro nomestoad in fettled
nelahborhood. Fins farm land, no aald
hllla. Cost you $175. filing fees aud alL
J. A. Trucy. Kimball. Nab.
ni6?a""m.,le county seat or Harlan
.Vi 7 rPPx M0UB1 'ow barn, 10 doubla
stalls; 80-ton mow fork; double granary:
70 acres cultivated, balance pasture; nth!
nlng water; sotno timber: two good wells;
sell at Jffi aero: $4,000 mortgage. J. aC
Balyers. Alma, Neb.
. Southeastern Neb., Joining town.
iftnrlr IO.HPr nnn . rvC
winter apples. A blr bargatn, $12,000; l
uesirou win carry w,ooo back on rarm.
Bee Building. Omaha. Nab.
180 acres, lmnroved farm.
three mllea from city ot Blair, Nob.;
0-rooin modern house, first-class
outer bulldlntrs; water Byntom; two
Bood wells, etream that never goes
dry; walnut nnd oak timber In paa-
ilim. This fni.iv. In I. 1.1.1. . - a
cultivation and is an eicentlnnntiv
good farm in every respect, and ono
of the nicest places to llvo la the
country. Owner has made It his
Home for years and has kept every
thing in tip-top coudition. This
place will bo sold cheap, and terma
lutwjuuttuie. write or call on
down, the balance at 6ft per cent Interest
mv6 V,i ,.year8 Address D Sohroed
350 W, .Military, Fremont Neb. ,uucu"r'
LARGH stock
25Sl.?rth,t.'r,4 St COT MrtteulaS addroM
owner. H. A. Leach. Wella. Nevada.
buuth Dakota.
ICO ACRES under milHvniir... i. t.
Omaha. N8b "ar icin.
FARM for sale on eaay terms. Quar.
ter section in northwest part TriDB
8oulh Dftk0'. "re inllea Aorth
of Witten. sevontoen miles from county
seat; aevonty-flve acrea under cultlva-
UOOO; $1,500 cash, balance long time at
six per cent This is located In tho fin
est part of tho Rosebud, being ono ot
the .first homesteads drawn. InvesUgata
.A Y'' .V.V1' Kl fourteenth street.
Rock Island, III.
acre; 1-40 down, balance forty years; In
formation and Texaa map free. Journal
Pub. Co.. Houston, Tex.
constitute the only cheap, absolutely
good farming land In the United Statea
and these ranches are rapidly going Into
farms; within 1W miles of Son Antont
Tex., I have tor sale a 40,000-ocre rancn,
rich as Iowa's best at $12.50 per acre, 4
cash, long time and low interest on bal
ance, adjoining farm land selling at 85
to $75 per acre; many artesian wells on
thla tract irrigating ICO acrea each; an
other 165,000 acres same quality at $11.60.
per acre. For report write A. W. Cun
ningham, Ounter Bldg., San Antonio,
' t
WILL pay 7 per cent for $500. First
mortgage on ti-room, house, worth $1,600.
Rents for $180 per year. Address O 20i,