12 Polly and Her Hon? U$Te1 S'AhVL 1) IfF StoU AM ME ILL Go RIGHT T WANT ADS Want ads received t any time, but to insure proper classification must in presented before 12 O'clock niwn tor the evening edition and before T.?0 p. m. for tlie morning and Suti tlj. editions. Want ads received alter such hours will have their first lincrilon under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH KATES FOR WANT ADS REGUIAR CLASSIFICATION: One insertion 1- cenU per line. Two or moro consecutive Inner lions 14 cent a word. No driver Usement taken for less than 20 cents. Two or more consecutive lnscr tiobs 0 cents per line. One line per mo:.th $1.80. Twenty cents minimum choree. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by the Unc, not by the word. CHARGE RATES. Six words to tho line. One insertion 13 cents per line. Two or moro cdiisecutive lnser tions 0 cents per line. Ono line per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are meaaured by tno line, not by the word. IMIiMMHIiM Dealers In Omana are: Leo A. Hoffman. 24th and Dodge. E. U Dodder. ISd and Cumin. N. P. Bwanson, 17th and Cuming. Q. H. Brewer, MS North Z4U Bt. South ?o"can order SARCOPHAGI from the following CEMETERIES: Forest Lawn. Phone Florence H. Prospect Hill. Pnons 'Webster MM. West Lawn. Phone Douglas 8. Mount Hope. Phone Benson 141-W. Graoeland Park. Phone Douglas 1064, Holy Sepulcher. 312 Barker JDWlg. Or. order direct from the AMUUCWJ BARCOrilAaUB COMPANY. DouglM Ua Of lies 30 First Nat. Bank Bldg. DEATHS AND KUNKHAL NOTICES HOOK-Pster, Thursday, August 7, cjted WnSSfTleM Sunday, August W at 2 o'clock at the residence. fa0ou5h ...... -,.f nnil 2:10 at Uie DU John'. M" H&angellcal church. 31K BoutU.Tw-onty-fourth s treet Rev. W A. Bchaeier oinciauni.. . Hill cemetery. Friends Invited. HIKTHS ANU DEATHS. A, ii. arm STrr. t E. and Julia C Thirty-sixth, girl. T. i s. anu , , Mo nuu - - 1( -a iieln jic.aauD, eighth, boy: J- i;.aboy; lam and Anna G ?? St&'rSSk Twenty-flr-.t. boy; K T'and EUlabeth Ellssser, nt ouin rW Cass; C. O. Months? WH KSff"' ar0'" 53 years, C23 Webster. MARHIAOE LICENSES. The following Mupl" ,ttnted marriage licenses today: Name and Residence. AB?; Pitt a Fratt, Florence i Anna Wright!' Florence Kal G. Esmund. Omaha......... g Hansen F. Jensen. Omaha tilrney J. Hills, Chicago..... i Blliabttli v. Troudt. Lincoln BUIL.D1NO PBKMITS. st mMAai ana ! vic-i-i wi- jKA.!M.ill'--a!,V''tt Thlrty-fltth. brick, M.CQO. t L1 WANTED FEMAIiE Clerical an lSttoe. BOOKKE-PER.'Va Address P 381. care Bsc. , Pncfarr '-a,l TI1E Neb. TL Co can us. limited sSScinu tor.a n'lt irv oald while learning. Ap-Bl,-'c. r?l3J$t Siulct trattlo ch,.f. th and Douglas. t.rdresslng. Oppeuhelm. u. j- -r-. . ...,.-o ir.vei for business nouse; . .V:. -.;w- ii,d expenses. AO- salary. ; "? "- dreis n w "; lionae-repcr. aail UoaiMllt H-'cy'tm XwifjJ- -nim, wanlor general housework. vhone luoiia. 5T?UvtNX CHHL PROUlt.M Rni.VED Tho Bee wlU run a Servant UMVMlS AC TFREE unUl you get the -IT,.. nnnllea la residents It 5Z Kutn " Omiha and Council Blufffc BrlM your ad to Th Bes office or telephone Tyler iwo. WANTED Girl for Ught housework; no washing. 41 Barker mocit. EXPERIENCED white girl tor general housework: laundress employed. Mrs. W. j. Foye. Ill B. ttth BU Harney lis. GIRL for general housework. 1U7 N J4th St.. Bo. Omaha. Phone Bouth 3X&. WANTED A capable and reliable white h..i in. r.n.nl housework; small fam ily, references. Mrs. 1L A. Ralph. ts Davenport. Harney 472. OHO, for general housework. 12 Dodge. WANTED Flist class laundress. Must be respectable, particular and quick. Ref erence required. 1901 Wirt St. Phono Webster HCJ. ELDERLY lady wanted to keep house for two. uooa nome xor tne ngni party, Artdrcs a Xi, 15 ee. EXPERIENCED second girl. 137 8. Uth St Harney am.' " WANTED A competent girl or maid for a-eneral housework; family or two. ju and Lake Sts. TeU Benson 3S0. 1,0 wanted Girl for ceneral housework cood cook; no washing; good wages. F. A. Smith, lttt S. 314 Ave. TeU Har. WS; Pals Aunt Maggie QlCiV ME! HELP WANTED FEMALK. llourseUcepIni; nml Oonieatlca. WANTED Experienced elri for general housework, Willi or without washing; good wages; references. Apply 4206 Dodgo tit. Tel. Harney 174s. WANTED Competent girl for cooking, good wages. 8004 Farnam. MlsvellaHueua. VOUNU women coming to Omaha as Hangers are Invited to visit the Vuun tYunieii's Chrlatlan aasdclatlon building dt St. Mary's Are. and 17th St., wher they will be directed to suitable boardln places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the union station. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO WOME.N-tfo month. Wrlet Immediately for free lltl. Franklin Institute. Deut. Ilochcator. N. Y. TEACHER WANTED Experienced sixth erode teacher. Salary (54 per month. J A. it. klrx, icvrviuiy, Fuiarton. Neb. HELP WANTED MAIiE. Attests, Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED 2 or 2 voiuir men ot cood uppearance to solicit advertising; oxpe rur.ce not necessary; Rood chance for tul- vanp.ittiMiil ' irlVA iif.r.iiii. nr.fi f lnrinni. lumber In llrst letter. Aaurcss A SSS, Ckro Bee. WAN'liSD Solicitor for inagaxlne sub- scriptlous; high-class magazine; uaay work; good pay. Call between 7 and ' u. in. tonight, ltouin C-16, Hotel Runic. HTEADV Doaltlon and cood Day lor a first class salesman; must give bond. Apply at once. Great Western Accident. bit Brandels Theater Bldg, WANTED Train nawa untnta. G. W. uaxer, nil w. Broadway, Council Bluffs, AN established corooration. manufac tures: an office aDDllanca lnte rnnLlnnallv distributed, and which has been succeat- rully marketed for 21 yeaiu at selling prtcca tanging from Xl6 to tC'JO, dcHlres to enter Into contract for Its exclusive selling agency In Omaha. Product ap peals anu is soia oniy to tne lurgesi anu Dest business houses. A man who has either actually sold office uUDliances. card systems, tiling devices, bualiitaa yk- tems, or one wno possesses u knowledge of modern office and factory systems preferred. Agent must be able to main tain a small office and pay tils own ex- Primes. X aulendld nnnnrtunltv tor a clean-cut man of brains, eneruv and de termination, we pay a nig commission on sales, but refuse to advance a Denny on what a man has dons or says ho will ao. mate age, nxperience ana references. Aaarcas x zza, uee. WANTED net-appearlng young men to travel. Appiy to urannau im. uug. Active solicitor, splendid line, quick sales no. coin, nanitary narvic i-o.. siu uee ma WANTED An experienced registered pltarmacUt. Desirable positions and short henrs. Apply Superintendent, Brandels stares. AN exnerlenced clothlmr and men's fur Mailings salesman. Nono but experienced neea appiy. iteierences requireo. au dreas Y 22X Bee. EXPERIENCED Colonizer In touch with strong selling force: big n,oncy for ngni party, uox tsr., umana. Hoys. WANTED Boys between age of H and 16 years to run cash; good pay. Apply Guarantee doming co 101a uougias. Clerical ana Offic. OFFICE clerk. HO. D-2S4. Pes. Faetorr nud 'iraUv. HARVEST HANDS for Bouth Dakota. Omaha Employment Bureau. 1X1 N. Uth. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOBT Wo have ono watting tur you. Yoti cun qualify for It In a few short months at ROYLES COLLEGE OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC it, R. TRAINING SCHOOL. We Will supply you with a place to work for noara wnue a'.tenaing ana tree transpor tation to your post whn your course Is completed, tlrna fur our catalogue today. BOxLEu coiiusuiii uw uarney tit., Omaha. Neb. OKT Into tha moat Drofltabl business ot today, the automobile business, and be come Independent. Our large, welt equipped shsps offer the opportunities ot learning the business by actual ex perience on dllierem maues oi cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call National AUto Training association, im N. 20th St., Omaha. Neb., phone Yf.VHX llELP Call Omaha Employmant Bureau. 1TTKNII tha ItlUliT HCIIUOU Lr- est, best equipped school and repair shop In entir west. Price no more than any of the so-called scnoois. nuipnimi aaa faculty not to bit .compared In any par Ucular. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE KCHOOL. 1417 Uodgt. Phone Doug. a WANTED FOR U. R. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men. between ages of IS and 36, cltlsens ot United States, ot good character and ttmpcrata habits, who can speak,read and write the English language. For information appiy to ue crultlng Officer, Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge sts., umana, pieo., sua tin Stoux City, la.; Uo N. 10th St., Lincoln, Nab. Drug store snaps; Jobs; Knetau Bsc Bldg. WANTED Two young men for bottling works. MM Webster street. itikeellaueoHS. WANTED Railway mall clerks. 876.03 to I1W month. Dstalls free. Franklin institute. Dept. Ui t, Kocnester, N. i. CARPENTERB and laborers wanted, Apply at the office ot general foreman, Illinois central raiiroaa. council mutts. WANTED Men to try November x amlnatlon for Omaha mall carrier; 6S to liw ptr month. Appiy x zn, uee. HELP WANTED. 3IALU AND i'KMALi:. LADY or aentleman to fill Doaltlon of trust; salary, u per wteic. u us uto WANTED SITUATIONS. GOOD colored woman wants a Place to wora; gooa cook, rnons itarncy tiiv. GIRL wishes position doing houaswork iiarney wit. POSITION as hotel Porter or bell lion. Tel. wtDster ztwi Wanted poslu as practical nurse. W. 6230. FARM hands furnished, short notice, free. Omaha Employment uureau, Hi M Uth hU Tel. Douglas iiiz. ANNOUNCEMENTS, Standard Furn. Rep. lt ul. rep'g. Red Ulf D. B. Orltfllh. wig mfr. 12 Fremer Blk, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. THE BEE: Was So N ervous ANNOUNCEMENTS. GET a lucky WEDDING RING from imODEOAAItD'S, AT the SIGN of the CnOWN, up tho GOLDEN STA1I18, 16th and Douglas HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Bett remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; too postpaid; samples free. Sherman & McCounell Drug Co.. Omaha. DO YOlTIt children llko stories? Send for Mlas Datrhlell, story teller and chil dren's entertainer at your own home. Trms reasonable. Address SU2 Cass St., Omaha, Neb. ATTRACTIONS. Omaha film exch.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOMLKS. DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE IK)ORS SEAT COVERS. EXPERT and KUarontoed reDsIr work on all kinds of cars; battery charging and magneto repairs; castings welded, bargains in used cars, SCATE3 MOTOR CAR CO., llli Dodcc. I1W reward for any macneto we can't re pair Coll repairing. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18. A BRAND new Little Four roadster for salu cheap. Call at Ralm & Detlman, 2UU-U N. Ibth St. Motoruyclea. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKELS NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15TH AND HARNEY. BUB-AGENTS wanted for the Yale motorcycle In nearby territory. Also bar gains In all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Roos. "the Motorcyclo Man." Har- ley-Davldson and Yale motorcycles. 7701 i.cavenwortn St., umana, Men. SECOND-IIANlJ ATJTOMOBIIiES ODDB AND ENDS BARGAINS. Two auto truck bodies, tzs 1100 Limousine body, nearly new S00 White Steamer, two new tires 200 Set of 4 32x3Va casings and tubes so Two-cynnutr motor and trauamission. 40 Truck chassis, solid rubber tires 60 H. PELTON, 20M Farnam. Phone D. 330t. BUSINESS CHANCES. A TIRE and tire repair store carrying a small, but complete line of accessories. Located In the best automobile city In Colorado, A cood, paying business that will stand Investigation. Inquire Book Rubber Co., 17 So. Cascade, Colorado Hpiinur, Colo. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kcnnebcck Co.. Omaha. HOTEL with 22 rooms, steam heated, electric lighted, newly painted, complete furnishings; making good money; S,00o, cash or terms; will trade for good real cUato. Frank 11. Seal. Crawford, Neb. CANDY kitchen. Ice cream parlor for sale or trade; town 13,000; fine deal. Ad dress 62, ICcnnebeck Co., Omaha. First Mortgages for Sale On new houses, built for 6 homes. Safest seounty known. First mortgages on homes our specialty for twelvo years without a single loss. Write for our list and references. Amounts 1500 to J2.W0. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., S02 S. 17th St. Omaha, web. ii a via lot of cold dredging ground; 1I!,000 raised In machinery, want JW.J more to move anu equip, Auuruoi ... Holley, Billings, Mont. to ,t in n r out of business, call, on QANQESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3IT7. Ksamlns JUoasea for Sale. TEN rooms completely furnished; good Income. 1313 Farnam. iinuai.-iint.n furniture. Call Harney 2251 nfter 6:30: all day Wednesday. Satur day and Sunday. 42S N. 40th St. BUSINESS PERSONALS.. Abstracters. B. M. Sadler & Son. 216 State Bk. D. 1826. Auintear Printing; and Plnlahtnar. tfii v 1v! nrlnlH. o to Ao. Sander- holm Photo Co.. 6U N. 16th.. Omaha, Neb. Urns Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 29th and Martha Sts. Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1605 Farnam. Douglas 6477. Chiropractors, J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D 1461. Lee W. Edwards, M. P.. D. C. H4th St Far. Mrs. Roa Boesen. 1823 Lake. Web. 47x China Painting. riiiMi nalnilnr; nutalde flrtne done. Mrs. F. C. Ilayn.es. I6S S- Mth St. P. 49). Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY, Dressmaking. Terry Dressmkg. college. 20th Farnam Detectives, Omaha Bee. Ber. Agoy. 428 Paxton. D. 1313, niiiM a l.i. AN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 118. DrlnktnK Caps. Banltary paper drinking cups. The thing lor MUVCIll.Cl. U.W. ,U.J m.. v Dmics, nnnnn i cut oricea: freight nald on 110 orders: catalogue free. Sherman t McC'onnell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. BveryahlncT for Women, nr.n nlumcs made new. California Os trleh Plume Co.. 206 Neville Bldg. Dg. 8010. Fnrnaces, Storea, llepatrs. 1 Free Inspection of your turns ce, steam or hot water I heater. It repairs are needed, we nave mum in block, ftow ib ilia lime 10 pre pare for winter. Repalts for all makes of stoves. Omaha Stove Repair "Works, IMS Douglas St Tel. Tyltr M. OMAIIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1913. IF v6u "fHREAky ME OVER. VfcoR K54D I ib VIE o? FRI6HT! T A. B. C. of Omaha ARKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands fov quality, quantity & econ omy. 316 S. 15th. middle ot block. 31 floor. Empress ANY SEAT 10c, ANY TIME. T7- K1UI Abatract Co.. SU6 B. 17th St IV Better be safe than sorry. Hat. Kerr do your title work. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckers,' 15th and Harney. Douglas 16S1 rnt r.nilr ai.ll nale9. DSXtS of all sewing machines. VACUUM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning dono In the home. Kanllarv Ktrvlra Ho Tl. DQU1T. TJOL BUSINESS PERSONALS. Florists. A. Donashue, 1007 Farnam. D. lOOL, HESS & SWOBODA, H15 Farnam St L. HENDERSUN, ltflu Kernmn. D. liiHurnnce.' INSURANCE Fire, tornado, auto. Dan Jl. Hmltli. U6 Bee Bldk.. Tel O. 970. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tyler 1024. O'Neill's. ICuii Fuinam St. LtKUtiiiiiU ltuds. PURE COPPER LIGHTNING RODS, WHOLSESALK AND RETAIL. We keep lightning out ot your nome. Write or Phone R. F. 8TRUTHER8 MFG. CO.. Doug. S39S. 1108 vawnam at... Omaha. Neb. Unslo, Art 1 t-uniiunstea. Hetherington, violin tchr. 1313 Far. W. T52 Nnrserlea inl Seede. STEWART'S 8EEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. MIRACLE WHEAT- Hardiest winter wheat grown. One-third .bushel seeds an acre. Awarded highest honor at Charleston. W. Vs., 19U state show J5 per bushel. Nlmshl Nurum. Bhlnnaton. W. Vau Oatropntha. Alice Johnson. 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg, Patents. D. O. Barncll. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. U, A. Sturgesa. Brandels Bldg. D. 3469. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. The Raber Printing Co. WSS, BEE BLDG., ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARN HA HT Ptg. Co., quai v Printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S.J3th. Ity CENTRAL PRINTING Co.. Doug. 3784. Pnbllo Stenoa-rnphers. ida M. Walters. 816 Om. Nat, Bk. D.l4C0 Minnie Phalen. 615 Braudels Bldg. D. 3451 pluiublnir. Plumbing and heating. Fischer Con- nell. 1313 William ot. iu. . . -iirrpacixi 7JHZ Lifi&VHlinuiUJi Plumbing. D. 3792. H. 2141. J. J. ostronlc. Plumbing, .iV'r 1 tltiir! free estimates, 1114 S. 13. lyier i-J.. Sheet Metnl Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. iftarea nud Office Flatnrea. I Jumnoaasi B11V. "ft "?:XViU,4M.M. & XMh. D. 2744 Trunks anil Snltcaeea. FRELINO & BTEINLE. 1803 Farnam St. Wines and Lluors. wtt.LOW Snrlngs beer, liquors, cigars. sandwiches. Alex Jetcs. 201-3 EDUCATIONAL. MOSIlEIl-AMPAIAN C0LTJ3GE inint nua.rtri. GVadua?.. are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free cataloguu ad dress MosherTampman College. 1816 Far nam St.. umana, f , V- a A MT SCHOOL i, V..nlid by the edTOnced.DayananJght ul Nn ttallCltorS aui.w.. . Lv.. VI. K fur catalogue. jmn. '-. nnvi.VH COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL " ALL THE YEAll. Ml,r... in nualness. Book- keeping1. Bt.nograPhy. Telegraphy. Civil Service Tand Salesmanship. The catalogue U ready, can. write ur Boyles College, lith and Harney Bts.. Omaha. NoU Danclna. and will run class and dances as usual. 1S16 Harney. Doug. 6466. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. CLOSING out all of our high irrade nrin runabouta with steel urea tor J0, or with rubber tires for 365; worth up to $125. Johnson-Dantorth Co., south west, corner Tentn ana johm. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS' STREET T, ITT ATT A V PnHPAMV. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to 'the rightful owner. Call Doug las 4$. LOST Brlndle Boston terrier, answers to name of "Billy." Will pay liberal to ward for his return. Q. E. Haverstlck, 14 Bouth S8th St. Phone IL 74. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr E It. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical cueratlon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dlscai.es with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Jfc r FER. ,4 MlMMIT lb Do A TMWG Like TM4T, Do MEDICAIj Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN Consultation and examination free. 214 South nth Street, Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap lates, easy payments. D. IL Tolman, Lioarci of Trade building. 1 1 11 -. 1 OFJEi'EHED IVK RENT Apartment, anil flats. Gordon Van Co. ? 2 N. Uth St., or 210 a. lith at. Tl. Dj 3Dk 1S07 FARNAM 6 rooms completely' modern; suitable locatlor. for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, eta, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Halt Dlst. Co.. US Ramie. D. 74IM. THE ALBION APARTMENTS loth and Pacific Sts. An elegant 6-room apartment, thoroughly modern. Call D. 4512. 6-ROOM APARTMENT, all modern, newly repaired. iC19 N. 20th IX Tel. Web bter 6976. 628 SO. 2STH Ave. Six-room flat, of the best In city. IL & Mann. Ons IF you want apartment In tho Sherman, phone Webter &7t& TWO large flats In brick store, building at loth and Hickory; Phone Doug. 434J. THE HAROLD, 27th and Jackson, 4 rms., cteam-heated, strictly mod.; references re qutred. Apply Apt. 7. east ent., or Janitor. UuarU ana Hiwaii, SOUTH room with board in family of S. Phone Webster 991. 3802 N. 24th. ROOM and board. 116 No. 26th St. Fnrnlaned ItuumB. MRS. M. A. KING deslrt,s to announce that she has opened a large up-to-date rooming house at 17QS Cass ono desires to announce to her friends and patrons that all possible comfort and convenlencej ar provided. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat. 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1621. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front .room in private family; no other roomers; onu diook irom street car, in nauscom park district; onl parties with first class references need answer. Address N y, care Bee. Famished llonses. HAKDSOMELY furnished huuae. on N. ttth cor line for small family sue months: 136. Tel. Doug. 3063. llouseKeculiiat Room. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 201!) Webster. FRONT housekeeping rooms, 25S0 Har ney. Red 6863. W16-18-20 LEAVENWORTH Modern, newly furnished and unfurnished 2 and 3- room suites; gas tor cooKing; iz.mi to o; walking distance. Phone Tyler 1713. llotul mill ..imriiauiitn. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. liunaea nil it Cottaaea. T7TT-TTT jn nr Storage and Van HMJKl J I Y Co. Goods stored. - AiivxwA A A Moved, Packeu, anlt,pt.-U, ltitli und JacKson Sts. Doug. lilt. A COMPLETE list of vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This Is u Hat compiled dally and can be seen free of charge at 3C9 South 17th St. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. packs, moves, stores and ships household troods and pianos. Douglas 1496. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling on Cass, near 26th; modern. Crclgnton Unlveislty. Douglas 2320. COZY 6-r. cottage, near street car; 3544 N. 28th Ave.: 314. Phone Harney 4711. 1311 Farnam, 10 rooms, 3-g. P. 169a. Jf! lfoorl Exp. Co., furniture moving; . vj. xveea Two mtn n hour. w. 2741 HntiKOQ in all parts of the city. HOUSES Creigh, Hons fc Co.. Bee Bldg. CENTRAL, all mod. 4 and 7-r. flats and houses unequalled. Tliard, 230 N. 23d. For rent, 342.60, 8-room house. Kountxe Place. New plumbing. Haidwood lioora. Corner lot. Fine nhauo. Web. tQjS. FOR RENT Six-room cottage; bath, etc.; In good order; Immediate possession. 2435 South 16th street HANSCOM PARK HOME. 3 rooms; barn; cor line. Not new, but will decorate to suit. 130. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016Omaha Nat l. Douglus2715. t-rn-RpTXT Van & Storage 6o., 815., No. Eight rooms, fine repair: shade; east front. Inquire within. s3u South 29th St., near Mason. 1127 a 3lst.. modern. 10-r., 140. 2310 Douglas, 11-r., modern, $50. 256tJ Douglas. 6 to 8 rooms. 3S04 N. 24th. mod.. 6-r., 325. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. "s "ROOMS, modern. In good condttlon. 830. 2512 Chlcoao. Tel. P. 615. NEW HOUSE, 10 rooms, hot water heat; oak flours; near car. iiarney .- 1568 N. th. 4 rooms. 314. 313 N. 23d, 8 rooms, brick, 833. 410 N. 22d. 10 rooms. I baths, 148. 1219 8. 18th. 6 rooms, for colored, 317.60. RINOWALT. Brandels Theater Bldg. rv)i RENT 842.50 8-room liouie, ?YV 5iTV-T nlumbliur. hardwood """t.:; lot fine shade. Web. 253. Stores nnil Offices. van RENT The office or. ground floor of The Bee uuuuinn uscuy, j U...V...--IVI.IIM t?oal company. Frontage on Farnam St. and occupying about l.MW aquare feet, with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault. Fine office fixtures for ssie, Appiy r. Ft II. Bee OHIce, Burns and Garages. RARN holding three horses or suitable for garage. 1116 Sherwood Ave. Web. 8S0. OFFERED FOR BALE. Farnlture. CHIFFONIER, library table, child's bronie Iron bed. Phone Web. 879. "FURNISHINGS of 5-room cottage, com- plete tor nouseKeepinn. inwn xa. nmisi:nni.D furniture. Call Harney 251 after 6:30, all day Wednesday, Satur- day and Hunaay. win. Slualcal luatruments. ELECTRIC Piano, 312$. U9 N. J5th. Drawn for The Bee r x PROMISE v I J mm i . OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewriter. Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold; easy terms. Butts Typew'er Ex., 1S05 Farnam. RENT an L. C. Bmlth &. Bros, type writer, visible, late model, back kpaco key, guaranteed A-l machine. L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1S19 Far nam. Phone Douglas 2213. Remember, this Is new location. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months, to. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and sold on easy terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 411 S. lith St. RENT an Oliver typewriter, 3 months, 84. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Doug. 2919. Miscellaneous. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-403 S. 10th St. FIVE carloads of beer bottles for sale. Quarts and pints. Nathan Steinberg, 1019 Harney St. SAFES Overstocked; second-hand; all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam HALL'S safes, new and xa-hand. Corey fc McKentlo Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. D. 2644. 8x8 air compressor, 612 8. 14th. BAFEB 2d. hand. American Supply Co.' SET 6 volumes of Stoddard Lectures; never been unpacked. Address M 120, Hee. REAJj ESTATE. ADHVRACT OF TITLE. K--SD Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska. 2C6 Brandels Theater. ACREAGE FUIt SALE. HERE Is a money maker for you; Ideal f'lace for poultry and fruit; $20 down and 10 per month takes this 10-acro farm; , las fine three-room houie. small fruit and shade. A. L. Jelley. 1007 W. O. W. building. REAL ESTATE. FA RBI RANCH LANDS FOR 8AI.E Nevr York. NEW YORK NEBRASKA FARMERS GOING TO WESTERN NEW YORK ON PAYNE EXCURSION SATUROAY, AU GUST 9, AT 6:P0 P. M., VIA NORTHWESTERN, A number of farmers are going. Wilt you go along? We have Just had a letter from 'three well knewn Douglas county farmers who were there last week. Come In and read what they say about western New York; tne loiter ib too long to puDiisn. Here are some thlnirs they said! "We saw wheat that hnd been 'cut and tho nunaies stood nearly shoulder nigh and some of It which had been threshed was yielding as high as 51 bushels to tha acre, und farmers wore ifettlng 96c per bushel for It on July 31st, the day we were there, wnicn wai ruiiy uo lilgner man Ki), urasaa prices on tne same day. "Oats looked to ua aa If tlinv would irn ou ousneis. uaney ai numeis or octtcr. It Is the best hay country we ever saw, wonderful crops of clover and timothy. belter than we ever think of getting In our own state, and In our Judgment New York Is Just as uood for alfalfa as any aiuio in tne west Before thev had visited New York they. like n rood many others, could not un derstand why the price ot land there was so low compared to .Nebraska land prices. Here Is what they say about that: "The whole secret Is that all of the young people have left tho farms and gono to the manufacturing cities, leaving the old people at home, and most ot them ere getting too old to farm." Another reason that mlKht have been glvn is that there has never been a speculative boom there such as we have In the west. , For years the cry has been, west, west, west. Younz men from tha east hnv gone west. German, Scandinavian and ether farming classes from Europe have gene west until prices of land In the west are too high to return Interest on the Investment. It U ilm 1iilirmint of western farmers who have bought land In New York, and their number Is Increasing dally, that tiow the tide has turned eastward prices trere will advance 60 per cent or more within the next five years. "A PEACH OF A PLACE" 15 acres. finely Improved, only 876 per acre. 111.400. Near two cities, waterioo anu uenevu; well arranged 14-room house, three barns, three wells, diversity ot crops grown; 1.000 peach trees already planted. Neigh bor received 822,000 for peach crop from fifty acres In ttrmB. one year. Reasonable "LAKE VIEW FARM"-120.93 acres, all In cultivation except 7 acres of pasture: 8110 per acre, 313,300. 12-room house and barns that could not be reproduced for hss than 87,500: full bearlnir five-acre ap ple orchard and many young fruit trees; soil so fertile that It produces bigger crops every year than the best land in the middle west averages: situated on west nhore of beautiful Cayuga Lake. Near three towns. Good terms. FARM NO. 22J-S1 acres', $92.60 per acre, 86,700. Two small farms thrown Into one, with two sets of Improvements, each con sisting of house and hams, natural drain age, stream runs throuch land. Six acres of pasture and four of second-growth timber. Surrounded by other good farms. Half mile from McDougalL FARM NO. 221-137 acres. 870 per acre. 39,600. Big bargain, In midst of region of farms ot great fertility. Good land though a little rolling. Five-acre or chard; twenty acres wood and pasture. Cobblestone house that would cost 85,000 today. Three bams. Only one mile from church and school. FARM NO. 217-128 acres, $SS per acre. 1A eon . II .III., (Eight-room house, two barns; big snap f for active farmer. Write for our booklet, containing sev enty beautiful Illustrations of western New York farm ecenes. which have Just been tsken by Louis R. Bostwlck, the country's most famous landscape pho tographer. Mr. Wostwlck has spent a month In New York getting these pic tures. If you plan to take this trip with us we must know at once, to make sleep ing car reservations. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Fifteenth and Farnam Bts., Omaha, Neb. by Cliff Sterrett W i 1 REAIj ESTATE. FAnjI : RANCH I.A.VIJ!- FOR SALB Arknuauh FOR SALE C00O acres In a body; second bottom lands; no overt low, no rocks, no hills; on main line of railroad; 2SO miles to St. Louis; cattlemen having an eye on the future will do well to Inves tigate this proposition. These lands are productive and will return good revenues Horn general crops when put in cultiva tion. Stock growers can produce cheap cattle on these lands, and buy them at a figure so they are sure to Increase In value. Price 816 per acre. Reference given. Ferdinand Tonney, Swlfton. Arkansas. ftebraaUn. FOUND 320-acre Homestead In settled neighborhood. Fine farm land, no said hills. Cost yon 1175, filing fees and all. J. A. Trucy, Kimball. Neb. 160, half-mile county seat of Harlan. Co.; 7-room house; large barn, 10 double stalls; 30-ton mow fork; double cranary; 70 acres cultivated, balance pasture; run ning water; some timber: two good wells; sell at $63 acre: 34,000 mortgage. J. M. Ball-era, Alma, Neb. f. nrndau LARGE stock range, good for summer and winter: for full particulars address owner, II. A. Leach. Wells. Nevada. Sooth Dakota. 160 ACRES under cultivation in Brown county. South Dakota, 2 miles from R. P. center; terms or cub. Meyer Klein. Omaha, Neb. REAIj ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Fruit, Garden and Chickens. One mile from Hanscom park car. Nearly one acre, 158 on Vinton, 1S9 on 44th. 7-room house. Rood stable. Mnrt. gage 31,560. Will trade for clear vacant ).uu,iu. vrtuii iivo you to oner lor equity? O'KEEFE niSAT. KRTATB rv 1016Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 2715. .w.fco .iqnioy ooa or xiarney oim. TO TIT TV nul T . 'ID uuTi .sftiwti JOHN W. RQBBINB. 1802 FaRiVAM ST. We Can Get You On Your Money 7 In Hmn?intn frYl in Ci rw. .1 u. a.. five years' time. Over $100,000 back ot tha HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Special 1nAf i-i . iiCilln$!lCo&y. SA Slightly dam., par tlculare, ' tor full O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., mm umana JsTa t'L K?,!." .Cl"n'" In touch tight party. UoxV monBr fp OPPORTUNITY TO OBl'AIN A nnnn" MODERN HOMBAT A SACRIFICE rL n,.,d"n: ml- facing east on :v .vii, jjuruen and in great bargain VoF next ten daye e" Ut a Phone Owner. Douglas 2222. .F?1 SALE Well ImproVed 6-acre tract." cast front Keystone park. Ben, t. w! SALE-By owner leaving the"c7tn Su?Sm..nou',e. nnd rage: Hanscom park district: first class condition; cozy; fino caJl.S:Haneyt153.m0dern: barBUn: ulck PERSONAL. Mies Fisher, mas., batluelec. treat. D. ma! MAGNETIC HEALING-Uatf VifTfoTj ilAaaAUB-MHg. RITTENHOU8E Boston Store. Eve. and Sun. aDDont's. 30S Massage. 1st fl..r.6. 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele.' 207 SUBSU1UPTIONS TO " f.11' ournaI. 1.60: the S. E. Post. 31.00; the Country Gentleman, 31.60, bv Sept. 30. earns that 13.000 for the Invalids Pension Ass'n. Your renewal contributes 60c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. UUHUUW, Tllti MAGAZINE MAN. LAURA WILSON. Bath. Mass. Doug. S751. Tel, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro Invited to visit the YountJ Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to tha worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. NrAfJNFTIC! treatment. B. Brott," fllAUlNLll 1S29 ylntont D.goog, MASSAGE awcdlsh movement, 4t8 aittOOAUL Vee mJg Douglas 6372. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. Uth and Dodge. MRS J. B. HUTCHINSON Your daughter, who was born on or about November 17, 1SS4, and left at my homa Nov. 27. 1SS4. Is BtUl alive; If you wish to see her, call or write Y 214, Bee. SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. SEND for our large exchange nook, Shopen & Co.. Dept. B., Omaha Neb. AUTO AS PAYMENT. Six rooms and sleeping porch, oak an3 white enamel finish, elegant Job, my home. Going to K&neaa City. Will trad for vacant lot there. Webster 4193, Owner, 28C6 Blnney " REAL ESTATE LOANS. Money to. loan on Omaha homes. Na delay. J. II. Mithen Co., Inc.. 911 CltM National Bank Bidg. Douglas 1278. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 271V WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. 6 CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co, 0 310-11 Brandels Theater Bldg, GARVIN BROS.jSag; WANTED City loans. Peters Truat Co. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. HARRISON & MORTON. 91 Om. Nat. 8100 to 310,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnam. WANTED TO BUT. Dnlgoff 2d-hand store. payi hUhest prlcss for furniture, clothes, ahoes. Web. 17. Silently used high trade piano. W. .14.