Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Reports of Corn Deterioration Con
tinue to Come in.
Denlera Take Trip Through Belt In
Which the Crop la Groirtns; and
Find It In Poor Condition
Future Higher.
OMAHA, Aug. 7, 1913.
There) were many reiterations of further
and pronounced losses In the corn belt
because of the Ions drawn out drouth re
ceived hero yesterday. Some of the com
mission men In the market have made
personal examinations of the growing;
corn In order to convince themselves of
Us actual progress.
Frederick Schneider, a member of the
Chicago Board of Trade, returned yester
day from a, trip through Iowa and north
ern Missouri and he says that conditions
could hardly be worse, and that those
who have not been over the fields can
not possibly realise the sensational losses
shown. In addition to this there were
many roports. received from the best au
thorities In the belt telling of total losses
of the corn crop.
The best Judges of conditions on the
farm are giving their attention to the bull
side of corn and thoy are backing up their
opinion with their money.
With the scattered showers of Tuesday
and yesterday It looked as If a complete
reversal of condition surrounding tho
corn market were about to be seen. The
lowest prices of the day, however, were
reached early in the session, when not
only the old time bull crowd, but those
who put out short lines early in the day,
as well as those who sold out their
long corn, entered the pit as buyers.
Cash corn was U6tto higher.
Wheat has displayed rather poor rally
ing power since the break of Monday,
yet corn pulled It upward WQc yester
day. Tho wheat market Is in anything
but a strong position at the present, be
cause of the poor cash trade, as only
10,000 bushels were sold at Chicago yester
day. Cash wheat was unchanged.
Traders endeavored to break the price
of oats yesterday, but they discovered
their efforts were Ineffectual. Cash oats
were Ho higher.
Clearances: Wheat and flour, 216,000
bu.: corn, 1,000 bu.j oats, none.
Liverpool closei Wheat, unchanged tn
ttd hlgner; corn, unchanged to Wd hlKher.
a-nmary wneat receipts were l.MU.uo.) bu.
and shipments 829,000 bu., against receipts
of 1,518,000 bu. and shipments of 1, 174 000
uu. inn year.
Primary corn rocelDts were- 372.000 bu.
and shipments 224.CO0 bu., against roielpta
or e,wu du. and shipments ot Z16.W0 uu,
last year.
Primary oats recelDts were 277.000 bu.
and shipments 323,000 bu., against receipts
or aoy.uou du. ana shipments or tzi,w) du.
lost year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 604 156 SSI
Minneapolis 67 ... ...
tDuluth 24
Omaha 149 42 20
Kansas Cltv 270 27 21
St Louis 174 15 63
Winnipeg 70
Tho following cash sales wero reported
Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 7 cars, 80Wc;
1 car, Sic; 3 cars, 80c. No. 3 hard winter, 2
cars, 81o; 1 car, S0c; 1 car, SO Vic; 1 car,
79c; 1 car, 7ic Kye: No. 4, car, 64c.
Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car, 73c. No. 3
white, 1 car, 72?ic. No. 2 yellow, 4 cars,
72o; 2tt cars, 72Hc. No. S yellow, 4Vi
cars, 7JV4C. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 72Hc; 1
car, 72Vic No. 3 mixed, 1 car. 7214c; 1
car,- 7214c: 1 car, 72c. No grade, 1 car
(white), 70c. Oats: Standard, 1 car, I0e.
No. 3 white, 14V4 cars. 40V&C, No. 4 white,
3 cars, 40Uc; 1 car, 40c. No grade, 1 car,
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 hard,
f04ilc; No. 3 hard, 79'4f?flo; No. 4 hard,
:k&7c. Corn: No. 2 white, 73c; No. 3
white, 72c; No. 4 white, 7lU(g72c: No. 2
yellow, 73wli72Hc: No. 2 yellow, 72Vo; No.
4 yellow, 711471c: No. 2, 72Uig72ic; No.
3, 72Hfl72Hc: No. 4, 714WlV4c; no gradi,
70c. Oats: Standard, i0o: No. 3 white.
40Uo; No. .4 white, 4JM0Vic; no grade,
SfUc Rye: No. 4, 64e.
Feature of h Trading? and Closing;
Price on nourd of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Information that
tho breaking of the drouth is near led
to heayy selling today In corn. Closing
prices were nervous at a range c lower
to He. Wheat finished HMo to e
down, oats with a gain of a to MQc.
and provisions Varied from 2 He decline
to an advance of 25c.
Rain scattered over tho northorn part
of tho belt with additional moisture pre
dicted for tonight and tomorrow inclined
many speculators to a bearish view of
the corn. Nevertheless all the offerings
were well absorbed, some of the larger
bulls becoming aggressive and adding to
their holding. The September option, In
which some leader is supposed to have
a big line, was especially tight at the
wlndup, after a series of rapid changes
over a range of 2c
Distressing reports of damage to corn
in Kansas and Missouri accompanied
news of scorching: heat and of exhausted
moisture. So acute was the situation
southwest that St. Louis Was said to bo
buying corn near Chicago to ship to
FOU SALE-0000 acres In a body; second
bottom lands; no overflow, no rocks,
no hills; on main line ot railroad; zw
miles to St Louis; cattlemen having an
eye on the future will do well to inves
tigate this proposition. These lands are
productive and will return good revenues
from general crops when put in cultiva
tion. Stock, growers can produce cheap
cattle on these lands, and buy them at
a figure so they are sure to Increase in
value. Price US per acre. Reference
given. Ferdinand Toniiey, Swlfton,
FOUND 32o-acre Homestead In settled
neighborhood. Fine farm land, no said
hills. Cost you 1176. filing fees and all.
J. A. Trucy. Kimball. Neb.
Itevada. -
LARGR stock range, good for summer
and winter; for full particulars address
owner, 11. A. Leach. Wells. Kevada.
WE are owners of a 700-acre 2-year-old
commercial apple orchard located in Doug
las county, Oregon; non-Irrigated and in
high state of cultivation; will sell It in
100-acre tracts or multiples thereof to
responsible parties desiring a first class
retail proposition. Detailed information
and terms furnished. Sunnydale Orchard
Co., 1302 Plymouth, Bldg Minneapolis,
South Uskaiu,
1C0 ACRES under cultivation In Drown
county, South Lakota, 2 miles from U. H
center; terms ur cash. Meyer Klein,
Omaha. Nub.
FOR SALE For cash, 640 acres unim
proved land 12 miles west of Tahoka,
county seat of Lynn county, Texas, a
railroad town. Red, sandy loam. Good
agricultural land and all tillable. S1.75
per acre due state at 3 per cent per an
null. Make me cash offer bonus. E. J,
Martin, Capitol Station, Austin, Tex.
Dolgotf 2d-lianu store pays highest price
for furniture, clothes, shoes. Wb. 1607.
Slightly used high grade piano. W. 7H.
WA NTE D To rent 9 or 10-room modern
house, Farnam street district, for 1, 2 or
more years, liar. 5490.
Ship Uve utock to South Omaha, bav
mileage and snrlnkage. Your consign.
Hunts receive prompt mid careful utua-
List? BlovU Coiuuilaaluu Merchant.
MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Wxcbange Jltdg.
Wichita, Kan., a proceeding seldom ever
before attempted.
Prices suffered from pressure due to
the slowness of export sales and because
vi ina raising or private estimates on
yields in the spring crop states. The
market rallied a little In the late deal
ings, soma shorts evlnclnir n dlannalttnu
to even up pending the Issue of the gov
ernment report tomorrow.
Improving shipping demand strength
ened oats. Tho recent break has caused
a much better eastern call.
Packers buvlnir lcrd milled thi nm.
vision markot. Offerings were scarce
alter prices began to advance
Artlcle. Open.l Hlgh. Low Close. Yes y.
Bept. 864tru 36usi ttysrtt ivmv,
Dec. S9Wi 9014 $H !0 90StH
May. 95140 95H 94H MH &i
Sept. KH 70?4.71 69 70U 70S
Dec C0Ti-6Vi IK C6H 66H8H C7GH
May. mk . CSH 7. tt &
Sept .41H Vi Utt . 42U U'sflll
Dec, 434tf44 44(4 43$? 44& 44i
May. (6V4U 47H 40V4 W 471i
Sept. 20 00 30 90 20 CO 80 K 20 C5
Sept. It 40 11 47H 11 37H 11 47H 11 40
11 13i
Oct.. 11 45 11 57V4 11 45 It 65 11 H
Jan.. 10 76 10 S3H6 10 70 10 82V46 10 72Vi
Sept 11 12M 11 22V4 11 15 11 17H U 20
Oct. U 10 11 221 11 07 H 11 17tt 11 17K-
11 20
Jan.. 10 12H 10 22M 10 12V4 10 22H1020
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
new. E&aSGWc: No. 3 red. new. S5H4Ko;
No. 1 hard. new. 87aT87ic! No. 2 hard.
new. S6UffSGVc: No. 3 hard. new.
86c; No. 1 northern, SlWg02!o; No. 2
northern, waaic; rvo. a nortnern, wwwc;
No. 2 spring. 90lc; No. 3 spring, 8M90c;
No. 4 SDrlnir. 801187c: velvet chaff. Slit
91c; durum, 84fl90c Corn: No. 2, 70UQTl!4c;
No. 2 white. 7l4f7lVic; No. 2 yellow, 7014
7114c; No. 3. 7071c; No. 3 white, 70Sj
71Wc; No. S yellow, 70WTlc; No. 4, 69HW
70c; No. 4 white, Oi870c; No. 4 yellow,
C9h70c. Oats: No. 2 white, ncv, 42c; No.
3 new, 40145141c: No. 3, old 40e41Hc; No.
4 white, new, 40IOMc! No. 4 white, old,
40U40Vic; standard, new, 4Ui$2c; old,
41-;Ufzc uye: ino. i, new, t.c, uarioy, own'
65c. Seeds: Timothy, HOOtfr-t.OO; clover,
nominal. Provisions: Pork. 122.50; lard.
311.40; ribs. SU.0012.00.
BUTTEK Higher; creameries, arsjW,
EGGS Unchanged; receipts, 8,731 cases.
CHEESE Irregular; daisies, HIlHlic:
twins. 13U(13Vc: young Americas. 14
15c; long horns, 16i5Uc
POTATO Eo Lower, wouji.uo; receipts,
to cars.
POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 18Vic:
springs, 16c; turkeys. 19c.
RIBS-U1.UH3 12.1214.
Corn nnd Wheat IleBion Ilulletln.
United States Department ot Agricul
ture, weather bureau, for Omaha, for tho
twenty-four hours ending at 8 a, m., 75th
meridian time, Thursday, Auguso 7, 1913:
Temp. Rain-
Station. High. Low. fall
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Pt cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Ashland, Neb.. 16 69
Aubum 93 66
Broken Bow... 85
Columbus ..... 83
Falrbury 100
Fairmont 91
Grand Island.. 85
Hartlngton .... 84
Hastings U3
Holdrege 93
Lincoln 8S
North Platte.. 8(
Oakdale 80
Omaha 2
Tekamah 86
Valentine 83
Alta, la 84
Carroll 83
Clarlnda 95
Sibley 83
Hloux Cltyi...82
Minimum temnerature for twelve hour
peried ending1 at 8 a. m.
District Stations. High. Low. fall.
No. ot
Columbus ...
LouIbvIUo ...
St Louis
Des Moines..
Kansas City
.... IS
.... 22
.... 14
.... 24
.... 22
.... El
High temoeraturbs nnititiri n v,..
southern portion of the corn and wheat
region Wednesday, but cooler wcU:er
prevailed in other portions, and cooler
weather is general over tho entire region
this morning. Showers were quite gen
Si JL,n the JI'n"eaPos and Des Moines
districts, and scattered showers occurred
In other districts. L. A. WELSH,
t Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau
Kanaa City Grntn nnd Provision.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 7.-HCK3S-Re-celpts,
6,000 head; market steady to
strong; duik. s.vksts.iu; neavy. 8.4048.60:
packers and butchers, 38.45418.70: lixht
J8.6ftg8.75; pigs, I6.607.50. ' B
uAuuis-xuictipis, ,bw nead; market
steady to 10c higher; prime fed steers.
8,35&8.60; dressed beef Bteers, 87.258.26:
J5.004j6.7E; cowp, J3.0&S6.60; heifers, J4.754j
8.C0; stockers and feeders, $5.007.S5; bulls
a I r Tr1. T a v t i t a vine r i .m.
head; market 10c higher; lambs, J5. 7667.10;
yearlings, Ji.50g6.tO; wethers, 34.004.76;
ewes, J3.25ff4.25; stockers and feeders, J2.50
St. Loul General Slarket.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 7. WHEAT Close:
No. 2 red, 854G86V4c; No. 2 hard, 8590V4o;
September, 80c; May, 95H'J6Hc
CORN No. 2. 7314c: No. a white. 74c:
September, 72He; Mar. 89'ic.
OATS No. 2, 41c; No. 2 white, 42c;
September, 42c: May, 47 He
FLOUR Unchanged.
HAY Prairie, JIO.00013.00.
Recetnt. Khlnmontn.
Flour, bbls 18,0'X) 10,0a)
Wheat bu.., -..2.,6.(X.O 79,000
Corn, bu 18,000 17,000
Oats, bu (9,000 33,0.0
Mmnenpoli Ct-nrn Market.
Close: No. 1 hard, 89ttc; No. 1 northern,
878914c; No. 2 northern, 85fi7Ho; No.
3 hard, Montana. 83Uc; No. 3. 84i3S5o;
September. S7l,ttf371ic; December, 9014c;
May, 95Hfl96Uc.
FLOUR Unchanged.
BRAN Unchanged.
BARLEY Unchanged.
CORN No. 3 yellow. 72S?ff3c.
OATS-No.,8 white. 4010V4c.
RYE No. 2. 57US9C
SEED Flax, Jl.41(?1.42.
Liverpool Grain Slarket.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 9Hd; No. 2,
7s 6d; No. 3, 7s 3d; futures, steady; Go
toDer. 7S iw, Decern Dtr, it iu,
new, kiln dried, nominal; Ameilran
mixed, old, 6s 2Vtd; American mixed, via,
Galveston, 6s; futures, steady; September,
La Plata. 4s lid: October, La Plata, in
Coffer Slarket.
ports that the Balkan allies had agreed
upon peace terms were accorppanted by
higher European cables and the local
market for coffee futures opened steady
at an advance of 10Q18 points, The ad
vance met considerable realizing, closing;
cables from Havre being a shade lower
and prices here eased off. Mucn ot the
Dusinese represented switches irom near
to late months, wtlh September ex
chanced for March at SI and 2 points.
The market closed steady, Auxust, 8.61c;
September, 8.68c; October, 8.7Sc; Decem
ber, 8.9Sc; January, 9.04c; March, 9.21c;
May, 9.31c; July, 9.36c Spot coffee ateady;
Rio No. 7. 9 Vic: Santo 4s. 11'irZ MIM
coffee quiet; Cordova, 13tJ16Hc.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Auir. 7 f r.yi a r o
Copper firm; standard spot to Oc-
luuoi, eii.uv, uiu. eieciruiync, jis.oy lake.
$15.75; casting;. J16.25. Tin: Easy spot
H1.40S41.75; August, Hl.lOy 41.W; Beptem
ber and October, J40.8041.12. Antimony:
Nominal; Cookson's, J8.408.50. Iron:
oieaoy anu uucnantseu.
London markets closed as fnllnwu-
Copper: Quiet; spot and futures. 68 2s
6d. Tin: Quiet; spot, le4 Us; futures,
18610s. Iron: Cleveland warrants. 54s
Dry fjooda Slarkrt.
Bteady on late deliveries. Spot goods are
scarce and prices are steadier. Yarns
are quiet and unchanged.
Key to the Situation Dee Adverting
Is Infused with a Measure of Under
lying Strength.
Effect of Improved Crop Outlook
Seenln Better Tone of ltalltmr
Share Bond Market
I l'lrm.
NEV YORK, Aug. 7.-ManlpulatIon ot
a professional character, aided by such
factors as betterment In the Balkan sit
Uatlon and hopeful rains ovei some of
the parched agricultural centers ot this
country. Infused a measure of underlying
strength in today's stock market. The
movement as a whole, however, was so
irregular and spasmodic! as to carry little
conviction of public Interest, much levi
Politics played nn Part In tho day s af
fairs, although emergency notice ot the
currency commission of the American
Bankers' association for a meeting to act
on pending legislation at Washington
served as a reminder ot the attitude ot
that Influential organisation. The Mex.
lean situation continued to bo ignored,
with no movement In the shares ot tho
railway propertlcs'controlled by that gov
ernment No small part of tho further rise wns
made in the face of continued resistance
by the bear faction. Steel's advance to
Its best figure In some months was tho
more surprising, inasmuch as it disre
garded reports of price concessions for
certain finished products.
Tho effect ot the Improved crop outlook
was seen In the better tone of tho south
ern and southwestern railway share,
whllo Reading and Lehigh Valley, espe
cially the latter, probably owed their ri
eovery to excellent earnintr exhibits. St.
Lout A San Francisco also reported Very
good earnings, wltlch were reflected In a
smart rise in tno general bs.
Among the specialties declines of 2 to
4 points wero made In some of the To
bacco Bhares and American Writing Pa
per preferred, whllo General Chomlcn.
dropped 9 points on one transaction.
London bought some 15,000 shares of
Steel, Amalgamated and Vnlon Pacific In
IM mgrli.t fnllnu'lnir Its hlKher level
Thps Bank of
England strengthened its reserve toaay
and gold holdings ana me icaiuro ui ma
Bank of England's statement was n. de
crease of almost J68,COO,0O0 in discounts.
The bond markot was firm on llgrt
dealings. Government bonds- wore un
changed on call. Total sales, par value,
were Jl.781,000. ..,.
Number of sales and closing quotations
on stocks were:
Amtlnmojtl Copper ...
AmrTicfn AtTlcuHurul ..
American Bt 8utr. ...
Amtrltio Can
American Ca pM
American C. t F
American Cotton Oil
Am. Ice Securities
American Llnaeed
American Locomotlre ...
American S. A H.
Am. 8. a II. pM
Am. Sugar Helming. . . .
American T. Sc T
American Tobacoo
Anaconda Mining Co....
Atchlaon ptd
Atlantic. Coast Una
Baltimore & Ohio
llethlehem Steel
Brooklyn Ttapld Tr
Canadian facttla
Central leather
Ctnaapeake & Ohio
Chicago O. W
Chicago, M. A Bt. P..,.
Chicago & JT. W
Colorado F. ft I
Consolidated Ota
Corn rroducta .
Delaware sc Hudion
Denver A Hlo Orande...
Denier & It. O. ptd
nietlllera' Seeurltle
Erie Jat ptd..
Brie 2d ptd
General Blectrle
Ortat Northern ptd
Great Northern Oro ctfs
Illlnole Central
Interborough Met
Inter. Met. ptd.....,.,..
International Harvester..
Inter-Marina ptd....
International Taper ....
International Pump
Kaniaa City Southern...
Laclede Oai ,
Lehigh Valley
Loubnlllo NaahrllU..
M.. Bt. P. & a. Me. M.
Mtaaourl, K. ft T
Mllaourl Pacific
National Dlacult
National load
N. It, It. of M. id pfd..
New York Central
N. Y., O. & W
Norfolk & Western
North American
ales. High. Low. Close.
M.WO 70 J1H
'"00 '17" M
SCO 4tU 4(
700 4 4IH H
2.700 64V4 SH 4H
200 101H 101 H 101U
200 liov, noit iovi
too 1:9 nsu i3K
. ... 2J0
1100 Ittt JSH its
1,000 lh 17U S7H
1,000 n a I7H
S00 5H itM "H
500 I5H 23 5
1,100 Utt UK UK
B.OOO 2UH 214M 21K
2.000 DS UU. f3H
4,K 1MH 107 102
700 U UK Slti
400 niH nH n4
200 20 20 20
4,t00 2H T)
1,100 47 474 47H
200 M0H UOVi KOti
700 12SH lil lilU
$00 U 2iH ts
1,000 1OTH 107 107
400 1ST, lh 11V
400 iW UK (IH
..." 27K
300 MK U 91
l.tOO 160Vi 110a 1S1
K 120 1!
1,700 24 23 H
1,100 I2K H4
MO 10SK 105H 109H
Northern I'aclflo
Pacific Mall
. 1.400 111V1 111
People'a Gas
P.. C, C. Bt L
Plttaburrh Tnl
400 113K 113K 113
; 25
o,ooo isoK mi. i5s
400 24T4 24H 24!4
1'rtaaeJ Bteel Car
i-uuman l'alaca Car
HepubUo IrOn & Bteel..
'nepublic I. & B. pfd....
Hock Ialand Co
Hock Ialand On rM
at. L ft 8. P. 2d nfd..
Seaboard Air Line
Seaboard -A. L. pfd
Bloaa-Bheffleld S. & I..
Southern Pacific
Bouthern Hallway
Bo. Hallway pfd
1,900 4K 43
"""" copper eoo gou so! ai7
Teiaa ft Pacific . " J24
r, . B 25.200 mil is ti
K5 ?.n. r"'"e ta.:...." too t,i 'J S
United Xi.tH Vi..!,
United States Hubber"!
200 i
43.700 12K
eo) 101
unura mates Steel
V,; J?' BU' pM
Utah Copper
Va. .Carolina rhmti"
7,100 MH
tt'afcash ,
Wabash pfd ."
Western Maryland .
700 42
wheelinr A- t .- !-. :
Totsl sale. for tr, 2oTwo Share..'"
Nerr York Money BInrki.f '
Per cent; cloalnl bid. IS DeP ' 2P
44i per cent; six months.
a-iIpe?IcentIERCANTILE to
78ILVER-Bar. aollar,;
BONDS-Government. steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today wr
as follows: B
U. 8. ref. 2s, reg.. J7HK. C. Bo. ref g.
do coupon M L. 8. deb, 4a lSli'
U. 8. 3s. reg lOIKL. & N. uni u
do coupon lOlK'M. K. ft T. 1st il'
V. B. 4s. reg 110 do gen. 4U, '
do coupon 110 Mo. Pacific 4s""
A. T. ft T. o. s..l00 do deb. 4s. " mS
Am. Tobacco 1UU N. Y K. II. i'Vr"
Aiwwur Mi m ct. J)ts ... -ft
Atchison gtn. 4s,
. I5H.-W- ft W. 1st c. 4s ii
. 7K do er. 4i,s.... iJL
. SSNo. l.clflo 4. mW
. M'i do 3s 5
..OiiPenn eT. Sf' JJft
. oo con, 4. ., clP
'"f? t. ii:.::
tva cr. is iieo. .
da cr. Is.
A. C. I 1st 4s...
Dsl. ft Ohio 4s...
do lUs
Brook. TT. CT. 4a.
Cen. of Oa. ts..
rn T . I V. .
11 ? F- " 4s TO
do conr. V4t.;... WHjSt 2 S. W.' e."' 5?
M uu
c. ii. & q. ). a,... mkbo i-.t. "r ;?
An. men 1. eta'. rfn u
C M & a ! o 4HS..101 do 1st ref "ii"
C H. I. & P. c, 4sHBo. naa:
do rfg. 4s 78 do gn. u.
C. B. r A e 4Hs. lll Union Paxlf,",i.
. (K. ft, vt, . , . yn uu (JT, t
".s".':.8': II B
, - -- -h cairn, 1 1 ,. 1.
do CT. 4s. ssr. II. 71K wh. 1st jl V. 3
III. Cen. Ut r. 4s. 3 Westers lU. u H1
Inter. Met. 4Hs 74K West. Else. c ii ' 11
5.p'.r Suf:..-.,"- m-".:S!
New York Mlnlnjr Stock.
NEW YOItK Aug. T.-Closlng quota
tions on New York mining stocks:
Tom. Tunnel stoek.. 10 Utile Chief 1
do bonds lOMeslean .loo
Cn. Csl. & Va 13 Ontario .Its
'"'' IWOphlr !."!""
"ft d relkw Jacket U
Treasurv Nlnleinent,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7The condition
of the United States treasury at the be
ginning of business today was: Net bal
ance In general fund. 11.10,(21,885. Total
receipts yesterday, t,&40.s86; total pay
ments yesterday, t,M4,iVV Deficit this
fiscal year Is 19.5S3.1W. atxalnst a sumlus
of 2284,690 last year, exclusive of Panama
canal and public debt transactions.
London stock Market.
LONDON, Aug. 7. American securities
were steady and higher during the early
trading today. Canadian Paeiflc lost .,
but the rest of the list were supported
and noon values were ViUlH higher than
yesterday's New York cloning.
Consols, moosr . .. l4 Grand Trunk 23H
do account..... J3 11-14 Illinois Csntrat 11
Anal, dipper 71 M., K. ft T Ui
Atchison I00S Bouthern raelfle.... HU
Canadian l'acltvo. . ,.JMi Union Pacific 1UU
Chicago' ft O. W.,., 14 U 8. Bteel l
Bt. raul 110 Wabash I4
Denrer A Hlo O.... 1 DeDeers V
Erl WUKanJ Mines IS
do 1st pfd ... . 4St
SlLVElt-Bar. quiet at Ud per ounce,
MONKY-2i0 per cent
T"he rate of discount In tho 6pen market
for short bills Is JMfS'Jl per otnt; for
three months'bllls. 3HOH per cent.
Iloaton Mliilnir Htock.
nOi5TON, Aug. ..Closing quotations
on Doiton stocks and bonds:
Allcues . 3SH Need Con 14U.
Amal, Copper .. . "1H Mplnlng Mines ... IX
A. 2. L ft 8.. ...201 North llutts 11
Artiona Com IV Old Dominion. , 4
11, ft C, C & B. M. n Osceola 71
Cal. & Artiona H Shannon ., ,611
Cal. ft llecla 410 Buperlor hi
Centennial II Superior & B. U... ts
Copper lUnga O. C. HHTiunarack .7... 27H
lt llutte C M... 1IHU. 8, B. It. ft M. . 1
Uranbr Con 61 do pfd . 4111
Ortne Cananea ... 4!iUtah Con Ik
Isle Hoyale Utah Copper Co..., 4U
Ketr Laka it Winona 1H
Balls copper.... IV Wolverine 42H
Mohawk Ui
Hunk Clearlnsf.
OMAHA, Aug. 7. Bank clearings for
today nre 84,054,341.92 "-nd f2,U,W0.8S for
the corresponding day last year.
BUTTER No. 1, Mb. cartons, 2Sc; No.
I. 60-lb. tubs. 27Ho; No. 2, 25c.
FISH-Whlte. fresh. 12oj trout, fresh,
16c; largo crapplcs, fresh, 13c; Spanish
mackerel, 15o; shad roe, per pair, 40c;
salmon, fresh. 16o; halibut, fresh, 10o;
buffalo, Pc: bullheads, 13c: channel cat
fish, 13c; pike, 15c; pickerel, 11c
, CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c; Amer
ican Swiss. c: block Swiss. 24o: twins.
17c; daisies, 17 He; triplets, 17Hc; young
Americas, 18o: blue label brick. 17o; Urn
berger, 2-lb.. 20a; New York, white, 19c.
POULTRY Broilers, 23o per lb.; hens,
16o; Cocks, 12c; ducks, lI(wc; it ceo e, 18c;
uiftooi uHttunn, per uos. "J.
fnalaf. Oa . a..! 7x.l..u
feo, full feathered, 13o; Bquab. No, l
l.M: No. 3. BOc.
JJHKF CUTB-nibS, No. X, 17HC! No. Z,
HUni XT O Umi Iah V 1 1(LU K?.
vt ftiv, uiiiaa 41 u, A4r7av)a 4i u
2 l$e; No. 3. 16c: chucks. No. 1, HUo;
rvo. z, iivic; mo, 3, loftc; rounds, no. i,
14ic; No. 2, UMc; No. 3, 13Uc; plates,
No. 1, 7Ho; No. 2, 7o; No. S, 6-ic
The following prlves are furnished by
tho Ollllnsky Fruit company:
FnUITS California Beurre Hardy or
Ttuasot Bartlett Dears, uer box. 22. IS: 25-
box lots, 12.15: Wlckson large green plums.
per crate, iw; piums, per oox, ji.76;
O rant plums, per crate, 12.00; large blue
Piums. iter crate, 2.00. Bartlett pears per
box, 22.76: lots. 12.05. Elberta
peaches, $1.10. Duchess or Transparent ap-
flea, per bushel, owing to quality, 75c
1,00. Cantaloupes, Arlgona standard, per
crata. 23.60: Arizona Don v. tier crate. 23.00:
Arizona Jumbo, per crate, $3.00. Red rasp-
ocrnes, per Z4-pint case, Ji.w uranges:
Extra fins Valenclas, IZil, 288 slses, per
box. 16.00: Sunkltt Valnnolas. 150. 10.50:
176, 200, 210, 200 sites, per box, tt.00. Pota
toes, largo uouuior, ier uu., voc. urape
fruit, Florida, Indian river, 40, M, 64
sizes, 110.00. Onions, California large yel
low. Per lb. to. Evanornted cranberries.
per 20-pkg carton, 32.70. Grapes, California,
ier crate, z.uu. icmons, extra rancy nun-
Kist, awa and sous, per box, iis.oo; extra
choice lied Ball. 300a and 360a. per box.
1(9.00. Tomatoes, homo grown, per markot
basket crate 65c; E-crate lots, 00c
vivut,ivui.i'.o i-otatoes large uod
bler, per bushel, DOc. Onions, California,
large yellow, per pound, 2Mc Tomatoes,
homegrown, cer market basket. 65c: E-
crate lots, 60c Watermelons, Alabama
sweet, per pouhd. liic; 5-rato loU, per
pound. lUc.
AIISCELLANEONS Itoastlng ear, per
doz 15c; Michigan celery, Per doa., S5c;
Mott's elder, per keg, $3.60; Nehawka
Cider. Per ken. 23.25: asnarauu. tier doc.
EOc; rhubarb, par doz., 20c; onions, per
uoz., uc; now uecis, carrots, turnips, per
doz., 30c; parsley, per doz,, 40c; radishes,
per doz., 20o; head lettuce, per dot., 11.00;
homegrown leaf lettuce, per doz., 20c;
green peppers, per basket. 60a; wax or
green beans, per basket, $1.00; hothouse
cucumbers, per doz., 40c to 60c: cauli
flower, per lb lOtfUtfo; Venetian garlic,
Per lb.. 12Wc: new cabbaire. ner lb.. 3a
eggplant, per doz., $1.60; horseradish, 2
uoz potties in cose, per oase, $1.80;
Dromedary brand dates, oka-.. 13.00:
Anchor brand dates, pkg., $2.2E; walnuts,
No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 20c; medium
ptcans, per lb., ISHo; jumbo pecans, per
lb., 15c; giant pecans. Louisiana, paper
shell, per lb., 26c; filberts, per lb., ISo;
Drake almonds, per lb. 16c: paper shell,
18c; Brazils, per lb., 10c; large washed,
per lb., 12c; black walnuts, per lb., IHo;
raw No, 1 peanuts, per lb,, 7c; Jumbo pea
nuts, per lb 8c; roast peanuts, per lb,,
Sttc; ahellbark hlckorynuts, per lb., 4o;
wnite nco popcorn, per iu., c; cneciters,
per 100-Dncknce case. 11.60: checkers, cer
60-pkg. case, $1.76; Leslie berry boxes,
quarts, per l.uw, vrs. -
Cuttle Steady to Dime Higher
Hok Active.
3,000 head; market steady to lOo hlgner;
ueeves, i,ivtu.iu; xoxau steers, .7u0jj.u:
western steers, $8.26i27.6E; stockers and
fcederB. $5.3042.7.75: cows and heifer. 23.U0
4JS.40; calves, lS.2E0U.iS.
xxyjKjfo Keocipts, i7,w neaa; market ao-
i ira Ky. 1, 1 ,r V. . Ki 1 1 1. n .n.a C IHrA CA.
light, t&.;W)M: mixed, tlMt&i.V); fievy,
37.tJ5iie.76; rough, tl.&iffl.hS; pigs, $5.00&
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Hecelpts, 13,000
head: natlvo sheep and lambs stronsr to
10c higher, westerns weak to 10a lower:
native sheep, $4.10i!?Q.10; wostern, $4.23
6.00; yearlings, 5.3i6U.10;, native lambs,
$5.B0.50; weatern lambs, $i00F7765.
Knnaua City Live Stock Market.
celpts, 4,000 head; market 16j25c higher
than Tuesday; stock cattle, 2o4375a higher
than Tuesday; prime fed steers, $8.35
8.76; dressed beet steers, $7.2&tf!i.26; west
ern steers, $6.25473.00; southern steers, $4.75
.?&; cows, J0.tjOy6.W: heifers, 14.758.00;
stockers and feeders, J5.Wfr7.tK); bulls, $1.23
HJ6.25; calves, lo.COftii.tO.
HOG-S Hecclpts, C.000 head; market
steady to weak; bulk. $S.4O.i0; heavy,
SO.COHfO.i. imtncis aim uun-iiuin, f Aivr
8.75; lUht, $S.40H.80; pigs. $0.607.50.
8II151U1 AriiJ iviib iteceipis, i,w
head; market 10U5c higher; lambs, 16.75
Q7.30; yearlings, $4.HHfj.J0; wethers, $4.00
U4.75; ewes, $3.604.25.
St. liiul LIt Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 7.-CATTLrJ-Rece!pts,
$7.2508.00; ntockera and feeder, Xl.WWi.Uyi
cows and helforn, 4.75Q9.40t bulla,
a -sj. MWRQ RTI uilllharn ts-ttrH.
I.25a7.75; cows and helfew, 17.254i7.60.
HOGS Receipts. 8,000 hod: marKet be
lower; pigs and light. $.60tT9lO; mixed
ana outcnera, so.ivuj.iv, sum ..
ufii?ct AMI1 T.AMnR lloenlnts. r,.f"0
head: market steady: muttons. j3.254W.26;
yoarllngs, $o.00fl6.00; lambs, $4.60417.8(.
Sluox City Live- Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. fa.. Aug. 7.-CATTLI4-
Recelpu. 000 head; market steady to lOo
1.1..L. . . . i . . .. . ti time in. ..
tX&tH.W. bulls, stags, etc., $4.6O0.6Q.
HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; market slow
and weak; heavy, $7.Ki8fi.(K); mixed, &.Wd
8.25: light, $8.2Sii60; bulk of sales, $7.W
SHEEP AND L-VMBS-Becelpts, 2C)
head; no quotations.
SI. Joseph Live Htock Market.
celpts, 1,100 head; market strong to IV
higher; steers, $5.C0O8.8S; cown and heif
er, ei.wtti.ou; I'nivoa, n.wijli.iii,
HOGS RecelDts. 8.000 head: market
slow: top, W.70; bulk, $S.20cS8.6O. '
BHBbT AND IAMHH Uecelpts, 5,000
head) market slow; lambs, $5,007. ?0.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Aug. 7. 1 1 AY Prat ri a ; Nn :
to choice upland. $11: No. 2.
No. i. $8.009.00; No. 1 to choice midland.
$10.6011.00; No. 2, $9.00S10.00j No. 3, $8,000
69.00; No. 1 to choice lowland, Kt.nyhi
1Q.00: No. 2, $8.013.C); No. 3, tf.OiXfH ,00.
STRAW Choice oat or rye, $8.0CkM.5O;
choice wheat. $5.SE.W.
AUf-AUVA None on the market, No, I
to choice of the pea green varlrtv Is
quotable at $11.00612 00; No. 2, $10,009
11.00; No. 3, $8.00810.00.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising,
8, 1D13.
Cattle Receipts Very Moderato and
Prices Bteady to Stronger.
Sheep and Lnmlis of All Kind Are
In Larae Supply .Trade Itathejr
Slor and Dull, vrlth
Tendency Lower.
SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 7. 191$.
nfIP' were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
SK!cla.t Tiibsrtay 6.3W 12,181 ainoj
Official Wrdnosday.... 2,979 11,793 7.4S4
ustiiuaia inursday..... l,7W ij.suo
t;amo days last week.. 10,300 31.13$ 39,192
- j w a, ago.
Hume days a w'ks. ago.10.S9S 31.961 22,874
Ham A itnva at VM'tf- viMf 91 fVfil fkl
Same days last ycar...lB,7M 29,702 35,641
ino rouo wing table snows tho receipts
bf cattle, hogs and sheep at the South
Omaha live stock market fov tho yesr to
date as compared with last year:
,s ,., 191S. 1912. Inc. Deo.
cattle 4S4,3' 4S9.012 4,329
llOKS 1 Tie r.nrt rcA 9.1 lOA
rt, t""N"V .v,r,,r, ...... vv.,..v
shP 1,167,760 1.0S7.S39 79,919
ine following table shows tho range ot
prices for hogs at South Omaha for tho
icnr u, wun comparisons:
Date. 1913. 11812 l9il,l910,1909,19. 11907.
July 23.
5 93
6 60
6 97
6 93
6 92
6 85
6 77
Juiy a.
July so.
July 31.
AUg. I.
Aug. 2,
Aug. 3..
Aug. 4.
Aug. 6.
Aug. 6,
Aug. 7.
Receipts and disposition ot live stock
at the Union stock yards, South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hours ending at t
p. m. yesterday.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, lt'r's.
C, M. & St. I. Ky. 4 4
Wabash Ry 4 3
Mo. Pacific Ry 9 2 .. 1
Union Pactflo Ry... U 41 47
C. & N. W., cast... 4 12
C. & N.-W., west.. 12 60 7
C, St. P., M. & O... S 12
C, B. & Q., east 10 .. ' ,.
C, II. & Q west,. XI 6 6 ..
C, R. I. & P., east 3 12
C. R. I. & P., west .. 1
Illinois Central Ry .. 3 .. ..
C. Q. W. Ry l
Total receipts CS 185 63 1
Cattle. Hogs, bheep.
Morris & Co 866 2,046 ' 71
Hwlft Jb r... . vvr col rja
v. ............ . Ml .OP, ,!UUU
Cudahy Packing Co.... 188 (84 1.7S4
Hchwartz & Co 232 ...
J. W. Murphy ... 812 ...
Morroll l
Morgan Co 3
Sinclair 22
Cot in
V. & S ran
LW. B. Vansant Co 95
"ill & son iri
P. It. Lewis 30
Huston A C.a sm
J. B. Root & Co 67 ... .::
J. li. nulla.. 13
Roseustock Bros.., 36 ,M ,,,
McCreary & Kellogg.. 2
Wcrthelmer & Degen.. 141
Rotrachlld & Ifralu... ii
Mo. & Kan.-Cal. Co.... 27 .!.
utner uuyers 4 ... G.075
T?1,SJ?, if'A': VM 12,868
. .V .TT"UU .imoipis were very
tnoderat this morning, only soventy cars
being reported In. HlIU this makes the
tntnl rot I im u..b ... .1 . ,h nf. . .
about the same as for the corresponding
period of last year, although larger than
for rscant weeks.
r'fv."leers .Wero ln VBry fHr demand
n'i thp market on nil desirable kinds
... , , 7" ucra Ticers nere BO a
.1"?" .a Ft6- Whll th market
Particularly active, pretty much
everything : changed hands in good season.
.1.. " cre a lime now, out
?iLlero Wc.'?. onl' n tew on sm-lf. Pretty
much everything was disposed of in fair
' BilSIkJK' C8S i'malnlng steady to strong.
W,, iinjrcu wnn yeater-
7nT, Zr r...r. 'uy"r, ine general
WffaiS fiE,?,u?i. g0?S catUo ftre wound
E0O5o lowr than thoy were at the high
time lost week. Borrio of the lighter
firalcs i00,,110 ui? WMMy aa much u
tlm thnn t,le flx,reme h'i
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
steers. jP.7Sga.l0 common to fair beef
iKSTA ,S'28'-": Koo to choice heifer..
fuovMVj.w, boou to cnoice cow, tt,(fy$
li r?ir . B00t $5 M.faO; com-
Ul , ' .'"T Buoai j.wo.w; good to
choice, stockers and feeders, $4.60OT,25:
fair to good stockers nnd foedorn, $J.00fr
B;M; 5?2J? t0 .fB,,r " and feed.
itiw. eta. $4ttmoor'' ou,l'
iteprtaentatlvo salest
No. Ar. Pr. No. at. Pr.
4 897 7 M 20 Cm I 60
?? .T47 TM II.... 'VlM im
" " 2J... 1171 ICO
? 14M 23 42 n t 71
20 1104 0 0
17 SJO I 11 17...., 7(j 1 to
1C 1104 8 43 " ,w
1 .
M0 I C9 4 170 1 u
7 434 I 15
! 913 I 39
I....- VJ s vo
1.,.., 154 I M
I Ill 4 00
2 971 4 00
4 110 4 00
3 1007 4 60
1 1031 4 10
1 1070 4 71
1 1120 4 71
1 140 4 71
1 10S6 t 00
2 Ill 6 00
2 773 I 10
2 113 I 10
4 130 S 10
I SJO I 2t
170 I II
nw 1 co
141 I CO
971 C (0
,. (20 5 76
...1)44 I DO
...lttA 1 tin
1 a.
11 CO )0
140 6 10
. 134 I 21
920 a is
1,,, a an
1 100S CO
.1100 CO
.1113 7 00
?t 648rt7 37l6fl7
8 67U 7 6 67 7 98 7 27 6 14
1 66U 7 67 7 71 7 40 34
8 66H 7 73 6 69 7 44 fi 41
8 7 70 6 64 7 00 C 44
8 4S 7 95 6 69 7 60 7 49
7 9.1 8 76 7 75 7 64 6
8 43V 6 92 7 70 7 62 6 IS
8 34 8 03 7 04 7 Rit 7 54 68
8 17H 7 BS 7 70 7 68 6
7 90 7 16 7 E9 0 33
3 75 C Co 7
IS 712 I 10
2 634 I 21 7
1 170 C CO 2
2 480 5 70 9
C 134 I II S
2 IM I 00 1
(II I 00 1
1 700 I 00 1
13 773 6 09 1
27 442 I It
1 140 4 71 1
1 1000 4 7S 1
1 WO C 00 1
1 110 C 00 2....,
1 11W I 00 1
1 1000 (00 1
1 1010 ( 10 1
1 1(M 121 1
1 1160 S 26 2
1 11C0 I 26 1
1 920 6 21 1
1 207 4 00 2
2 276 4 00 1
2 2U ( 0) 1
4 Si) 6 26 6
1 470 I 00 I
4 Ill I 26 1
4 107 10 1
1 310 I 73 1
7 314 I 76 I. ...
1 273 7 00 1
1 22a) 7 00 1....
1 180 7 00 1....
112 II
76 6 26
921 6 16
143 6 10
130 16
... W0 7 76
....1210 6 30
....1320 6 16
....1110 6 36
.... 939 6 40
.... 740 I 40
.... 190 6 40
.... 140 I 66
... 1310 6 13
....1406 6 H
....1220 10
. 204 6 60
.160 t 00
130 00
. 210 I (0
.110 I0
200 I 60
110 10 00
. 647 t II
, CIO 4 CO
2 CftO C 40
WO a 71
....340 I 00
60 20
ui in
1 : 1 00
.631 in
811 I 00
410 I 28
. IU I 10
. 742 6 10
414 I 26
77J 'I II
6S0 I 10
7 tit o
3 673 I IS
.... 664 I 10
143 I II
21 I It
716 I 70
23 heifers... 1124 7 V) 1 heifer.... 760 4 60
48 steers.... 1151 7 05 12 steers... .1180 7 0G
10 siccr....iiau 1 iu 11 steers.... iom 7 10
HOU8 Another liberal supply featured
the trade today, ostlmates calling for
ahnut 1X1 ram or I? h..,i rr., ' .:!
fnp tha fmip la in Rn n I .
- , , . eiuii ua over
9,600 head as compared with last wk
ami naonlll 11 mfwf ntua.. t a . a
uni hvvm 4ivjv tuibtir muii ior tno cor
responding period Init year,
Karly blda from all fauyera Indicated t
fairly good demand and a firm market,
and the first aalea were made at price
that were fully Bteady and In many caa?a
n 1 1 r r I a tit rin i7sr A as Via mn-n L .1
SISSIU . "Ojl II4 IllUIUUItj tt'i
vanced It settled Into a good ateady mar-
lnr 1 ,1 ' li 1 1 a ttiii IrmL urn. . . .
a. 111a nunc siisi n ivuc n am JlUi Vrij
r. e I .... l m II M at I ti..n.
jthe salea was quoted at $8.06438.20, with
; tops at $3.76. these figures being Just the
same as on Wednesday. Shippers pur
chases were hardly as heavy as on the
previous days of the woek, and this jervft
to weaKen tho live run go slightly, yuaiuv
was very uneven, and while numerous
loads ot real good stuff were Included .'n
the offerings there were any number ot
bunches ot all weights that were on the
rough, trashy order.
After the most of the killing orders had
been filled the market began to weaken
Bids were lowered all around, and as
sellers refused to out loose at, weakened
prices trade soon stopped altogether.
No. At. Sh. IT. No. At. ah, Pr.
64 303 ... I 00 78 146 130 I 16
tS III . 3 Co 64 226 ... I ITU
f IH. 40 I 06 0 930 120 I 1TH
71 210 1M I 03 II 200 10 I 17H
43 317 ... 3 MH 73 3 340 I 17H
It 244 . . I 074 SI Ml ... I 1714
tt I0O .. 3 07H 32 l SCO I 17Hi
1 SSI ISO I 07H 70 117 ... 3 20
CI Ill 10 I 10 13 2M 40 I 20
(7 393 ... 3 10 9 341 120 I 20
46 Ill ... I 10 70 113 40 I to
14 237 .. I to 74 341 20 I 25
60 tM ... 110 & ... 120
2 JII6 10 I 10 II 3tl ... I SO
SO 314 10 3 10 39 210 ... 3 20
52 10 ... I 10 71 226 30 I 20
78 311 4ft I 10 76 Ill ... I 30
SI. 243 10 I IS (4 310 40 6 20
too 1T 80 S II 31 217 120 I 20
70 ?4 ... 113 l 124 240 I 20
70 271 ... I IS 31 341 ... I 20
43 SIS ... 3 IS 74 U7 ... 3 20
18 t0 ... I IS 177 ... I 20
0 116 40 I II II SM 110. 3 20
U 40 I IS H 303 ... I 20
44 21 10 I IS II 302 40 I 20
T Ill 10 I IS T7 SOS ... 8
M 877 20 8 16 811 ... 3 16
73 ttl 340 8 IS 44 201 ... 8 30
72 :S78 ... 8 IS 17 237 ... ISO
70 230 .. I IS St 241 .... I U
IS 247 ... I IB '1 207 210 I 86
74 241 100 8 IS 8S 217 40 8 35
24 304 80 I IS 77 248 200 8 40
1(1 271 0 I 11 14 147 ... 8 40
42 244 .. 8 IS 31 113 10 S 43
77 Ill . I IS 211 ... 8 41
TI 141 14 I II (0...... Ill ... 3 M
73 3S3 ... I It 71 113 ... S 60
(I ,310 ... 8 IS 43 114 ... 8 70
78 326 I 8 IS 78 313 ... 8 71
11 240 441 8 It 10 U3 ... 3 80
BHEEP-Omaha headed the list ot mar
kets again today In tho matter of te
celpts, as there wore as many as 18,000
head of sheep and lambs reported in,
being a very liberal run here for a Thurs
day, The supply was more than twice
us largo as a week ago, two weeks ago
or a year ago. Out of sixty-three cars
about twenty-three were made up of aged
sheep, the remainder being entirely
lambs. Taking the quality ot the offer
ings as n whole It was not quite a good
as on Wednesday, though there were a
tew loads ot toppy lambs and muttons on
As generally Is the case when receipts
are so heavy, the market was a little
lata in opening, there being no business
of consequence until after 10 o'clock,
Then buyers and sellers began to get to
gether aa to prices and most ot the offer
ings changed hands before midday.
Lambs sold generally lEo lower and aged
offerings steady to easier.
The early trade Included a llttlo better
than 1,009 head of 64-pound Idaho lambs
that brought $6,75 with about 600 head out
These lambs were tho same a tho big
bunch which changed hands at $4.90 yes
terday. Another string of lamb num
bering a little over 1,000 head and averag
ing about 65 pounds, also sold at $6.16.
Later In the morning two cars ot Idaho
lambs sold at $7.00, top for tho day.
Among the sales of ewes were two cars
at $4.23 and some wethors at $4.40.
Because ot sorting it was some 'time
before much was done In the feeder line.
Demand continues good and prices were
steady to easier. A out from lambs that
brought $5.40 yesterday, sold at $6.35 this
Quotations on BlieeP and Lambs Lambs,
Lambs, good to choice, PS.wn.Wi lambs,
good. $fl.66n.85; lambs, culls, $5.0036.00!
lambs, feeders,; yearlings, good
to choice, $5.23436.60; yearlings, fair to
good, $5 00ii7C.6; yearlings, feeders, $4.75
05.36; wethers, good to choice, $l.60tM.76;
wethers, fair to good; $1.2304.50
wethers, feeders, $3.60(4.25; ewes, good to
oholco, $4.!6tf4.40; ewes, fair to good, $3.78
iJM.16; nwes. feeders, $3.(XK$.25J culls,
sreon. J3 85174,15. .
Representative Rales:
No. Av. Pr.
178 Montana wethers 98 4 45
193 Montana wethers 99 4 45
190,Montana wethers 1(0 4 45
226 Montana wethers 9$ 4 45
200 Montana feeders, yearlings. 89 4 65
61 Montana yearlings 90 E 00
193 Montana yearlings ., 89 6 00
219 Montana yearlings 89 6 00
21A Idaho teoder lambs 67 6 2b
209 Idaho feeder lambs 67 6 28
177 Idaho feeder lambs 67 6 5
221 Idaho feeder lamb 66 6 15
210 Idaho feeder Iambs 67 6 15
29 Idaho coder lambs 47 6 00
154 Utah Iamb 70 7 16
99 Utah lambs 65 6 85
33 Idaho feeder ewes. ......... 94 1 40
41 Montana ewes D5 4 25
60 Montana ewes 106 8 65
34 Idaho ewes ...1 92 3 40
20 Idaho owes i.,.,107 3 65
424 Wyoming owes 110 4 25
27 Wyoming ewes .....107 S 23
148 Idaho wethers 104 4 40
61 Idaho wethers 104 4 40
181 Idaho wethers 103 4 40
171 Idaho lambs E3 6 25
74 Idaho yearling! 81 4 75
107 Idaho owe 1 1C0 4 20
Cation Markot.
In Increased demand and firm; middling
fair. 7.00dj good middling, .81d: middling.
6,49d; low middling, 6.29d; good ordinary,
6.8ld; ordinary, E,46d; sales, 10,009 bales.
Market closed steady at a net loss of
C7 Points on native positions; near
months were relatively quiet and steady,
closing B points net higher.
Nutrur Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 7.-8UOAR Raw,
firm; muscovado, 3.23c; centrifugal, 3.73c ;
molasses, 2.98c; reflncd firm; cut loaf,
C.50c ; crushed, 8.40c; mould A, 6.06c;
cubes, 4.96a; powdered, 4.86c; fine granu
lated, 4,70c: diamond A, 4.70c; confec
tioners' A, 4.65c ; No. 1, 4.60m
Omaha Postoffioe
One of Fifteen to
Handle Dead' Letters
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-"Dead Utter
sales," which have been an annual fea
ture of Washington for years, t.'ere abol
ished today by Postmaster General Burl
on. Hereafter all undelivered third and
fourth class matter whloh has been sent
heretofore to tho division of dead letters,
will go to tho pofctortlce at the head,
quurtcra of the railway mall service of
tho division In which tho matter ln de
fined There tho matter of manifest valu
will be held for one year, subject to
reclamation and then sold at auction.
The fifteen postofflces which will nan
dla the tlad letter matter are Boston,
Naw York, Washington, Atlanta, Clnoln
fitttl, Chicago, St. Louis, Ban Francisco,
Cleveland, St. Paul, Fort Worth, Now
Orleans, Seattle, Omaha and Pittsburgh.
WELLINGTON, Mo., Aug, 7.-Thomas
F. Lockhart, after spending thirty-seven
years In bed practically In one. position,
today came to the death he for years
had prayed for. Lockharl'a joints were
ossified so that the only movements of
ot the body he could make were a
shrugglnrf o fthe right shoulder and the
mlddlo Joints, of two fingers on the right
hand. With this shoulder and finger
movement Lockhard had written an auto
biographical book which brought him
funds sufficient to purchase the home
here in which he died and to pay for a
nurse to care for him constantly.
Lockhart took to his bed Christmas
night, 1886, following a long ride through
a cold rain. He never left It One after
another his joints became useless until
his whole body was stiff as a board.
At last death ctme when the frightful
malady attacked his vitals. He war 43
years old.
Hluht-Handnrs Lend Off.
Numerically right fielders top the list
of lead-off men In the batting order.
There are five of them Just now
Moeller, Dunlels, Murphy, Moran and
Balkan States Make Peace, but Aro
Ready to Go to it Again.
Delrerntes of (treece?, rtnlRnrln, Ser
vln, Ilnmnntrt nntl' Montenetrro
Will Start Preliminary
Treaty TOdrr
LONDON, Aug. 7. The second Balkan
peace conference having concluded peace
on a basis of compromise, which' la un
satisfactory to l states concerned ex
cept possibly Rumania, the question Is
being asked how soon a third Balkan
war will break! out.
Bulgaria has obtained under the agree
ment reached in Bucharest today, a con
siderable portion of northern Macedonia,
much more than the allies wero at first
Inclined to give it, and also about sixty
mller of the Aegean seaboard, which Trill
enable It to build its projected railway
from Phlllppopolla to the Aegean
Loss of Port Ilnrta Ilnlsrara.
Bulgaria, however, deeply resents being
deprived of Kavala, a port on Kavala
bay, which goes to Greece. Also It is
confronted with the task of expelling
the Turku from Adrlanople, It being clear
that the powers will do nothing In this
Bulgaria will seek to Introduce In the
peace protocol to be signed at Bucharest
tomorrow a reservation practically ap
pealing to the European powers for av sub
soquent revision ot the peace treaty.
Pence Concluded.
BUCHAREST .Aug. 7. Peace wag con
cluded tonight between the Balkan states
nnd the preliminary treaty will be signed ' '
'omorrow by the delegates of Sorvta,
Greece, Montenegro, Rumania and Bul
garia. The, agreement was arrived at
only after another exhibition of the utter
helplessness of Bulgaria to face Its ring;
of enemies.
Wednesday the discussions tn the peace) ,
conference threatened to became Inter
minable, but M. Mojoresco, the Rums
nlan premier and president ot the con
ference, clinched matters by threatenlnr
that unless Bulgaria accepted the modi
fied frontier proposed by tho allies Ru
mania's army would occupy Sofia next '
Saturday. This threat had the desired
effect and an agreement wm arrived at
today after numerous private consulta
tions between tho delegates and a four
hours' sitting ot the conference.
The Ifew Frontier. ' .
Tho new frontier aa agreed to start
at a point on the old frontier west ot
tho Struma rivor, follows the water shed
to the west ot tho town ot BtrumnlUa.
thence runs almost through the Struma 1
valley' to tho Beleth mountains and
thenco easterly In almost a straight lino
to tho Mesta river, thus leaving the 1
town of Btrumnlts, the port ot Lagos and
Kanthl, to Bulgaria and the port ot ,
Kaval to Greece. The new frontier Is a
deep disappointment to the Bulgarians,
who still nurse hopes for Its eventual
revision by the powers.
It is believed that an agreement for
tho demobilisation of the various armies 'f
will be signed tomorrow. The news that
peace had bean arranged caused great
rejoicing here. 1
Pool Hears Labor
Law May Be Tested
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 7. (BpeoloLJ In ,
answer to an article appearing In The ?
Omaha Bee this morning regarding the?
failure of Labor Commissioner Pool to
find certain institutions In Omaha Which
were fracturing the female labor law by
working the girls more than nine hourn
a day and titty-four hours a week, Com
missioner Pool said that soma ot those
establishments wero preparing to put
the new law Into effect September L
Some others were getting ready to rnako
a test of tho law and they would bo
ttlven a chance very ,soon.
"This law presents some peculiar sit
uations," said Mr. Pool. "Last night I
was going down town ln Lincoln and
looking through a window Into an office,
saw two girls at work. I Investigated
tho matter and found that the girls had
allowed tholr work to get the start o
them and wero working last night to
catch up. I told them If they did not
want to get their employer Into trouble
thsy had better out It out, and they
Omaha Man Chosen
Rating Agency Head
SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 7.-C A. Lusa
of Omaha was elected president of tho
mldwestern association ot ratine
agencies at Its closing semi-annual meet
ing hero today. O. II. Meier of Lincoln
was named vice president and A. Berg
man of Davenport. secretary-treas-urer.
M. Slotsky of Sioux Falls Is a
member of the board of directors. Ce
dar Rapids Iowa gets the next meeting
LANSING, la., Aug. 7.-John Wendt.
clammer, who yesterday found a pearl ot
fifty grains while at work In the Mis
slsslppl river hero last night, being Ignor
ant of the value of the pearl, sold It to
a Chicago buyer for $20. Experts in
formed Wendt that it was worth a much
larger sum, some even putting the value
as high as (2,000, but Wendt considered
the twenty in hand a smalt fortune and
snapped up tho offer eagerly without
waiting for more.
lllar List of Fair Entries.
SHENANDOAH, la., Aug. 7. (Special.)
Tho twenty-ninth annual Shenandoah
fair will be held August 11 to IS. Racine
and exhibit entries up to this time are
the largest on record. Special trains will
be run Thursday and Friday; T. Fred
Henry's band of Des Moines will play
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afters
noons and evenings.
pUcliarsred from Custody.
WB11STBR CITY, la., Aug. 7. (Bps,
clal.)-Henry Taylor, a farmer hero ar
rested for breaking jail In Missouri years
ago and for whom Governor Clarke Issued
requisition papers, has been discharged
by Judge Lee at Ames, who holds tho
requisition not to be binding.
"Hot an Sxpsrtmsat,"
an? to
h. POEHLER co.
SstatiltsBsd use.
"Band tor Dally Marks t Z.axUr."
uiMagxyor,m ppitrnt