Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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1 v. JP
Bringing Up Father
CoPTrlxht, 1911. International News Barrloa.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManua
Vast To en am
NOW -rv,
nr idea
SO - too NEED
evT out
Kind op place
s m wipe ,
SEN&IN' to;
1" out KNOW
I'm walkiim' wv
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A Clever
Man's Choice
in Women ,
"I am going to marry a beautiful
woman," said the clever; man, "and a
good woman, and 1 don't care whether
she can spell c-a-t cat, or d-o-g dog Or
"The stupider oho
Is thebetter; women
are so comfy when
they are stupid
they are like nice
soft cushions, al
ways so pretty to
see, and so nlco to
lean against
"I'm tired of
cleve people, tired
of bright women,
tired ,of intelligent
companionship - I
want to be com
forted Idon't want
to be stimulated.
"Marry now? No;
not just quite yet.
I'm not ready just now, but In a few
years, when I'm through with things;
I'll marry somebody pretty, somebody'
dull, somebody swoet tempered, and then
I 'shall have a family tall . sons' and
pretty daughters clever boys and good
girls, ' and I shall sit back and. watch
them grow up and tell my wife what to
do, and what not to do,' and my sons and
I will havo a good time laughing at tho
pr tty sisters and the kind, sweet-tempered
mother, and life will be Just
should be." j
And the clever man did what so few
clever men ever do he kept his word.
He knew clever women and pretty
women and good women, and rich womdn
and poor women and young women,, and
middle-aged women and old women, arid
women as slim as willows and women
who thought of themselves as "Junocs
ques.'' Five years ago he married, JUst as he
said he would, a beautiful, amiable focjl.
Yesterday I saw tho clever man and his
beautiful wife. There were two children
a -very ugly, very JIvely, very Inter
esting, very clever little girl, with her
father's high forehead and her father's
stubborn mouth, and her father's awkward
gat. And there was a very handsome,
very dull, very slqw-wltted, very 'timid
little boy, with, his mo'bes.-ye'Wc '.rn'outh,
and his mother's almost silly smile. '
And the clever man was madly 'In love
with his ugly daughter, and was doing
his' best to spoil her, and the stupid
woman was desperately devoted to her
stupid son, and they were all four very
happy,, much , to tho disgust of several
very much Interested people who had
been hoping all along that the clever
man would see what a mistake ho .had
made, and would be very, very miserable.
All of which goes to show what fun It
muu be to bo a novelist and have people
hsppy when they ought to be Instead of
wfciin thty are.
7he man's theories about women? They
haven't changed a particle. I'm glad my
daughter is clever," says the clever man.
"I don't have to marry her." Wouldn't
you like to shako him?
Dainty Florence Jerome Talks
on the Beauty of Ideals
New Candy Flesh
Reducer Popular Hero
Heretofore the corpulent have undergone
an torts of hardship and risk In the ef
.on to lose their excess adipose. Weak-t-ning
baths, exercise and starvation
uiti are harmful to- many. -Most Interna!
mtdlcatlon plays havoc with digestion,
oiuuiutlon, nerves or klaneys. tuw,
thanks to the gcnlUH whose experiments
rave made it possible, one may dlscaid
the Irksome and Injurious thluiiu.and just
cat the harmless and delicious "boran.
turn jujube ' Instead.
The idea halls from Germany, where
obesity is ,so prevalent and when sweet
liuuta arc mucit Indulged In. It seem
already to have become popular In the
Unlteu States, trom wnat several drug
gists have toid ine. in uc.u ........
uent ot the boranlum jujube Is a kind
of seaweed extract which has the power
to break up and partially absotb, par
tially eliminate, fatty und oily matter.
As but one jujube need te eaten after
each meal and one at bedtime, the new
method U quite inexpensive. The fleshy
cnes now have good reason for lejolctng.
-Mildred Ht. Albans in Household Quest.
Best Farm Paper In tbe West.
The world Is being very kind to pretty
18-year-otd- Florence Nugent Jerome, and
she Is givlnng back- to the world smiles
and' sweetness and sunshine.
But far back In the depths of her won
derful eyes Is a question that makes you
think of some of the sadness of tho ages.
"Why should this little girl, who has
leaped intd Instant favor with the theator
going public, have this question in the
depths of her eyes and soul?" I asked
myself. But after a few minutes I knew.
Little Florence Jerome Is a sensitive
Idealist, and so. she. looks at life sadly
now and, then for all her merry nature.
Sho would have all beauty perfect, and
she knows It Is not.
"Rosemary Lee cannot find happiness
in tho "Follies" of ,'Now York. So the
creator of Rosemary cannot find satis
faction In the follies of her sister-girls
In New York. "Even In,, my little time In
New Ybric theatrical circles f nave sdeli
so much," said she, "and I wonder, won
der If girls never think of the prlco they
pay for .Immodesty and sllllne(ss,"'
This was to be an unusual Interview,
Jf sat up, literally! as 'well as mentally
alert. "Havo" you brought your Weals
Wlthyou into thctheaterT'-' I asked,
"Yes,. and into. New York," answored
Miss Jerome wjth assurance and earnest
ness. "Qlrls have It In their power to
make the attitude of the men. Now look
at the results. Tho men are beginning
to think that they .must be worldly and
sporty and to boast about it In order to
,wjn. favor wlh girls. Then the' girls
"think'' that' lh "order to bo popular with
.men tliey must cater to the worldUncss
they havo helped create the demand for
So we see girls painting their faces ab
surdly and wearing Immodest clothes,
arid everybody blames eVetfody elso
fdr the lowering of our Ideals. I blame
the girls, If we are sweet and modest,
and seem to admire and appreciate the
fine qualities in men, they will cultivate
them and' then we will eel that our
sweet qualities make us .attractive. It
h an' endless chain. Isn't U7 But I do
to mlmlre tho-old-fashioned modest fem
in!ne"glrl, and I am sure the girl of this
typo will fjnd love and kindness waiting
her wherever she goes.
' "If men are getting so used to Im
modesty that they like It, why then let
us train them to modesty and ste how
much better they will like thatl A good
beginning would be to distinguish care
fully, between the clothes we wear on
tho street and those ,we wear In the
house. 8lmple dignity for the street, with
the constant remembrance that the sun
glaro reveals everything It can so we
must be careful' to conceal what should
lia concealed and though I believe In a
bit of powder to cool the skin, I don't
lUo to see a girl turned Into a clown by
tho braxen reveallngs of the sun.
"Please don't get the Idea that I am a
prig." went on dainty Miss Florence,
whose beauty has the sweet simplicity
of tho old-fashlofcd miniature. "I be
llovo. In youth and pleasure and being
aa attractive as you can, so you will look
.young and -pleasure will come your way.
But I think you should (always nave
our own ideal as a picture In our mind
and not be persuaded to like a strange
picture Just because It Is popular.
"Now let me Illustrate for you. At the
convent where I was educated I got the
habit of walking each morning from 8:30
to 9:33. The air Is so cool and pure then,
and nature Is so lovely and healing. Well,
It Is a tradition of tho theater to sleep
until about Jl, and I. u mere beginner,
am boldly kping against that tradition,
because I think that an early morning
walk Invigorates and braces you up for
the day. I wonder Jf It would not be
I recommend
simple dignity
tor the ctrcot.
Though I
believe In a bit
of powder to
cool the skin,
1 don't like to
see a girl turned
into a clown.
It Is a tradi
tion of the
theater to sleep
until 11 o'clock,
but I am going
boldly against
that tradition.
Each. of us
worth the whllo of all business women to
get up a bit carlltr and have each day
start oft In a little stock-taking visit with
themselves and nature. Each of us should
be alone a part of each day, and the very
best time Is In the coolness ot the morn
ing. You can Just plan then to have your
day bigger and finer than It was yesterday.
Miss Jerome in Three Pose.
"Wo all need solitude and we all need
pleasure. Life has to havo relaxation and
spice an well uh Ideals. ' But I don't
know how any one can be beautiful un
less they try to be sweet and lovable.
And that Is not a bit what you wanted,
Is It?" said Miss Jerome.
"It was not exactly what I expected,"
I answered. "Hut I like your old-tush-
should bo
nlono part of
tho day.
Tho host
time for that
1 early In tho
An early
morning walk
braces and
you for tho
remainder of
the day.
Voti should
always havo
your own ideal
as a picture- in
yt.tir mind.
loned girl and your old-fsshlonsd (dials
mid I hope you can make them the fash
Ion of today,"
And so I do, little sisters, and so would
you If you could truly seo tho charm of
Florence Jerome's clear, fresh girlhood
unspoiled by cosmetics, undlmmed by
Jewels, and shining forth by Its own
Idealism as our great Ideal beauty,
The Greatest of All
"Whom," Is one of the first questions
asked a child, "do you love?"
There Is a sudden clasping of little
arms around the mothers neck, childish
lips are pressed against her cheek and
there comes tho whispered response,
It is the first word childhood heart-,
"love." It has been a lite that was mis
spent if It Is not the last.
Tha Journey through life Is only a few
hours as compared with eternity, but it
is long and weary as we measure it With
out short-sighted eyes. To amuse our
telves we Invent many diversions, hop
ing to find happiness In fame, wealth,
pleasure, ambition, and when these fall
we ask forgetfulness In work.
But nothing Is worth' while, nothing
satisfies, though we gain all that we
longed for, unless we also have Jove.
It lightens the burdens. It Illumines
the dark places. It gives purpose to the
purposeless. It Is the source and the
sustenance of faith, courage, hope, ambi
tion, patience and every enobllng quality
Without love, wealth Is poverty; with
love, poverty Is wealth. It puts courage
In tho veins of the coward. It makes a
man rise above htmstlf. It U the trans
forming wand of the only good pair the
times have left us,
Love youthlfles. Though one bo old
and wrinkled and bowed with the )ears,
one Is not old so long as there remains
In the heart a reverence for love. The
young woman who scoffs at It Is older
than her grandmother who trusts and
Love strrngthens. Tho mother novcr
tires, though sho works every hour, be
cause she Is strengthened by love. Tho
husband and father is persistent in the
face of discouragement and defeat and
spends his life In toll for those he loves.
It enthuses. No man Is a good work
man If he has only himself to provide
for. The best workman Is tha man who
It Is the universal gift, and one which
depends not upon the whim or caprice of
some fickle goddess that presided at our
births, but upon oursclvos, We were born
for love, and all we need do Is to bellev
and It Is ours.
It Is Independent of social position, age,
color or wealth. The love that comes to
the maid Is just as sweet as that which
comes to her mistress, and Just as true.
There Is more ot it In the home of the
poor than In the home of the wealthy.
It Is if bout the only thing In life that
defies a bank account. One Is never de
feated so long as one loves. Te failures,
the loafers, the drunkards are those who
do not love.
If Micro wore no such thing as love, thn
churches and theaters would close and
the printing presses would stop. It Is
not only tho greatest thing in life; it Is
II fo Itself, und the world revolves
around It.
It is the hopo of youth and the com
fort of old Ago. All along tho way there
Is nothing that will take love's place In
The young woman Is stretching out her
arms to wrlcomo It. Tho older woman
owes it to her younger Hlster to forget
love's bitterness and disappointments,
and meet her with sympathy and under
standing In the greatest experience life
The old own It to themselves to have
faith In It. They owe It to their Juniors
to express that faith often. The mother
or father who holds that a marriage for
wealth or social position Is more desir
able than omi for love Is not fit to be a
It Is an Injustice to the son and daugh
ter morn tragic in Its results than beat
ing a child.
Dorothy Dix's Article
On Taking Inventory, Mothers Should Not
Close Their Eyes to the Defects of Their Off
spring, but Should Correct Them So That in
Later Life tho Children Will Not Turn Out
12vcry now and then every business
man goes onrrfully over his poBsesnlonk,
listing, nppralslng, classifying, ndvunalmt
and depreciating their worth and valuing
them by the mar
ket standards of
tho day, lie calls
this taking stock.
Wben ho Is through
and has balanced
Ids lodger, h o
knows precisely
whero he stands
what he has to
hope for and what
to fear, whero ho
may fight ami
where he must
hedge, '
I have often
thought that there
would be less
failure In the world
and fewer ot us
would come to
spiritual ' linnlt'
tuptoy lf we would follow the same plan
and occasionally sit down and take stock
ot ourselves mentally, morally and phys
ically. It Is human and comfdrtablo to
think wo possess all graces und virtues
and charms, but It Isn't true any more
than it would bo for tho cross-road
country store morchant to itnaglno him.
self a Wanamuker.
Why shouldn't an ugly woman, for In
stance, fuco tho munla and calmly take
an Inventory of the beauty that slit,
Nobody will deny that tha woman who
Is born beautiful draws tho prlio package
In tho lottery of life, but sho doesn't get
everything. There Is tact and charm ot
manner and grace, and tho woman who
has there has a maglo veil that hides a
homely face and makes It Hccm beauti
ful to thoso who coma In contact with
her. Moreover, whllo beauty must coroi
by nature, these qualities may bo cul
tivated. It lies with every woman to learn a
delicate consideration for the feelings of
others, to acquire the art of listening
with Interest and to so Improve her mind
she will always be the most delightful
and Intelligent of companions. And when
she can do these things she needn't worry
much about the etze of her nose or
whether her mouth is cut bias or straight.
It seeinH a pity, too, doesn't It, thut
people, don't oftener tako stock of their
children und seo Just what they aro ami
what might be made out of them? Ot
course, U'b delightful to think that all
of our little Sallies and Johnnies and
Tommies are genluees, but our pleasure
In tho illusion Is opt to bo a little marred
by tho subiequent disappointment that
wo might so nsBlly have saved ourselves
If only we had looked at them as thoy
wore, Instead of us wo wished them to
We should think a merchant craxy If
Advice to the Lovelorn
Tell Your Mother.
Dear Miss Kalrfux: I am a young girl
id years of age, and u young man of 18
years took my ring, which he said he
would have repaired. I cannot see tho
young man ony moro and would like to
know how to get back thn ring without
writ ng to him, as at present I cannot
receive mall. VIVIAN.
There Is entirely too much of tlils
method whereby, a young man obtains a
girl's ring and keeps It, or. perchunco.
gives It to some other girl. Tell your
mother, or father, and let no foolish
sentiment prevent you.
I'rrhnp, ,. To Supri
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a rather nriv
girl of M und have been keeping sUmdy
company with a young man two years
my senior for quite a long while itJal
sure that he loves me. but he Is too bh!
Ry su I fear. How ran j brnr
this man around, for I love him dearly
Sometimes a girl lets a man seo the
state of her heart, and he makes no
avowal of love, knowing she is already
won. Make him less euro of you. Refuse
to let Idm monopolize you and Introduce
another man on the scene. A touoh of
uncertainty will give zest to his pursuit
and wings to bis feet.
ho had a store full of calico, and home
spun, and pots, and kettles, and pans,
and In tnklng stock he listed them as
point laco and diamonds and pictures.
Yet Unit Is Just exactly what we are
doing with our children. We are catling
commonplace and ordinary qualities by
flno names. We won't see them as thoy
mo and make the best of thorn on that
basis. Wo aro so determined on raising
up geniuses, Instead of good business
men and citizens, that now and then
we convert them Into hoodlums ana
Why shouldn't a mother look her own
children over Just as she doos her neigh
bors' and size up tholr strength ana
weakness? Sho should, at least, then be
able to work out tho problem ot raising
them with some sort of knowledge as u,
fcundatlpn and guide, instead of going
at It purely as guesswork. Sho won't
do It, however. It takes a courago to
look things In the faco that she doesn't
porsess. Sho won't admit that this ohlla
Is fooblo-intnded or that one is dull, ana
so sho deprives them of tho marvellous,
help that modern education can give
along these lines.
She shuts her eyes to the fact that
Johnnto is botvlcggcd and Tommy la
knock-kneed, and sho dooms them to bo
through life a butt for tho ridicule ot
tholr acquaintances, when tho defect
could be easily remedied whllo they aro
children. She takes no pains to help tho
ugly Blrl correct her awkwardness and
learn tho things that would make up for
her lnck of beauty. Even her efforts to
help her children are half the tlm
atrocious mistakes, because sho has
never taken stock und doesn't know
what (the has on hand to work with.
Kvory now and then some unhappy
and tearful wife comes to me with th
tale of her troubles. Sho Is dlsatlsfied,
discontented, disgruntled. Sometimes she
Is r.ot appreciated, sometimes her heart
Is hurt by cold treatment, Sometimes she
feels that she made a mistake In marry
it.g and yearns for a career out In the
world. I don't know any remedy as
Rood for such n state of affairs as for
tho woman to sit calmly down and take
stock of her possessions.
Perhaps Ufa hasn't given her all she
wanted. Most of the rest of us are in
tho samo fix. Very likely sho hasn't
gotten all the happiness sho expected
out of her marriage. Not many dreams
comn true. What sho needs to do. is to
count up the things she has got and set
how sho con do a better business ana
get more happiness and good out of tho
things sho has.
Mother's Advice
To Her Daughter
A Real Lire Doll to Fondle Is Woman'
Greatest Happiness.
One ot tbe most important matters about
wblch women concern themselves is their
future status as a grandmother. And sht
Is wlidom Itself who knows ot or learns
of that famous remedy, Mother's Friend.
This Is an external application for t&a
abdominal muscles and breasts. It cer
tainly has a wonderful influence, allays all
fear, banishes all pain, Is a most grateful
encouraftmcut to the young, expectant
mother, and permits her to go through the
period hsppy In mind, tree in body and
thus destined to anticipate woman's great
est happiness as nature Intended she should.
The action of Mother's Friend makes tha
tnuacles free, pliant and rrsponslTe to ex
pansion. Thus all strain and tension upoa
the nerves and ligaments Is avoided, and,
in place of a period ot discomfort and con
sequent dread. It is a season of calm repots
cad Joyful expectation.
There Is no nausea, no morning sick
ness, no ntrrous twitching, none ot that
constant strain shown to so many women,
hne Mother's Friend is really one of tha
gwatt blessings that could be dsvlted.
This splendid aud certain remedy can ba
bad ot any druggist at $1.00 a bottle, and
Is sure to prove of Inestimable value, not
only upou tbe mother, but upon tbe health
and future ot tbe child. Write to Bradflsld
Regulator Co., 132 Lamar Uldg., Atlanta,
Co., for their book to tjpectant uotatn,