"XT 1 nr 12 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1913. wmrT- if. . TC3E5V COAL PMGBSJO GO UP SOON Winter Ratts Are Soon to Go Into Effect Here. SUMMER PRICES ABE STILL ON All IVntmrHnnln ICnrfl Cowl in to Be Taxrit to llnlae Montr 'or Vari ous Contitieit Consnm rr to rnr. Youth Asks Police to Help Him Win Parents' Consent There In going to be another little "extra" tacked on to the price of anthra cite coat during the coming winter. This Is In the shape of ft lax of 24 per cent of the value of every ton prepared for market In the state of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has decided It wants to raise about S,000,OW In revenue to be distributed pro rata among the counties from which the coal Is mined. This wilt amount to about 8 cents per ton as It Is estimated at rrecnt. The mine owner wilt pay It and then collect from tl consumer. So when Omaha people buy hard coal next -winter they are apt to find that the regular price per ton Is stated on their bill and that at the bot tom of the bill under the head "special s" wilt be the Item of g cents per ton to be paid by the consumer. This Item wilt only add some 8 or 10 cents per ton to the price for the con sumers. In other respects, the coal men say, the coal conditions are practically normal this fall. That means that the supply Is fairly irood and there Is nothing especially In Bight at present that would Indicate an abnormal rise in the price of coal during the winter. Of course the regular rise of 10 cents per month from now until winter Is to be expected, coal men say. The large egg or grate size hard coal is now selling for U0.50 per ton In Omaha. The egg or stove hard coal Is selling for $10.75, white the chestnut Is selling at $11. These are the prices as quoted at present, although coal men say there Is no coal moving. People, they say, are very Indifferent as to the coal situation this year and are rot rushing as usual to lay In their winter oupply early. When Danny Cupid needs the assistance of a couple of bluecoats and the Inter ference of the courts to further his subtle scheming, then It's high time that he resigns his office In favor of one more competent, say police officers at head quarters station who heard the complaint of Leon Hoffman. Seventeenth and Spruce streets, Tuesday night Leon Is a clerk employed at the Hobbs : Schaeffer grocery store at Twenty- fourth and Wirt streets, and he Is madly In love with pretty 30-year-old Eva Colver, a clerk at the Woolworth store. Miss Colver Is the daughter of James Colver, 1334 South Twenty-fourth street, and, by the way, the elder Colver appears to be somewhat of a determined parent According to Hoffman, his affections are returned by the young woman, but his prospective parents-ln-law object. They object strenuously, In fact. Young Hoffman believes that their ob jections amount to an obsession. Ho ts Tronp Takes Matter Under Advise ment and Will Decide This Week. SAY BEMIS HAS HO STANDING Attorney Argue, that Injunction Asrnlnat Officials Cannot Hold, a Taxpayers' Monry is Wot to Dn Wasted. Omaha to Have Big Special to Neligh to See the Eaoes More than 100 men, memoers of the Commercial club, the South Omaha Live Stock exchange, the Knights of Ak-Sar-lien and other Omaha organizations, will go on a special train this morning to attend the races of the State Speed as sociation at Neligh. The special Chicago & Northwestern train will leave the Union station at 7 o'clock In the morning, arriving at Neligh about noon. It will return to Omaha at 11 o'clock tonight Plans have been to make tho day a big "trade extension" boost -for Omaha and South Omaha. Tho Omahans will take along all sorts of paraphernalia to make their presence known in the big little town- They will be met by .a special reception committee, headed by Chauncey Wattles, the Neligh banker, and taken on a sightseeing trip through the town. All sorts of entertainment has been ar ranged for them during the afternoon and early evening. The races, of course will be the main ovent Some of tho best entries of the three-day meet will be run on "Omaha day." Water District Will Be 'Asked to Hurry Main Improvements Since City Treasurer Ure has turned oyer to tho recently formed Metropolitan Water district 1300,000, over tho disposal of which there had been some question In mind, water users In various districts are looking forward to the early completion of the promised Improvements. Particu larly In regard to the extensions are cltl sens going; to urge that construction be undertaken and new mains be put In us uble shape at the earliest possible mo ment Howell had announced that he could not advertise for contracts on any of tho new district until he had secured this money, Dairymen Fined for Selling Cream and Milk Below Standard Four dairymen, arrested for selling milk and cream below standard, were found guilty In police court H. Westre of tho Keystone dairy was fined U0 and costs M. P. Jensen of the Cedar Drove dairy, 110 and costs; C Jensen of the Western dairy, S and costs, and W. Anderson, woo conducts the Excelsior dairy at Seventieth and Center streets, IW and costs for diluting the mill: he has been selling. under orders never again to darken the threshold at 1334 South Twenty-fourth street, and the young miss In the ease was told point blank that when she mar ries, It will be with a young man whose qualities are more suitable to the parents than those possessed by Hoffman. That ought to have ended it. as far as the girl and boy were concerned, but it didn't Hoffman appeared at headquarters and wanted a couple of policemen to help him carry off his lady love, and to aid in obtaining the consent of the parents. He said that If present conditions con tinued, his fiancee's mind would bo poisoned against him. nut Captain Heltfeld and Sergeant Andy Pattullo have been safely married for so long that they have no sympathy with Mr. Cupid or any of hl friends, and they told Hoffman to get a ladder and a rail road ticket, or anything else that ho de sired, but not to expect aid from tho police. GAS INJUNCTION CASE HEARD MONEY FOR BALDWIN FAMILY Little Qirl Sends Coin to Start Fund to Help Out. HEART FULL OF SYMPATHY The Ilea Will Take Charge of Any Money Which la Sent to the Aid of Thla Unfortunate Family. Hearing of the suit to enjoin the hold ing of the gas franchise election sched uled for August 19 was had before Judge Troup in district court yesterday and the case was taken under advisement The Judge said he would decide It this week. Corporation Counsel Baker and City At torney PJno and Will II. Herdman, at torney foi the gas company, appearing as a friend of the court, argued that Georgo P. Bemls, whose name as plain tiff, was used by Attorney D, C. Patter son In bringing tho Injunction suit, had no standing before the court. The plaintiffs alleged right to bring the action was based on the fact thai he Is taxpayer. It was argued, however. that public officials may not be enjoined by a taxpayer unless money which he has paid Is about to be wasted. Since the gas company Is to pay the expenoeS bf the election, Judge Baker argued, the plaintiff has no necessity for enjoining tho election, but has adequate remedy by litigation after the voters have reg istered their wilt The argument of Attorney Patterson that tho clW cannot legally take the nu,uw put up uy tne gas company to pay the expenses of the election was dls posed of by the answer that the money Is not a bribe, because It Is to be paid whether the franchise wins or loses and that it cannot como under the head of the forbidden "contributions for political purposes." Dealer Warned for Faking With Both Butter and Eggs A. D. Lucas, 1815 Chicago street, has been warned by Dairy Inspector Claude F. Bossle that further prosecution of his business as "agent for the McCune dairy farm" will result In hla arrest and trial on charges preferred by the health department Lute., according to Bossle, has bean buying butter, milk and eggs from local concerns, repacking them In stone Jars special cans and crates and selling them as country products. The butter la mad by a local creamery and the eggs art bought from different dealers about tho city, Bossle says. L,ucas, tne dairy inspector says, ad mitted the deception and said he would cease to practice It "He will have to stop It, that's all," said Bossle, "for it's aue the consumers to know what they are ouying." CHAMPAGNE FOR WORKERS: Dan B. Butler Tells of High Times . in the Harvest Fields. REGULAR, BOUND OF GAYETY ' One Man Comm flack to Sedate Iilfe of City to Ilrat Ills Shattered iVerren llanqnetK, Ilresa Suits and Dnnrlnic. Baby Ordered to Be Brought Into Court Mm. Ella Epps. grandmother of Henry LaVerno lUsch, aged 1 year, secured a writ of habeas corpus signed by Judge English ordering Arthur It. Risch, whom she alleges kidnaped the baby yesterday, to bring him Into court Mrs. Epps as serts that Rlsch came to her home and forcibly took possession of the child. Mrs. Georgia Itlsch, daughter of Mrs. Kpps, started divorce proceedings against Itlsch last March. She Is not living In Omaha. Itlsch Is a plumber. Oar Repairer Has Both Legs Out Off Peter Hook, a ear repairer for the Mis souri Pacific Railroad company, was run over and had both legs crushed yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock by a switch en gine. Hook resides at 3330 South Nine teenth street. Omaha. He is said to have been engaged at work on the rip track at Twenty-ninth and V streets. South Omaha, when a switch engine backed In on him. Dr. William Davis made a rec ord trip to the scene of the accident and took the injured man to the South Omaha hospital. He may die. CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE MAY USE WILSON MONEY The Child Saving Institute has been granted permission by Judge English to use 15.000 of Us $10,000 bequest from the estate of Anna Wilson for enlarging and rebuilding Us home. Interpretation of a clause tn the will was involved. Do you want to help the Baldwin fam ily, Albert O. Baldwin ond wife of U North Fifteenth street, the story of whoso misfortunes was recently published In The Beo? Miss Vivian Cary of Hecla, Neb., 10 years of age, suggests that a sutucrip- tlon be started to provide for the rellnC of this stricken family, and heads It with 25 cents. City Prosecutor Anheuser says no money should'be collected for the pur pose of discharging the debt owed tho loan sharks who have been pressing tho Baldwins, but Is of the opinion that snmo aid ought to be provided In other directions. The Bee will take charge of any money sent for the purpose arid see that th stricken family receives it Miss Cary writes: Dear Editor and nendnra nf Th fltndhn Dally Bee: After rendlnir of the and con. dltlon of the Baldwin family, am enclos ing ia cents 10 neip start a rener rumi it me editor win Kindly give tne space to let readers know. Mv heart srnc.i out In sympathy to all the tornado sufferers, even though we have not had the mean to help relieve them. But when they still must suffer from the loan sharks' clutch ;s I feel It my duty to spare a few pennies to make a start I Know the anxiety and destltutlontthev have and are suffering oa my father has a largo family and not much means to provide for them. But we are thank- rui ror wnat we nave. Surely there are enough people In the circle of The Bee's readers who can spare 2b cents each ana therefrom pay the Baldwin family's debts for them. Ami you Know even a cup or com water given In His name shall receive Us reward, - Kind roadera, "Are we our orotner 3 keeper?" For "Inasmuch -as ye do It unto tho least, my brethren, ye do It unto me." My father takes The Bee through tho courtesy of tho National Live Stock com- isnv ana -wo ADureciaia il very muun. Sir, now holding a homestead and ore maklne our wav very well. Hoping the editor may print mis ana tnai inu rtaMwtn family will be rellevod "of their surf ring very soon, i remain. Heels, Neb. MISS VIVIAN CARY. DELEGATES TO PRINTERS' CONVENTION ON THEIR WAY J. n. Dietrich, O. A. Baumgardner and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy loft last evening for Nashville. Tenn., whore they go to attend the Fifty-ninth annual convention of the International Typographical union In session there for a week, beginning August It Mrs, Kennedy ts a delegate to the women's auxiliary of the organization. They will arrive at Chicago Thursday morning, where they will spend the day. There they Join the special train that Is to be run from there to Louisville. Some 300 delegates are expected to go on this spe- clal. Arriving at Louisville they will spend the day "there before going on to Nashville. Dan B. Butler, city commissioner of finances and accounts, was humped over his desk and tho perspiration pourned down his rotund cheeks In little rivulets. The weather and work was worrylnir him, , for he had Just returned from his vaca tion spent In the cooling shades of New York skyscrapers and on the lulling , beaches of Bermuda. "Great guns!" the commissioner ejacu-! lated as he yanked tils collar off ami rolled his trousers up to his knees. "Ain't : It awful? You know what f vant to be' I want to bo a harvest hand. Harvest hands, they tell me, are getting rich and 1 they'ro having the time of their lives. J "Why, one I. W. W. who went to work, ' came back from out in Nebraska and told me the harvest hands were paid a a day for eight hours' work and were served with champagne while In the fields. When the day's worK was over they gathered In the farmct-a big house and to the strains of a Bohemian or chestra danced half the night away At midnight they were given a banquet fit for a prince and more champagno was served. "In the morning before the hands go to work," these fellows tell me, "the farmer takes them all for a Joy ride and they visit a lake forty miles away and after swimming and fishing for a few hours return to the house, lay their dress suits out for the evening and then go Into the harvest field. By working from 10 In the morning until about 6:30 In the eve ning they get In their eight hours, "However, and this appeals to me, a halt Is called at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and tho harvest hands are refreshed with a Dutch lunch finest fresh cheese sand wiches and a wagon load of cold bottles. Gosh, I want to be a harvest handl" Butler says the I. W. W. couldn't stand the plutocratlo gayety, but speaking with the gentleman himself we learn It was th dress suit which forced him from the harvest fields. He says for two or three nights the farmer loaned him a dress suit, but It didn't fit well and his natural antipathy for finery and especially his objection to wearing a dress suit, got on his nerves and he had to leave and come back to the city where life was more quiet and he could recuperate. The gay life had shattered his nerves. You may serve Blatz in your home, just among yourselves, and you may serve it to your guests, with every assurance that you are pouring a bever age of extraordinary quality and character. It is truly a delight to the eye and a joy to the palate. BLATZ COMPANY 802810 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. Phone: Douglas 6602 Death from Dlood I'olnon was prevented by a. W. Cloyd, Plunk. Mo., who healed his dangerous wound with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Only 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise ment. as 1 1 I 'jtT immmwmwmwm AGRICULTURE WILL BE TAUGHT IN OMAHA SCHOOLS On recommendation of Superintendent Graff the Omaha school board has adopted Buffum & Deaver's "Sixty Les pons In Agriculture" for use In the Omaha schools and ordered COO copies to start wjth. This new text book on agriculture Is Intended for use In the sixth, seventh and eighth grades and Is the result of the combined efforts of Prof. B. C. Buf fum, a scientist of Wyoming, and D. Clem Deaver of Omaha. llondnrna Accepts Penue Plain. WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. American Minister 'White at Tegucigalpa noUfled the State department that Honduras has become the twenty-sixth nation to accept President Wilson's peace plan, with the details suggested by Secretary Bryan, Cinders to be had for the haullnc Mets Bros. Brewing company. ALIENED DATE CAUSES CONTINUANCE OF CASE An appoal bond In which the date had. been altered in different Ink figured In the hearing before Judg Sutton of the district court of a motion to dlimlf an appeal from county court The Judg. continued the case until Clyde Sundblatt. clerk of the county court, who Is spend ing his vacation out of tho city, shall re turn and testify as to the date of the instrument Fred M. Ryan of Lincoln on March 31 In county court secured a Judgment of 175 against Joe Lapldus of Omaha aa the result of the winding up of a partnership In a taxlcab business at Lincoln, An ap peal bond was filed with M. Moskovlts, surety, but whether It was filed April 10, within the ten days prescribed by law, or one day too late. Judge Button will decide. The date on the Instrument ap pears to have been changed from April 10 to April 11, and assertions that this had been done were made in court "Better Be Safe Than Sorry" It Is far better to give the Stomach, Liver and Bowels some help at the beginning than to keep putting It off until aicknesB overtakes you. Be wise, and keep HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters handy and take It promptly. It helps overcome all Stomach I.tver and Bowel Ills, also prevents Malaria, Fever and Ague. IT "STICK TO IT" SAYS BROOKS Believes in Constant Keeping At it in Special Sales as ; Well as in Other Things. Has Much to Tempt tho Well Dresser of Today. "I never go Into a thing half-hearted," says Brooks, the Indomitable clothier In 'The City National Bank Building at tho 1 corner of 16th and Harney Sts., "and now that I've started to clear every ' vestlgo of summer clothing and furnish 1 Ings I am going to stick to the Idea of ! clearing until tho store looks as de i vnstated as a stubblefleld after the crops have been gathered. That puts me Into a position where I can go to the mar kets and buy freely without dreaming of an 'overstock at home.' " "So I'll still continue to sell $20 suits at $10; $25 suits al $12.60; $30 suits at $15; $35 BUlts for $17.50 and $40 suits for $20. "And-I still quote $1.60 and $2 Man hattan Shirts at 95c; $4 $4.50 and $3 silk Shirts for $2.65; $1.60 and $2 Shirts with ties and soft collars to match for $1.15; $1 Athletic Underwear for 65c; $3 Straw Hata for $1, and $5 nnd $6 Outing Pants at $3.75. Next time you go by The City National Bank Building stop at Brooks' shop right at corner, 16th and Harney make a clever buy; own a now summer outfit and say to yourselfi 'Brooks IS in earnest!' " LATZ BEER EVER BREWED 9M DO NOT BE MISLED until you investigate. Dr. Todd will gladly ' explain what sanitary teeth are and what they will mean to you. DR. G. W. TODD, 403 Brandeis Bldg. m Don't Wait for opportunity; create It for yourself by Judicious use of Tho Boo' a adrertlfting columns. BARGAINS IN USED MOTORCYCLES Single neadJng Standard , ....SSOjOO Single Thor, 4H H. good condition , 970.00 Single Merkel, 4 II. P., first class condition C7S.O0 Single Indian, belt drive battery 183.0O Single Marvel, 5 li. l magneto , ...989,00 Single Indian. 4 H. I', belt drive magneto...,,...., .3100.00 Single Indian, 4 H. P., chain drive magneto., , 9110.00 Single Indian, 4 H. P., chain drive magneto .,.188.00 Single Flanders, 4 If. I', belt drive magneto, new a 133.00 Twtn Indian, 7 li P., cliutn drive. 191! model, new tires tlSOXXj Twin Indian, 7 If P., chain drive, 1911 model, new tlrei S163.00 Twin Indian, 7 li. P . chain drive, with new Ilogers side car faso.00 Omaha lieyclt Co. ItilllV' lift & Ckicatt factory Distributors Indian Motorcycles. IMO. 22 The Rate-Reduction Franchise Is Entitled to Public Confidence Those who object to YOU voting FOR the rate-reduction franchise and lower gas rates, now cry "bogey man." By means of weird speculative flights they seek to arouse your fears and preju dices by drawing a picture of that old, familiar ogre "watered stock." In this case there is something much more important at stake from the public standpoint than fantastic tales founded upon old grudges and the mistaken notions of the poorly informed. Those who have paid any, attenti on to the regulation of public utility rates, know that outstanding capitalization is not even considered in determining a fair rate of return. In making the compromise terms with the gas company, the city 'officials based their conclusions upon the reports of ex perts employed by the city who ignored completely the capitalization of the gas company. The valuation of the gas property by the city's expert was far too low, and cannot be successfully sustained in court But even upn this excessively LOW valuation by the city's expert, the expert found that 97 1-2 cents was the lowest price at which gas could be sold in Oma ha (if going value was allowed in his esti mate) anH the city permitted a 6 per cent return upon his valuation. A six per cent return is not a fair profit in the gas business nor sufficient to ob tain the best results for the public. Six per cent is just sufficent to avoid what the courts call "confiscation," or to prevent the taking of property without compensation and due process of law. The few objectors to the rate-reduction franchise would consider a 6 per cent return in their own business far too little. By raising the rate of return slightly, or by increasing the valuation of the gas company's property as estimated by the city's expert on the same basis which his valuations in other cities have been raised by thp courts, it will be found that $1.00 gas in Omaha at present is not even a fair rate to the gas company. An attempt is made to excite your ap prehension by saying: - 1 "The gas company announces that , it will issue an additional $1,000,000 in bonds." And it is further intimated that the rate-reduction franchise will be used for 'stock watering." The gas company has not announced an issue ot bonds or a security issue of any kind. The Omaha "Gas Company is a Ne braska corporation. It cannot issue a dollar's worth of securities without the express consent and approval f the Ne braska State Railway Commission. (See Chapter 108, House Roll No. 578 of the 1909 Session Laws of Nebraska.) You know very well that the State Railway Commission will permit no finan cing of the "water and blue sky" variety, by talk of which the rate-reduction fran chise objectors evidently hope to divert your attention from the real issues in volved. These real issues are important both to you and to us. but no more to us than to you. The last day of registration for the rate-reduction franchise election is Sat urday, August 9th. OMAHA GAS COMPANY ) Mm Cinders to be had for the hauling. nf Ttrawl-t rnmrrmi 5