TITO BEE; OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 11)13. 11 CITY KKAIi ESTATE. l'lioi'Uii r v vitn svi.K. 6-Room Bungalow $4.600 Elegant six-room bungalow, brand new, entirely modern, oak finish and beam ceilings In three rooms, panelled walls and plate ralr In (lining room! bookcaie pedestal between parlor and dining rooml swell lighting fixtures. All six rooms on one floor; fine floored attic, with sleeping porch In front; large cemented basement, coal bins, hot and cold water, laundry sink, Nice yard. Choice, location, two blocks north of llanscom Park, Street paved, paving paid. Special discount for one-half cash. SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bid. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Corn Prices Break When Buying Power u Not in Evidence. REASONABLE LOTS WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Beautiful corner lot, south front, also lmlde lot. south front, both of these lots can be bought right, Trices being $L260 and $1,160. GALLAGHER & NELSON iS3 Brandels Bid. Omaha, Neb. TO Bill, HULL. UK HUNT. FIKST SKH 3UHN V. KOUULNS. itI "aHWAM ST. REAL ESTATE. FARM A HANOI! LANDS KOU SALE ArkuuiM. FOU SALE COW acres In a body; second bottom lands; no overtiow, no rocks, no hills; on main line of railroad; 26g miles to St. Louu; cattlemen having an eye on the future will do well to inves tigate this proposition. Those lands are productive and will return good revenues from general crops when put in cultiva tion. Stock growers can produce cheap cattle on these lands, and buy thorn at a figure so they are sure to Increase In value. Price $15 per aero. Reference given. Ferdinand Tonney, Swlfton, Arkansas. Cnnndu. M0 acres rich bottom wheat land 117.09 and 120.0 per acre; 10 years' time; write owner. Ed Walter, Castor, Alberta, Can ada. Culurndu, COLORADO lands In famous "Wild county, where they grow the big pota toes ana sugar beets, ueeaea larms ana relinquishments. Get In on the ground floor. Address Box 48, Brlggsdale. Colo. SPECULATORS FIGURE ON RAIN Mnlstnre .Mast Come Sooner or Later nnd When 11 Dots Futures Will Likely Drop irlth a Mnd Hush of Sales. Idaho, GO WEST. YOUNG MAN. We have good sandy loam wheat farms for sale producing 30 to 40 bushels per acre. Also fine dairy ranches. On new II. H. and telephone. $20 to $30 per acre. Address A. L. McReynolds, Felt, Fre mont county, Idaho. Nebraska. FOUND 320-acre Homestead In settled neighborhood. Fine farm land, no said hills. Cost you S175, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. ISO-ACRE, Improve, ixup county, sac rifice. Owner Is "up against It" and will sell under the hammer price. Thts land Is priced at $25 per acre and carries an Incumbrance of 11,700. It produces good crops regularly. Located near the county seat. We have been authorized to offer It at 115 tier acre. Make us your offer. BHOI'EN St CO.. OmahaT Neb. CLOSE-IN FARM. 109 acres, finely Improved farm, lnclud-, ing 40 acres of the finest apple orchard In the state. Only 10 miles from Omaha postoffice, 4 miles from Florence and 1 mile from railroad station and paved road. This Is an elegant piece of land and a money-maker. Priced very low for quick sale. For further Information, call PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 1781. Ware Bldg. FOR SALE To settle an estate, 3W acres well Improved In Nemaha county, Nebraska; eighty acres In Cass county; Improved 20 acres adjoining Plattsmoutn. Wrlto for terms. P. O. Box 287, Platta mouth, Nebraska. Neir York. Farmers' Excursion to West ern New York August 9 The Nebraska farmers' excursion which leaves' Omaha via the Northwestern at 6 p. m., Saturday, August 9, will visit lands In western New York that are worth Investigating. If you can make from (COO to $1,000 more per year on a smaller Investment and with no more work. In New York, than you can In Nebraska. Isn't that worth looking Into? To be sure, the average yield of wheat. corn, oats, hay, potatoes and other crops Is higher in New York than In Nebraska, government figures show and prices are much higher, because of proximity to the market, making the value of crops per acre from $6 to $11 per acre higher than in Nebraska. But here are some actual results achieved by western Now York farmers In the last few years, on land adjoining that offered by the Payne Investment company. Flva acres of strawberries netted one man $606 In one year. Two acres of rs.epbemes netted $240. One man got 6,000 bushels of apples from 15 acres, sell ing them to private customers for $1.25 to $1.60 per bushel. Another with 1,240 cherry trees (about ten acres), received $14,000 for last year's crop. Eleven acres of beans yielded 356 bushels, which sold at $2.60 per bushel, tho returns being $890. And the beans are an aid to the soli. A farmer near' Geneva, N. Y.. with 60 acres ot peach trees, received $22,000 for his 1311 crop and $65,000 for the crop of four years. Another farmer In recent rears hau been getting an annual Income rem 60 acres, of $3,600 and he would not sell at any price. In some of these localities, where farms are for sale, the Vineyards pay from $400 to $500 per acre? It Is a wonderful fruit country as well as having the larger average yield per acre for hay and grains. Come with us and learn these facts for yourself. Here are some of the farms you will see: "A PEACH OF A PLACE" 158 acres, finely Improved, only $75 per acre, $11,400. Near two cities, Waterloo and Geneva; well "arranged 14-room house, three barns, three) wells, diversity of crops grown; 1000 peach trees already planted. Neigh bor received $22,000 for peach crop from fifty acres In one year. Reasonable turms. "LAKE VIEW FARM" 120.93 acres, all In cultivation except 7 acres of pasture; $110 Per acre, $18,800. 12-room house and barns that could not be reproduced for less than $7,5O0r full bearing five-acre ap ple orchard and many young fruit trees; soil so fertile that It produces bigger crops every year than the best land In the middle west averages: situated on west shoro of beautiful Cayuga Lake. Near three towns. Good terms. FARM NO, 22681 acres, $92.60 per aero. $8,700. Two small farms thrown Into one, with two sets of Improvements, each con sisting of house and barns, natural drain age, stream runs through land. Six acres of pasture and four of second growth timber. Surrounded by other good farms. Half mile from McDougall. FARM NO. 221137 acres, $70 per acre, $9,600. Big bargain. In midst of region of farms of great fertility. Good land though a little rolling. Five-acre orchard; twenty acres wood and pasture. Cooble stone house that would cost $5,000 today. Three barns. Only one mile from church and school. FARM NO. 217128 acres, $83 per acre, JlO.SfO. Good soil, only partly tilled. Eight-room house, two barns; big snap for active farmer. Write for our booklet, containing sev enty beautiful Illustrations of western New York farm scenes, which have Just been taken by Ixiuls R. Bostwlck, the country's most famous landscape pho tographer. Mr. Bostwlck has spent a month In New York getting these plo tures. If you plan to take this trip with us we must know at once, to make sleep ing -cur reservations. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, fifteenth and Farnara Sis.. Omaha, Neb OMA1TA Alls- IMS h.il UA1S .ln. .corn' the men who have iiln on.,hat side of the market for some u.m..ttem.p,u.to "cure profits on large ?E1Z? 01 tnelr hoie-ngs yesterday, but moXi? lsco,vred In a few minutes that the public and the rank and file of speoula ih L..t.!le corn nret were long and that Vhi. buyln Power was not in evidence. imi5.JaU8ed ,,rlco breaks of considerable Lm,I?m,tn,C0- Tnere wer fractional re ?f. ?n" trom tha lowest levels, yet tho resting spots for the day showed net VtiiV .1 & t0 This changed In )Li th general market, reflected not only an overbought condition In corn, 5H.t.al.'m..lno f8Xt tnat Prices were some what influenced and that the pricking of the bubble meant the escape of specula- rC ... , . c""iu lowering or. values, ine official weather reports promised snowera In anmn .Mnn. , ,. n,... , ;n..addu,on.to thl8 the speculative world felt that rains must come sooner or later and that In the event ot a downpour there would be a .mad rush of holders ;u uui ana mat sensational price breaks would likely be seen. Cash corn Was Wltla hilrhnr. Wheat suffered price losses of 1 cent jesieruay, ana on this decline the sales of the cash article at Chicago amounted to only 150,000 bushels, part of which was for export. Cash wheat was unchanged to Ho higher. Oats followed corn yesterday, closing wiui losses or ?tottc The cah.,.market was off one to three cents from Monday and cash handlers reported conditions as extremely dull, with no demand from the east. A crop expert estimated the crop1 at 61,000,000 bushols less than the umount harvested lout year. Cash oaU were Un changed to Vie lower. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to 1,339,000 bu., corn, 6,000 bu. and oats, 9,000 bu. Liverpool closed with wheat HCHd lower and corn lower. Primary wheat receipts wore 2,206,000 bu. and shipments ot 1,348,000 bu. against receipts oi hsi.uw nu. ana shipments of 1.C45.O00 bu, last year. Primary corn receipts were 456,000 bu. and shlpmonts ot 770,000 bu. agaln.it re ceipts ot 715,000 bu. and shipments of DCL 000 bu. last year. ' Primary oats receipts were 106,000 bu. and shipments of 881,000 bu. against re ceipts of 1,128,000 bu. and shipments of 495,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha ...... Kansas City St Louis ... Winnipeg .783 ... 80 ... 68 ...110 ...187 ...120 ...103 137 47 14 13 279 The following cuh today: Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, SOVio; 12 cars, kOc No. 3 hard wln ter' . car- SI! 3 cars, SOVic; l car, 80c; 3 cars, 795ic Corn No. 2 white, 1 car, 72V4C. No. 3 white, 1 car. 72Ho; No. 4 white, 1 car, 71c. No. 2 yellow, 1 car. 72V4o; 7 core, 72c. Ho. S yellow: 1 car, 72c: 4 cars, 72c No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, 72o; 1 car, 1 .car 720 ' 3 0ftrs- Oats-No. i ZS'te'..6 CarB' c- No- white, 1 cor, 40o (local); 6 cars, 40c. n2ana Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 hard, SOjjSfc, nominal; No. 3 hard, 79K(Q81c; No 4 hard, 7WT0c, nominal. Corn: No 2 white, 72Vic, nominal; No. 3, white, 72V4W 2Vic; No. 4 white, 7172c, nominal; No? 2 ,"! io. j yeuow, lifiirii-4i: No. 4 yellow, 7W?lc, nominal; No. 2, 71VMT72C, nominal; No. 3, 71tt72c; No. 4, 70ftU'7U4c. Oats: No. 3 white. 40e! Nn 4 white, 40c. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade, CHICAGO, Aug. 6. Blistering wlndB and ho rain in Kansas and Missouri finally sent corn on a. decidedly upward course today after a. series ot violent swings. The market closed t,Tm Wo to lKJfino net higher. Wheat showed a gain of Uo to o and oats a rise of Ho to HtPttc. In provisions the outcome varied from 6o decline to an upturn of 15c. Reports declared to be the worst of tho jrcai ua io corn aamage in Kansas, Mis so.uri.,a5d Parti of Nebraska came rap Idly during the last hour of the session, soma points In Iowa also sent word of tempemture 104 In th shade, and pre dicted that two more such days would mean tho ruin of the crop. Hesitation and weakness that preceded the; conclusive advance In corn were due to light rains which were scattered pretty generally over most of the belt east of iiio iuiBBoun nver except in Missouri. There was a forecast, too. that additional sprinkles would appear. Kxperts In Kan sas, however, asserted thp.t even with heavy rain tonight the state would not yield half a crop. Other bullish Incen tives would be nearly 20 per cent less In amount than lost asason, and that much live stock wus already on feed owing to pastures burning up In a way not equaled filncG 1901 Wheat 'tagged corn. Heavy receipts here encouraged some bear speculators and so also did favorable reports from Canada, where the harvest is near at hand. There was an offset, though- in advices that the wheat arriving In Chi cago was already sold, and that country offerings were next to nothing, espe cially from Kansas and Missouri. Pri mary receipts were 2,206,000 bushels: a year ago 1.981,000 bushels. Export clear ances of wheat and flour equalled 1,358,000 bushels. Uood threshing returns In northern sec tions made oats relatively weak. On the uiicnngs dried up quIcluyTn provisions. Purchasers were few, but took pAjns not iu crown ini marnei on ine ntivan.ee, Article. Opn. lllghij Low I Clone.) Yes y. Sept. Dec. May. corn. Sept Dec. May. oats. 8ept. Dec. May, Pork. Sept Jan- Lard. 8ept. Oct.. Jan, Albs. Sept Oct. Jan., $586 S5HTH S6HH KHffVi SSHC 90 89S90hH 90H 94HU 93H 94H 9514 96H 704 SH 70H69HffU toMfr 67H W 67H 6JU 67HOH 67H JH 69H 671 41HOH 48 41H41T4JMJ 41S 43HH 41H 4SH 44H 44 HtfK 47H 46H 47H 47 20 42H 20 65 MH 20 60 19 15 19 26 19 00 19 20 11 40 It 60 It 85-87 11 40 42 11 42-45 11 60-52 11 67H 11 45-47 11 60 11 62-65 10 75 10 77H 10 70-72 10 72H 10 7H 11 23 11 SO U 10 11 20 11 25 11 26 11 25 11 12H U 17-20 11 SO 10 15 10 20-22 10 12H 10 20 10 07H NEW YORK JTOCK MARKET Temporary Further Rise In Union Pacific is Feature. OTHER LEADERS NOT IN ON IT Public Utility Stock Vnnffeoteil by Clrcnmalnnllnl Reports Hint Trl rphnne nnd Telegraph Com vnnlm l'ce Inquiry. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red new, Bttjsohc; No. 3 red, now, 8JOS6K0: 86,04c; No. 3 hard, new, S6tfS6o; No. 1 northern, 91ti9Sc; No. 2 northern, 8Ja9lp; No. 3 northern, $6fS9c! No. 2 sprint, 8W 91c: No. 3 spring, S6fSSc; No. 4 spring, 80j86o: velvot chaff, 86Jj90c; durum, Sl 90c. Corn: No. L UtiWHc: No. 2 white. i70Ho; No. a. tttrwc; 1.0, HEAL ESTATE. FAR3I fc RAN Oil LAMJ FOR SALK New York. THE BEST IMPROVED stock, dairy and grain farms anywhere are now tor sale in central New York. These farms average better results and cost less by half than farms In the Missouri valley. Xhey are closo to college, schools, churches, cities, towns and markets for ten million people. Stnd for free Illus trated list. Address M'JIUKNKV & CO., Fisher Bldg., Chicago. III. We refer by permission to H. C. Ollssman. Station li, Omaha, Neb., and Thos. Thorson, Can ton. 8. D. aiuutnnu WE aro owners of a large block of Yel lowstone county, Montana, farm land and are prepared to offer same on close prices in tracts ot 320 to 10,000 arret. Corre- SDOndenCO Invited. If IntAPpyfpH rrn.. pectlve purchasers will be shown the land. jjananer-iioiton Co., 1302 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. r.ovmU, LARGE stock range, good for summer and winter; for full particulars address owner, 11. A Leach. Wells, Nevada. burnti nullum, 160 ACRES under cultivation In Brown county, South Dakota. 2 mile from R. P center; terms or cash. Meyer Klein, Omaha, Neb. Teta. FOR SALE-For cash. 640 acres unlm proved land 12 miles west ot Tahoha, county seat of Lynn county, Texas, a railroad town. Red, sandy loam. Good agricultural Jand and all tillable. 8L7S per aero due state at 3 per cent per an nul.. Make me cash offer bonus. E. J Martin, Capitol Station. Austin. Tex. WANTED TO BUY, Dolgoff fd-hand store pays hUhest Prices for furniture, clothes, xhoes. Wsb. 1697. rillghtly used high grade piano. W. .'U. WANTED TO IlENT WANTED To rent 9 or 10-room modem house, Karnam street district, for 1, 2 or more years. Har. M&0. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST. Ship live stock to South Omaha, save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ineuts receive prompt and careful utua Hon. 1 Live Stock Luuinilssion Siercttnats. MARTIN BROS. CO.. Wxchangs Bldg. "Oi-isniVic: No. 2 vellow 69$f70O! No. 3 White. 70' low, 60HCW0HC! No. 4. white, 69HB70c: No. 4 yellow. 69iiJic, Oats: No. 2, new, SSo; No. 3 white., new, 4M2Hc: No. 2 white, old. 434ZUc: No. 3 white, new. 404044c; No. 3 white, old, 40 tunc; no. wnue, new, oanwiUHc; no. 4 white, old, 39HHt40Uc: standard, new, U4 o-tiHc; stannara, 01a. 4iitr2yic, itye ,.w. , nsn, v wm. ,iaiivi knw,, dcvup. Timothy, I4.00tf4.90; clover, nominal. Pro visions: roric, 122,10 lara, ju.so. BUTTER Higher! creameries. 23tf2Btto. BOOH-Unchanged; receipts, 10,963 cases ,11TI-1 T . . 1 - h , . I ( n UUl'n twins, 13HO13H0; young Americas, 14U wo ; long norm, uvwio. POTATOES Lower, OOcQll.OO; receipts, 65 cars. POULTRY-Allve. higher; fowls, He; springs, 16c; turkeys, 19a. WB8-J11.12H51&1SH. OMAHA GISNBRAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, l-lb. cartons, 2So; No. 1, 00-lb. tubs, 27Hc; No. 2. 25o. PISH White, fresh. 12o; trout fresh, 16o; largo crupples, fresh, 18c; Spanish mackerel, ISc; shad roe. por pair, 40c; Balmon, fresh. 16c; halibut frosh, 10c; buffalo, 9a: bullheads, 13o; channel cat fish, 13c: nike, 16c; pickerel, 11c. CHEESE Imported SwIbs. 32o; Amer ican Swiss, 26a: block Bwlss, 21c; twins, 17(1! rlnlle 17Un tHnlnt. lTUc: VoUnil Americas, 18c; blue label brick, 17c; Urn berger, 2-lb.. 20c: New York, whlto, 19o. POULTRY Broilers, 23c per lb.; hons, 16c: cocks. He; ducks, 18fl30c; geese, 18e; turkeys, 20a2Sa: pigeons, per doz., 81.20; rcostcrs, 9o: ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, 13a; squabs, No. 1, $1.60: No. 2, 60c. . U15EJT CUTS RIDS, XSO. 1, l(c; xxo. , 15Hc; No. 3, 14c; loins, No. 1, 19c; No. 2 18c; No. 3, 16a; chucks, No. L Uo; No. 2, UWo; No. 3, 10y4o; rounds, No. 1, HKc; Na 2, HHc: No. 3, 13oi plates, NO. 1. 7Hc; NO. 2, THO! NO. , tC. The following prices are furnished by the Gllllnsky Fruit company: PRUITB-Callfornla Beurre Hardy or Russet nartlfttt near, uor box. 82.26: 26- box lots. t2.15: Wlckson large groen plums, per crate, i&oo; piums, per oox, ti.io. Grant plums, per crate, S2.00; largo blue plums, per crate, 8Z00. Bartlett pears per box. 82.76: 6-box lota. S2.65. Elberta peaches, 81.10. Duchess or Transparent ap ples, per ousnei, owing io iiutuuy, idvui 81.00. Cnntaloumta. Arizona standard. Per crate. 13.60: Arizona Dony. per crate, 83.00; Arizona Jumbo, per crato, 83.00. Red rasp- berries, per 24-pint case, 1-v.ou uranges; Extra fine Valencias, 126, 288 sizes, per box. 88.00: Sunklst Valnnclas. 160. 15.60; 176, 200, 216, 260 sizes, per box, 87.00. Pota toes, large Cobbler, per bu., 90c. Grape fruit Florida, Indian river, 46, 64, 64 sizes, $10.00. Onions, California large yel low."' ter lb. 3c. EvaDorated cranberries. per S6-pkg carton, $2.70. Grapes, California, per crate, iz.w. Lemons, extra ianuy oun klst 300s and SOOs, per box. $10.00; extra ahotce Red Ball, SOOs and 360s. per box, $9.00. Tomatoes, homo grown, per market pasket crate 65c; s-crato ion, ouc VBOETAULia fotatoes, large uoo bler, per bushel, 90c. Onions, California, large yellow, per pound, 2Hc Tomatoes, homegrown, per market basket, 6&o; 5 crate jots, 60c Watermelons, Alabama sweet, per pound, lHo; 6-rate lots, per pound. lHc MISCELLANEONB Roasting ears, per doz., 16c; Michigan celery, per doz,, 35c; Mott'a elder, per keg, $3.60; Nahawka cider, per keg, $3.25; asparagus, per doz., 60c; rhubarb, per doz., 20o; onions, per doz., 20c; new beets, carrots, turnips, per doz., 30c; parsley, per doz., 40c; radishes, per dos., 20c; head lettuce, per doz., $1.00; homegrown leaf lettuce, per doz., 20o; preen peppers, per basket, 60c; wax or green beans, per basket, $1.00; hothouse cucumbers, per dox., 40o to 60o; caull flower, per lb., lOjHJHc: Venetian garlic, per lb., 12Ho; new cabbage, per lb., 3c; eggplant, per doz., $1.60; horseradish, 2 doz bottles In case, per case, $1.90; Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $3.00; Anchor brand dates, pkg., $2.26; walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 20c; medium pecans, per lb., 13Hc; Jumbo pecans, per lb,, 16c; giant pecans, Louisiana, paper shell, per lb., 26o ; filberts, per lb., 16c; Drake almonds, per lb, 16o; paper shell, 18c; Brazils, per lb., 10c; large washed, per lb., 120! black walnuts, per lb., 2Ho; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., 7c; jumbo pea nuts, per lb., 8c; roast peanuts, per lb., 8Hc: shellbark hlckorynuts, per lb.. 4a; white rice popcorn, per lb., 4a; checkers, per 100-package case, $3.60; checkers, per 60-pkg. case, $1.75; Leslie berry boxes, quarts, per L0O0. $2.76. New York General Market, NEW YORK, Aug. 6. SUGAR Raw, firm; muscovado, 2.20c; centrifugal, 3.70c; molasses, 2.95c. Refined, firm. BUTTER Steady; receipts, 11,710 tubs; creamery extras, 20H3'27o; process extras, 24H'-5c; Imitation creamery, firsts, 24c; factory, Juno make, firsts, 23Hc; factory, current make, firsts, 23o; packing stock, No. 1, ZlHc CHEESE Steady: receipts, 3,651 boxen; state wholo milk fresh, colored specials, UHtCHHo; skims, 3llc. EGGS Steady; receipts, 12,831 cases; fresh gathered extras, .240270; refriger ator special marks, oharges paid, 24Ho: nearby hennery, whites, 2634c; gathered whites, 24QC2cj western gathered whites, 214T27C POULTRY Dressed weak; fresh killed western chickens, 18Q!0c; fowls, 16H 19Hc; turkeys, l&319c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 6 WHEAT No. 1 hard, SOHc; No, 1 northern. 88H089Hc; No. 2 northern, 86H87Hc; No. 2 hard Montana, SOHc; No. 2 whtat MHQ6Hc; September. 87Hc: December, WH890Hc; May. 96c. CORN No. 3 yellow. 71(&72c. OATS No. 3 white, 395i40Hc RYE No. 2, 66VJ68Hc. FLAX-$1.4Uri.42. BARLEY-41P9C. i Konana City Grain and ProrUIons, KANSAS CITY, Aug. 6. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 hard, 83U85Hc; No. 3, Sig 84c; No. 2 red, 83f(S4c; No. 3, 8233c. corn wo. z wnue, iiyic; ?o. s, it Closing prices. WHEAT September. &Zic; December, 86Hc . . CORN aeptemoer, nytmo; yeoemoer, - ...... OATB-na i wnue, wyiq; no, z mixea. 42HC I Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 6. WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7a 9Hd; No. 2, 7s 6d; No, 3, 7s 3d; futures, easy; October 7i lHd: December, 7s lHd. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, kiln dried, nominal; American mixed, old, 6s2Hd, American mixed, old, via Galveston, 6s: futures, easy; September, La Plata, 4s lid; October, La Plata, Cs Hd. ( St. Lou In General ainrket. 8T. LOUI8. Aug. 6.-"-WHBAT-Cloaj: No. 2 red. 85ig8c: No, X hard, 8iifl0c; September, &6Hc; May. 96Hc. 073Hc: September, 72c; May, 70c OATS No. 2, 4PS4;c; No. 2 white, C43c: September, 41c. HTJJ-CBVjC. Saskatchewan Grain Crop, REGINIA, Sask.. Aug. . With harvest only two weeks away, the following Is the estimate of tho Saskatchewan De partment of Agriculture for the 1913 grain crop: Wheat, 125,U7.014; oats. 121.435,630; barley, 10,137,897, flax, 13,633,918 bushels. NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-The outstanding feature of today's professional and fre quently stagnant Mock market was a temporary further rise In Union Pacific, based on gossip that soma distribution In cash or stock may folow the company s sale of Bouthern Pacific holdings. From authoritative sources It was learned that no foundation exists for such rumors, but it Is not denied that some action ben eficial to Tnlon Pacific stockholders may be taken before long. , Union Pacific's 2 point advance, regis tered In the very early dealings, was not si arcd by other leaders, most of whloh n anlfested a backward tendency. Steel v.us under pressure on unfavorable oitl nates ot Its July tonnage. Amalgamated Copper suffered a partial setback despite arother ndvanco In the metal and Read ing and Lehigh Valley were sold by tho shorts In anticipation, It was said, ot fod ernl action against the nnthraclto roads. The public utility stocks wero unaf fected by circumstantial reports that the telephone and telegraph companies are to bo subjocted to further examination by the Interstate Commerce commission. In fact Western Union rose a full point. New Havenwas Inclined nt times to easo off, which may not have been unrelated to the probable suspension of tho Boston and Mnlne preferred dividend. A better demand for commercial paper by local and Interior banks wai tho only notable chanpo In monetary conditions. Six months money was easier on more llherol offerings. The grneral bond markot was firm, with somo activity at better prices In krles. Now York Control debentures. Frisco 6. Wabash 4s nnd Western Maryland 4s. Government bonds wero unchanged on call. Total sales par value aggregated 11,600.000. number or sales ana closing iuuwwuu on stocks were; tits. Illih, Van. Cloe. . 14.100 71H 70 TU Amtlttmsted Copper Amrlaan Agricultural Amirletn Ilet Busar.... 800 ttU 27 Amtrlcan Can 10,(00 UH AtotricM Can pid 800 Hh AmirlMti C A K XM 4 4SH American Cotton Oil.... 1,(00 MH IH Am. Ice SocurltlM 104 UVa Amartcan Llnteeil American Iromotlr.... 1,400 U Amtrlcan a. & H I.ow w n Am. B. A R. ptd Am. Bucar lUdninz. . Amtrloan T. & T AmerlcAn Tobacco .... Anaconda Mlnlnc Co.... 3,700 Alcnlaon Atchlaon pM Attantlo Coaat I.tn.... Baltimore Ohio Bethlehem Steal Urookljn lUpId Tr.... Canadian Pacllle Ontral leather Cheaapeaka A Ohio.... Chicago O. W Chicago. M. A Bt. P.. Chicago & N. W 100 110 110 129 Colorado F, & I SO0 JJH lH 3IU Lonacnaaiaa uu ........ Cora 1'roducta Dalawaro A Iludeon Panver b illo (lrand... 100 20 Dnvr & II. O. ptd niitniara' eeuritlt Erl 44 . 49 "it ti a loo ioiH ioih loou. too in iioh no 400 lllU 1SH lit il HH MH I It 7U 10H 1I0H MH WH U UH UH UH II 8 600 7H 400 ni 900 111 too te 400 IStt 8,(00 MV4 3,300 21t oo H H 21U UH (,100 10.S 1H U4H 1,100 69 200 ISSVt 1J2H 1I1H 1,100 10H 10H 1014 Brit lit Dtd... Krlt id ptd.... 1.100 2,800 too 1H 4S tt Otntrtl Glectrie 100 111 ureal northern prd Great Northern Ore ctlt. 1,400 Illinois uenlral Interboroufh Mtt , Inltrboroufh Mot. ptd.. International Hanrtattr. Inter.Marlnt ptd International Paper International Iump .... Knnaai City rJouthern.,, Laclede Gm Lohlah Valler Loblarllla A NaahTlllt., M.. Bt. P. & S. 8te. M, Mlaaourl, K. A T Mlaaourl lMcltla National Dltoult ....... national ixad . H T T, . r . . 47 7H 111 1(4 mi 32 29 4T14 u 140 1,200 1S8H inn 1MH 1UU 13 100 107U 107 1,(00 14H 1SV 1, MX UK 104V 10H J4S 10 7 27H 1,900 15114 1M14 no S00 1S4 lit 1H ouu 1K lit "J ZI MH 10IU too 'ioii io" 900 'iiii 27v Z.KK) TOO 91 New York Otntral ti. T., o. & W Norfolk A Weatern...... North American Northern 1'acUle Psclflo Mall I'ennijplrunla People Oat f.. U.. C. & Bt. L I'lttabursh Coal I'Ttaaed Sttel Car Pullman r aloes Car Heading; XttpuMlo Iron A Steel... rtepublle I. & a. pfd.... Hook IaUfld Co....... .! Roek laland Co. pfd Bt. L, A S. F. 9d ptd... Benboard Air Lint.. Seaboard A. L. pfd Blota-Hheffleld 8. & I... ffluthtrn Pacific I." Southern Rallwar 8o. IUIIwar pfd.. I Tenntiaee Copper Texas & Paelfic union l'acirio ,., Union Paclflo pfd United Stain .u Un ltd matte ltubbtr.... Unlttd Btattt Htetl V. .8. Bttel pfd trtah Copper Va..Crolln Chtmleal ,'. Wabath Wabath pfd Weatern Maryland Wotttrn Union ... ,. Weatlnhoue Electrl'e ..' WheeilB, ikt E , 1414 91H l!H ... ..... ill 474 11 ..... ..... It 00 H 9IT4 99 19U (oo ioh 105H mv, 70U 1,900 ins Hon no2 elusive of l'anama canal and publlo debt transactions. I.nndnn Stock Mnrket. LONDON, Auk. 6 American securities openeHl a traction higher nnd prices ad vance! during tho forenoon on ilKhl buylnc and at noon the list ranged from U to n point lilKher than yesterday's New York cloilnsr. Canadian Pacific wpi an exception nnd declined '.4 under profit laKintr saies. Consols, money TSHI Grand Tnink ... Si do account.. 73 1L16 Illinois Central Amai. copper.. 3 M., K. T Atchison Vi Southern Tao C. G. W 14 I Union 1'aelflo.. .1S4U Can. Pacific. ...HlVi U. 8. Bteel MH Bt. Paul no I Wabash t 11. & H. Q S0 Ddleer w; Brie Hand Mines 6?i do 1st pfd 4SHi HILVElv Bar, quiet. Z7W per ounce. MONKY i per cent; discount ratis, short bills, SOJT, per cent; three montlis, J per cent. ... a; aL.llOU .... io.. New York Mlnlnir rltooks. NEW YOUK, Auk, e.-.CIoslnir quota tlons on New York mining stocks! Com, Tunnel atock... 10 Utile Chief 9 do bondl lilMailran 10S Con. Cat. & V II Ontario I9J Iron Blittr idoohlr 90 X?.?T, 00,1 OYtllow Jacktt 1 Offered. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Fairly Active at Prices Shade Stronger Than Tuesday. HOGS SELL AROUND FIVE LOWER Itecrlpts of Moth Sheep ntl Lrtmbs Very Moderate Knlrly Acllvo Trmtr Lnmba (Innrter Up nml Sheep Some lllffher. Corn nrt Whent He-ston llullntln. United States Department of Aurlcul. ture, weather bureAU, for Omaha, for tho twenty-four hours ending at S a. m., T5th meridian time, Wednesday, AURUst 6, 1911. OMAHA D1ST1UCT STATIONS. Tcnin. Rain- Rffntlnrt lllilt Ashland, Nob..lSj Aiilmrn llroken How . Columbus .... Culbertson ... Fairbury Fairmont ..... Grand laland llnrtlnkMnn Hastlnss 104 HoldreKB 107 Lincoln 10 North Platto . 94 Oakdala Omaha TAklilimli Vuientinn Alta, Iowa 87 Carroll St; Clarlnda 103 Sibley 87 Sioux City .... 88 100 .. M .. I7 ..1W ..100 ..101 ..100 PI 97 S3 , S3 Low. fall. 67 .(X) M .00 C3 .04 .00 69 .00 69 .00 67 .00 60 .00 .00 6$ .00 P0 .00 69 .00 64 .03 64 .31 70 .00 G4 .00 62 .30 61 .00 64 . .00 68 ' .00 6.1 .00 6 .00 Bky. Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear .Clear Cloudy llalnlnK Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudv llalnlnir Temp.- rtatn- 84 CO .00 90 60 .00 8R 63 .30 84 62 .40 91 68 .00 M 64 .00 84 (0 .20 104 73 .00 98 60 .00 700 11 J H ill 300 (00 19 Sjlooo i'Joh Hi" itl4 1,000 Hi I4W 24 31 III 1U4 1 900 2,(100 1,500 "ioo too "t'.ibo 4,000 1,900 aw 74. 11 IK 1414 "VI 4 I7H 2914 ..... 14 'JH IIS 'ios 17 . M,M0 112 H 1M; 900 61, JW 61 Vt (7 17H hh MH 714 80S 1IU ltlS m OlVi 107M. 1M)4 107U 2-m !!!' K 49U 200 n ; 200 100 H Total .al.. for th, dMi.W'ihireV:" it 1 Vt e MH H days? apeV c"t? & day'." PPnCrnfU monthi. mi Tpecent stKDVWntnent' "teady; railroad. C,fo,lot.q"0ta.UOM n bonS y wer. U. B. rtf. It. rt.. 97HK. C. Bo. -f t. do coupon IS sit, V'u:;'' i-y ; V.B. rtf no" a- T:J 4'i A. T T. e. 1M NiY- Ata, T0bcoCe "..1UU 4 1i Armour Co. Hi. to ir iu. "' . MH do a , 91 O. B. U rfdf. la.. UH i;..y0'- . lt 19W.. uu l"n': 'do on. U Mil en Ohio iu; sir .u . ' ?o do conr. 4Ha ... it m , J . 4a 7314 V..C. Ohtm, U S fi t,r- u- 7iswab. it t, ff ( 'Did. Offertd. Iloaton Mlnlnir Stocks. BOSTON. Auk. .-CIoslnK quotation! on Boston stocks and bonds: Allouti 93 Mohawk u Amal. Copper 70H Jtavada Con UU A. Z. L. & B 20S,Nlplaalns Mine IS Arltona Com 1H North Uuttt Jj n. 4 C. C . H. M. M Mrth lko IK Cal. & Artiona 41 Old Dominion 49 Cal, U Heel. 410 Oicaola. 7u Centennial 1IH Qulney u Copper Italfe O. C. 4H Btiannon 7 Kait Duttt C. M. . UHfJuperlor 2a Franklin 4H Superior Sc O. M... 3H Oranbv (Ton M T.miir.rk 9 Ortene Canantt (H V. H. H. It. It 11 lale Iloralt Copotr. 19 do pfd Ktrr Lake 1H UUh Con Lake Copper 7 Utah Copper Co.. La Halle Copptr. . . Hi Wlnlni .'. Illaml Copper 2IH Wolrarlne, ., do cv. 4a IfiM BO CT. M., ...... A. C. L lit 4t.. Ul. Ohio 4a... ,tA iu. Brock. Tr."er'.'"4t 39 2 4U 1H 44 Treasury Stuteinent. WAHinNGTON. Auif. fl.-The condl Itlon of tho United States treasury today at th-. beginning of business: Net balance In general fund. $130,912,653. Total receipts yesterday. 253,9&6. Total payments yesterday, 12,600,189, The deficit this fiscal your Is 13,873,496, against a surplus of 360,619 last year, ex- Minimum litnitiAfntiiM fnp t ... .1 t,n- ... .....v. ...u. v .u, .nvi.B ltuul ported endlnK at t a. m. D1BTHICT AVKitAGICS. Dlstrlot. Stations, lllith. Low. fall. IMn n r Columbus 18 Louisville 22 Indianapolis 14 Chicago 24 St. Louis 19 Dos Molnps 22 Mlnnoapolls 61 Kansas Cltv fit Omaha 17 Illtrll tftmnnrutllra nrnvn Itn In Bniw..,. Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri Tucsduy. Temperatures wero more moderate In other portions of the corn and wheat re. Rlon, and a chaiiRa to cooler occurred In iicurasKa ana norm up the valleys dur- Inff thn nlirrit nl.l,, Mn,'..i, - 1 KUVU IUII1B occurred in the lako region and Ohio val. iey, una siiowars wero widely scattered over the western district. L. A. WELSU. Tv-nl WnrAftniinr. w..n. ti, ...... Cotton Market. tures opened steady: Aurust, ll,67o: Oc tober, 11.02c: November, 10.94a; Deconlber 10.98c! Jeniinrv. 10 OAn Tl-nt,.,,n... ia at... March, 10.9Sa: May. ll.Olo. iiuw xuiui, auk. d. spot cotton, quieti middling uplands. 23oj gulf, 12.250! sales, nor.o. Kuturpn nlnnoil af..nr1 jrust, 11.65c; September, ll.lOci October, 11.14c; November, ll.OHo; December, ll.OSo; 10-Wo: ITebruary, ll.01o; March, 11.09a; May, 11.13c. t-iosea steady at 11 to 15 points net higher. LIVKrU'pOL, Aug;. C.-COTTON-Spot, moderate buslnoss; mlddllnir fair, 7.03d: nood.mlddllnir. 6.73d; mlddllnf, 6.43d; low mlddllnir, 6.23d; Kood ordinary, B,76d; or- u..,.jr, w.tu, nu, d,uai uaies. Kansna City LIto Stock. Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, Aug, 6. CATTLlft Re ceipts, 7,000 head; steady to loo hlKher: prlmo fod steers, f8.3088.GJ; dressed beof stoers, r7.26.25; western steoro, lfl.15 Si?ii,out,'ern ters, ll.9006.76; cows, w-oiruo.: lienors, 4.60O.60; stookors and Kiiifr5-097'20' bulU' OOWO-a; calves, Hoaa-necelpts, 12.000 head; steady to lOo lower: bulk, $8.464,8.70; heavy, $8,403) 8.60; packers and butchers, $8.40f8.76l light, $8.408.80; pigs. $6.60417.60. u ' SIII5EP AND LAMTJB UooelptB. 4,600 head! lOfflSo higher; lambs, $S.764W.00; yoarllngs, $1.60C5.60; wethers, F10W4.76; ewes, $3.254.2B: ' ' 8t. I.onla LItc Stock Market. ST. LOUI8, Aug. e,-CATTLE-necelpts, 6,000 head; market, steady to lOo higher, good to choice steers, $7.!G8.00; stockers and feeders, $!5.!67.W: cows and heifers. $4.768.40; calves, $6.009.60; southern steers, $0.257.76; cows and heifers, $4.25 0.60. HOGS-nocolpls, 9,000 head: market, steady; pigs and light, $7.0089.15; mixed "-nL butohers, $8.7600.10; heavy, $6.75 SHEEP AND LAMUS-Uecelpts, 5,000 head; market, steady; lambs, 23 40a higher.; muttons, $3.254.25; j'carllngs. $5.0036.00; lambs, $5.60ty7.60. Jcar,,nBs' Coffeo Mnrket. NEW TOItIC, Aug. a-COFKETO-KUronn i n ,1 n Iaium- . . , , . market cnusod renewed selling of coffeo today. First prices were steady at 11 to 14 points lower. Active months sold 12 to 17 points down during tho morning. A good demand developed and the market recovered partly with the close steady. August. B.4oc: MoptemDer, 8.62o; October, f-i December, 8.80c; January, 8.87c; jiiiiii, s.mc, Aiay, ,14c: iVneA 9;,5o; Ju'y. 9-17c- Spot-Steady Cordova, isanewc: ' " MU'"i Slonx City 1,1 va Stuck Mnrkt-t. HinirX CITV. Tn.. Amr A nurwto jmceiiun, ',,vw noau; marxet, steady; na tive steers, $7.00S.GO; cows and heifers. IIOGS-Recelpts. 8,800 head; market. ten ill'! heavv. t"7 CiV? m. w,iJ-j io.Xil 8.257 liht $s.'26as Mi"hUr. iV'VSi. SHEEP ANrJ T.AXf nnn - - - . . . -. ..v vt.ij.n, cnr: ma,rket- uteady: fed muttons, $5.00 .iv icu on.i, ti.wut.cu; lamDS, $6.00 Q7.25, Mrtnl Market. $14.B5 bid; electrolytic, $15.87016.M; laki: spot. $11.626 42.00; August. $4L4J4I41.70 41.27. Anflmnnv. nnmlnnl PnnitnM. o ia : - - i . v u i $ o, t$o,rj Iron, steoly and nnclmritfed. iuiiwvw, uit. o. AiurrA im Copper, dull; pot and futuren. 10c, Tin. firm: ni-ui, j-io-j, luiuirs, j.jo( iw. iron, Cleve land warrants. Us. Dry Goods Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 6.-DIIY OOODS The cotton goods markots aro easier on linen fnr IntA AmMvarv Wf-t for knitting purposes are In light ds- iiunu. buiiun juriia are quiet, llurlaps remain very firm. KvniKiriitert Appleti and Drlfd Fruits AEsIffi. AUg" -KVAI-OltATED DIHED FltUlTB-Pruncs steady. Apri cots and peaches firm. Raisins quiet. ANNIE NEWMAN LOCKED FIVE DAYS IN CLOSET CHICAGO, Aug. r Arter being looked In the closet of a vacant house for nearly seventy-two hours. 5-yenr-old Annie Nowman was released shortly after noon today, so weak from the want of food that It Is feared she will die. With other children Annie was playing hldo and seek Saturday afternoon In a vacant houto four doors from her home at East Chicago, Ind. She hid In a closet and closed the door which hod been recently varnished. The door stuck and the child was unable to open It She was found today by a real estate agent who was showing prospective buyers through tho housu SOUTH. OMAHA, Aug. 6, 1913. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. XiJ c 11 5!ndy 6,933 4.3S4 li.4.1 Official Tuesday 6.360 12.181 Lstlmato Wednesday .. 2,000 12,300 7.WW Three days totals.. ,13,233 28.TO 65,853 Same days last week... 8.6SJ 23,779 33,015 Same 2 weeks ago 8.006 I3.9A8 31.MO game 3 weeks ago 9.469 21,000 17.042 Some 4 weeks ago 6.4SJ 24.063 28,153 Borne days last year.. 13,253 23,274 32,364 Tho following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the tfouth Omaha llVn tru.k (h. v.r In dato as compared with last years ... 1913. 1DU. Ino. Dec. Cattle' 481,984 484.020 i.Kt lK 1.73i!68 2,100,430 363,672 bliecp ....... 1,161,794 1,079.797 71.997 Tho following table shows the rang" ot Prices for hogs at Bouth Omaha for the "w uays, with comparisons speculators picked up a fair share of th supply at prices that were considerably ' stronger, paying as high as $8.76 for a few loads ot choice lights. Packers, how- nici, sianou out to pound prices again, and their first bids were quoted as lOfflod nnd In extreme cases fully 16c lower. Boil ers wero not Inclined to stand for another market such as Tuesday's and they held their offerings at steady figures, In con sequence, tho trado during tho first hour was at a standstill so far as packers wer concerned, but buyors finally raised their hands and by tho tlmo the first sales were mado values were quoted as 610a lower, Quite a number of hogs sold on this basis, but as the majority of sales men were still holding off, the market continued to gut strongor and In tho end most of tho sales wero mado nt a decllno of no moro than 6c. Towards the close prices reached the highest point of tha day and the lost sales were made on a weak to 6o lower basis. While the move ment could not bo called nctlve at any time, It livened up a little after trade was pnee under way and nearly everything had been disposed of by 10:30. The bulk of tho sales landed at $S.06C8.20, with the i?rf '"i?" JPh0 an? TP reached W!b, a dime higher than on Tuesday, and the best price that has boen paid so far this week. No. Av. Hh. Pr. 48 850 200 7 90 Date. 1913. 1912.lIl.1910.190e.lOO5.19O7. Jlllv Vt I fi M t tern. July 2. 8 57y 7 6 6J 7 67 o 60S 8 53$, 8 48 8 23 7 7 71 7 37 7 21 7 40 7(44 7 49 7 61 7 62 7 64 7 68 07 II 14 6.74 0 41 6 44 S3 6 SS K KM 6 46 5 91 a 04 6 ca 6 01 6 92 6 97 5 V5 5 92 5 83 July 00. juiv 31.1 g Mtv. ? :il ft Aug. 1. 8 53$, 7 76 ( h 7 60' ,H I 1 M S BS 7 60 Aug, S..I ( 7 93 Jl 7 76 Aug. 4.j 8 43,1 6 92 7 70 AUg. 6. 8 23, S 03 7 04 7 8 ". o. o I 1M ' 7 70 Sumiiiv. Receipts and disposition ot llvo stock at the Union stook yards, South Omaha, for the twenty-four liourg ending at 3 p. m. yesterday i RECEIPTS CARLOADS. cattle, liogs. tihocp. H'r's. V t 3 6 24 13 3 10 33 11 23 10 7 67 12 4 SO II 1 f? r j at t Wabash .. Missouri Pacific... 11 Unluh Pacific g C. Xr n. w , u. n. W.. west. C. Bt P. M. & O.. C. H. A Q.. west . C. R. I. & P., east. v. . 4 I' west.. .. Illinois Central o. a. w. 2 Total Reoelpta .... 39 DISPOSITION HEAD, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, .uurii oe wo.. ii owui a uompony ClllluV Ttanktnr Armour & Co Schwarta & Co J. W. Murnhr Aiurxeu ......... Kay Packing Co ii. i-acKing co W. 11. Vnnannr fn Hill & Son F. J. Lawls Huston & Co J. II. Root A Co. ... McCrenrv A lnllnirir Wertliclmer & Degen .. 180 n. v Hamilton Rothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co... Other buyers , 174 412 271 425 8 4 ... 17 ... 63 ... 65 ... 81 100 29 31 1.675 3,024 9,409 L6H3 890 2U0 S8 621 2,621 8.020 2,714 22 37 29 681 8,716 Total 2,578 11,046 12,568 CATTliS Receipts were very moderate today compared with the runs of yes terday and day baforo, only 83 fresh cars being reported In. Still the total for tho three days this week foots up over 4,000 head larger than last week, but about on a par with last year's run. The ract that receipts aro no larger than they were last year at this tlmo would go a long way toward proving that tho neavy receipts this week have not been not mat However southern markets have had unusually heavy receipts caused by th Influx of dry weather cattle. There was a better feeling on the mar ket this morning, the trade on all kinds being reasonably active at prices that were v little stronger than yesterday. The best boot steera sold un tn ln.KO. which Was 6o higher than the same) cattle brought on Monday. Cattlo ot that des cription aro around 16a lower than last weeK, wniio ine common to medium ueuf steers are M80a lower. Cows and heifers were strong today and not very much different from what they were last week. Some kinds mlgrtt bo 104jl6a lower than a week ago, but other kinds aro undoubtedly steady. Thero wero not very many fresh stook cuttle or feeders In the yards, but what tew thero were sold to good advantage. As high dm $7.90 was paid tor a bunuii of very choloe westerns. As oompared with a week ago feeders aro fully Wo lower so far as the general run of cat tle is concornud. although tops would not show that much off. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef stetre, $8.10yo.0o; fair to good beef titers. $J.7tU8.lu; common to fair beef kteers, $7.23iU4.7t; good to choice helters, I0.wa8.0o; good to choice cows, $6.001 7.00; fulr to good grades, $5.oul.u0; com n.oii to fair grade. fi.0OiU6.Vv; good to cholco Blockers and feeders, $tl.60dj?.29: fair to good stockers and feeders, $i.00 6.60; common to fair stockers and feed ers, $5.75fi6.00; stock cows and heifers, $I.60QS.OO; Val calvss, $7.(01(10. CO; bulls, wings, etc., $4.60m.00. BEEF BTEEIIS. No. Av. Pr. No, Oi 83d 6 JS 31.. 9 1122 7 45 22 966 7 65 41 1096 7 70 4 1070 7 75 19 994 7 95 1C m 8 00 tU 1094 8 W 21 1240 8 10 ...1196 8 M 67 ....1288 8 25 22 1173 8 25 9 1166 8 25 20 VM 8 30 13 1201 8 80 20 IBM 8 30 18 1285 8 65 138 14S7 8 60 STEERS AND HEIFERB. 17 655 7 60 0 W 8 CO 6 841 7 60 10 830 8 25 6 884 7 75 84 835 6 45 12 839 7 90 2 875 8 60 8 1040 4 00 1 HSJ 2 1125 64. 4. 4. 6 2 4 8 10 2 8 9 14 a 12 10 2 1.. 6 20 3 107S E CS 14 9S8 5 86 25.... 964 6 20 1 1080 6 25 2 ....1130 6 80 31.. ..w... 1149 6 40 1 1370 6 60 12 lit 6 65 1 1(00 7 00 3 1213 7 35 1 12S0 7 as U151J9UU1UJ. 644 6 75 2 810 0 80 4 90S 6 45 3 746 6 60 6 685 0 75 1 790 6 SO l too a so 2 845 6 I a... 7. ...097 i 16 917 6 35 960 6 45 764 6 60 900 6 60 1007 5 60 1071 5 aa 610 6 76 650 6 75 .. 602 8 75 .. 612 6 00 ,. 8X3 6 00 .. 700 6 00 .. 763 6 00 .. 630 6 25 DULLS, ..111W b 30 1. 460 7 25 481 8 00 2 1185 6 25 1.. 1 1 890 6 26 . 960 6 23 .1030 6 29 1 CALVES. V 8 00 1... 1170 5 25 1S19 30 , 620 B SO 1 1430 6 00 ....1440 6 00 1... 1. 140 8 on 2 220 6 00 2 300 8 00 2 160 6 60 19 230 8 60 1 200 6 60 2 820 9 00 3 160 7 00 1 140 9 00 HTUCKJCHU AINU 1' JIlJUiCIUj. 10. .. IU V Ow jm, ....... .. 030 6 00 6 .. 697 6 20 2 .. 905 6 23 7 ..1111 6 30 14 .. 466 6 35 22 WESTERNS. NEI1RASKA. 60 feeders.. 822 6 35 54 feeders.. 793 6 65 44 feeders.. 796 6 25 67 feeders. . 810 6 25 12 cows 949 6 70 6 oows 826 6 00 34 664 6 75 26.. 4.. 20.. 6.. 7.. 3.. ,611 6 86 572 0 60 680 6 60 672 6 65 7C0 6 66 816 7 00 1 bull 1190 6 20 11 feeders. . 793 6 60 6 cows 10CO 5 75 3 calves... 210 8 00 4 heifers... 612 6 60 25 steers.... 1126 6S5 21 steers... .1062 6 86 103 steers... .1261 7 20 8 cows 1028 6 16 1 calf 50 0 00 11 feeders.. 967 6 76 S3 steers.,.. 1102 6 95 25 heifers.. .1123 6 76 23 steers.,.. 1202 7 25 11 cews 962 5 85 4 calves... 185 9 00 2 cows 835 4 60 2 cows 935 4 SO 1 cow... ..1030 5 60. Ulrlck Fuscher, 6 oows 991 4 85 63 heifers.,. 990 6 60 1 bull 970 4 0 3 calves... 310 7 00 2 cows 875 3 60 1 bull 1500 6 60 20 cows.. ...1104 6 90 6 feeders.. 774 6 00 SOUTH IJAltUTA. G. Crllloy, 46 steers.... 752 6 65 WYOMING Hunter. Casteel & Hunter. 60 feeders.. 1151 7 90 101 feeders. .1030 7 60 HOUttllecelDts were large attain today. about 1S4 cars or 12,300 head being re ported in. This makes the week's total 28.876. over 6.600 larser than both last week, and the corresponding week a year ago. During the early hours shippers and 21 901 49.M..323 17.. .473 63. w... 336 66., ...266 7 95 8 00 8 CO 80 8 00 8 05 80 65 320 280 8 05 60 15 ... 8 OR 69 291 80 8 05 K 312 ... 8 00 03.. ...301 80 8 05 62 257 240 3 05 60,. .,,293 160 8 03 53 264 320 8 03 1 274 120 8 05 ft 299 ... $05 9 120 8 05 l 214 ... 8 08 K 5 9IH """ w s iu 63 279 20 8 10 67 268 240 8 10 63 273 63 316 1 259 61 258 69.. ,..261 63 2S0 120 61 69 69 261 48 240 39 242 64 296 21 220 70 276 . .,..190 40 8 10 .. 8 10 80 810 .. 8 10 8 10 10 247 120 X in ..A6 80 8 10 ... 8 10 ... 8 10 160 8 10 ... 8 10 80 8 10 80 8 10 40 8 10 68 235 130 8 10 4S 274 65 276 08 268 20 71 SO 8 10 8 10 10 676 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 71 ...,2M 200 8 10 54 2W ... 8 10 76 218 200 8 10 62 291 200 8 10 87 260 80 8 12" 85 232 40 8 12ft 46 284 80 S12& 71 236 ... 8 15 63 2G0 40 8 15 73 211 40 8 15 76 220 60 8 15 76 219 120 8 15 69 2S1 80 8 15 04 2S6 ... 8 15 43 241 ... 8 15 S3 232 40 8 15 82., ...204 80 8 15 76.. ...212 80 8 15 70 rTv'l 80 8 IS 69 258 80 8 16 67 235 160 8 17)4 70 23 80 8 17H 67 250 820 8 20 63 242 80 8 20 82 221 SO 8 20 77 210 160 8 20 72 212 40 8 30 76 228 ... 8 35 17 194 120 8 35 81 195 120 8 45 66 211 ... 8 43 26 179 ... 3 50 73 224 ... 8 65 Mi 183 ... 8 65 SI 204 ... 8 CO .V) AU ... 8 60 64 236 ... 8 61) 69 196 40 8 65 36 228 ... 8 70 9 188 ... 8 73 80 ICS ... 8 79 PIGS. S11EHP Mont nil llv, atnok nt.rt had light receipts, the local supply being iwonty-nlne cars, or some 7,6uo hoad, or only a llttlo better than a third ot what showed up yesterday or on Monday. Contrasted with a week ago, tho receipts were about the soma In point ot numbers, but were a little smaller than two weeka ago and a year ago. While a few good lambs and ewes wero In evidence, the quality ot the supply, on the whole, was only fair and Inferior to that on Tuesday; uuu Monday. As to lamb and mutton offerings, they wero about equally rep resented. In addition to today's receipts wero four oars of Montana wethers car-, ned over from yesterday's trade. Huyers apparently, all wanted soma killers, as they got out early and Jmrne dlulely procecdou to look over the light supply. Sellers asked higher prices, but buyers were unwilling lo Pay as much as was asked, consequently it took nearly all the forenoon to dlaposo ot the offer ings. The trade, however, could be re ported as fairly rtatlve. Prices on Iambi wore generally a quarter higher, while those on aged offerings wow strong to a dlmo up. Early, around 1,000 head ot jlxty-flve-pound Idaho lambs sold at $6.90. The wethera held over from tha provlous day brought H46, which was Just a dlmo higher than what was bid on thorn yesterday. Tha best awea on sola averaged 103 pounds and changed hands at $1.30. The clearance was seasonable. Feeder, lambs and sheep were In light supply, and an a goodly number of buy ors was In from tha country, tha market was active at prices at least steady to strong. Mora time than usual was taken up with sorting, consequently few, if any, ales were made early in the forenoon. Quotations on Sheep and Lamas Lamb, good to cholco. $8.8507.10; lambs, fair to good, $0.C6U.E5; lambs, culls. $&OOQ-6.00: lambs, feeders, $6.MK3J.C5; yearlings, good to choice. $5.255,60; yearlings, fair to good, $5.0Oj0.25; yearlings, feeders. $4.75 i6.35; wethers, good to choice. $4.5034.76: wethers, fair to good; $4.254.W wethers, feeders, $3.6094.26; ewes, good to choice, $4.15!H.40; awes, fair to good, $3.73 14.15; ewes, feeders, $3.003.25; culls, sheep, $3.8504.15. Representative tales: No. Av. 14S Wyoming feeder lambs.... 67 112 Idaho yearling ewes ........ 77 102 Idaho yearling awea 75 190 Idaho yearling ewes 82 231 Idaho yearling awes 82 215 Idaho wethers 93 228 Idaho wethera , 93 zi inano wetners . 239 South Dakota 173 culls, awes 4 owes 87 85 186 South Dakota ewes 89 185 South Dakota awes 103 193 Wyoming lumbs 69 176 Nattvo lambs 63 263 Wyoming lambs 03 241 Wyoming lambs f. ....... CS 200 Wyoming lambs , 66 194 Wyoming lambs 67 163 Wyoming feeder lambs .... 60 218 Wyoming feeder lambs 69 216 Wyoming feeder lambs .... 69 182 Wyoming feeder lambs .... 69 90 So. Dakota feeder lambs .. 99 198 Wyoming feeder lambs .... 65 220 Wyoming feeder lamba .... 64 117 Wyoming feeder lambs .... 66 216 Idaho feeder yearlloft.... 87 63 Idaho feeder yearlings...... 88 33 native lambs 65 66 native ewes 141 86 Wyoming yearlings. 25 Wyoming wethers .. 2fl Wyoming yearlings zo Wyoming ewes , 138 Wyoming Iambs tan Idaho yearlings 113 Idaho Iambs .. 127 Idaho Iambs 201 Idaho lambs 60 eull lambs . 146 Idaho lamb 123 Idaho ewes 103 106 Idaho awes 104 43 Wyoming ewes 105 192 Wyoming awea 103 159 Utah wethers 90 .124 so IU 69 aaaaaaa.a OI CO llttlllll 53 63 Pr. 6 25 4 CO 460 4 CO 4 60 1 40 4 40 4 40 2 75 1 75 3 75 4 10 6 CO 675 6 60 5 60 60 6 60 6CO 6 W 6 60 6 60 6 15 6 M 8 60 6 60 4 65 4 56 6 25 3 60 E 00 4 60 C 00 4 25 6 75 4 75 6 75 6 10 6 10 C 65 6 00 4 15 4 15 4 SO 4 30 175 CHICAGO live: stock, market Cattlo Steady to Dime ItlBuer -lloirs Steady. CIHCAGO. Aug. 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 14,000 head; steady to 10o higher; beeves, $7.00(39.10; Texas steers, $6.70 7.76; western steers, $6.&07.C3; stockeru and feeders, $5.3037.75; cows and heifers. $3.6038.25; calves, $3.25(311.00. HOGS Receipts, 24,000 head; Bteady to Co lower; bulk of sales, $8,108.7C; light, $8.60(30.15; mixed, $7.909.06; heavy, $7,600 8.70; rough. $7.6087.80: pigs, 85.00118.35. SHEEP AND LAiins Receipts, 15.000 head; sheep firm to 10c higher; lambs, 10a to 30a higher; native sheep, $UWfS,10. western, $4.25J6.10: yearlings, 5.353.15: lambs, native, $5.50(07.40; western, $4.00(3 7.65. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 6.600 head; market steady; native beet steers. $5.5Oa9.00; cows and heifers, $4.7&g 8.60; stockers and feeders, $5.2S(&7.60; south ern steers, $8.257.75; cows and heifers. $4.25(8.E0; calves, $6.0Oa.0O. ' HOGS Receipts, 8.60O head; market Strong; pigs and lights, $7.759.10; mixed and butchers, $3.7509.00; good heavy, $8.75 9.10. SHEEP AND LAMDS Receipts, 4.000 head; market on sheip steady, lambs, 23a higher; native muttons, $3.2504.25; lambs. $5.7527.23. Bt. Joseph. Llvo Stook Markat. ST JOSEPH, Aug. 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,300 head; market steady; steers, $5.8038.85: cows and helters, $4.0Ofi.60; calves, $4.6086.00. HOOS Receipts. 6,500 head; market steady to weak; top, $8.80; bulk, $3.2008.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. LOW head; market higher; Iambs, $3.0&87.00. "Hot an XxpsnmsaV' UXX9 SO POEHLER co. Established 1119. GRAIN COMMISSION "Sand for Dally Market X,ttr." acpfngajorja odltjmc