TITE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST G, 1913. 9 - I "! 1 I f '- " 1 'A ( 1 The Princess1 Pearls Beauty Mile. Dazie Tells How to Mould Beauti ful Shoulders, Points Out Value of Poise By WINNIFUED BLACK. When the bells began to ring In the old church, the beautiful -princess rah out with a lap full of lovely pearls and threw them all, very quietly and very grace fully, to the swine. And the swine grunted.and wagged their great ears and blinked their little eyes, and the princ ess laughed and clapped her hands and said: "Isn't It delightful to see them?" And all the courtiers stood around and laughed softly t hoy pre tended they were laughing with the , princess, but they were really laugh ing at her It was so ninny to them to see the swine wag their ears and to see the princess smile at them, but the queen, the mother of the princess, closed her eyes and did not laugh. She couid not for she, too, had thrown ' pearls before the swine and she know that It Is not so pleasant, after a while. All this I thought at a wedding tne other day. It was a beautiful wedding lllUer on the altar, roses at the rail, wild flowers In the chancel, "the sight ,that breathed over Eden" a gray haired, dig nified clergyman, six brldesmaldt), all In soft pink, a maid of. honor, In bluish pink. Best men, ushers, tittle pages in white iatln knee breeches oh, quite the smart thins altogether. And the mother of the bride grew whiter and whiter and finally at tho end of the ceremony she bit her Hps to keep froln crying, and tho father, he laughed, and looked, oh, bo pleased, for son-in-law is rich, very rich, and the marriage will bring powerful connections. The bride smiled and smiled, such a sweet, merry maidenly little smile, and she looked up at the groom under her -lashes, and was ; very sweet. Pearls, I thought, pearls-and the groom did he wag his ears ever so slightly then, or did I just Imagine It? ' I've known tho groom ever since he took hie first steps in romper. He was pink and curly and blue-eyed, just like a nice clean, pink little pig. I always thought and I know his father before .him. big and pink and blue-eyed. He ' murdered his wife. Oh, no, It was never In the -papers, no one. evdr ,pUtj It tht S way, but he murdered "her just. as surely ' is If he had stabbed her with - a dagger somewhere. in the old medlveal days. She was a sweet, gentle, loving, sensi tive llttlo thing, the bridegroom's mother. &he thought It was fun to cast pearls be fore swine, . too,. . I've seen her do It. I've seen her dimple ami . blush- and quiver .and. shrink: fU&:i smile and smile, trying, to get. the pink husband to know that she was alive and all he did was to grunt from behind a paper 'Or. a stock report, and ho laughed, at. her family and. made fun of her friends and' Jeered at her' Ideas till she was afraid' to Speak' almost. ' And he was always so polite about It, too, and one day she just ley down and died. I wonder If she was at the wed ding yesterday and If she felt sorry for her son's bride? The' son or the father she gave htm. I wonder If the bride's mother thought of her there at the wedding when she looked at tho cruel Bmlrklng mouth and tho little greedy blue eyes of her brand new son-in-law. Why didn't she prevent the marriage? Dear me, didn't she try? She almost .killed herself trying, but no use. Jtaugh ter was "In love," or what she called "In love'! anot- father approved, ,and there was' all that' money and all that social prestige, too: what was tho use? And now she's married, poor, pretty, wistful, wllfitl little princess, and some day she, too, will stand In church maybe, and "near the minister say "for better or for worse, for rffiher, for poorer, In sickness and In health" and see her own little princess throwing her lap full of pearls before . iwlhe, and then and then Well, and thon-what? By LILIAN LAUFERTY. I have seen " La Belle Daxle" and,she Is Just as bewltchlngly pretty-Is Madem oiselle Daile In her ow,a dainty Hudson-breeze-swept apartment as when1 she. twinkles her toes at you over the foot lights. From her many charms I singled out tho wonderfully clear and well-proportioned lino of her lovely profile, the beautiful curve of the white shouldors and the soft, luxuriant hair. "Will you tell me a short cut to the acquisition of these three aldersand abettors of beauty, Mademoiselle Dante T" i' asked. "I will be glad to tell you all I Unow about It and I won't protend 'that t think that Is very little," said the honest star who twlnk:s under the joint tiiun agement of 11. r. Keith and Martin jjeck. "For we women of the stage ..have to make a study of how to be' Just as .lovely and appealing to audiences as a hoarding of natural resources and a few addition thereto will make us. "About a profile It Is a good Idea to own n hand-glass and to view one's self side-face once In a while, for the coiffure that looks well from the front may make you look like a caricature or a leap-frog game or a door-knob from the sldiu Don't wear false hair If you can avoid It, It will cause your own locks to depart In wrath, nnd t will , In. all" probability, 'spoil the shape of your head. Tho natural contour of the head Is generally: well worth showing why won't more feminine persons remember that? A good masseuse to rub In a good tonic; a good brush, with your own arm to. apply It faithfully, often and long, and you'll have luxuriant locks to aid an up-tilted nose In giving you a good profile. For 'carry the head htgh,' Is the first rule for a good profile. "Oh, and brushing your hair Is fine for your arms. Calisthenics and exercise will generally give yqu rounded contours where you want them.' r am pretty slen der, you know, and- yet I have, not scrawny arms or shoulders. Jlu Jltsu did that. For two years'! k did a Jlu .jltsu dance with" a man who weighed half again as much as I did, but I was -really and truly able to throw;, htm through my knowledge of the Japanese art, and from the beginning of that, .act I noticed how my shoulders were roirhdlng out and de veloping. Jlu Jltsu ought not to 6e an outworn fad In this country. It Iswell worth the consideration of any woman who- wants to develop Into spmmetry and strength. That and deep breathing gave me. a broad, healthy singer's diaphragm, too. Oh, yet. Jlu Jltsu, of thee I sing. It gives a woman confidence In her, power to take care of herself; and It will aid tho underdeveloped .woman to DUt a curve where she wants It and tho wpman . 01 over-iuxuriant figure to tuk off a curve or two. "I have two more, -little secrets llfit it J'e.igJag 'Jo give. you." iwent o-i ths 1 generous Dazlev- "They are on the sub jects of eyts and relaxation." ,' And very Important subjects they are. so the inte. viewer's heart was duly ro-r Jolced-at what she, was about tq-recelve. , '"For eyCB, wltoh ha'sel diluted pa much .or. as little as jou like and applied with; - 1.11. S ' ' A 1 .. . " . , . un ui aupurucni couon wncnever ino SOMEJDONT'S For Stomach and Liver. Sufferers I eyea nrei tired -,pr. iustyv .That cleanses "But about ,real relaxation,. I have a th'eorjKi tn'Kt J v most earnest practice. Whonever fatigue threatens, .1 lie down flat on my back with no pillow to break the -natural llie of the relaxed body. Really, I fairly 'flop.' And -there I lie with bodily tension all gone and mlndi absolutely blank, and In a state of. rest ful., 'suspended animation And I get upt rested,' happy and ready to go on with, the day's work. "I walk, In spite of the fact that -moat; (lancers think they get enough leg motion, ana exercise in tne practice of their pro-' fesslon. But I don't (-believe one can; have too much out-of-door life, and I believe In exercise, so" I go out and get, them both, and when I am tired, I Just reax completely, as I have told you. "I don't sleep late, either, because Ten Commandments for the Summer Girl By DOROTHY 1I.. t When thou farcst forth for thy sum mer vacation direct tncy looiaicps wisely, for what shall It profit thee to fish ever to cunningly In the waters In which no fish abide? Verily, 1 say unto thec, that, though thtiu no mountains that touch tho skies, or sapphire eons, or swelling hills, or dimpling vales, yet Is all scenery an abomliiHtion nnd a deso lation, nnd a summer resort becomes us sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. If so bo no eligible man abides thoreat 2 Consider thy apparel, for fine feath ers make fine birds, and no mnldrn with tho glad rags Is as homely as the Lord made her. Yet be not extravagant In thy dress, lest some youth shall flee from thee, saying: "Wherewithal shall t get the, scads to doll such a nno up In tho slmllltudo of a fashion pinto to which sho Is accustomed?" S Uefore tliou dlsportcth thyself In tho ocean, consider what manner of fig ure and of hair nature hath bestowed upon thee, nnd whether thou lookest when thou art like mermnld or a dr6wnd cat, for what shall It profit maiden to dry her locks on the sands If so be sho hath only three hnlrs on her head and look th like winter un derwear after It hath shrunk In the wash? i-Propltlnte with fair words the old cats that knit pink sweaters on the hotel galleries lest .they arlso and rend thy reputation and tear It limb from limb, for lo, tho wngglnB of their tongues Is even as a perpetual motion machine, and the things that they do to a character aro a plenty, 5-Also alight not the homely girl who art a wall flower, for many such are possessed of handsome brothers, and oke of malo relatives with 1913 cars, who shall arrive In due season, and to whom she LOOK IltSFOUl!) vOU BATH IS. DF.SPISK NOT THE FAT MAN hall present thee, and co Bhalt thou reap thy reward. ft When tho musicians smlto upon tho band of an evening In the ballroom, dance not at nil unless some man nsketh thec, for, behold, thero aro mnny sad sights In .the world, but none so woesome as the spectnelo of two maidens turkey trot ting together ano! attempting to wear on their countenancti tho look of one who rcjolecth. 7-Whcn a youth trcnteth thee to lct crt'iim soda boast not to him of som other man who fed thee on champagno and terrapin, for hy so doing thou mnk est him feel like a cheap skate, and he will pass thee up the hay ride ir tho r - -iiwm 5P FISH CUNNINGLY. when hu getcth up trolley excursion. 8 As thou art strong, be merciful, l.on- Bldcr that at a summer hotel there aro seven times seven women to ono man, and that tho poor youth that thou nall eth hath already flagged seventeen mountains, and gathered four bushels of wild flowers and visited Lovers' Leap, and read poetry and rowed boats, and played golf, and dancod millions of miles wth other maidens before thou earnest, and he Is a-weary and fain would rest, 9- i-Dcsplso not the fat man whoso ar chitecture la built after tho manner of a tny window. Say thou not -unto him: "do' up, thdu bald head," for Verily , ha may bo a widower, with houses and lands, and automobiles, and Jewels whorowlth to endow a wife. 10 Avoid tho snapshot fiend who tak eth amateur pictures net thou wouldst pestilence Or sudden' death, for si(ch a ope shall toko theo .unaware thy hpaVl an a miuilyb'rtiast, or tfcBrangrt arm '.aboutjtlieo.'.and, filtfiojirt it causetn the merry ha-lidt, atth'' time, preadverituro thy .fiance, to' whom' tnu4 sliowetirit at home, lackcth In a nqitse of humq'r, morning hours are best for accomplishing things." And as delightful Dazle has accom plished bo much In a short time so much for beauty and fpr art and for a willing ness to work and give more and more of grace nd charm to the world, I con clude that her "morning hours" really havo "accomplished things." 1 1 The Manicure Lady Don't take medicine for your Stomach' ailment!, morning, noon and night, an usually-, such medicines only give tern-; -porarv relief and simply digest the food .that happens to bo in the Stomach. - Don t permit a surgical operation. There Is always serious danger in oper-i allona and In many casea of Stomach, Liver and Inteitlnal Ailments the knife cariVbo avoided II the nub t -remedy la taken In time. .... JUon't go around with a foul smelling breath caused by a disordered Stomach and Llvei, to the discomfort of thoBe you come in contact with. If you -are a Stomach Sufferer don't think you canpot be helped, probably worse cases than yours have . been re stored by Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Hemedy. . Most stomach ailments are mainly caused by a catarrhal condition. Mayr's i Wonderful Stomach Remedy not only removes the catarrhal mucous, but allays the ohronlo Inflammation and assists 'in. rendering' the entice alimentary, and In test'.hM tract antiseptic, and this Is the secret of Its marvelous success. Don't suffer Constant pain and agony and allow your stomach allmontb to physically undermine your health. No matter how severe your case may be or hnw Inn i? vou have suffered one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy should convince you that vou vi. be restored to health again, Mayr's Won derful Stomach Remedy has been taken and Is highly recommended by Members of Congress, Justice of the Supreme Coort, Educators, Lawyers, Merchants, Bankers. Doctoif, iDrugglsts, Nurses, Manufacturers, Priests, Ministers. Farm ers and people in all walks of life. Send for FREE valuable bookltt on, Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, 151 1M Whiting St., Chicago, 111. For sale In Omaha by Sherman & Mc Connll Druggists. 16th and Dodge Stu-. 16th and Harney Sts. Hth and Farnan Sts., and Hotel Loyal and UruggUU everywhere. By WILLIAM F. KIRK. "There was a gypsy poet up to our house last night." said the Manicure Lady. "Brother Wilfred dug;, him up at one of them little camps the gypsies have, He heard this young poet ringing some lines that he had wrote himself, and when he asked the rest of the gypsies who wrote the lines, they told him the kid wrote them himself. So Wilfred, who is tho original fall guy, brought him up to tho house last night and treated him as If he wan the' prince of the world. The; old gent liked htm about as much as he llkcs soft stuff to.dxlnk, and told Ma out In the kitchen that, he was getting too old to listen to foreign poetry. I wrote down some of'tlio' lines. I couldn't make no pense out of them, but maybe you can. This is one of the sonvs the boy says he wrote: " 'I am of Romany, ' Of Romany am I. f I flutter through this gay world Like a butterfly. The clouds that form Before the storm Are firmer fixed than I. For I am a gypsy boy -. ,"' And the globe lu my gypsy toy. t "Was he drinking anything?'. asked the Head Barber, ' "No, he was Just, as nice and sober as he could be," salclthe Manicure Lady, "The only drinking" that was done was by the old gent, who went out and sat convenient' to tho sideboard after he had heard that one poem. Wilfred said that the poetry was divine, and he ought to know more about It than you and me, but maybe It's because I don't understand thorn gypsies. x They are queer people, ain't they, George?" ."Th'ey certainly are queer people," agreed the Head Barber. "I went to one of their camps once to have my fortune told, and a right handsome young gypsy girl told me that I was destined to be a gre.it man. If she -meant site she wasn't j "cattery" Mrs, Harmon brolte the ground far off, but that's the only kind of great-) In the presence of a large lompany, In nes' that ever came to me. Sho also told eluding Commodore Benedict and Thomas me that when I grew up I was KOlnto Hastings, of Carrere & Hastings, the be handsome, but that didn't strike me so architects of the building. The "cat- was a handsome boy and would be a handsome man. Nothing she told me has come true. I didn't win greatness, and one look at my map would prove to any body that she was a bum prophet about looks.' "You ain't so aWfUl homely," said tho Manicure Lady. ."If, your eyes was a little bigger and your ears was smaller you wbu(d compare .kind of favorable with most' of the young men that comes in here and has their nails did. And be sides, George, if she had said that you would grpw up to have ono of the nicest dispositions of any gent which I have ever saw, she would have called the turn. But getting back to our gypsy poet. Wil fred was so stuck on his musical lines that he wrnted the kid to stay all night, and I guess he would have stayed only the gent put the crusher on that propo sition." "Maybe the gypsy stole them lines he said was his," suggested the Head Barber. "I wouldn't be surprised," said the Manicure Lady. "He stole a box of cigars and some of the old gent's stickpins be fore he went away." Some Matters on Good Form J By SIHS. PRANK LKAUNED Author of "The Ktluuetto of New York Today," Naturally, the rule of courtesy la that a younger person should give precedence to an older one. Recently some one ob served a young girl coming In a room to make a call Just as an older woman was leaving. Instead of stepping' back politely and allowing the older woman to pass, the girl pressed forward so persistently that the departing guest was compelled to step back from the doorway and wait until the new arrival had pushed her way In If the girl had yielded gracefully and had stepped back courteously an agree-- able Impression would have been made, Instead of an unpleasant one. An older woman may motion to a younger one to precede her. In that case the younger should bow and pass on without hesita tion. A subject which perplexes some mothers Is what to do when young men call to see their daughters. It would seem to be a perfectly natural thing to have visitors jSwell Home for Prize Oats Mrs. Clifford B. Harmon, daughter of. rnMmvsA i? r n .-..-. I lift ' W VIII tl( WWfl V IJVIKUIVt- 4 IV4 kMV first spadeful of ground at Greenwich, Conn., In the construction of what Is to be the most complete home for cats In this country. Mrs. Harmon, a noted cut fanuler. is bent upon huvlng a. home de luxe for her twenty-cmnt cats and twn-ty-four kittens, many of them noted prise winner-. Before the laborers were net at work on tho foundation for her new J15.1V) - JJ ground and la to be located on Commo dore Benedict's property at Indian Har bor. There are to be eight rooms, with nineteen cat runs. Hot ond cold water, electric light, gas for oooklng; two baths, a kittens' nursery, steam heat and other Improvements that are deemed necessi ties. In addition, thero la to bo a seven room cottago for" Mr. F. Y,, Mathlas, who has been assoilated . with , Mrs. Harmon for three year-,, and who has been breeding famous cats for about ten years. The new "cattony" will, bo known as tho Greenwich Cat Kennels. Mrs, Har mon will give the cats her personal at tention and Mrs. Mathms will be lu con- quter, as all the folks at home said Ijtiry is to cover mum than two acre-, pf t slant charge- New York Times. and that' family lite should go on ai usual. But a mother may think that young people feel more at ease In con versation when not with their elders. She does not wish to Interfere with the pleas ure of the visit, yet does not wish to appear as If avoiding being present. There Is no reason why a mother should find It necessary to remain with the young people the entire evening, but she should welcome young men when they arrive and may remain In an adjoining room oc cupying herself In any way she prefers and should be there to take leave of guests. Ten o'clock Is late enough In tne evening for anyone to stay and a young man should be top courteous to exceed that limit. A point of etiquette which Is sometimes neglected Is when making preparations for a visit and carelessly forgetting to be fully supplied with everything that may be necessary to wear or to use. It Is a great breach of courtesy for any one who Is staying In the house of a friend to borrow from her hostess. Very careless guests have been known to be guilty of this mistake and to borrow handkerchiefs, hatpins, veils, new gloves and even small change. This Is unpardon able. Certain rules about making calls are not clear to same people. For Instance a tea or other entertainment may be given by a friend for a guest of honor, who Is a new resident In a town. It Is courteous for those who were Invited to meet her, to call on her afterwards In her own house, within a week, If they have not already made a call on her there. A young hostess Is sometimes worried In regard to conversation during brief calls from acquaintances. The general rule Is that It should be on light topics of the day. It Is not correct for a hos tess who Is receiving a brtef call to at tempt to substitute for conversation the showing of a collection of photographs, or portfolios or drawings or other pro ductions of members of the family, f r i ;- t 7 Precociousnoss in Love I - J By BKATIIIC13 FAIKVAX "Prococlousness In love-making Is a great mistake. It pro Vents the enjoy ment of youthful years, which should bo, free from anxiety, and leads to entangle ments and hasty attachments, which cause much distress." E, J. HARDY, . When a girl Is between 12 and IS years of ago she looks so niuch like h large- sired doll that those 6f the "other b6x treat her as such, taking Into no account that In her little body there Is a heart with a capacity for: suffering greater, than any woman's and a soul that Is llko an untried Instrument, waiting for tho master's hand to strike the chords. If he strikes It gently, evoking n melody - that Is sweet and pure, that, melody becomes the keynote of her ex istence. If, thinking - only of his own brutal passlonB, he strikes chords that should He dormant? .hp wrecks.' tho In-' strument and ruins her llfu. If all the mep, young and old, would only stop, look and listen, what a tale of tragedies might remain untold. If they confined their love-making to womun grown; If they observed In love the golden rule In sport, to fight only with thoso their own site, there would not be sm many mothers and fathers weeping over premature graves today. "The heart of a girl Is the homo of dreams." In her dreams- tho man who comes to her with a story of love Is brave and noble and good and true. Her father has never deceived her! her mother Is tho spirit of truth; her friends are loyal; she doesn't know what deceit means, Sho la trusted, and sho trusts. Sho has al ways believed what others tall her: how natural that she continues to believe. Advice to Lovelorn By UKVriUCN KAIItKAX. Crrtnlnly Not. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am very luuch In love with a boy. I am 17 years old and he Is 1 years old. He Iiub kissed ma a great many times, but now he has stop ped writing me, and I have not heard from him for somo time. I cried all last night about him. v-iv-v Would you write him? isAlsLi. You have been very foolish, ami his coldness is no more than what you should expect. Do not write him, and the- next time you have a lovr "refdse to be bo gener ous with marks of your affection. I trust this experience will prove to you that you are too young to have a lover. You Are Not -ISu-fuRot. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 19 years old and deeply In love with a girl ono year my Junior, I am with her every .thtr night. On the night she is not with me she Is with some other roan, which makes me feel bad, as I love the young lady dearly. If I remonstrate with her about this matter, sho says It is none of my affair. Do you think she Is true to mei uaiiu. I think she Is having what every girl of her age regardB as "a good time," and as she Is not engaged to you or to any, she, cannot be accused of being untrue tu any man. Don't find fault unless she has. given you the right when somo dream hero assumes roallty The trust and Innocence of youth, Which should be a bulwark of defence, bo comes the drnwbrldgo by which tho enemy enters and takes possession. An effort Is milking all ovet? tha civilised world to protect young girls with tho armor of knowledge. So lung as thoro are vountr ulrls In thn nrtrt there rwlll bo. hearts with a- woman's longing for love, aecomponled'bv brains with only a child's capacity for reasoning, It Is not enough to appeal to tho girl; hn nppoul should bo made toUhe man. Iet him stop, look and listen. Somo wh0E0.. 1" the world every day some yopngglrl who has"rfiado 'tlur-dlscovery that her lover has been playing with her as If sho were In reality the, doll she re semble wrltts a- tragic llttlo nolo of goodby to mother and lover, and ends her Hfo. r He was amusing hlmsojf.-She wasn't To girls of this ngo lovo is real and sw-i ful. Perhaps he meant no harm. Perhaps he committed no greater sin against the' girt ttian to mako lovo to her. But this will not enlighten tho weight of his con science when fhe Is driven to a desperate deed. Youth Is hopeful, but not as hopeful as It Is morbid. Her llttlo heart Is broken, and since she cannot touch his heart liv ing she yfinda consolation In the thought' that hoi1 death will, n Is a period of nsanlty. that comes to all glrlo .whose hearts are awakened "before their bralna aro matured, a most dangerous period, and ono which all men, young and old, should bo warned against If they must make love, let them ob servo the golden rule of nil sport and oclcct someone their own size and age. RESENQL CLEARS " BAD COMPLEXIONS Quickly, IJuslly and at Little Erpenso Pimples and blackheads disappear, un sightly complexions become clean, clear, and velvety, and hair health and beauty aro promoted- by the regular use of Res lnol Ointment. These Boothlng, healing preparations do their work easily, quick ly and at little cost, when wen the most expensive cosmetics and complicated Vbeauty treatments" fail. And the best of It Is you need never hesitate to" use Reslnol Soap and Reslnol Ointment There Is nothing In them to injure the tenderest surface. Realpo! la a doctor's prescription which, for eighteen years haa been used by careful physi cians for all kinds of- skin affections. They prescribe Reslnol freely, confident that Its soothing, healing action la brought about by medication so bland and gentlo as to be suited to the most delicate or Irritated skin. Reslnol Sous and Ointment are sold by practically every druggist In the United States. Trial free; Dept. 3P, Reslnol, Baltimore, Ma.