mi THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, Will ST 0. Nebraska ALDRICH'S 09MPAM !S OUT Banking Board Refuses to Give Per mit to Bo Business. CONSIDERED SEVERAL- MONTHS Former Insurance Commliiatoner Clnncr Will neaunie Activities on Donrd of Old Line Accident : Asnoclntlon of Lincoln. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Aur. 6. (Special Tele gram.) The Western Savings Investment and Loan company, headed by ex-Gov-crnor Cheater II. Aldrlch, will not be at lowcd to do business In Nebraska, havlnR been dented that privilege by the State Banking board this afternoon. The application wan denied because the company did not come up to the require ments of section i, chapter 13 6f tha banking laws' of the state, which stato that the board shall deny an application where a provision Is contained which Is "unfair, unjust,- Inequitable or oppres sive to any class of contributors." The board consists of Governor More head, Attorney General Martin and Auditor Howard and the vote was unani mous for disapproval of the application. Besides Governor Aldrlch the members of the company ar.o H. C. M, Burgess, custodian of the government building here: I. B. Fuller, private secretary to Governor Aldrlch when he was governor: A. D. Borgelt, C. H. Rogers and W. B. Mathews, all Lincoln men. The application hnB been before the board for several months and efforts have been made to patch the applica tion up so .It would come under the re quirements 'of the law, but It was finally allowed to lake the chance In Its pre tent condition and lost' There Is a rumor that the matter may be taken to the .courts. Clnncr Back In llcrnen. Kx-Insuranco Commissioner Charlen II. Cluncy. after a rest of two weeks, will 'enter the Insurance business again on the official board of the Old Line Accident association of Lincoln. Mr.- Clancy will probably fill the position of secretary, although that matter has not aa yet been decided. Pay for Department Men. Another complication has" arrived In the Insurance department muddle wherein the Present commissioner, L. G. Brian, has notlfledStato. Treasurer George not to pay- any warrants drawn- on the In surance department unless signed by him self. Vouchers had been made out for the salaries of Actuary Gilchrist and Ex aminer l'rttchard and signed by Auditor Howard for the time these men were employed by him while ho was in chargo of the Insurance department and up to the. day that the department was turned over to tho'board. When nsked by a Bee reporter this I Operators Are Trained It is as essential to good telephone service that every operator is physi cally sound and mentally bright and cheerful, and that she works under pleasant conditions, as it - is that the mechanical equipment be kept in good working order. Te Serve You Quickness, accuracy, pa tience and courtesy are qualifications that this Company insists each girl must acquire before she. is given a position at the switchboard. The switchboard oper ator who answers your telephone call, has been educated and trained for a purpose. That purpose is to serve you skillfully and intelligently. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY NEVER FAILS TO STOP THE ACHE USED BY MILLIONS FOR 25 YEARS GET DENTS ALL DRUGGISTS -15H Special Demonstration Tnia wzsx SIULEV FinEriESS COOKING GA8 RANGK Wednesday Roasts. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Pie and Cake. Uverybocjy Invited to see this time. tlor and money Having runge. Orchard & Wilh m oopin Nebraska. afternoon what he Intended to da In the matter of paying the warrants. Treas urer George said It looked to him as If A.udltor Howard had a right to draw vouchors up to the time he was let out of the department ' and he would prob ably pay them. However, he would talk tho matter over with the attorney general. Attorney General Martin could not be seen tonight, but when the case was stated to Deputy Ayres he said It looked to him as If Mr. Howard had the right to draw vouchers up to tho time the office went- over to the board, July 24. New Court House - for Webster Cfounty KED CLOUD, Neb., Aug. 5.-Spcctal.l G. W. Hummel has been securing sig natures to a petition asking the county commissioners to build and equip a new coUrt house. In a two weeks' cauvau of the county he has secured over 1,100 names. The petition asks for a t-nilll levy to be set aside for court house purposes and the levy to run three years. Tho peti tion will be presented to tho commission ers August 12. The condition of the corn crop In W'eb ster county Is not very encouraging at tho present time. Tho long dry hot spell has killed many fields, but perhaps a third of the county will yield a fair irop. The loss of the -corn crop Is partly com pensated by the extremely largo first crop of alfalfa and the good yield of wheat. Some farmers threshed out tweii-ey-elght bushels per acre, some thirty-one and some thirty-four. The early potatoes were of a fine quality and tho yield was large. Auburn Chautauqua Largely Attended AUBURN. Neb., Aug. 5,-(Spcclal.) The Auburn Chautauqua opened with a phenomenally large attendance. At the union Sunday school Sunday morning there, were over "50 pupils recorded pres ent. The number of tents on the grounds Is larger than ever, having reached seventy. Tho Chautauqua' Institution at Auburn Is now sixteen years old, being ono of the oldest and largest summer assemblies n the state at the present time. J. H, Dundas, editor of the Granger, instituted and conducted It for six. years, bearing the burden, financial and otherwise him self. The Chautauqua association was then organized, Mr. Dundas retaining' his place as a stockholder and Influential friend of the organization. YOUNG NORTH BEND BOY GIVES UP FIGHT FOR LIFE NORTH BEND, Neb., Aug. 6. (Special.) Carl Kern died Sunday evening at Colo rado Springs, where he was taken last Wednesday by his father and mofhor, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Kern, who live north of town. He had been suffering a year with bone disease, resulting -from a bruise on the bone below the knee. He wan in tho hospital at .Omaha five months where he underwent five surgical operations and came home with the leg amputated far above the knee. Ho was IS years of age. Mrs. Joseph Bartos, an aged woman, ' fell down a flight of stairs Saturday night and received painful Injuries. Her shoul- der Is broken, her breast crushed and her face and head severely bruised and cut. She will recover. Mr. Dow of Omaha, who has the con tract for turning the channel of the Platte river here, In order that the dike may be protected and finished, has a large force of men and teams at work. He is cutting a wide ditch through which he proposes to turn the current. William Miller took his family yester day to Hot. Springs, S. ' D where Mrs. Miller will remain for treatment. NEW SCHOOL HOUSE IS TO BE BUILT AT STELLA STELLA, Neb., Aug. 6. (Speclal.)-The contract for building Stella's new (15,000 school house will be let August 18. Mr. Salmon of Lincoln la the architect. A. block of ground at the north end of Main street has been purchased as a location frpm.R. A. Clark for $1,000. Walter JohVson and Dolores Rollff,' each 8 years, old, were playing near a bee hive and were badly stung. The bees settled and remained on them as they ran toward the house. Ben trice Jicrrm Notes. BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 5. (Special.) The heirs of Horace A. Greenwood of Wymore are to pay JS12.98 Into the in herttance tax fund of Gage county, a de cree to this effect being Issued by County Judge Walden. All the property of the estate,-both real and personal, Is located In Cage county and amounts to fl&l.StS, according to the report given by Ap pralser W, 8. Bourne. Announcement was received here yes terday announcing the marriage of Claudo Williams, a former Beatrice resident, to Miss Blanche Chalmee of Salem, Or. The groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Williams of thlff city. I I. L. Bishop and wife of Bedford, Ind., arrived yesterday In their touring car t visit Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Beaver. They left Beatrice twenty-three years ago and Mr. Bishop was at oho time a member of the Beatrice police force. He reports that crop prospects are very bright in the vicinity of Bedford. The dwelling house owned by Mrs. A. L. Qandee and occupied by C. P, Under wood was damaged by fire to the extent of 1500. The blaze was caused by the ex plosion of an oil stove on- which Mrs. Underwood was preparing supper. The household goods were damaged 1200. R. V. Smith, a pitcher from Summer field, Kan., was signed yesterday by the Beatrice base ball team. He It to re port for duty at once. Xotem from tArllwcton. ARLINGTON, Neb., Aug. 6.-(Bpeolal.) Frank 8. Reynolds has some fine 8peclmenU of cotton growing on his farm. The cotton Is In bloom and will fully ripen by September SO. Threshing ia In progress here, winter wheat making from twenty-five' to thirty five and oats from fifty to seventy bush els per acre. I l InJnr- ""ri-iMuq: Machine. ST. EDWARDS, Neb., Aus. 5.-(8pe. clal.) Will Snnonson while engaged In oiling a separator on the Rengler fa-m yesterduy, lost his footing and slipped III the separator, lacerating one foot and eg t Hi' knvp vtry badly. He was taken to the Columbus hospital, where It was thought possible to save the limb. FIND LAW INSTRUCTOR DEAD Member of Faculty of Drake Dies Mysteriously. FIREMEN STUMBLE OVER BODY Special Meeting of Clrarlnir llniisr Men to Decide Whnt Shnll He Done In Matter of (In v crmnrnt I,onn. (From a Staff Correspondent. DES MOINES. Ia., Aug, R-(Speclal Telegram.)-Attorncy Charles H. Van Vleck, member of the law faculty of Drake university, camo to his death In Jl mysterious manner today. Firemen were called to his home at 2 o'clock to tight a fire which had been dlscovcrad by neighbors. After tho firemen had put out tho fire they stumbled over Van Vleck's body In tho basement. The house was lucked up securely and his wife and children were away at a picnic. There was no evidence of vlo lenco and nothing to Indicate how h came to his death. Ho had formerly been assistant attorney general of the stat but for a number of yeHrs hud ttucht law at the university, although engaging, to a small extent, 'In practice. Clcnrlnnr llmitta Men Meet. A special meeting of the Des Moines Clearing House association was hold to day for the purpose of selecting a dele gate to represent the locul banks In securing a part of the JW.WO.000 loan fund which the federal government s to place at the disposal of western and southern banks for moving tha crops The four national banks of tho city ar all eligible to receive part of the fund Ilntlrnnd AsurnnmrntH Very High. Railroad assessments were put up un usually high by the stato executive coun cil at Its recent sitting. The latest com putation of tho total Bhows that the ag gregate of values of tho railroads and In terurbans Is about MlS.000,000. This means that the Jotal valuo found by the council was upwards of W30,000,OPO, which Is above the highest claim of anyone who had done "any figuring on the Commercial valuo of tho railroads. The council took off 20 per cent to equalize with other property on the baBla of tho moneys and credits law. It is anticipated the railroads will make considerable complaint of the In crease, though it doeB not Immediately m,ean any great Increase In tho taxes. Important Stnte .. The attorney general and his force .ap peared In the district court today to ar gue In defense of tho state law on tho red light Injunction process and tomorrow will appear In district court to defend the legislature In Its Imposition of mlllago taxes Including the tax to secure funds for enlargement of the capitol grounds. This will be heard by Judgo Applegate of Guthrie county, as the complainants In the case have insisted that the Judges in Polk county are all prejudiced. It :s expected this case will take up a great deal of tlmo In court and receive careful consideration. If it. goes against the state- appeal will at once be taken to the supreme court for a decision before the time for collection of any part of the tax. Prosecution tor I.nrr Violation. A great many prosecutions for viola tion of tho laws of tho Btate In regard to foods and feeding stuffs are, reported by Stato Dairy Commissioner Barney during tho last year. About fifty per sons were successfully prosecuted for. vio lation of he. law requiring pure linseed oil; a score of prosecutions were for not having paints labeled right, & good many for selling bad meat, and there were pro secutions for low standard lee cream, colored oleomargarine, Inlsbranded flour, low grade vinegar, colored peas, frozen oranges and pop with adulterations. A number of new laws have been added and more Inspectors, and it is probable there will be an Increased number of prosecu tions. Takes Up Pardon Matters. Governor Clarke has taken up the pardon case of Frank and Nathan Rains barger, who have served over twenty five years In prison for a mtfrder, about which there Is great doubt as to their connection. The case has been before the parole board several times, and, while three members of the board have recommended parole of the menyet it has never been done The governor will also soon take up the case of Norman Mcpherson, a lifer, who has been In prison many years. He Is an old soldier and It Is claimed that his offense at best was that of manslaughter. Buylntr Game Birds for Iowa. State Game Warden Hlnshaw Intends next year to give Iowa a fine lot of game birds. - He is raising several thousand pheasants on the game farm on the state fair grounds and th.iy will' be ready for liberation in the spring. He has also contracted for 3,000 pairs of Hungarian partridges, which will be delivered In time to' be liberated at the same time In the spring. They will all be put on In regions where they will receive protection locally for a year or two. New Train on Mllirankee. An entirely new train on tho Des Moines-Jefferson branch of the Milwau kee railroad started this morning for the first time. It is a train which marts early In the morning at Jefferson and comes to Des Moines, going back at 9 o'clock In the evening. It Is Intended purely for accommodation of local traffic Into Des Moines. Falrbory Nevra Mutes. FAIRBURV, Neb.. Aug. 6.-(SpeclaU The Foirbury base ball nine has returned from a trip to Daykln and Wllber. It played the Alexandria nine at Daykln and won, 3 to 2. Two games were played with Wllber, FaJrbury winning one. Nebraska division englnemen and train men are experiencing a rush of business owing to tho large number of green fruit specials passing through this place, bound for Chicago. Altogether twenty eight green fruit specials have been tun through Falrbury. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tawse or Chicago have .been the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Oakford. Mr. Tawse Is a repre sentative for a super-heater firm in the east. The Rock Island work trains have been temporarily pulled nut of service at this place. Those trains have been grading for the new depot and switch tracks. Falrbury Will be represented at the thirty-second triennial conclave of Knights Templar In Denver next week. E. W Mason, secretary of Sharon commandery No. 2, Kn'ghts Templar, of this city, left Sunday evening for Denver He will be Joined by C. L. lietzer, master of Falrbury lodge No. 33, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, the lust of the week. A llnnurronn Won ml Is rendered antiseptic by Bucklon's Ar nica Salvo, the healing wonder for sow. burns, piled, eczema and alt rheum. Sic. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. -Advertisement. Ill iiiiiiiiipp the Wrr ,r actual V "a iroi wViaveic"T that t beetu61 Vl. eao? " The .yon u ? , wbkh Uus litcvrtnS l on. tM Utter ioUow- JESSEN LIQUOR COMPANY, Wholesale Distributors. 1028 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia. IHLIiBiiinHKRStDILiHHIH LLsssssssbbibBbHLs i I their i Pv u ?ST,u that tt Lraod U "ut up to 3 nl u. Hinge Quality -- Strengh - Durability Tho Hinged Door Is tho greatest improvement that haa been made elnco the iuvontlon of tho SUo. Tho continuous hinged door makes a perfect ladder. The doors aro iilwuyft in placo. It's tho enslcBt Silo to open doorB simply swing inward, where thoy aro out of tie way, No Freezing of Silage In Winter! Careless farm hands can't tnko doors out. No one can possibly bo too lazy to close them. Doors always in placo und reudy to operuto. A SUo Door, to be secure, should weigh from 30 to CO pounds. How would you llko to lift this with ono hand on a blustry winter morning while hanging to a so-called ladder about 20 to 40 feet above the ground T our hinged door, x you do is rajeo tho lover, push back , tho door, and you aro at tho ellugo! The "door ladder" is perfect, both In construction and in practicability. It's not a make-shift Each door is equipped with eleven mailable iron castings. Tho two hinges form the rung of tho ladder, strong enough to hold a ton! And this step Is provided every 15 inches. But wo can't tell you even a fair part of our story in this spaco. 1 today for our free booklet that gives all the facts. WIRE OR WRITE US FOR CATALOG AND PRICES AT ONCE Insure Your Corn Crop With a Hinge Door Silo OUT A GOOD I'llICE for your cornstalks by converting them into en silage. The dry weather has materially injured the prospects for corn, but there Is sure to be enough corstalks to mako flrst-clas ensilage. The furmor who is farsightcd enough to Immediately order a silo, can buy some cattlo or sheep on tho market uid in this way realize a greater profit than ho would have mudn from a bumpor crop. What does your pasture amount to now? Fifty torn of etislluge in August would lie worth the prlco of the silo to you. Protect Door Silo now. Wood Bros. LINCOLN, Yerylbody reads Bee want ads ),,,,,, ighLifb in Mexico.' There is Individuality the Fine Taste of The Ctapagrce of Bottled Beer HIGH LIFE ia die refined product of a modem brewing plant, the processes and methods of which have. ' been unsuccessfully imitated by competitors. The quality purity and taste of HIGH LIFE have not been duplicated ' Its individuality is an achievement, the result of fifty years of development and progress. v Always uniform in quality because the highest grade materials are used and properly proportioned the brew is sufficiently aged the bottling is .clean ,tnd sanitary. When you order beer insist on HIGH LIFE and you will get the "finest tasting hmr ever produced, " On sale at leading Buffets, Dining Can and Steamship lines. Wm km light bottle exclnsively for thin high grmdm bear common bedr come in dark bottle Browed in Milwaukee by Miller Brewing Co. Door Silo yourself for next year by oraorlng Silo and Mfg. NEBRASKA, BOX 3. in Write a IHngo Co.