Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Our Annual Linen Sale of
Table Cloths and Napkins
Wednesday morning we will place
on special sale a lot of Travelers' Sam
ples, also all our Odd, Soiled and
Handled Gloths and Napkins at i price
,$20 Table Cloths $10
$25 Table Cloths. .$12.50
$10 Table Cloths. . .. .$5
$12 Table Cloths $G
$13.50 Table ClotliB.S6.75
$15 Table Cloths. .. .87.50
$17.50 Table Coths. .S8.75
$30 Table Cloths. .$15.00
$35 Table Cloths. .$17 50
Fine Napkins Price
$12.00 Fine Napkins $6.00 a Dozen
$25.00 Fine Napkins $12.50 a Dozen
Special Sale H Dozen Odd Napkins
Our August Clearing Sale of
Dresses, Suits, Coats and Waists offers
the greatest values we have ever given.
- .m. HIV til
Before Senate Lobby Committee Ohio
Han Denies Mulhall's Story.
Witness But He; Klunrrd In the Ite
arsranlsatlon Only to See that
the Oortrnmml Got
Its Shnre.
Railroad Track Scales
Give Shipper the
Worst of the Deal
WASHINGTON, Au-. !.-Investlcatlon
or alleged Irregularities and. dlsorensn
cles in the weighing of freight has dis
closed the Imposition ot unreasonable
charges, said to constitute ai grant ,
discrimination as would tt difference ot
freight rate.
In a report ot an Investigation Issued
today the Interstate Commerce commis
sion declares thit "a majority of track,
scales now In use should at ones bo re
built In order to obtain accurate re
sults." Sharp criticism ot the methods of weigh
ing such commodities as grain, cout and
lumber la made, it being alleged that
shippers almost invariably get the -ort
ot the transaction.
The commission has no authority under
the law to Issue an order correcting the
evils disclosed, but It recommends that
congress confer on tt powers to fix points
at which track scales shall bo installed
to prescribe their standard' to test or
supervise the testing and supervise tho
operation of scales.
The American Hallway association in
compliance with suggestions of tho com.
mission will shortly promulgato weigh
ing regulations.
Milwaukee Welcomes
Flagship Niagara
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 6,-Tho Perry flag
ship. Niagara, with its escort, was given
a great ovation on its arrival In Milwau
kee today. There was a dipping of colors,
blowing ot whistles and ringing ot bells
by alt craft In tho harbor.
In Juneau park, on tho lake front, 1.S00
boys dressed In red, white and blue caps
and capes, representing a human flag,
sang tho "Star Bpangled Banner."
Today's program ' Included a reception
and luncheon for the Ferry guests, and
In the afternoon a red, whit and blue
nutompblle parade.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-Congresslonal
Investigation of Martin M. Mulhalls story
of his alleged lobbying activities for the
National Association ot Manufacturers
took on a dual aspect today, when the
special house committee began grinding
on the thousands of letters already in
troduced beforo the senate committee and
prepared to cross-examine Mulhall on his
claims of Influence with various repre
sentatives. The first part of the day
was taken up with preliminary testi
mony of Louis Belbold of the New York
The senate committee having finished
with Mulhall, began hearing some of the
men referrod to In his correspondence.
Former Senator Korakcr was the first
and he generally denied Mulhall's claims
of Influence with him.
Chairman Overman today notified for
mer Representative Charles K. Llttlefletd
of Maine that the committee would be
glad to hear any statement he desired to
moke. Mulhall claimed him as one of
the friends of the National Association
of Manufacturers In many fights before
committees of congress. Llttloflold re
cently wrote Honator Overman from
Switzerland, asking for a hearing and de
nying many ot Mulhall's charges.
Fornkrr Hxnlnlns,
Foraker explained his connection with
tho sale ot Union Pacific to a reorganiza
tion committee In 1697, which was brought
into tho lobby investigation by David
Lamar testified that Foraker, through
Influence In Washington, took a leading
part In the deal at Lamar's solicitation.
Foraker testified that at the time ot
reorganisation the Union Pacific owed
the United States 130,000,000 and one pro
posal was that tho government received
enly part of that sum. Foraker swore that
he did not figure In the case except In
an effort to seo that the government
got the whole sum.
Foraker said ho had known Mulhall
since 1883, when he (Foraker) was a can
didate for governor of Ohio. Ho did not
know how active Mulhall was In his
behalf in that campaign.
"I don't remember that I ever asked
him to work for me, and I don't know
that I asked him not to," he sold. Foraker
denied that lie ever favored any legisla
tion wanted by the National Association
of Manufacturers or that he talked with
Mulhall about legislation in Washington.
Hp said he frequently talked to men in
the capital, however, In those days about
"Uofore wo got so good as we are n,ow,"
he said, "I thought It was all right to
answer questions. Ot course, I never had
any Idea that these conversations were
to be made the basis of reports by some
Foraker denied Mulhall's testimony ot
a conference at which many leading re
publicans opposed to the nomination of
Taft gathered at Foraker's house to dis
cuss plans for concerted oposltlon,
"No such conference was held at my
house or elsewhere," said Foraker.
Selliold of Tinvr York Would Discus
I.lrra of I'uhllo Men.
WASHINGTON, Aug. R-The house
lobby investigation got Under way today
with Louis Belbold, who prepared the ex
posures of Martin M. Mulhall for tW
New Tork World, as the first witness.
Identifying published statements and oth
erwise laying foundations for the cross
examination of former Representative
McDermott ot Illinois, one of the mem
bers of tho house named in Multiall'r
charges, was represented by counsel.
Discussing the life of public men classi
fied as those whom tho National Asso
ciation of Manufacturers "had no diffi
culty in reaching and influencing for
ouslncss, political or sympathetlo reso
lutions," Mr. Seibold testified he had no
purpose of Implying "any moral obliquity
or legislative impropriety" to tho men
"The basts for this list," said Mr. Set
bold, "was the Mulhall letters, his per
sonal narrative and statements he mad
to me."
He told tho committee that 4QQ or 500
new tetters had been discovered within
the last two or three days in which Rep
resentative Falrchild ot New York was
Mexican Prisoners
to Fort Rosecrans
EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 5. While attor
neys employed by relatives of some ot
the 200 Mexican federal soldiers, who
have been imprisoned at Fort Dllss since
their capture several months ago at Naco,
Arts., were at Austin, endeavoring to se
cure from United States District Judge
Maxey an order for the release of tho
prisoners, the Mexicans were today
secretly removed from Fort Dllss and
sent west, presumably to Fort Rose
crans at San Diego.
It Is stated that the federal prisoners
at Nogales, Arts., also will be removed.
At Fort Roiecrana the men can be
guarded by artillerymen, thus leaving the
cavalrymen a.t Fort Bliss free for border
patrol duty.
Two Are Injured
When Hotel Burns
Mountain house at Fenmar, on the Pennsylvania-Maryland
line, was destroyed by
fire today. B. F. Metsgar and Malcolm
Frank, Norfolk, Va., were badly burned
and bruised in attempting to escape.
The tiro started at 6 a. m. In the main
building, driving the guests to the lawns
In scanty attire.
SI '
7SV menitgram cnlfim
radiator jttndt for oii
' ' S. " ft ' '- '
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mfp rib mm mm sinmis"
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Twenty Big Features of the 1914 "Thirty-Six
New Design Melded Oval ITindtra
Zona Urate Mattr Watf
Sll'gaL Gasoline Tank in Jtmr
Ckalmer8 Sel'Starter
Gray and Davi$ Mkotrid Light
Adfustablt Bleotrio Daih Light
Power Tire Inlater
Clean Running Boards
Warner Speedometer
i?a in Vision Win dsh ield
Dash Adjustment for Carhuretor
Four-forward Spied Transmission
Non-Rattling Lire Carrier in Rear
Gasoline Gauge
Aleven-inch Upholstery
Continental Demauniable Rims
Genuine Turkish Cushions
Chalmers SUh Mohair Top
86s4'inoh Tires ,
Gasoline Pressure System
. ITore is a groat now Chalmers "Thirty-Six" for
1914 at the sensational price of $1775.
'For the past two seasons tho "Thirty-Six" has
. ."bepn acknowledged the greatest four-cylinder
vvaliie on the market. Ten thousand cars of this
; inodel in daily service bave built up its reputation
' for endurance, easy riding, mechanical smooth
..,neas, convenience, luxury and economy.
The 1914 "Thirty-Six "is more than over bofore
a, wonderful value. Fine now features have been
added tjiero have been matrial improvements in
desigh-yet tho price is only $1775.
How We Get the Price
"' The price of the 1914 Chalmers "Thirty-Six''
. lids, been made possible through increased produc-
tion facilities and improved manufacturing meth
ods. There has been nochange in the quality of
Fenders of an entirely new molded oval doslgn -very
popular abroad are a feature of the "Thirty-Six." bese.
.fenders not only add to the graceful appearance ot the 'car, ' '
but afford greater protection from dust and.jnud. These
beautiful fenders are a distinctive 1014 improvement which
you will be unable to get on any other car at tho price.
Gas Tank and Tires in Hear
The entire car has been made mqre clean-cut and snappy
in appearance. The gasoline tank and the spare tlrea are
in appearance. The gasoline tank and thes pare tires arc now
carried at the rear, giving that much-4tred appearance ot
length, clean running boards, and better riding qualities,
Tho 1914 "Thirty-Six" Is convenient. Every driving
operation IS controlled from the seat, A button operates
the eflckmt Chalmers Self-Starter. One simple switch con
trols the Gray & Davis Lighting SyBtem. Carburetor 1b
adjusted from the dish. Ignition switch, gasoline pressure
pump, light meter, horn and Warner speedometer are all
on the cowl dash. A new adjustable dash light illuminates
all the control devices.
The new car is designed for utmost strength and safety.
Axlea are of nickel-steel; the double drop frame Is unusually
heavy. Storing connections are all drop forglngs. Brakes
are of maximum strength and power, 26 times as strong,
in proportion, as the brakes ot a locomotive.
Full Equipment Included
The 1914 "Thlrty-81x" at 177B Is fuUy equipped with
Chalmers mohair top, genuine rsln-vialon windshield, Chal
mers patented self-starter, 36x4-lnch tires, "Continental
demountable rims (ono extra), Warner speedometer, Cray
& Davis ful electric lighting system, with special now dash
light and provision for Inspection tamp, new design non
rattling tire carrier, power tire initiator, horn, pump, jack,
full pet ot tools and tire repair outfit.
See this new "Thirty-Six" at our ehpw room and you will
be convinced that it is a most unusual value at the price.
Quick deliveries quaranteed.
Goes to Southern Republics to Take j
Plaoe of Wilson, Resigned.
TVIll Sound the Sentiment Before 1 1
Tnklnsr Anr Steps Toward it
Poller Looking Toward
Mediation. I
WASHINGTON, AUs. B.-No announce- !
ment of policy or further tep will ba ,
taken by President Wilton in the Mexican
situation until former Governor Ilnd of
Minnesota, appointed ambassador to
Mexico to succeed Henry Lane Wilson,
resigned, arrives in Mexico City and
familiarizes himself with condltons.
This was made clear at the Whits Houso
today. Mr. Llnd carries Instructions to
talk Informally with prominent Mexicans. ,
Administration official indicated that 1
no steps toward a mediation policy would 1
be attempted until after Mr. Und had
sounded out sentiment In Mexico and '
determined whether the assistance of the ,
United States in adjusting the dispute
would be received
Mr. Und will Inform inquirers on
authority of President Wilson that only
the government constitutionally set up
will ba recognized by the United Htaics
This wilt Involve the resignation of Pro
visional President Huerta in favor of the
provisional president selected by the
Mexican factions, the neW president to be
first appointed minister of foreign rela
tions In conformity with the law of suc
cession In. Mexico.
It was pointed out In administration
circles that white Mr. Llnd's position
that V adviser to the American ambassy,
ho will act in reality as an unofficial
ambassador, to be named ambassador
when a stable government is organised
and recognition is extended by tho United
Just what part Mr. Llnd will take in
peace negotiations is not made clear here,
but there is every reason to believe that
he will merely represent the views ot
the American government to those who
consult him and will not directly inter
fere with the progress of events unless
the Washington government finally de
cides to mediate the dispute.
Secretary Bryan said that Mr. Llnd
would take a ship from New Orleans if
ho could savo time by such a route and
otherwise would go to Galveston, Tex.,
to embark on the New Hampshire.
Chicago Police
Women Get Stars
CHICAGO, Aug. 6,-Chtcago's ten police
women, clad In modest blue tailor made
Suits and, wearing sliver stars and hats
with bluo bands, went on duty today.
Their work will be mainly to look out
for women and children.
The details of their duties, apparel and
powers have been worked out by a com
mittee of women spcial workers and the
chief of police. Tho chief had considered
assigning police women to stations in the
social evil districts, but it was decided
they would be of greater service in the
public parks and other places of recreation.
The police-women will visit the public
dance halls, excursion boats, beaches and
railroad stations and will try to keep
young folks off the streets late at night
They will obtain information, rather than
make arrests, although on" occasions fyiey
may do canea upon to arrest someone.
W,hthr the pollcewomen shall wear
orass ouitona ana carry- revolvers "ana
ClUba Will be decided after the civil ser
vice examination for the positions.
h- U Q
(0 111
UJ P 0
ui a. o
E 2! S"
x 2
h- E in
rrr sabsovs masterpiece.
Cleopatra ArriVos at JkXaro Antony's Camp Jnst Prev
ious to the Battle of Aetltun.
6 Superb Beels A Mile of rilm Hour and Three-Qnarttrs Duration.
NOON TO 11 P. M.
ANY g 10c
tsr Seattle, Portland and Tacoma paid 35o and SOo to see what Omatia
win sew xor a Qime.
Daniels Will Not
Divide the Fleet
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-"Wlth thti
trip ended," said Secretary Daniels,
have visited, every na.vy yard, station and
training school in continental United
States." Secretary Daniels said ho had
not decided at what Pacific Port he. would
recommend construction of new works,
such as a great dry dock, coaling station
and other equipment which the oFenlnir
of the Panama canal will require for bat
tleships of the Atlantic fleet When they
are on that side of the continent. Ho
denied that he said the Atlantic fleet
would ba divided after the canal is opened.
"I merely stated," eald he, "that here
tofore the Atlantic fleet had been In Pacific-
waters only occasionally, where
in the future it will be equally at homo
In either the Atlantic or the Pacific
The present plan Is to send the Atlan
tlo fleet through the canal, probably next
spring, with1 tiiu historic tatt'ishlp Ore
gon leading tho procession.
(Continued from Page One.)
pel foreign born cttlxens, with the ex
ceptton of Father Williams, to produce
their naturalisation papers before regis
tering. He said he would not decide
about this until he had seen the court
order, which may not be ready for a day
or two.
Mr. Moorhead also said he would not
accept Father Williams' registration un
til he had received Judge English's order.
He announced that the case would be
appealed and before ndan a transcript
of the evidence was ordered to go to the
supreme court. "I believe that Judge
English's decision will be overthrown by
the supreme cdurt," the election commls
sloher said, "but his order with respect
to Father Williams will be obeyed."
'I do not have to accept the registra
tion of others and I will not decide about
that until I see the court order. There
are a number ot questions Involved. For
Instance, In any circumstances I will not
have to accept the oath of a foreign born
applicant that hi father was naturalised
for this was not Involved in the case."
25 to 50
Saving to you If you buy your,
porch furnlturo now. Reduced,
prices' prevail on all summer
furniture displayed on our
main floor, such as Kaltcx fibre
furniture, in green or brown,
W 1 11 o w o r a f L furniture In
French grayr Rattan, furniture
natural color.; also green and
'"red, porch ,and lawn furniture
"fn, ' fumed' oak, green and red
wood, combination wood and
rattan. These are a few ex
amples of the special prices:
$3,00 Green Rattan Rocker
tor S1.75
7.50 Green Rattan Table
for ...S3.75
$6.00 Green Rattan Settee
for ....... -S3.20
$9.50 Green Arm Chair, cane
eeat and back SO. 50
$4.50 Green Arm Rocker,
double reed seat . . . .553.50
$2.50 Arm Chair, in fumed
oeK SI 75
$4.00 Arm Chair or Rocker,
In green or red . . . ...82.50
$5.50 Settee, natural finish,
double reed seat and back,
for S4.00
$14,50 Willow Wing Chair,
French gray ...... 810. 50
$9.50 Forest Green Chair.
cane seat and back. .-86.50
$1.60 Seat or Foot Stool,
green finish 81.00
$5.00 Cfcdar Arm Chair 83.00
Lake Manawa
Sig. Vincent Pausani's Italian
Concert Band
Eyery Afternoon and Evening.
Unfcil August 9th at 2:30,
4:30, 8:15 and 10 P. M. f'
Remember the Concerts Are
New, Bath House and Finp -
- - ;.!r Beach.
Boatirigf Roller SHiBg;
Dancing, Roller Coaster'
And Many Other Attractions.
Keduced-rate round-trip tick
ot'a from1 Omaha for sale at'
dowji-town drug stores and
cigar stores; adults 25c, chil
dren 15c. -
Iialloon Ascension, Sunday, 0:80 p.m.
Crooked Teeth Straightened
Don't alloy a deformed mouth
Kv l- tnil or tth to exist
another week. Do it today. Consult
our specialists in uu iui.
charge tar consultation.
The K
August 5, 6, 7. , . ,
.Cars leave 16th an3 Farnam 3:45
Games' caUed at 3, P.M.; , -
Friday, Saturday Mat. Sat.
In Three Big Plays.
Sunday MatineerAll Week,
Daily Matinees, 2bo;
Nights, 25c and 5Pc.
PARIS, Aug-. S. There Is no Uuth In the
report published; In the United States that
General Porforto Dlas Iett Southampton
July 15 for Japan to meet his nephew,
Fells Diss, and accompany htm back to
Mexico. The former president Is suit In
We Arc Ready to Write Dealers' 1914 Contracts.
2044-2046-2048 Farnam Street.
"I was sttsckeft w:;t. eysenterr about
July Hth, and used the doctor's medicine
and other remedies with no relief, only
getting worse all the time. I was unable
o do anything ana my trtisnt dropped
from Ui to 125 pounds. I suffered fot
about two months when I was advtseU
to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles
of It and It save me permanent relief,'
writes H. W, Hill of Snow HUU N. C. For
Hew Offices
700 crrr watx, bank blsq.
Tel. Doug-las 3S68.
Sr. Bailey. Br. udwlok.
Or. Bfclpnerd. Orthodontist.
Coolsd by Ice a Air. TonUfbt All
Week. Uatlnees Wed. and Saturday.
Zn the Sparkllnff Comedy,
Vrleeal SSo and Boo.
Wext Weekr-Allas Jimmy Valentine.
Made ctrons: and
well In a few days
wlthout a surgical
operation or loss ot
time. Our work is
guaranteed. Ctll or
writ for particulars.
Ors. Wray ii Math.
cny. sos Bes ii ids,
Office For Rent
The largo room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied hy the Havens
White Goal Co.
Nice Farnam street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of the
Fine office fixtures are of
fered for sale. Apply to
N. P. Feil Bee office.
sale by all drusrlsts. Advertisement.